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Apartheid Pr Nelson Mandela

O Apartheid foi um regime de segregao racial de 1948 a 1994 por todos os
governos do Partido Nacional na frica do Sul, onde os direitos da grande maioria dos
habitantes foi negado pelo governo formado pela minoria branca.
A segregao racial na frica do Sul teve incio ainda no perodo colonial, mas
o apartheid foi introduzido como poltica oficial aps as eleies de 1948. A nova
legislao dividia os habitantes em grupos raciais ("negros", "brancos", "de cor", e
"indianos"), dividindo at as reas onde moravam. A partir de finais da dcada de 1970,
os negros foram privados de sua cidadania, tornando-se legalmente cidados de uma
das dez ptrias tribais autnomas chamadas de Bantustes mais o governo j havia
segregado a sade, a educao e outros servios pblicos, fornecendo aos negros
servios inferiores aos dos brancos.
O apartheid trouxe muita violncia e um movimento de resistncia interna que
s crescia. Reformas no regime durante a dcada de 1980 no conseguiram conter o
aumento da oposio, e em 1990, o presidente Frederik Willem de Klerk iniciou
negociaes para acabar com o apartheid , o que culminou com a realizao de
eleies multirraciais e democrticas em 1994, que foram vencidas pelo Congresso
Nacional Africano, sob a liderana de Nelson Mandela.
Como vocs puderam ver, as pessoas no estavam satisfeitas com o governo
na poca, muitas revoltas e protestos, era pssimo no ser Branco na frica antes do
Nelson Mandela.

The Apartheide was a regime of racial segregation from 1948 (thousand nine
hundred and forty eight) to 1994 (thousand nine hundred and ninety four) for all the
governments of National Party in South Africa, where the rights of the inhabitants' great
majority were denied by the government formed by the white minority.
The racial segregation in South Africa still had beginning in the colonial period,
but the apartheid was introduced as official politics after the elections of 1948 (thousand
nine hundred and forty eight). The new legislation divided the habitants in racial groups
(black ", white ", " of color ", and " Indian "), dividing until the areas where lived. Starting
from ends of the decade of 1970 (thousand nine hundred and seventy), the blacks were
private of your citizenship, becoming legally citizens of one of the ten homelands
autonomous tribal calls of " Bantustes " more the government had already segregated
the health, the education and other public services, supplying the blacks inferior services
to the of the whites.
The apartheid brought a lot of violence and a resistance movement interns that
only grew. Reforms in the regime during the decade of 1980 didn't get to contain the
increase of the opposition, and in 1990 (thousand nine hundred and ninety), the
president " Frederik Willem of Klerk " began negotiations to end with the apartheid, what
culminated with the accomplishment of multiracial and democratic elections in 1994, that
they were due for the African National Congress, under Nelson Mandela leadership.
Like you they could see, the people werent at that time satisfied with the
government, many riot and protests, it was terrible not to be White in the frica before
Nelson Mandela.

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