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Schedule of Events

7:00 8:00 am
8:10 8:30
8:30 8:50
9:00 9:25
9:30 9:55
10:00 10:15
10:20 10:35
10:40 11:05
11:10 11:30
11:30 12:00
12:00 1:00
1:05 1:35
1:45 2:15
2:25 2:55
3:10 3:20
3:25 3:35
3:40 4:05
4:10 4:55
5:00 5:30

Opening Ceremony
Tug of Peace
Mens Basketball (G1)
Mens Basketball (G2)
Womens Basketball (G1)
Womens Basketball (G2)
Mens Basketball (G3)
Chubby Bunny
Womens Basketball (G3)
Volleyball (G1)
Volleyball (G2)
Volleyball (G3)
Womens Basketball
Mens Basketball
Grand Relay
Closing Ceremony



Schedule of Events
Simultaneous Games

9:00 9:30
9:30 9:55
10:20 10:40
10:40 11:10

11:10 12:00
12:00 1:00
1:00 2:15

Table Tennis (G1)


Table Tennis (G2)

Table Tennis (G3)

Table Tennis


2:55 3:25

Card games:
UNO and
Egyptian Pokpok

Chess Games


Event Name

Tug of Peace
8:30 am 8:50 am


Pull the rope towards your teams side until the front member of the opponents team touches
the line where your flag stands; or until the front member of the opponents team falls on the
**The marshals may stop the game anytime they observe the need to do so.

I. Each team will be composed of a maximum of 8 players. (There will be no minimum
number of players)
II. At the marshals signal, the teams will start pulling the rope to their side.
III. The matches will follow the bracketing for the major games, but will receive points
corresponding to that of the minor games.

Event Name

Chubby Bunny
11:10 am 11:30 am


The pair with the most number of marshmallows in their mouths wins


I. The players will be called to line up in front of the audience

II. Each pair will be given a pack of marshmallows
III. The hosts will draw an emotion for the round
IV. Each pair will have 1 turn per round. During their turn, the hosts will approach the pair
- For each turn, each player will put a marshmallow into their partner's mouth
(Simultaneously). The players are not allowed to chew or eat the marshmallow
- With the marshmallows still in their mouths, the pair should say "Chubby Bunny"
while portraying the drawn emotion for the round (simultaneously)
- The pair who fails to do so will be eliminated
V. The game continues until only 1 pair remains.

I. Two (2) representatives per batch will be playing.
II. The game will continue until one pair remains. The order of in which the players get
eliminated determines their rank in their respective matches.

Event Name

2:55 pm 3:25 pm


The first player to get rid of all their cards wins.

Card Types

I. Numbered cards: Match either the number or the color of the card in the Discard pile to play
II. Action cards (Reverse, Skip, Draw Two): Match the color of the card in the Discard pile to
III. Wild cards (Wild, Wild Draw Four): Can be played on any color. Player decides what color
will be played next.


I. Using a full 108-card deck, deal 7 cards to each player.

II. Stack the remaining cards in a Draw pile, and turn the top card over to create a Discard


I. The players first draw one card each and the player with the highest number goes first
followed by the player with the next high number and so on.
II. Players play cards that match either the color or number on the top card on the Discard
III. If a player doesnt have any matching cards, they must draw until they can play.
IV. If someone plays a Draw card, the next player must draw and forfeits their turn without
V. If a Wild card is played, the person who played it chooses the next color.
VI. When a player has one card left, they must shout UNO. If a player doesnt say UNO and
another person notices, they can shout SINGKO and force the player with 1 card to draw 4
more cards.

I. Two (2) representatives per batch will be playing.
II. Two matches will happen simultaneously, with one batch representative in each match.
III. The game will continue until all but one player gets rid of their cards. The order of in which
the players get rid of their cards determines their rank in their respective matches
IV. The average points garnered by the players from each batch will determine the points
rewarded to their batch.

