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Osaka Christian Mission

OsClkci Jupdfl
'K >i f

Testament Churches
ofChrist in Japan

Home Address:

Osaka Christian Mission



47 Shishigakuchi

APO 25 c/o Postmaster

747 Nakamiyacho



San Fransisco, California



and preach the Gospel

toevery creature

our aim
To establish New


Into all the world

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen, Missionaries

Nishinomiya Shi


Osaka Japan

February 25* 1955


Dear Frienda in Christi

The third tiaa is the ooharm they say. I mean there have been 5 intoruptione
tonight in getting this letter started. I cams to my desk tonight determined

up thirj latter.

I have been putting it off because it seemed

birb the usual things have happened this month. Tonight I learned things have
boeii happening but I hadn't .found out about thorn.
The first interupticn yas from the Kuehiro siiniater but it was a happy
interuption. Ke presented an outline of their ohuroh program for the next

6 mcntha.

Fach mcnth will feature some epeoial ovont .-.ith either a teaching or

an Gvangelistio omphasiy.

Sost of all, this is not just the minioters project

but cthor racmbors of the oongrcgation are working in It.

Thua .anothei* item of

constant teaching ia bearing fruit. Another minister hao caught a larger viaion
of fctivity and the Kuehiro church will nak faster progress because of it.
The second interuption wag from Mr. Sato, who oam whan I had no more than

returnad to my desk. His first v/orda ware/: "Tonight you iiave m'lch company."
He had met the Kuehiro ^oiniater at the train station. Mr. Sato ie looking after

the services of p churches.

Tonight he had good noTra from the Mine congregation.

Thsy are beginning a kindergarten in Aprils

This project v/ill be maintained and

financed entirely by the na-civc chrictiansc

It means that pO or more boyo and

girls will soon start their training to be chrictian men and ;wcm'.n 6f .tho saSt


It moans the church will have an opening into homsa vAiore there was

no connection before. A^e pray that some of the adults of this generation will
alee corns '.-o know Christ as a re-iult of thin project.
A recent letter asked what the people of Japan th.lnk of tho riow American


They eeem to thinic ho is a good nan and feeling io divided ae to hia

being president? juat as it io at home.

Ithat ooemo to be more difficult to

Jfipanecs thinlclng. ie hov; toyrics Can change leaders so often aixi still stay
powerful and. unitsd. This showo that? to the Japanese mind^ one man
thingFi instead of t, group or nation working together. Hero is ono
problemo in the clemocracy of Japan. Prime- Minister Toahida wants to
man shov; too often. Some of the more democratic thinking men in hla

must riBi
of tho
bo a on

are rebeling so the young Japanese domoc.raay is having eevere growing paino.

Only 5 ciora'mohthg and w will be "oh our way" home for furlough.
roally fl^'ingc

Tin Is

Ofit/rings are beginning tc come in for our tvavol funds and wo

thanic God and you who have cent thorn.

Ox"* tho |l4pO needed wo hava x'eoaixwd $515

Please send offerings .for travel direct to us hero in Japan by chock or bank

Wo can not cawh pootal monoy orders or noto here.

If you wish a cpeolal date for ue tc speak or bo with yo'.,< in a miooion

teaching program after June, ploaae lot as knov/ ncy. Thankyou for your pt*ayer8
and support in our behalf. May Gcd blosti each on qs we no'rva Him.
/lincoraly ycur miaslonarloc in Jai^aa*

Osaka Christian Mission

Into all the world


Osa\a, Japan

and preach the Gospel

of Christ in Japan

to every creature

Mr. and Mrs. Poul Nielsen, Missionaries



To establish New
Testament Churches

Home Address:

Osaka Christian Mission


47 Shishigakuchi
Nishinomiya Shi

APO 25 c/o Postmaster

San Pransisco, California

747 Nakamiyacho

March 12, 1951

Osaka Japan


Q >



Dear Brother MacFarland:

Just a note to keep you up to date on our furlou^ developments. We

should be receiving our sailing date moat any time now.

supporters, our travel fund now contains $646.20.

Thanks to our faithful

We are grateful that half the

boat fare is in hand to make the first payment on the tickets.

The ministers of the Osaka area are busy preparing the All Japan Christian

Rally to be held in Osaka March 51 thru April 2.

