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1. Show the relation of output and input voltage of the following circuit is

Figure 1 The Differentiator

2. Show the relation of output and input voltage of the following circuit is

Figure 2 The Integrator

1. Inverting Amplifier
The configuration and pin diagram of the opamp is given Figure 3.

Figure 3 The LM741 opamp pin diagram and schematic

a. Build the circuit shown in Figure 4. Ri=1k and Rf=10k. Dont

forget to connect pin 4 to -15 V and and pin 7 to +15 V. Do not turn
on the supply yet. You can leave pin 1,5, and 8 unconnected.

Figure 4 The Inverting Amplifier

b. Switch on the power supply and apply different voltages in the

range 0- 1.5V in steps of 0.2 V at the inverting terminal (Vin). Pay
attention to give input from the inverting input.
c. Measure the corresponding output voltages with the multimeter
and calculate gain Vo/Vin. Note the sign of the output voltage.
d. Give a sinusoidal input to the amplifier using the function generator.
Apply 1 kHz, 0.5 Vpp sine wave and observe the output with
oscilloscope. Plot input and output waveforms and calculate the
gain. What is the phase shift between input and output waveforms?
e. Increase the amplitude of the sine wave and observe when there is
clipping. Write the amplitude when you see the clipping and explain
the reason in the report.
2. Noninverting Amplifier
a. Build the circuit shown in Figure 5. R1=10k and R2=1k. Dont
forget to connect pin 4 to -15 V and and pin 7 to +15 V. Do not turn
on the supply yet. You can leave pin 1,5, and 8 unconnected.

Figure 5 The Noninverting Amplifier

b. Switch on the power supply and apply different voltages in the

range 0- 1.5V in steps of 0.2 V at the inverting terminal (Vin). Pay
attention to give input from the noninverting input.
c. Repeat step c,d,e from the first part.
3. Differentiator
a. Build the circuit shown in Figure 6. Take R=5k and C=0.1F. Dont
forget to connect pin 4 to -15 V and and pin 7 to +15 V. Do not turn
on the supply yet. You can leave pin 1,5, and 8 unconnected.

Figure 6 The Differentiator

b. Apply 500Hz, 0.5 Vpp triangular wave from the input. Observe the
output with oscilloscope. Plot input and output waveforms.
c. Add DC offset to the input signal, is there any change on the output
signal? Why?
4. Integrator
a. Build the circuit shown in Figure 7. R=5k and C=0.1F. Dont forget
to connect pin 4 to -15 V and and pin 7 to +15 V. Do not turn on the
supply yet. You can leave pin 1,5, and 8 unconnected.

Figure 7 The Integrator

b. Apply 60Hz, 0.5 Vpp square wave from the input. Observe the
output with oscilloscope. Plot input and output waveforms.
c. Change the function generator back to a sine wave input, sweep
frequency from 100Hz to 100kHz and observe the change of the
gain with frequency.

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