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Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Version 11.

Release Notes for 11.1 Build 1112
Additional preventative measures added to address issues introduced on Windows
7 x64 by Microsoft Patch KB2993651
Updated Dependency Check option when registering Packages in RAS Registry.

Release Notes for 11.1 Build 1111

Reporting & Document Generation
Document Generator now prompts user to save changes to Templates before genera
Linked Document and Template editors now prompt to save changes before closing
Document Editor now refreshes display when changing Page options for a section
Attribute filters can now be applied during document generation
Method filters can now be applied during document generation
Document Generator handling of nameless lists in templates improved
Document Generation using custom sql searches will now substitute <Search Term
Modeling of Collaborations simplified
. Pool elements now include all required properties directly instead of refe
rencing an external participant element
. Pools are now nested directly inside the Collaboration they define instead
of the Process they reference
. Elements created inside Pools referencing a Process are now created direct
ly inside the Process
. Process for a Pool can now be omitted for a simplified model if no re-use
is required (Flow elements owned directly by Pool)
. Main Pool for a Collaboration can now be omitted for a simplified model (F
low elements owned directly by Collaboration)
. Alternatively the main Pool can be referenced by the tag 'mainPool' on the
Collaboration (Allows setting additional properties on the Pool)
. Context menu command for Pool in Project Browser added to allow encapsulat
ing its process into a re-useable Business Process element
. Context menu command for Collaboration and Collaboration diagram to allow
encapsulating the Process for its default Pool
PartnerEntity and PartnerRole types now available:
. Allows traceability between Pools and what they are representing
. Drop either type onto a Pool link the Pool to the Entity/Role it represent
. Full round-trip using BPMN XML included
Convenience notation of edge-mounted Start and End Events now available:
. Handled by model export as a normal Start Event inside the parent
Import and export functions for BPMN now all require the Professional edition
of Enterprise Architect or higher
Export to BPMN XML updated to prevent creation of a Process for Pools not cont
aining any behavior
Round trip of label positions to BPMN XML improved
Version Control
TFS 2012/2013 reporting file lock owner using 'Display Name' rather than 'Acco
untID' no longer prevents package check-in

TFS integration now detects use of TFS 2013 local workspaces and reports the e
Other Changes
API call Repository.GetElementsByQuery will now substitute <Search Term> for c
ustom sql queries
Issues introduced on Windows 7 x64 by Microsoft Patch KB2993651 no longer resu
lt in Operating System exceptions and blue screens when using enhanced diagram r

Release Notes for 11.1 Build 1110

Import from BPMN 2.0 XML added
Export to XPDL 2.2 added
Properties dialogs for BPMN 2.0 elements improved:
. Easily select the type of the element from the valid sub-types
. View and edit only the properties that are valid for the selected type
Modeling of Collaborations improved:
. Creating a Pool on a diagram will now convert the diagram to a collaborati
on diagram and add corresponding Business Process and Participant elements
Start and End Events will no longer prompt to create an Edge Mounted element
Intermediate Events will now only prompt to create an Edge Mounted element whe
n dropped onto an Activity
Nesting of elements on BPMN diagrams improved
Set the message for a message based event or task by dragging the message onto
it from the Project Browser
Orthogonal connector line routing to Gateway elements improved
Diagram specific properties for Gateway marker visibility and Activity expande
d added
. Adding children to an Activity will mark it as expanded automatically
. Expanded activities are now drawn with their name at the top left to maxim
ize room for child elements
Export to BPMN 2.0 XML updated:
. Message Flow to/from a Pool will now reference the matching Participant as
the end object
. Pool/Lane orientation now exported
. Call Activity now exports the referenced Activity using the expected attri
bute name
. Participant Multiplicity on a Pool not explicitly referencing a Participan
t now exported
. Diagram export of Pools now references the source Participant
. User, Manual, Script and Business Rule Tasks without connectors will now b
e exported as Global Tasks
. A default Collaboration will no longer be created to own Message Flows if
a Collaboration already exists in the package
. Pools will now create appropriate additional elements required to fully sp
ecify the model on export
. Diagrams directly owned by a Package will now create the appropriate conta
iner for export
. Group, Category and Category Value elements now exported
. Resource Parameter type now exported
. Positions of Labels are now exported
. Sub-Process and Sub-Choreography elements now export isExpanded property b
ased on the contents of the diagram
Message Flow validation updated to allow connecting two Pools owned by a commo
n collaboration

Reporting & Document Generation

HTML reports showing Win32 objects updated to ensure correct position of hyper
links on diagram images
Printing selected text from a document editor no longer causes a print error
Insertion of new sections where no gap exists between existing markers improve
IDocumentGenerator API object now allows multiple classes to be generated usin
g different templates
Other Changes
Reuseable Asset registration process updated to make it easier to create depen
dencies to existing assets
Reuseable Asset Service now supports an administrator password to prevent crea
tion of new registries
Specification Manager is now able to restrict display to Test Cases
ArcGIS Validation Script updated to improve Length, Precision and Scale checks
ArcGIS partial schema export now includes packages that are indirectly linked
to the Schema
Renaming a Table column when auditing is enabled no longer displays an error
Element Browser updated to allow copying Testing and Maintenance items by drag
ging them to another element on a Diagram

Release Notes for 11.0 Build 1107

Reporting & Document Generation
Heading numbering from stylesheets will now be applied to all sections of a Ma
ster Document generation
Script based Template Fragments can now be used when a report is started from
the automation interface
HTML Reports updated to allow clicking elements on Kanban diagrams
BPMN 2.0 Pools will no longer be moved to a new parent if their owning Busines
s Process is not on the current diagram
Sequence Flow connectors can now be created between Edge-Mounted owned by Acti
vities within the same Pool
Adding new elements to BPMN Diagrams containing will no longer show error for
nodes already in a locked Pool or Lane
UML metamodel updated to allow Signals to own Parts
UML metamodel updated to ensure Enumerations can be used everywhere a Classifi
er is required
Artifact elements can now be created directly within Project Browser
Back-End Repository Updates
Diagram Swimlanes can now be edited on MySQL 5.6 repositories
Project Roles can now be edited on Firebird repositories
Kanban diagrams on Firebird repositories will now be able to provide the exist
ing valus for Element Version when creating a new lane
Deep copy of Diagrams will now copy elements successfully on Cloud Repositorie
Transformation from Sequence Diagram to Communication Diagram will now copy el
ements successfully on Cloud Repositories
State Table information now removed when Diagram is deleted
. Project Integrity Check for orphaned State Table information added

Other Changes
ODBC import from Oracle 12C added
Formatted note fields will no longer replace tab characters with spaces when s
Document editor will no longer offer option to apply stylesheet to readonly do
Project Browser Add menu will now offer normal options for technologies overri
ding the icon for Activity elements

Release Notes for 11.0 Build 1106

Reporting & Document Generation
Document generator will now open documents with unicode filenames
Structured Scenario step kind updated to use string 'System'
Code Engineering
Actionscript parsing updated to import contents of conditional compilation uni
Python reverse engineering updated to improve linking to base classes
Other Changes
Compatibility with Windows Vista 32 bit restored
DPI scaling of Project Browser icons in custom DPI settings improved
Specification manager updated to allow typing extended characters using Polish
Project Browser context menu will no longer show Copy Reference in two places
Quicklinks for Device and ExecutionEnvironment elements improved
ArcGIS exporter handling of unstereotyped packages in partial schemas improved
Source code editor updated to improve behavior when reloading external changes

Release Notes for 11.0 Build 1105

HTTP server
Enterprise Architect can now connect to models directly through HTTP or HTTPS
through Cloud Services application (Available separately)
Integrates with model security to prevent access for users who aren't authoriz
ed to access the model
Choose between integration with IIS web server or a stand-alone server
Includes optimizations that aren't available through ODBC connections
Provides support for Open Service for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) hosting
. Allows any OSLC client to access an Enterprise Architect model
Provides a Reusable Asset Service
. Share packages and associated files with users of other models
. Dependencies between packages are managed by Enterprise Architect
. Provide multiple versions of a package as it changes over time
. Download any package and import it and all packages it depends on into you
r model
. Compare your version of any package with the original
Firebird Repositories
Users now have the choice if they want to use the traditional Jet database or
the new Firebird database locally
Create Firebird backed databases in all editions of Enterprise Architect

Reporting & Document Generation

New suite of report templates
. Produce more attractive and easier to read reports without need for custom
. Consistent use of styles between reports
Easily customize any report
. Create a company cover page with your logo and desired formats and apply i
t to any report
. Customize the appearance of the table of contents and apply it to any
. Define a style sheet to change the text styles used in any report
. Create a diagram theme to use for all diagram images in your report or
use one of the themes provided
. Adapt to the style requirements of different clients without the need to c
reate completely new reports
. Define report specifications to allow a report to be recreated with ex
actly the same settings each time
DocX support added
. Generate reports to DocX format using existing templates
. Open and Edit DocX documents with Enterprise Architect
Additional constants to provide information about a report
. Available on cover page, header or footer
. ReportDateLong and ReportDateShort provide the date the report was run
. ReportTitle provides the name of the template being run
. ReportAuthor provides the name of the person running the report
. ReportSource provides the connection string of the model
. ReportFilename provides the path of the generated report
. ReportName, ReportVersion, ReportStatus, ReportAlias all provide informati
on about the top level package being generated
Update Styles command available in to set the styles of a document to match a
style sheet
Define a Template Fragment that calls a different fragment based on element ty
Neaten report output by adding bookmarks to support conditional output
. Define a header to be generated for the first item only
. Define a list separator to be generated for items other than the first
. Conditionally write text around any field only if it is non-empty
. See system reports for examples
Specification Manager
View and Edit Requirements or other element types in a view that looks like a
Each heading and its text corresponds to a model element
Browse your model for packages containing requirements
Show all elements in a package or filter by a specified type
Add columns that display an icon for each element that contains:
. Linked documents
. Discussions
. Relationships to other elements
. Resource allocations
. Maintenance items
. Files
. Test
. Risks
Each indicator icon can be double-clicked to take you to that information
Convenient links to related options and views along the top of the view
Integrated with the Team Review to allow supplementary documents to be added f
rom within the editor
See exactly which Relationship Matrix profiles exist for that package and open

Create new Relationship Matrix profiles for the elements you are viewing quick
ly and easily
See the available Relationship Matrix profiles for visible packages
Display Charts on Diagrams
Summarize and visually display information from your model in a chart format
New stereotyped class Chart added which displays as a chart on the diagram
Select from multiple types of pie charts and 2d or 3d bar charts
Appearance of charts can be customized with a wide range of display options
Create charts from element properties or properties from test cases, constrain
ts and more
. Select multiple packages to include elements from or use all elements in t
he model
. Filter the elements using an existing search or define new filters
Produce charts from more complicated relationships or non-element information
by writing a custom SQL query
Display charts from external data sources by supplying the data in a comma sep
arated list
Include charts anywhere that a diagram image is used
Create lists from anything in your model and show them on a diagram
. Easily create lists of elements in a package or on a diagram by dragging o
nto a diagram
. Drag elements directly from list onto a diagram
Create a Time Series chart to display how your model changes over time
. Utilize a cloud server to automatically update the chart on a fixed schedu
. Record values for today using a Manual record
. Use any SQL query to produce the data
. Built-in examples to get you started
Charts are automatically snapped to each other to make a neat dashboard easy t
o create
Element Discussions
New capability to add discussions directly to model elements.
Element Discussions docked window added.
. Provides threaded view of the discussions on the currently selected elemen
. Adding new discussions and replies is quick and easy due to inline editing
Diagram display themes added
Easily switch between sets of appearance options to be applied as default to d
Create user defined themes for a variety of tasks. (eg. Reporting or presentat
A number of built-in themes are included including High Contrast Themes
Apply complete themes or select a subset of the styles included in the theme
Includes a number of new display options:
. Highlight different element types using different fill colors
. Complex gradients utilizing curves, angled lines and multiple directions c
an be applied to element fills
. Adjust the tint amount for element gradients (Range is 50% lighter to 50%
. Adjust the percentage of elements that are covered by gradients
. Soften corners of elements using rectangles by applying round edges
. Select an image to use as a tile for the background
. New option for page border style
. Note and constraint fill, text and line colors
Document Management

New capability to store any file as an artifact in your model.

Extends on the capability of linked documents.
Documents are added to a model by dragging the file onto a diagram.
Diagram shows the icon displayed in Windows explorer.
Double click opens the document in registered application.
. Changes are automatically brought back into the model when saved
Documents included in baselines, XMI import/export and copy and paste.
Code Generation for State Machines
Completely new template driven code generation for state machines
Full implementation of State Machines from UML specification. Notably:
. Concurrent Regions
. All Pseudostates types: (initial, deepHistory, shallowHistory, junctio
n, choice, entryPoint, exitPoint, terminate)
. Differentiate between internal, local and external transitions
. Submachine States and ConnectionPointReferences
. Deferrable Triggers
. State behaviors
. Full signal support including signal attributes
Generate code to all of these languages:
. ANSI C, OOC, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, SystemC
Create an 'executable statemachine' artifact to generate the interaction betwe
en instances of multiple classes owning State Machines
Visually debug the generated code using the Enterprise Architect debugger to s
ee how the state machine runs
. Execution Analyzer script automatically generated for standard compile
Simulation of object instances
Behaviors created inside a classifier will now include an instance of that cla
ssifier in the locals display
Added support for Object Flow between Actions
Functions for managing object lifetime also available in Javascript code
Object behavior can be started through actions. (CallObjectBehavior)
Object behavior can also be started through Javascript code
Operations on a class with code defined in Javascript can be called on objects
in simulation
Activity Parameter support added
. Values passed in from Action Pins from Call Behavior Action
. Return value passed out on result ActionPin
. Access parameter values from javascript inside Activity
Added support for Action types related to object values:
. ReadVariable
. WriteVariable
. ClearVariable
. AddVariableValue
. RemoveVariableValue
. ReadSelf
. Send Object
. Value Specification
. Clear Structural Feature
. Remove Structural Feature Value
Kanban process support
Create a diagram showing Kanban style lanes
Automatically manage element sizes and positions, you only need to put element
s in the appropriate lane
Bind lanes to a property element to different values of an element property
. Phase
. Status

. Priority
. Version
. Named tagged value
View diagrams with an improved lane style
Set a limit on the number of items in each lane
Activated via the Swimlanes and Matrix dialog
Moving elements into a lane prevented when element is locked or user has insuf
ficient permissions
Other Reporting Changes
Unicode support within Linked Documents improved.
. Better handling of right to left languages
. Character display for many languages improved
Comments now supported within Linked Documents, Templates and Team Review.
. Add comments to a text selection
. Comments displayed in page margin
. Comments automatically excluded from generated documentation
Relationship matrix documentation updated.
. Documentation now includes all defined relationship matrices for each pack
. Source and target package values corrected
User Interface changes to make working with templates easier
. Template selection in Generate Documentation dialog now groups templates u
nder headings for 'User', 'System' and technology
. Templates page of Generate Documentation dialog now groups each type of us
er template
. Resource Tree restructured to group template types within 'User', 'System'
and technology groups
. Resource Tree and Generate Documentation dialog Templates page now use dis
tinct icons for each template type
Diagram selection based report is now possible
Template Fragments can now be defined for the diagram section
Default filename for a report will now match the Package Name
Technology Metatypes now available in Connector Filters list
Generation of reports to Unicode filenames now possible
New field added to Attribute section. IsID returns true if the attribute uniqu
ely identifies the containing class.
Template fragments not generating any text will no longer leave the template s
ection in the report.
Text Styles from templates will no longer be lost after note fields in unusual
circumstances related to escape characters in notes.
Generated note fields are now inserted with the text style from the template.
Linked Document editor will now allow PDF documents to be embedded.
Template Editor context menu now displays styles that are active for the curre
nt text.
Document generation for Element.ValueOf fields updated to report display value
Loading of Document Templates improved to prevent visual artifacts from tables
Document Template editor 'New' button now prompts before clearing the document
Reports generated from Model Documents and Master Documents will now generate
Matrix sections
Saving documents to PDF updated to prevent drawing issues in upper left corner
SQL query fragments now support substitutions including #Branch#
SQL query fragments containing empty values will now remove the markers from t
he generated reports
Script fragments now report more useful error messages when they fail
Script fragments can now can now return a result larger than 16k in length
Scenario template markers will now longer be included in generated reports
Transitions section of RTF Documents will now be fully replaced for the first
transition being generated

Documentation ValueOf fields now work with tagged value names containing enclo
sing Parenthesis
New fields available in the Attribute Section of HTML reports
. #ISID#
New fields for attributes in tables
. #PK#
. #FK#
New field in scenario step template
. #TYPE#
HTML Reporting updated to prevent diagrams being inserted into the wrong paren
HTML reports will no longer include Diagram Frame objects in navigation tree
URL tagged value types now generate hyperlinks in HTML reports
Hyperlinks to model elements in HTML report improved
Scenario steps with elements in the Uses field will now be created as a hyperl
ink in HTML reports
HTML Reports from a model document can now set a default diagram
HTML Reports from a master document now document the properties of the top lev
el packages
Icons in navigation tree of HTML reports will now contain transparency when ge
nerated from machines with 16 bit color
HTML generation will now prompt to save unchanged diagrams at start of generat
Hyperlinks generated to HTML reports will now work if address specified by use
r includes the protocol
Operation behavior linked to a behavior will now generate a hyperlink to the b
ehavior in HTML reports
Diagram images in HTML reports will now match the colors displayed on screen
RTF Custom Script Fragment will now be able to return large data sets
Elements are no longer duplicated in reports when children are not filtered bu
t the parent is
Document Template Editor will now allow a template to be saved without requiri
ng the new button to be pressed before starting
Document editor updated to use same toolbar as template editor
Document Editor bottom scrollbar will no longer be drawn under the diagram tab
Dropping Elements from a Model Search to a Linked Document will now offer a ch
oice of template to use to generate the items
System defined documentation templates will now provide a context menu allowin
g view or copy
Resource Tree will now allow dragging Linked Document Templates between groups
Documents opened in internal editor will now be editable
Load speed of Document Generation dialog improved
Linked documents behavior for corrupted rtf data improved
Rendering of Unicode text into reports improved
Project Constants changes now available in open template editors
Template Fragments specified as SQL will now work on Oracle databases
List rendering in documents improved to prevent issue where lists coming from
different note fields could be merged
Alpha Transparency now supported for alternate images
. Import from 32 bit bitmaps or PNG images

Shape scripted elements can now have an alternate image applied

Elements created via Ctrl + Dragging existing elements on a diagram will be cr
eated at the mouse position regardless of zoom level.
Object placement when pasting objects close to edge of diagram improved.
Parts, States and UI Elements can now be copied to another element by holding
Control while dragging them on a diagram.
Connectors created in Orthogonal style are now drawn orthogonal as soon as the
y are created.
Element font selection updated to prevent interaction between the 'Bold Elemen
t Names' option and font styles.
Creating a new element using Ctrl + Left Click shortcut will no longer be poss
ible for users without Update Diagrams permission.
Elements and connectors set with a line thickness of 2 will now appear cleaner
Custom Compartments displaying Child Elements no longer show the child name if
the child is on the diagram
Object styles of newly pasted elements will now be the same as their original
Composite Diagrams shown in an element compartment now reload feature visibili
ty after composite diagram is saved
Communication Messages between elements will now be created attached to the ne
w Association when creating copies of elements and connectors with the Paste as
New dialog
Packages that have been filtered from the diagram will no longer draw icons fo
r their contained elements
Shape scripted connector decorations will now be now always be drawn on the ce
nter segment for orthogonal connectors with rounded corners.
Shape scripted connectors without labels will no longer cause additional white
space on right of diagrams
Presentation mode element highlight improved on locked diagrams
Positions of orthogonal connectors drawn as a straight line will be now be sta
ble when selecting start or end elements
Deleting a signal will now update any send signal actions that are referencing
Structural Element Dialog will now allow inserting ports and parts with the sa
me name from different parents
Black color from the diagram toolbar can now be set to override a different de
fault color for font and border color
Border color now applied via default appearance dialog when a shape script in
Diagram layout toolbar button enabled for behavioral diagrams except Timing &
Interaction Overview
Diagram Matrix and Swimlane resizing will now scale the minimum size with diag
ram zoom level
Required and Provided interfaces added to a Sequence diagram from the structur
al elements dialog will now retain their names
Connectors linked to elements features will now always be attached to the left
or right side of the element
Re-ordering sequence messages by holding the alt key will no longer cause the
settings menu from being shown if immediately saving using keyboard shortcut
Sequence Message context menu will now enable options to raise or lower activa
tion level appropriately
Adding new elements to diagrams will now take a consistent time independent of
the number of diagram are open
Dragging of elements between diagrams will now drop as instance without prompt
ing a second time
Custom compartments specified by shape scripts can now be displayed in linked
Diagram creation will now only apply settings from diagram in Template Package
when it matches the technology of the new diagram
Diagram filters will now filter embedded elements without impacting any other

Resizing either top and left edges of objects will now preserve embedded eleme
nt positions relative to top left of the object
Stereotypes on items conveyed on Information Flow connectors can now be toggle
d with the diagram option to show element stereotypes
Right aligned labels adjusted to ensure consistent position when zooming
Selecting a Raised Exception for operations will no longer leave the Project B
rowser in a bad state
Creation of stereotyped diagrams will no longer add a prefix of '>' if option
not using extended stereotype characters
Resizing Interaction Fragments with attached notes will now preserve note link
Status colors can now be shown for Component, Property, Device and ExecutionEn
vironment elements
Renaming Primitive, Enumeration and Datatype elements will now update types wh
ere they have been used as a classifier
Dropping an element that already exists on the diagram will no longer mark the
diagram as dirty
Element shadows will now be drawn partially transparent
Status colors on element shadows will now draw for the full shadow instead of
an outline
Diagram option for page border display renamed to Hide Page Border (Current Di
agram) to reflect the way overrides the system wide option to show a page border
Creating Composite Diagrams will now prompt for a name instead of using defaul
t name
Dropping Class from Project Browser onto another class on a diagram now provid
es the option of creating an attribute
Copying existing elements will now update the creation date but not the modifi
ed date (similar to file copy behavior in Windows)
Notes linked to connectors can now display a connector's constraints
Creating a Profiled elements from the Project Browser will now create the defa
ult composite diagram
Structural Elements can now be added to a diagram when their source package is
Paste Elements As New dialog no longer increments auto name counter if the ele
ment(s) were not pasted
Paste Elements As New dialog now ensures Name and Alias counters are increment
ed synchronously
Pasting elements as new with connectors will now include all connector tagged
Converting a connector to an Aggregation will now set the destination shared p
Now possible to hide a segment of orthogonal style connectors
Selecting multiple objects will no longer allow objects to be accidentally mov
ed outside of their parent
Moving an embedded element will no longer cause positions of sibling items to
be recalculated
Modifying the standard colors will now update diagrams that are located outsid
e the main view
Shape scripted labels will now draw with default colour from the owning object
when not overridden in script
Shape Script editor preview will now draw ArcTo consistently with diagram rend
Port and Part element type display can now be disabled when the default is to
show it
Applying a style with the default font color from the format toolbar will no l
onger result in white text
Quick-linker keyboard shortcut updated to ensure selected connector direction
is obeyed
Diagram Labels overlapping a connector handle will no longer be selected when

clicking on the handle

Connector labels are now drawn on top of all connectors.
Connector labels can now be set to bold even if element names are not being dr
awn as bold
Connector label positions will now stable in situations that could previously
cause their position to be saved incorrectly
Connector labels on top of transparent elements will now draw with diagram bac
kground color
Diagram filters can now filter for connectors of type Realization
Element Alignment modified to ensure consistent behavior for different methods
of selecting elements
Background colors of icons displayed on objects improved when changing default
Auto-size of elements updated to ensure a more consistent result
Maximum zoom level for diagram increased to 800%
Saving a diagram to pdf will no longer invert watermark text
Information Item rendering updated to improve text wrapping in small areas
Connect to Element Feature on connector context menu will now be available whe
n clicking on small segments
State machine rendering updated to prevent issue that could cause corners to b
e drawn off the screen
Rendering of stereotypes for grouped attributes and operations improved
Export of RangeDomain elements updated to set appropriate data types
Coordinate System Dialog updated to re-load tagged values after setting coordi
nate system
Menu items for ArcGIS are now available in context menu in the Project Browser
under Extensions in addition to in the main menu.
Set Coordinate System now disables Vertical Coordinate system selection when n
o valid coordinate system is selected
HasM and HasZ properties on a GeometryDef are no longer required and have been
Name of Business event, Representation, Deliverable and Gap elements moved nea
r top of element instead of centered in ArchiMate 2
Model Pattern added to ArchiMate 2 technology
Quick linker updated to correct Specializations
Colors for floating labels displayed on ArchiMate elements are now set from th
e element font color
Loop order property added to BPEL properties dialog for BPMN 2.0 Activity elem
BPMN gateways will no longer change the diagram scroll position when created
Migration from BPMN 1.1 to BPMN 2.0 improved
Group element rendering improved
Resizing Pools and Lanes in BPMN 2.0 diagrams without a Flow direction set wil
l no longer cause lanes to lose their parent pool
BPMN connector creation checks updated
. All validation checks can now be disabled by clearing 'String Connector Sy
ntax' on the Links options page
. Creation of message flows between activities in lanes from different packa
ges is no longer prevented
. Message Flows can now be added to Events where eventDefinition = 'Multiple
. Other minor fixes for consistency
New Elements with a subtype option created by the quick linker will now set a
default subtype and create the relationship