Some of the Okinawa and Korean

brethren plan to attend so it will be more than just a Japan rally this year.
Ti-e missionaries plan to spend the day following the rally in discussing various

problems of our work.

for all of us.

It will be a time of fellowship and spiritual strength

Please remember these gatherings in your prayers.

It was our privilege to be with the Japanese brethren in Kyushu at

their Osumi Rally on March 1. They remembered our visit a little more than

4 years ago, before Mrother Maxey arrived in Kanoya, and said that since we
soon would be going home on furlough they would like to have us visit again.

We enjoyed fine fellowship in spite of rain and a car accident on the way
to the rally which kept Brother Mark and family from attending. Everyone
was grateful the damage was not too serious. However the delay kept us

from'getting to the rally until almost noon. We were to speak both morning
and afternoon and had prepared 2 messages on FAITH so we spoke for ij- hours
in the afternoon, combining the 2 .messages.

They wanted more but there was

no time and get

to speak in the evening church service in Kanoya. This
trip was another challenge showing the great need for work in rural areas.
Brother Mark and his family, also Mrs. Dittiaore and Mother Maxey are doing
fine work but the field is so large and the laborers too few.

Pray for

more workers throughout all of Japan.

Sincerely a Brother in Christ,

Paul Nielsen


Osaka Christian Mission

Into all the world

and preach the Gospel


Osa^a, Japan

to every creature

To establish New
Testament Churches

M 9

of Christ in Japan

Mr, and Mrs. Paul Nielsen, Missionaries


Home Address:

Osaka Christian Mission

47 ShishigakuchI
Niihinomiya Shi

APO 25 c/o Postmaster

San Fransisco, California

747 Nakamiya^ho

"P .


Osaka Japan

April 1955




Before I tell you of oar sailing d^te I want to share with yoa an example of

progress in the work here in Japan.

The fifth "All Japan Ohristian Rally" was

held in Osaka recently and prcovod \o be the h'.st attended and most interesting#

The theme of methods for doing evangelistic wcrk in Japan wsvS developed in a
fin way. B.^th missionaries and Japanese Christians wore equally pleased with
the spiritual growth that has been made in the past y^ar. Thero wia u fine
spirit of oneness in desires and feeling of need for working more closely
together in the wcrk. It was a fine rally and all chriations in Japan have
been richly blessed because of it. Next year's rnlly will be in Kyushu with
the maxeys. The day following this 5 day rally# the misfjionarles got together
for a day of fellowship and discussed mutual probiesm*

Sometimes we get to

feeling our problems are so big but this day of discussion showed others have .
the samo problems and by talking them over togothtr we were all strengthened#
decided to continue this day in connection with the rally each year.

Our sailing date of May l4 is a- little earlier than w had planned but if we
wait we can not be sure of arriving home until ihe middle of July and that is
too late to make oun^) appointments. The reason for this uncertain sailing
schedule Is because of dock workers strikes that have been goim. on for some
tire. The freighter ships never know when they can got loaded because of these
strikes. Some ships by-paas ports because :hey do not want to be involved
where they know workers are striking and this reaults in some ships sailing
earlier than their designated date and others are delayed because of the strike.

The May l4 ship starts its voyage from Yokohama so wo g-in feel a bit more .sure
of it and expect to arrive on the west coast .ioraotlmv> the last week of May.

Our travel fund Inoks

of what is needed for us to reach Covina, Calif., from

where we will begin our itinerary speakiug. We urgently pray that funds will
come in s.t wo will not have to begin our tour with a deficit. Ploaao send nil
correspondence from now on
ub ivt 17664 Gyprssu, Oovina, Calif.


If you can use us in apoakinj; d'stoe according to the followini; aohodule pleass
write us at our Covina addresri irrjudiatoly.

CALXf. first 2 Weeks of June; ORS*-

WlVSH. lust 2 weeks of Juno} NEBH. middle of July} ILL.*- IITO. last week of July
and the first woek of August; OHTO in August. Plooe speoify your choice of
dates and"wo will comply with thorn when pusaiblo.

Thin vdll havo to be the last letter sent from Japan for this torci.

Th^ Lord

willin.-T, the next v;ord froia uu will cone from aoraewhoru in the U.S.

rf? thank God

and you for your faithful support during our first torn and look forward to
vioiting with nany )" yo'.i in tho near future* God blosa our work for 'lini*

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