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It doesnt cost anything to dream,

so if youre going to dream, dream big.

Caleb Lucien, Hosean Intl Ministry Celebration


IBC is a community that exists

because we believe Jesus Christ
transforms lives. We want to be fully
alive as followers of Jesus, and we
hope youll join us on this journey.

heart of our journey is the gospel of
Jesus. We trust Christ as our Savior
and find ourselves becoming more
like him as we deepen our relationship with him.


The way of following Jesus is not a

path we walk alone. The gospel story
draws us into a community of people
whose lives are being transformed
by Jesus.


of Jesus arent just saved, theyre also

sent. Believers become witnesses to
the grace of God as they take part in
his mission to rescue and redeem the
lost and broken.
For more about growing in Christ,
connecting in community, and joining the mission at IBC, please contact
2435 Kinwest Pkwy
Irving, TX 75063
(972) 560-4600
TWITTER @ibcvoice


New to IBC? Turn to page 18.



On October 9, a sold-out
Fashioned For Freedom event
raised funds to sponsor the
care for girls rescued from
the sex trafficking industry
in Cebu, Phillippines at IBC
partner My Refuge House.
The next day, IBC global
partner Hosean International
Ministry celebrated 30 years
of ministry in Haiti with a fundraising dinner at IBC.


a letter from Chatter

Chatter is
Editor Julie Rhodes
Art Direction, Design & Goodness
Josh Wiese, Lindsey Sobolik, JD Lemming
Admin Extraordinaire
Victoria Andrews
Pastor to Hashtags
Scott McClellan, Communications Pastor
Charles Stafford (Photo Update)*
Evan Chavez (NAMI)*
Marsha Romanowski (Still Giving Thanks)
Paul Stehlik Jr. (Still Giving Thanks)
Jason Fox (Idle Chatter)*
Lindsey Sobolik (Still Giving Thanks)
Megan Foreman (Chatter Facts)*
Shawn Small (Harvest)*
Stephanie Suire (NAMI)*
Editorial Assistance/Proofing
Summer Alexander*, Annie Stone*
Thoughts, comments, ideas?
Contact Chatter at
Need Chatter Digitally?
Chatter is on the web at

The thing about Band Aids is that they remind you about a boo-boo even if the boo-boo doesnt

hurt and even if the boo-boo is completely healed. They protect and heal, but they also remind. My daughter wears hers as badges of great valor. These were her wounds from a smoky war, and she emerged the
princess. If Im honest, sometimes its nice to have a visible Band Aid every once in a while too, whether
its an actual Band Aid or some other outward symbol of the courage and effort with which I am engaging
life. Look at her, people would say, look at her being so awesome despite that paper cut.

And when the sulphur haze of my self-absorption

has dissipated just long enough for me to glance at
God, it seems he is more interested in the assignment at hand than the appearance of bravery.
But still, its nice to appear brave.
Nicer still to actually BE brave.
Im not entirely sure whats going on in the passage
of Joshua 1, when Moses has died and the people
of Israel are on the cusp of the Promised Land.
The mantel of leadership has fallen on to Joshua,
whose task is not small: cross the Jordan and take
the land. Three times, God says the words, Be
strong and courageous. Its almost like the chorus
of an instructional song God is singing in his ear.
For emphasis, he says it a fourth time in different,
contrasting words: Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with
you wherever you go.
Something tells me Joshua had some insecurity.

Are you a media socialite?

Like Chatter on Facebook. Its so likeable.
*Most beloved and indispensable
Chatter Volunteer.

And this trepidation seems to have been apparent

to the people as well, because at the end of his big
speech announcing The Plan, they say, in effect,
Were with you, Joshua! Only be strong and courageous! They echo Gods words right back to him.

The bigger the self, the bigger the fear. The bigger
the pride, the bigger the weakness.
Henry Ward Beecher, the famous abolitionist
and clergyman of the 19th century, wrote, The
sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers,
but for the wide worlds joy. If youre being asked
to complete a daunting assignment, it might be
a comfort to remember that God grants strength
and courage not only for our own solace but also
because theres a greater redemption narrative
in play. His reputation, his glory, his renown are
up for universal review, and the joy of the world
hangs in the balance. Its about big beauty, not
brave little efforts.
How do we begin to let him do this? How does
God overcome our wounds and weaknesses to
complete the work?
Im not sure I know, exactly, but I think it has to
do with little steps, one rocky shoreline at a time.
We pick our way gingerly and with great surrender,
and then little joys, little victories, maybe a few
big ones, until the Promised Land.

Baby steps to the platform, Joshua. Baby steps

to the microphone. Baby steps to the cool, rocky
shore of the Jordan River.
Im pretty sure Joshua wasnt brave. Im also pretty
sure he didnt APPEAR brave. He wasnt even
admonishing the people to be brave, as a good
leader should. They were cheering HIM on from
the cheap seats.









In most scary life endeavors, Im battling what

Joshua battled: the temptation to believe the assignment is up to me, and that God might not go
with me every step of the way. I must force my life
into submission. I must muddle through, somehow.
I, I, I. Me, me, me. I fall into the trap described by
J.I. Packer: Christian minds have been conformed
to the modern spirit: the spirit, that is, that spawns
great thoughts of man and leaves room for only
small thoughts of God.

The Band-Aid was invented in 1920 by
Johnson & Johnson employee Earle Dickson for his wife Josephine, who frequently
cut and burned herself while cooking.