Repeating the last element created will now use the correct stereotype after c
reating multiple connectors with quick linker
Message Flow connector updated to prevent message icon from disappearing
Transform from Data Modeling profile to ERD will now set tagged values for typ
es when creating an attribute
Transform from ERD to Data Modeling profile will now copy attributes when the
source of the connector is the attribute instead of the table
Added support for GML 3.3.
. GML Profile now updated
. Export to GML Application Schema 3.3 now supported
GML Exporter updated to allow GML Properties that refer external Dictionaries
to be typed by GML CodeType for GML 3.2.1.
GML export added to Extensions part of context menu in the Project Browser and
GML Exporter updated to generate 'minOccurs' attribute on model groups. Allows
support of hyperlinking the value of a property by reference
Added support for Callout notation
. Create a Note element and on the NoteLink select Link to Element Feature
Added support for Requirement relationship compartments; trace, copy, deriveRe
qt and verify
SysML connector validation checks can now be disabled by clearing 'String Conn
ector Syntax' on the Links options page
Port rendering updated to ensure correct direction is drawn after a flow prope
rty on its type is added or deleted (SysML 1.3)
Block rendering updated show property stereotypes in references and values com
partments (SysML 1.3)
Viewpoint rendering updated to show full text of tagged values (SysML 1.2 and
Constraint Blocks will now draw the keyword constraint instead of the stereotype
constraintBlock (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
Allocate Activity Partitions will now draw the keyword allocate instead of the s
tereotype allocateActivityPartition (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
Drop from the Project Browser will now retain full height of original when cop
ying the layout from a diagram
Drop from the Project Browser will no longer offer to copy layout from Diagram
Frames used in IBD and Parametric diagrams
IBD and Parametric diagrams can now be created for a block directly from the c
ontext menu
DirectedFeature stereotype added to SysML 1.3 profile
. Blocks now include direction when drawing compartment for properties with
DirectedFeature stereotype applied
Adding an element to an Allocate Activity Partition will now set the parent co
rrectly when the diagram is showing a diagram frame for the Diagram owner
Parametric diagram simulation result now save to csv with system delimiter set
SysML Diagrams will now display Namespace for elements from external packages
SysML Technologies now available in all editions when SysML key is available
ConnectionPointReference support added
. Entry Points and Exit Points on a StateMachine correspond to a Connection
Point Reference on a SubMachine State
. A single ConnectionPointReference can reference multiple Entry Points or E
xit Points on the source StateMachine (but direction must match)

Internal Transitions for a State are now always rendered in the same compartme
nt as Internal Activities.
Pseudo States will no longer draw stereotype icons intended for classes.
Action Pin notation updated to include parameter type if one is specified.
Association connectors will no longer draw aggregation diamonds at both ends.
Connector links (e.g. between Ports and Parts) are always created undirected.
Realization connectors will now display stereotypes on diagrams
Quick Linker now provides option for linking between fork/join nodes and actio
n pins
Strict Connector Syntax will now allow Extension from a Stereotype to Metaclas
Collaboration Occurrence elements may be drawn elongated if allowed by options
Assembly connector updated to allow Auto Route line style
Note Links to Communications messages with same source and target will now lin
k to the label
Structured Activity Nodes will now consistently draw with a fill while panning
or saving a diagram.
Aggregations and Compositions drawn with the Quicklink keyboard shortcuts draw
in the correct direction.
Sequences messages to Exposed interfaces will now draw to the lifeline.
Namespace for Enumeration elements now shown as part of the name as for Class
Non-selectable Call Behavior Actions will now open the diagram associated with
their behavior when double clicked
Fork and Join elements will now longer lose its size after undoing a rotation
Anonymous Actions will now render their behavior correctly
Pressing F2 to add a name to an Anonymous Action will now place the editor in
the center of the Action
Port name change will now be propagated to reused ports if diagram hasn't been
reloaded before name change
Redefining a locked Port is now possible
InformationFlow connectors updated to ensure conveyed items is not displayed t
wice after modifying the connector direction
Partitions of Structured Activity elements (Loop Node, Conditional Node and Se
quence Node) can now be resized
Stereotyped Actors will now draw displayed features below their name
States and StateMachines can now be used as a diagram frame on their composite
Guards from Transition and InterruptFlow will now be shown when stereotypes ar
e hidden on the diagram
States and StateMachines that own a composite diagram can now be placed on the
composite diagram as a diagram frame.
Displayed Namespaces on sequence diagrams will now all be drawn under the life
line header
Condition Node properties dialog updated to create all clauses with no output
Note Elements showing an element constraint will now wrap their name in braces
DataType elements may own parts, to allow modeling of structured data types
Notes on Sequence diagrams will no longer have their z-order restricted
Interaction Fragments on Sequence Diagrams can now be locked to prevent moving
or resizing them from changing the diagram meaning. Locked Interaction Fragment
s behave as follows:
. Can only move vertically on the diagram to help maintain integrity of the
. Prevents movement past the message above it
. Resizes fragments that contain it when it's moved or resized
. Ensures a minimum size for the fragment that will contain all messages and
elements that are in it
. When in Free Move mode, no messages or other elements will be affected on
the diagram
Operands now have the following behavior when moving them:

. Fragments and Messages below the line will be moved up/down based on the a
mount the operand has been resized
. Operands will resize the interaction fragment they own unless the fragment
is in free move mode, in which case it defaults to previous behavior
. Operands will now bind contained interaction fragments as well as messages
. Fragments must be in free move mode in order to be moved outside of the operan
. Fragments containing other fragments will now resize if an internal fragme
nt is resized to ensure they remain contained.
. Fragments can no longer be moved above the bottom of another fragment unle
ss in Free Move mode
. Properties page of a fragment will now return to the properties page if Ca
ncel is selected on the dialog indicating there are unsaved changes
Smart Placement can now be used to align elements to sequence messages
Renaming a class EA now updates parameter return types on sequence and communi
cation messages
Interaction Occurrence behavior improved:
. Double click will now open the referenced sequence diagram
. Only Interaction elements can be set as the target
Lifelines are no longer created for structural elements owned by Actions and A
ctivities dropped on a sequence diagram.
Sequence diagrams created from structured scenarios referencing packages will
no longer set the classifier of the generated lifeline
Link Classifier can be assigned to Associations between generalized classifier
UML 2 ownership notation added to UML 1.4 style Aggregation connectors
Use Case instance names are now underlined
Activity Parameter direction may be set to 'return'
Pseudo States now bind to a State Region after diagram reload
User Interface Design
Win32 diagrams can now be imported directly from resource files and generated
to update the resource file.
Alternate images can now be applied to Win32 picture controls
Self-connectors on Win32 user interface elements now track to edge of element.
Simple UI Screens will now correctly draw tracking handles and tracking border
Various changes to Win32 elements to improve handling of scaling
Win32 combo boxes will now allow setting the height of the drop down list
. Click the arrow button on the combo box to edit list height
. Height will now be generated to RC file correctly
Win32 GUI elements will no longer parent each other when moving on the diagram
Other Technologies
MDG Technology for NIEM added
Predefined tagged value types for time:
. Date added - Provides date input only
. Time added - Provides time input only
. Timestamp added - Provides date and time input
. DateTime deprecated - Provides date input only
Stereotypes inheriting from other profiles improved:
. Shape script decorations are inherited
. Tagged values are listed as from the correct stereotype
. Tag groupings are honoured
. The correct composite structure diagram will be created
MDG Technologies can now be imported into a model
. Allows access for all users of the model without loss of functionality
Decision table view added as a partial implementation of the OMG Decision Mode
l Notation specification
. Define a decision table against any behavior object using this standard no

SPEM Profile updated to remove prefix from displayed stereotypes on diagrams

Associations between Table elements now obey the Association default direction
option setting.
Organization Chart connectors from Strategy Map profile modified to allow the
line style to be modified
Status colors can now be displayed for DataType, PrimitiveType, Enumeration, D
evice, ExecutionEnvironment and Property elements
Diagram Gate elements will now be drawn in Diagram Frames for non UML diagrams
Quick Linker modified to filter on profile when multiple stereotypes exist wit
h the same name
Shape scripts SetOrigin function will now evaluate correctly when used inside
conditional blocks
Shape scripts can now define shape scripts based on elements that have connect
ors to the element being drawn:
. Defined using shape RelatedElement
. Can query element information and connector information
New Shape Script properties for element scripts:
. Priority displays the priority of Requirements, Issues etc.
. IsDrawCompositeLinkIcon allows you to test whether a composite link icon s
hould be drawn or not
Shape script add-in query can now be specified in lower case
MDG Technology wizard will no longer append unnecessary extensions to server p
Quicklinker diagram blacklists and whitelists now work for extended diagram ty
Quicklinker definition can now specify all diagram types belonging to a profil
e in the diagram filter column. e.g. BPMN2.0::*;
Web Site links MDG Technology dialog will now work with https links
Processes in the Data Flow Diagram technology will now create Data Flow Diagra
ms as their composite diagram
Elements created from profile extending the table stereotype will now allow th
e database to be set
Profiled Realizations can now be created when profile directly imported into m
Profile packages can now be saved in all formats regardless of stereotype case
Custom properties with default values set in the UML Metamodel can be overridd
en in UML Profiles
Model Exchange & XML Technologies
XMI 1.1 import of packages storing stubs of child packages updated to ensure X
MI for the child package always has precedence for the properties of that packag
XMI 2.x import updated to support tag values and constraints containing ';' ch
XMI 2.x import from other tools updated to improve import of Comments from any
XMI 2.x import from other tools updated to apply the imported Constraints to t
he correct element
XMI 2.x import of profiles updated to recreate metaclasses and extension conne
XMI import updated to prevent errors importing connectors with a member type p
roperty exceeding the database size limit
XMI import of ActionPins on CallActions updated to prevent creation of duplica
te GUIDs
XMI import from Rhapsody updated to detect relationships between SysML Blocks
and Parts
XMI import updated to handle duplicate method parameter names
XMI 2.x export updated to support Association specialized properties ( redefin
e and subset )

XMI 2.x export updated to support redefined operations & raised exceptions
XMI 2.x export updated to specify the correct namespace details for OMG Profil
XMI 2.x export updated to specify the correct value for the property 'isUnique
' on Operation Parameters
XMI export updated to support exporting tagged values on instance ports
XMI export will now be able to export custom collection classes on a class
XMI import of Linked Documents into Firebird, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and ASA w
ill no longer cause a database error
Scan XMI and Reconcile Model operation will no longer update a package checked
-out to other user in a shared model
Missing Cross-References dialog updated to allow locating the items with a mis
sing cross-reference in the Project Browser
Publish Model command is no longer available to users who don't have 'Export X
MI' permission
XML Schema generation updated to handle enumerations created since version 10
Import XML Schema dialog now allows progress text to be copied or saved to a f
XSD and WSDL generation handling of UTF-16 improved
XMI import with strip-guids enabled will now update the owning region for stat
e elements
Saving a diagram containing a Note element improved
New Properties
. Attribute.IsID indicates if the attribute can be used to uniquely identify
an instance of the containing class
. Element.TemplateParameters provides a collection of Template Parameters fo
r the element
. Connector.TemplateBindings provides a collection that defines how the Temp
late Parameters from the target object are bound to concrete types in the source
. Simulation.Speed allows the speed of simulations to be changed
New Functions
. Repository.GetGapAnalysisMatrix() returns an XML string with details of al
l Gap Analysis Matrices for the model
. Repository.GetRelationshipMatrix() returns an XML string with details of a
ll Relationship Matrix profiles for the model
. Repository.AddDocumentationPath allows an add-in to add their documentatio
n to the learning center
. Element.GetBusinessRules() returns an XML string with details of the Busin
ess Rules stored for the element
. Package.ApplyUserLockRecursive allows a user lock to be applied to the pac
kage and all children
. Package.ReleaseUserLockRecursive allows a user lock to be released from th
e package and all children
. Package.ApplyGroupLockRecursive allows a group lock to be released to the
package and all children
. Simulation.BroadcastSignal sends a specified signal to the running simulat
. Element.DeleteLinkedDocument deletes the linked document attached to the e
. Element.SetCompositeDiagram sets the element composite diagram
. Repository.LoadAddins() allows add-ins to be loaded when Enterprise Archit
ect is opened from automation
. Session.Input (Scripting) allows scripts to show dialog asking for a value
when ActiveX objects disabled on system
New Types
. TemplateParameter type is the parameter of any templated type
. TemplateBinding type is the binding of a template parameter to a concrete

type on a connector.
DocumentGenerator.InsertText now applies the style to the inserted text instea
d of the entire paragraph.
DocumentGenerator.NewDocument now loads RTF styles from the specified template
Repository.ClearAuditLogs now returns a boolean indicating that no error occur
Repository.LibraryVersion now shows up in code suggestions
Repository.SuppressEADialogs can now be set in EA_OnPostNewConnector to preven
t the default connector properties dialog from being shown.
Repository.AdviseConnectorChange now updates tagged values on connectors prope
Repository.AdviseConnectorChange now updates open diagrams with connector visu
al changes
Project.SaveControlledPackage will now behave consistently with the user inter
face concerning the option 'Includes sub-packages'
Project.ImportPackageXMI will now set an error on failure that can be retrieve
d using GetLastError
DiagramObject.ElementID can now be set to allow changing the diagram object to
a different element
Connector.Update will now handle errors from invalid values being assigned
Session.Output (Scripting) will now truncate text above 16383 characters inste
ad of silently failing
EA_OnPostNewDiagram will now be called before EA_OnPostOpenDiagram during crea
tion of a new diagram
EA_OnPreNewDiagramObject now provides an Element ID when an element is dropped
from the toolbox.
EA_OnPostNewDiagramObject is now broadcast when new profiled elements are adde
d to a diagram
EA_OnPostNewDiagramObject EventProperties now provides DiagramID, DiagramEleme
EA_OnRetrieveModelTemplate now supports an empty string being returned
EA_OnPreNewConnector and EA_OnPostNewConnector are now called when a realizati
on is created by dropping a requirement from the Project Browser onto an element
on the diagram
EA_OnContextItemChanged now handles selection of project root nodes
EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified now called when an element is made composite
CustomProperty elements returned from Element.CustomProperties or Connector.Cu
stomProperties now support saving changes.
Applying stereotypes to attributes, connectors and connector ends will now syn
chronize tagged values
SetStereotype for Attribute, Method and Connector now handles stereotypes grea
ter than 50 characters in length
Embedded elements added to diagram will now only have positions adjusted if th
ey are not in a valid position
Project.GenerateClass will now generate code for Enumerations
Tabs created via an Add-in will no longer lose their name when redocking
Lite edition will no longer allow add-ins to define menu items or add custom v
Lite edition no longer begins a trial for licensed MDG technology add-ins from
Sparx Systems when started
Code Engineering
Code Generation is now aware of Association Classes:
. Members will be generated for associated class for either end of the assoc
. New substitution macros are available to determine if the current context
is an association class: classIsAssociationClass, linkAttOwnedByAssociation, lin
kAttOwnedByClass, linkIsAssociationClass and connectorIsAssociationClass
. Model Transformation can now create Association Classes

Code Generation of Activity diagrams updated to improve handling of do-while s

tyle loops.
Code Generation of Activity diagrams now handles decisions with multiple incom
ing control flows.
Code Generation from Activities will now generate default values for Activity
Code generation updated to support template binding Connector:
. Include statements for generated C++ code
. New field substitution macro importFromTemplateBinding
Model Transformations can now Create TemplateBinding connectors including the
binding parameter substitution
Reverse Engineering updated to prevent substrings of Additional Collection Cla
sses preventing an Association from being created.
VB.Net reverse engineering updated to handle comments between a property decla
ration and the accessors.
Code Template string processing functions RIGHT and MID now return the full st
ring or the rest of it if the length specified is longer than the original strin
C datatypes now available when in all models
C reverse engineering of '#define' directives update to improve recognition of
Operations and Attributes
C code engineering updated to ensure methods from #define directives are not m
oved from .h to .c when doing synchronization
C reverse engineering updated prevent situation where type is used as the name
of an attribute
C/C++ code reverse engineering updated to handle unnamed bitfields
C++/C# import will now create relationships to classes referenced with a names
pace alias
C/C++ parser now handles GNU/GCC __attribute__ directive
C/C++ parser now handles function pointer as parameter type
C++ code generation will no longer generate implementation for constructor on
realized interface
C++ code generation for Interfaces will now generate all methods as virtual
C++ code generation will no longer generate non-static Linked attributes to im
plementation file
Code generation of associations from multiple inner classes improved
VB.Net reverse engineering of auto implemented properties improved
Model Transformations can now set the Phase of generated elements
Reverse Engineering of arrays using long constant variable will now be omitted
if it will not fit into the attribute multiplicity field
Collection Class substitution in generated code can now use a qualified name o
f the target type
Model Transformation will now reset state correctly if EASL macros are used in
the transformation
C# and VB.Net round-trip support of asych keyword added
Associations to templated classes are now imported for attributes to instantia
tions of those classes are found on code import
Ada overloaded functions are can now be imported
New field substitution macro: attIsID corresponds to Attribute Detail checkbox
Live Code Generation will now update code when deleting attributes or operatio
Attributes will now be generated in code for Associations to Enumerations
.Net 4 assemblies can now be imported using reflection without requiring worka
Database Engineering
Database Comparison window now provides options to save alter DDL statements t
o file or copy them to the clipboard
ODBC import of MySQL updated to import foreign keys for tables containing a co

lumn with the default value "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"

ODBC import of SQL Server composite primary keys and unique constraints improv
ODBC import from DB2 mainframe updated to prevent errors due to Unicode suppor
ODBC import from PostgreSQL updated to preserve column order
ODBC import from Oracle updated to import sorted indices
ODBC import from Oracle updated preserve order of composite unique constraints
ODBC import from Sybase ASE updated to improve handling of column defaults
ODBC import from Firebird/InterBase will now import multiple foreign keys on a
ODBC import of Foreign Keys joined to a composite unique constraint improved
ODBC import of views with large dependency lists improved
ODBC import will of Stored Procedure Parameters will now be imported
New option to automatically add indexes to existing foreign keys that aren't a
lready indexed
Reset DBMS Options will now update the Owner/Schema of Stored Procedures, View
& Functions
Table Columns dialog will now set a default value for Type when dialog is show
Round-trip of Spatial datatypes for all supported databases where they are ava
SQL Server round-trip of RESTRICT integrity constraints on foreign keys
SQL Server round-trip of FILLFACTOR and INCLUDE clauses on indexes and constra
SQL Server DDL generation updated to ensure full table is generated for tables
that include column comments
SQL Lite DDL generation of columns now supports generation of auto increment p
Foreign Key dialog will now allow users to update parameters of the foreign ke
y or create a new foreign key
Foreign Key window now allows joining to a unique constraint that is part of c
omposite primary key
Owner of all Data Model objects can now be displayed on a diagram
Foreign Key dialog updated to improve behavior for changing Update referential
Foreign Key operations can now be renamed directly from Project Browser
Naming of new Foreign Keys improved
Updating the datatype of a primary key column will now update the foreign key
columns referencing that column
PostgreSQL DDL generation of check constraint now omits a qualifier for the co
nstraint name
Database View dependencies now includes Tables and View joined by a dependency
Table column dialog updated to provide additional room for column notes
Datatype updates for the following databases:
. SQL Server 2012
. PostgreSQL
. SQLAnywhere
Modifications to Foreign key operations will no longer remove the connector's
link to features at either end of the relationship
Unique flag for a column updated to clarify that it participates in a unique c
Column Extended Properties will now be cleared when the datatype is changed
DDL transformation updated to prevent foreign key names exceeding 50 character
Execution Analysis
64 bit support

. Debug 64 bit apps written in Java, Microsoft Native code and Microsoft .NE
. Profile 64 bit apps written in Java, Microsoft Native code and Microsoft .
. Workbench classes in a 64 bit runtime for Java and Microsoft .NET
. Filter available processes for 32 bit, 64 bit or all when attaching to a p
. Specify target architecture of application in debug script
Switching between Profiler and Debugger now possible
Function Line Report added to Profiler
. Select a single function to produce a line report
. Profiler Report window will then have a new page added
. A count of the number of times each line is executed is shown
Data trace points can now be created
. Filename, line number and new value are traced to debug output window
Trace points can now have conditions added
Recursive Java build scripts will no longer hold a reference to the build dire
Java debugger updated to show current enum value in variables windows
Nested recording markers for Java and .Net debuggers
. Each recording marker records the specified stack depth without changing b
ehavior of existing markers
Java debugger updated to prevent error message for failure to load class when
source code can't be found
.Net debugger updated to improve presentation of enums and structs contained i
n a collection or array
.Net debugger updated to improve presentation of base class member values
Native debugger updated to simplify presentation of Standard Template Library
basic_string type
Native debugger updated to prevent display of duplicate static variables
Native debugger update to improve display of STL containers in Visual Studio 2
013 projects
GDB debugger updated to allow specifying a gdbinit file
Script debugging will now display source and local variables when double click
ing on a frame in the call stack.
Script debugger updated to ensure it closes cleanly under Windows XP
Script debugger updated to identify object and undefined variables to prevent
showing them incorrectly as changed
Profiling of multi-threaded targets improved to allow capture data from a high
number of threads
Profiler report update so that navigation by function uses highest use order
Stack capture markers now have a height option to restrict the number of frame
s captured
Debugger Locals window updated to ensure changes to floating point values are
Profiler will now prompt for confirmation before discarding recorded data
Profiler can now be opened directly using the Open Source File command
Structured Activity Nodes simulation added:
. ConditionalNode
. LoopNode
. SequenceNode
Breakpoints can now be set on more element types including UML Call Behavior A
ctions and BPMN Events
Selection of elements after simulation passes over them improved
Javascript code in a simulation can now call behavior elements owned by an ins
tance of a class that exists in the simulation
BPMN Activity simulation updated to allow a loop type to be applied to Script
and Send Message tasks

Simulation of Sequence Diagrams will now ignore fragments with no Operand cond
UIBroadcastSignal and BroadcastSignal can now send a signal by GUID or name
Simulation of Sequence Diagrams now supports Critical Fragments
Simulation Events window will now show multiple triggers on transitions out ac
tive states
Simulation output will now include the name of any Initial for Final nodes ins
tead of just their type
Simulation of State Machines will no longer block on States defining regions b
ut not including child states
State machine simulation will now ignore any operations on a state that are no
entry, exit or do behaviors
Transitions specifying an Activity as their effect will no longer stop the sim
Corrected issue that could sometimes cause the simulation model to fail to loa
Baseline Comparisons
Baseline compare for large baselines in .eap files improved.
Baseline compare of Transition effects containing newline characters will no l
onger show a difference where none exists.
Baseline compare of element resource allocations can now distinguish between m
ultiple resources with the same name but different task.
Progress display now includes all stages of comparison.
Cancelled comparisons can now be refreshed to re-run the comparison.
Cancelled comparisons are now shown in the status bar.
Sequence message order number is now displayed in baseline comparison.
Diagram Comparison will no longer report that a diagram is unchanged if it did
n't exist in the baseline
Merge of relationships to packages improved
Tagged value notes with multiple lines will no longer be flagged as a differen
Connectors from external elements will no longer list the target name for sour
Next and Previous Change toolbar buttons will now select the root item if chan
Enumeration elements will no longer flag as false positive in baseline compari
Back-End Repository Updates
Saving to Oracle of diagrams with individual feature visibility extensively us
ed has been improved
Saving to Oracle of diagrams with large numbers of swimlanes improved
Diagram Matrix profiles will now save without error on Oracle repositories
Copy of stereotyped attributes will now be possible on replicated databases
Replica synchronization under JET 4 will now resolve conflicts without error
Save Project Copy now prompts to save all diagrams before creating the copy.
Project Transfer from MySQL to .EAP supports blank DocNames
Pipe Character (|) handling in in JET4 .EAP repositories improved
Project Transfer to Oracle repositories will no longer fail on operations cont
aining C++ multi line comment delimiters in the code field
Project Transfer dialog will now warn user when an unsupported data provider i
s selected
Project Integrity check updated to check for missing GUIDs on PostgreSQL repos
Project Integrity check added to detect StateFlow connectors with value in Top
Import of CSV templates will now handle renaming of a template
Generalization sets can now be used on repositories with case sensitive table

Shared Repository creation updated to prevent the shared and main repositories
being the same
Repair .EAP file command will now perform a Compact for JET 4 files
Adding package when connected to a DBMS under WINE will no longer produce an e
Element Files page updated to load all details on an ASA repository
Project Management
Filter Resource Allocations in a variety of ways
. Show only overdue tasks
. Show only tasks that are active today
. Or show tasks active on any selected day
. Filter out tasks on elements with specified statuses
Resource Allocation window now supports adding tasks for multiple resources at
Project Gantt view now supports Alt + G accelerator to find selected element i
n Project Browser
Gantt view filter bar now allows a range to be specified in the filter bar for
percent complete: eg. 1-99
Project Gantt View now offers option to show overdue items but not extend the
end date
Project Gantt View now offers a model option for excluding Elements based on S
Gantt views have new option 'Auto Sync with Task End Date' to automatically di
splay the task end date on grid selection change
Selecting a Gantt item in the chart now updates selection in the property grid
Personal Task view now offer an Add Resource, this automatically fills resourc
e box with current user
Resource Allocation window now displays allocated time as an integer to be com
patible with expected time and time expended
Resource Allocation list view updated to show reduced column set by default. A
ll fields now available in Field Chooser
Package Browser Gantt view will now update all group durations after changing
a filter
Selecting an item in the Project Calendar when Project Management contains uns
aved changes will now prompt to save the changes
Learning Center
Learning center revamped to be an all in one document repository
Window uses breadcrumb style navigation to provide context and encourage navig
Back and forward buttons allow you to easily progress through topics
Inline document viewer means that you are always in context and the document d
oesn't interrupt the work you are doing
Add-Ins can call the new function Repository.AddDocumentationPath to add their
documentation to the learning center
. Use built-in script 'VBScript - Create Learning Center Books' to generate
the structure from Linked Documents
Hyperlinks on a diagram can now point to Learning Center documents
Other Changes
Windows 8 high dpi compatibility improved
Model search can now use #NOW# substitution to provide a database independent
compare against date fields
. Include an offset of days or hours to vary the time compared against (eg.
#NOW-7d#, #NOW-2h#, #NOW+2d#)
Added ability to retrieve third party Add-in Keys from Keystore service
. Additional broadcasts required to identify and validate keys retrieved fro
m keystore
Working sets can now be stored and opened from an Artifact element

