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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

ADSL technology is asymmetric. It allows more bandwidth downstream from
an NSPs central office to customer site than upstream from the subscriber to the central
office. This asymmetry companied with always-on access which eliminates call setup makes
ADSL ideal for Internet surfing, video on demand, and remote LAN access. Uses of this
application typically download much more information than they send.
ADSL transmits more than 6 Mbps to a subscriber, and as much as 640Kbps
more in both directions. Such rate expands existing access capacity by a factor of 50 or more
wit out new cabling. ADSL can literally transform the existing public information network
from one limited to voice, text, and low-resolution graphics to a powerful ubiquitous system
capable of bringing multimedia, including full motion video to every home this century.
ADSL will play a crucial role over the next decade or more as telephone
companies enter new markets for delivery information in video and multimedia formats. New
broadband cabling will take decades to reach all prospective subscribers. Success of these
new services will depend on reaching as many subscribers as possible during the first few
years. By bringing movies, television, video catalogues, remote CD-ROMs, corporate LANs
and the internet into homes and small businesses, ADSL will makes these markets viable and
profitable for telephone company and application suppliers.
ADSL Modem with Built-In 802.11g Wireless Router
RJ45 Ethernet Networking Cable (for connecting the Router to the computer)
RJ11 Phone Line Cord (for connecting the Router to the ADSL line)
ADSL In-Line Filter
Power Supply
Quick Installation Guide
User Manual CD-ROM
Registration Card

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Page 1

A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


ADSL connection
At least one computer with an installed network interface adapter
TCP/IP networking protocol installed on each computer
CAT5 networking cable (or better)
ADSL- (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) -- A method for moving data
over regular phone lines. An ADSL circuit is much faster than a regular phone connection,
and the wires coming into the subscriber's premises are the same (copper) wires used for
regular phone service. An ADSL circuit must be configured to connect two specific locations,
similar to a leased line. A commonly discussed configuration of ADSL would allow a
subscriber to receive data (download) at speeds of up to 1.544 Megabits per second, and to
send (upload) data at speeds of 128 kilobits per second. Thus the Asymmetric part of the
acronym. Another commonly discussed configuration where the connection is always to the
same place
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is a type of DSL. It is a
broadband connection technology which enables computers to connect to each other over
Internet using existing copper wired telephone networks. The main idea of DSL technology is
that it works by splitting the existing telephone line signal into two: one for voice and the
other for data. ADSL is asymmetric as it uses most of the channel to transmit downstream to
the user and only a small part to receive information from the user.
ADSL is a replacement for dial-up modems and ISDN. ADSL technology can work at up to
8Mbps download. The most popular services in the UK currently run at speeds of 512 Kbps,
which 9 times faster than a 56K modem and about 50KB/sec faster than ISDN. Apart from
speed, ADSL connection appears to be always online, so there is no wait to get connected to
the Internet. Finally, phone calls can be made at the same time as the ADSL link is being

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Page 2

A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

Operation would be symmetrical: 384 kilobits per second in both directions.
In theory ADSL allows download speeds of up to 9 megabits per second and upload speeds of
up to 640 kilobits per second. ADSL is often discussed as an alternative to ISDN, allowing
higher speeds in cases currently, most ADSL communication is full-duplex. Full-duplex
ADSL communication is usually achieved on a wire pair by either frequency-division duplex
(FDD), echo-cancelling duplex (ECD), or time-division duplex (TDD). FDD uses two
separate frequency bands, referred to as the upstream and downstream bands. The upstream
band is used for communication from the end user to the telephone central office. The
downstream band is used for communicating from the central office to the end user.


Frequency plan for ADSL Annex A. Red area is the frequency range used by
normal voice telephony (PSTN), the green (upstream) and blue (downstream) areas are used
for ADSL. With commonly deployed ADSL over POTS (Annex A), the band from 26.075
kHz to 137.825 kHz is used for upstream communication, while 138 kHz 1104 kHz is used
for downstream communication. Under the usual DMT scheme, each of these is further
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Page 3

A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

divided into smaller frequency channels of 4.3125 kHz. These frequency channels are
sometimes termed bins. During initial training to optimize transmission quality and speed, the
ADSL modem tests each of the bins to determine the signal-to-noise ratio at each bin's
frequency. Distance from the telephone exchange, cable characteristics, interference from
AM radio stations, and local interference and electrical noise at the modem's location can
adversely affect the signal-to-noise ratio at particular frequencies. Bins for frequencies
exhibiting a reduced signal-to-noise ratio will be used at a lower throughput rate or not at all;
this reduces the maximum link capacity but allows the modem to maintain an adequate
connection. The DSL modem will make a plan on how to exploit each of the bins, sometimes
termed "bits per bin" allocation.