Event Name

Egyptian Pokpok
(Egyptian Slap)
2:55 pm 3:25 pm


The first person to gather all 50 cards wins


Each player receives 10 cards face down


I. Play begins with the first player placing their top card face up in the center of the table,
creating a pile. The next player then places their top card on top of the pile face up.
II. The first person to slap the pile gets the entire pile. Players may continue to slap the pile
even if they have run out of cards. Players can slap the pile of cards when one of the following
- Double: Consecutive cards of the same number (e.g. 7, 7)
- Sandwich: Cards of the same value with a card in between (e.g. 4, 9, 4)
- Tens: When consecutive cards (or cards with a face card in between) total 10 (e.g. 4, 6
or 3, K, 7). Face cards (K, Q, J) do not have any value.
- Sandwich of ten: When the sum of the two buns of the sandwich is equal to 10. (e.g.
4, (8), 6)
- Four in a Row: When 4 cards are played in order (e.g. 5, 6, 7, 8)
- Marriage: When a king and queen are played in sequence
III. If any player slaps the pile under any other circumstances, the player places a card from
his/her cards to the bottom of the pile.
IV. Once a player runs out of cards, that player is eliminated.

I. Two (2) representatives per batch will be playing.
II. Two matches will happen simultaneously, with one batch representative in each match.
III. The game will continue until all but one player gets rid of their cards. The order of in which
the players get rid of their cards determines their rank in their respective matches
IV. The average points garnered by the players from each batch will determine the points
rewarded to their batch.

Event Name

Grand Relay
4:10 pm 4:55 pm


To run through the obstacle course in the fastest time possible

Obstacle Course:

I. The player will get a balloon.

II. The player will run to the "closet" and dress up using the clothes and accessories set up there
III. The player will run following the orange cones
IV. The player will crawl under the chairs
V. The player will build a pyramid using the cups (5-cup base)
VI. The player will set the balloon on the chair and pop it by sitting on it.
VII. The player will run to the "calamansi station," grab a calamansi and spoon.
VIII. With the calamansi on the spoon and the spoon in the player's mouth, the player will go
through the orange cones taking care not to drop the calamansi. If the calamansi drops, the
player must go back to the calamansi station and redo the run through the cones.
IX. The player must remove all clothing and accessories and place it back in the closet.
X. The player will tap the next player who will run on the course.
XI. Once the last player has finished the course; the team must shout their team name.

I. There will be ten (10) representatives per batch
II. Each representative will run through the course one by one.
III. The teams run through the course will be timed from the start of the first player to until the
team shouts their team name.
IV. The teams will be ranked according to their respective times.

Bracketing for Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Chess and Patintero

I.The batches will draw lots on the event itself to determine their opponents. The batch that
gets the bye will not play for the first round.
II. After the first round, the two winning batches advance to the second round. The two
batches will then toss coin to determine the bye for that round. The other batch will compete
against the bye of the first round for the semifinals.
III. The winner for the semifinals will compete against the second round bye for the
championships. The loser for the semifinals will automatically be in third place and will garner
the respective points. The champion and the runner-up after the championships will also
garner the respective points.
IV. The losers of the first round will garner participation points.

Event Name

9:00 9:55 am

Basic Rules

Chess is a two-player game, where one player is assigned white pieces and the other black.
Each player has 16 pieces to start the game: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two
knights and eight pawns.

Aim of the game

The object of the game is to capture the other player's king. This capture is never actually
completed, but once a king is under attack and unable to avoid capture, it is said to be
checkmated and the game is over.

Start of the game

The game is started in the standard position on a chess board consisting of 64 squares in an 8x8
grid. The White player moves first. Then each player takes a single turn. In fact, a player must
move in turn. In other words, a move cannot be skipped.


A move consists of placing one piece on a different square, following the rules of movement for
that piece. A player can take an opponents piece by moving one of his/her own pieces to the
square that contains an opponents piece. The opponents piece is removed from the board
and is out of play for the rest of the game.


If a King is threatened with capture, but has a means to escape, then it is said to be in check. A
King cannot move into check, and if in check must move out of check immediately. There are
three ways you may move out of check:
1. Capture the checking piece
2. Block the line of attack by placing one of your own pieces between the checking piece
and the King. (Of course, a Knight cannot be blocked.)
3. Move the King away from check.