Applying an alternate image from the clipboard will no longer be possible for
users without 'Configure Images' permission
Construct Picker updated to display icons customized by technologies for stere
otyped elements.
Ctrl + U in Model Search window when docked in the output bar will locate the
correct Element.
Loading of workflow scripts updated to ensure working sets that contain workfl
ow searches can be applied on model load.
Reset IDs command now checks that auditing is not enabled before running.
Allocated Resource changes will no longer change Project Calendar mode.
When source editor files are modified by an external application, user warning
prompt displays the name and file path of the modified file.
Tagged Value editing is no longer possible for users who don't have 'Update El
ements' permission.
Tagged Values that include an edit mask will now show the edit mask as soon as
they are created.
Structured Scenario creation from clipboard text will now automatically strip
tab characters.
Structured Scenario editor will now allow alternate paths to be added after a
path is created from clipboard text.
Operations dialog will now remain open when an Instance element is selected.
Stereotype dialog updated to ensure that list is sorted correctly and doesn't
include duplicate items in profile combo-box.
Pasting RTF into Notes windows no longer truncates text containing merge field
Diagram list view can now sort Priority and Difficulty columns in non-English
language editions of Enterprise Architect
Elements added to a diagram showing as a list will now be added to the diagram
Requirement properties dialog will no longer prompt to save changes when no ch
anges have been made
Profile Helper will now list Communication and Class instead of Collaboration
and Logical in Add Diagram Extension list
Profile Helper no longer swaps _sizeX and _sizeY values
Source Code Editor now clears all bookmarks with Ctrl + Shift + F2 accelerator
Source Code Editor structure tree now updated after code generation
Source Code Editor and Script editor updated to improve filtering based on typ
ed name
Source Code Editor showing XML now updates the structure tree if the file was
modified externally
Source Code Editor structure tree will now show Java methods
Transformation template editor to highlight connectorSourceElemTag and connect
Find in all Diagrams will now clear previous selection before finding the requ
ested element
Connector Properties dialog will now save Source Role and Target Role when dia
log is closed
Export Reference Data dialog modified to clarify how to export tagged value ty
Export Reference Data dialog will now list RTF and Linked Document templates s
orted by name
Reference data import of scripts will now update the Scripting window
Script Editor will now display scripts from MDG Technologies without allowing
them to be edited
Element Browser now sorts Maintenance, Testing and Project Management entries
into nodes based on their type
Element Browser updated with additional context menu items for adding and edit
ing items
Next and Previous options now available on selected dialogs created from Eleme
nt Browser

Element Browser updated to improve handling of un-named Project Management typ

Special stereotyped elements created outside of a diagram will now have their
stereotype applied
Alternate element images saved to repository with unique ImageIDs
Importing Tests from other elements will no longer show tests already on the c
urrent element
Hyperlinks created in the Notes window will now be saved if they are clicked i
Model Mail window now allows showing a filter bar for both inbox and sent item
List view (such as Find in Project) handling of changes to element properties
Select Type dialog is now able to filter results based on a selected namespace
Overrides and Implementations dialog will now update all open diagrams after a
dding operations
Pasting multiple objects from one diagram to another will now prompt to contin
ue if an object already exists
Stereotypes management improved for users without Stereotype permission
. Stereotypes will now be displayed properly
. Stereotypes can be removed from an element
Stereotype lists in dialogs are now all sorted alphabetically
Note editors now support searching for Unicode strings from context menu
Trigger properties dialog will now allow setting the trigger kind from without
an Advanced page
Action Pin properties dialog will now allow setting kind without an Advanced p
MDG Technology wizard now displays the page text when used under WINE
In-place editor updated to handle editing the name of elements showing parents
Properties dialogs showing a list of properties will now close properly when f
ocus is in the list
Dropping multiple elements from Project Browser onto a diagram will now allow
you to perform the same operation for all elements
Model Views from searches optimized to handle large result sets
Extend Metaclass dialog no longer lists Property twice
Grammar editor modified to only create profiling information if the Profile ta
b is visible
Activity properties dialog now has the Parameters page enabled when first open
Embedded elements can now be added from the Project Browser context menu
Attribute multiplicity will now be updated when transforming packages
Performance of creating operations or editing attributes on large databases im
CSV Import/Export Specifications dialog will now enable Save and Save As butto
ns only when the specification is complete
Profiled elements in a Template Package will no longer cause tagged values to
be duplicated when creating an element of that type
Relationships window context menu now disables commands that are prevented by
Relationships window command to place related element in diagram can now be ca
ncelled by pressing escape
Relationship window will now load much faster for elements with many connector
Full lock will no longer need to be removed before applying a User or Group lo
Creation of link constraints will now be disabled if element owning the link i
s disabled
Diagram Z-Order commands will now check diagram lock state instead of element
lock state
User Security passwords will now be saved as a SHA hash of the entered passwor

. Users with password set in version 11 will no longer be able to log-in wit
h older versions
Releasing security locks from very large package hierarchies now handled corre
Security locks on diagrams will no longer be released when the diagram has uns
aved changes
Project Security updated to allow very large numbers of User Groups
Creation of Elements on a Diagram updated to require Update Elements and Manag
e Diagrams permissions
Show Element Type and Port Size Customizable options will now check for diagra
m lock state instead of object lock state
Transform Current in main menu now checks Transform Packages permission
Version Control integration with TFS updated to support owner names that inclu
de parenthesised text
Version Control will now check for command returning after user responds to ti
me-out warning
Version control Check in Branch will now prompt to release all locks at end of
operation if not keeping the branch checked out
Version Controlled packages will now prevent creation of new elements and diag
rams if the package is not checked out
Operation properties dialog will now clear the Alias field when creating a new
Gap Analysis matrix will now preserve gap notes when switching between record
Gap Analysis matrix updated to improve keyboard selection of record type
Saving .eap as new file will no longer show the datasource dialog if working s
ets are being saved on close
Reload command in tab context menu updated to ensure all views handle it appro
Connector direction can now be set when properties dialog is shown during crea
Workspaces and Commands dialog will now allow the workspace to be reverted to
the initial layout when the dialog was opened
Workspace and Commands dialog can now hide additional Commands
Tagged values window will now show the updated value when overriding the value
of an inherited tag
Tagged values window will now be able to show BPMN tagged values in Alphabetic
al list instead of grouped
Opening of files in external applications will now open more reliably
Floating Diagrams will now accept keyboard accelerators to move (Shift+arrow)
or resize (Ctrl+arrow) elements
Dropping multiple objects onto floating diagrams now preserves relative positi
oning between elements
Floating diagrams will now gain focus when selecting their outer border
Floating diagrams docked to the Enterprise Architect window will now be fully
removed when deleted from the Project Browser
Docked Properties window updated to prevent Status, Version and Phase being en
abled on version controlled packages due to workflow scripts
Spell check dialogs now display the current language in their title
Quicklinking behavior for Enumeration elements updated
Model Validation will no longer report an error when using Package scope for J
ava classes
Model Validation for structured activity nodes updated to allow containment di
rectly in a package.
Model Validation rule added for Sequence diagram messages that do not match an
operation on the target lifeline
Element Properties dialog updated to prevent the Connector properties appearin
g behind it
Project Resources window updated to categorize types of resource more usefully

Connector End Qualifiers dialog will now allow deleting all qualifiers
Elements with Full Lock will no longer be able to be deleted from Project Brow
Creation of Realization and Generalization relationships via Project Browser w
ill now show the Overrides & Implementations dialog
Artifact elements can now have composite diagrams added
Dropping RTF Templates from the Resource Tree onto a diagram will now be preve
Pasting new elements onto a diagram modified by another user will now succeed
Model Mail Viewer and Composition dialogs no longer block interaction with EA
when open
Glossary dialog updated to improve behavior on replicated databases
Glossary dialog will now allow new types that are a substring of an existing t
Glossary dialog will now prompt users to complete term and type if they are no
t entered when closing
Glossary dialog behavior improved on very large glossaries
Relationship Matrix overlay for CRUD methodology added to the Core Extensions
Relationship Matrix now can now create new elements on either axis
Relationship Matrix Overlays can now be set in Oracle repositories
Relationship Matrix Overlays can now be set for multiple selected cells
Relationship Matrix can show Property elements on either axis
Relationship Matrix will now allow creating relationships when matrix is showi
ng relationships in both directions
Relationship Matrix element labels resize to the largest label content
Relationship Matrix will now broadcast add-in notifications when creating conn
Relationship Matrix performance when creating large numbers of connectors impr
Parameters dialog now allows all parameter details to be viewed for locked obj
ects or in Lite edition
Feature, Risk and Task elements will now provide option to create a child diag
ram in their context menu
Drag and Drop from Custom SQL model search will now be able to add elements to
a diagram when their package hasn't been loaded yet
Find in Files window will no longer attempt a search if no search string has b
een entered
Common and all standard Relationships toolboxes now collapsed by default.
Artifacts common toolbox added to provide easy access to all the different sup
ported artifact kinds
Handling of large structured scenarios improved:
. Save of boundaries exceeding field limits will no longer truncate XML
. Performance of loading large structured scenarios
Linked documents created on a CallOperation Action will now create the documen
t on the Action
Creating elements with fully-qualified stereotypes using automation will no lo
nger match stereotypes from other profiles
Association diamonds now appear in Project Browser and are found by Insert Rel
ated Elements command
Warning message is now displayed when Profiles with the duplicate IDs are load
Dialogs showing name in the title bar will no longer be misaligned when the na
me contains a newline
Project Calendar is now updated after making Task dialog
Synchronization elements are now moved between packages when cut and paste bet
ween diagrams
Profile stereotypes on association will now synchronize tagged values correctl
y when added from the Resources window
Sequence Diagrams created from Collaboration diagrams will now order lifelines

based on the order of messages sent

Generated diagrams from Structured Scenarios improved when an Alternate Path j
oins back to a step that also has an alternate path from it
New Choice nodes created in Project Browser will now be shown correctly when d
ropped onto a diagram
Dropping a Package from the Project Browser will now provide menu for the diff
erent ways that a Package can be used on a diagram
Enumeration and Datatype added to Select Element Type dialog
Stereotypes will now be propagated from classifier to instance when instance a
nd classifier are the same type
Create Link command is now able to distinguish stereotypes with the same name
from different profiles
Diagram Toolbar will now retain customizations when applying a workspace
Element Files can now be specified using Local Paths and Directories
Sequence Message Dialog will now always allow selection of a Signal
Diagram Selection dialog will now skip packages that are their own parent
Composite Diagram context menu for an Element will now be disabled for locked
Linked documents will now prevent saving when opened as read-only
Much of the information displayed in the Title bar has been moved to the Statu
s bar
Package Browser modified to show a reduced set of columns by default
. Additional columns still available by opening the Field Chooser
Package Browser and Diagram List updated to refresh groupings after changing t
he grouped property on a row
Custom SQL searches returning dates or numbers will now sort correctly
Saving a SQL query as a search no longer prompts for irrelevant options
Team Review window updated to resolve issue where it appeared that it had lost
Team Review window updated to provide look of document collection instead of m
ail repository
Team Review password encryption increased to use SHA hash
Tagged values window updated to resolve tagged value types correctly when prof
ile name doesn't match technology name
Finding an object in the Project Browser will now show the Project Browser if
it is not already visible
Translated editions of Enterprise Architect will now be able to create Event C
alendar subtypes

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Version 10.0

Release Notes for 10.0 Build 1010
ArcGIS Technology
Modular Schema export now supported.
. Packages represent atomic units of interest
. Exporter uses the dependencies between packages to generate a flat schema
with all required types
Vertical Datum for ESRI authorized co-ordinate systems.
Topology Rules can now be modeled, imported and generated for Area, Point & Li
ArcGIS Project Validation rules have been added and are avaialble at Extensio
ns | ArcGIS | Validate ArcGIS Model
RelationshipRule connectors between feature classes and tables will now be exp
orted correctly
AttachmentRelationship round-trip support improved

Exporter handling of multiplicity on RelationshipClass connectors improved

Import of RelationshipClass connectors updated to allow a case-insensitive mat
ch of attribute name.
Length, Scale and Precision tagged values for all fields now use the more appr
opriate Integer type.
'HasM' and 'HasZ' values will no longer be created in GeometryDef tags.
Export of ArcGIS partial schema now includes parent FeatureDataset package whene
ver a non-stereotyped package is selected.
Other Changes
Structured Scenario editor now supports translated versions of the standard sc
enario types.
Diagram rendering updated to allow Chinese version to wrap labels per characte
HTML report Javascript updated for compatibility with Internet Explorer 11

Release Notes for 10.0 Build 1009

Diagram frames can now be drawn in different ways including being completely h
Docking behavior for BPMN Pools and Lanes improved.
Sequence diagram behavior of Parts with no parent Classifier improved.
Custom compartment support updated to improve performance when saving diagram.
UML Partition drawing updated to ensure a stable size across zoom levels.
Other Changes
MySQL 5.6 support added.
New Automation Functions
. Repository.ShowAddinWindow() shows a window added using Repository.AddWind
. Repository.HideAddinWindow() hides windows added using Repository.AddWindo
Debug support for .Net applications updated to allow attaching to .Net 4.0 app
Analyzer Script commands executed as a Batch Script will now run to completion
JDWP debugger will now resume a VM that is started in a suspended state.
Attributes dialog updated to ensure it is updated when created from MDG integr
GML export of Dictionary structure updated to ensure valie structure and IDs.
ArcGIS generation updated to improve field type domain look-up.
ArcGIS generation updated to automatically set Length value for Fields with a
type referencing a domain element.
Element Browser now clears display when no element is selected.
Gap Analysis matrix updated to prevent actions when not fully loaded.
Alt + Enter in Project Browser will no longer open properties twice.
MDG technologies defining shape scripts and Project Browser icons will now use
less memory.
XMI round trip updated to prevent database error on Jet based models with a la
rge number of embedded elements.
RTF generation using Script Template Fragments when running on XP improved.
Duplicating ConditionalNodes through copy and paste in Project Browser of XMI
import with strip guids improved.

Release Notes for 10.0 Build 1008

Reporting & Document Generation
HTML Report generation updated to ensure reports are compatible with Firefox v
ersion 16 and above.
Deleting the List Override reference when modifying an override will no longer
cause an issue.
Movement of messages and sequence elements will no longer be affected by non-s
equence elements such as notes.
Composite diagram functionality in Project Browser context menu:
. Add new composite diagram to selected element
. Select an existing diagram as composite diagram for selected element
Model Exchange & XML Technologies
Import of Comments from other tools using XMI 2.x updated to account for more
Models using OMG profiles are now exported to XMI 2.x with the standard namesp
aces specified by the OMG.
XMI 1.1 Import updated to improve handling of parameters with classifiers and
'Return' kind.
XMI 1.1 handling of Enumeration elements updated to improve compatibility with
older versions of Enterprise Architect.
Connectors to and from Package elements are now handled more consistently duri
ng XMI 1.1 import.
BPMN 2.0 XML Export now handles unlinked Compensation Event.
Code Engineering
Package Code Generation dialog now includes Enumerations as types to be genera
Enumerations nested inside classes are generated with the parent class.
Other Changes
CSV Import/Export Specification dialog updated to make re-ordering buttons con
sistent with other dialogs.
Enabling or disabling MDG Technologies when there is no model loaded is now ha
ndled correctly.
Operations and Attributes dialogs will no longer show for instances with a cla
ssifier that can't own Operations or Attributes.
Project Transfer can now transfer to DBMS from EAP files when database replica
tion is enabled.
Spell Checking of Notes fields will now skip HTML markup.
Webinar Registration link added to Start Page.
Automation functions ExportPackageXMI and ExportPackageXMIEx will no longer sh
ow publish package dialog if EA window is hidden or SuppressEADialogs is true.

Release Notes for 10.0 Build 1007

Reporting & Document Generation
Linked Document template selection prompt for new documents may now be suppres
Sequence messages now show tooltips when a move has more than one possible mea

. Used when re-ordering messages, moving into or out of fragments or operand

. Can be disabled in Sequence Diagram options page
Embedded object placement improved when pasting using context menu.
Sequence diagrams creation of simple links as lifelines restored.
Artifact element support for rendering icon instead of keyword restored.
Classes showing stereotype icons now position the name consistently with other
Table and Model Document elements will no longer draw icons when stereotype ic
ons are hidden on the diagram.
Drag of object from Project Browser will no longer force a default type of 'In
stance' for some diagrams.
Other Changes
New Element command in Project Browser includes Trigger, Signal and Event for
State toolbox.
Reference Data export for Code and Transformation templates for languages with
spaces in the name improved.
Team Review reference data import now merges in with the existing model Team R
eview data.
Export Reference Data dialog now groups Code Templates together.
Stereotypes can be deleted from stereotypes table in Oracle.
Stereotypes extending Part/Property stereotypes can now be deleted.
Version Control with TFS command line client updated to support TFS 2012 which
renamed commands used by Enterprise Architect.
Model Validation rules will no longer be disabled by default when an MDG Techn
ology is set as Active.
Hyperlinks to other elements from Attribute or Operation notes will now operat
e smoothly when opening properties.
Execution Analyzer scripts specifying an invalid debugger will now load with n
o debugger specified.
Creation of ports in large models will now be faster.
SysML 1.3 Block updated to allow it to be shown in Relationship Matrix.
SysML requirement stereotypes updated to make it easier to switch between them
. (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
Renaming a composite element during creation will no longer modify unrelated t
ext and hyperlink elements.
Script Debugging updated to provide additional information to identify potenti
al errors.

Release Notes for 10.0 Build 1006

Reporting & Document Generation
Connector filters will now filter out only the selected connector types.
Performance for reports using Template Fragments improved.
Ports may now be created directly on Sequence lifelines.
Element and connector layouts are now persisted when pasting elements as new.
Call Behavior Actions can now be connected using Control Flow connectors.
BPMN 2.0 Choreography Tasks can now be connected with Sequence Flow connectors
BPMN 2.0 Activity names will no longer draw over Icons.
Database Engineering
Informix columns with NCHAR, NVARCHAR and LVARCHAR now include column length w
ith the type on diagrams and in reports.

Generated DDL for SQLite tables includes NOT NULL constraints.

Generated DDL for SQLite tables includes DEFAULT values.
Oracle length semantics generated only for VARCHAR2 and CHAR data types.
Other Changes
Note editors will now insert appropriate text when creating a hyperlink and no
text is selected.
Linked Documents now use a default filename matching the owning Element name w
hen exporting.
New Elements created from the Project Browser will now be created with the ste
reotype entered into the New Element dialog.
Exposed Interface properties will now set the classifer when selecting the int
erface to expose.
Stereotype filters applied to RefGUID and RefGUIDList tagged value types are n
ow used in selection dialog.
XMI 2.x Import updated to allow round-trip the Property Type of Ports and Part
Classes and Interfaces may now own DataTypes, Enumerations and PrimitiveTypes.
Upgrade from previous version now loads the previously selected workspace layo
ut when first loaded.

Release Notes for 10.0 Build 1005

Extended diagram types will open the correct toolbox when the ArchiMate techno
logy is active.
Connectors with suppressed labels will now be taken into account when calculat
ing the size of diagrams during Save diagram as Image.
Format toolbar can now override the font or border color of an object to black
SysML 1.3 Port direction display improved when type contains properties with n
o direction specified.
Simple UI Screens are now resized if their name doesn't fit the width of the s
ScenarioStep.Result property now saved when calling Update.
New attributes and attributes loaded by ID will now save new tagged values whe
n applying a new stereotype.
Non-Interrupting StartEvent rendering improved to prevent double draw of dashe
d line.
EndEvent icon in Collaboration Diagram toolbox updated to match icon on other
Ad-hoc Sub-Process rendering updated to remove display of parallel looping ico
Choreography corner rendering improved, especially for called choreographies.
Validation of Sequence Flow connectors will now allow connection of Business P
rocess elements due to that being common usage.
Database Engineering
SQL Server check constraints now imported from identical tables in separate sc
All columns are now generated in a DDL script when at least 2 columns have ide
ntical comments.
Oracle unique constraints no longer imported as unique indexes.

Identity and Auto increment columns now allow negative numbers for start numbe
r and increment.
Oracle data model import no longer imports NOT NULL Check Constraints.
Oracle data model import updated to allow import of more than 1000 objects at
a time.
Other Changes
Glossary Terms created from selected text in notes restricted to 255 character
Element Scenario editor now opens to the Structured Specification page when st
eps are saved, otherwise to the previously opened page.
Attributes dialog and Operations dialog will now display the appropriate featu
re after it is double clicked in the Project Browser.
Windows Clipboard is no longer used when duplicating objects by performing a C
ontrol Drag.
Command Set dialog now allows saving a set with a new name when editing via th
e keyboard.
Menu Accelerators for Package Control menu updated to ensure each item has a u
nique accelerator.
Project Transfer now handles t_document records with no text in the DocName co
Applying a new stereotype to an element will now update existing tagged values
with the same name that didn't belong to a profile.
Synchronizing tagged values for a stereotype will no longer duplicate inherite
d tagged values.
Custom Properties for objects displayed using keyboard accelerator Ctrl+Enter
will now open in the Element Properties dialog.
Custom compartment names may show stereotype guillemets.
Grammar validation checks will now detect a grammar without valid lex, parse a
nd delimiters instructions.
Report Custom Script Fragments can now be written in VBScript.

Release Notes for 10.0 Build 1000-1004

User Interface / Environment
Main menu and context menus extensively restructured to provide a more logical
separation of commands.
Visual Styles
. Improved drawing and performance for many styles
. Microsoft Visual Studio 11 "Light" and "Dark" styles added
Many windows integrated into the central view area.
. Project Tasks and Project Issues moved from Project Information docked win
dow to Project Status view.
. Project Glossary moved from Project Information docked window to dedicated
Glossary view.
. Project Statistics moved from modal dialog to Project Status view.
. Testing details, implementation details and dependency details moved from
floating dialogs to QA Reports view.
. Maintenance report added to QA Reports view to list the maintenance items
against the elements within the selected package.
. Use Case Metrics moved from modal dialog to QA Reports view.
Start page updated
. New cleaner look
. Local and online learning resource shortcuts added
. Quick Access buttons for Learning Center, Help, Example Model, Keyboard sh
ortcuts and Interface customization added
Icons updated in all toolbars, lists, trees and diagrams to:

. Look smoother
. Improve clarity
. Have better support for 'dark' themes such as Carbon and Visual Studio 11
Visual style of all tree controls updated to be more consistent with current v
ersions of Windows OS.
. Dotted line linking elements at same level removed
. Open/close node 'button' now uses Windows 7 look and feel
Element Browser now allows copying of constraints, requirements, tagged values
, maintenance and testing items between elements.
. Drag items from element browser to another element on the diagram to copy
Additional menu commands now available from the Project Browser that were prev
iously only available for diagram selection.
. Element Properties
. Add tagged value
. Rich Text Report
. Set Object Classifiers or Property Type
Miscellaneous Dialog Changes
. Properties dialogs updated to ensure that changes to stereotypes other tha
n the first will make the dialog prompt to save changes.
Operation and Parameter dialogs will now re-select the item on save af
ter copying or editing the item.
. Operation parameters now displayed after re-ordering operations and switch
ing to Parameters page.
. Raised Exception and Redefined properties of Operations can now be modifie
d in the Operations properties dialog.
. Notes window will now be filled when a Diagram is selected in the Project
. Tagged Value Types dialog now allows deleting tagged values with no descri
ption specified.
. Find in all Diagrams command now finds Property Type for Ports and Parts.
. New elements created from the select element dialog will now be created wi
th the appropriate stereotype.
. Ports on instances of an element are now updated in project browser when t
he port on the classifier is updated.
. Test Properties dialog now includes buttons to move between tests on the s
elected element.
. Select Item dialog now supports selecting multiple items across different
. Title bar display improved when project name includes an ampersand.
. Model Mail window modified to prevent completely hiding list when window s
ize reduced.
. Tagged Values window now only shows duplicate tags on operation parameters
if specified by user option.
. Set Run State dialog updated to ensure values aren't lost if diagram isn't
saved after using the dialog.
. Scroll Position and grouping state of element tagged values no longer lost
whenever a tagged value is changed.
. Export Reference Data dialog has been updated with a new selection control
. Paste Element dialog simplified.
Extensive testing and validation for compatibility with Windows 8
. Significant improvement in load time under Windows 8
. Minor updates to correct issues when running under Windows 8
. Drawing behavior when resizing of docked windows under Windows 8 improved.
Testing and validation of features when using high DPI settings.
IME Reconversion support now added to notes fields and document editors.

Diagram Caption Bar active view button updated:
. Start page always listed first
. Model Default and User Default diagrams available immediately after start
New method for rapid diagram creation using keyboard only.
. Create a new element and connector positioned relative to the current item
using the new shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Arrow.
. Left and Right on Sequence diagrams automatically connects to the next lif
. Automatically adds space if adding a new element to left or top and no roo
m is available.
Sequence message handling updated to ensure meaning is preserved during modell
. Moving a message will no longer reorder connectors, enter or leave fragmen
ts by default. Holding Alt while dragging allows these operations to occur.
. Messages moving up will now be restricted to immediately below the previou
s message or fragment boundary.
. Messages moving down will move to the position specified. Moving messages,
fragments or partitions as necessary.
. Deleting messages will no longer move other messages or fragments.
Keyboard navigation to a Lifeline on a Sequence Diagram modified to ensure hea
der is visible.
Show the structure of an element using the new Structured Compartment.
. Automatically binds any child elements to one compartment of the parent.
. Assists in creating diagrams showing internal and external connections of
a type.
. Enable in Feature Visibility window.
Insert Related Elements dialog improved.
. Select multiple connector and element types instead of one or all.
. Connector types and element types shown are only those relevant to the spe
cified search depth.
. Preview elements to be inserted and optionally stop some from being includ
Understand complex diagrams and find elements on diagrams faster with new filt
ering options on the diagram toolbar.
. Enable filtering mode to get an instant overview showing the elements dire
ctly connected to the current selection
. Type into the search box to dynamically filter diagram elements
. Automatically determines if aliases or names are showing and checks the fi
elds being displayed
Selection Handles can now be set to different sizes and colors through Diagram
Behavior options.
. Default size is small 'white' selection handles
. Selection handles sizing is now more consistent across multiple zoom level
. Selection hit testing is significantly improved in many situations
. Compartment names now rendered using italic font to match SysML/UML specif
. Positioning of name, stereotype and all compartments now consistent across
different object types.
. Compartment line no longer drawn below names of various object types when
no features are present to draw.
. Any element using standard rectangular notation can now show its composite
diagram as a compartment.
Element gradient & general drawing significantly improved for
. Basic (GDI) renderer,
. Metafiles and
. Printing.

