Report by Dr. William Smock

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NEW ALBAI{Y, INDIAI{A 47150.91 19
PHONE 8L2-949-4994

October 30,20L4
Mr. ]ames Crawford
Commonwealth Attorney, 15tn Circuit
523 Highland Avenue
Carrollton, KY 41008

Re: Boone County Sheriffs Department and the Death Samantha Ramsey
Dear Mr. Crawford:

At the request of Ms. Linda Tally Smith, the Boone County, Kentucky
Commonwealth Attorney I was asked to assist you in an investigation related to the
death of Samantha Ramsey on April 26,2014. Ms. Ramsey sustained multiple
wounds when she was shot by Deputy Tyler Brockman of the Boone County Sheriffs
Department. The shooting occurred during the early morning hours of Saturday,
April 26e inthe 5600 block of River Road in Hebron, Kentucky. At your request I
have performed the following in regards to this incident:


Reviewed the Hebron Fire Protection District run report #L4-04766,

regarding care provided Samantha Ramsey
2. Reviewed the Hebron Fire Protection District run report #14-0478t,
regarding care provided Tyler Brockman
3. Reviewed the medical records of Samantha Ramsey from St. Elizabeth
4. Reviewed the medical records of Tyler Brockman from St. Elizabeth
5. Reviewed the autopsy report form the Northern Kentucl<y Medical
Examiner's Office, NK-14-115
6. Reviewed the autopsy photos from the Northern Kentucky Medical
Examiner's Officer
7. Reviewed Samantha Ramsey's toxicology report from AIT Laboratories
8. Reviewed the medical records of Tyler Brockman from Beacon Orthopaedics
and Sports Medicine
9. Reviewed Tyler Brockman's radiographs and MRI's from St. Elizabeth
10. Reviewed Tyler Brockman's toxicology report from Nationwide Testing
11. Reviewed scene photographs from the Boone County Sheriffs Departm-qnt
12. Reviewed photographs of Deputy Brockman from the Boone County Sheriffs

13. Reviewed the

April 26,20L4 report to Lt. Reed from Deputy T. Brockman

L4. Reviewed the scene diagram prepared by SguHall of the Boone County

Sheriffs Department
15. Reviewed the in-car video from Deputy Brockman's vehicle
16. Reviewed the video interview of Deputy T. Brockman
1-7. Reviewed photographs of Tyler Brockman's injuries [taken by Brockman)
18. Examined the 2001 Subaru Impreza driven by Samantha Ramsey
19. Examined the tire tread of the left front tire of the 2001 Subaru Impreza
20. Examined the boots and equipmentworn by Deputy Brockman
21. Meet with investigators from the Boone County Sheriffs Department and the
Kentucky State Police on August4th,20L4
Z2.Meetwith investigators from the Boone County Sheriffs Department, the
Kentucky State Police and the Kentucky Medical Examiner's Office on August
27th,20t4 and performed an exemplar reconstruction
23. Meet with investigators from the Boone County Sheriffs Department, the
Kentucky State Police and Deputy Brockman on September 3rd, 2014 and
performed an exemplar reconstruction
24. Reviewed the |une 3, 2014 repoft of Helen Snyder from the Northern
Kentucky Branch of the Kentucky State Police Crime Laboratory
25. Reviewed the fune 9, 20L4 report of Lawrence Pilcher from the Central
Laboratory Branch of the Kentuclcy State Police
26. Reviewed the fune 16, 20L4 report of Paul Dorman from the Forensic Latent
Print Laboratory ofthe Kentucky State Police
27. Reviewed the |une 18, 2014 report of Lara Mosenthin from the Central
Laboratory Branch ofthe Kentucky State Police
28. Reviewed the |uly 10, 2014 report of Lara Mosenthin from the Central
Laboratory Branch of the Kentucky State Police
29. Reviewed the August 71,20L4 report of Lawrence Pilcher from the Central
Laboratory Branch ofthe Kentucky State Police
30. Reviewed the August LL,2014 report of Lara Mosenthin from the Central
Laboratory Branch of the Kentuclqy State Police
31. Reviewed the September 23,201,4 report of Lt. Chad Mills of the Kentucky
State Police
32. Reviewed the October 22,20L4 report of Lara Mosenthin from the Central
Laboratory Branch ofthe Kentucky State Police