The primary objective in chess is to checkmate your opponent's King. When a King cannot
avoid capture then it is checkmated and the game is immediately over.


The game is drawn when the player to move has no legal move and his king is not in check.
The game is said to end in 'stalemate'. This immediately ends the game.

Time control

A regular chess clock is used to limit the length of a game. These clocks count the time that
each player separately takes for making his own moves. The rules are very simple, if you run
out of time, you lose the game, and thus must budget your time. There will be 10 mins.
allotted per player in a game.

Special Moves

If the necessary conditions are met, a king and rook can move simultaneously in a castling
move. The conditions are as follows:
- The king that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.
- The rook that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.
- The king is not in check
- The king does not move over a square that could be attacked by an enemy piece; i.e.,
when castling, there may be no enemy piece that can move (diagonally, in the case of
pawns) to a square that will be passed over by the king. In short, you cannot castle
through check.
- The king does not move to a square that could be attacked by an enemy piece; i.e.,
you may not end the castling with the king in check.
- All squares between the rook and king before the castling move must be empty.
When castling, the king moves two squares toward the rook, and the rook moves over the
king to the next square; (i.e., white's king on e1 and rook on a1 move to: king c1, rook d1 (long
castling); white's king on e1 and rook on h1 move to: king g1, rook f1 (short castling). The move
is similar for black.

En Passant

A pawn, attacking a square crossed by an opponent's pawn which has [just] been advanced
two squares in one move from its original square, may capture
this opponent's pawn as though the latter had been moved only one square. This capture may
only be made in [immediate] reply to such an advance, and is called an "en passant" capture.

Pawn promotion

On reaching the last rank, a pawn must immediately be exchanged, as part of the same
move, for [either] a queen, a rook, a bishop, or a knight, of the same colour as the pawn, at
the player's choice and without taking into account the other pieces still remaining on the
chessboard. The effect of the promoted piece is immediate and permanent!


End of Game

The game is won by the player:

- who has checkmated his opponent's king.
- whose opponent declares he resigns.


The game is drawn when the king of the player who has the move is not in check, and this
player cannot make any legal move. The player's king is then said to be "stalemated". This
immediately ends the game.
- The game is drawn upon agreement between the two players.
- The game is drawn when one of the following endings arises:
king against king;
king against king with only bishop or knight;
king and bishop against king and bishop, with both bishops on diagonals of the same
The player to move can claim a draw if
- the same position with the same player to move is repeated three times in the game
there are have been 50 consecutive moves of white and of black without
any piece taken
any pawn move


The game is lost by a player who has not completed the prescribed number of moves in the
allotted time, unless his opponent has only the king remaining,
in which case the game is drawn.
**This set of mechanics is adapted from

I.Each batch will have send one representative to play the games.
II.Each game will be on for 20 minutes. Each player will be given 10 minutes in total to do
his/her moves. The timer will start at the signal of the marshal; and every time his/her
opponent does his/her (opponents) move.
- If a player runs out of time (and the game hasnt been concluded yet), his/her opponent
will be granted unlimited moves until his/her (opponents) time ends.
- If both players run out of time (and the game hasnt been concluded yet), the game will
be declared as draw.
III. The team with the highest number of wins will be declared first; the next will be declared
second; and so on.


Event Name

1:00 pm 2:15 pm


To pass through the defense of the opposing group


The players will be assigned a certain position in the court which they will guard by extending
their arms and tagging their opponents. They are only allowed to move along the axis of their
assigned position.


The players will try to pass through the defense without getting tagged. If they get tagged,
they will have to return to the start. If they are able to cross the other side (and pass the last
defense player), it would mean that they "passed through" the defense.

I.Each batch will have five (5) representatives.
II. The competing teams will toss a coin. The winning team in the toss coin will choose whether
their team will play defense or offense first.
III. The game will run for three (3) minutes. After one game, the teams will switch positions
(defense will play as offense, vice versa).
IV. The number of players from the offense that passed through the defense will be recorded
per game. The team with the greater number of players passed through will be the winner of
the match. In the case of a tie, the team with the least number of tags during their offense
period wins.