Statechart Editor
. StateChart editor will now broadcast 'EA_OnContextItemDoubleClicked' event
. StateChart editor updated to prevent truncation of State and Trigger heade
r label.
. StateChart editor modified to handle deleting of Elements.
Merging elements when applying UML Patterns now possible for the following add
itional element types:
. Lifecycle management including Requirements, Features, Changes, Issues, Ta
sks and Risks
. States including all Pseudo States
. Activities
Diagram rendering under WINE improved:
. Text rendering for horizontal Activity Partitions and BPMN Lanes and Pools
. Connector and Object Labels rotated to vertical
. All elements drawn as rounded rectangles (e.g. Activities, Actions and Sta
Consistent Rendering
. Significant improvements to font rendering and font sizing at different zo
om levels
. Consistent rendering of compartments, names, stereotype names across eleme
nt types
. Wrapping of diagram labels for elements and connectors improved.
Quicklinking for aggregations and compositions extended.
. Create aggregation and composition to the whole or part when dragging from
either element.
. Printing to PDF improved for rounded connector line bends and line jumps.
. Printing to PDF improved for Required Interfaces.
. Printing of child diagrams (in diagram frames) to PDF improved.
Concurrent Regions on States and State Machines updated to strictly contain ch
ild States.
. Now possible to show a state on multiple diagrams with different region si
. Child states are bound to a particular region in all diagrams.
. Moving a state to another region will affect all diagrams.
. State regions will now draw at the end of features such as attributes and
New diagram transformations added to move between Sequence Diagrams and Commun
ications diagrams.
Dragging an element over a larger element will now auto correct z-order
. Prevents child element being hidden
. Processes all children and children of children etc. affected by the re-pa
. Element will be set as a parent in all cases where the relationship is val
Shape Scripts
. Shape scripts specifying a default size now supported for embedded objects
. Shape scripts calling DrawNativeShape for InteractionFragments and Boundar
ies on Sequence diagrams now draw transparently.
. Shape scripts can now be applied to each kind of PseudoState in a profile.
User Option for Element Text color added.
Use Cases now display stereotypes when showing their alias.
Activity partitions are no longer created on top of other objects on diagrams.
Scaling of Win32 User Interface elements and diagrams updated to allow interac
tion with other diagram and element types.
Snap to Grid will now work when moving multiple objects on a zoomed diagram.
Copying Elements using alternate image from MDG Technology will now preserve i
mage on pasted item.

Information flows may be realized by sequence messages.

Find Items Conveyed command added to any connector realizing an Information Fl
ow to allow navigation to the items conveyed.
Arial Black and Arial Black Oblique fonts can now be set as the font for eleme
Mind Map elements now render using the font color set on the Default Appearanc
e dialog unless overridden.
Communication message arrow position improved to prevent overlapping with the
Resequencing of Communication messages on an unsaved diagram will no longer lo
se changes.
Orthogonal connector styles improved during creation and when moving either en
d object.
Element fill colors can now be set to black.
Element icons now converted to grayscale when printing with Print in Color dis
Copying selected objects to clipboard will now include embedded objects and th
eir labels.
Insert Related, paste and drag from Project Browser will now insert any requir
ed parent items of an embedded object being added.
Actors will now be drawn with any applied stereotypes above the name.
Use Case Extension connector now supports defining the extension location and
displaying it in an attached note.
Highlighting of sequence diagram lifelines will now highlight the entire lifel
Deleting of a sequence diagram lifeline immediately after a new message was cr
eated will now confirm action before proceeding.
Undo/Redo improved for sequence messages.
Diagram labels no longer change size during load when non-default font is bein
g used.
Orthogonal connector line types from large objects to small objects improved.
Activity Partition drawing improved to prevent double line draw when a fill co
lor has been specified.
Smart copy of diagrams now sets the creation date to the current date.
Convert to Instance command now creates the new instance inside the same eleme
nt as the original element.
Non-Sequence connectors on a sequence diagram can now have a line width set.
Sequence messages will no longer lose the signature when changing other fields
in the properties dialog.
Restoring of connector visibility on Oracle repositories corrected.
Selection for elements and connector labels modified to ensure clicking just o
utside the border won't select an element or label.
Default font applied to an Interface will now be used for all operations.
Diagram selection dialog updated to include all diagrams on Lazy Loaded models
Robustness diagram generated from Structured Scenarios will now be created the
same from element properties and docked window.
Activity diagrams with Action Pins generated from UseCase Scenarios can now be
Display of Ports now refreshed in a Diagram, Project Browser and Model View af
ter name of property type is updated.
Model Views window is now updated if the name of an element shown is changed.
Update Package Status command now refreshes elements shown in list view and th
e properties window.
Cut and Paste of items to re-parent items now supported in Project Browser.
Dropping objects from Project Browser now shows a single dialog with the avail
able options for what type of element to drop.
Adding an interface to an instance of a port will now specify that it needs to
be done on the original port.
Diagram types refreshed after modifying enabled MDG technologies.

Hyperlinks in notes can now reference any object that can appear in the projec
t browser instead of only classifier types.
Data integrity check added to check for embedded elements on a diagram without
their parent objects.
Creation of a new embedded object will now edit the name of the embedded objec
t instead of the parent.
Changing Property Type of original port will update all ports inherited from i
Internal Transitions of a State are now shown in the compartment notation.
Diagram filters for formatted text will now apply filter to text where a color
has been applied.
Modeling, Technologies & Tools
Applying a stereotype to anything will now automatically add the tagged values
specified by the stereotype.
. Removing a stereotype will remove the tagged values belonging to that ster
Structured Elements
. Replaces old 'Embedded Elements' terminology
. Creation of an instance showing structure from the Project Browser will no
w layout the structural elements and ensure the parent is large enough to fit th
. Structural Elements layout updated to prevent layout of previously added e
. Structured elements will now filtered based on their own properties instea
d of the parent element
Enumerations now correspond to full element types instead of stereotyped class
. Different icon shows in Project Browser and Toolbox
. Easier, more consistent handling of stereotypes applied to enumerations
. All existing enumerations handled to match previous version.
Auto naming can now be applied to already created elements.
. Select 'Apply Auto Naming to Elements...' from Package context menu in P
roject Browser
. Select which element types to apply auto name counters to
. Options available for what to do with existing names and aliases
. Preview shown for the new name and alias
. Elements numbered in order displayed in the Project Browser
. Optionally process child packages
Creating an object flow to or from a structured activity node will create an o
bject node.
Connector Stereotypes can now be applied by dragging stereotypes from the Tool
box or Resource Tree and dropping them onto connectors.
Creation of elements from UML Patterns modified to apply auto-name counter.
Profiled connectors created from toolbox sub-menus now have their stereotypes
applied correctly.
Interface now uses a keyword instead of a stereotype.
Abstraction, Substitution and Usage now implemented as unstereotyped.
Trace now implemented as a stereotyped Abstraction.
Manifestation and Deployment have manifest and deploy keywords instead of stereoty
Template Binding labels on Realization connectors updated to prevent duplicati
on of text.
ArcGIS export updated to include support for multiplicities definition for Co
nnRule connectors.
OriginPrimaryKey property on a RelationshipClass now allows selection of uns
tereotyped attributes from an abstract class.
Values for the AncillaryRole property corrected to match documentation and A

Connector and floating object labels will now resize to fit contents consist
ent with other label types.
Connector and floating object labels now provide option for setting text col
or, alignment and bold formatting.
Pools and Lanes will now automatically nest contained items when resized and
Pools and Lanes no longer draw the stereotype added by Enterprise Architect.
. Conformant notation of Pool always having a line between the name and co
ntent and a Lane never having a line is now used.
Pools and Lanes are now assigned a name on creation.
Pools and Lanes on BPMN Activity diagrams now cover entire length of diagram
. Option added for flow direction being horizontal or vertical.
Processes and Choreographies can now be drawn expanded using the 'Show Compo
site Diagram in Compartment' option.
Resizing of Pools and Lanes when a flow direction is specified modified to r
esize siblings to prevent overlap.
DataObject rendering updated to show status in element label.
Category and CategoryValue types added for Group to reference.
EndPoint type added for Participant to reference.
Connector validation added:
. Sequence Flow must be between two appropriate elements in a single Pool.
. Message Flow must be between two pools, a pool and an Element or two Ele
ments in different pools.
. Conversation link may only be used to connect a conversation node to ano
ther element.
Data Associations created using toolbox now default direction to 'Source ->
Data Associations can now be drawn reversed by setting the direction to 'Des
tination -> Source', while Input and Output associations are fixed.
Data Associations created using quick linker will now get the orthogonal lin
e style.
Associations no longer draw arrow heads for 'Bi-Directional' relationships.
Extensive improvements and refinements of the SysML technology
Extensive improvements to drawing and diagramming of SysML elements and comp
Extensive reworking of Ports/Parts/Properties
SysML 1.3 support added.
. Migration script from SysML 1.2 to 1.3 available in scripting window
Datastore added to SysML activity diagram toolbox. (SysML 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3)
Quicklinks updated for Flow Port to ensure 'Connector' type available. (SysM
L 1.2 and 1.3)
The following SysML specific property strings are now shown:
. Unit quantityKind
. Block encapsulated
. Action Pin control
Rationale and Problem elements now available for all elements on SysML diagr
Block name will no longer include parent when inside parent scope.
All elements on SysML diagrams will now create SysML diagrams when made comp
Flow Property added to Block Definition toolbox (SysML 1.2)
Custom compartments for child elements updated to only include an element if
it is not already shown on the diagram.
SysML properties now display multiplicity. (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)

Systems Engineering Model template has model stereotype. (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
Participant parts are created with dashed borders and isReference set to tru
e. (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
Nesting connector quicklink added between Blocks. (SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
A Block's values compartment shows parts whose type is stereotyped valueType.
(SysML 1.2 and 1.3)
Constraint block constraints and parameters compartments added. (SysML 1.2 a
nd 1.3)
Property elements and Association Roles can now be bound together to keep th
eir properties synchronised.
Composite Internal Block and Parametric diagrams will now be created with a
diagram frame initially.
Activity and StateMachine diagrams will now be created with a diagram frame
Position and size of diagram frames created to represent parent object are p
SysML Requirements rendering updated to more closely match specification.
. Enterprise Architect specific icon in top right removed.
. Text property fully expanded on diagram when showing tagged values
. Both text and id rendered as strings
SysML specific compartments for child elements can now be suppressed in the
element feature visibility dialog.
Elements shown in SysML compartments based on stereotypes will now be added
to the appropriate compartment when multiple stereotypes are applied.
SysML Parametric simulation updated to work with SysML 1.3 and diagrams show
ing the diagram frame.
SysML Parametric simulation updated for more stability:
. Variable name substitution in generated script will now match more accur
. Constraint Blocks can now be used without connecting all output paramete
rs to a Block property
. Invalid values (eg. Infinite and NaN) will now be omitted from drawing a
nd graph bounds
Geography Markup Language (GML) technology added.
. GML Profile now implemented
. Export of GML Application Schema supported
. Multiple variations/aliases supported in Schema Exporter for standard st
ereotypes to cater for different modeling conventions. Aliases can be set by mod
ifying 'GMLStereotypes.xml' configuration file
. A GML Schema can be generated from multiple Application Schema packages
. Model Pattern included to give a starting point for modeling a new schem
Updates to technology in Beta 2
. CodeList stereotype now includes a property defaultCodeSpace
. FeatureType and Type stereotypes updated byValuePropertyType property de
fault to 'false'
. ApplicationSchema and Leaf packages now automatically create a GML diagr
Model Simulation
User Interface support added to interpreted simulations.
. All dialogs in the package being simulated are available
. A variety of control types can be specified including many options provide
d by the Win32 profile.
. Dialogs can be shown or hidden by modifying the value of dialog.DialogName
. Text in controls can be set or retrieved using dialog.DialogName.ControlNa

. OnClick tagged value can be inserted on buttons to run specific code

Simulation of timed events now available.
. AcceptTimerEventActions now supported. Specification of a Timer action can
be set to a Javascript expression evaluating to a number.
. Atomic Actions and Activities can have a duration specified by adding a ta
gged value 'duration' with the value being a Javascript expression evaluating to
a number.
Conditions on Alternate, Optional and Loop Fragments now evaluated when simula
ting Sequence Diagrams.
Script task support added to BPMN simulation.
. Allows variables to be modified dynamically within the simulation.
Parameterized signals being added to the Simulation Event List will now prompt
for values regardless of how they are added.
New Javascript function UIBroadcastSignal added, which takes an Associative Ar
ray to specify arguments to parameterized signals.
Simulation Events have been moved to their own docked window.
Reporting & Document Generation
RTF report engine extended to support calling external templates.
. Provides option of detailed control of format for each element type by app
lying filters to called template
. Provides control of ordering of element types by applying filters to calle
d template
Paragraph styles in Linked Documents and report templates can now include the
'Break before Paragraph' property.
Paragraph styles in Linked Documents and report templates can now include the
background color.
New fields added to Attribute section. IsTransient and Transient, both returni
ng different forms of the boolean.
IME inserts text correctly when 'Track Changes' option is enabled in Linked Do
RTF reports containing tables outside of a section will no longer lose the fir
st row.
RTF documents no longer lose formatting applied to notes when the note extends
to more than one paragraph.
Reporting on orphaned communication messages will no longer cause an error.
Printing a document to PDF now renders table background color.
HTML reports now include connectors to elements outside of reported package in
HTML report generation updated to ensure elements owned directly by package sp
ecified in model document are reported.
Default HTML report templates now include direction of connectors.
Filtering of Element and Connector types in RTF documentation improved.
Reporting on selected rows of a search updated to skip items filtered because
they don't match a column filter.
Checklist tagged values will now include full details of checked and unchecked
items in HTML and RTF reports.
Master documents and Model Documents now work with Skip Model Root option.
Object Metric, Resource and Risks now included in HTML reports.
Note field styles now applied correctly in RTF report when text is inside a ta
Sort order for attributes and methods improved in reports where a filter has b
een applied.
Diagram images can now be excluded from reports without excluding documentatio
n of elements shown on the diagram.
Hyperlinks in notes using the 'https' protocol now work after generating a rep
HTML report pages for linked documents now save in appropriate code page.
Editing of templates now requires 'Configure Resource' permission.
BPMN Parameter attributes Direction and Fixed now available in Embedded Elemen

t section of RTF generation.

Update Styles command in editor updated to provide useful message if unable to
find file to copy styles from.
Documentation toolbar buttons on Project Browser will now be available when th
e Project Browser is in a floating window.
Table of Contents generation updated to ensure accurate page numbers.
Data Modeling
ODBC Import of Firebird/InterBase improved to ensure data types imported corre
ERD and DDL transformations updated to ensure column length for Foreign Keys a
re saved.
Aliases now shown on columns for foreign keys, indexes and uniqueness constrai
nts when diagram is showing aliases.
ERD transformation updated to improve handling of primary keys involving multi
ple columns.
. A single primary key operation will now be generated instead of one for ea
ch column
. Primary key for many to many entities now includes primary key for both li
nked tables
Code Engineering
Behavioral code generation of loops in Activity diagrams updated:
. Multiple levels of nested loops now supported
. Detection of test occurring before first iteration now supported.
. Additional loop types require new template changes. If you have modified y
our Action template please refer to original for updates.
Reverse Engineering of user defined languages now supported.
. New grammar editor and debugger window added
. Languages are made available by associating a grammar with a code module i
n an MDG technology.
Namespace generation control improved with new option to suppress namespace ge
neration for a package.
. Allows model organization to occur within a code namespace.
Two new Field Substitution Macros:
. linkAttAggregation - Returns the aggregation type associated with the Asso
ciation End being generated
. opHasSelfRefParam - Helper to determine if current operation includes a pa
rameter with the type matching the class name.
VB.Net reverse engineering of properties with attributes on the accessors impr
Automatically generated methods for implemented interfaces will now generate m
atching the order within the interface.
Added Model Transformations for the following supported languages:
. C++
. VB.Net
Reverse engineering of C++ will no longer confuse attribute initialization wit
h constructor arguments as a function declaration.
Reverse engineering of C modified to skip code marked as C++ using preprocesso
r macros.
Reverse engineering of C updated to handle the macros BEGIN_INTERFACE and END_
INTERFACE by default.
Code Options including Collection Classes now reloaded when changing models.
Reverse Engineering of C++ typedef statements improved when a Template Instant
iation is involved.
Code Generation of C++ typedef statements updated to allow for both Generaliza
tion and Template Binding to specify an Instantiation.
Reverse Engineering updated to ensure unbalanced braces are correctly identifi
ed as a parse error and prevent class from being deleted in model.

Default code templates for C updated to always place static functions in imple
mentation file only.
Default code templates for C updated to allow the files to be referenced from
C++ projects.
C# code generation modified to not generate Finalize and Dispose methods by de
Ada reverse engineering updated to prevent multiple packages from being create
d if the name is used in different cases in code.
VB.Net code generation modified to prevent truncation of parent generic instan
Sequence diagram rendering improved for General Orderings and Co-Regions.
Behavioral Code Generation updated to include triggers located in nested packa
C parsing updated to allow importing a typedef defining a name for a volatile
Code Generation from State Machines updated to improve handling of multiple tr
ansitions from a State with different combinations of Triggers and Guards.
. Includes code template changes to State, StateMachine and Transition tem
. If you have updated these templates you will need to reapply your change
s to the default template
Transformations can now create Enumerations compatible with version 10.
C++ Code Generation of static attributes now generates a definition of the att
ribute in the implementation file.
Execution Analysis & Profiling
New toolbars 'Build' and 'Record & Analyze' Added.
Debugging using JDWP protocol now supported
. Allows debugging Java projects remotely or locally
. Supports debugging Android on both the emulator and physical device.
. Supports Testpoint evaluation and recording features
. Profiler support for .NET, .NET/Native mixed mode and Java platforms added
. Profiler sample view extended to include support for sorting and filtering
of items.
. Profiler report toolbar now updates with application visual style.
. Profiler report supports creation of Sequence Diagrams from selected item
in report call stack.
. Testpoint support extended to VB.Net.
. Testpoint evaluation now allows values to be entered in hexadecimal notati
. Testpoint evaluation now allows boolean literals to be entered.
. Testpoint evaluation modified to allow bitwise evaluation of 64 bit number
. Testpoints now only run trace statement if testpoint condition evaluates t
o true.
GDB Debugging will now prompt if the executable cannot be found.
GDB Debugging support for templated class, structs and pointers improved.
Added support for older version of GDB.
Stacktrace for just-in-time debugging of native applications improved.
Debug commands updated to substitute local path variables.
. Most relevant for Java where JRE path often specified using a path.
Scrolling of arrays in locals window improved.
Java debugging console creation improved to allow typing into console.
Data breakpoints now added and removed from breakpoint list when expected.
Opening source for a frame in the call stack window improved when switching be
tween threads.
Right click context menu option added to source code editor for opening the st

ring viewer.
User Code Editor settings are kept and take precedence over EA's default setti
Recording markers may now be nested to selectively expand recording depth in s
ome functions.
Convenience function for adding a conditional breakpoint based on a variable a
dded to context menu for variable.
Double clicking on testpoint updated to show properties and view source code.
Debug support for scripting languages (JScript,VBScript and JavaScript) added
. Accessible from toolbar of script editor window
. Breakpoints, Recording, Locals and Call Stack supported
Script groups can now be specified to respond to specific context types.
. Scripts in each group type will be added to the context menu when clicking
on the appropriate type.
. Element context works in Project Browser, Diagram, Search, Element List, P
ackage Browser and Gantt views
. Package context works in Project Browser
. Diagram context works for Diagram and Project Browser
Automation & Object Model
New functions
. Repository.RemoveWindow allows an add-in to close the window added with Re
. Project.GenerateWSDL allows a WSDL file to be generated from a component.
New broadcast. EA_OnTabChanged is called when activating a different view.
Connector direction can now be set from EA_OnPostNewConnector broadcast when p
roperties window is shown for new connectors.
Add-In windows will no longer be marked as dirty when mouse wheel is used.
Alias property added to Attribute and Method classes.
RepositoryType function added to Repository. Returns a string with the name of
the repository type.
GetDiagramObjectByID function added to Diagram class.
Project.RunHTMLReport can now report on master documents.
EA_OnPreDeleteConnector now called when a connector is deleted from the relati
onships window or links page of the properties dialog.
EA_OnPreDeleteConnector now called after confirmation prompt when deleting fro
m a diagram.
EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified is now only called once when saving a connector
EA_OnNotifyContextItemModified is now called after a diagram has been moved to
a new parent element.
EA_OnPreDropFromTree broadcast added for when an element is dropped from the P
roject Browser.
EA_OnPostNewDiagram return value now handled correctly when creating an elemen
t that is composite by default.
ApplyGroupLock, ApplyUserLock, ReleaseUserLock returns True/False instead of t
hrowing an exception
Children added to the package broadcasting EA_OnPostNewPackage will now be add
ed to the Project Browser.
New element creation will now check for locking on immediate parent item inste
ad of containing package.
Embedded objects added to a diagram are now positioned on their parent.
Added support for deleting an element returned from Repository.GetElementSet.
DocumentGenerator interface updated to allow documenting elements into a singl
e table.
Diagram.WriteStyle updated to only set the style if current user has permissio

n to edit diagrams and the diagram isn't locked.

Repository.RefreshOpenDiagrams updated to allow a full reload of all open diag
Repository.GetContextObject will no longer report an error after using keyboar
d navigation to go to the Start Page.
Repository.ReloadDiagram updated to handle reloading of State Tables.
Repository.EnableUIUpdates updated to ensure elements are not added to the Pro
ject Browser.
Package.VersionControlGetStatus modified to retrieve status from EA model to m
atch UI.
Test objects can now be saved when name contains an apostrophe.
MailInterface can now be accessed from .Net using the documented name.
Project Management
Project Task Allocations renamed and significantly extended
. Now called Project Gantt View - under Project menu
. Shows completed, time remaining and overdue states
. Included percent complete column
. Improved sorting, filtering and management
Gantt view now available for a package.
. Project Browser context menu allows opening as Gantt under Package Browser
. Package Browser context menu allows switching to a Gantt view
Gantt view now supports the ability to highlight all overdue items.
Gantt view filtering and sorting significantly improved.
Ability to suppress/show completed tasks for selectable time frame (e.g. 90 da
ys) including hiding all completed tasks
Ability to suppress/show tasks scheduled to start in a selectable time frame (
e.g. 90 days)
Gantt view double click behavior modified to more accurately reflect what you
are clicking on.
Gantt view extended to show object status and task percentage complete.
Personal tasks Gantt view moved into main tab view.
Package Browser can now save and restore column layouts.
. Maintain a set of commonly used layouts showing different information and
switch between them easily.
. Layouts include tagged value columns for further flexibility.
Package Browser updated so that copying a selection as CSV will no longer lose
the first column when in Hierarchy mode.
QA Tools - Testing, Maintenance, Model Search
Relationship matrix now supports textual overlays.
. Create and view CRUD matrices.
. New tagged value type 'MatrixOverlay'. Each defined tag becomes a new ov
erlay type
. Create and view multiple overlays for the one set of matrices.
Testing, Project Management and Maintenance docked windows showing lists updat
ed to allow filtering, grouping and customization of visible columns.
Model Searches for Diagrams will now allow finding the diagram in the Project
Model Search results representing objects that were returned from a custom SQL
search can now be dropped from the search window to a diagram.
Printing of model search results improved.
Testing Details view updated to improve navigation within the model and editin
g of tests.
Properties for the Element owning the selected test now shown in docked window

Test Details are displayed in the docked Notes window after selecting a test i
Create new Elements from tests in Testing Details view:
. Right click tests and select 'Create as New Element' from the context me
. Drag test items onto any Diagram to create a new linked Element.
. Notes are filled with the Test Details
. Trace link created between Element owning the test and new Element
Model Management, Security and Repositories
Exporting Model Reference Data now supports export of:
. Calendar Events,
. Team Review,
. Gap Matrix Profiles and
. UML Patterns.
Security and Locking
Element locked with 'Full Lock' or when security is not enable will now show
a lock indicator in the Project Browser.
Security checks permission to update elements added for the following operat
. Paste New Object Instance
. QuickLinker
. Delete Element from model (Deep Delete)
. Modifying Sequence and Communication Messages (also checks permission to
update diagrams)
. Sequence Communication Messages
. Sync Tagged Values And Constraints of profile stereotype
Subversion integration improved to prevent time-outs when adding package files
to sub-folders.
Check-in messages to version control providers can now safely contain quotatio
n marks and backslashes.
Lock Indicators now drawn for items created from the Diagram Toolbox.
Retrieving a previous version from version control now prevented for packages
containing sub-packages currently checked-out in the current project.
Security locks on Diagram and owning Package/Element now checked before new el
ements are created from the diagram toolbox.
Security locks on new and old parents now checked when dragging and dropping i
tems from one parent to another.
Applying a stereotype that doesn't already exist to an element will now be blo
cked if user doesn't have permission to Configure Stereotypes.
Version Control commands not required for setting up version control hidden fr
om project browser when version control is not set up.
A more informative message is displayed when an attempt is made to enter a flo
ating key directly into Enterprise Architect.
Auditing updated for SQL Server to handle adding elements to a diagram.
Team Review updated to allow password lock on posts to prevent unexpected edit
Technology Authoring (UML Profiles and MDG SDK)
Profile toolbox extended with a number of helpers to make developing profiles
much easier.
. 'MDG Technology' - Creates a package structure with a sample diagram type,
toolbox and stereotype showing how all three relate
. 'Add Stereotype' - Creates a new stereotype and provides a list of the pro
perties to set on a stereotype. Also available from stereotype context menu
. 'Create Toolbox Page' - Creates a new diagram and includes the ToolboxPage
metaclass on the diagram