Chatter | 3

Cristian Barbosu

Cristian Barbosu and the fight for hearts in Romania

The church meets in a renovated strip club/gambling hall.

ven from blocks away, we heard the horrible sound. The wandering group of singing drunkards had us running outside at
midnight to see what was worthy of such
an off-key hullabaloo. IBC Missions Pastor,
Brent McKinney, and I had been in Romania
just a few hours. We were visiting (and staying
with) IBCs long-term mission partners, the
Barbosu family. We knew ministry in Romania
was difficult, but we never expected meandering inebriated gypsies to be part of the
challenge. When we saw that the group had
broken into the Barbosus yard, we both froze
in trepidation.
We cautiously crept around the house. Twenty
of the singers stood like a makeshift choir
facing a shocked Barbosu family. They wore
hats, tooted on horns, rang cowbells and carried an ample supply of foodstuff. As they
broke into Happy Birthday in Romanian, we
knew this was no ordinary crowd.
The elders and wives of Harvest Metanoia
Church had arrived to celebrate the birthday of
their beloved pastor, Cristian. As the cake and
head cheese sausage (you dont want to know)
was passed around, we started to understand
the spirit of this extraordinary church community. But to fully understand Harvest Metanoia, you must know the unbelievable story of
Cristian Barbosu.
Cristian was born during the reign of one
of the modern worlds bloodiest dictators,
Nicolae Ceauescu. As General Secretary of
the Romanian Communist Party (1967 1989)
Ceauescu ruled with an iron fist. His brutality
knew no limits. Under Ceauescus ego-driven
reign, Romania suffered dire food and fuel

Chatter | 4

In Romania today, over 88% of the

population identifies as Christian.

shortages, and her people lived under some of

the worst living standards in Europe at that
time. With strict control of speech and the
media, Ceauescu tolerated zero opposition.
His secret police had absolute autonomy to
terrorize and murder any citizens who were
perceived as a threat. Many of those threats
were Christians whom the government looked
upon as both dangerous and devious because
they believed Christ was their Lord, even above
the government. Churches, if allowed to operate at all, were under the close eye of the government. Even today, most Romanians over the
age of 30 know of someone who was martyred
for their faith during the years of persecution.
This was the cruel, confused world into which
Cristian arrived.
Although he was born into a non-Christian
family, Cristian was raised by loving, godly
grandparents. Occasionally, he visited a small
local church, but it was not until he had a
supernatural and unexpected encounter with
God that he began to follow Jesus. A friend of
his invited him on a camping retreat. Cristian
loved nature, so he jumped at the chance for
an escape. One afternoon he sat overlooking
a beautiful landscape from atop a mountain,
when his friend read from Romans 1.
For what can be known about God is plain
to them, because God has shown it to them.
Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long
and thoughtful look at what God has created,
people have always been able to see what their
eyes as such cant see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of His divine being. So
nobody has a good excuse (vs. 19-20).

freedom in Christ to be a foundational part of their

community. By an incredible turn of events, the
church ended up renovating and moving into a former strip club/gambling hall. Amazingly, the prodigals began to return to this very different church.
Brent and I worshipped in the building a few times,
and the redemption of the space and its parishioners was palpable. HMC is alive and well, both
on radio and TV. The church is growing quickly as
people come back home to Jesus.
A worship service at HMC

In that moment, Cristians heart was opened to a

truth that years of communist indoctrination had
denied. There was a good God who created vast
beauty for mankind. To deny him was no longer
possible for Cristian. The young man who climbed
a mountain as a skeptic came down the same
mountain as a Christ-follower.
Like all the Romanian young people of his generation, Cristian was required to join the military
after high school. Because he was now known as a
believer, Cristian was sent to a labor camp. These
were trying months, but Cristian found strength in
God that he had never had before.
All of the labor camps and army units had a yearly
contest. Each unit submitted one person as a
representative to perform either a song or poem

By the end of 1989, shortly after the fall of

the Berlin Wall, Romania burst into revolution,
and Nicolae Ceauescu was running for his
life. On Christmas, the now captured Ceauescu
and his wife went before a military tribunal and
were executed for their crimes of genocide. The
world in which Cristian had grown up was swept
away overnight.
It was then that Cristian became a border guard.
During that time, he met a couple of people coming
into Romania to bring the gospel to the wounded
nation. This meeting led to a miraculous opportunity for Cristian to come to the United States,
where he would attend and graduate from Moody
Bible College, meet his beautiful French wife,
Anne, and move to Dallas to go to seminary at DTS.
While in Dallas, his family started attending Irving
Bible Church.
In 1999, as little Barbosu babies were starting to
appear, the family returned to Romania to pastor.
A two-year stint back in the states to complete
his PhD flew by before Cristian and
his family returned to pastor in
Arad, a town of 165,000 people that
sits in western Romania near the
Hungarian border.



that praised the glory of Ceauescu. Cristian had

the performance muse and a deep bass voice, so
he was chosen to represent the labor camp. Not
wanting to sing the praises of the dictator, Cristian
prayed for wisdom. His performance piece was a
dramatic poem about a national Romanian hero.
He ended up winning the national competition,
which gave him opportunities beyond his imagination, especially the chance to hone his public
speaking into a finely tuned instrument.

The original Berlin Wall was a 100mile long wire fence put up in less
than 24 hours. It stood for 3 years.

Romanians were ripe for the harvest,

but an old insidious enemy had reestablished its stronghold amongst the
churches: bull-dogged legalism. For a
few years, the Barbosu family tried to
serve within institutional churches.
Eventually it became apparent that the system,
though dying, was not going to change. People who
had lived under the iron fist of communism did not
want to live under the iron fist of spiritual legalism.
They began to flee like prodigals.
In 2013, the Barbosu family took the biggest risk
of their lives, launching the independent Harvest
Metanoia Church. It was established as a contemporary, relationship-based fellowship that allowed

But this growth is not without a significant cost.

Pioneering this lively church inevitably leads to
the stepping on of legalistic toes. There is widespread envy, both amongst the Orthodox Church
and the legalistic Baptists, of the progress of HMC
in Arad. The Barbosu family and their church leaders regularly endure slanderous public attacks, including the boycotting of church-sponsored events
throughout the country. As Cristian and Anne
recall their stories of these attacks, Brent and I
witnessed the pain that sits close to the surface.
But their trust is in the One who knew what it was
to be slandered, lied about, beaten and crucified.
He walked through it himself, and he is walking
with them through their dark moments.
On Easter morning, before the sun peeked over
the Arad horizon, we gathered in a park near an
old government building used during the reign of
Ceauescu. A hundred members of the church
gathered to quietly sing hymns of celebration and
thanksgiving for Christs sacrifice. We each lit
a candle, the only illumination as far as our eyes
could see.
As we sang and prayed, I could not help but
think of those martyred, in this very building,
for their faith only a few years prior. I prayed for
my new friends: for Cristian, Anne and their
wonderful children. I asked God to give the elders and members of the church the strength to
remember the great sacrifice of those who went
before them. I asked God to add to the church daily,
and to protect the church from harm from those
outside the church, and more so, from those within
the church. And I thanked God for this Romanian
family who we, as IBC, have had a chance to support, love and befriend.