The purpose of my review was to examine the injuries, injury mechanisms,

biomechanics, forensic evidence, toxicology results, medical issues and facts in
order to develop opinions in this case. My opinions will be based upon my
education and training in the fields of emergency medicine, forensic medicine,
accident investigation, wound ballistics and upon 30 years of experience in these

The Incident:

Based upon the above-referenced information, at sometime after 0200

April 26tr, 2014 Deputy Tyler Brockman of the Boone County Sheriffs Department

responded to a call for service in the 5600 block of River Road in Hebron, Kentuclry.
At approximately 02\2 and 0213 ftime stamp on video) Deputy Brockman can be
seen on his vehicle's video recording equipment interacting with the drivers of
vehicles entering onto River Road from a side road. Deputy Brockman signaled to
and requested Samantha Ramsey stop her white 2001 Subaru. In the video Deputy
Brockman is seen moving alongside of the Subaru. Review of the video also reveals
Ms. Ramsey's Subaru accelerated, as evidenced by its rear-end dipping and a puff of
white smoke, as it moved out of the picture. Within seconds there was contact
between the left front of the Subaru and Deputy Brockman's lower extremities. This
contact included the left front tire running over the lateral aspect of his right foot.
Deputy Brockman stated he felt his life was in danger and jumped up on the hood of
Ms. Ramsey's vehicle. Deputy Brockman stated he took this action to avoid being
crushed between the Subaru and his patrol car. He stated in an interview "if I hadn't
jumped she would have run right over top of me". Deputy Brockman reported that
he continued to give Ms. Ramseyverbal commands to stop her vehicle however she
elected to accelerate and to continue eastbound on River Road. Deputy Brockman
stated the Subaru accelerated and again he felt his life was in danger. He elected to
discharge 4 rounds from his firearm into the vehicle in an effort to protect his life.
After some period of time the Subaru abruptly stopped, throwing Deputy Brockman
to the pavement. He stated he felt a "pop" and had immediate pain in his right lower
extremity. Ms. Ramsey's Subaru then moved reanryard and came to rest on the
south side of River Road.

Iniuries: Samantha Ramsey

The Hebron Fire Department responded to the scene and found Ms.
Samantha Ramsey in cardiac arrest with CPR being performed by "Sheriff officers".
Advanced life supportwas initiated and she was transported from the scene to St.
Elizabeth's Hospital. The emergency department staff was unable to resuscitate Ms.
Ramsey and she was pronounced deceased at 0301.
On the morning of

April 26e Dr.

W. Ashton Ennis of the

Northern Kentuclqy

Medical Examiner's Office performed an autopsy. Ms. Ramsey, age 19, had a
measured height of 69 inches and a weight of 242 pounds. Dr. Ennis documented
the presence of B gunshot wounds, the recovery of 4 bullets and the presence of
punctures or "pseudo tattooing" from glass fragments on the forearms. The gunshot
wounds are numbered 1-B [A-H by Dr. Ennis) and have no relationship to the order
in which the injuries occurred (Diagrams 1-2):

#1. A gunshot wound of entrance on the posterior medial surface of the distal
right forearm fPhoto 1). This wound is associated with wound #2, a gunshot
wound of exit on the anterior surface of the distal right forearm. Pseudo
tattooing is present surrounding this wound. (Wound F)
#2. Agunshot wound of exit on the distal right forearm (Photo 2). This wound is
associated with wound #1. [Wound E)
#3. A gunshot wound of entrance on the posterior lateral surface of the distal
portion of the left upper arm (Photo 3). This wound is associated with