. 'Add Toolbox Compartment' - Creates a new stereotype extending ToolboxPage

and allows adding items by selecting them from the model. Also available from c
ontext menu of stereotype extending ToolboxPage
. 'Add Diagram Extension' - Adds a new stereotype and metaclass pair and inc
ludes a list of possible properties to set for a diagram type. Also available fr
om stereotype context menu
Now possible to write a profile with stereotypes extending abstract metatypes
instead of the concrete classes.
. For example, a stereotype extending behavior can be applied to an Activity
, State Machine or Interaction
Shape scripted labels will now resize to fit contents consistent with other la
bel types.
Shape scripted labels now provide option for setting text color, alignment and
bold formatting.
Shape script PrintLn() command now forces later text onto a new line when pass
ed an empty string.
Shape scripts may now reference images defined in a technology by short name.
Shape script editor will now check for parse errors before closing.
Shape scripts can now specify a font color.
A custom composite diagram type may now be specified for a profiled StateMachi
Composed diagrams can now be drawn via shape scripts using the DrawComposedDia
gram command.
. Recommended to be used only when checking the ShowComposedDiagram property
. Can only be called from the Center of a border layout.
ShowComposedDiagram property added for object shape scripts.
. Makes the option of showing composed diagram available on shape scripted e
. Returns true if user displays the composite diagram.
A shape script can now be applied to both the Association and Class of an Asso
ciation Class.
QuickLink definitions for aggregations and compositions can now override the o
ption for aggregation drawing direction by using a direction other than to.
MDG Technology Wizard updated to allow grammars to be specified in the Code Mo
dules Page.
Stereotyped Expansion Regions can now be added to toolboxes.
Colors specified by a stereotype will now be dynamically used instead of being
applied on element creation.
. Allows the same rendering between an element created with a stereotype and
one where the stereotype was applied later.
. Allows the stereotype color to be overridden and later restored to the def
. Makes it possible to change the color set to the stereotype and have it ap
plied to any elements using that stereotype.
Profiled associations can now specify an end with AggregationKind set.
Model patterns can now be added to a technology that allow references to be co
nsistent in any project importing the same pattern. (GUIDs are preserved)
Shape script text output will now follow option for extended stereotype charac
Model Exchange & XML Technologies
XMI 2.1 based formats provided for export to other tools updated to improve co
XMI 2.1 export of stereotypes updated to ensure correct Metatype is generated.
XMI 2.1 importer updated to pick up more information from other tools.
XMI 2.1 import updated to link SysML usage in with appropriate profile version
HTML notes exported to XMI by other tools will now be imported where possible.
XMI import updated to support updating properties of an existing Model Root pa

XMI 1.0 updated to improve handling of stereotypes.
XMI 1.1 import updated to prevent an error due to very large models.
XMI 1.1 import of Communication Messages updated to prevent the stereotype fro
m appearing in the Condition.
XMI 2.1 importer updated to ensure cancelling import when prompted to import a
s root node works.
XSD import update to import referred Schemas that exist in subpackages of the
current directory.
Generate XML Schema and Generate WSDL dialogs now provide a list of valid enco
ding schemes.
WSDL generation updated to provide better default name for Response Messages.
XMI import option to 'Import using single Transaction' can now be set in the X
ML specifications page of the options dialog.
Rhapsody import updated to detect earlier when filename entered doesn't exist.
Rhapsody import updated to import comments using a multi-byte character set.
Rhapsody import updated to improve handling of reference type and ConditionMar
k type in Sequence and Activity diagrams.
ECore generation updated to improve handling of Aggregation, Rolename and Mult
Model pattern import will no longer show the package in the Project Browser tw
ice until reload of the project.
Other Changes
Elements created from Team Review selected text will now be inserted under the
selected package in the Project Browser.
Team Review tree will no longer lose focus when using keyboard to navigate bet
ween posts.
Team Review will now open on case-sensitive repository types.
Creating elements from selected text in linked documents now reserves a maximu
m of 255 characters for the element name.
ArchiMate 2 Node rendering updated to position name at fixed offset from the t
op to allow nesting on the diagram.
Loading of deeply nested packages under Oracle improved.
Sequence messages with total length of parameters exceeding the database limit
will no longer show database error.
Pasting of text from Microsoft Word will no longer leave html artifacts in the
Hyperlinks in notes containing '&' in the URL will now open correctly in the i
nternal browser window.
Printing diagram to PDF now prompts for filename as expected under Windows XP
when invalid characters for a filename are used in the name.
Project Transfer from databases where replication had been used will no longer
break the link between various tables.
Deleting either part of an Association Class now prompts to delete the other p
Scenario Structured Specification data save in Oracle DBMS improved.
Baseline comparison performance improved for large models hosted in Oracle DBM
Spell Checking using German dictionary no longer causes long delays opening el
ement properties.
Improvements during Beta Period
Creation of a profiled Package will no longer show the Paste Element dialog de
pending on unrelated user settings.
Model View window updated after Element renamed from the Project Browser.
Maintenance defects can now be created from the docked testing window by selec
ting 'Create a item from this test' from the context menu.
GDB debugging updated to improve display of strings in the Locals and Watches

Setting the classifier of an object will no longer show the Structural Element
s dialog if the selected classifier contains children but not Parts or Ports.
Connector tagged values from profiles no longer lost when saving.
Operations can now be dragged onto any diagram type to create a CallOperationA
. Previously this was only allowed for Activity, Analysis and Custom diagr
CallOperationActions can now open the source code editor via selecting the act
ion and pressing Ctrl + E or F12.
MDG Technology Wizard updated to correct text truncation.
Project Browser now continues to show that an Element has multiple stereotypes
after showing the properties dialog.
Attribute and Operation properties dialogs will now allow saving when only cha
nge is to secondary stereotypes.
Source Code Editor updated so that hovering over a Java class with annotations
will now show a tooltip.
Re-applying a stereotype to an element will now synchronize tagged values inst
ead of deleting existing tagged values.

Release Notes for 9.3 Build 935

Connector multiplicity now drawn on self-connectors when alias is being shown
instead of name.
Rounded Orthogonal connectors will no longer cause some other lines to be over
Pasting Elements as New will now fill new names automatically with the user co
nfigured auto name counter.
Relationships dragged from Element Browser to diagram will now place any new o
bjects under the mouse cursor.
Connector and Delegate links now support drawing line jumps.
Resize of Lifelines of Use Cases on Sequence Diagrams will no longer increase
their width.
ArcGIS Technology
MultiPoint type added with support for import and export.
Import of Attributes updated to preserve ordering.
Import of Edge Connectivity Rules updated to support Cardinality.
Exporter updated to provide flexibility for ordering of attributes.
. Top-down ordering is now default behavior for attributes inherited
from abstract classes.
. ArcGIS workspace package provides tagged value to allow selection b
etween Top-down and Alphabetic ordering.
. All required fields are exported first regardless of how other attr
ibutes are ordered.
XML Technologies
XMI 1.1 import updated to improve handling of Activity ConditionalNodes.
XMI 2.1 import updated to improve handling of HTML notes from other tools.
XML 2.1 export updated to prevent excessive resource usage for packages contai
ning many Activity, State and Interaction diagrams.
XSD generation updated to support ComplexType class referencing a ModelGroup a
re in a different package.
Control Flow and Data Flow guards now imported from Rhapsody.
Other Changes

SPEM technology updated.

. Exposed Interface added to toolbox.
. Process Component creation modified to allow selection of the base
type that is using it.
Automation Interface for Attributes now provides properties for SubsettedPropert
y and RedefinedProperty
Visual Basic .Net parsing updated to improve handling or properties.
Interface Customization Wizard now gives a warning when changing to any command
set other than complete.
Properties dialog for State Transitions now sets effect kind in one place.
HTML report updated to run on Chrome when hosted on webserver.
Copy and Paste of Elements in Project Browser modified to ensure all Attribute
s and Operations are copied.
Release Notes for 9.3 Build 934
Background objects including Activity Partitions and Boundaries are now create
d behind other objects automatically.
SysML Technology
SysML quicklinks improved
. Problem and Rationale available for all element types
. Connector available between flow ports
DataType added to SysML toolbox
. Both SysML 1.1 and SysML 1.2 technologies updated
ArcGIS Technology
Enumeration literals for AncillaryRole tagged value on Points updated.
. Consistent naming convention with other tagged values
. Toolbox creation now matches names in profile and expected by expor
. Exporter accepts valid values in either form
Notification tagged value added to RelationshipClass
XML Technologies
XMI export of Enumerations and Interfaces improved.
XMI import of references to core UML datatypes generated in latest convention

Release Notes for 9.3 Build 933

ArcGIS Technology
Multiple-inheritance for abstract classes and feature classes now supported in
Feature Datasets now exported from any package below the package being exporte
Domain elements now exported from any child package instead of only a package
named 'Domains'.
Coordinate System for Spatial References can now be set when selected in Proje
ct Browser.
Exporter updated to write WKID only where a value has been specified.
Profile attributes no longer include unnecessary 'Domain' and 'DefaultValue' t
agged values.
DefaultValue export now specifies the type correctly.

CoordinateSystemType tag default value now UnknownCoordinateSystem.

RelationshipClass elements now have new tag 'Catalogpath'.
XML Import updated to ensure AttributeIndexes refer to a Field where an additi
onal Attribute with the same name exists.
BPMN 2.0 Technology
BPMN 2.0 exporter updated to provide meaningful exporter and exporterVersion i
BPMN 2.0 export of Interfaces and Operations updated:
. Operations directly owned by an Interface are now exported as an owned o
. Operations where ownership is being implied by operationRefs will now b
e referenced correctly from an Activity
. Operations not owned or referenced by an Interface are now logged
Element Notes now exported to documentation member.
. Where formatting has been applied textFormat is set to text/html.
'Default' property now exported only for appropriate Gateway and Activity type
Examples for BPMN in example model updated to latest version of the profile.
Code Engineering
Member Type field of associations will now be substituted for the target class
name during code generation to match other methods for specifying collection ty
Code generation macro PROCESS_END_OBJECT updated to prevent errors during iter
ation over multiple connectors.
XML Technologies
XMI 2.1 based formats provided for export to other tools updated to improve co
. Default values for metaproperties on the following types are no longer
exported: Attribute, ActionPin, Port, Operation, GeneralizationSet and ActivityP
. Default value of public for all visibility attributes no longer exporte
. Nesting connector no longer exported as dependency
. Comments and constraints not attached to any object or connector are no
w exported as owned by the containing package
. Constraints specified internal to an object are now exported as owned c
onstraints of that object
. A profileApplication will now be exported for each profile used.
XMI import of classifiers updated to handle names containing an apostrophe.
XMI 1.0 importer updated to support importing tagged values of Attributes, Ope
rations, Operation Parameters and Connectors from Microsoft Visio.
Other Changes
Data types required for Oracle data modeling updated to include missing data t
Template Binding relationship now shown in Traceability window under 'Other Li
nks' option.
Project View window is now sorted after MDG Technologies are refreshed.
Rhapsody Importer updated to handle connectors with invalid targets.
CSV Import now creates objects to the containing Package when started from ano
ther element type.
Swimlanes & Matrix dialog updated to support standard keyboard accelerators.
Copy Base Project function updated to maintain consistency with element and pa
ckage guids.

Release Notes for 9.3 Build 932

ArcGIS Technology
Creation of new Table (Object Class) Element updated to link OIDFieldName to O
BJECTID attribute.
New Model Pattern added to create core classes and interfaces from Esri.
BPMN 2.0 Technology
Updates to tagged values for the following element types:
. BusinessProcess support tag may now link to multiple BusinessProcess ele
. Choreography correlationKeys tag may now link to multiple CorrelationKey
. Choreography initiatingParticipantRef tag may now link to multiple Parti
cipant or Pool elements
. IntermediateEvent now includes the tag activityRef to link to an Activit
y element
. Lane now includes the tag partitionElementRef to link to any element
. InputOutputBinding name of inputDataRef and outputDataRef tagged values
. ResourceRole name of role tagged value corrected
. DataStore name of isUnlimited tagged value corrected
Activity and Choreography rendering of Standard Loop marker improved.
BPMN 2.0 XML export of Process Models updated to ensure full conformance with
specification in all known cases.
SysML 1.2 Technology
Default size of a Property added to a parametric diagram reduced to 16 by 16.
XML Technologies
XMI 2.1 based formats provided for export to other tools updated to improve co
. Sequence Message property messageSort no longer exported when matching d
efault value (synchCall)
. Slot on Instance Specification now references source Attribute with defi
. Loop Node boolean properties now serialized with values 'true' and 'fals
e' instead of '1' and '0'
. Loop Node decider property now exported
XMI 1.0 importer updated to support importing Stereotypes exported from Micros
oft Visio XMI 1.0 files.
Other Changes
GoF Technology now includes built-in patterns rather than relying on them bein
g present in a project's resources.
Reset IDs function preserves the following relationships:
. Note and constraint links
. UML diagram contents
Code Templates generating a qualified name of a referenced type will now silen
tly fall back to previous name when classifier has been deleted.
Learning Center topics concerning Simulation Triggers updated to clarify point
s of possible failure.

Release Notes for 9.3 Build 931


Creation of profiled Attributes and Operations from toolbox now provides dropd
own of datatypes for target Element.
Diagram options for compartment visibility corrected in translated editions.
Save diagram as Image will now validates extension for supported image types.
Repeat of last Connector (by pressing F3) improved when used in combination wi
th Toolbox and quicklinker.
Creating duplicate objects using Drag and Drop from Project Browser or other d
iagram on Oracle repositories improved.
Diagram Frames showing self connectors will no longer resize when viewed from
Pan & Zoom window.
Automation Interface
Attributes and Operations will now call EA_OnContextItemDoubleClicked when dou
ble clicked from Project Browser.
New Triggers created from Transition properties will now call EA_OnPostNewElem
Creating a new profiled metatype from automation will now add composite diagra
ms appropriately.
Attributes will no longer create a duplicate attribute after updating StyleEx.
Code Engineering
Code generation of method comments for C updated to follow user settings deter
mining where comments should be generated.
C++ generation of Template Instantiation update to generate from old models.
Code Generation toolbar update to import PHP files when PHP selected as defaul
t code language.
Synchronizing of source code on a DBMS connection under WINE will no longer gi
ve an error.
Execution Analyzer
PHP and GDB debuggers updated to recognize End Recording Markers.
Testpoint evaluation improved for classes with at least two levels of namespac
Modular operator support added to Testpoint expressions.
Debugger usage after performing a manual record improved.
.Net debugger instance recording updated to identify a call between two differ
ent instances of the same class.
Native debugger updated to step to next available frame when stepping out from
function called from external code.
ArcGIS Profile
Default types updated for attributes created from ArcGIS toolbox.
. Field and SubtypeField now created with default type of esriFieldTypeInt
. AttributeIndex, DomainCodedValue and SpatialIndex now created with no ty
pe specified.
Abstract UML Class may now be used to define attributes common to multiple Arc
GIS elements during export.
. Abstract Class added to Core toolbox.
System attributes (RequiredField, AttributeIndex and SpatialIndex) now hidden
by default on imported or newly created objects.
Command for toggling display of System attributes added to Extensions menu.
AncillaryRole tagged value applied to Point feature class only.
Ordering of Topology toolbox page improved.
Minor updates to ArcGIS export and import.
Other Changes
XMI import creation of External References may now be set globally for a model
. Available in Package Control dialog and Version Control Settings dialog

. When set, XMI 1.1 import will no longer create cross package relationshi
ps for the target of a relationship, allowing deleting of relationships without
saving both packages
Execution Analyzer Profiler Reports can now be saved to Artifact objects, allo
wing them to be preserved and shared in the model.
Stereotypes on Attributes in UML Profiles can now specify the default type to
be used when creating them from the toolbox.
. New supported attribute _defaultAttributeType
Simulation of Activity diagrams created under a Use Case now possible.
BPMN 2.0 XML export updated to ensure validation of Process Models.
Export of Glossary reference data updated to prevent duplicate items during im
Code Template editor will now save changes correctly when changing between sty
le overrides.
Structured Tag Values now supported on Operations.
Attributes dialog will now select newly created attribute consistent with user
preferences for re-selecting items after save.
Package Browser now checks lock status of appropriate packages when adding an
d deleting items.
Embedded elements property type is now available through classifier field name
in RTF generation.
Docked Project Management, Maintenance and Testing windows no longer marked as
dirty when copying text.

Release Notes for 9.3 Build 930

Floating and Dockable Views
Diagrams and other view types may now be 'Floated'.
. Drag a tab away from tab list
. Float Current View from Window menu
. Float in Tab Context menu
Floating Views may be docked and moved around in the same way as other windows
Restore position in main view area by dragging to center docking guide.
Working Sets (found in the Personal Information window) may contain layout of
active floating views are restored when working set is opened.
Drag and Drop between open diagrams added for adding object links between Diag
Menu Customization
Suppress menu items from both Main Menu
select visible items.
Control individual commands from a list
area or remove all commands in that area.
Create named sets of commands and share
Comes with the following pre-configured
Business Modeling, Software Engineering,
ing, Testing, Project Management.
Interface Customization Wizard added to

and Context Menus using new dialog to

with commands organized by functional
them with other users.
command sets: Complete, Essential UML,
Software Development, Systems Engineer
Start Page and initial startup.

ArchiMate 2.0 Technology

ArchiMate Core improvements.
. Separate diagrams for Business, Application
. Clearer differentiation between elements in
ess Service, Application Service and Infrastructure
. New element types: Location, Infrastructure
Motivation Extension.

and Technology layers

different layers, e.g. Busin

. Models stakeholders, drivers for change, business goals, principles and

. New Motivation diagram.
. New element types: Stakeholder, Driver, Assessment, Goal, Requirement, C
onstraint and Principle.
. New relationship: Influence.
Implementation and Migration Extension.
. Supports project portfolio management, gap analysis and transition and m
igration planning.
. New Implementation and Migration diagram.
. New element types: Work Package, Deliverable, Plateau and Gap.
Testpoint extensions
Multiple Invariants may be assigned to any Class.
Multiple Pre and Post Conditions may be assigned to any Operation.
Line conditions may now be added to any line of an Operation.
Complex expression handling in Testpoints improved.
GDB debugging support for Testpoints added.
Post Conditions on PHP operations now supported.
Testpoints involving stl vector variables now evaluated correctly.
Layout of Testset diagram from recording improved.
Performance of running a large test suite improved.
Execution Analyzer
Breakpoints & Markers can now be moved by dragging to a different line in the
Source Code Editor.
Generate Sequence Diagrams showing each instance for the classes used.
. To record instances, run from the recording window and select the set of
classes you want instances for.
Object Diagrams creation
. Easily add objects corresponding to the ones in a debug session includin
g runstate and relationships between objects.
. Locals window provides the option to add an Object to the current diagra
Start Recording dialog improved:
. Define additional filters or select from a previously used set.
. Choose between basic recording, instance recording and state recording.
Wrapping of MFC datatypes in Locals and Watch window improved for objects not ye
t created.
Recursive Directory builds for Java updated to handle invalid initial director
Sequence Diagram generation from recording updated for PostgreSQL and Oracle s
Debugging of commands including '.dll' now possible.
Maximum recording depth increased from 8 to 30.
Recording of .Net execution updated to ensure recording ends.
Rebinding assigned breakpoint to match source in native debugger will no longe
r result in a duplicate breakpoint.
Watch evaluation in native debugger improved.
Sequence diagram generation will now omit arguments when length exceeds allowe
d size in database.
State Table Visualization of simulations added
. In a style consistent with the diagram view of a simulation view the act
ive state and potential next states.
. Optimized to work with all State Table formats.
. Fire triggers corresponding to any connector in the context menu of the
BPMN simulation of Throw and Catch intermediate event types added.

Simulation of Sequence diagrams where final messages contained in parallel fra

gments improved.
Visualization of current position in simulation no longer affected by Diagram
Filter setting.
Compartment visibility in Diagram Options updated to allow custom compartments
such as the ones used by SysML 1.2 to be suppressed.
ERD profile updated to allow a name to be drawn for the 'Connector' type.
Dropping a SysML Block onto another will now create the appropriate Property s
Resizing objects on zoomed Diagrams improved.
PostgreSQL Repositories no longer show an error message when dropping an objec
t from the Project Browser onto a Diagram.
Page Borders may now be hidden for all diagrams using new user option to overr
ide diagram setting.
Paste as New for multiple elements improved:
. Single dialog allowing rename of all elements.
. New option to support copying of relationships between copied elements.
Self-Connector position when dropping Element from Project Browser improved.
XML Technologies
XMI 2.1 updated to round trip embedded elements on Instance Specifications for
Missing Cross References dialog suppressed for Comment and Constraint elements
that have been removed from the model.
Missing Cross References dialog no longer forced to display during Check-In op
EMX import updated to set Diagram visibility for Association Class connectors.
XMI Importer updated to import diagram information from XMI 2.4.1 exported fro
m MagicDraw.
ArcGIS Profile
FeatureDataset, feature classes and Workspace tagged value lists updated.
Subtype element creation simplified.
Added support for the following types:
. GeometricNetwork
. RelationshipRule
. ConnectivityRule
. Topology
Toolbox restructured so that types are organized by their function.
Coordinate Systems updated to include HighPrecision field and align to ArcCata
log 10.1.
Other Changes
MDG Technologies can now be enabled/disabled without requiring a restart befor
e using profiles.
Global working sets now available. Share your commonly opened views with other
users of a model.
MDG Technologies may now contain XSLT in the scripts section to add to Extensi
ons | Import and Extensions | Publish.
Move Requirement to external command will now add Stability field as a tagged
value of the newly created Requirement object.
Custom SQL Model Searches returning Diagrams will no longer provide the 'Find
in Diagrams' option.
Operation Behavior page will now broadcast OnNotifyContextItemModified event t
o Add-Ins during save.
Set Parents and Interfaces menu item now available for Classes selected in the
Project Browser.
Code Generation of Fragments on Interaction Diagrams updated to ensure updates

are generated without needing a Diagram Reload.

Screen Reader support for menus updated so that items after separators can be
identified correctly.
RTF document generation updated to correct error generating a report with no d
Background of Project Browser and other windows under latest version of WINE w
ill no longer be black.
Diagram in List View now allows dropping text to create new items.
Operation Properties dialog update to ensure changes are saved when clicking o
n blank space in a diagram.
Source Code reverse engineering updated to allow moving Classes from root name
space into a new namespace.
Version Controlled package status will now remain unchanged as 'Checked-Out' w
hen 'Get Comment' dialog is canceled.
Structured Scenario Editor will no longer remove referenced terms that are no
longer found or have an empty name.
Creating a new Element to assign to an Attribute type will now allow profiled
Automation functions added for reading advanced diagram style information.
. ReadStyle returns the current value of the named property.
. WriteStyle sets a new value for the named property.
. Currently supported properties are: 'Show Element Property String', 'Sho
w Connector Property String' and 'Show Feature Property String'.

Release Notes for 9.2 Build 922

Numbering and Bulleting Styles now updated using 'Update Styles' command.
Business Rules information added to report generation templates.
Search links in text will no longer be rendered as hyperlinks in HTML reports.
RTF report generation of reports using tables will now consistently merge the
tables when required.
RTF report generation using tree ordering and element filtering will no longer
generate template meta data.
RTF report generation updated to prevent intermittent issue causing template m
eta data to be generated.
User Interface
Customization of the available values for the following General Types now ava
. Constraint Status, Difficulty, Priority and Test Status.
. Overwrite the defaults provided with the types relevant to your domain a
nd policies.
. Define the order that each list is displayed in.
. Set a default value for each list.
State Table editor updated to prevent accidental moving of a Transition after
keyboard navigation.
Tooltip display for connectors not displaying connector type improved.
Syntax highlighting in shape script editor updated to highlight known function
s regardless of character case.
Create New Metaclass dialog to list Requirement, Risk and Task types only once
Team Review and Linked Document Editors now remember their Page Layout setting
New Package dialog updated to add option to open the newly created diagram.
Simulation now reports the Platform and Execution model (interpreted or manual
) when starting.

Snap to Grid option will now use the same snapping when moving multiple object
s as is used when moving a single object.
Diagram Frame Labels rendered to saved images or clipboard will no longer over
lap contents when large fonts are used.
Drawing of additional stereotypes on Tables improved.
Print to PDF of cloud shapes include SOMF Design Clouds are now rendered in co
rrect color.
Shallow diagram copy no longer creates extra connectors when the diagram paren
t element is on the diagram.
Custom compartments used by SysML now rendered to GDI+ metafiles.
Code Engineering
Class Template Parameters now updated during synchronization from code.
Imports inserted using 'Import(s) / Header(s)' now obey 'Output file use both
CR & LF' option.
Code Generation for State Machines modified to prevent exit behavior from bein
g run for transitions not leaving an object.
Code Generation for State Transitions updated to generate the Trigger name ins
tead of guid for Operation and Signal triggers.
Execution Analysis
Resolution of variable names in the Watch window improved.
Watch and Local window display of templated STL and MFC types updated to accou
nt for the size of the instantiated type.
Tespoint evaluation of arrays improved.
XML Technologies
XMI Import updated to improve import of XMI 2.4 and XMI 2.4.1 files.
XMI 2.1 import updated to improve import of Information Flow connectors and Ob
ject Run State from other tools.
Ecore exporter updated to generate Package 'URI' property and 'nsPrefix' tagge
d value to the required attributes 'nsPrefix' and 'nsURI'.
RSA/EMX import of multiplicity updated to use default shortened notations '0..
*' as '* and '1..1' as '1'.
EMX import updated to improve imported Attribute types using core UML types.
Profile export in XMI 2.x for stereotypes belonging to Attributes, Operations
and Connectors improved.
Automation Interface
Element.IsComposite will now correctly refer to existing Diagrams when setting
to true.
Package.SetReadOnly will now clear the value instead of writing a false value.
Repository.GetFieldFromFormat will now strip any embedded images correctly.
Repository.GetFormatFromField now correctly round trips German characters.
Connector.StereotypeEx will now accept multiple stereotypes.
Other Changes
Oracle function-based indexes now supported in import and export.
Auditing performance improved when changing Elements located in Packages that
haven't been fully loaded.
Active Directory user import updated to improve recognition of first and last
names in cases where they were reversed in the Full Name field.
Subversion support updated to automatically retrieve new subfolders, before at
tempting to retrieve file statuses.
Recording History window now allows generation of a Sequence Diagram from all
calls below the selected frame.
SysML Parametric example in EAExample model updated to show correct statuses o
n scripts.

Thai and Greek text in note fields will now round trip correctly.
MDG Technology wizard handling of Model Views in MTS files updated to ensure c
onfiguration reloads.
Base model updated to remove unneeded entries for UML Patterns, glossary and t
agged value types.
Restoring of Class Templates from Baseline is now available.