Shawn Small secretly wants to be a vampire hunter.

Since there are no vampires, he is a bargain hunter.
Shawn Small is an avid adventurer, author, pilgrim, husband, and
father of three. He is the founder of Wonder Voyage Missions and
Boundless Expeditions. You can catch more of Shawns mental
gymnastics at

This year marks the U.K.s third largest wheat harvest on record.

Chatter | 5

Still Giving Thanks

It was the last day of the trauma and healing conference in Goma,
Democratic Republic of Congo. After five emotional days of teaching, listening, laughing, and crying with 100 women, we ended with taking turns sharing
what the Americans and Congolese learned from one another. A few of the Congolese women went first, sharing stories you wouldnt believe. Sentiments of faith
and hope spilled out of their lips despite their experiences with war and suffering.
While I was listening, wide-eyed, I was also thinking to myself, What in the world
will I say? How can a few sentences honor what these beautiful, resilient women
have taught me?
My name is Lindsey Sobolik, I am a 20-something who has been going to IBC
most of my life. In April, I had the honor of going to theDemocratic Republic of
Congo, also known as the rape capital of the world. I traveled to the city of Goma
with four other IBCers Kevin Dial, Barb Haesecke, Mary Hyndman, and Marsha
Romanowski to host a Trauma and Healing Conference with ALARM (African Leadership and Reconciliation Ministry), funded by the generous giving of
Women at IBC.

Women during praise

and worship

Whenever someone asks me about our trip to Congo, even six months later, I still
find myself speechless in that moment. Its been a challenge to put the trip into
words, but as we enter into the season of Thanksgiving, I realize how much my first
trip to Africa has left me with deep gratefulness and a new way of seeing the world.

Our family photo, taken outside of the church

Chatter | 6

About 100 Congolese women

attended the Trauma and
Healing Conference this year.


The African culture in general places a high value on community, which was evident from the very first days of the conference an openness and willingness to
go through the pain and struggle of healing together, as if in one unit. The women
lamented and cried not separately, but together. And, in the next breath, they worshiped God through song and dance together. They even addressed conflict within
the room together, in front of everyone.
In 2002, volcano Nyiragongo erupted
in Goma, leaving hundreds of
thousands of people homeless.

Before the final day of the conference,

we had asked each woman to pick up
a rock on her journey home that represented the emotional burdens she
carries and bring it the next day to lay
before the massive cross at the front
of the church. When the time came,
the women stepped forward together
in a single wave bold, expectant,
even joyful not as individuals but
as a group. Rarely, if ever, have I seen
such a sense of emotional, spiritual,
and physical unity in a gathering. The
women were regal. Courageous. They
taught me that we can be Jesus to one
another simply by being present with
each other. Its that simple.
I know it is a clich to be thankful for
family this time of year, but really
Congo has caused me to look at family
in an entirely different way. I come
from a very close and unified family, which wasnt the case for many
women at the conference. Many were
separated from their families due to
their countrys 15-year war. Numerous women could relate to conference
attendee Furaha, who shared that she
witnessed the murder of her family
before her eyes at the hands of the rebels. Other women had been abandoned
by husbands and families when their
HIV/AIDS was discovered.
After hearing such heartbreaking
stories, I lamented to myself, Why am
I here? There is no way I can help. The
situation seemed hopeless. But that
is not the way that the Spirit sees
things; that is not the way that our
God operates.
Something amazing took place during
those five days of sitting in a little
one-room church. As our team shared
our own stories of brokenness with
the women, and then in turn encouraged them to do the same, something
happened. We were bound together.
We all felt seen. We all felt loved. We
all felt accepted. On the last day, our
beloved translator, Esperance said,
Its time to take the family picture!
There we were a family. From a slew
of women with broken families came
a sense of mutual adoption into Gods
family the family of Christ, bound
together by the Name of Jesus and the
shed blood of Jesus. We were siblings,
despite culture and experience.

unlike myself, who has plenty of shiny,

sparkly things to distract me. Despite
their own stories of loss, abandonment,
and trauma, my ALARM friends model a strength and hope that inspires
and challenges me.

IBC Congo Team (left to

right): Mary, Kevin, Barb,
Lindsey, and Marsha

This connection went even past our

team. The Congolese women felt
connected to the IBC community
YOU as well. When we introduced
ourselves the first day, we told them
there were hundreds of people praying
for them back home. Their ears perked
up. Multiple times that week they said,
We know that God has not forgotten
us because you are here and there are
others praying for us back in America.
Their emphasis on the importance of
community, even community in Irving,
TX (one they have never met), blew
my mind. Their voices rang of Pauls
words in 2 Corinthians 7:5-7 where he
thanks his friends for sending Titus,
who told of their ardent concern for
him, so that his joy was greater than
ever. Like Paul, the Congolese women
felt overwhelmed by the concern you
expressed for them, IBC. Thank you
for the joy you have brought into their
lives by your prayers and generosity.
Our team has the privilege of keeping
in touch with the ALARM staff in Congo. I wish so much that you could know
them. They are heroes of the faith in
my book. Whenever I read of Moses,
Abraham, and Noah, I also think of
Marie Jeanne (Congo Director), Theo,
Moise, Fabrice and our translator,
Esperance. Why? Because they are
sacrificing the comfort of their lives
for the sake of the Gospel and for the
love and hope of their people. As many
others have done, they could choose to
leave their war- torn country, but they
stay, much like Moses, who chose to
be mistreated along with the people of
God rather than to enjoy the fleeting
pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25).
In their emails to us, Marie Jeanne
and her team continually point us to
heaven. Recently, Esperance urged,
Lindsey, lets keep sustaining each
other, for the Lord is coming. They
long for heaven because this earth has
been hellish for them in many ways

My team was so touched by their

words in an email recently: As believers, the time is coming when we will
stay together forever without any kind
of suffering, without any need.. Our
prayer is that our rooms and yours
be close in Heaven. Now that I have
family that is far away and experiencing pain and war, I have a new hope
and longing for heaven, where we
will be reunited with one another and
God, where all will be made right, and
where suffering will be no more.
Until that day, I look forward to (Lord
willing) being able to visit Goma again.
The Congolese told us that not many
people come to Congo, and fewer
return, which sadly communicates
that they are unwanted or forgotten.
But I live with the hope that I will visit
them again and remind them that they
are not forgotten, and that God, and
his people at IBC remember them. Im
grateful for so much this time of year,
but I am especially thankful and proud
to be a part of a community at IBC,
where we continue to stand by our
brothers and sisters in Congo.

