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Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

 Identify a binomial as an algebraic expression that New Additional 4 weeks
1.1 The Binomial contains two terms. Mathematics Chapter
Expansion of  Write out expansions for (1+ b)n for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 14
( 1 + b) n where n is a and 5 and show that the binomial coefficients, when Additional
positive integer arranged, form the Pascal’s Triangle. Mathematics Chapter
n 12
 Use the notations n!, and nCr or r  .
 
n  n! faq/faq.pascal.triangle.html
 Evaluate nCr using the formula 
r 
 = ( n − r )! r! or by
 
using the calculator directly.
 Write out the expansion of (1 + b)n using the general
term nCr br.
1.2 The Binomial
Expansion of Calc/binomial-theorem.htm
( a + b) n  Perform expansion of (a + b)n and (ax + b)n by applying
the binomial theorem
n n  n  n −1  n  n−2 2  n  n−r r nmialtheorem
( a + b) = a + 
1 a b + 
2 a b + ... + 
r a b + ... + b .
     
 State the properties of the expansion of ( a +b) n
n 
n −r r
such as the general term is 
r 
a b , the number
 
of terms is n + 1 and the sum of powers of a and b
in each term is n.
n 
n −r r
 Use the general term 
r 
a b or list out the terms
 
in the expansion of (px + q)(ax + b)n to find a specific

 Evaluate unknowns in the given expansions.

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time


2.1 Radian Measure  Define 1 radian as the angle subtended at the New Additional 3 weeks
centre of a circle by an arc equal in length to the Mathematics Chapter
radius. 12
 State the relationship between an angle in radians Additional Mathematics
2.2 Arc Length and Area and in degrees. Chapter 97
of a
Sector  State that Arc Length s = rθ and Area of Sector =
1 2
r θ , where θ is in radians or Area of Sector =
rs .
 Find the arc length and area of sector.
2.3 Problems Related to  Solve problems involving finding the arc length,
Circular Measure area of sector, chord length, area of segment and
angle of a sector.

 Solve problems involving circular measure including

the use of geometry and trigonometry.

3.1 Trigonometric Ratios  Define the three basic trigonometric functions New Additional 7 weeks
of sine, cosine and tangent. Mathematics Chapters
 Evaluate the three basic trigonometric functions 10 and 11
of acute angles in right-angled triangles with two Additional
sides given. Mathematics Chapter
 Find the exact values of trigonometric functions 10
of special angles of 30o, 45o and 60o (useful to
know but not compulsory to memorise).
3.2 General Angles and

Trigonometric Ratios
of Any  Determine the location of any angle in the four
Angle quadrants and hence determine the sign of the gonometry_645.html
trigonometric functions in the four quadrants using
S A .

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

 Determine the trigonometric function of any

angle by expressing it in terms of its
basic/principal angle and writing the correct sign.

 Solve basic trigonometric equations by

identifying the quadrant the angle x lies in, the
basic angle and the value of x in the required
3.3 Graphs of the Sine, interval.
and Tangent  Sketch the graph of the sine, cosine and
Functions tangent functions for the domain in degrees or in
radians in terms of π .
 State the properties of the sine, cosine and
tangent functions in terms of its range, maximum
and minimum values. Use Graphmatica
 State the amplitude and periodicity of the software or graphic
graphs and know the relationship between graphs calculator to study the
of y = sin x and y = 2 sin x, between properties of the
y = sin x and y = sin 2x. graphs of the Sine,
 Draw and use the graphs of y= a sin(bx) + c, y= a Cosine
cos(bx) + c, and Tangent Functions
3.4 Reciprocal of
Trigonometric y = a tan(bx) + c where a, b and c are constants.
Functions  Determine the number of solutions to
trigonometric equations in a given interval by
using the graphical method.

 Define secant, cosecant and cotangent as

3.5 Simple Trigonometric reciprocals of cosine, sine and tangent functions.
Identities  Evaluate expressions and solve simple
equations involving the three reciprocal functions.

