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Problem solving ideas

For cracking exams


Place value and face value of numbers

Place value is the value of the number multiplied with its place in a digit
Eg: consider 25,436
In the above example the place value of 4 can be calculated by
Value of no X place if the no
4 X 100 = 400
Face value of the number is given by the value of the no itself.
From the above example the face value of 4 is 4.


Natural numbers: counting from 1, 2, 3, 4……

Even numbers: a number divisible by 2. 2, 4, 6, 8,
Odd numbers: a number not divisible by 2. 1, 3, 5, 7,
9, 11………
Prime numbers: a number greater than 1 and having
exactly two factors

(Numbers less than 100)

To Find Unit’s Digit in a Product

If it’s a simple multiplication,

Just multiply only last digit of all
Eg: 457 X 984 X 562
Just multiply (7 X 4 X 2) = 56
Hence the last digit is 6.
If it’s of the powers,
Bring down the value of the powers to least number say 1 add multiply with
the remaining digits
Eg: 3^67
Unit digit in 3^4 = 1
Hence, 3^64 = 1. And 3^67 = (1 X3 X 3 X3) =7
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