Event Name

Table Tennis
9:00 am 12:00 nn


A match is played best 2 of 3games. For each game, the first player to reach 11 points wins that
game, however a game must be won by at least a two point margin.
A point is scored after each ball is put into play (not just when the server wins the point as in
The edges of the table are part of the legal table surface, but not the sides.

Flow of the Match

Each player serves two points in a row and then switch server. However, if a score of 10-10 is
reached in any game, then each server serves only one point and then the server is switched.
After each game, the players switch side of the table. In the final game, the players switch side
again after either player reaches 5 points.

Legal Service

The ball must rest on an open hand palm. Then it must be tossed up at least 6 inches and
struck so the ball first bounces on the server's side and then the opponent's side.
If the serve is legal except that it touches the net, it is called a let serve. Let serves are not
scored and are reserved.


The table, balls and paddles to be used should be of regulation specifications.

The rules of the game could be found here:

I. Each batch will send one representative
II. A toss coin at the start of the game will determine first service.
III. The game continues as is until a winner is decided.


I. There should be at least six players in the roster, without upper bound. Only bona fide
chemical engineering students from UP Diliman can play. Players must present their Form 5's
and ID's to the marshals before every match. A team should consist of players with the same
year level (not necessarily the same year standing).
II. At any instance during the game, there should be six players, with at least two (2) females.
Players must wear sports attire (shirt, shorts, socks, rubber shoes).
III. Spiking is open for everyone. There are no attack line restrictions.
IV. International court and ball specifications will not be strictly followed. As long as the court
and the ball are playable, the game continues.
V. Victory shall be determined by the number of sets won. Each game will be a best of threeset match.
VI. A set is won when a team reaches at least twelve (12) points, with two (2) points ahead of
the other team. The third deciding set is won when a team reaches at least eight (8) points,
with two (2) points ahead of the other team.
VII. For the final match, a set is won when a team reaches at least eighteen (18) points, with
two (2) points ahead of the other team. The third deciding set is won when a team reaches at
least twelve (12) points, with two points ahead of the other team.
VIII. Substitution is allowed throughout the game. Only one player may substitute for one
IX. All other official rules, other than those pertaining to Section 1, 3, 5, 15, 19 and part 2, will be
followed from the Official Volleyball Rules of the 33rd FIVB Congress 2012, found here:


I. There should be at least five males and five females in the roster, without upper bound. Only
bona fide chemical engineering students from UP Diliman can play. Players must present their
Form 5's and ID's to the marshals before every match. A team should consist of players with
the same year level (not necessarily the same year standing).
II. All players in-court must wear sports attire (shirt, shorts, socks, rubber shoes) at any instance
of the game.
III. There will be 8 minutes per quarter of the game. Running time will be followed. For the
final match, there will be 8 minutes per quarter.

IV. The first and third quarters will be played only by female members of each team, and only
half court is used. The second and fourth quarters will be played only be male members of
each team and whole court is used.
V. International court and ball specifications will not be strictly followed. As long as the court
and the ball are playable, the game continues.
VI. Substitution is allowed throughout the game. Only five players per team will be allowed to
play at any point during the game.
VII. The official score is computed as follows: The scores for the first and third quarter will be
added per team, and will be divided by the total points scored by both teas in those quarters.
The same will apply for the second and fourth quarters. The percentages will be added and
the team with the greater percentage sum wins the match.* In case of a tie, the team with the
greater total sum of points wins the match. If a winner still cannot be decided, the match will
go into overtime periods of 3 minutes each until a winner can be decided.
VIII. All other official rules will be followed from the Official Basketball Rules 2012 of the FIBA
Central Board, found here:


Game 1: Scores





Team Scores

1 and 3
2 and 4
10 + 12
15 + 20
10 + 12 + 15 + 12 15 + 20 + 12 + 16
12 + 16
15 + 12
10 + 12 + 15 + 12 15 + 20 + 12 + 16




Major Games: Basketball | Volleyball

Table Tennis | Chess | Patintero
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
30 pts
Minor Games
10 pts


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