Those bins
that have a

good signal-

to-noise ratio

(SNR) will

be chosen to transmit signals chosen from a greater number of possible encoded values (this
range of possibilities equating to more bits of data sent) in each main clock cycle. The
number of possibilities must not be so large that the receiver might incorrectly decode which
one was intended in the presence of noise. Noisy bins may only be required to carry as few as
two bits, a choice from only one of four possible patterns, or only one bit per bin in the case
of ADSL2+, and very noisy bins are not used at all. If the pattern of noise versus frequencies
heard in the bins changes, the DSL modem can alter the bits-per-bin allocations, in a process
called bits wap where bins that have become more noisy are only required to carry fewer bits
and other channels will be chosen to be given a higher burden. The data transfer capacity the
DSL modem therefore reports is determined by the total of the bits-per-bin allocations of all
the bins combined. Higher signal-to-noise ratios and more bins being in use gives a higher
total link capacity, while lower signal-to-noise ratios or fewer bins being used gives a low
link capacity. The total maximum capacity derived from summing the bits-per-bins is
reported by DSL modems and is sometimes termed sync rate. This will always be rather
misleading, as the true maximum link capacity for user data transfer rate will be significantly
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

lower; because extra data are transmitted that are termed protocol overhead, reduced figures
for PPPoA connections of around 84-87 percent, at most, being common. In addition, some
ISPs will have traffic policies that limit maximum transfer rates further in the networks
beyond the exchange, and traffic congestion on the Internet, heavy loading on servers and
slowness or inefficiency in customers' computers may all contribute to reductions below the
maximum attainable. When a wireless access point is used, low or unstable wireless signal
quality can also cause reduction or fluctuation of actual speed.
The choices the DSL modem make can also be either conservative, where the
modem chooses to allocate fewer bits per bin than it possibly could, a choice which makes
for a slower connection, or less conservative in which more bits per bin are chosen in which
case there is a greater risk case of error should future signal-to-noise ratios deteriorate to the
point where the bits-per-bin allocations chosen are too high to cope with the greater noise
present. This conservatism, involving a choice of using fewer bits per bin as a safeguard
against future noise increases, is reported as the signal-to-noise ratio margin or SNR margin.
The telephone exchange can indicate a suggested SNR margin to the customer's DSL modem
when it initially connects, and the modem may make its bits-per-bin allocation plan
accordingly. A high SNR margin will mean a reduced maximum throughput, but greater
reliability and stability of the connection. A low SNR margin will mean high speeds, provided
the noise level does not increase too much; otherwise, the connection will have to be dropped
and renegotiated (resynced). ADSL2+ can better accommodate such circumstances, offering a
feature termed seamless rate adaptation (SRA), which can accommodate changes in total link
capacity with less disruption to communications.


Vendors may support usage of higher frequencies as a proprietary extension to

the standard. However, this requires matching vendor-supplied equipment on both ends of the
line, and will likely result in crosstalk problems that affect other lines in the same bundle.
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

There is a direct relationship between the number of channels available and the
throughput capacity of the ADSL connection. The exact data capacity per channel depends on
the modulation method used.
ADSL initially existed in two versions (similar to VDSL), namely CAP and
DMT. CAP was the de facto standard for ADSL deployments up until 1996, deployed in 90
percent of ADSL installs at the time. However, DMT was chosen for the first ITU-T ADSL
standards, G.992.1 and G.992.2 (also called G.dmt and G.lite respectively). Therefore all
modern installations of ADSL are based on the DMT modulation scheme.

