Chatter, October 2014

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Now I can wear my COW BOOTS!

little girl, overheard


IBC is a community that exists to

experience the transforming love
of God and express that love to the
world. This is what we believe it
means to be fully alive as followers of
Jesus Christ, and we hope youll join
us on this journey.

heart of our journey is the gospel of
Jesus. We trust Christ as our Savior
and find ourselves becoming more
like him as we deepen our relationship with him.


The way of following Jesus is not a

path we walk alone. The gospel story
draws us into a community of people
whose lives are being transformed
by Jesus.


of Jesus arent just saved, theyre also

sent. Believers become witnesses to
the grace of God as they take part in
his mission to rescue and redeem the
lost and broken.
TWITTER @ibcvoice


New to IBC? Turn to page 18.

a single mom

For more about growing in Christ,

connecting in community, and joining the mission at IBC, please contact
2435 Kinwest Pkwy
Irving, TX 75063
(972) 560-4600

It was just like

Urban Cowboy
John Travolta.


On September 13, over

100 IBC single parents and
their kids rounded up for
Western Night, a down-home
country good time complete
with mechanical bull riding,
horseshoes, a finger-lickin
meal, and western-themed
crafts. The evening was
organized, set up and run
by Ranchview High School
students working on a IB
Diploma service project aimed
at encompassing creativity,
action and service.

a letter from Chatter

Chatter is
Editor Julie Rhodes
Art Direction, Design & Goodness
Josh Wiese, Lindsey Sobolik, JD Lemming
Admin Extraordinaire
Victoria Andrews
Pastor to Hashtags
Scott McClellan, Communications Pastor
Jacque Bundy (Photo Update)*
Trey Hill (Safe on Sunday)*
Yony Kim (A Forever Journey)*
Jason Fox (Idle Chatter)*
Megan Foreman (Chatter Facts)*
Peggy Norton (Safe on Sunday)*
Editorial Assistance/Proofing
Summer Alexander*, Annie Stone*
Thoughts, comments, ideas?
Contact Chatter at
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Are you a media socialite?
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*Most beloved and indispensable
Chatter Volunteer.

I have a theater-actor friend, Maurice, who has a tradition he does every show. He likes to corral
his cast mates into his dressing room and make hilarious lip synch videos and post them to Facebook. He
does this in costume, with his cast-mates, in costume. So the whole display is a stacking on of characters
a pirate pretending to sing Tina Turner, or a cat pretending to sing Beyonc and its topped off with that
weird Facebook layer that gives everyone a particular, positive persona. Its great. People love the videos.
Especially the people DOING the videos. And somewhere, down beneath the camera lens, beyond the
music and makeshift choreography, and (finally, ultimately) underneath the makeup and wigs, is the real
person who rolled out of bed that morning in an innocent stupor. Like an infant.

Thats the holiest part of the day, the rolling out

of bed. It precedes everything else and is honest in
its stumbling, bumbling, unabashed quest for help
and security. Which usually takes the form of coffee. Yes, that first, and oh, the fuzzy slippers and
the way the banister feels timeless and as unmovable as the Parthenon when Im leaning/tripping
my way downstairs. The waking up precedes all
the roles I have yet to play as sock-folder, e-mail
answerer, Stair Master-er. It precedes all the
characters I pour myself into as into molds of
different shapes and sizes: friend, mother, conscientious pedestrian.
And those stacked-up characters and mantles
and personas threaten to fool me into thinking Im
not that pink-faced, needy child who woke up this
morning and was hungry.

But in the mornings, sometimes, things feel different. Our guards are down and our eyes arent open
yet to who we think we are and what we think we
need to do, and theres a little tremble of something
eternal. Its the promise, the mystery, just out of
reach; the germ of something beneath a brown
landscape, pulsing with the ultimate. Maybe its
the truth Jesus hinted at when he said we must become like little children to see the kingdom the
person without the persona.
Whatever things we have to do today, whatever
people we have to be, I hope we can hold on to that
little humble, holy germ from the early morning.
That deposit, like Gods Spirit, a guarantee of glory
to come.

In Romans, the apostle Paul talks a lot about the

children of God. Who they are, what they are,
what they can expect. He has a lot of hope for the
Capital-F future of eternity: I consider that our
present sufferings are not worth comparing with
the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children
of God to be revealed (Romans 8:18-19).
As an ordinary child of God, I dont know what my
not-yet glory looks like. Nobody does. All of creation is waiting expectantly for the Big Reveal. As
the ever-quotable C.S. Lewis wrote, There are no
ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere
mortalIt is immortals whom we joke with, work
with, marry, snub and exploit immortal horrors
or everlasting splendors.









Chatter Facts have
been part of Chatter
since November 2007.

Maybe you dont feel like an everlasting splendor

today. Maybe youre frustrated, like me. The roles
youve been asked to play demand more than your
underdeveloped, weakling arms and mole-eyes
and earthworm ears can handle. Maybe youre just
trying to survive keep other people alive and
generally be on time to social events and pay your
electric bill.
Our inadequacy pokes at us. Our roles seem miscast. We dont fit into our costumes just so.
The suffering is present and yet feels permanent.
In a hypothetical fierce-off,
Beyonce is 59% more likely to
dominate Tina Turner in nail art.

Chatter | 3

hopes to expand the gas station into a commercial center that will provide jobs by
way of a restaurant, supermarket, construction supply store and bank.

This month IBC partner Hosean International Ministries (HIM) will

celebrate its 30th anniversary right here at Irving Bible Church. Located
on an 85-acre campus in Pignon, Haiti (a municipality in the middle of
the island), HIM is a ministry that has had ripple effects, not only across
the country, but across the world.
Getting acquainted with HIM begins with the Founder and President, Caleb
Lucien. Caleb was born and raised in Haiti, the son of a pastor who never intended
to go into ministry himself. But he responded when God called him and began by
attending Dallas Theological Seminary. It was there he met Andy McQuitty while
working together at a childcare center. The two hit it off and have been friends ever
since. Their friendship would birth many trips from IBC to Haiti and grow into a
strategic 23-year partnership between IBC and HIM.
Simply stated, HIM is a ministry by Haitians, for Haitians. Started in 1984 by
Caleb, HIM is about pointing people to Christ and building leaders. When asked
what he wished more people knew about HIM, Caleb points back to Christ: HIM
is about transforming lives. It is about showing people that Christ has the power to
change broken lives and restore people to their full potential. It is not about us; it is
about him and his kingdom agenda.
HIM works to create this transformation through education, life skills training, and
economic growth. It accomplishes these goals with a staff of over 150 Haitians working in partnership with friends from America, Brazil, and Canada. Over 20 years
ago, HIM opened College de la Grace,
its first secondary school, where today
over 1,200 students are enrolled and
have a 100% record of passing grades
for the national exam. HIM has also
brought big changes to the community
of Pignon itself. HIM began providing
electricity in 2005, and it is currently
building the first-ever gas station for
the area. (The gas station is a full-circle
moment; back in the early days of HIM,
Caleb would drive over an hour to work
at a gas station to support his fledgling
ministry.) In the next ten years, HIM
IBC Haiti Team in 1991

Caleb Lucien, 1991

Chatter | 4

Caleb Lucien, 2014

A capillary wave is the scientific

term for a ripple caused by a
drop of water falling onto a
still-water surface.