wound #4, a gunshot wound of exit on the medial surface of the left upper
extremity. fWound G)
#4. Agunshotwound of exit on the medial surface of the left upper extremity
(Photo 4). This wound is associated with wound #3. fWound H)
#5. A gunshot wound of entrance on the right upper chest. This wound maybe
the associated re-entrance wound associated with exit wound #2. (Wound AJ
#6. A gunshot wound of entrance on the right upper chest inferior to wound #5.
This wound maybe the associated re-entrance wound associated with exit
wound #2. (Wound B)
#7 . A gunshot wound of entrance on the left upper chesl This wound maybe the
associated re-entrance wound associated with exit wound #4. (Wound C)
#B.A gunshot wound of entrance on the left upper chest inferior to wound #7.
This wound maybe the associated re-entrance wound associated with exit
wound #4. (Wound D)

Sarnantha Ramsey



#s B)

{D) Entrance

#6 {B) Entran

#a {H) Exit

#2 (E) Exit


BillSmock, MD

Diagram 1: Gunshot wounds located on the anterior surface of the body

Samantha Rarnsey




(G) Entranc.e



From glassfragmants

From glass fragments

Billsmd<, MD
Diagram.2: Gunshot wounds and related injuries located on the posterior surface of
the body* .
All:arounds are of an indeterminate range. The trajectories are described in
the autop'sy report of Dr.'Ennis and demonstrated in Photos 1-10 taken during the
exemplar reconstructions, Dr. Ennis of the Kentucky Medical Examiner's Office was
present du6ing qhe $ugustfl7th,2014 exemplar reconstruction and assisted with the
positioning of the wound locations on the exemplar model.




Photo L: Entrance wound #1 on the distal right forearm associated with exit wound
#2. The dotted line approximates the bullet's path within the tissue.




Photo 2: Exitwound #2 on the distal right forearm associated with entrance wound
#1. The dotted line approximates the bullet's wound path.




Photo 3: Entrance wound #3 on the left upper arm associated with exit wound #4.
The dotted line approximates the bullet's wound path within the tissue.






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Photo 4: Exit wound #4 on the medial aspect of the left upper arm. The wound is
associated with entrance wound #3. The dotted line approximates the bullet's path
within the tissue.


Photo 5: Entrance wounds #5 and #6. One of these wounds is a reentry wound
associated with exit wound #2.


#t ff^,6,










Photo 6: Entrance wounds #7 and #8. One of these wounds is a reentry wound
associated with exit wound #4. The dotted lines approximate the bullets'path.



Photo 7: Approximate possible trajectory of the bullet associated with wounds #L,
#2 and #6 or wound #6 only.

Photo 8: Approximate possible trajectory of the bullet associated with wounds #3,
#4 and #B or wound #8 only.

Photo 9: Approximate possible trajectory of the bullet associated with wounds #3,
#4 and #7 or wound #7 only.

Photo 10: The approximate location of the non-exiting bullets within the tissues of
the back. The bullets are associated with wound #5 and wound#6.


Iniuries: Tyler Brockman

The Hebron Fire Department responded to the scene and evaluated Deputy
Brockman. Deputy Brockman complained of "severe right ankle/lower leg pain".
The fire department documented the following history: "Patient states that he was
standing on the roadway attempting to stop a vehicle when he was struck by the
same vehicle. Patient explains that the vehicle was accelerating upon being struck
and he was thrown onto the vehicle hood." Deputy Tyler Brockman was transported
from the scene to St. Elizabeth's Hospital.
In the emergency department Deputy Brockman complained of "sharp pain
diffusely in his right ankle and the lateral aspect of his right foot." Radiographs of
the right foot revealed "a mildly displaced fracture at the base of the fifth metatarsal
which is associated with soft tissue swelling" fPhoto 11). Deputy Brockman's right
lower extremity was placed in a splint and he was discharged with a diagnosis of an
"acute closed fracture of the proximal right fifth metatarsal".
Photographs taken on April 26th,20L4 of Deputy Brockman's lower
extremities demonstrated evidence of blunt force trauma to the left knee. Deep
contusions and abrasions were documented fPhoto 12).
Photographs taken on April 29th,2014 revealed additional areas of
superficial abrasions and contusions (Diagrams 3 - 5). Areas of ecchymosis were
present on the medial and posterior aspects of the right foot and surround the
proximal poftion of the 2"d and 3.d toes fPhotos 13 and 14). A pattern injury was
present on the lateral aspect of the right foot just posterior to the base of the fifth
metatarsal fPhoto 15). This pattern injury demonsffated diagonally oriented linear
contusions overlying an area of deep contusion. This injury was the result a tire
rolling over the foot (Photo 16 and 17).
On April 30td:.,20L4 Dr. Michael Rohmiller, an orthopedic surgeon, saw
Deputy Brockman in follow up. Dr. Rohmiller diagnosed Deputy Brockman with
additional traumatic injuries: low back pain, cervicalgia, ecchymosis around the
right trapezius and periscapular region and ecchymosis around the left buttock.