In Czech, Lindsey Soboliks last

name means Mountain beast.
Lindsey is one of IBCs graphic designers and
intrepid Chatter designers. Shes also a lovely
illustrator and hand-lettering artist. (Remember
the Fully Alive Town Square window installation this past Easter?)





Tour of Tables begins at 5:45 P.M.

IBC, Town Square and Worship Center

At the Christmas Dinner youll enjoy

a delicious meal, unique tablescapes,
and an exceptional concert featuring
worship recording artist, Meredith
Andrews. All raffle proceeds will be
used to empower women in Africa.
Whats not to love? Invite the special
women in your life and make plans
now to attend. Tickets will be sold
every Sunday in November after
each service.

$20 per person before Nov. 11

$25 per person on or after Nov. 11
Register: Online registration is
not available. Tickets will be sold
every Sunday in November after
each service.
Questions? Visit
women or contact Jennifer at

recording artist,

Meredith Andrews

ALARM Staff Member, Theo, and our

translator, Esperance

Watch for a letter of

encouragement from the
Congo ALARM team this
month in eLetter!

Conference topics included Forgiveness,

Why We Tell Our Stories, HIV/AIDS
Education, and Shame and Guilt.

Chatter | 7

Rhianna Doran // Baptized Sept 7, 2013

Over the past year at IBC, over 64 men,
women, teens and children have been
baptized. Baptism is an outward symbol of
the inner reality that a person has placed
his or her faith in Jesus death on the cross
and resurrection from the dead. Baptism is
an important step in the Christian life, one
that serves as a persons public profession
of faith. Everyone who gets baptized at IBC
has a personal testimony of faith to share.
Here is one of many.

y name is Rhianna Doran. I am 20 years old and am attending Nursing School

at TWU-Dallas. Last fall, I wanted to be baptized! Growing up, I was raised in a
Catholic Church. As time went on, I was the only one in my family who wanted to continue to pursue faith except for my grandfather, that is. My grandfather was always my
inspiration; he lived life as a servant to others, giving his heart and soul to better those in
need, while asking nothing in return. He passed away from Leukemia when I was in 8th
grade. I was heartbroken, but at that point I knew he would have wanted me to be strong
and continue my walk with The Lord.
When I went away to college at Texas Tech, I was surrounded by an incredible Christian
community. I felt a sense of belonging and love that I never did from my own family. They
were the Christian family I had always prayed to have. Then, when I moved back home
for Nursing School, I challenged myself to read the entire Bible in 90 days. Through this
journey, I truly understood what patience, obedience, and unfailing love meant. In the
midst of this process, I felt like The Lord was laying it on my heart to be baptized.
To me, baptism is a way of claiming my faith in front of the world. It gives me an even
higher accountability to be persistent in pursuing my relationship with Christ daily, and
encourages me to proclaim my faith more boldly because my father is still an unbeliever. My baptism gives me hope that I will be a light to my father and my family, so that they
can experience the same fulfilling joy, love, and purpose I have received.
I am beyond thankful and blessed that The Lord has given me a soul and heart to follow
him. I will continue to aspire to be a light in the lives I touch. I know that my Heavenly
Father and my grandfather will always be there watching over me, and encouraging me
to do so!










Chatter | 8

To read the Bible in 90 days, a person would have to read an average

of 300 verses every day.

At 1,839 acres, Texas Tech is the

second-largest contiguous campus
in the United States.

The next baptism at IBC will be

February 15. A mandatory
orientation will be held Jaunary 11.
for more info.


Stephanie Suire sits down with Buzz Moody, a champion for mental
health at IBC, for the why and how of her evolving ministry.


ealing with a family member who is suffering from mental illness

can bring out a range of emotions; shame, fear, guilt, isolation,
confusion and exhaustion, just to name a few. As someone who
lost her father to depression and suicide 20 years ago, I rode the
roller coaster of these emotions during my teenage years. At the
time, my family did not have the knowledge or resources to provide my dad with
the medical support and treatment he needed. After a close family member was
diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder about 6 years ago, my mother-in-law enrolled
in a NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) class at IBC which was taught
by Buzz Moody.

co-founded Grace Alliance ( and created

recovery support programs for those dealing with mental illness, and then they
started conducting many seminars and training sessions to equip the church
to respond to mental health issues. Joe and Matt also understand that family
plays a very important role in recovery, so they created a faith-based curriculum to allow family members to lead support groups, which are called Grace
Groups. The other groups they developed are the Living Grace Group (a peer
support group for individuals suffering with mental health issues) and the Living Hope Group, for those who have experienced trauma and or dealing
with PTSD.

Recently I sat down over coffee with Buzz, a member of IBC who also knows
what it is like to care for a mentally ill family member. When her daughter was
diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder (Schizophrenia plus Bipolar Disorder)
and Anxiety Disorder as a teenager, Buzz became an advocate for her, researching facilities, medications, treatment options and asking questions to get her the
proper care she needed. For the past 12 years, Buzz has taught others how to care
for their family members affected by mental illness through NAMI classes and
Grace Groups at IBC.

I am currently teaching a Family Grace Group at IBC that meets every other
week. The group is designed to be educational. We teach practical tools to improve relationships with our loved ones living with a mental illness.

STEPHANIE SUIRE Buzz, you started teaching NAMI at IBC 12 years ago.

Tell me a little more about why you got involved with NAMI, what the class
involves and how it has affected you.

