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Developmental Psychology

Exam 3 Study Guide: Chapters 7-10

. Chapter 7 Physical & Cognitive Development in Early

1. What are the major trends of body growth during early childhood?
Influences on Physical Growth and Health? End of preschool year start to lose
primary teeth, exposure to tobacco smoke causes the immune system to be weak.
Between ages 2-6 the brain increases from 70% to 90%, preschoolers improve in
coordination ,perception ,attention, memory

2. Nutrition what are best strategies for getting children to eat a variety of
healthy foods? What happens to appetite during this age? Repeated
,unpressured exposure to new foods is the best way to get a child to eat a vairety .the

child becomes a picky eater. The amount they eat varies ,but is compensated for in latter
Why do some children in U.S. not have immunizations? Parents that have
busy daily lifes tend to forget to schedule appointments, there is also the financial

4. What is the leading cause of childhood death in industrialized countries?

What can parents do to prevent? Unintentional injuries. Laws prevent many
injuries like child safety locks, childproof locks on medication. Communites help to
modify the surrounding environment

5. **Piaget stage at this age? Benefits of make-believe? Egocentrism?

animistic thinking
And magical thinking. Conservation? role of language? Piagets : make believe play
is representation in childhood, This substage is characterized by the child's inability to

understand all the properties of classes. The child has acquired the ability to represent
objects mentally and to identify them based on their membership in classes, however
this child now reacts to all similar objects as if they were identical. This understanding is
incomplete because they cannot yet distinguish between apparent identical members of
the same class. Transductive reasoning is another feature of the child's thinking in the
substage. Transductive reasoning is a faulty type of logic that involves making
inferences from one specific to another. It can lead to correct or accurate conclusions,
but it is not guaranteed to do so.

6. Vygotsky private speech, scaffolding, zone of proximal development,

guided participation (broader than scaffolding) the child develops higher mental
functions: complex mental processes that are intentional, self-regulated, by language
and other sign systems. Examples of these higher mental functions include focused
attention, deliberate memory, and verbal thinking. According to Vygotsky, although all
human beings are capable of developing these functions, the particular structure and
content of higher mental functions depend on specific social interactions, as determined
by culture in general and by each person's unique social situation of development.

7. Preschool, Kindergarten, Childcare: What does research say about

drawbacks of formal (i.e. instruction-based, worksheets, sitting and

listening) academic training (as opposed to child-centered programs)?

Benefits of Head-Start programs?Drawbacks: stress behavior, less confident in
their actions, prefer less challenging task, less advanced in language,academic, and
motor skills. Head start : greater year end gains, higher graduation rates, more
stimulation home environment,

8. Review signs of developmentally appropriate childhood programs. See chart

on page190

9. How can parents foster emergent literacy? provide indirect feedback about
incorrect grammar. Restructure inaccurate speech into correct form, elaborating on
childrens speech. Conversational give and take, interaction with more skilled speakers
10. Basic benefits/drawbacks of educational media (tv, computers).gains in
early literacy and math skills and academic progress, more elaborate make-believe
play . Heavy viewing leads to detraction from school success and social experiences
11. Language development: fastmapping, overregulation. They can connect
new words with their underlying concepts after only a brief contact. All English speaking
children acquire certain language markers in a regular sequence, starting with those
that involve the simplest meanings and structures, they sometimes overextend the rules
to words that are exceptions

Chapter 8: Emotional & Social Development in Early


Erikson: characteristics of initiative vs. guilt. Young children have a new sense

of purposefulness, eager to tackle new tasks, join in activity with peers, discover what
they can do without the help of adults, strides in conscience development
2. Difference between self-concept and self-esteem. Self-concept: the set of
attributes, abilities, attitudes, and values that an individual believe defines who he/she
is. Self- esteem: the feelings we make about our own worth and the feelings we have
about them. What is normal in early childhood? children achieve a better
understanding of their feeling and that of others emotional self-regulation improves

What are benefits of parental acknowledgement and identification of

emotions? They are better able to perceive others feelings at a later age
4. Empathy/Sympathy/anxiety - role of parents in development of empathy.