Release Notes for 9.2 Build 921

Now possible to generate a report from a Master Document or Model Document dir
ectly to a connected Document Artifact.
Document Generator updated to improving generation of very large numbers of pa
ckages on Oracle repositories.
Document Generator updated to prevent error using 'Element - Classifier Instan
ces' section on case-sensitive repositories.
RTF template compatibility between EA version 8 and EA version 9 improved.
User Interface
New options for diagram tooltip display (Tools | Options | Diagram)
. Toggle the display of tooltips for Objects and Connectors.
. Toggle display of each of the following sections of the tooltip: Element
Type, Visibility, Phase, Version, Author and Notes.
. Configure the maximum amount of notes to display.
Parameter list on Operations dialog will now disable custom sorting when reord
Template Parameters now loaded and displayed in correct order.
Table Attributes dialog updated to correct mnemonic key for length.
Note editors updated so that F5 will now replace selected text with current da
te and time instead of inserting it.
Read-only text boxes updated to allow copying of text from context menu.
Custom SQL search results will now allow 'Copy selected to clipboard' command
when a single row is selected.
Operations dialog will now allow deleting an Operation when the return type is
neither a built-in datatype or a classifier.
Referential Integrity for Foreign Keys now allows saving a delete constraint w
hen no update constraint specified.
Connectors connected to Sequence, Boundary and Control objects will no longer
be moved when the Pan & Zoom window is displayed.
Simple UI control elements will no longer lose their borders.
Packages with a URI set will now draw the URI in the name compartment for diag
rams showing element property strings.
Action elements now prevented from having a composite diagram.
Resize of Elements now allows immediately after removing a shape script that s
pecifies a fixed size.
Auto routed connectors to diamond shaped objects improved.
Code Engineering
C++ code engineering updated to support volatile operation return type.
C# reverse engineering updated to reverse engineering properties consistently.
Java reverse engineering updated to support new syntax defined in Java 7.
VB.Net reverse engineering updated to handle functions containing lambda funct
Ada code generation updated to generate procedure instead of functions when no
return type is specified.

Ada reverse engineering updated with multiple improvements.

Execution Analysis
Locals window can now set a variable value to a negative value.
History now available in Debug Watch Window using up and down arrow keys.
Testpoint process is now interoperable with normal debugging if 'Enable Breakp
oints' is checked in the Testpoint options toolbar menu.
Test Point support updated to provide more operands and improve user experienc
Visibility of members for the following template containers in debugger window
. std::vector, std::stack, std::map, CMap, CArray, CObList, CList
When selected in Analyzer Script, console windows will be created for programs
debugger using native debugger.
Creating a Tracepoint will now display the Breakpoint properties dialog.
XML Technologies
URIs in UML Profiles
. Profiles exported to 'EA UML (2.x)' or 'XMI UML (2.4.1) will not include
the Package if specified.
. Imported profiles that are used in an XMI 2.x import will now specify th
e URI found in the profile.
Sequence messages will no longer generate the derived signature property when
generating UML 2.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2 or 2.3 XMI.
Export of stereotypes and custom properties of elements improved when running
Jet 3.5.
Stereotyped Note elements attached to Connectors now round tripped in XMI 2.1
Automation Interface
Javascript loading of the following objects improved: DocumentGenerator, MailI
nterface, ScenarioStep, ScenarioException.
Other Changes
Relationship Matrix using a search for either axis will no longer give an erro
r on MySQL repositories.
Project Integrity check will now report on and clean Packages specifying itsel
f as its parent.
Diagram copy command in the Project Browser will now allow copying from a chec
ked-in package to checked out package.
Hyperlink dialog will no longer give an error editing hyperlinks to EA command
MDG Integration for Visual Studio will now display all appropriate information
on the Element Details page.
Applying a lock in Lock to Edit mode will now update the Project Browser immed
Simulation variables are now updated while simulation is running instead of wh
ile paused.
Simulation now provides clearer errors when an invalid model is encountered.
Composite Diagrams created for Requirement, Feature, Risk, Change, Issue and T
ask Elements are now the natural diagram type to allow decomposition of the Elem
Stereotype inheritance within a Profile will now be allowed when the stereotyp
e name is a sub-string of its base stereotype.
UML Compliance checking for relationships to Packaging Components updated to e
nsure any relationship allowed for Components are allowed.
Release Notes for 9.2 Build 920

Dynamic Model Simulation

Trigger based simulation of State Machines now available.
. Send Triggers as well as Save/Load sets of Triggers to send in new windo
w 'Simulation Events' within the 'Breakpoints & Events' window.
. The list of Triggers that will cause a state change is available in 'Sim
ulation Events' window, where you can easily send each Trigger.
. Alternatively, drag any Trigger from the Project Browser to send that Tr
. Includes support for the following action kinds: SendSignalAction, Broad
castSignalAction and AcceptEventAction.
. Transitions from a composite state with a trigger are taken when the sim
ulation is within any child state.
. Signals can be sent from Javascript using the new function BroadcastSign
. Signals with arguments can be specified and the values checked in Javasc
ript using the syntax 'this.TriggerName.ArgumentName'.
Simulation Breakpoints moved into 'Breakpoints & Events' window. Reducing the
need to switch between tabs.
Concurrent Regions support for States and State Machines now available.
Call Behavior Actions will now be able to simulate the behavior called when it
is located outside of the entry point for the simulation.
Simulation of SubMachine States now supported.
New Javascript function Trace: Allows printing of any text including simulatio
n variables to the Simulation window.
New Javascript opererator IS_IN: Determine if any thread within the simulation
is currently located in the named State.
Composite State handling of entry and exit behavior improved to ensure all par
ent behaviors are executed in the appropriate order.
Calling of external simulatable behavior (eg. Activity) from State entry, exit
operations and Transition effects now supported.
BPMN 2.0 Simulation
. Available in Business & Software Engineering Edition or Ultimate Edition
. Basic semantics for Business Process diagrams supported including Exclus
ive or Parallel gateways.
. Javascript evaluation of Sequence Flow expressions available.
Filtering of Elements within a Composite Diagram improved.
New Music Player simulation in the example model which demonstrates Composite
States, Triggers and called behaviors.
Baseline Diagram Compare
New dialog available to provide a visual comparison between the current diagra
m and the baselined version.
. Select objects that you wish to restore to the previous layout.
. Selected changes are rendered to the diagram as colored boxes.
. Moved elements, additions and removals each have a unique color renderin
Two methods for showing the visual diff.
. From a baseline comparison: Right click on a diagram.
. From the Project Browser: Right click on a diagram and choose the baseli
ne you would like to compare to.
GDB Debugging Support
New debugger provided for applications that can be debugged using GDB.
Supports both local and remote debugging.
Includes the ability to record sequences and generate Sequence diagrams.
RTF Document Generator updated to improve support for very large EAP files.

DocumentGenerator interface updated to allow changing page layout.

. New function SetPageOrientation added.
. InsertBreak function updated to allow inserting section breaks, which ar
e required to change orientation during a document.
Fixed error message when generating document with Defect.DateReported filter.
References to Open Office updated to reflect the current name
RTF Generator modified to prevent duplicate elements when both Diagram.Element
and Package.Element are enabled and sorting is not 'Tree Order'.
RTF Generator updated to allow filtering on connector type and removing of not
eless connectors.
UML 2.4
Added support for UML 2.4.
New properties added:
. Package.URI - See Advanced page in the Properties dialog.
. Propety.isID - See Detail page of Attribute properties or Advanced for P
ort and Part.
New datatype added. Real represents the mathematical concept of real.
XMI exporter updated to support two additional formats:
. UML 2.4.1 (XMI 2.4.1)
. UML 2.4 (XMI 2.4)
Normative XMI export in Extensions menu now generates UML 2.4.1 (XMI 2.4.1).
XMI importer updated to recognise XMI 2.4 based files and import them.
SysML 1.2 Technology
SysML Block Elements are now drawn with the following compartments as defined
by the specification:
. parts
. references
. values
. flow ports
. standard ports
SysML FlowSpecification Elements are now drawn with the following compartments
as defined by the specification:
. flowProperties
SysML FlowPorts now change color to dark grey when isConjugated property is se
t to True.
Code and Database Engineering
Property methods created from attributes will no longer add a prefix when the
prefix has explicitly been cleared.
Foreign keys generated for SQL Lite are no longer duplicated.
User Interface
Element Browser extended to provide the following functions in the context men
u for a relationship:
. Locate Related Element in Project Browser
. View Properties of Related Element
. Find Related Element in all Diagrams
Requirement Types updated to allow stereotypes.
. Stereotype property in docked Properties window now includes all Require
ment types as valid options.
. Requirement Type field in Properties dialog will now preserve all second
ary stereotypes and only modify the primary one.
Read Only packages can no longer be modified using the following features: Res
tore to Baseline, CSV Import, Linked Document Editor, Gantt View (Resource Alloc
Triggers will no longer be reported using the 'Find Orphans' search because th
ey are not typically used on Diagrams.
Structure Scenarios will now save if the only change is to the Join Value.

Operation properties dialog modified to ensure any new operation is saved befo
re navigating to any other page of the dialog.
Script Console Output window now shows correct context menu.
Manage Security Groups dialog now allows updating the group name.
Working Sets in Personal Information window updated to make 'Windows open when
Model was last closed' available immediately after enabling the option.
Properties window for Activity Parameter Node now include the following option
on the Parameters page: 'Stream', 'Exception'.
Action Properties dialog is now able to create multiple arguments on the Signa
l Properties page.
Parameters page of Activity properties modified to ensure properties are loade
d from existing values correctly.
Searches listed within Search selection controls will now be sorted alphabetic
ally within groups excluding the built-in group.
Workspace Layout Dialog updated to clarify functionality.
Concurrent Regions dialog updated to make it easier to create State Regions.
Shape scripting extended to allow a profile to define a shape that defines com
partments representing owned elements.
. ChildElement shape is called for every child of the element that has that
script. All of the normal properties of the child element are available during
. The two added functions SetCompartmentName and AppendCompartmentText are
used within this script to define the text.
Option added to allow custom sizing of Ports. Select 'Port Size Customizable'
from Advanced context menu to enable.
Connectors between Port instances now allow changing of direction.
Tree Style connector arrows will now be drawn despite overlapping segments.
Deep Copy of Diagrams will now automatically link all packages without prompti
ng the user of the action.
Line jumps where no connector is crossing will no longer be drawn on diagrams
showing composite diagrams.
Resize handles will now be drawn on the outside of objects.
XML Technologies
Import of Rhapsody Projects now supported.
. Includes support for importing both UML and SysML models.
XMI 2.1 export of Sequence Messages modified to support arguments containing a
XMI 2.1 export of visibilities associated with specific programming languages
will now only be written to the extension section.
XMI 2.1 import of tagged values on top level package now imported from other t
XMI 2.1 import of tagged values storing a guid updated to preserve values corr
XMI 2.1 import from other tools will no longer set default types for Attribute
s, Operation Parameters and Sequence Message return value.
Missing Cross References will no longer be reported for objects that previousl
y existed in the package being exported.
Scan & Reconcile will no longer modifiy the type of attributes in Model Docume
XML Schema generation updated to generate notes on XSDAny elements as xs:docum
entation elements.
WSDL Service properties will now allow creating a new Port on case-sensitive d
XMI import will no longer truncate strings early in JET 4 databases.
ArcGIS Technology
Version number incremented to Beta 3.0.

Import updated to support aliases on Elements and Attributes.

Import and Export of Attribute type for SubtypeField improved.
Export updated to ensure default values for numeric tagged values such as DSID
are written to the exported file when no value has been specified for the tagge
d value.
Two new types of Index available: AttributeIndex and SpatialIndex.
Spatial Reference Elements can now be linked to FeatureDataset Packages and ap
ply to all feature classes in the package, by default.
Overhauled handling of indexes:
. Replaced Index stereotype on a Class with AttributeIndex and SpatialIndex
stereotypes on an Attribute.
. Model Pattern updated to remove Indexes package.
. Indexes tag removed from the following elements: Point, Polyline, Polygon
, Multipatch, RasterBand, RasterCatalog, ObjectClass and Relationshipclass.
Importer updated to create Relationship Class with direction set to Unspecifie
Importer updated to create Spatial References Diagrams with tagged values disp
layed by default.
ODM Technology
New MDG technology added. The Ontology Definition Metamodel created by OMG.
Includes the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (O
Import and Export to the OWL/RDF file format from the Extensions menu.
Automation Interface
Add-Ins defining EA_GetMenuState function will now have this function called w
hen displaying Extensions menu in the Project Browser.
Added support for creating a profile Connector. Pass the fully qualified metat
ype to the type parameter of Connectors.AddNew. eg. BPMN2.0::Association
Realization Connector names will now be reflected on Diagrams when changed.
Creating a new nested Element now optimized to prevent possible long delays in
lazy loaded models.
New function Project.GetFileNameDialog: Allows the Windows file prompt during
scripting on systems that restrict the creation of ActiveX objects.
Project.Migrate function updated to support migrating from UPDM 1 to UPDM 2.
Other Changes
Restored ability to add an Element to a diagram using Visual Studio Integratio
Audit window will no longer give an error when searching for an empty string.
Script Console window command to save contents to file will now save to the lo
cation specified.
The Script Tree will now correctly ignore the escape key.
Smart copy of a diagram that is owned by anything other than a Package will no
w create Elements in the correct location.
Model Loading updated to prevent issues with Analyzer scripts with incorrect p
CSV Import corrected so that it's no longer possible to add Elements directly
to a Root Node.
Case-sensitive repository support improved for the following actions: Copying
a diagram, expanding package contents, exporting sequence diagrams, setting up v
ersion control.
Drawing of tree controls including the Project Browser improved under WINE.
Model Shortcuts extended to support opening a specified Working Set and Worksp
ace Layout.
Creation of a StateMachine State is now possible by dragging a StateMachine el
ement onto a State diagram.
Smart Diagram Copy updated to ensure correct parent is set for elments not dir
ectly owned by a package.

Note Window updated to ensure IME edits are saved before changing context.
Performance issue under SQL Server and PostgreSQL when loading a diagram corre
Keyboard Accelerator Map will no longer be created offscreen.
Release Notes for 9.1 Build 910
CSV Import/Export
New property available 'Profile Metatype'
. Allows an export to ensure that newly created elements have the appropri
ate type.
. Default tagged values will be created for the metatype as needed.
Tagged values are now supported in CSV import/export operations.
. The CSV Import/Export Specification dialog allows adding the Value or No
tes for a named tagged value.
. Select a Tagged Value from the global list of tagged value types or from
the tagged values on any model element.
. Importing tagged values from CSV will match synchronize with existing ta
gged value. (Either pre-exiting element or new profiled Element.)
. Tagged Values that don't exist on the element will be created if a value
is specified.
. When only a note is specified a memo tagged value is created automatical
Navigation pane in HTML report will now select the Element or Diagram being di
splayed in the main view.
RTF report generation from templates that were imported from Word that include
bookmarks improved.
RTF documentation of Scenario action type now matches the icon displayed in th
e user interface.
Filtering of anonymous, note-less and Diagram only elements improved in RTF re
User Interface
Linked Document Editor toolbar visibility can now be toggled by button in docu
ment title bar.
Model Search updated to ensure all unused columns are available in field choos
er after running a different search.
Model Search window updated to improve behavior when dragging search results t
o other windows.
. While dragging, move over a main window tab to switch to that view.
. Drag onto a Linked Document or Team Review post to provide options to cr
eate hyperlinks or render an RTF report into the selected document.
Replication Conflict Resolution dialog now provides a context menu command to
find the conflicting row in the Project Browser or Diagram.
Element Browser now supports dragging of Attributes and Operations onto an Ele
ment in the active Diagram to copy them to that Element.
Scenario List ordering improved in circumstances when multiple basic paths exi
Attribute dialog updated to improve handling of creating a copy of an attribut
e with a matching property/accessor.
Connector context menu now allows changing of the direction of the connector d
Connector Change Type dialog now includes Template Binding.
Locked Element support for Operation Dialog improved.
Tagged Value window updated to prevent issues when changing element selection
immediately after editing a tagged value.

Tagged Value window updated to improve selection after changing a tagged value
for an element that includes grouped tagged values.
Database properties dialog now updates the types used when all changes are sav
ed instead of immediately after the database is changed.
'Go to Declaration' and 'Go to Definition' in code editors will no longer caus
e large delays when first used in lazy load models.
Notes can now be unlinked from the selected feature either from the Note conte
xt menu or by selecting 'None' as the feature type in the link dialog.
Tool-tips for Elements and Connectors updated to include more of the notes and
display for longer.
Docked properties dialog now updates to show no element is active when clickin
g on Diagram background from the Project Browser.
Model Views window updated to open post when double clicking on a recent discu
Strict UML Syntax checking for connectors will now allow Quicklinks to Hyperli
nk Actions.
Diagram Filters can now filter on Visible Connectors. The result of this filte
r is that hidden connectors are drawn using filter and allow interaction.
User Interface elements from Win32 profile now support rename using F2 keyboar
d shortcut.
Win32 Diagrams copy and paste improved for bitmap and GDI+ formats.
Sequence Message Notes displayed on a Diagram now draw without HTML markup.
Elements showing their composite diagram will now draw the appropriate frame l
Objects with a fixed aspect ratio will now allow resizing to other elements wh
ile maintaining the aspect ratio.
Elements with alternate images applied will no longer be resized when the name
AcceptEventTimers displaying source package will no longer overlap the Action
and Package name.
Print to PDF of Diagrams updated to ensure objects near page borders are print
Ports that are drawn differently depending on tagged values will now draw corr
ectly on instances.
Diagram Filters updated to restore behavior of showing the element if it match
es any of the enabled filters.
Find in all Diagrams command now finds Property Type for Ports and Parts.
BPMN 2 Associations will no longer draw their name twice.
Connectors using Bezier style now drawn consistently when positioned badly.
XML Technologies
Compatibility updates for published XMI 2.1 (UML 2.2 and 2.3) updated to impro
. Export of multiplicity.
. Boolean properties for Parameter multiplicity isUnique and isOrdered.
. Return values of Operations.
. Nested Triggers.
. Behaviors for States.
. Namespace URIs for included profiles.
. Stereotypes applied to elements.
XMI 2.1 Importer updated to import Attribute/Operation/Parameter data types wh
en creating placeholders for missing External References.
XMI 1.1 Importer updated to import 'return' parameters for State Methods.
XMI 1.1 Importer will now import Diagram notes from XMI exported by Unisys 1.3
.9 Add-In.
EMX Importer updated to improve import of hidden Attribute or Operation compar
tments from SID EMX file.
Import of Activity, State and Sequence diagrams from MagicDraw improved.

ArcGIS Importer updated to support changes in previous build to Description, G

eometryDef and RasterDef tagged values.
ArcGIS and Ecore export updated to prevent long delay at completion.
Automation Interface
Connector automation object now includes additional collection for retrieving
Conveyed Items on an Information Flow connector.
DocumentGenerator automation object updated to support external requirements s
Operation Parameters now reloaded with any changed values after calling Refres
Diagram selected objects collection now supported for all open diagrams.
Other Changes
Python parsing updated to improve handling of decorators, default lambda argum
ents and import clauses.
Compare With Controlled Version command now updates working copy files for all
nested child packages in addition to selected root package, before performing t
he comparison.
Re-Synch Status with Version Control Provider will no longer override packages
marked as 'checked-out offline'.
Version Control Settings now shows configurations that timed out during initia
lization as 'Not Connected'.
Printing to PDF updated to provide a default filename from the current view be
ing printed.
UML Profile import in Resources window updated to preserve existing links to s
Package Browser updated for displaying large packages in Oracle repositories.
Toolbox profiles now allow overriding of the built-in 'Extended' diagram types
Auto Counters for Risk and Task Elements can now be created.
Load times for large models with many Execution Analyzer scripts improved.
Debugger updated to work on Wine version 1.3.27 or greater.
Release Notes for 9.1 Build 909
Dynamic UML Model Simulation
The Simulator has undergone significant changes to support automated and intel
ligent execution.
JavaScript based evaluation of guards and effects:
. Available in Corporate Edition and above.
. Default in new scripts for Corporate Edition and above.
. Analyzer script now contains option to enable JavaScript evaluation for
a Simulation.
. Activity diagrams support Control Flow guard and Action Effect.
. State Machine diagrams support Transition guards, effects and State Oper
ation behavior.
. Interaction diagrams remain manual only.
. Input field in Simulation configuration (Analyzer script) supports JavaS
cript initialization code.
. All Simulation level variables must be prefixed with "sim." or "this." (
eg. sim.Customer.count)
. Private and local working variables do not require this prefix.
. Note that the Simulation Javascript engine does not support the Reposito
ry or Session objects.
Javascript support for COM objects within the Simulation context.
. Create and call COM objects during guards and effects.
. Significantly extend the reach of Simulations by allowing COM based inte

raction with external systems.

. Allows COM based logging, user interaction or similar behavior during Si
JavaScript console added to Simulation Window.
. Allows a user to manipulate control flow at breakpoints or during a bloc
ked simulation.
. Ability to modify simulation variables "on the fly".
Automated Simulations will block if:
. There are no valid guarded paths forward and there is no default (unguar
ded) path.
. There are two or more guarded paths which evaluate to true.
Simulation Window toolbar adds option for execution speed.
. 100 = max speed
. 1 = slowest speed
. 0 = single step mode
Simulations are now easier to start.
. Execution Analyzer context menu now includes option to run the selected
simulation script.
. Diagram context menu now includes options for Simuating the diagram usin
g interpreted, manual or or a specific script on the current package.
. Run button on the simulation toolbar now tries to run the current diagra
m using a predefined script if possible.
Debug Locals window will now show Simulation variables created in the predefin
ed 'sim' object.
Recording history automatically populated with a trace of execution.
. Provides a list of the Elements entered during simulation.
. Can be saved to a file and compared to other simulations.
. Generation of diagrams from history not available.
Display of concurrent processing improved to show active nodes in a multi-thre
aded context.
Call stacks now include initial context as well as current executing context.
Display of current nodes being executed improved:
. Current Element shows using normal color.
. Nodes that may be transitioned to are semi-faded (shown without color).
. All other nodes are drawn fully faded.
Breakpoints are now displayed with a green circle on the top left of an elemen
t during simulation.
Execution Analyzer context menu now includes option to start a specific simula
Manual Simulation now available in Professional Edition.
Simulation examples using automated execution with Javascript have been added
to the example model.
Help has been updated to include information on Javascript driven Simulation.
Learning center documents (Under the Execution Analyzer/Simulation node) have
been added.
BPMN 2.0 Technology
Collaboration Diagram type added.
Added tagged value groupings for easier editing of BPMN properties.
Code Engineering
C code generation modified to support generating of bitfields in structs and u
PHP code generation modified to allow namespace qualified type references.
Generation of State Machines containing Exit States improved.
Generation of State Machines containing Transitions using both Triggers and Gu
ards improved.
Generation of Activity Parameters with a updated to improve support for direct
ion modifiers.
Merge with MDG Link for Eclipse will now handle multiple packages with the sam

e name.
SysML satisfy relationships to Requirements are now treated as Realization rep
orts using external requirements.
DocumentGenerator automation object updated.
. Prevent potential error when NewDocument was called twice.
. Allow StructuredSecnarioText field to return the correct value.
RTF document editor now allows empty Header/Footer on the first page.
New field added to Attribute section. MultiplicityEx gives a consistent output
when the multiplicity is bound to 1.
HTML Report updated to use the Connector stereotype instead of Object stereoty
pe in the 'Other Link' section.
HTML Report handling of hyperlinked files updated.
. Ensures a link will be created whenever the target file exists.
. Updates the file where unless file locking prevents it.
User Interface
SysML satisfy relationships to Requirements are now treated as Realization on
dialogs showing external requirements.
Font Selection dialog no longer provides the never used Strikeout option.
'File Directory' option now restricts the entry of strings that can't be store
d in the option.
Properties window for Requirements and Maintenance items no longer restricts e
ntry to the visible area.
Paste Element dialog with Embedded Objects now prompts to save changes diagram
that is being copied.
Linked Document template editor menu restored.
Working Sets can now include Calendar and Task Allocation windows.
Realize Information Flows dialog updated to allow creation and realization of
an Information Flow in a single step.
Information Flow can now be dropped from the toolbox onto a connector as anoth
er way of realizing a new Information Flow.
Synch Profiled Elements dialog will now allow synchronization of Profiles re-i
mported into Resources window.
Connector Properties dialog will no longer show Lateral styles twice in the St
yle drop down box.
Attribute Properties dialog updated to ensure Containment value is displayed.
Attribute Properties dialog updated to improve handling of replicated database
Operation Properties dialog updated to ensure Concurrency value is displayed.
Operation Properties dialog now allows viewing of Parameters in a locked Objec
Default Appearance dialog will no longer set the background color when it hasn
't been changed.
Activity Parameters dialogs updated to ensure it loaded correctly.
Add-Ins menu has been renamed to Extensions.
. Includes options for Importing from and Publishing to various formats.
. Publish menu includes "Normative XMI" entry to publish to UML 2.3 with n
o diagram or EA extension information
. Elevates visibility of some technology related commands.
XML Technologies
Additional UML versions supported when exporting to XMI 2.1 using Publish XML
Diagram Import from XMI 2.1 created by MagicDraw added.
EMX import updated to include support for RSA 8.0.
XMI import of packages containing simulation scripts updated to support Strip
Guids for Simulation Entry Point
Swimlane Classifiers across packages now preserved during XMI import.