An exemplar reconstruction related to Deputy Brockman's injuries was

performed on September 3.d, 2014 at the Boone County Sheriff Department. The
locations of the significant injuries sustained by Deputy Brockman were recreated
by drawing on his skin. Specifically, the contusion and abrasion on the anterior and
lateral aspect of the left knee and the tire imprint on the lateral aspect of the right
foot were drawn.
The recreated injuries and the vehicle were examined in proximity. Tha
exemplar reconstruction revealed several potential areas responsible for the impact
to the left knee. The reconstruction demonstrated the documented injuries w-e-Ie
consistent with Deputy Brockman's history of physical contact between the Ramsey
vehicle and his lower extremities fPhotos 18 and 19). The tire tread pattern was

also consistent with the orientation of the pattern injury present on the lateral
aspect of Deputy Brockman's right foot fPhoto 20 and 21), Examination of the
Iateral aspect of Depuff Brockman's right boot also demonstrated evidence of
contact with the right front tire. Diagonally oriented striations are present on the
lateral aspect ofthe right boot (Photo 22J.

Tyfrer Broclanan


BtEunr contu$on




!: tnjurles bn the anterior surface of the body.


Tyler Brockman

Superficial abrasion

Superficial abrasion

and ecchyhosis

BillSmock, MD

Diagram 4: Injuries to the posterior surface of the body.


Tyler Brockman

Edema, ecchymosis and

pattern injury {tire
Bill Smock, MD


5; Injuries to the right lateral aspect of the body.



Photo 11: Radiograph of a comminuted and mildly displaced fracture of Deputy

Brockman's right 5th metatarsal

Photo l-2: Contusions and an abrasion on the anterior and lateral aspects of Tyler
Brockman's left knee and lower leg.


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Photo 13. Ecchymosis is present on the medial aspect of the right foot.

Photo 14. Ecchymosis is present on the dorsal aspect of the right foot.


Photo 15: A tire imprint is present on the lateral aspect of Deputy Brockman's right
foot. This pattern injury is the result of contact with the rolling Ieft front tire of the
Ramsey vehicle [Photo 1,6 and 17).







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16: The tread imprint on the lateral aspect of the left front tire.



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Tread imprint from the left front tire.


Photo 18: The height of the injuries to the left knee and the height of the left front
bumper demonstrate a possible area of contact.



Photo l-9: Reconstruction of the interaction of between the Subaru's left front tire
and Deputy Brockman's right boot. The rolling impact resulted in a fracture of the
5th metatarsal fPhoto 11).

Photo 20: Reconstruction of the interaction between the Subaru's left front tire and
Deputy Brockman's right boot.

Photo 2L: Reconstruction of the interaction between the Subaru's left front tire and
the lateral aspect of Deputy Brockman's right foot.


Photo 22: Striations on the posterior lateral aspect of Deputy Brockman's right boot
are consistent with contact with the tread of the left front tire.