3.6 Trigonometric

Equations sin A
 State and use the identities tan A ≡ and
cos A
cos A
cot A ≡ .
sin A
 Apply the identities sin2 A + cos2 A ≡ 1, sec2 A ≡ 1+
tan A , 2
cosec A ≡ 1 + cot A to prove other simple

trigonometric identities.

 Apply the above identities to solve

trigonometric equations by
(i) reducing to the basic form e.g. sin x = k,
sin(ax + b) = k,
(ii) factorisation,

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

(iii) substitution using one of the identities.

 Solve trigonometric equations where the angles
are in radians.

LINEAR LAW  Express y in terms of x for a given graph of a New Additional 3 weeks
4.1 Express y in terms of straight line by writing Mathematics Chapter 8
x Y = mX + c. Additional Mathematics
Chapter 8
 Determine the X and Y terms in the equation Y =
4.2 Determination of mX + c.
Unknown  Tabulate values and draw the line of best fit to
Constants From the determine the gradient and Y-intercept of the graph.
Straight  Determine unknown constants by calculating the
Line gradient and intercept of the transformed graph.

 Transform equations which require the use of lg x or

ln x and
4.3 Equations of the Type determine the unknown constants by calculating
y = axn the gradient or
and y = Abx the Y-intercept of the transformed graph.


5.1 Represent  Display information in the form of a matrix. New Additional

3 weeks
Information as a  Interpret the data in a given matrix. Mathematics Chapter
Matrix  Know the terms order, elements or entries, row 6
and column of a matrix. Additional Mathematics
 Recognise a row matrix, column matrix, zero or Chapter 14

null matrix, square matrix and identity matrix.
 Know that two matrices are equal if they have
the same order and if their corresponding
elements are equal.

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

5.2 Addition, Subtraction  Add matrices of the same order by adding their
and Scalar corresponding elements;
Multiplication of  Know properties of matrix addition:
Matrices If A, B and O are of the same order, where O is a
null matrix,
1. A + O = A
2. A + B = B + A (commutative)
3. A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C (associative).
 Subtract matrices of the same order by subtracting
their corresponding elements.
 Calculate the product of a scalar quantity and a
matrix by multiplying each element in the matrix by
 a b   ka kb 
the scalar quantity k  
 =
 
 c d   kc kd 

5.3 Multiplication of  Find the product of two matrices.

Matrices  Know the properties of matrix multiplication:
1. AB ≠ BA (not commutative)
2. A (BC) = ( AB )C (associative);
 a b  a b   a 2 b 2 
3.    ≠  2 .
 c d  c d   c d 2 
 solve problems involving the calculation of the sum
and product of two matrices.

5.4 Determinant and

Inverse of a
2 × 2 Matrix

 a b
 find the determinant of a 2x2 matrix M =   ,

 c d
denoted by det M or
Mo r .

 Know that a matrix with zero determinant is called a
singular matrix and it does not have an inverse.
 Find the inverse of a non-singular matrix.

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

5.4 Determinant and  Know the properties of inverse matrix and identity
Inverse of a matrix:
2 × 2 Matrix MM-1 = I and M-1M = I
(Continued) IA = A and AI = A.
Use the above properties to solve a matrix equation.

5.5 Solving Simultaneous  Write a given pair of simultaneous equations in the

Equations form of matrix equation and solve using the matrix
by a Matrix Method method.

5.6 Word Problems  Form matrices to represent the information given in

Involving a table or from the description of a real life
Matrices situation.
 Solve related problems and interpret the results.


6.1 The Gradient Function  Define the gradient at any point on a curve as the New Additional 3 weeks
gradient of the tangent to the curve at that point. Mathematics Chapter
 Understand a limiting process through an example. 15
 Find the gradient function of a curve. Additional Mathematics
 Understand the idea of a derived function. Chapter 15 and 16
 State that the derivative of ax n is nax x-1 .
 Use the notations f ' ( x ), .
 Know that if y = k ( a constant), = 0.