Power LED



Wireless Network LED

Status LED

LAN Port
Status LEDs


Power LED (PWR)

Router is OFF
Router is ready


No ADSL connection
Solid Green
ADSL connection is ready
Blinking Green
Negotiating connection

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

This LED lights in GREEN to indicate that your Modem Router is connected properly to the
ADSL line.


No WAN connection
WAN connection is ready
Indicates WAN activity

Wireless Network LED

Wireless network is OFF
Wireless network is ready
Indicates wireless activity
LAN Port-Status LEDs
No device is linked to the port
Solid Orange
10/100Base-Tx device connected
Blinking Orange
Port activity
These LEDs are labelled 14 and correspond to the numbered ports on the rear
of the Router. When a computer is properly connected to one of the LAN ports on the rear of
the Router, the LED will light. When information is being sent over the port, the LED blinks


The LAN ports are RJ45, 10/100 auto-negotiation. The ports are labeled 1
through 4. These ports correspond to the numbered LEDs on the front of the Router. Connect
your LAN computers or any networking devices to one of these ports.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

The Reset button is used in rare cases when the Router may function
improperly. Resetting the Router will restore the Routers normal operation while
maintaining the programmed settings. You can also restore the factory default settings by
using the Reset button. Use the restore option in instances where you may have forgotten
your custom password.
a. Resetting the Router
Push and release the Reset button. When the Power/Ready light becomes solid
again, the reset is complete.
b. Restoring the Factory Defaults
Press and hold the Reset button for 10 seconds then release it. When the
Power/Ready light becomes solid again, the restore is complete.
Connect the included 12V DC power supply to this inlet. Using the wrong type
of power adapter may cause damage to your Router.

LAN Ports

Reset Button

Power Jack




This port is for connection to your ADSL line. Connect your ADSL line to this port.
Proper placement of your Router is important to ensure the best performance
of your wireless network. Typically, indoors your Wireless Router can provide a circular
coverage area of 250 feet or more. However, different types of construction materials and
other obstructions in a building can greatly affect the wireless signal and decrease the range.
Whenever possible, your Router should be placed as close as possible to the centre of the area
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

that you want to cover. In multi-story homes, place the Router on a floor that is as close to the
centre of the home as possible; this may mean placing the Router on an upper floor. Use care
when choosing the location of your Router.
Be aware of appliances or large objects such as a refrigerator or washer/dryer unit that may
be on the opposite side of a wall from where you decide to place your Router.
Place the Router on top of a desk and away from metal cabinets and computer cases.
Do not place objects or components on top of the Router.
Make sure that both antennas are pointing UP at all times.
Metallic-based UV window tint can affect wireless performance. Do not place the Router
next to a tinted window. We realize that in the real world, it may not be possible to place your
Router in the centre of your coverage area. In cases where you may experience difficulty
covering the entire area you want, try placing the Router as high as possible. Wireless devices
work best in a line-of-sight situation where there are no obstacles between the wireless
computer and the Router. The Router may also be mounted to a wall with the antennas facing
UP. There are other options for expanding your wireless coverage area. The wireless signal
can be affected by many things including neigh-boring wireless networks, microwave ovens
in operation, and 2.4GHz cordless phones. While these things can affect the network
performance, your wireless network typically will work fine under most conditions where
these devices exist.

4.0 CONNECTING AND CONFIGURING ROUTER:Please collect the following information from your ISP before setting up the
Wireless ADSL Modem Router.
For PPPoE and PPPoA users
VCI and VPI number
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

An ISP account user name and password For fixed IP users

IP address and subnet mask
IP address for your ISPs Gateway Server and Domain Name Server
Run standard telephone cable from the wall jack providing ADSL service to
the ADSL port on your Wireless ADSL Modem Router. When inserting an ADSL RJ11 plug,
be sure the tab on the plug clicks into position to ensure that it is properly seated. If you are
using splitter less ADSL service, add low-pass filters between the ADSL wall jack and your
telephones. (These filters pass voice signals through but filter data signals out.)