IBC became a part of the ripple effect in 1991 when Pastor Andy, Alice, and many of
the patriarchs and matriarchs of IBC traveled to work with HIM for the first time.
Bob Downey (an impressive man with an even more impressive mustache) was on
that first trip. He remembers the worship center they were helping to build. The
assignment was to build huge 2x6 trusses to hold up the roof. They had the blueprints, but Bob was the only one who knew the angles at which to cut the trusses.
Unfortunately, Bob had come down with a bad stomach bug. As soon as he felt well
enough to sit up, they got him a chair, attached an umbrella to it and set him up
by the worksite to direct the guys on the angles. Bob remembers that each truss
weighed over 200 lbs, and there wasnt a crane on the property to lift them on top of
the building. Ingeniously, the men at HIM filled the room with dirt, walked in with
the trusses, set them on top of the building, and then took all the dirt back out.
As Bob reminisces about the trip, he gets animated. I appreciate what I have in a
totally different way now, he says. I think that everyone should go at least once
for the experience. I also walked away with a greater appreciation for what Caleb
[Lucien] has done for the people of Haiti through HIM, particularly in the area
of education.
As the years have passed, there have been many more trips from IBC to HIM.
Former Mission Pastor, Dieula Previlon (a native Haitian) started visiting HIM
in 2009. She loves the education aspect of HIMs agenda, specifically the way it
protects children from the threat of trafficking.Typically, [Haitian] students would
have to leave their rural homes and find the closest city with a school that would
provide a secondary education, she says. (This system has exacerbated the child
slavery and abuse issue in Haiti.) Conversely, HIM creates a model where children
do not have to leave their homes to receive a quality education. These children get
to grow up in their communities with their families and friends, free from abuse.
I wish everyone would know the magnitude of HIM, a ministry that supports the
community, families and children.
In 2010, Sarah and Warren
Leonhardi made their first trip to
Haiti after hearing an announcement at IBC and feeling the call
to go. They now have both served
on the HIM Board of Directors,
and Sarah works as part of HIMs
stateside staff. When asked about
her favorite part of visiting Haiti,
Sarah gets excited about the Child
Sponsorship aspect of HIM: I
love getting to see some of the
same kids year after year, she
says. My husband and I sponsor
two boys through the School Sponsorship Program and we get to visit with them
and their family each year. They are constantly wanting to know how they can pray
for us and encourage us.
The Previlons and Leonhardis have been joined by the Dial family on some of the
Haiti trips, and now the three families have become close friends and small group
members. Their family ties are so strong that the Dials daughter Bailey (15) went
on the 2014 trip without either of her parents because the Previlons and Leonhardis were going. Even at her young age, Bailey sees the importance HIM plays in
the Haitian culture. HIM has given so many people the opportunities they might
not have had otherwise, she says. People assume its hard for Haitians to make a
living because theyre not capable, but this isnt true. Most are more than capable
of providing for themselves and their families but dont have much to work with.
Ultimately, [HIM] gives people the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

50% of school-aged kids

in Haiti are not enrolled in
school (

The ripple effects (more like waves) of HIMs work are far-reaching. Caleb, who
was sponsored as a Compassion International child himself, describes the amazing
things that have occurred in his three decades of ministry, particularly in the lives
of children. Over the past 30 years, we have seen thousands whose lives have been
changed both spiritually and physically, he says. Kids who had no hope of a future
have become doctors, pastors, lawyers, nurses, farmers and teachers. We have seen
young people that society had given up on live decent lives and become good Christians and good citizens.
As the ripples continue to flow out from the work that is being done, Caleb reflects
on the future of the ministry. We are looking forward to being an irresistible influence for Christ, not just around Haiti but around the world. We would like to leave
behind a legacy of love, hope and
integrity. We would like to show
that national leaders that are
empowered by God and other
believers can really be agents of

Trusses for the worship center, circa 1991

Students of College de la Grace

This future is already coming to

pass. The effects of Calebs and
HIMs faithfulness over 30 years
can be seen in so many communities from Pignon, to Haiti

The Previlons and Leonhardis


Number of students HIM educates over

one year.

Fully built worship center, trusses and all, 2013

at large, to the students they have educated who have gone on to live their lives in
places like the U.S. and France; to IBCers who have experienced the love of Christ
through HIM and its work.
Thank you Hosean International Ministries for you faithfulness over the past 30
years. We are looking forward to what God does through you in the next 30!
Interested in learning more about HIM and supporting its ministry?
Join us for the 30th Anniversary Celebration Fundraiser on October 10
at IBC. Dinner is free but seating is limited, so please RSVP at
Victoria Andrews can bring everything in life back to a Gilmore Girls episode.
Where it goes, she will follow.
Victoria is the Communications Assistant, cat wrangler, and resident baker of delicacies.


Percentage of your money that goes

right to Haiti when you donate to HIM.

HIMs record of passing grades in
the Haiti national exam.


Number of students currently being

sponsored to attend school.


Number of homes in Pignon receiving

electricity at night from HIM.

Pignon, Haiti was founded in 1699 by Jean

Guillaume de Pignon, a French merchant who
settled the town and established tobacco,
sugar cane, and coffee plantations.

HIM student receiving a box

from her sponsor.

Bailey Dial and friend

from the Haiti 2014 trip

Chatter | 5

PARENTAL WARNING: Some subject matter

may be inappropriate for younger readers.

Michelle Robinson, director of Shelter From The Storm at IBC,

shares her story of sexual abuse, and the long but beautiful
road to recovery.

ichelle Robinson is a beautiful, vibrant woman with an easy

smile and a quick laugh. Youve probably seen her walking the
halls of IBC with kiddos Sarah and Logan or in the service with
hubby Scot. What you may not know is that for the past five years, Michelle
has been shepherding a ministry to survivors of sexual abuse: Shelter From
The Storm at IBC. As it turns out, there was a time when Michelle needed it
more than anyone.

From the age of three, Michelle had memories of sexual abuse. It started
within her own family, a home plagued by dysfunction, poverty and physical
abuse. After her parents divorced when she was 8, Michelle says things
got even worse. The unimaginable happened when, at the age of 10, she was
victimized by a group of five teenagers inside her own home. The incident,
which was followed by a drive-by shooting, prompted the family to
move to a new house in a different part of Houston where she and her
siblings could be safe.
But safety was never in the cards. Michelles new stepdad was physically abusive and began allowing his friends to take advantage of her for beer
or other things. She remembers the beautiful home she had with the big front
porch and a bedroom all to herself all hiding the ugly reality of rope burns
and threats. By the time she was 15, the abuse had taken its toll. Michelle was
in so much trouble with the law that her family was forced to move yet again.
But Michelle couldnt adjust to her new home in Booker, TX. She went to live
with her dad in Abilene, but she quickly found herself alone and having to fend
for herself. She began turning to men to help take care of her, and she used her
body as a commodity.
Rock-bottom came when the man with whom Michelle had been living beat
her up so badly she was forced to go to the hospital. Upon discharge, she had
nowhere to go and spent several nights under a bridge. In desperation, she
went back to live with her mother in Booker, but her mother had one condition: she must come to church on Sunday. I decided that I was too bad to go
and would prove it by getting loaded the night before church, remembers
Michelle. But she wasnt let off the hook. I felt a nudge telling me to church.
I believe now that it may have been the voice of God.
Michelle wore a long flowery dress but remembers feeling like she looked
and smelled terrible. She didnt belong. Everyone was staring. But she just
so happened to reconnect with someone after the service; someone whom
she hadnt seen since she had lived in Booker before. His name was Scot. We
ended up talking after service for so long that the minister asked Scot to lock

Chatter | 6

According to the Crimes Against

Children Research Center, 1 in 5
girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of
sexual abuse.

everything up when we were done, remembers Michelle. Scot and Michelle

were married the following June.
Her connection with Scot was instantaneous, but her path to God was gradual.
She attributes it in large part to Scots love and care for her. (I was not easy
to love for sure. Scot made it seem so easy.) A watershed moment came in
the hospital after giving birth to their first child, Logan. She was holding
him alone in the hospital room. I remember looking into his eyes, and being
overwhelmed with the thought that God trusted me enough to have this baby. I
cried, begging God to help me raise him. It was then that I accepted Jesus. Michelle says that her life ever since has been one of a struggling sinner looking
to fall more and more in love with Jesus every day.
Scot and Michelle have been at IBC for 15 years now. Since 2009, shes been
at the forefront of a ministry to women just like her, who have lived through
the worst and are seeking hope, healing, and a place to belong
Shelter From The Storm.