6.2 Function of a Function

 State that the derivative of composite function is
(Composite Function)
dy dy du
given by the Chain Rule = × , and solve
dx du dx
problems related to composite functions.

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

6.3 Product of Two  Differentiate the product of two functions using the
Functions d du dv
product rule (uv ) = v +u .
dx dx dx

 Differentiate the quotient of two functions using the

6.4 Quotient of Two du dv
Functions v −u
quotient formula d  u  dx dx .
 =
dx  v  v2

 Apply differentiation to gradients, tangents and http://www.mathsnet.n

normals. et/asa2/2004/c15tanm
6.5 Equations of Tangent  State that the normal is perpendicular to the ethod02.html
and 1
Normal tangent and the gradient of the normal is m2 = −
where m1 = is the gradient of the tangent at a
given point.
 Find the equation of the tangent and the normal to
a curve at a given point.
 Solve problems related to tangent and normal to a

 Calculate the rate of change of variables with New Additional 6 weeks
7.1 Rates of Change respect to time. Mathematics Chapter
16 and 17
Additional Mathematics
7.2 Connected Rates of  Determine the connected rates of change Chapter 16
Change dy dy dx
using the Chain Rule = × .
dt dx dt

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

7.3 Small Increments and  Determine small changes δx and δy using the
Approximations δy dy
rule ≈ .
δx dx
 Calculate the approximate change and
percentage change in y or x.
Percentage change in y ≈ ×100 % .
7.4 Stationary Points and
The Second Derivative dy
 State that at stationary / turning points, =0 .
 Know that as x increases across a minimum
point, the gradient changes from negative to zero to
positive which results in a positive rate of change in
gradient, .
 Know that as x increases across a maximum
point, the gradient changes from positive to zero to
negative which results in a negative rate of change
in gradient, .
d dy d2y
 Recognise ( )= as the rate of change
dx dx dx 2
of gradient with respect to x and is called the
second derivative of y , and
if > 0 , then it is a minimum point,
dx 2
if < 0 , then it is a maximum point.
dx 2
7.5 Practical Maxima and  State the relationship between the sign of the
Minima second derivative and the nature of stationary
Problems points.

 Solve problems on finding the coordinates of
stationary or turning points and determining the
nature of the stationary points.

 Solve application problems on maximum and

minimum values e.g. physical quantities such as
area and volume.

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

New Additional 3 weeks
 State the derivative of the basic trigonometric
8.1 Differentiation of Mathematics Chapter
d d
Trigonometric functions: (sin x ) = cos x , (cos x) = −sin x and 18 and 19
dx dx Additional Mathematics
d Chapter 18
(tan x ) = sec 2 x .
 Find the derivatives involving multiple angles :
d d
( a sin bx ) = ab cos bx , ( a cos bx ) = −ab sin bx and
dx dx
( a tan bx ) = ab sec 2 bx .
 Obtain the derivatives of sin( ax +b) , cos( ax +b)
and tan( ax +b) ; sin n x , cos n x and tan n x where a,
b and n are constants.

8.2 Differentiation of
Logarithmic  State the derivative of the logarithmic function,
Functions d 1
(ln x) = .
dx x
 Differentiate logarithmic functions using the
d f ' ( x)
general result: [ln f ( x)] = , in particular,
dx f ( x)
8.3 Differentiation of
d a
Exponential [ln( ax + b)] = .
Functions dx ax + b

 Differentiate exponential functions using the

general result: (e f ( x ) ) = f ' ( x)e f ( x ) , in particular,
d d d
(e x ) = e x , (e ax ) = ae ax , (e ax +b ) = ae ax +b .
dx dx dx

Topic Learning Outcomes Resources/Activities Time

8.4 Application of  Apply the concept of differentiation of

Differentiation trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions
Involving the above to problems on small increment and approximation,
Functions rate of change, stationary point and coordinates

Text books
1. New Additional Mathematics (Ho Soo Thong & Khor Nyak Hiong)
2. Additional Mathematics (H H Heng, JF Talbert)


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