BUZZ MOODY After my youngest daughter was diagnosed, I learned so much

from attending NAMI ( that I decided to get certified to teach the
course. NAMI is a detailed, in-depth educational course taught by family
members of those dealing with mental illness. We learn about different types
of mental illness, medications, possible side effects and treatment options. The
class is actually difficult and time consuming to prepare and to teach; and after
being committed to teaching this 12-week course every year, twice a year, I
began to get overloaded and overwhelmed with emails and phone calls in addition to teaching. I began to pray about a way I could still help people and not be
so overloaded.
SS It sounds like a very difficult time. What was on your heart and what did you
want for the future of NAMI?
BM The NAMI class involves a lot of studying, reading, and weekly meetings that last about two hours long. Even though it is mostly being taught in
churches, it is NOT Bible-based. I wanted to expand the curriculum to something Christ-centered, but there was no room in the already busy class and an
alternate curriculum was not available. I knew we needed more leaders. So, I
went to St. Louis for a 4-day weekend and took the course to train more NAMI
teachers. I have trained around 50 more teachers in the metroplex in the last 7
years. We now have 8 or so trained teachers at IBC.
SS How did you get involved with Mental Health Grace Alliance?
BM My friend, Joe Padilla, was doing research and working with Dr. Matt
Stanford to treat mental illness that affected his own family. In 2010, they

Helen Moody was a US tennis

star who dominated the court
in the 20s and 30s.

SS Why have both NAMI and the Grace Groups at IBC?

BM The NAMI Class is a great comprehensive educational course covering

the mental, physical and relational approach to recovery. The Grace Groups
add extra support and are Christ-centered, adding the spiritual dimension of
a person identity with Christ, spiritual growth, and prayer. One of the most
wonderful things I see is that prayer is making a big difference in the lives of
these families. It is amazing! We are creating new believers, strengthening the
faith of believers and supporting each other through a weekly email
prayer chain.

SS I have to ask, how is your daughter? Has she been making any progress with
her treatment?
BM My daughter has been doing very well this past year and is in what mental

health professionals refer to as recovery. She attended one of the Grace Alliance seminars at IBC about a year ago, which was one of the turning points in
her recovery. After the seminar she started attending one of the Living Grace
Groups and now attends IBC worship services regularly. She also lives on her
own and is working towards getting a job. It has been a good year.

In high school, Stephanie Suire performed in the Macys Thanksgiving Parade

not once, but TWICE, and was disappointed to learn that all the musicians lipsych their songs during the parade.
Stephanie is a Petroleum Engineer, Blogger at and freelance writer. She
has been married to Trey for 10 years and they have two kids, Sophia (8) and Tallen (5).

See Hope and Healing (pg. 15) for details on

NAMI and Grace Alliance groups.

St. Louis was named

for Louis IX of France.

Chatter | 9

Tripping through the Chatter image

archives, we came across Rembrandts
Head of Christ (below). It got us thinking,
what would the preeminent artists of IBC
(4&5 year-old pre-kindergarteners)
do when tasked with answering

What does Jesus Look Like?

Now we share the results with you.

I drew Jesus
he is a tiger!

Elizabeth Nims

This is Jesus! He i
bald! My Jesus ha
blue eyes. He likes

Carson Philipp

Chatter | 10

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van

Rijn was a Dutch artist. He lived
from 16061669.

Jesus is tall. He has

long arms. Hes really
tall and really strong.

Collin Ice


I think he has a beard.

He has little feet but
big shoes. He has a
skinny head.

Jeffery Link


The Japanese spider crab has the

greatest leg span of any arthropod,
reaching 12 ft. from claw to claw.

On a typical Sunday,
IBC serves about 125
pre-k children with
50-60 volunteers.

Chatter | 11

do & be:

IBC Holiday Verbs

This is a busy time of year. So much to do. So much to be. To help organize
your iCal and tenderize your soul, weve compiled a run-down of everything at IBC during Thanksgiving and Advent. And dont forget to stop
and smell the pumpkin spice lattes every now and then.

v rb/

noun: verb; plural noun: verbs
I. a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the
main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.

holiday verb


I. anything you do in November or December that is awesome.



November 2-16

November 27, 8-10:30 a.m.,The Commons

thanksgiving meals: an ibc tradition

Fill shopping bags with food for families in need at Thanksgiving. This
years goal: 1,600 bags! This year, you will also have the opportunity to
deliver bags if you would like to our Local Partners. Bag delivery will
take place November 22. A great project for the whole family.
To sign up and to get the shopping list, visit or visit the kiosk on Sundays.

thanksgiving breakfast

If youre alone at Thanksgiving this year, or just want to get your people
together with the IBC family, join us for a great meal as we reflect on
Gods goodness together.
Contact Rod or Karen with questions at (214) 513-2589.

Questions? Contact

Chatter | 12

Reindeer are known as ruminants,

having a four-chambered stomach.
They also, occasionally, wax poetic.



November 27, 12 p.m., The Youth Wing

December 7 & 14, Town Square

recovery eatin meetin

If youve ever considered checking out IBCs Recovery group but have
never taken the next step, the Eatin Meetin is a great way to do it.
Recovery is for those struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups, and
follows a Christ-centered 12-step program.
More info at

Partner Pines

Take time to bless IBCs local and global partners and missionaries
through Christmas giving. On Sunday December 7, ornaments will be
available on trees around Town Square representing needs of each
organization. Please take one (or more), fulfill the request, then return
your gift on the following Sunday, December 14. We will deliver the gifts
the following week.
Cards will also be available if you would like to write a letter of
encouragement to any of our IBC missionaries.
Questions? Contact


Advent Kickoff

Sunday, November 30 (after each service)

Join the IBC family for fun activities in Town Square as we ring
in the season!
Advent Wreath/Calendar ideas, resources station
Cookie decorating station for kids
Live Music

Refreshments (cookies and beverages)


Advent Live

December 11, 7 p.m., The Worship Center/Town Square

A night of story, music, and cheer.Bring your neighbors and join the
IBC family as we anticipate and celebrate the coming of the Savior.
Following the program, cozy up with some coffee and cookies in
Town Square.
This event is free, but please bring laundry soap, dryer sheets, and/or
quarters for IBCs partner, Laundry Love.