Installing a Full-Rate Connection, if you are using a full-rate (G.dmt)

connection, your service provider will attach the ADSL line to a data/voice splitter. In this
case, you can connect your phones and computer directly to the splitter as shown on the next
If you are using a splitter less (G.lite) connection, then your service provider
will attach the outside ADSL line directly to your phone system. In this case, you can connect
your phones and computer directly to the incoming ADSL line, but you will have to add lowpass filters to your phones as shown on the next page.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line



The four LAN ports on the ADSL Modem Router auto-negotiate the
connection speed to 10Mbps Ethernet or 100Mbps Fast Ethernet, as well as the transmission
mode to half duplex or full duplex.
The Belk in Wireless ADSL Modem Router is equipped with a Web-Based
Interface that you can use to set up the Router. From the Web-Based Interface, you can
perform the following tasks:
View the Routers current settings and status.
Configure the Router to connect to your ISP with the settings that they provided you.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

Change the current network settings such as the internal IP address, the IP address pool,
DHCP settings, and more.


Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


Set the Routers firewall to work with specific applications (port forwarding).
Set up security features such as client restrictions and MAC address filtering.
Enable the DMZ feature for a single computer on your network.
Change the Routers internal password.
Reset the Router.
Reset the Routers default settings.
Update the Routers firmware.
Step 1: Installing the Hardware
1. Power down your equipment.
2. Connect each PC to one of the ports on the rear of the Router labeled LAN by using a RJ45
networking cable.
3. Connect the telephone cable from the wall jack providing ADSL service to the ADSL port
on your Router.
4. Connect the power adapter to the Router.
5. After the Router is turned on, the Routers Power light should be on.
6. Turn on the rest of your computers. After your computers boot up, a LAN link light (on the
front of the Router) will be on for each port to which a wired computer is connected. These
lights are your means to verify that your computers are connected.

LAN Ports
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

Note: When inserting an ADSL RJ11 plug, be sure the tab on the plug clicks into position to
ensure that it is properly seated.
Step 2: Set your Computers Network Settings to Work with a DHCP Server
Configure the TCP/IP settings on your computers to obtain an IP address
automatically. The Router will assign each computer an IP address in the range of
192.168.2.x. In most cases, your computer is programmed to automatically obtain your IP
address when you turn it on. If your computer is not set to work with a DHCP server, then see
the section in this manual called Manually Configuring Network Settings for directions.

LAN Port Status LEDs


Step 3: Configuring the Router Using the Web-Based User Interface

Using your Internet browser, you can access the Routers Web-Based User Interface. In
your browser, type (do not type in anything else such as http:// or www).
Then press the Enter key.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

Logging into the Router

To configure the Routers settings, you have to log in. The Router is supplied
with no password entered. In the login screen, leave the password blank and click the
Submit button to log in.


One computer at a time can log into the Router for the purposes of making
changes to the settings of the Router. Once a user has logged in to make changes, there are
two ways that the computer can be logged out. Clicking the Logout button will log the
computer out. The second method is automatic. The login will time-out after a specified
period of time. The default login time-out is 10 minutes. This can be changed from 1 to 99
minutes. For more information, see the section in this manual titled Changing the Login
Time-out Setting.


Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Page 15

A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

ADSL is a newly standardized transmission technology facilitating

simultaneous use of normal telephone services, data transmission of 6 Mbit/s in the
downstream and Basic-rate Access (BRA). ADSL can be seen as a FDM system in which the
available bandwidth of a single copper-loop is divided into three parts. The base band
occupied by POTS(Plain Old Telephone Service) is split from the data channels by using a
method which guarantees POTS services in the case of ADSL-system failure (eg. passive



Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Page 16

A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

ANSI standard describes a basic ADSL system which uses DMT (Discrete
Multi-tone) modulation. There is also at least one other ADSL system available. This system
facilitates Carrier less AM/PM (CAP). In this chapter the DMT modulation method is

ADSL DMT Modulation

Nyquist frequency
Modulation by the inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT)


In ADSL DMT-systems the downstream channels are divided into 256 4-kHzwide tones. The upstream channels are divided into 32 sub channels. The basic idea of DMT
is to split the available bandwidth into a large number of sub-channels. DMT is able to
allocate data so that the throughput of every single sub-channel is maximized. If some subchannel cannot carry any data, it can be turned off and the use of available bandwidth is
optimized. The examples in figure give an idea about of the functionality of DMT.
First an equal number per tone is transmitted to measure the characteristics of
the line. The processing of the signal takes place in ATU-R, and the optimized bit distribution
information will be delivered for ATU-C by using the same phone-line at a secure low speed.
The first example describes a segment of 24-gauge twisted pair phone-line. Low frequencies
are eliminated by the transformer coupling. The attenuation at the higher frequencies depends
on the length of the phone-line. The second example includes the notch in spectrum that is
illustrative of bridge taps and also the interference of an AM radio station. A third example
shows that DMT is also an interesting possibility for other transmission channels, such as
coaxial cable-TV networks.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