A Chatter Interview with Michelle Robinson.

CHATTERWhat kind of inner dialog would you

have with yourself about your abuse? What would

you tell yourself?

MICHELLE ROBINSONThere was a time when

I really believed that if I didnt say no to sexual

acts, that it wasnt abuse. So, in my mind, I just
wouldnt fight it and I wouldnt say no, even
though I didnt say yes either, so that it was no longer abuse to me. I also used to tell myself things
like, Its your fault. If you were prettier or smarter
or more proper or funnier or more nice or more
shy or more talkative or more quiet, this wouldnt
happen. I know now that it is not positive selftalk but after being abused so often for years,
you begin to look at reasons or ways that you can
change or justify why bad things are happening.
CHATHow did you view God during that time in

your life?

MRThe only thing I really thought I knew about

God was that God loved us when and if we were
good enough. I never knew that God was in the
details. I never felt worthy of love from God or
anyone else. I never knew what a relationship
with God looked or felt like. As a child and kid
growing up, I had no one to model that for me in a
real and authentic way.

Now, I know that God loves me unconditionally

regardless of my past and that a relationship with
God is always a growing one. I would love to say
that I found God, did a recovery program to find
hope and healing, and that just like a genie in a
lamp (arms crossed, head nod), I am healed. My
spiritual walk looks different with every season.
I know that I have to continue to seek him when I
am having a tough walk on my journey of recovery.
So my relationship with God is a good relationship, but it is a relationship that can be hard
because of me not because God doesnt love me.
CHATTell us about Shelter From The Storm at

IBC. How did you get involved?

MRShelter From The Storm is a curriculum that

was written by a team of people named Cynthia
Kubetin and James Mallory. Cynthia is a survivor
of sexual abuse and practices counseling to teens
in the Houston area. There was a lady at IBC that
was starting this ministry because she had been a
part of it at another church and saw how much
hope and healing it can give to a woman. I,
along with another lady, was in the first group
(about seven years ago) to become leaders-intraining. And I was all over that. I had Jesus
in my heart, I was fine, and I could not wait to
help fix everyone else that crossed my path. After
One of the earliest human shelters
was unearthed in Siberia a tent
structure made of mammoth bones.

all, if you believe in Jesus, your life is perfect,

right? I thought I no longer had struggles. Little
did I know, I had a long path of recovery to journey
CHATSo Shelter was first and foremost a place

of healing for you, even as you have been helping


MRYes. I had to really start letting God into the

area of my life if I wanted to be a leader in this
ministry. Over the years, I have found true and
authentic hope and healing and friendships while
keeping Christ in the center of it all. Its been an
amazing ride and the leadership team is fabulous.
Women have come to Christ. Women have opened
up to letting God into this part of their lives.
Women have told us we have encouraged them to
be open and honest with significant others in their
lives. This ministry has not only changed my life
but the lives of dozens of women within the walls
of this church.
CHATIs there a typical woman in Shelter?
MRA typical woman of Shelter looks like you and

me. She is single, married, divorced, widowed, a

single mom, a mom of many, a woman in ministry
the list could go on and on. We do not separate
out the groups by abuse type or age or situation.
Some women come never having spoken a word of
their abuse to anyone. Some are many years into
their recovery, but had never sought recovery in a
Christ-centered group before.
CHATHow do you see your recovery process play-

ing out into the future?

MRRecovery, while easier with God, is a forever

journey. There will never be a day where I no
longer struggle. Every day gets easier for sure and
the struggles look and seem easier and different,
but they are still there. Recovery is a choice every
day, and every day I choose to keep walking the
journey. I choose to walk the journey not just for
me and my husband and my son and my daughter,
but for all of the women that struggle with who
they are because of what the trauma of sexual
abuse has taken away from them.

Hope and Healing at IBC:

Support Groups
Shelter From the Storm is one of
many ongoing support groups at
IBC for a wide variety of family
and personal issues. Here are
just a few.
Family Grace is a support group
for caregivers and families of
those suffering with mental illness. It meets Monday nights at
6:30 p.m. in West A. No registration required.
Living Grace is a support group for
individuals struggling with the day-today challenges of mental illness. Living
Grace runs alternate Monday nights, in
West B. No registration required.
Griefshare is a grief recovery support group
for those seeking help and healing after the
loss of a loved one. Griefshare meets Thursdays in West C at 6:30 p.m.No registration
Recovery is a ministry for any type
of addiction: alcohol, drugs, eating,
spending, anger and everything
in-between.Recovery meets
Thursday nights at 6:30 p.m
in the Youth wing.
No registration required.
For information on any of
the above, contact Kym at

If you or someone you know is struggling to

find healing from sexual abuse, contact SFS is
a confidential group.

The record for the longest space journey

is held by Valery Polyakov, who spent 438
days at the Mir Space Station.

Chatter | 7

2435 Kinwest, IBCs weekly community night,
kicked off its fall ministry season on September 10 with facial hari frivolity. Theres lots to
do and see at every week at 2435 Kinwest:
free medical clinic, ESL classes, family dinner,
a small group for parents of kids with special
needs, childrens and student ministries, citizenship class, IBC Choir and more. (And plenty
of goofy people, too.) Find the complete
schedule at

Chatter | 8

275 meal tickets were sold at the

2435 Kinwest kick-off. Once again
Bob Downey drops science.

Did you know that IBC has an

ESL class? 10 students attended
it on kick-off night.

Li took Johns blood pressure.

Li knew I was in trouble, John
explains, and she instructed
Chris to call an ambulance.
But John protested. I didnt
think it was anything serious, he says. I had a similar
incident a few years ago and
it turned out to be nothing. I
didnt want to alarm my wife

Had it not been for the Safety Team

at IBC, I would not be here today.

oming to church can save your life. Literally. It was a typical Sunday
morning for IBCer John Thorpe, a retired Police Captain from the
Irving PD. John awoke that morning and went on his usual run, came
home and got ready to attend the 9 a.m. worship service. But as he entered the
church, something was a little off.

In the moments that followed,

John did what any police captain would do: he tried to take
matters into his own hands. He
pulled out his cell phone and
called the station, instructing
them to send over a squad car,
giving them implicit instructions not to call his wife.

I felt really hot and was sweating a lot, John recalls. I sat down on the floor of
the foyer because I thought the tiles would feel cool.
It was then that Paul Butcher, IBC custodian and fix-it man extraordinaire,
came over to check on John. When Paul came over, I told him I was just feeling a little hot but thought I was fine, John says. At that time, Paul let John go
into the sanctuary early to sit down. John took a seat, but the pain in his chest
was getting worse.
In the meantime, Bill Howell, the Usher Team Lead for the 9 o clock service,
called Chris Rose, head of the IBC Safety Team. The Safety Team was started
eight months ago with a goal to ensure the safety of the church staff and attenders while upholding the welcoming atmosphere of IBC. Operating in all
three Sunday services every week of the year, the Safety Team is comprised of
volunteers with diverse backgrounds ranging from security detail to emergency medicine to sales to teaching. Since its inception, the Safety Team has
dealt with everything from slips and falls to CPR to choking children. The
Safety Team is here to help serve IBC in any way it can, says Chris, from
helping people find their way around to helping find a lost child to assisting
with evacuations and keeping an eye out for suspicious activity.
And the team didnt miss a beat the Sunday John needed it the most. After
Chris took a look at John, things began to happen quickly. Chris got a fan and
thought maybe cooling John down would help, but it didnt seem to work. John
didnt seem to be rallying, so Paul went to find Li Matsushita, a nurse he knew
attended the 9 a.m. service who is also a Safety Team member.