Womens Christmas Dinner

Tuesday, December 2, 6-9 p.m., Worship Center and Town Square

Usher in the Christmas season with a delicious meal, unique
tablescapes, and a Christmas concert by worship recording artist,
Meredith Andrews.
Cost: $20 per person before Nov. 11. $25 per person on or
after Nov. 11
Register: Online registration is not available. Tickets will be sold
every Sunday in November after each service.
Questions? Contact Jennifer at

Social smiling begins between 6 and 8 weeks of age.

The name Sing Sing (NYs famous prison)

was derived from the name of a Native
American, Sinck Sinck, from whom the
land for the prison was purchased in 1685.

Chatter | 13







Spiritual Conversations Class

8 a.m.12 p.m. West D

Womens Listen to My Life

Womens Christmas Dinner

This two-day interactive experience helps you to

See ad, pg. 3.

Contact Jason at

recognize God in the midst of your story. Visit for more info.

Mens Mentoring Breakfast 8 a.m.


Join current mentors for breakfast to hear more

about mentoring. RSVP to Marsha at mtribbett@ or (972) 560-4653.


Small Groups Registration Closes

Register at


Single Parent Girl Stuff

9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The Alcove

Partner Pines Begins

Girls, (age 7-14) join us for decorating and filling

See article, pg. 5.

shoeboxes for girls with Operation Christmas Child.

Thanksgiving Meals

RSVP to Marsha at or

Dont Waste Your Summer Luncheon

Fill shopping bags with food for families in need.

(972) 560-4653.

Learn more about student mission trips and Beach

Visit or the kiosk

Camp 2015. Visit

on Sundays. See article, pg. 12. Contact Shannon at


Marriage at IBC with Debby Wade
9 a.m. High School Room

Advent LIVE 7 p.m.

See ad below.



Thanksgiving Breakfast Thursday

8-10:30 a.m. The Commons

Single Parent Christmas Mall

9 a.m.-12 p.m.

All are welcome and breakfast is free. Contact Rod

For kids from single-parent families 5 years and

at (214) 513-2589 with questions.

older, come join us for breakfast, shopping, meeting

NICHE (North Irving Christian Home Educators)

6:30-8:30 p.m.
Visit for more info.

Middle School Fall Retreat

Santa and more. See ad, pg. 17.

David Grant will be talking about the Gospel at Sky

Ranch. Register online at

Recovery Eatin Meetin

12 p.m. Student Ministries area
More info at

The Gathering 7 p.m.
The Commons


Join us for a night of worship as we hear stories from

Advent Kickoff After each service

the lives of Young Adults at IBC. Contact Chris at

Join the IBC family for fun activities in Town Square

as we ring in the season.


High School Winter Retreat
February 13-15
Join us at Sky Ranch. See ad, pg. 17.

Camp KidJam Registration

Open Now
A fun camp experience for current 2nd-5th graders,
July 22-25. See ad, pg. 16.

Young Adults Family Dinner 7 p.m.
Join us for our Thanksgiving Family Dinner. Visit for details and sign up.

November 23, 9 a.m.
in the High School Room

Chatter | 14

Join Marriage at IBC for a special presentation

by Debby Wade, LPC, Licensed Marriage and
Family Therapist, and Certified Sex Therapist.
This presentation is open to all, but space is
limited. This will be a very frank and Christhonoring discussing about sex in the context
of marriage.
Questions? Contact bekah at



Groups on Sunday

9 a.m. The Alcove
The Tree
9 a.m. West D
20s & 30s, married & young families
November: A study on the book
of Hosea.
10:45 a.m. West C
Couples & Families late 20s to 40s
10:45 a.m. The Alcove
All Welcome
On Track
10:45 a.m. Conference Room
Single Parents
10:45 a.m. West D
Singles in their 30s & 40s
10:45 a.m. Training Center
Diverse, all ages and stages.
November: The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul.
Legacy Builders
6:45 p.m. West A
All Welcome

Please visit page 18 for more

Sunday Bible Communities.


Infants Through 5th Grade

Wednesdays, 6:308:15 p.m.
The Zone
Activities, friends, conversations,
and slime. No registration required.



The Living Grace Group

Monday nights, 6:30 p.m.
West B, bi-weekly.
For those with mental illness. Contact
Heath at


Family Grace Group

Monday nights, 6:30 p.m. West A
For families/caregivers of those with
mental illness. Contact Buzz Moody

Small Group for Moms

Sundays, 10:45 a.m.12 p.m.

NAMI Family-to-Family Class

Mondays, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
West C/D
Questions? Contact Joey at joey@ or Debra at

Small Group for Parents

Wednesdays, 6:307:45 p.m.

Stephen Ministry at IBC

One-on-one ministry for hurting
people. Contact stephenministry@ or call (972) 560-4636.
Spousal Abuse Recovery
Questions? Contact Kym at


Growing Together
Pre-Marriage Mentoring

Shelter from the Storm

Sexual abuse support group. or
(214) 725-0898

Contact specialneeds@irvingbible.
org for more info.


Middle/High School and College

Middle School Sundays

Life on Life Sundays
10:30 a.m.12:20 p.m.
Student Ministries area
High School Sundays
Life Groups Sundays, 6:458 p.m.
Student Ministries area

Meals are $3 per person or $10

11/2 Pizza and salad bar
11/9 Beef fajitas and salad bar
11/16 Burgers and brats,

salad bar
11/23 Giant baked potatoes

with all the fixins, salad bar
11/30 No meal. Happy
If youd like to serve on a Sunday
night meal team, contact Pat
OReilly at (214) 289-6176 or

56:20 P.M.

First Watch
Fridays, 6:22 a.m. The Commons
Questions? Contact Jason at


First Watch Replay

Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m.
Training Center

IBC Choir
Wednesdays, 78:30 p.m.
IBC Worship Center
Contact Crystal at

11/12 Baked potatoes with all

the fixins, salad, dessert.

Hosted by Lavern

Howells team.


First Watch Xtra

Wednesday, 6:30 a.m.
Training Center


Recovery at IBC
Thursdays, 6:308:30 p.m.
West Wing Youth Lounge
A group for hurts, habits, and

SonShine Pals and Room

Care during Sunday ministry.