Placeholders created for Packages not available in the model will now be repla
ced during XMI Import.
Logging of XMI Import and Export now disabled by default.
Default XMI Version option removed from 'XML Specifications' options page.
ArcGIS Technology
Spatial Reference Element added.
. Allows specification of coordinate system, WKT and associated values.
. Dialog added for selecting coordinate system, accessed through ArcGIS Ad
d-Ins menu item.
. Model Pattern updated to include Spatial Reference Elements.
. Feature classes now reference a Spatial Reference through a tagged value
Dimension stereotype and Extent tagged value removed.
Index tagged value renamed to Indexes.
RequiredField stereotype defined for attributes that should not be deleted.
Selected tagged values for Field and StorageDef updated to enforce a numeric t
Meta tagged value added to Elements for input of long strings.
XML Exporter
. ObjectClass Elements will now include the SubtypeClass information.
. Version will no longer be generated from Workspace Package.
. Duplicate export of Domain information no longer added to end of file.
Other Changes
Introduced the ability to mark packages as read only.
. Package.SetReadOnly function available to users with 'Configure Packages
' permission.
. Displayed in the Project Browser with a distinct icon.
. Provides a convenient way of distributing a framework package that shoul
d remain constant for users of the framework.
Simple UML Views Technology added.
. Provides a number of Model Patterns that include only a Package and Diag
Added option (Diagram page of Options dialog) to toggle display of Connector l
ine jumps.
Ports showing the Ports inherited from their classifier will now be resized to
provide room for the child Ports.
Operation dialog modified to ensure all operations on C++ Interfaces are marke
d as virtual.
RefGUIDList selection dialog modified to allow searching for objects with one
of a set of stereotypes.
'Admin Workflow' permission is now required to change a Scripting group to the
workflow type.
Traceability window updated to allow following 'Embedded Element Reuse' relati
onships on SQL Server and Oracle.
Search for Elements based on set of allowed attribute classifiers updated.
Generated DDL for Firebird tables now includes column comments when appropriat
State Table modified to include Triggers outside of the current scope when the
y have been used.
State Machine elements now support displaying the composite Diagram.
Sequence Diagrams update to improve handling of activation rectangles when tim
ing details are applied to a Message.
WAN optimizer connections on acccounts without Administrator privileges now al
Version Control for Subversion, TFS and CSV updated to prevent timeouts for ca
lls returning large amounts of data.
Corrected issue with printing element shadows on some printers.
Allow creation of new files from the Tools | Open Source File main menu comman

Model Wizard updated to allow operation under WINE.
Attributes dialog updated to prevent issues selecting attributes from classifi
EA_OnPreNewDiagramObject broadcast result temporarily ignored when creating a
new instance.
Release Notes for 9.0 Build 908
Database Engineering
ODBC Import Updates
. Synchronizing with a data model created in an earlier build of EA will n
o longer duplicate database objects.
. Oracle packages with code greater than 255 characters are imported witho
ut error.
. Oracle views now only imported when user has selected them for import.
. SQL Server 2005/2008 procedure and function definitions now imported.
. Import dialog will no longer allow a second import to start while anothe
r is running.
Foreign Key dialog will now allow any MS Access integer data type to reference
a column with the type 'counter'.
Transformations and Code Engineering
New macro added for transformations. TRANSFORM_TAGS copies all tagged values t
o target excluding the tags specified.
Nullable property for Foreign Keys in DDL transformation corrected.
Import of complex generics and enumerations from Java binaries improved.
C++ code generation for interfaces will no longer force constructors and destr
uctors to be pure virtual.
Code generation of activity diagrams containing recursive call behavior action
s will no longer cause an error.
Execution Analysis
Native debugger will now display enumeration values in the watch and locals wi
ndow even if they have an invalid value.
Scripts with no build command will now save correctly on all databases.
Now allow a breakpoint to be set on any line for .Net languages.
Saving of marker sets improved.
XML Technologies
XMI 2.1 export of tagged values improved to allow tags containing semi-colons.
XMI import updated to allow cancel of import when prompted to import package a
s root or child package.
XMI import updated to preserve the Template Package setting when the package i
s updated during the XMI import.
EMX import updated to improve diagram compatibility by supporting visibility f
or Elements and Links and to prevent display of Element namespaces.
XSD import updated to prevent error message when importing elements with a def
ault containing more than 255 characters.
Version Control
Command line based version control providers now support a time-out option.
Undo Checkout using TFS command line client now updates the package status to
Checkout using TFS SCC interface modified to test success by testing package f
ile status.
Incomplete imports will now give a clearer message to any user attempting to r
un a new import.

New technology supported - ArcGIS

Beta implementation now available (see Add-Ins menu - About ArcGIS)
New profile allows modeling of ArcGIS constructs.
Import and export ArcGIS XML files through the XMI import and Publish Model di
ArcGIS import and export commands available in Add-Ins menu when technology is
User Interface
Creating an Action from an Activity using the context menu or paste element di
alog now describes the action as an invocation instead of an instance.
Export Reference Data now only lists 'Stereotypes' once.
Operation Parameters dialog updated to allow multi-line notes.
New diagram dialog now selects the first diagram type when technology is chang
Code editor now disables search and replace buttons when search string is empt
Author field in options and element properties now support entering a wider na
me than the text box.
Team Review posts now support printing commands from main menu.
Project Calendar event dialog updated to ensure all events have a name.
Image Manager dialog will now allow images with a 'jpeg' extension.
XMI Export dialog modified to ensure the Publish Model Package dialog will ope
n correctly.
Model Searches
New script type called Model Search provided to add a scripts menu in the cont
ext menu of your search results.
Recently Modified Element search now uses a default value of 7 days if no sear
ch term is given to a model view.
Custom SQL searches now support returning CLASSTYPE in any position.
New search scripts are automatically available in the search window.
Search scripts now provide instructions for modifying when Search Builder is d
RTF generation will no longer add a space character in the last substitution o
n a line.
RTF generation of linked documents will no longer leave template markers.
RTF generation from model documents will now generate all listed packages.
Improved printing and print preview of RTF documents where in some circumstanc
es images were incorrectly positioned.
Language substitution for RTF generation no longer goes into an infinite loop
when replacing text.
Reporting of packages using IDocumentGenerator interface stabilized.
HTML reports will now export attribute classifiers as a hyperlink to the eleme
nt defining that type.
Corrected issue when generating consecutive RTF reports.
Other Changes
Default Appearance dialog will no longer set the font for the selected element
s when no font change is made.
Multiple improvements to saving a diagram to PDF.
Linked documents will now be preserved when creating a new model from a base p
EA Lite will no longer clear floating license keys when run.
Baseline comparisons will no longer report false positives because of differen
ces that are only due to changing to version 9.
Audit View modified to improve filtering of changes to features owned by an el

ement when grouping by user.

Reordering attributes or operations will no longer give an error on PostgreSQL
Migration of composite diagram types, connector tagged values and some profile
specific checks improved.
Auditing support improved in PostgreSQL repositories.
Saving from note editors updated so that formatting characters from lists are
no longer shown when reloaded.
Saving extremely large diagrams as images modified to prevent inadvertent scal
ing down of contents under some circumstances.
Export Reference Data for constraint status types will no longer include calen
dar event types.
Creating a new diagram using the keyboard shortcut will ensure current notes a
re saved first.
UML Patterns creating packages will now create the packages correctly.
Improved placement of UML Patterns when dropped from the tool box on to a Diag
Operation Parameters dialog modified to ensure correct ordering of parameters
when adding to the list.
Added support for running a File search directory using F12 hotkey from RTF ed
itors (Notes, Linked Documents, Team Review etc.).
Auto-name counters will now be applied to elements created by dragging text on
to a diagram
. The full text will now be placed in the notes when an auto-name is prese
Improved Simulation support for the following
. Nested fragments in interactions.
. Loops within multiple threads.
. Multiple simulations running in different instances of Enterprise Archit
. Detection of initial nodes.
Release Notes for 9.0 Build 907
XML Technologies
Option to allow XMI import to create placeholder elements extended. Now suppor
. Placeholder diagrams for diagram frames referencing diagrams in external p
. Placeholders for XMI 2.1 import.
XMI export updated to include Execution Analyzer Scripts for the root package.
XMI export using the Publish option 'OMG XMI' modified to prevent export of un
used XML namespaces.
XMI import updated to consistently handle Boolean fields.
Linked Note Features with invalid reference will no longer be exported to XMI.
Scan and Merge feature will now report the correct number of deleted connector
XSD import updated to improve handling of annotations under complexContent nod
Database Engineering
ODBC Import Updates
. SQL Server will no longer miss the last table.
. PostgreSQL version 7 and higher can now include Sequences.
. Sybase ASE will now import table triggers.
. PostgreSQL 9 table triggers can now be imported.
. Oracle composite foreign keys now imported with data types of all particip
ating columns.

. Oracle indexes now import the COMPRESSION property.

Generate Package DDL with Include all Child Packages corrected.
Generation of Oracle in-line primary key constraints for index organized table
s updated.
HTML report for Attribute, Operation and Parameter types now handles template
HTML report modified to correct tree selection.
HTML report of packages containing more than 1000 elements under Oracle will n
o longer cause an error.
Headers and Footers will now be printed on documents when they aren't displaye
d on screen.
WSDL Namespace packages can now be added to model documents.
New tagged value type 'AddinBroadcast' added. Allows an add-in to provide an a
ppropriate edit dialog for the tagged value.
SysML added quicklinks for aggregation, composition and generalization between
Stereotyped elements use _sizeX and _sizeY values when resizing.
User Interface
Added support for Application patterns and Execution Analyzer samples to the M
odel Wizard.
. Provides a simple method for creating a new code project including model i
nformation, code and build scripts.
Add Model from Pattern command disabled when the currently selected package is
Scenario editor updated to correct scrolling when entering multiple lines of t
ext into a step.
Scenario editor saves a default scenario name when one is not entered.
Docked Notes window now allows F7 to initiate spell check.
Team Review and Linked Document editors save when using the Editor toolbar.
InitialState and FinalState elements can appear in the construct picker dialog
Breakpoint commands in context menus updated to use consistent messages and ic
Debug breakpoints column layout now preserved between sessions.
Diagram Grid Size option modified to prevent unusual behavior when entering a
Template Arguments will now be available for selection as the type of attribut
es, operations and parameters within that class.
Tagged Values window for Attributes and Operations updated so that changing op
tions will no longer show the owning object tagged values.
Folder selection dialogs updated to include edit box allowing a folder name to
be typed in.
SysML parametric simulation updated to work with SysML 1.2.
Multithreaded support for simulations improved.
Simulation Models containing a single action will now simulate correctly.
Activity FlowFinal nodes will now end a branch of execution instead of termina
ting the simulation.
Rendering of Object elements on diagrams will no longer sometimes draw text ov
er the edges of the object.
Position of composite symbol or linked document indicator improved for element
s using similar stereotypes to the build in analysis stereotypes.

Win32 rendering changed to display the element name for combo boxes.
Win32 rendering changed to display bookmarks.
Other Changes
Scripts in Search groups will now be listed as searches in the Model Search wi
Spell Checking will now work correctly after upgrading from a Trial version to
the Registered version.
Updated several windows that could cause an eventual failure on Windows XP.
Modified creation of items using the toolbox to prevent potential issue that c
ould occur when an operation was selected.
Notes fields and document editors updated to improve handling of right to left
Execution Analyzer scripts will now be deleted when the owning package is dele
Prevented error showing properties dialog in Visual Studio Integration.
Added handling for creating mail groups to EAP files.
Added handling of Model Mail in Oracle repositories.
Release Notes for 9.0 Build 906
Corrected an issue with damaged or corrupted key files causing a crash on startu
Corrected an issue showing the properties for an association class.
Updates to Help files
Release Notes for 9.0 Build 905
Removed expiry date for end of Beta period.
Profile Migration from BPMN 1.1 to BPMN 2.0 updated to correct migration of Busi
ness Process diagrams.
Removed potential crash during startup of EA.
Minor Help and Learning Center updates.
Modified diagram double click to ensure diagram remains in context when clicking
on diagram background.
Release Notes for 9.0 Build 904
Learning Center - a new way of understanding and using Enterprise Architect
. Hundreds of straight forward guides on using Enterprise Architect
. Accessible through the View/Learning Center main menu
. Close to 20 different categories
. Step by step instructions on doing real work within your model
. Links to numerous examples in a restructured Example model
. Links to commonly used Windows and tasks
. Links to relevant Help topics
. The most detailed guide yet to using the full range of Enterprise Architect'
s features and capabilities
. Numerous source code examples which can be linked to the example model
. Hundreds of walk-throughs and getting started guides to help you maximize yo
ur Enterprise Architect experience
Restructured Help file and Example model
. Help file has been considerably restructured

. Help file is more focused on in place reference material

. Example model has been restructured and is being expanded with more examples
. The Learning Center guides, the Help file and the Example model together pro
vide a detailed and unique learning platform
Team and Project Development
Gantt chart - manage task allocations, current and future work
. Available from View/Task Allocations main menu
. Visual representation of people allocated to tasks
. Standard Gantt chart format
. Add and manage tasks from the Task Allocations view
. Task Notes and History linked to standard Notes window for read only displ
ay of current item
. Send message to Task owner via Model mail facility
. Linked to Project Management/Resource Allocation docked window for easy da
ta entry and modification
Project Calendar - manage time, resources, events and schedules
. Available from View/Project Calendar main menu
. Detailed support for managing project events, tasking, milestones etc. ove
r time
. Calendar support on a per model basis
. Track and schedule major project events and milestones
. Track and manage resources (people) available
. Track and view resource allocations (tasking) for individual developers/mo
. Track and view project level tasks
Personal Information Window - manage personal workflow and responsibilities wi
thin a Project
. Model Mail allows sending and receiving mail style notifications within a
. Embed links to Team Review items, Diagrams and other information within
Mail messages
. Send to multiple team members and mail groups
. New Mail notifications enabled on opening a Project
. Task Allocations tab allows viewing and editing all currently allocated wor
k for the current user
. Project Tasks tab allows viewing all Project level tasks owned by the curre
nt user
. Workflow tab provides access to any Workflow searches related to the curren
t user
. Working sets tab allows storage and instant retrieval of sets of Diagrams a
nd other model views
. Configure sets based on different work allocations
. Instantly load multiple diagrams to quickly get back up to speed in a pa
rticular model domain
. Manage sets
. Sent items tab allows viewing of Model mail sent
Version control and XMI round tripping
Version Control support now includes checkout of a prior revision.
. Allows editing and checking in or previous versions.
Version Control support now allows checking in a model branch while keeping th
e packages checked out.
XMI export updated to round trip cross package relationships to elements not i
n the current model.
. Detect references to other packages contained in previous XMI.
. Allows updates to shared models when not everyone has access to all refere
nced packages.

Modeling support
SysML 1.2 support
. Support for the SysML 1.2 specification
. Support for the BPMN 2.0 modeling notation
. Choreography, Collaboration and Conversation diagrams introduced
BPEL 2 generation
. BPEL generation upgraded to support BPMN 2.0 processes
SOMF 2.1
. Support for the SOMF 2.1 modeling notation
. Conceptual, Cloud Computing and Reference Architecture diagrams introduced
User Interface/win32
. Improved look and feel for user interface diagrams
. User interface diagrams use Windows calls to display dialogs and controls
. Scripts for import and export of dialogs from .RC files
Gap Analysis matrix
Risk, Task, Image objects
. Risk element introduced to assist in modeling of risk management
. Task element introduced to assist in modeling of resource allocation
. Image element introduced to make it easier to drop bitmap and metafile ima
ges onto diagrams
Whiteboard technology
. A selection of shapes and lines to allow creation of free-form drawings on
whiteboard and hand-drawn diagrams
Package Browser/Element List can now display tagged values
Package Browser/Element List uses diagram filters
Structured scenarios allow listing of objects used under uses field.
Shape scripts extended with method to render part of a connector shape script
in fixed size.
Ports have isConjugated custom property added, as required by UML 2.3.
Added pop-up menu for specifying the subtype for BPMN elements on creation.
. This option can be set in a user profile by setting _subtypeProperty on th
e meta-class.
Added Diagram profile option 'UMLPatternSilent' for applying a pattern without
showing the 'Add Pattern' dialog.
Activity Partition in a profile can default to horizontal or vertical by setti
ng the _isVertical property on the meta-class.
Default line style for connectors can be set using the _lineStyle property on
the meta-class.
New quick keys for automatically applying or creating a profile item when drag
ging onto an existing element.
. Hold Control to apply the stereotype or Shift to create a new element with
that stereotype.
Added support for profiles specifying groups for tagged values in the tagged v
alues window.
New Checklist type tagged value added.
UML Compliance checks on connectors will no longer be run when the source or t
arget is a custom (non UML) metatype.
Hand drawn mode
. A new way of showing diagrams in a more "relaxed" notational style
. Emulates the types of drawing usually done on whiteboards and on paper
. Less "architectural" and more conceptual in nature
. Easy to turn on and off on a per diagram basis
. Helps to convey an "unfinished" and "experimental" look and feel when doin
g ad hoc and "what if" style modeling
Whiteboard mode using combination of Hand Drawn mode and custom shape technolo

Line Crossings
. Support for showing small line jumps when two lines cross
Hide Connector Stereotypes
Diagram Filters for connectors
. Support for suppressing and modifying appearance of connectors using Diagr
am Filters
Option to use fully qualified element names in diagrams
Visual Changing of z-order
. Ability to change Z-Order using a convenient pop-up dialog
. Diagram displays Z-Order number for each current element
. Move elements up and down in the Z-Order list
. Essential for working with Win32 style User Interface technology as the ZOrder links to Tab order
Rectangular notation for actions
Orthogonal line style for connectors
. Support for easy to manipulate orthogonal lines
. All line segments constrained to vertical or horizontal
. Auto insertion and removal of way points as required during manipulation
. Use standard square or optional rounded corners
. Use from shape scripts and technologies - for example the BPMN Technology
. Also support for dual line orthogonal as used in BPMN technology
Save diagrams directly to a PDF document.
Connector rendering improvements
. Tree style connectors will show all shape scripts and labels on the non-sh
ared segment.
. Auto-routed connectors in a straight line will render shape scripts correc
. Connector labels will no longer draw the color of hidden swimlanes.
Drawing of Packaging Components now allows display of compartments.
Saving of diagrams to metafiles modified to improve the background of connecto
r labels.
User Interface
Updated properties dialogs for Elements, connectors, attributes and operations
. Significant restructuring of major properties windows
. Uses an easy to navigate tree style format
. Improved general layout and usage of individual property sheets
. Tagged values now divided into separate pages for different named technolo
. Properties implemented in Profiles as tagged values now appear on separa
te page
. Technologies such as BPMN now have their own "properties" page based on
the tagged values for an element
. Significant improvements to the handling of Operations and Operation param
Updated properties window for Analyzer scripts
. Streamlined handling of different target languages
. Added ability to configure scripts as single process execution or batch pr
. Added Simulation support
Ability to hide the Start Page (click x button top right of main area) - drop
menu to re-show as desired
Ability to Re-Order open diagram tabs as desired
Ability to close open diagrams (tabs) using the middle mouse button (if availa
Major restructuring of the main menu to better reflect functional areas
. Addition of Analyzer main menu section for Execution Analysis tools
. Some items moved to Tools menu
. New items in View menu

Menu shortcuts (eg. Ctrl + N) now visually aligned within menu area
Relationship Matrix supports the use of a Model Search to populate either axis
New Traceability and Model Navigation Tools
. Find Conveyed Information for an Information Flow in the Project Browser.
. Find Association Class for an Association in the Project Browser.
. Find Triggers for a Transition in Project Browser.
. Find Operation usage on Sequence Diagrams and Activity diagrams.
. Find Signal usage on Sequence Diagrams.
New Visual Styles and improvements to pre-existing styles
XMI export/import divided into two new dialogs:
. Round trip (XMI import/export) dialog to handle full round trip export/imp
. Model Publisher dialog to allow export for specific tools and tool suites
and other uses
. Both now available under the Project main menu
New and/or major updated windows
. Execution Analyzer window
. Simulation window
. Test point window
. Learning center
. Gap Analysis matrix window
. Document template designer window
. Calendar
. Task allocations (Gantt chart)
. Personal Information (model mail etc) window
New and/or updated toolbars
. Workspace toolbar shortened
Diagram Toolbar moved from a floating position to appear automatically inside
a Diagram.
Patterns have been added to many toolboxes to give a quick start for using tha
t model type.
Auto Name Counter support added for the following diagram types: Package, Obje
ct, Composite, Timing and Interaction.
Added ability to generate HTML from Model and Master documents.
Document Template Designer
. New template designer to facilitate the creation and testing of document (
report) templates
. Available from Settings/Document Template Designer main menu
. Quick access to all available templates for editing and copying
. Create new templates
. Quickly generate and view reports from the current edited template
. Set document generate options associated with template
. Speed development and quality of RTF reports
Added support for including a relationship matrix in documents.
Element Documentation improved with the following new sections added:
. Inherited Attributes - Document the attributes of this Element and those f
rom Elements that it Generalizes.
. Inherited Methods - Document the methods of this Element and those from El
ements that it Generalizes.
. Classifier Instances - Document the Objects that are an Instance of this E
Structured Scenario documentation improved with the following new fields.
. Join field in Scenario Exception section.
. Type field in Structured Scenario section.
Package exclude option now supported for HTML reports. (Was previously only s
upported for RTF reports.)
Connector documentation in HTML improved with the following section changes.


'Link Item' section renamed to 'Link (association) Item'.

New sections 'Link (flow)' and 'Link (flow) Item' added.
New sections 'Link (other)' and 'Link (other) Item' added.
New fragments supported in all link item sections. #DIRECTION#, #ELEMNAME#
and #LINKREF#.
Object documentation in HTML improved with the following new fragments in the
'Body - Object' template.
. #PRIORITY# - Object Priority.
. #DIFF# - Object Difficulty.
. #LANGUAGE# - Code Generation Language.
. #DIAGRAMS# - Lists all diagrams in which the Element appears.
Added Default field to the element section to support property elements Initia
l value
Resource Documents extended to support specifying any single element to report
Generate directly to a PDF document using the same templates.
New scriptable interface to report generation added.
. Add individual elements and features to documentation.
. Use different templates as needed for any part of the documentation.
. Include linked documents.
. Include Team Review posts.
. Include Diagram images.
Added support for Third Party Add-In licensing using EA's key system.
. Allows your users a single place to enter keys.
. Add-Ins are called to validate any available keys.
. Enterprise Architect manages the availability of the key.
Added support for loading Add-Ins from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section of the r
New interface (IDocumentGenerator) added to support tight integration into RTF
New functions added.
. Project.ProjectTransfer - Transfer of a repository into a new .eap file.
. Project.GeneratePackageDDL - Generate DDL for package.
. Project.GenerateElementDDL - Generate DDL for an Element.
. Repository.SynchProfile - Synchronization of tagged values and constraints
of a profile stereotype.
. Element.CreateAssociationClass - Function to join an Association and a Cla
ss into an Association Class.
. Element.UnlinkFromAssociation - Function to split an Association Class int
o an Association and a Class.
. Element.IsAssociationClass - Function determine if a Class is part of an A
ssociation Class.
. Package.VersionControlCheckInEx added to allow control of package cros
s references.
. Project.Migrate - Migrate specific elements from one profile to another. S
upports BPMN 1.1 to BPMN 2.0 and SysML 1.1 to SysML 1.2
New Properties added.
. Element.IsComposite - Read/Write property for handling of composite object
. Element.AssociationClassConnectorID - Read-only property to get connector
. Repository.ProjectRoles - Allows access to 'Project Roles'.
Added read-only FQName property to each tagged value type to allow retrieving
source profile information.
. Supported Classes are: TaggedValue, AttributeTag, MethodTag, ConnectorTag,
RoleTag and ParamTag.
New broadcast events added to allow control over the Project Glossary.
. EA_OnPreDeleteGlossaryTerm - Allows an add-in to prevent a glossary term f

rom being deleted.

. EA_OnPreNewGlossaryTerm - Allows an add-in to prevent a glossary term from
being added.
. EA_OnPostNewGlossaryTerm - Allows an add-in to post process a newly added
glossary term.
Scripting support extended with new Diagram group type.
. Scripts in this group are shown in the context menu for diagrams.
Scripting support extended with Session.Input method to allow all scripts a re
liable method for getting user input.
Execution Analysis
Testpoints facility providing programming-by-contract real-time execution anal
. Similar testing style to xUnit testing but applied on top of executing cod
. Does not require writing or compiling additional testing code
. Write, apply and test invariants for evaluation during test runs
. Configure constraints to test on method entry (pre)
. Configure constraints to test on method exit (post)
. Configure trace statements and trace log levels to capture run-time inform
. Log results on run
. View results in real-time as program executes
. Addition of Test Case, Test Cut, Test Suite and Test diagrams
. Test Cuts define subsets of class methods
. Test Suites and Test Cases aggregate Test Cuts
. Run tests at any level - a Cut, A Case or a Suite
. New Test Points window to configure and view contents of Test Cuts etc.
. Automatically record and generate Test Domain diagrams from Recorded execu
tion (same as for Sequence diagrams)
. Use the auto-generated Test Cuts to select and configure Test points withi
n your application
. Examples provided in the Learning Center and in the example model
Array, Element and Expression inspection in Debugging.
Conditional Breakpoints and Trace points
Added custom debugger capability
Added PHP debugger using the xdebug PHP extension
Model Simulator linked in with execution analyzer
. Simulate Activity diagrams
. Simulate Interaction diagrams
. Simulate State Models
Learning Center Documentation and Software Examples demonstrating:
. How to configure the Model for Analyzer Scripts for Build,Debug,Test and o
ther tasks.
. How to debug Java, Microsoft .NET and Native C++ programs using Analyzer S
. How to record sequence diagrams for the above platforms
. How to use incorporate State Transitions into a sequence diagram (C++)
. How to use the Testpoint facility for the above platforms
Code Engineering
Modeling of Generics/Templates improved for C#, C++, Java and VB.Net.
. Templated Interfaces now supported.
. Template Parameter Bindings can now be set on Generalizations, Realization
s, Associations and the new Template Binding connector.
. Template Parameter Bindings set on connectors now displayed on diagrams.
. Template Parameter Bindings and defaults now linked to types existing in t
he model by GUID.
. Reverse Engineering of Associations from Attributes with instantiated temp
late type added.

. Association created to either collection or argument depending on which is

in the model.
. Additional option added to ensure specific classes are always treated as c
ollections during reverse engineering.
Updates for reverse engineering and code templates to support latest versions
of languages.
. C# 4.0
. VB.Net 10
. PHP 5.3
Project Browser now allows import of selected files in Package Context menu.
. No diagram is required
. More flexible than importing a source directory.
. Namespaces are imported as Packages.
Live Code Generation is now available from the context menu of a Package in th
e Project Browser.
Added option for automatically updating classes in the model when saving a sou
rce file in internal editor.
New Diagram options added that allow:
. Diagrams to look like were hand drawn.
. All background and fill colors to be omitted.
. Connector stereotypes to be hidden.
. Attributes or Operations linked to by a Connector on the diagram to be vis
ible regardless of other visibility options.
. Full Namespace Paths to be displayed below Elements from other packages.
Diagram Filters can now be created for connectors.
New Navigation Features for finding Elements related to selected connector add
ed to context menu.
. Find Items Conveyed by an Information Flow.
. Find Triggers of a Transition.
. Find Class part of an Association Class.
Inplace-Editor modified to improve positions of attributes and operations when
inserting and changing names.
Inplace-Editor 'Goto Definition...' command modified for operations to determi
ne if a parameter or operation classifier is wanted instead of requiring selecti
Inplace-Editor support added for Class Parents.
Inplace-Editor now supports pressing Tab to move between portions of the attri
bute or operation signature.
Inplace-Editor now supports auto-complete for attribute and operation classifi
Inplace-Editor improved to handle adding a new name to a Boundary object.
Classifier path display on child diagrams now updated after a name change when
model isn't fully loaded.
Copy Diagram including all Elements will now copy Linked Features to the new C
Label Position for Object Nodes on Process Elements with a large font improved
Unsaved line styles will now be preserved when adding or deleting a new Connec
tor using the Inheritance dialog.
Existing elements added to a diagram, with no source diagram specified, will u
se the default appearance for that element type.
Checks for Diagrams modified by other users improved for MySQL repositories.
Undo of Element deletion from a modified to prevent error on PostgreSQL reposi
Tree Style connector rendering improved to prevent overdraw of arrowheads when
renders are smoothing lines.
Hyperlink Elements to sql and ddl files will now open in internal EA editor.