Fortunately, the Safety Team ignored all of Johns instructions and told the
dispatchers on the phone to do the same. The ambulance was already on its
way. When the emergency responders arrived, the team was able to quickly
escort them to where John was, and acted to keep the area safe so the EMTs
could work on John without distraction.
When John got to the hospital, he later discovered he had a heart blockage in
the artery known as the widow maker a chilling term for what should have
been a life-ending episode.
Today, John is grateful. Had it not been for the team at IBC, I would not be here
today, he concludes. They worked as a team and knew exactly what to do.
In this byline, Peggy Norton was not paid by any particular IBC staff person
(coughJodie!cough) to say she loves Womens Bible Study and has been attending for 12 years.
Peggy Norton is a communications professional at a global security company.

If youre interested in joining the IBC Safety Team,


The Widowmaker describes a

sudden blockage of the hearts
main artery.

Chatter | 9


ivorce. Death. Job loss. Whenever tragedy or deep turmoil

descends in life, the results are
varied and far-reaching. And
the most common is a growing
concern among the leadership of
Stephen Ministry: isolation. Are
you in pain? Dealing with a major
life change? Youre in danger of
becoming isolated.

It has been such an awakening for me to realize

how many among the body of Christ are really
alone in the crowd, even at church, says Sharon
Arrington, a key leader of Stephen Ministry at IBC.
Ive had care receivers tell me they sought to get
involved with classes or groups, but everyone else
looked so together, that they didnt feel like they fit
in and quit going. (After the death of her husband
in 2006, Sharon directed her grief and passion for
comforting others in pain to help bring Stephen
Ministry to IBC.)
Stephen Ministry trains and provides lay men
and women (care givers) to walk alongside care
receivers during the most difficult times in life
everything from illness to financial distress to
major relationship upheavals providing encouragement and a safe, caring presence that is 100%
confidential. That process addresses a gamut of
issues, and the one thing these traumas have in
common is the potential to segregate care receivers from everyone else: the normal people. As F.
B. Meyer said, The wounded heart goes alone to
die. Sorrow shuns society.
Jamie Bethea, former IBC Elder and current IBC
Stephen Leader, also believes isolation is one
of the most common problems facing Stephen
Ministry care receivers. He explains how isolation
becomes insidious. There seems to be a cycle or
path that hurting people take: from crisis to shock,
to confusion, to sadness, to depression, to withdrawal, to isolation, he says. According to Jamie,

Chatter | 10

the care receiver may or may not be aware of their

downward spiral and the effects can pile additional
devastation onto an already seemingly insurmountable situation.
When a person is in the midst of a crisis, their immediate response is to try to use their instincts and
methods they have used in past experiences to get
back on track, he says. Many times, that does not
work for them and they become further confused,
frustrated and eventually depressed, which can
bring a separation and withdrawal while they try
to gut it out.
Gutting it out also leads to a greater threat. A
persons spiritual walk is tested during a crisis,
says Jamie, so he or she either grows closer to God
or falls farther away. In short, a life crisis demands
a choice: turn towards other people and to God
or away from everyone. Its a massive fork in the
road that all too often leaves those in crisis unintentionally stumbling away from faith and friends.
People begin skipping small group get-togethers.
They dont return phone calls. They lose themselves in media. They fade away from serving.
But engagement is hard. How do you connect
with others (especially Christian loved ones)
in meaningful community when youre asking
internal questions like, How did I get here in this
dark place?; Where is God in all that is going on
in my life?; and How did God let this happen to
me? In a crisis situation, joy and hope can slowly
dry up, says Sharon. But Stephen Ministry offers
another voice that points care receivers to the
God of hope (Romans 15:13). Reaching out is the
first step, a sign of life. It is a demonstration that a
person is not willing to give up.
IBC has a long tradition of elevating the value of
authentic community among its members, even
those who are struggling with faith and life issues.
In his curriculum for IBC Small Group leader
training, Ryan Sanders (IBC Small Groups pastor)

Point Nemo is the most isolated

point in the ocean (farthest point
from any land), at 4852.6'S.

describes a powerful spiritual contrast between

those who are closed off and those who move
towards one another. The enemy does his best to
keep us isolated. He always separates. On the other
hand, the church is about gathering. The church is
a gathering. We gather on Sunday. We gather our
thoughts, our souls. When the church is fulfilling
its mission, there is wholeness.
In other words, you will make the church whole
and the church will make you whole whether
youre currently broken or on solid footing.
Isolation, on the other hand, with its consuming
introspection and unintentional self-centeredness, leads to
frustration. I
cant seem to
fix me, says
Jamie, summing up the



And it seems
to be true. You
cant fix you.
Alone. In his
book The Law of Happiness, Dr. Henry Cloud
comments on the value of community for healing:

We know more about the value of connection and

the destructiveness of isolation than about most
anything else. When people have strong support systems, where they are processing their needs, feelings,
fears and so forth, they are:
Physically healthier, with stronger immune
systems, and less illness
Medically more likely to deal with their illness
and treatment well
Emotionally healthier, with less stress, depression, and anxiety

The apostle Stephens name is

derived from the Greek Stephanos,
meaning crown.

More likely to reach their attempts to change

their lives
More able to reach their goals
In 2003, the National Commission on Children
at Risk (not a religious organization) published a
report called Hardwired to Connect that said, in
part, We are hardwired for other people and for
moral meaning and openness to the transcendent...
Human beings are biologically primed to seek moral and spiritual meaning, and nurturing relationships are a central foundation for positive moral
and spiritual development. If the hardwiring for
connection is
evident even
in children,
then adulthood
would seem to
bear that out in
greater measure, especially
for those in


the structure
of Stephen Ministry is designed to both direct care
receivers towards healing within their individual
situations, and also into community at large. Its
a double benefit. Jamie sums up the care givers
approach towards his or her care receiver: I am
willing to walk through this crisis with you until
you reach the other side of this chasm. I cant fix
the situation or you. Only God can do that. But I
will walk with you through whatever God intends
and be here for you.
Just connecting with one person like a care giver
is a great first step to re-connecting with broader
ministry and loved ones. Sharon has always admired those who make such a bold move. It takes
great courage to come to Stephen Ministry and
say, I need help. I cant do this alone. Sharon and

Jamie agree: reading books about your situation,

scouring the Internet for articles or chat rooms,
or even journaling about your situation have their
place, but nothing beats the power of connecting
with someone one-on-one.
And what have they seen as a result? First, a little
about the Stephen Ministry format. Care receivers
reach out to the Stephen Ministry team in confidence and are soon assigned to a same-gender care
giver a lay person who has received 50 hours of
specialized training in supporting and encouraging
those facing the biggest of life crises. Care givers
are not certified counselors, but they fulfill the
ministry of presence dictated by the words of Galatians 6:2: Carry each others burdens, and in this
way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
The care receiver/care giver team meets for one
hour, once a week, face to face, until both parties
feel like the care receiver has progressed through
the crisis to a place of greater health and stability.
We have seen burdens lifted, says Sharon. When
care receivers share their concerns, they no longer
feel like they are shouldering the whole burden
alone. Jamie adds, It is coming from the darkness
to the light. It is so rewarding to see their eyes light
up with the hope of knowing someone is ready
to walk with them through this storm in life, this
chasm, to the other side.
And the long-term benefits are undeniable. We
have seen marriages renewed, relationships with
Christ renewed, and people willing to plug into
ministry at IBC as a result of Stephen Ministry,
says Jamie.
Nationally, the Stephen Ministry model speaks for
itself with over 600,000 people trained as Stephen
Ministers in congregations in the United States
and Canada, and over 1.5 million care receivers. At
IBC, the numbers are also significant. Since 2011
over 62 care receivers have been quietly walking
alongside their care giver. Currently, there are 34

The heaviest load ever lifted was 6,

270 lbs. by American weight lifter
Paul Anderson (1985).