Community and Resources

The Table
Starts November 30
The Living Room
A place to explore Christianity.

Abortion Recovery Counseling

Contact Kym at (972)560-4632 or

In His Image Bible Study

Sundays, 6:307:45 p.m

6 p.m. Town Square

Cost is $3/meal or $10 max./

family. PB&J sandwiches are
also available.

Visit for

more info.

Community Care

Respite Care
November 22


IBC College Ministry

Sundays, 3:30 p.m.
The Commons Annex

Events and Resources


Community & Care

Local and Global

Prayer Meeting
2nd and 4th Wednesdays
6:45-8 p.m. The Chapel
Laundry Love
First Saturday of the month
9 a.m.12 p.m.


Community and Resources

Sit with us on Sunday!

9 a.m. service, lowest right-hand
section, Rows 5 & 6, facing the stage.

Wednesday Nights at IBC

Next Gen Choir

Wednesdays, 5:406:30 p.m.
Contact Crystal at
ESL: English as a Second Language
Wednesdays, 6:308:30 p.m.
AZ17, 18 and 19
FREE Citizenship Class
Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m.
IBC Conference Room
IBC Career Transition Ministry
Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m.


11/5 BBQ chicken, fries, baked

beans, brownies. Hosted

by Bob Downeys team.

11/19 Lasagna, hot breadsticks,

salad, desserts. Hosted by

Mike Gwartneys team.
11/26 No meal.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Changes to the menu may be
made depending on food cost,
availability, and Bob Downeys him.
If youd like to serve on a Wednesday night meal team, please email

Camp KidJam:
Book your spot now!
Camp KidJam is an unforgettable summer getaway for
older elementary students and their Sunday small group
leaders. Dont lose track of time. Sign up early!
Who: Current 2nd-5th graders
Dates: July 22-25
Registration Deadline: March 1, 2015
Cost: $300 (Payment plan available, contact Adrienne at
Camp KidJam makes a great Christmas present!
Register at


Whether you suffer with mental illness or love
someone who does, IBC offers many resources
to help with practical challenges and give hope
for the future.
FAMILY-TO-FAMILY CLASS A 12-week class designed to educate families
and caregivers of those with serious mental illness. Begins January 12,
2015. Contact Joey at
THE LIVING GRACE GROUP A support group for individuals struggling
with the day-to-day challenges of mental illness. Contact: Heath
THE FAMILY GRACE GROUP A support group for caregivers and
families of those suffering with mental illness. Contact: Buzz at

flocking to
small groups.
Small Groups at IBC exist to cultivate deep relationships that advance the kingdom of God in dark places
dark places in our world, in our relationships
and in our hearts. Groups meet weekly in homes to
eat, pray, and learn. The curriculum, based on each
Sundays sermon, invites members to dig deeper into
Scripture and share viewpoints and life experiences.
Group sessions run ten weeks.
Sign-up deadline is December 7.
Session will begin January 4.
For more information, contact Katie Geurin at Register by December 7


for kids in
single-parent families

Saturday, December 13
9 a.m. 12 p.m. in The Commons
An annual tradition, the IBC Christmas
Mall is an event where kids in single-parent
families prepare for Christmas! Kids enjoy
a fabulous breakfast, shop for their parents,
wrap gifts, decorate cards and cookies, and
make an unforgettable Christmas memory.
Everything is free.

Parents, please register your kids online at This event

is for children 5 years and older. Questions? Contact



Get Rich. Every day, we are inundated with get rich

gimmicks that tell us our worth is directly related to
how much money we make. God sees things differently.
Come find out how to be truly rich!

Young Adults at IBC are 20-and-30-somethings

(single or married) who are seeking authentic
community and a place to grow. If youve never
joined us before, wed love to have you. Check
out our upcoming events!
God is working in our young adults to be on-mission right
here in our own backyard. 7 p.m. in The Commons.
FAMILY DINNER November 14 (For details or to RSVP visit
CHRISTMAS PARTY December 11 (For details visit

Contact for info or questions.

Register at Cost is $200.



My Time, Talents & Skills

Mercy House Liaisons
Do you have a heart for single, pregnant women?
Then we have opportunities for you to use your
gifts and talents to support Mercy House, our partner who empowers pregnant women with hope,
help, and a future. Contact Tricia at tkinsman@

Whats the path to getting connected around

here anyway? Were glad you asked. Heres the
process for having your questions answered,
figuring out the IBC story, and, if youre feeling
ready, plugging in. In just five simple steps.

Senior Citizen Volunteers

Do you have a heart for senior citizens? MacArthur
Hills, a neighborhood senior living facility, is in the
process of being completed. IBC will take a tour
of the facility and come up with ideas together.
Contact Tricia at



Medical Professionals Needed

Our weekly medical clinic needs professional health
care providers (MD, PA, FNP) to provide treatment
for our patients. Volunteers serve on a rotating
basis and do not need to serve every week. Contact
Charles at

See that nice person handing out little cards before the
service starts? Yep, shes the one. Grab a worship folder
and find the page with blanks. Tell us a little about yourself
and let us know where youre coming from and how we
can engage with you. Somebody will reach out to you
this week.

Childrens Ministry Leaders

Each Sunday, IBC helps about 800 kids grow in
Christ and connect in community. We are in need of
people of all ages to invest in the next generation
of nursery, preschool, and elementary kids. We have
opportunities for all skill sets. Contact Melody at


So youre kicking the IBC tires? Good! Were so glad youre
here. The Newcomer Gathering is a great opportunity to
meet church leadership, learn what IBC is all about, and
connect with other newbies in a fun, relaxed environment.
Next Newcomer Gathering: January 2015

Safety Team
Do you have a desire to serve and protect others?
Contact Chris Rose at Please
include any credentials and relevant experience.
Mentor Kids in Single-Parent Families
Men and women are needed for gender-specific
mentoring of children from single parent families.
Contact Marsha at
Meal Team Volunteers
IBC makes meals available both Sunday and
Wednesday nights. These fun teams could use
some additional volunteers to serve together. For
Sundays contact
For Wednesdays, contact


All right! Youre feeling the IBC vibe and want to see
where you might get involved. Propel is a 4-week class that
explores the IBC calling and culture, and how your unique
personality and passions fit in. Meet many of our pastors
and directors of ministries at IBC.
Next Propel: January 2015