First an equal number per tone is transmitted to measure the characteristics of

the line. The processing of the signal takes place in ATU-R, and the optimized bit distribution
information will be delivered for ATU-C by using the same phone-line at a secure low speed.
The first example describes a segment of 24-gauge twisted pair phone-line. Low frequencies
are eliminated by the transformer coupling. The attenuation at the higher frequencies depends
on the length of the phone-line. The second example includes the notch in spectrum that is
illustrative of bridge taps and also the interference of an AM radio station. A third example
shows that DMT is also an interesting possibility for other transmission channels, such as
coaxial cable-TV networks.
Carrier 64 (f = 276 kHz) is reserved for a pilot. The data modulated onto the
pilot subcarrier shall be constant 0,0. Use of this pilot allows resolution of sample timing in a
receiver modulo-8 samples.
The carrier at the Nyquist frequency (256) may not be used for data. The
frequency of the carrier must be greater than twice the maximum modulating frequency.
The modulating transform defines the relationship between 512 real values and
from k = 0 to 511.The encoder and scale generate only 255 complex values of (plus zero at
dc, and one real value if the Nyquist frequency is used).

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


The service makes use of your existing telephone line and splits the signal into
voice communications and high speed data connection. ADSL makes use of a frequency
range not used by voice communications.
An ADSL circuit connects an ADSL modem on each end of a twisted pair
telephone line, creating three information channels -- a high speed downstream channel, a
medium speed duplex channel, depending on the implementation of the ADSL architecture,
and a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or an ISDN channel. The POTS/ISDN channel is
split off from the digital modem by filters, thus guaranteeing uninterrupted POTS/ISDN, even
if ADSL fails. The high speed channel ranges from 1.5 to 6.1 Mbps, while duplex rates range
from 16 to 832 kbps. Each channel can be sub multiplexed to form multiple, lower rate
channels, depending on the system.
ADSL modems provide data rates consistent with North American and
European digital hierarchies and can be purchased with various speed ranges and capabilities.
The minimum configuration provides 1.5 or 2.0 Mbps downstream and a 16 kbps duplex
channel; others provide rates of 6.1 Mbps and 64 kbps duplex. Products with downstream
rates up to 8 Mbps and duplex rates up to 640 kbps are available today. ADSL modems will
accommodate ATM transport with variable rates and compensation for ATM overhead, as
well as IP protocols.
Downstream data rates depend on a number of factors, including the length of
the copper line, its wire gauge, presence of bridged taps, and cross-coupled interference. Line
attenuation increases with line length and frequency, and decreases as wire diameter
increases. Ignoring bridged taps, ADSL will perform as follows:
Data Rate Wire Gauge Distance Wire Size
1.5 Or 2 Mbps 24 AWG 18,000 ft. 0.5 mm 5.5 km
1.5 Or 2 Mbps 26 AWG 15,000 ft. 0.4 mm 4.6 km
6.1 Mbps 24 AWG 12,000 ft. 0.5 mm 3.7 km
While the measure varies from provider to provider, these capabilities can
cover up to 95% of a loop plant depending on the desired data rate. Customers beyond these
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