Empathy does not lead to empathy. With emotional self regulation and parenting effects
empathy and sympathy. Parents display the correct way to deal with emotion and they
can correct the child when incorrect behavior is shown
5. Advances in peer sociability: nonsocial, unoccupied, onlooker behavior and

play parallel child plays with others with similar material but does not try to
influence their behavior, associative, children engage in separate activities but
exchange toys and comment on others behavior cooperative a more advance


interaction, children orient toward a common goal

First friends what defines it? People that like you that you spend a copious
amount of time with

Is it normal to say You are my friend/not my

friend?doesnt have long last characteristic based on trust but it does predict
cooperative play in the classroom ,enable children to integrate themselves in the
classroom both academically and socially


side effects of harsh punishment. Models aggression, chronic sense of being

personally threatened, parents who are accustomed to corporal punishment support it:
the next generation will use same type of punishment, may cause child to avoid the
adult giving the punishment
8. Alternatives to harsh punishment? Time outs, withdrawal of privileges

Important qualities that make them work? Consistency, a warm parent-child


Ethnic differences in consequences of physical punishment . Harsh

punishment is most common among low ses ethnic minority parents than white middle
class ses caucasion parents. In Caucasian families physical punishment was due to
antisocial behavior and adolescent behavior

10. Differences

betweeen types of aggression in gender during preschool

years?males are more physically aggressive than women, women are more verbally
and relationally aggressive. Males are moe likely to get harsh punishment because they
are more erratic in behavior
11. Impact of family relational styles and tv viewing on aggression .violent
programming creates short term aggression in parent relations and peers, causes longterm negative effects, predicts aggressive behavior in adulthood,media violence hardens
children to aggression, boys are more apt to devote time to violent media
12. What are typical attitudes about gender roles in early childhood? Children

sort out what they mean through actions and emotions. Boys play with
action figures girls play with barbies , wear make- up etc. boys are more active
,assertive and aggressive. Girls are more emotional, fearful, dependant, compliant
13. Who

is most likely to inflict physical child abuse? What age is at the

greatest risk?
14. Parenting Styles: Authoritative: warm, attentive, patient, and sensitive to the
childs need.makes reasonable demands for consistency and maturity. Parent and child
joint decision making.allows child to make decisions in accordance to readiness

Authoritarian : cold rejecting towards child.makes demands using force and

punishment.withdraws lovw and intrudes on childs individuality. Makes decision for child.

, Permissive: is warm but overindulgent or unnattentive.makes

few or no demands. Lets child make decisions before the child is ready ,
uninvolved:emotionally withdrawn and detached.makes few or no demands. Does not
Rarely listens to child

care about child decision making or point of view

15. What

can you do to facilitate healthy identity among girls (buffer media

images) fromPrincess & the Popstar powerpoint (2nd to last slide) Watch
that you affirm her character, not just her appearance! Let your daughter get dirty.
Encourage her to participate in sports. Introduce her to strong female role models.
Support your daughter in pursuing her interests. See that she learns some mechanical,
building, and repairing skills, and uses tools. Video tape your child in active ways
sports, using tools, etc. not just taking pictures when she is dressed up. Dont insist
your daughter look a certain way, or always stay neat and pretty. Talk to her early
about stereotypes and help her challenge them. Encourage identification with men and
women. Have high expectations in the areas of math and science. Give your daughter
compliments about specific actions instead of generic praise. Dads messages about
pretty are heard VERY loud - affirm her actions too! Be a great role model!

Chapter 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle


What are the major trends of body growth during middle childhood? the

average north American child is 45 pds and 3-1/2 feet tall. Bones of the body lengthen
and broaden. ligaments are not yet firmly attached. have a stronger desire for physical
activity. Primary teeth are lost between ages 6-20 and replaced with permanent ones.
2. Most common childhood illness? malnutrition
3. What are the health risks, causes, and the mental health/social

consequences of childhood obesity? High blood pressure, high cholerstrol,

respiratory abnormalities emotional and social problems. Produced by parental roles in
dietary substance, lack of knowledge of diet, tendency to buy high-fat low cost food.
Socially isolated and achievement and development problems.

