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Why calculate PI?

The most pristine purpose of the computer is to cope with the complicated computations which human
couldn't achieve. Among these computations is calculation of PI. Although there is actually no much
sense to know so many digits of PI, this's a challenge for a computer programmer, and it's interesting.
Further more, simple as it seems to be, calculation of PI relates to many useful mathematical

The first algorithm: series expansion of arctan

• PI/4 = 4 arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239) (1)

• arctan(x) = x - x3/3 + x5/5 - x7/7 + .... (2)

It is easy to understand that to get an ultra-high precision value of PI real should be store in the
computer in the form of array which's size is in proportion to the significant digits. In this algorithm,
the significant digits of PI, n, increase linear with the number of terms summed in (2). To calculate
each term in (2), a loop to perform an ultra-high precision real division with a small integer is needed.
The loop times are in proportion to n. Thus, the overall time complexity of this algorithm is O(n2).

The virtue of the algorithm is simplicity, and only integer operation is encountered. Below is my PI
calculation program. In this program, I have taken some improvement on the speed: Real are stored in
the form of array with 64-bits integer (long long) as its element type. Each element stores 12 decimal
digits. Estimates the number of 0 in the head and the tail of xk (x = 1/5, 1/239) and only calculates the
none-0 part.

• pi.cpp C++ source code, compile with 'g++ pi.cpp -o pi -O2' under Linux
• pi.s modified assemble code generated by g++, faster. compile with 'g++ pi.s -o pi' under Linux

Besides, there are other formulas like (1). But they are less useful. For example:

• PI/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3)

• PI/4 = 8 arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4 arctan(1/515)

The second algorithm: series of 1/PI

• 1/PI = (sqrt(8) / 9801) sumk=0~inf { [(4k)! (1103 + 26390k)] / [(k!)4 3964k] } (Ramanujan)
• 1/PI = (sqrt(10005) / 4270934400) sumk=0~inf { [(6k)! (13591409 + 545140134k)] / [(k!)3 (3k)!
(-640320)3k] } (Chudnovsky)

These two series above (there are other similar formulas, but less useful) are more complicated than
the Taylor series of arctan. Although they are also linear convergence and their time complexity are
also O(n2), but their convergence are more faster. (Ramanujan) adds 8 significant digits per term,
(Chudnovsky) adds 14.

In this algorithm, besides the division of ultra-high precision real with small integer, it also needs to
find the square root and inverse of an ultra-high precision real. This involve FFT(Fast Fourier
Transform), which will be described below.

The third algorithm: Arithmetic-Geometric Mean and iteration

Arithmetic-Geometric Mean (AGM) M(a, b) is defined as:

• a0 = a, b0 = b
ak = (ak-1 + bk-1) / 2, bk = sqrt(ak-1 bk-1)
M(a, b) = limk->inf ak = limk->inf bk

Then, from a series of elliptic integral theories (which I don't understand), we get the formula below:

• a0 = 1, b0 = 1 / sqrt(2)
1/PI = { 1 - sumk=0~inf [2k (ak2 - bk2)] } / 2M(a0, b0)2 (AGM)

From the formula above, a proper algorithm could be created. During the iteration, significant digits
increase at order 2, that is, significant digits increase by a factor of 2 at each iteration. In this
algorithm, the multiplication, division and square root of ultra-high precision real need FFT, which
will be described below. Thinking about the time complexity of FFT, the overall time complexity of
this algorithm is O(n log(n)2).

Besides (AGM), there are other iterations which have the same time complexity. For instance, the
series below converge to 1/PI at order 4:

• y0 = sqrt(2) - 1, a0 = 6 - 4 sqrt(2)
yk = [1 - sqrt(sqrt(1 - yk-14))] / [1 + sqrt(sqrt(1 - yk-14))], ak = (1 + yk)4 ak-1 - 22k+1 yk (1 + yk + yk2)
1/PI = limk->inf ak (Borwein)


According to above, multiplication, division and square root of ultra-high precision real (multi-digits
number in array form) are inevitable in the second and third algorithm. Computed with normal
method, the time complexity of multiplication of n-digits will reach O(n2). FFT will help to decrease
the computation.

Suppose a[k] and b[k] (k=0~n-1) are array in type complex. The forward and backward Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT) are defined as: (i = sqrt(-1))

• b = FFTforward(a) : b[k] = sumj=0~n-1 ( a[j] e-i*j*2PI*k/n ) (3)

• b = FFTbackward(a) : b[k] = (1/n) sumj=0~n-1 ( a[j] ei*j*2PI*k/n ) (4)

The (1/n) in (3) and (4) could be placed in either formula, or in both formulas as (1/sqrt(n)). This
ensures that it will not differ with a factor when transform forward and back.

When n's prime factors are all small integers, especially when n is a power of 2, reducing redundant
computation with proper algorithm, the time complexities of DFT (3) and (4) will decrease to O(n
log(n)). This is so-called Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Please refer to other articles for more details.
Below is my FFT program for reference. Besides, there are some developed FFT libraries, eg. FFTW,
which could be use directly.

• fft.cpp C++ source code for FFT

A multiplication of two numbers which have n1 and n2 digits could be done like this: Allocate two
arraies in size n(n>=n1+n2, 2m is the best). Fill the two arraies with the two numbers (lower-digit first,
fill higher-digits with 0). Perform forward Fourier transform with each array. Multiply the
corresponding terms into one array before transform it back. Since FFT is done in the complex field,
digits in the final array should be rounded and carried to get the final result.
The precision of the Fourier transform should be paid attention. We know that real is stored in
computer in the form of single or double precision number which would cause error. In the n-digits
multiplication, n is usually very large. Error caused by the precision of real will accumulate during the
process of Fourier transform. Will the total error exceed the permitted range? My opinion is that
double precision number should be used in FFT. Considering the disipline of statistics, the total error
caused by precision won't be too large to cause mistake. A method to check the correctness of the
computation is to calculate the residue. For example, dividing the numbers with 17, if the residues of
the multiplicand and the multiplicator are 8 and 6, the residue of the product should be 14.

From Newton iteration method, inverse and square root of multi-digits number could be calculated
with a series of multiplications. For example, to calculate x = 1/a, surpose f(x) = 1/x - a, we get the
following iteration series:

• x0 ~= 1/a
xk = xk-1 - f(xk-1)/f'(xk-1) = 2xk-1 - axk-12 (5)

To calculate x = sqrt(a), we should calculate x = 1 / sqrt(a) first. Suppose f(x) = 1/x2 - a, we get:

• x0 ~= 1 / sqrt(a)
xk = xk-1 - f(xk-1)/f'(xk-1) = (3/2)xk-1 - (1/2)axk-13 (6)

(5) and (6) converge to result at order 2. There are other complicated iteration series which converge to
result at higher order.


To give a demonstration to the whole course of calculating PI using AGM and FFT, here is my new
written PI program. I am sorry to say that my program is about 100 times slower and consumes much
more memory than other programs that you could find on the internet. I don't know why at present. :-
( Anyway, this is my first PI program using AGM and FFT. Congratulations! :-)

• faint-pi-1.0.3.tar.gz C source code, compile with 'gcc -std=c99 *.c -o pi -lm -O3' under Linux
• pi.txt.gz 32M digits of PI


Three kinds of PI calculation algorithm are introduced above. The first algorithm is the slowest, and is
obsolete. The next two algorithm are more faster and most used. Although the time complexity of
iteration algorithm is smaller than that of 1/PI series algorithm, the former is complicated to implement
and seems to be not more faster than the latter.

Sorry for my poor English. Any discussion about this article or my English is welcome. (2004.12.31)

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