Toxicology: Samantha Ramsey

At autopsy, blood was collected and submitted to AIT Laboratories for
toxicological analysis. The test revealed the presence of THC ftetra hydra
cannabinoidJ at a level of 18.2 ng/ml and THC-COOH at a level of 38.9 ng/ml. The
test also revealed the presence of ethanol at a level of 0.720 o/o(w /v).
A urine specimen was also collected at autopsy and submitted to AIT
Laboratories for toxicological analysis. The test revealed the presence of THC-COOH
at a level of ZLS ng/ml. Ethanol was also present at a level of 0.148 o/o(w /v).

The combined ievels of THC [the active metabolite from marijuana) and
ethanol are of clinical significance. The presence of these intoxicants at the levels
found in Samantha Ramsey would result in physiological impairment including:
reduced large and small muscle coordination,loss of judgment impaired vision,
slowed reaction time, impaired memory and comprehension and a decreased ability
to track moving objects.

Toxicology: Tyler Brockman

In the emergency department of St. Elizabeth's hospital Deputy Brockman
submitted a blood sample for alcohol testing and a urine specimen for toxicological
screening at0426 on 4/26/14. The urine screen reported a "presumptive pos" for

benzodiazepines with a minimum reference threshold of 200 ng/ml. Testing for

other medications or drugs in the urine specimen was negative, The blood alcohol
test was negative.
Deputy Brockman also submitted a blood sample for toxicological testing.
The sample was collected in the emergency department and submitted to
Nationwide Testing Association, Inc. for analysis. The analysis was negative for all
medications or drugs, including benzodiazepines with a minimum reference
threshold of 300 ng/ml.
The detection of benzodiazepines in the urine and not in the blood indicates
the quantity present in Deputy Brockman's body is of such a low level its presence is
not to be considered of clinical significance. This insignificant level is consistent
with Deputy Brockman's prescribed regimen of 1 mg alprazolam as needed for sleep
and his statement that he had last taken his last dose approximately 24 hours prior
to the incident.

Physical and Forensic Evidence of Vehicle and Deputy Contact:

There is physical and forensic evidence of contacts between the exterior of
the 2001 Subaru Impreza and Deputy Brockman. Specifically, two significant areas
of contact resulting in injury include an impact to the left knee fPhoto 1BJ, and the
rolling of the left front tire over the lateral aspect of the right foot (Photos 75-17 , L922). The fune 18, 2014 report of Lara Mosenthin of the Central Laboratory Branch
also demonstrated contact between Deputy Brockman's duty equipment and the left
front quarter panel of the vehicle. These areas of contact resulted in the transfer of
material as delineated in the reports from the Kentuclry State Police Crime

Mr. Crawford, I am a board-certified emergency medicine physician with 30years of experience in the forensic evaluation of injuries and the analysis of gunshot
wounds. Based upon my education, experience and training and my review of the
above-referenced material I am able to render the following opinions within a
reasonable degree of medical and scientific certainty:

1. Ms. Samantha Ramseywas


under the influence and impaired by the

combined use of marijuana and alcohol at the time of her encounter with
Deputy Tyler Brockman.
Ms. Samantha Ramsey sustained a total of 8 gunshot wounds, 6 entrance and
2 exit, from the discharge of 4 rounds by Deputy Brockman
The trajectories of the bullets are from front to back and superior to inferior
at varying downward angles. The trajectories are consistent with Depufy
Tyler Brockman's statements.



The presence of pseudo tattooing from glass fragments on the dorsal surface
of both forearms is consistent with the arms being on or close to the steering
wheel at the time the bullets peneffated the windshield.
Deputy Tyler Brockman was not under the influence of any medications at
the time of the incident.
Deputy Tyler Brockman's lower extremities demonstrate evidence of
physical contact with the left front fender and/or bumper of the Ramsey
Deputy Tyler Brockman's right foot and boot demonstrate evidence of
physical contact with the left front tire of the Ramsey vehicle.
Deputy Tyler Brockman sustained serious physical injury including a mildly
displaced and comminuted fracture to his right foot when the left front tire of
the Ramsey vehicle rolled over the foot.

Mr. Crawford, thank you very much for the opportunity to work with you on
this case. I reserve the opportunity to modify or supplement my opinions if
additional information is made available during your investigation.

sincerely, _/_,






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