distances can be reached with fibre-based digital loop carrier systems. As these DLC systems
become commercially available, telephone companies will offer virtually ubiquitous access in
a relatively short time. Many applications enabled by ADSL involve digital compressed
As a real time signal, digital video cannot use link or network level error con
procedures commonly found in data communications systems. ADSL modems therefore
incorporate forward error correction that dramatically reduces errors caused by impulse noise.
Error correction on a symbol-by-symbol basis also reduces errors caused by continuous noise
coupled into a line.
ADSL depends upon advanced digital signal processing and creative
algorithms to squeeze so much information through twisted-pair telephone lines. In addition,
many advances have been required in transformers, analog filters, and A/D converters. Long
telephone lines may attenuate signals at one megahertz (the outer edge of the band used by
ADSL) by as much as 90 dB, forcing analog sections of ADSL modems to work very hard to
realize large dynamic ranges, separate channels, and maintain low noise figures. On the
outside, ADSL looks simple transparent synchronous data pipes at various data rates over
ordinary telephone lines. On the inside, where all the transistors work, there is a miracle of
modern technology.
To create multiple channels, ADSL modems divide the available bandwidth of
a telephone line in one of two ways -- Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) or Echo
Cancellation. FDM assigns one band for upstream data and another band for downstream
data. The downstream path is then divided by time division multiplexing into one or more
high speed channels and one or more low speed channels. The upstream path is also
multiplexed into corresponding low speed channels. Echo Cancellation assigns the upstream
band to lap the downstream, and separates the two by means of local echo cancellation, a
technique well known in V.32 and V.34 modems. With either technique, ADSL splits off a 4
kHz region for POTS at the DC end of the band.
An ADSL modem organizes the aggregate data stream created by multiplexing
downstream channels, duplex channels, and maintenance channels together into blocks, and
attaches an error correction code to each block. The receiver then corrects errors that occur
during transmission up to the limits implied by the code and the block length.
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

9.0 TRANSPORT PROTOCOLS:ADSL defines three "Transmission protocol-specific transmission convergence

(TPS-TC)" layers

Synchronous Transport Module (STM), which allows the transmission of frames of

the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

Packet Transfer Mode (starting with ADSL2, see below)

In home installation, the prevalent transport protocol is ATM. On top of ATM,

there are multiple possibilities of additional layers of protocols (two of them are abbreviated
in a simplified manner as "PPPoA" or "PPPoE"), with the all-important TCP/IP at layer 4 of
the OSI model providing the connection to the Internet.
The different ADSL transport classes for n 2.048 Mbps bearers are 2M-1, 2M2 and 2M-3. In which 2M-1 corresponds the highest rate and shortest range. ADSL
downstream transport capacity is basically from 2.048 Mbps to 6.144 Mbps. At 6.144 Mbps it
is possible to achieve the range of about 3 kilo-meters. The lower the transmission rate is the
longer the range will be. Upper limit is according to tests about 9 kilo-meters. It is possible to
achieve higher data rates of 52 Mbps and 155 Mbps, corresponding range of one mile and a
quarter mile, if the used transmission media is fibber. By using DMT ADSL it is also possible
to use other data rates, the exact rate depends only on interface circuits. So the system is
flexible enough to support,
ADSL upstream transport capacity is 0 - 640 Kbit/s depending on transport class.
ATM can be transported over ADSL and the components of the aggregate bit rate are
summarized in table.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), working group T1E1.4,
approved the first ADSL in 1995. It supported data rates up to 6.1 Mbps (ANSI Standard
T1.413). The European Technical Standards Institute (ETSI) contributed an Annex to T1.413
to reflect European requirements. T1.413 was limited to a single terminal interface at the
premise end. (T1.413i2), approved in 2001, expanded the standard to include a multiplexed
interface at the Premise end, protocols for configuration and network management, and other
improvements. Work towards an Issue III was ultimately submitted to the international
standards body, the ITU-T, to develop the international standards for ADSL. The T standards
for ADSL are most commonly referred to as G.lite (G.992.2) and G.dmt (G.992.1)both of
which are approved in June of 1999. Having an international standard has aided in moving
towards vendor interoperability and service provider acceptance, further increasing
deployment, and ultimately availability to the consumer. The ATM Forum has recognized
ADSL as a physical layer transmission protocol for unshielded twisted pair media. The DSL
Forum was formed in December of 1994 to promote the DSL concept and facilitate
development of DSL system architectures, protocols, and interfaces for major DSL
applications. The DSL Forum has expanded its efforts to address marketing issues
surrounding awareness, and enabling high applications via DSL. The DSL Forum has
approximately 340 members representing service providers, equipment manufacturers, and
content developers from throughout the world.


Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line


ADSL deployment on an existing plain old telephone service (POTS)
telephone line presents some problems because the DSL is within a frequency band that
might interact unfavorably with existing equipment connected to the line. Therefore, it is
necessary to install appropriate frequency filters at the customer's premises to avoid
interference between the DSL, voice services, and any other connections to the line, for
example in support of intruder alarms "Red CARE" being an example in the UK. This is
desirable for the voice service and essential for a reliable ADSL connection.
In the early days of DSL, installation required a technician to visit the
premises. A splitter or micro filter was installed near the demarcation point, from which a
dedicated data line was installed. This way, the DSL signal is separated as close as possible to
the central office and is not attenuated inside the customer's premises. However, this
procedure was costly, and also caused problems with customers complaining about having to
wait for the technician to perform the installation. So, many DSL providers started offering a
"self-install" option, in which the provider provided equipment and instructions to the
customer. Instead of separating the DSL signal at the demarcation point, the DSL signal is
filtered at each telephone outlet by use of a low-pass filter for voice and a high-pass filter for
data, usually enclosed in what is known as micro filter. This micro filter can be plugged by an
end user into any 'phone jack: it does not require any rewiring at the customer's premises.
Commonly, micro filters are only low-pass filters, so beyond them only low
frequencies (voice signals) can pass. In the data section, a micro filter is not used because
digital devices that are intended to extract data from the DSL signal will, themselves, filter
out low frequencies. Voice telephone devices will pick up the entire spectrum so high
frequencies, including the ADSL signal, will be "heard" as noise in telephone terminals, and
will affect and often degrade the service in fax, data phones and modems. From the point of
view of DSL devices, any acceptance of their signal by POTS devices mean that there is a
degradation of the DSL signal to the devices, and this is the central reason why these filters
are required.
A side effect of the move to the self-install model is that the DSL signal can be
degraded, especially if more than 5 voice band (that is, POTS telephone-like) devices are
connected to the line. Once a line has had DSL enabled, the DSL signal is present on all
telephone wiring in the building, causing attenuation and echo. A way to circumvent this is to
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

go back to the original model, and install one filter upstream from all telephone jacks in the
building, except for the jack to which the DSL modem will be connected. Since this requires
wiring changes by the customer, and may not work on some household telephone wiring, it is
rarely done. It is usually much easier to install filters at each telephone jack that is in use.
DSL signals may be degraded by older telephone lines, surge protectors,
poorly-designed micro filters, Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise, and by long telephone
extension cords. Telephone extension cords are typically made with small-gauge, multi-strand
copper conductors which do not maintain a noise-reducing pair twist. Such cable is more
susceptible to electromagnetic interference and has more attenuation than solid twisted-pair
copper wires typically wired to telephone jacks. These effects are especially significant where
the customer's phone line is more than 4 km from the DSLAM in the telephone exchange,
which causes the signal levels to be lower relative to any local noise and attenuation. This
will have the effect of reducing speeds or causing connection failures.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Page 24

A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line



High speed connection

Use of the phone line while



Service not available everywhere

ADSL works better when closer to the ISP's

central office

VA works better when closer to the ISP's

Fixed monthly cost

central of friable speeds depending upon

Good value for money

time of the day

No extra wiring; ADSL uses the

Faster download than upload

existing phone line

Line testing takes a long time

Lower pings in online games

Home user is contended at 50:1, meaning

No more dropped connections

that you might be sharing your 512Kbps

with 49 other people, giving you 10Kbps.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

Page 25

A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

ADSL will play a crucial role over the next ten or more years as telephone
companies enter new markets for delivering information in video and multimedia formats.
New broadband cabling will take decades to reach all prospective subscribers. But success of
these new services will depend upon reaching as many subscribers as possible during the first
few years. By bringing movies, television, video catalogs, remote D-ROMs, corporate LANs,
and the Internet into homes and small businesses, ADSL will make these markets viable, and
profitable, for telephone companies and application suppliers alike. Semiconductor
companies have introduced transceiver chipsets that are already being used in market trials.
These chipsets combine off the shelf components, programmable digital signal processors
and custom ASICS. Continued investment by these semiconductor companies have increased
functionality and reduce chip count, power consumption, and cost, enabling mass deployment
of ADSL-based services.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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A Seminar Report on
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line



Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

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