What are some of the policies (e.g. schools, governmental) for dealing
with childhood obesity? Both the parent and child enroll in a weight loss program.
Diet and lifestyle intervention.


What are the advances in motor development during middle childhood?

Running, jumping and hopping skills become more refined. Flexibility, more elastic in
movement. Improved balance. Agility more quick and accurate movements. Force the
ability to project , throw and kick objects further.
6. Characteristics of ADHD?hereditary. more common in identical twins. Children do
poorly on activities which need attention to be retained. Difficulty with memory,
planning, reasoning and problem solving.

How does stimulant medication treat

ADHD? stimulates activity in the frontal lobes which allows for the mind to retain more
information. inhibit off task behavior

Qualities of attention in middle childhood. increases in information processing

speed and capacity. Gains in inhibition. Attention becomes more adaptable, selective,
and planful.
8. What is sensitive period for bilingual language proficiency? when the first
language development occurs. Mastery of second language must be done in early
childhood. How does this impact bilingual programming in schools? Children
do better on test in select attentiveness. participate in class more actively.
9. Benefits of school recess (academic and social) boost classroom learning.
Organized child play and interaction. gains in academic achievement. practice in vital
social skills such as leadership ,inhibition of aggression, followership, and cooperation.

Trends in U.S. schools. Has diminished or disappeared in many schools.

10. Pros and cons of youth sports. health . sense of self-worth. Cognitive and social
skills for working with others. US Trends. Only 15% of u.s. schools still have recess
implemented in school
11. What are the signs of high-quality education in elementary schools?
Classroom size is no larger than 18 kids. space is divided into equally enriching activity
centers. curriculum helps achieve academic standard and understanding of material.
teacher fosters each childs progress. Teachers have partnership with parents
12. Teacher/student interactions self-fulfilling prophesy. Transfers culturally
valued ways of thinking to children

13. What

are some common general conclusions about education of North

American children? Children perform at the international average or sometimes
below it.

Chapter 10: Social & Emotional Development in Middle


Erikson: Stage during middle childhood?industry vs.inferiority. realistic self

concept. Characteristics? Pride in accomplishment. Moral responsibility,
cooperation with agemates


What are four major contributions to self-esteem? Culture a strong emphasis

on social comparison. Academic competence, social competence, athletic/physical
competence, physical appearance


What is a mastery-oriented approach to learning and how does it impact

learning? crediting their ability to from successes. characteristics that can improve

when facing new challenges. Attribute failure to factors that can be changed.
4. What characterizes school-age friendships ? Children like each other personal
qualities andrespond to one anothers desire and needs
5. Bullying: characteristics of rejected are a range of negative

rejected-aggressive: high rates of conflict. physical and relational

aggression. Hyperactive impulsive behavior, controversial: display both positive and
negative behavior. Hostile and disruptive but can also engage in social activity ,
neglected: well adjusted .not much interaction with other children, popular kids:
combine academic and social competence. Perform well in school and communicating

What are the characteristics of kids who are victimized:

passive behavior when active expected , ? Sibling rivalry trends in middle
childhood: it tends to increase. Parents start to compare sibling accomplishments.
with other children.

parental comparisons are more common in children closer in age.

Gender identity trends in middle childhood, including gender typicality,

contentedness, gender-atypical, and gender-discontented children.
7. Which countries have the highest divorce rate? United States has the highest

divorce rate. New Zealand. Great Britain .Sweden .Australia. Canada. Germany

How can divorced parents best facilitate positive adjustment in children

following divorce? Divorce mediation. Child support. joint custody
9. Factors related to school phobia. Overcritical teacher. Pressures from parents.

School bully
10. Who

are the most likelihood perpetrators and victims of childhood sexual

abuse? The abuser is usually a parent or someone closely associated with the parent.

The girl tends to be sexually abused than a boy.

11. What factors foster resilience? childs personality. warm parental relationship. an
adult outside the immediate family who offers a support system. community resources .

Who is most apt to develop it? I dont know

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