Stephen Ministers at IBC. The growing population

of these discreet, confidential relationships shows
theres something inherently attractive about
the model.
Its no surprise that Stephen Ministry should take
such hold in a congregation where the three table
legs of community philosophy are Growing in
Christ, Connecting in Community, and Joining
the Mission.
The three legs are symbiotic, observes Ryan
Sanders. Connecting in community is no more
and no less important than the other two. Growth
requires community; healthy communities are
always on mission. And for a hurting portion of
the church population that is at risk of falling away
from that third leg, Stephen Ministry is a vital connection point to the other two.
Are you hurting? Has the hurt driven you to the
outskirts of community and ministry? The challenge is small but courageous, says Sharon and
Jamie. Email or pick up the phone and take the
first step to connect with a Stephen Minister.
God made us to be social beings. We need each
other, concludes Jamie. It is exciting to see how
God is using this ministry to bridge the chasm
from isolationism to fulfillment in our church
body at IBC.

In the past six months, Julie Rhodes has played

pirates in two different musical theater productions.
Julie edits Chatter and is mom to Drew and Madeline.

For more information, and to connect in

confidentiality with a Stephen Minister,

Chatter | 11

& Bobby

While Lindsay and Bobby count down

the days to their big day, the couple takes
a look back on what their time in IBCs
pre-marriage ministry has meant for
their relationship.
It was another guys night out back in
2010 when Bobby saw Lindsay with some
friends at a local sports bar in Houston.
He had just moved down from Iowa for
a job in aerospace engineering at NASA,
and didnt know many people. He and
Lindsay hit it off. Before the night was
over, I was introduced to all of her friends
and they were already vetting me out. In a
good way of course, he says.
Fast forward three years later: Bobby and
Lindsay are getting engaged in a vineyard
overlooking Napa Valley. Suddenly, there
are so many things to plan the wedding,
the purchase of a new house. But both
Bobby and Lindsay would agree that going
through the IBC pre-marriage ministry
was one of the most valuable ways they
could have invested in their upcoming
marriage. Lindsay calls the program
wonderful and Bobby says it has helped
their relationship grow tremendously.
Heres a little he said/she said about the
lessons learned along the way.
What is the most surprising thing
youve gained from pre-marital
counseling at IBC?
BOBBY: I didnt expect the wide variety of

topics the counseling covered. Everything

from having kids, to how we grew up, to
intimacy, to dealing with money.

LINDSAY: I had prepared myself for the

questions that were going to really dig

into our relationship. You know, the
conflict generators questions about
finances, raising children, etc., and I had
prepared MY answers to each of the ques-

tions, but what I didnt expect was the

level of intimacy that Bobby and I would
reach by going through each of these big
questions together with Charlie and Beth.
I was truly surprised by the closeness
we gained.
Tell us about Charlie and Beth, your
mentor couple. What was the biggest
impact they had on you?
LINDSEY: They were wonderful! The

biggest impact they made would have

to be their complete genuineness that
came across every time we got together.
It allowed Bobby and me to talk openly
and honestly about everything. Another
wonderful thing was getting two different
viewpoints on the same relationship.

BOBBY: I also found that Charlie had

very similar thoughts and experiences as

I have had. Their warm welcome every
time we would come over and their genuine care for our well-being and success as
a couple really meant a lot.
Youre getting married October 4.
Whats the most helpful tool youll
apply from the pre-marriage program from Day One?

BOBBY: I am now more aware of the

pitfalls and mistakes couples make in

reading one another. I believe that being
able to listen better for the real meaning
of what's being discussed will help us both
reduce miscommunication.

LINDSAY: I will strive to give Bobby the

benefit of the doubt! That has become our

mantra over these past months. If we feel
ourselves getting into an argument, one of
us will say, Ok, give me the benefit of the
doubt here. It is our code for, Lets stop
and take a step back and make sure we are
on the same page!


Want to get married at IBC? The pre-marriage ministry is your first step.
Couples take an extensive survey about their relationship and perspectives,
meet regularly with a mentor couple who has a long track record of marriage
success, and go through a time-tested curriculum that addresses all facets
of practical married life. The goal is to prepare husbands and wives to live
authentically in the redeeming power of Christ as they build a life together.
Want to get involved as a marriage mentor to help engaged couples? Wed
love to talk with you. Contact Tom and RozeLee Rugh:
or call (972) 539-2565; or contact Kym Yeichner:
For general info, visit

Chatter | 12

No, thats not

Jason Bateman.

The NERF Super Soaker was

invented by NASA scientist
Lonnie G. Johnson.

On October 4, 1854, Abraham

Lincoln made his first political
speech at the Illinois State Fair.


astor Tim Gorski is the founder of the North

Texas Church of Freethought, an atheist
church that has been in the Dallas-Fort
Worth area since 1994. We want to not only be a
community for people who reject the supernatural, he says, but also for people who need help
dealing with life upsets.

believes this Great Secession is bad for everybody. He may not know it, but he is exhorting the
Church not to secession but to engagement along
the same line as the great Apostle Peter when he
wrote over two millennia ago, Always be prepared
to give an answer to everyone who asks you to
give the reason for the hope that you have. But do
this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear
conscience, so that those who speak maliciously
against your good behavior in Christ may be
ashamed of their slander (1 Peter 3:14-16).

Tims church is part of a global atheist movement

in our day commonly dubbed The New Atheism. Led by such material-secularist gurus as
the late Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins,
Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett, the new atheists believe that religion should not simply be
tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and
exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises(Hooper, Simon. The rise of the New
Atheists, CNN).

Our response to The New Atheism should not be

The Great Secession, but The Great Engagement moving toward people in a lost and broken
world and not away from them, loving and serving
them as the hands and feet of Jesus and yes, giving
intellectual reasons for the hope we have within us.

And what is the Christian churchs response to

The New Atheism? I found the answer to this
question in a most unlikely place. Reading the
July/August issue of
The Atlantic, I came
across Jonathan Rauchs
article The Great
Secession in which this
self-described homosexual atheist (The
Atlantic, July/Aug 2014,
p. 20) writes: Culturally
conservative Christians
are taking a pronounced
turn toward social
secession: asserting both the right and the intent
to sequester themselves from secular culture and
norms, including the norm of nondiscrimination.
This is not a good idea. When religion isolates
itself from secular society, both sides lose, but
religion loses more.