My Resources


Laundry Soap and Dryer Sheets

Laundry Love is collecting laundry soap and dryer
sheets for their monthly events in Irving. Please
bring these to the Laundry Love box in the donation area by the Training Center. For more info visit or contact
Online Giving Option
If you would find it more convenient to donate to
the ministries of Irving Bible Church online, visit

Want to take a tangible step that demonstrates youre

right at home? Membership follows the Propel experience
and involves a two-week class where youll get the skinny
on IBCs core governing beliefs and operational policies,
plus the opportunity to share your own faith story.
Next Membership Meeting: February 2015


Youre firing on all cylinders but something is missing.
And that something is a someone, or a group of someones.
Enter IBC sermon-based small groups. Groups are made
up of 12 people or fewer and meet weekly in homes to
discuss Sundays message. IBC Small Groups are a place
to connect authentically with others.
Next Small Group Signup Deadline: December 7


(If you dont see them just yet, hold on. Theyll be available soon.)

Chatter | 18

There are almost 900,000 active

physicians in the U.S. (

The Idle Gobble

A26 Thursday, November 22, 2012


Rest Assured that the great Turkey Nation

is indeed a mere subset of the U.S. of A.
Dear Dexter Is it true that turkey


Dear Dexter How long should I let my

turkey thaw?

April Schaurs, Las Colinas, TX

Dear April Theres a reason youll

never find a velvet painting of turkeys playing poker being sold from
the back of an old Econoline behind
the Stripes gas station. My fellow
members of Meleagris gallopavo are
notoriously aloof. Cold. Frigid to family and stranger alike. The best way to
crack their frosty-feathered shells of
solitude is to slowly integrate them
into the daily routine of your family.
Give them a seat at the dinner table.
Include them in family Boggle night.
Entrust them with the care of your infant triplets whilst you and your dear
hubs enjoy a well-deserved night at the
Olive Garden. Soon your noble guest
will be as warm and delightful as your
Pomeranian used to be before the turkey arrived and pecked his way up the
pecking order.

Dear Dexter Do turkeys really gobble?

James Beauregard, Rockwall, TX

Dear Jimbo Only when succeeded by

up and in regards to pie.


Dear Dexter My son says his teach-

er says that turkeys cant fly. Is she a

lying liar?

Tom Trueblood, The Colony, TX

Dear Tom First, great name. Second,

yes, your sons teacher is full of beans.

And not the tasty baked kind that have
been in the slow cooker for three days
with ample amounts of brown sugar,
secret sauce and bacon. Im talking
lima beans. Turkeys can certainly fly,
although we often have trouble getting through security without a TSA

Dear Dexter Turkey is increasingly

becoming a geopolitical hotspot. How

can we be certain the goals of Turkey
align with those of the United States?
Martin Forty-Five Colt, Ft. Worth, TX

Dear Martin I appreciate the respect

with which you treat my species vis-vis the capital T. Rest assured that
the great Turkey Nation is indeed a
mere subset of the U.S. of A. and are
as American and freedom-loving as
anyone not named Alec Baldwin.

makes people tired? Id hate for my

guests to fall asleep before I bring out
the baked Alaska.
Judith Snoodlefort, Highland Park, TX

Dear Snoodles The idea that turkeys

make people groggy is an old wives

tale first promulgated by Albany (NY)
Society of Ducks, Geese and Assorted
Waterfowl in the 1798 autumn edition of their quarterly newsletter The
Honky-Quacker Gazette. While it is
true that turkeys are naturally taciturn
(see previous question), they can become quite chatty even witty when
plied with corn. Assuming the corn has
been turned into mash that has been
turned into whiskey.

Dear Dexter Jell-O salad or beet


Angela Spoonwhiffer, Garland, TX

Dear Ang Chinese takeout.

Dear Dexter Should I serve red or

white wine with turkey?

Betsy Tipples, Irving, TX

Dear Betsy I appreciate your desire

to be a good hostess and serve what

your guests will appreciate most. But,
in the aftermath of the Great Vegas
Gobbledown in March 2013, turkeys
neither drink nor dance. Consider us
the Baptists of Birdland. Except we
love casseroles, so throw in a hint of

Dear Dexter What are you most

thankful for this year?

Ainsworth Wentworth, University Park, TX

Dear Doubleworth Stretch and Arm-

strong, my ostrich bodyguards.


Dear Dexter Whats the story behind


Andy McQuitty, Irving, TX

Dear Andy Beginning with the rise

of the Medici family in Florence,

Italy, the Butterballs were the most
prominent family of gobblers in the
civilized world, claiming vast stretches
of roadside shoulders, medians, and
other somewhat public and often dangerous green spaces stretching from
the old Ottoman Empire to, eventually,
the New World as far west as Bakersfield, California. Why they stopped in
Bakersfield is anyones guess, but historians, who are often an inebriated
lot, speculate that the Butterballs may
have run afoul (sorry) of the Hells Angels. In any case, the clan definitely angered the powerful Poultry Pentaverate
Nikolai Tysonivich, Esther Church,
The Queen, Argus Popeye Doyle and
The Colonel (Sanders) who continue
to exact their revenge to this very day.
The results of which can be found at
your neighborhood Tom Thumb, assuming youre the morbid type.

Dear Dexter Brown gravy or white?

Jules McStarchison, Arlington, TX

Dear Jules Dont be racist.

DEAR DEXTER For the second time in three years, we yield the Idle

Chatter floor to the fowl-based wisdom the honorable Dexter P. Turklesworth. Mr. Turklesworth, who comes from a line of turkey both literal and
metaphorical dating back to colonial times, will answer questions regarding Thanksgiving, avian preparedness and geopolitics.

Jason Fox believes in the power of positive pumpkin pies.

Jason writes from Omaha, Nebraska. No, really.

Chatter | 19

Pat Downey and Chatter take a walk in

Clew Bay (with the tide out) in front of
Stoneys Castle, County Mayo, Ireland.

Chatteryou CAN take it with you. Send us

your Chatter photos on location, and you may
see yourself in an upcoming issue. Email us

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