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How to offer Prayers

Table signifying number of rakaats for each prayer

Fajr (Dawn)





Zuhr (Noon)

Asr (Afternoon)

Maghrib (Sunset)

Isha (Night)

2 + 3 Witr

Stand erect facing qibla (The Ka'aba), and form the following intention in your
"I intend to pray (2,3,4) rakaat (fard, sunnah, nafl) of salaatul (Fajr, Zuhr, Asr,
Maghrib, Isha) for Allah facing Al-Ka'abah"
Lift both hands up to the ears and say

"Allahu Akbar"
Allah is Great

Fold your hands over your abdomen (men) or your chest


Say du'a
Soobhana kulla humma, wa'a beehumdikka, wa'a tubarook kussmooka, wa'a
tooalla'a jadooka wa'allah illaha, ghairook
One should then recite Surah Al-Fatiha followed by any other Surah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil 'alamin
Arrahmanir Rahim
Maliki yaw middin
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in
Ihdinas siratal mustaqim
Siratal lazina an'amta 'alayhim
Ghayril maghzubi 'alayhim walazzallin

I begin in the Name of Allah - The Compassionate - The Merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
The Compassionate, the Merciful
Master of the Day of Judgement
You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help
Guide us to the straight path
The path of those whom You have favoured
Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray
In the first and second Rak'ats (and third of witr) one should recite one complete
Surah (eg. Surah-Ikhlas) after Surah Al-Fatiha
Otherwise go to step 6

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Qul huwallahu Ahad
Allahus Samad
Lam yalid walam yulad
Walam yakullahu kufuwan ahad
I begin in the Name of Allah
Say: Allah is One - the Eternal Being.
Allah is He Who is independent of all beings.
He begot none, nor was He begotten.
And none in the creation is equal to Him.
On finishing the surah one should say
"Allahu Akbar"
Allah is Great and proceed to Ruku where one bows over on the hips so that he is
able to rest his finger tips on his knees

The following zikr should be recited in the ruku three times

Subhana Rabbiyal 'Azeem
Free from all defects is my Lord, and with His praise I bow
After ruku stand up straight with hands by the side

and say
Samey-Allaho Layman hamedah
Allah listens to one who praises Him
Next say
"Allahu Akbar"
Allah is Great Then proceed to go into Sajdah

Sajdah means that one should place one's forehead on earth in a special manner,
with the intention of humility (before Allah)
While performing Sajdahs during prayers, it is obligatory that both the palms
and the knees, and both the big toes are placed on the ground with the forehead
touching the floor
The following zikr should be recited in the sajdah three times
Subhana Rabbi yal A'la
Glory be to my Great Sustainer, Most High, and I praise Him
After the first Sajdah, say
"Allahu Akbar"
Allah is Great

Sit on your knees and on the inner aspect of your left foot and hold the right foot
vertical with the toes bent forwards. Place your hands to rest on the thighs and
say three times
Rabee firlee
O Allah, my Lord, please forgive me
Repeat the Sajdah again by saying
"Allahu Akbar"
Allah is Great Then proceed to go into Sajdah
Again recite the following zikr in sajdah three times

Subhana Rabbi yal A'la

Glory be to my Great Sustainer, Most High, and I praise Him
"Allahu Akbar"
Allah is Great This completes the first rakat
To repeat the second or fourth rakat follow the same steps 4-11
Otherwise continue to step 12
After the sajdahs following the second or the last rakat
Sit on your knees and on the inner aspect of your left foot and hold the right foot
vertical with the toes bent forwards. Place your hands to rest on the thighs
Recite the following

Atha heeathoo lillahai wassal awatoo, wathayibathoo

assalamaliaka ayoohanabeeyu
warahmathullahai wabarakatu
assalamalaina wa'allah ibadhillah isswaliheen
All prayers and worship through words, action and sanctity are for Allah only
Peace be on you, O Prophet
And Mercy of Allah and His blessings
Peace be on us and on those who are righteous servants of Allah

Then raise the index finger of the right hand slightly while saying

Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu,

wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa Rasuluh
I testify that there is none worth worshipping except the Almighty Allah
and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger
In the three rakat (i.e. Maghrib) or four rakat (Like Zuhr, 'Asr and 'Ish)
prayers say
"Allahu Akbar"
Allah is Great then stand up for the remaining rakats after Tashahhud
and continue from Step 4

On the other hand if it is two rakat (Fajr) prayer or it is the completion of the
prayer, keep sitting and recite Darud (blessing for the Prophet)
from step 14
Completion of Prayer

Allah humma salli allah muhammadin wa'allah alih

muhammadin kama sayeeta allah ibraheema wa'allah alih
ibraheema innaka hameedun ajeeb
Allah humma barak allah muhammadin wa'allah alih muhammadin
kama barakta allah ibraheema wa'allah alih ibraheema
innaka hammeddun ajeeb
O Allah shower Your mercy upon Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon
him) and the followers
of Muhammad (pbuh) as You showered Your mercy upon Ibrahim and the
followers of
Ibrahim. Behold, You are praiseworthy, glorious
O Allah shower Your blessings upon Muhammad (pbuh) and the followers of
Muhammad (pbuh)
as You showered Your upon Ibrahim and the followers of Ibrahim
Behold, You are praiseworthy, glorious
You may then say another supplication if you so wish
Next look to your right and say

Assalamualaikum warakhmatullah
then look to your left and say

Assalamualaikum warakhmatullah

This completes the prayer

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