Thats what IBC proposes to do beginning with

some special weekend services on November 2. On
that day, we are privileged to host guest speaker/
teacher Dr. Stephen Meyer,
one of the leading Christian
scientific apologists for the
existence of God today. Stephen has been widely featured
in media appearances on
CBS, Fox News, PBS, and the
BBC. Dr. Meyer is not only the
Cambridge University-trained
director of the Discovery
Institutes Center for Science
and Culture, but also the author of the recently
published Darwins Doubt: The Explosive Origin
of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design
(HarperOne, 2013). He is taking the atheistic
world by storm, and is also a personal friend who
has ministered at IBC before.

I think Jonathan is right. He perceives the

Churchs strategy of dealing with cultural controversy as disengagement and Im touched that he

In his first book on intelligent design, Signature in

the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2009), Stephen examined the

mystery of the origin of life. Now with Darwins

Doubt, he expands the scope of the case for ID to
the whole sweep of lifes history. Meyers research
goes to the very source of the mystery of life: its
origin, and more specifically, the origin of biological information. His research and writings in the
field represent the cutting edge of the argument
for design.
On that Sunday, Dr. Meyer will preach from
Romans 1 in both morning services and then do
a scientific apologetics presentation defending
the existence of the biblical God of creation in a
special two-hour session replacing the normal five
oclock service. You will want to come for both Dr.
Meyers morning sermon and evening presentation for your own edification. You will also want to
invite friends and family whom you know struggle
intellectually with the existence of God. They will
find welcome answers to the claims of the New
Atheists while also being lovingly drawn to the
truth of Christs gospel of grace.
Dont miss it. Get engaged!



According to one 2007 estimate,

atheists make up about 2.3% of
the worlds population.

Want to gain confidence while hearing spiritual

conversations with others? See ad, pg. 17.


Chatter | 13

Groups on Sunday

Bible Communities are designed

for IBCers who want to connect with
scriptural truth in a casual, social
setting. They are a place of belonging, caring and growing.
Synergy 9 a.m. The Alcove
If you desire to dive into the Scriptures and deepen your faith, this
class is for you.
The Tree 9 a.m. West D
20s & 30s, married & young families
Join us as we study Tim Kellers The
Gospel in Life series.
Crossroads 10:45 a.m. West C
Couples & Families late 20s to 40s
Join us for teaching that facilitates
group discussion. The goal is
deepening relationships with our
community and with Christ.
Journey 10:45 a.m.
The Alcove All Welcome
Join us for relaxed fellowship
centered on Bible-oriented lessons,
interpersonal relationships, table
discussions, and prayer.
On Track 10:45 a.m.
Conference Room
Single Parents
If you are a single parent or a
blended family, please join us for
Bible study, fellowship and prayer.
Thrive 10:45 a.m. West D
Singles in their 30s & 40s
We are a group of highly-active
singles developing friendships and
expressing the truth and love of
Jesus in a spectrum of ways.
Renew 10:45 a.m.
Training Center
Diverse, all ages and stages
Join us for community, prayer, and
in-depth bible teaching as we
search Gods word. Join us for a series called The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul.
Legacy Builders
6:45 p.m. West A
All Welcome
Join us for fellowship, prayer, and
in-depth Bible teaching.

Please visit page 18 for more

Sunday Bible Communities.


Infants Through 5th Grade

Zone 6:30 Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.
A Bible study for kids. Register at
Wednesdays, 6:308:15 p.m.
A night of activities, friendships,
conversations, and lots and lots of
slime. No registration required.

Chatter | 14


Events and Resources for

Newcomers and Small Groups
Membership at IBC
October 26 and November 2
10:45 a.m. West A
If you are interested in becoming
a member of Irving Bible Church,
you are invited to attend a two-part
class. More info and registration at


Events and Resources

The Table Starts October 19

See ad, next page.
Spiritual Conversations Class
November 1
See ad, pg. 17.
Baptisms November 16
If you have committed your life to
Jesus and want to make a public
profession of your faith, we invite
you to be baptized in the IBC
Town Square on November 16. A
mandatory baptism class for all ages
will be held on October 19, 12:30
p.m. in West C. Lunch provided. Visit to register.

The Living Grace Group

Monday nights, 6:30 p.m.
West B, bi-weekly
For those who have mental illness.
Contact Heath at heathmurry@
Family Grace Group
Monday nights, 6:30 p.m.
West A
For family members, friends, and
caregivers who support individuals with serious mental disorders.
Contact Buzz Moody at myrabuzz@
NAMI Family-to-Family Class
Mondays, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
West C/D
A 12-week course designed for
families and caregivers of those
with serious mental illness. Contact
Joey at or
Debra at
Stephen Ministry at IBC
Stephen Ministers provide a listening ear and a caring presence for
IBCers going through emotionally
difficult times. See article, pg. 4.
Contact or call (972) 560-4636.
Spousal Abuse Recovery
Confidential, one-on-one counseling. Contact Kym at kyeichner@

Community Care

Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m.
West C
See sidebar on pg. 7. Childcare
is available with prior registration.
Contact Sharon at
Abortion Recovery Counseling
One-on-one, confidential counseling for those living with the aftermath of abortion. For information,
contact Kym at (972) 560-4632 or
Recovery at IBC
Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m.
West Wing Youth Lounge
Do you deal with perfectionism, pride,
overeating, inappropriate anger or
control? Recovery is confidential, and
all are welcome. Visit
recovery for more info.
Shelter from the Storm
A confidential small group for those
who have suffered sexual abuse.
We offer groups for both teens and
adults. See article, pg. 6. Contact
Michelle at or (214) 725-0898.

Community and Resources

Father/Daughter Campout
October 1719
Register online at
First Watch Fridays, 6:22 a.m.
The Commons
Hot coffee, donuts, bananas. Contact Jason at
with questions.
First Watch Replay
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.
Training Center
Contact brianarrington1@yahoo.
com with questions.
First Watch Xtra
Wednesday, 6:30 a.m.
Training Center
with questions.

Visit for more info.


Local and Global

Events and Resources

Mission Lunch
October 5, 12:30 p.m.
The Alcove
Come join us to learn about our 15
years of ministry to an unreached
people group in India. Lunch is free.

Shop Talk October 19

See ad, pg. 16.

Fashioned for Freedom

Thursday, October 9, 7 p.m.
See ad, pg. 16.



Growing Together

Hosean 30th Anniversary Event

Friday, October 10, 6:30 p.m.
Come celebrate 30 years of Hosean
International Ministries. See
article, pg. 4.

Marriage at IBC Date Night

October 3-4
See to
download the Date Night packet.

Prayer Meeting
2nd and 4th Wednesdays,
6:45-8 p.m. The Chapel
Join us as we pray for IBC, the
needs of our people, and the world.


Marriage at IBC
Sundays, starting October 5, 9 a.m.
High School Room in West Wing
All marriages, old marriages, young
marriages, healthy marriages, marriages in trouble, even engaged couples
are welcome to join us at Marriage at
IBC. Topics covered in small groups
include sex, finances, conflict, communication and more. Contact bmassey@
Pre-Marriage Mentoring
See article, pg. 12.



Community and Resources

Kids Night Out: Fear Factor
October 18
See ad, pg. 16.
Guy Stuff Event
October 25, 10 a.m.1p.m.
The Alcove
All boys from a single-parent family
are invited to join us for a service
project. A big breakfast will be served.
RSVP with Marsha at mtribbett@ or at (972) 560-4653.

Sit with us on Sunday!

Several single-parent families enjoy
worshiping together in the 9 a.m.
service. Join us in the lowest righthand section, Rows 5 & 6, facing
the stage.



Community and Resources

Respite Care October 25
Respite Care provides a much
needed night off for parents of children with special needs. Each child
will receive a one-on-one pal.
Small Group for Moms
Sundays, 10:45 a.m.12 p.m.
A place where mothers of children with special needs can come
together to support each other and
grow in Christ.
In His Image Bible Study
Sundays, 6:307:45 p.m
A small group for adults (18+) with
special needs.
Small Group for Parents
Wednesdays, 67:30 p.m.
Fellowship and learning focused on
the unique challenges of parenting
children with special needs. Childcare
available with prior notice.
SonShine Pals and Room
Our SonShine Rooms are available
during the 10:45 a.m. service for
children with special needs. There are
also opportunities for children to be
matched with a SonShine Pal.

Contact specialneeds@irvingbible.
org with questions about any of the
above groups.


Community and Resources

Womens Fall Bible Study
Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Join us for an engaging study of 1
Peter. Register online.
Hope Mommies Small Groups
Thursdays, Starting
October 2, 6:30 p.m.
The Hope Mommies small group
exists to bring the hope of Christ
to bereaved mothers experiencing
infant loss, including miscarriage,
stillbirth or infant loss (up to two
years of age). Register online.
Be Still Silent Retreat
October 11, 9 a.m.3 p.m.
Come away for a day without interruption at the beautiful Mt. Carmel
Center in Dallas. A day to just be
with Jesus and rest in him. Space is
limited to 15 people. Register online.

Middle/High School and College

FREE Citizenship Class

Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m.
IBC Conference Room
For those at least 18 years old who
have been issued a Permanent
Resident Card. We will help prepare
you for the citizenship test and the
interview. Contact 2435citizenship@
IBC Career Transition Ministry
Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m.
Want to find a job? Come learn how
to craft a rock-solid resume, use the
Internet and LinkedIn to network,
and ace the interview. For more
info, contact 2435jobtransition@


Sundays and Wednesdays

Sunday Community Meals
6 p.m. Town Square
Meals are $3 per person or $10

10/5 Pizza, breadsticks, salad bar.

10/12 Fajita Madness, salad bar.
10/19 All American burgers and

brats, chips, salad bar.
10/26 Giant potatoes with all the

fixins, salad bar.
If youd like to serve on a Sunday
night meal team, contact Pat
OReilly at (214) 289-6176 or
Wednesday Midweek Meals
56:20 p.m.
Cost is $3/meal or $10 max./family.
PB&J sandwiches are also available.

Listen To My Life
November 1415
See ad, pg. 17.




10/8 Lasagna, breadsticks, salad,

dessert. Hosted by Mike

Gwartneys team.

NICHE (North Irving Christian

Home Educators) Monday,
October 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The Alcove
Join us for our monthly meeting.

10/15 Pulled pork sandwiches,

chips, pickles, dessert.

Hosted by Marlene

Brittons team.

A Little Bit of Everything

20s and Early 30s

The Gathering
Thursday October 16, 7 p.m.
The Commons
Join us for worship as we look at the
stories of the amazing things God is
doing in the lives of Young Adults.
Young Adult Small Groups
Sign up today!



ESL: English as a Second Language

Wednesdays, 6:308:30 p.m.
AZ17, 18 and 19
Do you want to learn English? Improve your English? Come practice all
four skills: speaking, listening, reading
and writing. For more info, contact
Corey at


Tapestry Conference
October 24-25
Join us on Friday for a workshop entitled From Reactivity to Resilience:
Using the Whole-Brain Child Approach to Develop Kids Minds and
Integrate Their Brains, led by Dr.
Tina Payne Bryson. Join us on Saturday for the 2014 Tapestry Adoption
and Foster Care Conference, which
will feature 12 breakout sessions as
well as a general session. Register

10/1 Baked potatoes with all the

fixins, salad, dessert. Hosted

by Lavern Howells team.

10/22 Ham, scalloped potatoes,

salad, rolls, mixed veggies,

dessert. Hosted by Pat

Downeys team.
10/29 Tacos, enchiladas, chips

and salsa, freshly baked

cookies. Hosted by Barbara

Wittes team.
If youd like to serve on a Wednesday night meal team, please email

Wednesday Nights at IBC

Middle School Fall Retreat
November 7-9
Join us for a weekend away at Sky
Ranch where speaker David Grant will
be talking about the Gospel. Register
online at
Middle School Sundays
Life on Life Sundays,
10:30 a.m.12:20 p.m., Student
Ministries area
High School Sundays
Life Groups Sundays, 6:45-8 p.m.
Student Ministries area
Teen Recovery Monday Nights,
6-7:30 p.m. Zone Jr.
Contact Trey at
IBC College Ministry
Sundays at 3:30 p.m.
For latest info on times and
locations of college events join the
Facebook group: College at IBC.

IBC Choir
Wednesdays, 78:30 p.m.
IBC Worship Center
The choral community of IBC
is always looking for new singers, beginner or pro. Everyone is
welcome and you can join at any
time! Contact Crystal at celwell@
Next Gen Choir
Wednesdays, 5:406:30 p.m.
Starting in November. Contact Crystal at



Register online or at the kiosk in the

Town Square.

October 19 November 16
Sundays, 10:45 a.m.
In the Living Room
At IBC we seek to foster an open
and safe environment where you can
ask the hard questions of faith and
life. The Table is a place where your
questions and doubts are welcome.
It is a place for you to explore Christianity with others on a similar journey.
Seating is limited. For more information, please visit
Questions? Contact

Wwhen Im scared?
Technology and Parenting

Fear Factor

Kids Night Out

for single-parent families

October 19
10:45 a.m. - 12 p.m. (during 2nd service)
at IBC West A

Saturday, October 18
69 p.m. in the Alcove

Special guest speaker: John Dyer

Gobble down pizza

Watch and touch snakes,
spiders, and other critters
from Wildlife on the Move
Play games
Make crafts
Watch a movie

Timers? Set hours? Free for all? How does YOUR

family handle technology? Come hear IBCer and
author John Dyer share how your family can
interact with technology in a healthy way.

Brought to you by:

Register at
Choose the Kids Night Out option.
Questions? Email Jennifer at

Listen to
My Life

Recognizing and Responding

to God in my Story[

What is God doing in your life?

The Listen to My Life experience
helps you recognize and respond
to God in the midst of your unique
story. Lets explore together!
november 1 4 ( 6 - 8 : 3 0 p . m .) &
1 5 ( 9 a . m . 5 p . m .) west d , ibc

Who: Women
Cost: $95 per person: lunch, set of maps, snacks
and trained facilitators
Register: Email Cheri Hudspith at,
Deadline is October 23.
Questions? Contact Leslie Dawson at


November 1, 8 a.m. 12 p.m.

West D at Irving Bible Church




Having a conversation about spiritual things can be intimidating,

but its an important part of growing in Christ and is a natural side
effect of knowing Christ better. The Spiritual Conversations class
will challenge you to be more effective as you engage others in
meaningful discussions about faith and Jesus, and will prepare you
to talk with anyone about what you believe and why.
To register please visit
Questions? Contact Jason Stein at

All proceeds go to support the girls rescued from

human trafficking who are finding healing and restoration at My Refuge House in Cebu, Philippines.
You can make a difference at IBC by
lending us just one thing: your smile.


Attend an exclusive premiere showing of top
Learn what human trafficking is why it matters.
Listen to inspiring stories of the girls at My Refuge
Enjoy hors doevres and drinks.
Participate in a silent auction.
Find out ways you can join in the fight against
human trafficking.
Cocktail attire // Parking is free
Find out more and purchase tickets at

Join the Hospitality Team as a greeter, usher, or parking attendant, and make visitors and IBCers feel right
at home. Whether you have 30 minutes one Sunday
a month, or are able to serve every week, we have a
place for you!
Here are a few easy ways to smile:
help with parking
greet at the doors
be an usher

So go on. Just
say cheese.
To get started or for more info, contact
Sherri at

Smiles needed



My Time, Talents & Skills

Gatehouse Volunteers
The Gatehouse is 60 acre facility for women
coming out of crises. Many volunteer opportunities are available. Register online at Contact Mackenzie@

Whats the path to getting connected around

here anyway? Were glad you asked. Heres the
process for having your questions answered,
figuring out the IBC story, and, if youre feeling
ready, plugging in. In just five simple steps.

Mercy Street Soccer Coaches

Mercy Street soccer teaches this global sport,
while creating an environment that is fun for every
child involved. Our coaches use soccer to develop
character and teach teamwork and discipline.
There are flexible after-school programs and
evening programs. For more info, contact Jonny at



Senior Citizen Volunteers

Do you have a heart for senior citizens? MacArthur
Hills, a neighborhood senior living facility, is in the
process of being completed. IBC will take a tour of
the facility and come up with ideas for ministry together. Contact Tricia at

See that nice person handing out little cards before the
service starts? Yep, shes the one. Grab a worship folder
and find the page with blanks. Tell us a little about yourself
and let us know where youre coming from and how we
can engage with you. Somebody will reach out to you
this week.

Medical Professionals Needed

IBCs weekly medical clinic needs professional
health care providers (MD, PA, FNP) to provide
treatment for patients. Volunteers serve on a rotating basis and do not need to serve every week.
Contact Charles at
Childrens Ministry Leaders
Each Sunday, IBC helps about 800 kids grow in
Christ and connect in community. We are in need of
people of all ages to invest in the next generation
of nursery, preschool, and elementary-aged kids.
We have
opportunities for all skill sets. Contact Melody at
Safety Team
Do you have a desire to serve and protect others on
Sunday? Contact Chris Rose at crose@irvingbible.
org. Please include any credentials and relevant
NFNL Volunteers
On the third Wednesday of each month, we need
help serving dinner to the women of New Friends
New Life at Preston Road Church of Christ. Contact
Christine at


So youre kicking the IBC tires? Good! Were so glad youre
here. The Newcomer Gathering is a great opportunity to
meet church leadership, learn what IBC is all about, and
connect with other newbies in a fun, relaxed environment.
Next Newcomer Gathering: January 2015


All right! Youre feeling the IBC vibe and want to see
where you might get involved. Propel is a 4-week class that
explores the IBC calling and culture, and how your unique
personality and passions fit in. Meet many of our pastors
and directors of ministries at IBC.
Next Propel: January 2015

Want to take a tangible step that demonstrates youre
right at home? Membership follows the Propel experience
and involves a two-week class where youll get the skinny
on IBCs core governing beliefs and operational policies,
plus the opportunity to share your own faith story.
Next Membership Meeting: February 2015

Mentor Kids in Single-Parent Families

Men and women are needed for gender-specific
mentoring of children from single-parent families.
Contact Marsha at
Meal Team Volunteers
IBC makes meals available both Sunday and
Wednesday nights. These fun teams could use
some additional volunteers to serve together. For
Sundays, contact
For Wednesdays, contact

My Resources
Laundry Soap and Dryer Sheets
Laundry Love is collecting laundry soap and dryer
sheets for its monthly events in Irving. Please bring
these to the Laundry Love box in the donation area
by the Training Center. For more info visit llpirving.
org or contact
Online Giving Option
If you would find it more convenient to donate to the
ministries of Irving Bible Church online, visit


Youre firing on all cylinders but something is missing.
And that something is a someone, or a group of someones.
Enter IBC sermon-based small groups. Groups comprise
12 people or fewer and meet weekly in homes to discuss
Sundays message. IBC Small Groups are a place to
connect authentically with others.
Next Small Group signups: December 2014


(If you dont see them just yet, hold on. Theyll be available soon.)

Chatter | 18

Westwood House in Worcestershire

boasts one of the largest remaining
gatehouses in the world with a 54'
frontage and 2 stories.



ummers last hurrah has finally abated

The autumnal equinox thus celebrated
Suburban druids glumly shuffle back
To resume their mall duties at Claires Piercing Shack

No ones too upset, besides a pyro named Lori

Chocolate neednt be gooey to give God the glory
For creating Creation, graham and Hershey bars
They eat their smores cold under a blanket of stars

Leaving the season to thus be enjoyed

By less goth-tacular girls and boys
Who rarely spend time taking portraits in trees
Preferring to converse with the Lord on their knees

We forgot about pumpkins! cries Chester McMac

And the group dives into the patch with a collective voice-crack
Tapping and rapping on each orange gourd
To find the sincerest amongst the great horde

They travel in packs, budding evangelicals

Their twerkless ways seen by some, puritanical
But, lo, Saturday night they come ready to prove
They also can rock (lightly), this high school youth group

I hope the Great Pumpkin will like what Ive found!

Are you some sort of Calvinist? No, I like Charlie Brown.
Each gathers their bounty quite pleased with their lot
Except the youth leader who just got a rock

Onto the church bus, vintage 1983

Clambering to way-past-their-prime vinyl seats
They lower the windows, the few that arent stuck
As the youth leader re-learns driving stick double-clutch!

Then the guy with the guitar, because theres always that guy
Starts strumming Danny Gokey and all the girls sigh
Segueing at length to In the Sweet By and By
Till someone suggests they go get some pie

Onward to roads even Amish wont tread

Lest they breaketh an axle or een Uncle Jed
Till a sign at the curve announces at last
Welcome to Farmer Murrays Hayrides & Pumpkin Patch

So they circle the fire, clasp hands and pray

That Halloween gets canceled (just kidding, by the way)
Back onto the bus, bidding the farmer adieu
They drive for lemon meringue, perhaps French Silk, too

First to the Maize Maze while light still remains

Some use Google Earth to beat a hasty escape
While couples dive straight into the heart of raw pone
In futile attempts to elude chaperones

That gives me an idea, I dont know about you

Then a roar and a waft of unburnt hydrocarbons

Draws all involved to a flatbed made for haulin
As old as the pastor and attached to a Deere
Ringed with ragged hay bales to poke every rear

Jason Fox has never attended a poetry slam for fear of

crushing it too hard for the Lord.
Jason writes from Omaha, Nebraska, when the rest of state is at the Huskers game.

The youths huddle close but dare not to touch

So Leave room for Jesus! wont assault them too much
Singing choruses to hymns with a contemporary beat
That would scare the wig off of good Charles Wesley
After forty-five minutes (or three-quarters of a mile)
The hayride is over, but not everyone smiles
For entombed in the hay three earrings lie lost
Along with two contacts and a leather neck cross
But spirits, holyish, are soon set back ablaze
As sticks and dry stalks in a tepee arranged
Are engulfed, like Elijah fought the prophets of Baal
(If you dont catch that reference, Sunday School failed)
Marshmallows are parceled, squishy manna from Walgreens
When Farmer Murray steps forward, his eyes lacking peace
We cannot roast upon sticks, the county revoked my permit
Thanks to that Episcopalian kid with a fascination for shivs
Claires stores have performed
over 87 million ear piercings over
the past 30 years. #yeow

There are over 3,500 uses for corn.

These include making chewing
gum, ethanol fuel, and dad jokes.

Chatter | 19

Jessica and Garrett Lee carried Chatter to the

Lobo Overlook on Wolf Creek Pass, Colorado.
You cant tell but Chatter was really sucking
wind at 11,200 ft.

Chatteryou CAN take it with you. Send us

your Chatter photos on location, and you may
see yourself in an upcoming issue. Email us

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