Link Note to Element Feature displays 'Simple Scenarios' in the same order as
the dialog.
Quicklink from Use Case to Actor no longer creates a directed association.
Rectangle Notation now available for Action Elements and Actors on Sequence Di
Creation of Elements by dropping text onto a Diagram improved.
. Now supports text and note elements, by setting the Notes field instead of
the name.
. Multi-line text will set the name to the first line, and notes to anything
following that.
. Opening properties dialog before reload will now show the correct name.
Element gradients modified.
. Target color used improved for most background colors.
. Gradient direction now defaults to 'Right to Left'.
Drawing of Boundary Elements improved.
. Border Width can now be set either in Default Style or using the toolbar p
rovided for Local Style.
. Space is always left for the name, even if the Boundary doesn't have a nam
. Alias will now be displayed instead of the name if an alias exists and dia
gram is set to show alias.
Actors showing notes that fit within the width of the actor will no longer be
clipped when saving or copying images.
Object Run-State will now be drawn in a compartment as shown in the UML specif
Nested Elements showing a qualified name including all parents on the diagram
will now be updated when their name changes.
Printing improved when called after a print preview that was zoomed in as far
as it would go.
. Element icons will now be displayed.
. Line widths will now look more like on screen.
Printing of Diagram Legends will now preserve the color and width of line type
s in legend.
Note links can be set to draw as bezier curves.
Quicklink can be dragged from a Note or Constraint to any kind of connector.
New Text elements are now wider by default.
Diagram deletion modified to prevent error on Sybase repositories.
Assembly connectors display text labels.
Diagrams showing package contents can now show or hide elements using language
specific scopes using the option for Package visibility.
Diagram notes linked to element tagged values modified to improve display of R
efGUID and RefGUIDList tagged value types.
Boundaries with rounded corners will now be drawn consistently for all renderi
ng modes.
In-place edit on diagrams with a zoom applied will now ensure the editor is vi
Automation Interface and Add-In Support
New interface (IDocumentGenerator) added to support tight integration into RTF
Added support for loading Add-Ins from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section of the r
Added support for Third Party Add-In licensing using EA's key system.
New functions added.
. Project.ProjectTransfer - Transfer of a repository into a new .eap file.
. Project.GeneratePackageDDL - Generate DDL for package.
. Project.GenerateElementDDL - Generate DDL for an Element.
Added helpers to Elements for information that was previously difficult to acc
. Element.IsComposite - Read/Write property for handling of composite object

. Element.AssociationClassConnectorID - Read-only property to get connector
. Element.CreateAssociationClass - Function to join an Association and a Cla
ss into an Association Class.
. Element.UnlinkFromAssociation - Function to split an Association Class int
o an Association and a Class.
. Element.IsAssociationClass - Function determine if a Class is part of an A
ssociation Class.
Added read-only FQName property to each tagged value type to allow retrieving
source profile information.
. Supported Classes are: TaggedValue, AttributeTag, MethodTag, ConnectorTag,
RoleTag and ParamTag.
Added function for synchronization of tagged values and constraints of a profi
le stereotype. (Repository.SynchProfile)
Package creation updated to ensure that automation object receives the same GU
ID as is saved to the database.
Transformation functions extended use ExtraOptions parameter to control genera
tion of child packages (Project.TransformPackage only) and code generation on re
New collection added Repository.ProjectRoles. Allows access to 'Project Roles
New broadcast events added to allow control over the Project Glossary.
. EA_OnPreDeleteGlossaryTerm - Allows an add-in to prevent a glossary term f
rom being deleted.
. EA_OnPreNewGlossaryTerm - Allows an add-in to prevent a glossary term from
being added.
. EA_OnPostNewGlossaryTerm - Allows an add-in to post process a newly added
glossary term.
Broadcast EA_OnContextItemDoubleClicked otParameter is set correctly when doub
le clicking Port element labels.
Element.Attributes and Element.Methods are now sorted by Position then Name.
Element.Elements.AddNew() improved to handle Load on Demand (Lazy Load).
Add-Ins menu will no longer duplicate items when opened during menu customizat
Broadcast event EA_OnPostNewElement will now be called before a properties dia
log is displayed for all elements.
Broadcast event EA_OnContextItemDoubleClicked now sends diagram information if
clicking on diagram after having an element selected
Attribute.StyleEx can now be set for attributes retrieved using Repository get
attribute functions.
Realization connectors created or having their type changed will now be saved
consistent with the user interface.
Package.VersionControlCheckinEx now keeps the appropriate CRC value depending
on success or failure
Add-Ins returning a separator as first entry will now skip the separator and i
nclude the entries after it
TransformPackage will no longer show a dialog the second time it is called.
Scripting error messages updated to correct script and line number where scrip
ts are being included within others.
Workflow Script timeout increased significantly to prevent issues where workfl
ow is not completely loaded.
Javascript engine updated to correct errors some users were experiencing when
ending a Javascript session.
Scripting window toolbar now allows different types of Script Groups to be cre
ated from the New Group button.
'Diagram' Script Group introduced. Diagram scripts are accessible from the Dia
gram context menu.

The Scripting window now sorts Script Groups and Script items alphabetically.
Visual Execution Analyzer
Simulation support added for UML Activity, Interaction and State Machine model
Application Profiler extended with new report showing list of highest cost fun
ctions in addition to the call stack view.
Application Profiler Time format changed to ''.
Native Debugger improved:
. Improved handling of changes to PDB files, including when compiling with i
ncremental linking.
. More accurate behavior for Step In and Step Over commands.
. Switching between Marker Sets while debugging improved.
Marker Set storage changed to increase number of markers that can be stored.
Call Stack Navigation improved when swapping between different levels.
Call Stack Navigation now allowed after exception during an auto-record sessio
Breakpoint support improved to prevent issues that caused an effective limit o
f 255 breakpoints during a session.
Delete All Breakpoints command modified to display confirmation message before
Sequence Diagram Generation improved to save the arguments to methods with the
Exception Handling improved to report the correct type of exception being hand
Recording Threshold option removed from Package Scripts. Option is available
globally from Breakpoints window.
Canceling a build process now terminates any descendant processes in addition
to the process itself.
RTF Reporting
New automation access into RTF reporting provide greater control than ever bef
ore over your generated documentation.
Element Documentation improved with the following new sections added:
. Inherited Attributes - Document the attributes of this Element and those f
rom Elements that it Generalizes.
. Inherited Methods - Document the methods of this Element and those from El
ements that it Generalizes.
. Classifier Instances - Document the Objects that are an Instance of this E
Structured Scenario documentation improved with the following new fields.
. Join field in Scenario Exception section.
. Type field in Structured Scenario section.
Added Default field to the element section to support property elements Initia
l value
Resource Documents now support specifying a single element report.
Table generation improved so that heading rows will be generated when first it
em in table is filtered out.
Child Package documentation will now increase heading levels appropriately.
Generation of Element Diagram sections will now handle multiple child diagrams
Heading and List levels for child package documentation will now increase appr
Model Documents and Master Documents containing a Package Element section will
now substitute the section.
Bulleted and Numbered lists from notes now be generated with the paragraph spa
cing specified by the template.
Note generation updated to ensure ampersand generated correctly for all notes.
Field Replacement during report generation modified to allow for a field being
the last text in a document.

Don't honor the Auto size for table columns when importing from a word documen
The TOC is updated correctly when importing and saving documents.
Improved the displaying of images when printing to a PDF printer.
ValueOf fields will attempt to resolve to a value for Tagged Values that are r
Heading lines are no longer double processed if they warp after the the first
style is applied.
Default to Bitmap images when generating RTF documentation under Linux.
Correct Paragraph styles when "Optimize for Open Office" was unchecked.
Stopping writing to the database when the generate dialog was closed.
The TOC is no longer removed when saving a document that has no headings.
Don't document elements twice when both the "Element" and "Diagram Element" ar
e enabled.
Correct update the template title after a "Save As"
Changed Element Tests to be sorted by Test Type then Name when generating RTF
Attribute constraints, Attribute Tagged Values now sort by Name
Connector constraints, Connector Tagged Values now sort by Name
Option to exclude note-less connectors from documentation added to templates a
nd documentation dialog.
Documentation of RefGUID and RefGUIDList tagged value types improved.
Realize field of an element section modified to list all realized elements.
Connector name added to the sort order of connectors in reports.
HTML Reporting
Added ability to generate HTML from Model and Master documents.
Package exclude option now supported for HTML reports. (Was previously only s
upported for RTF reports.)
Connector documentation improved with the following section changes.
. 'Link Item' section renamed to 'Link (association) Item'.
. New sections 'Link (flow)' and 'Link (flow) Item' added.
. New sections 'Link (other)' and 'Link (other) Item' added.
. New fragments supported in all link item sections. #DIRECTION#, #ELEMNAME#
and #LINKREF#.
Object documentation improved with the following new fragments in the 'Body Object' template.
. #PRIORITY# - Object Priority.
. #DIFF# - Object Difficulty.
. #LANGUAGE# - Code Generation Language.
. #DIAGRAMS# - Lists all diagrams in which the Element appears.
Multiple template fragments modified to improve flexibility of generated repor
. #PARAMS# - No longer includes '</BR>' after each Parameter.
Object', 'Co
. #SCOPE# - No longer converts string to lowercase in the 'Body
ntent Attributes Item' and 'Content
Operations Item' sections.
. #TYPE# - No longer converts string to lowercase in the 'Body Object' secti
. #ALIAS#, #DEFAULT# and #MULTIPLICITY# - No longer format their output.
Default template changed for the following templates to reflect the changes de
scribed above.
. 'Content - Attribute Item'
. 'Content Operations Item Parameters'
. 'Body
Hyperlinks to web URLs in note fields modified to ensure they operate in the g
enerated documentation.
Scenario Exception Item template now includes Join field.
Bulleted and Numbered lists will now be spaced to match display in the note ed
Improved functionality for links to elements and attributes located on a class

Linked documents are now displayed by default in the Element property page.
HTML report modified so that linked documents are displayed as the first tab f
or an element.
System Glossary/Task/Issue pages only generated if the project contains the re
levant items.
Restructured templates for System Glossary/Task/Issue to keep matching items t
ogether in the editor.
XML Technologies
Added support for generating BPMN 2.0 XML from BPMN 2.0 Models
XMI 2.1 export updated to ensure valid ids for exported data types.
XMI 2.1 export will no longer write the attribute 'realizingClassifier' for Re
alization connectors.
XMI 2.1 import and export modified to round-trip EntryPoint and ExitPoint refe
rences as ConnectionPointReference instead of InstanceSpecification.
XMI import from RSA/RSM profile files updated to read meta-class name from new
XMI 1.1 updated to improve import of connector stereotypes from other tools.
XMI 1.1 import updated to set the 'Completed' field in the Issues tab of the E
lement Maintenance window.
XMI 1.1 exporter updated to export the filename of the Package being exported
to the XMI file
XML Schema generation updated to allow reference of external XSD files using r
elative file paths.
Generate XML Schema dialog updated to allow viewing single generated schema wi
thout selecting it.
XSD import updated to so that extensions can be imported from inside complexCo
ntent nodes that also include a comment.
Added support for generating BPEL 2.0 from BPMN 2.0 model
Added support for round-tripping Analyzer Scripts, Test Points and Break Point
XSD import handling of duplicate imports improved.
XMI 1.1 handling for 'isActive' property improved.
XMI 2.1 export modified to ensure all requirements, constraints, scenarios and
files on packages are exported
Option added for XMI 1.1 import to create placeholders for external references
Scan & Reconcile functionality added to assist in the handling of cross packag
e links between controlled packages.
Security and Version Control
Added support for checking out an editable prior revision of a version control
led package. (Previously, prior revision were retrieved as 'read-only'.)
Version Control Settings dialog now provides an option to suppress warning abo
ut incomplete Version Control configurations.
Glossary Management now controlled with new security permission.
Version Control update of parent package, now correctly applies VC settings to
child packages that were newly controlled by other users.
Checking-out prior revision of a package whose package file is already checked
-out, now shows an error message that includes the XML filename.
Model Stereotypes, Tagged Value types and Cardinalities now viewable without e
dit permissions.
Workflow support improved.
. Added support for blocking of all tagged value edits using CanEditTag.
. Disabled controls will no longer be re-enabled after edit elsewhere in dia
Automatic Exclusive Edit Locking updated to prevent non-diagram views from bec
oming locked.
Diagrams which have a current User Lock on them will no longer be checked if t

he Diagram has been modified by another user.

New Model from Pattern command will no longer allow importing into a Version C
ontrol locked package.
Improvements made for specific version control providers.
. TFS connection will no longer load entire repository during initialization
TFS support updated for TFS 2010 when the collection name contains spaces.
Permission checks for managing tests updated.
Profiles and Customization
Basic UML 2 Technology split into Basic and Extended technologies.
BPMN 2.0 support.
SysML 1.2 support.
SOMF 2.1 support.
MDG Technologies deployed as files or from add-ins now load included images.
MDG Technology Wizard extended to include support for Searches and Workspace L
Quicklinker modified to allow links to Diagram References and Diagram Frames.
Quicklinker extended to support 'undirected from' direction.
Profile Synchronization from Toolbox improved.
Shape Scripts on Activity Partition Elements now support the 'partition' prope
. Returns 'vertical' or 'horizontal' depending on user setting.
Custom Diagram types improved to allow a name of 'Collaboration'.
ArchiMate technology updated so that all Elements display a composite decorati
BPMN 1.1 Data Object updated to improve default size when dropped from Project
ERD technology updated to improve Data Modeling transformation for multi-value
d and composite Attributes.
Shape scripts for Activity Partitions can now use retrieve fill color
Synchronize Profile Stereotype functionality modified to strictly check source
profile for stereotypes applied before adding synchronizing any element
UML Pattern merging for Association connectors improved
Code Engineering
C# 4.0 and VB.Net 10 now supported for code generation and reverse engineering
C# and VB.Net Automatic properties now supported. Modeled as Attributes with
the stereotype of 'property'.
.Net 4.0 binaries reverse engineering capability.
PHP 5.3 reverse engineering capability.
Modeling of Generics/Templates improved for C#, C++, Java and VB.Net.
. Templated Interfaces now supported.
. Template Parameter Bindings can now be set on Generalizations, Realization
s, Associations and the new Template Binding connector.
. Template Parameter Bindings set on connectors now displayed on diagrams.
. Template Parameter Bindings and defaults now linked to types existing in t
he model by GUID.
. Reverse Engineering of Associations from Attributes with instantiated temp
late type added.
. Association created to either collection or argument depending on which is
in the model.
. Additional option added to ensure specific classes are always treated as c
ollections during reverse engineering.
Import of selected files now possible from Project Browser.
Code Generation and Transform Templates extended to provide access to properti
es of the Linked Feature of a Connector.
Code Reverse Engineering updated to prevent Class author being changed because
a different person reverse engineered it.

Sequence Diagram generation of create messages, delete messages and 'assign to

' improved.
Activity Diagram generation for Call Actions, Create Actions and Destroy Actio
ns improved.
Visual Basic parsing updated to support anonymous modules.
PHP parsing of alternate syntax for conditional statements improved.
C++ inner types will now be imported with the appropriate scope.
Import of C++ and other languages without explicit syntax for parameter direct
ion will no longer overwrite kind in the model during synchronization.
Code Synchronization when 'Require User Lock To Edit' is enabled will now upda
te elements the user has locked.
Code Synchronization will no longer override parameter direction for languages
without explicit direction syntax.
Packages linked to Eclipse will no longer show an error for internal classes o
r enumerations.
Reverse Engineering of C code modified to prevent constants defined in parenth
esis from being imported as functions.
ActionScript support added to the Create Property dialog
User Interface
Added option to hide the Start Page.
Added support for re-ordering tabs in main view.
Added support for using middle-click on main view tab to close it.
Added ability to retrieve view history using Ctrl+Tab.
Added button on note windows to open Linked Document for current Element.
Added Links page to Properties dialog for Maintenance Elements.
Spell checking improved.
. Spelling options dialog has been added.
. Now possible to select from installed dictionaries.
. Glossary terms now automatically added to user custom dictionary to preven
t them being shown as spelling error.
MDG Technologies dialog given updated Visual Style.
Hyperlinks to files can now be specified using EA's Local Path mechanism.
RTF Document, RTF Template and Team Review editors have been themed to match E
A's visual style.
Relationships window will no longer set the dropped Element as active after dr
View Title Bar updated to show more information about current view for many no
n-diagram views.
Additional Visual Styles provided.
System Output window modified to allow Ctrl+End or Escape to clear selection a
nd allow automatic scrolling for new items.
The following dialogs have been modified to support resizing:
. HTML Template Editor dialog.
. Create Association Class dialog.
. MDG Technologies dialog.
. Information Items Conveyed dialog.
. MDG Technologies: Advanced dialog.
. Select Database Objects to Import dialog.
. Image Manager dialog.
. Visible Toolbox Pages dialog.
. Shape Script Editor.
. Project Statistics dialog.
Glossary term mouse-over text from Note Editor now includes the category.
Glossary dialog updated to initially sort by Type followed by Term.
State Table updated with keyboard shortcuts for manipulating Legends.
. 'I' - Inserts 'I' (Ignore) to Transition cell without an existing Transiti
. 'N' - Inserts 'N' (Never Happen) to Transition cell without an existing Tr

. 'Delete' - Deletes any existing legend string ('I' or 'N') from the Transi
tion cell.
Element Browser now support dropping items from the Relationships group onto a
diagram to insert the target Element.
Resources window modified to unload existing resources if loading another proj
ect failed.
Attribute and Operation properties dialogs updated to enable saving after chan
ging the type classifier.
Change Element Type command updated to include 'Signal' in the list of target
Toolbar icons updated to prevent issues where incorrect icons would be shown f
or some commands.
Traceability window modified to refresh after changing options when displaying
relationships for a diagram.
Element Browser will now display the Resource and Role for Resource Allocation
Data modeling properties dialogs will no longer display when the 'Core Extensi
ons' technology is disabled.
History for element picker dialogs now handles re-selecting an item already in
the history.
Hyperlinks to searches can now be modified without re-entering the entire sear
Structured Scenario editor improved when using the 'Uses' column as a list of
element references.
Structured Scenario editor improved for entering larger step descriptions.
'Check Spelling' dialog will now remember last position.
Floating 'Close Full Screen' button no longer displayed in full screen mode
Context menu for Status Bar cleaned up to show named sections that you can tog
gle the visibility for
Export searches window and search tagged values types will now use translated
names in localized editions
Parameters dialog now remembers preference for adding new parameters to end
Source Code Editor
Context menu restructured to prioritize most important commands.
. Added command to link current method to a use case to context menu when in
side a method.
Scope Guides can now be turned on or off from the editor configuration dialog.
Structure Tree updated to group C++ method implementations into class nodes.
Copy of code from source editor will now preserve syntax highlighting for appl
ications that support pasting from RTF.
Improvements to display.
. Syntax highlighting support for lua and css files added.
. The highlight color for selected text can now be configured.
. Default monospace font for Windows Vista and Windows 7 changed to 'Consola
. Line height is no longer affected by modifying the font size of tooltips.
. Inline comment documentation keywords now highlighted with their own style
Editor Toolbar updated.
New button to include navigation to Syntax Highlighting, Code Editor, Code Eng
ineering and Code Editor Keybinding options.
New command added to commands menu to Open Containing Folder.
Code Templates button icon updated.
Source Files can now be saved without an Enterprise Architect project open.
Edit Style dialog now displays fonts in the Other Font combo box using their c
orresponding font face.
Edit List Property dialog now displays correct title.
Source code editor intellisense now correctly ignores logical ANDs (&&) when s
earching back for type declarations.

Improvements to Find/Replace dialog

. The Find/Replace dialog will no longer change focus when it is used.
. Recent search and replace term history can be accessed through the relevan
t drop down list fields.
. Regular expressions may now be used.
. The Find/Replace will no longer be dismissed when navigating between sourc
e code editors.
Source code intellisense now recognizes the super keyword when performing type
Data Modeling
SQLite added as a supported database for both ODBC import and DDL generation.
SQL Server import now supports filtering on schema.
SQL Server import improved to allow import of table comments.
SQL Server 2000 import of functions improved to include definitions.
Generation of Oracle Foreign Key Statements improved to ensure correct orderin
g of delete rules and constraints.
Generation of Oracle Triggers updated to generate 'SHOW ERRORS' command in the
correct location.
Generation of Oracle Sequences updated to provide option to control if a prefi
x or suffix is added to the name.
Generation of Oracle primary key and unique constraints modified to ensure uni
que names generated when first 30 characters are the same.
Generation of SQL Server Default Constraints improved to generate wrapping cha
racters around column names.
Generation of SQL Server Default Constraints will no longer generate duplicate
constraints when the constraint is the first method in the table.
Sybase ASA datatypes handling improved.
. Maximum length for several datatypes updated.
. Columns using with datatype of int, smallint or tinyint can now use the Au
to Number property.
Synchronization of procedure and function parameters during ODBC Import modifi
ed to prevent primary key violation.
ODBC Import updated to save Association name for Foreign Keys during creation.
ODBC Import updated to ensure all column details are visible on open diagrams
immediately after import.
ODBC Import from Access 2000 databases will now prompt users to switch to Jet
4 if they are not already using it.
ODBC Import from MySQL updated to handle indexes that specify the data structu
re used with a USING constraint.
ODBC Import from SQL Server updated so that columns added to a table are from
the correct schema.
ODBC Import from Oracle updated to ensure all Check Constraints are imported.
Oracle DDL Generation of Constraints modified to ensure referential integrity
is generated before constraint state.
Oracle DDL Generation of Triggers modified to ensure show error statement gene
rated to the correct position.
SQL Server DDL Generation of Default Constraints modified to prevent duplicati
on of the constraint when they were generated first.
SQL Server DDL Generation of Default Constraints improved to generate surround
ing characters around column names if specified.
Sybase ASE modeling improved to allow for Autonumber property on int, smallint
and tinyint.
DDL Transformation modified to set nullability of foreign key columns based on
if either end of the relationship allows a multiplicity of zero.
Also allows the nullability to be overridden by the template.
ERD to Data Modeling Transformation updated to improve handling of reflexive r
DDL Generation for packages modified to generate indexes before primary keys.
DDL Generation of unique names for Foreign Keys and Unique Constraints for Ora

cle improved
DDL Generation modified to prevent trailing comma from being generated.
Other Changes
Performance of Generalization Set handling improved for large models.
Model Views window updated to find the currently selected package for searches
within a package.
Adding composite elements to an element on a diagram updated to ensure diagram
added to the correct element.
Rename of a Signal element changed to update Sequence Messages referencing tha
t Signal.
Diagram Legends will now draw line colors when saving a diagram as a metafile.
Shape scripted connectors with multiple segments will now preserve the line st
yle for all segments.
Exposed Interface selection dialog modified to support multiple interfaces wit
h the same name.
Japanese Version will now display Toolboxes correctly when using a Non-Japanes
e version of Windows.
Package Comparison improved to include Constraint Type when matching Element C
PostgreSQL repository undoing deletion of object from a diagram improved.
SQL Server repository Unicode handling improved for characters outside default
Windows code page.
The code editor configuration dialog now includes the option for displaying sc
ope guides.
Performance of creating and deleting instances with many embedded elements has
been improved.
Open diagrams when another user re-imports the parent package will now be relo
Baseline compare no longer shows a difference for unchanged diagrams after a s
Action effects will now be copied when using a template package.
Deep diagram copy will now copy full stereotype information for connectors
Elements created from a Template package will now copy the source constraints
Interaction Occurence created by dropping a diagram from the Project Browser w
ill now receive the diagram name by default
Tagged value types from technologies not displayed in new tag dialog unless ap
Port and Part Elements now allow toggling of displaying element type direct fr
om their context menu
Trial Version now loads extended suite editions when run for the first time
Attribute dialog modified to refresh attribute list after copying an existing
Baseline comparison dialog no longer appears to be connecting to an eap file w
hen on a repository.
Audit View
View of deleted items can now be sorted by Element type or user who deleted it
Added option for opening element properties from audit list context menu.
List of auditing changes now sorted alphabetically.
Display of changes to formatted notes improved.
Operation Behavior added to Standard and Extended display modes.
Package Browser and Element List
List of Elements in a Package renamed to Package Browser. Diagram as a list r
etains name of Element List.
Filtering of contents using Diagram Filters now supported.
Added new Filter Bar to both lists.
. Toggle display using button on toolbar or option in context menu on column

. Enter text in any of the search boxes to show only rows containing that te
xt in the specified column.
Display of Tagged Values for both lists added.
. Add a new column using context menu on header or dropping a tag from Tagge
d Values window.
. Remove a column using context menu on header.
Navigation between packages in Package Browser improved:
. Alt + Up to navigate to parent package.
. Alt + Down to navigate to selected package.
. Button added to toolbar to navigate to parent package.
Drag and Drop to Project Browser from Package Browser added to allow moving el
ements between Packages.
Group Box for Package Browser now disabled instead of hidden when displaying h
ierarchy mode.
Both views now use the scroll speed specified in Windows options.
Added new Filter Bar to both lists.
. Toggle display using option in context menu on column headers.
. Enter text in any of the search boxes to show only rows containing
xt in the specified column.
Search view now uses the scroll speed specified in Windows options.
Query Builder searches using fields stored as integers in the database
Search combo box in Model Search window modified to display translated
or built-in Searches.
Added Resolved By field on Defects to Query Builder.
Defect Search now also searches on Resolved By field.
Searches from SQL now support string replacers for the current package

that te
names f

and chi

Structured Scenarios
Auto-Complete in structured scenario editor improved when using space to accep
t selected word.
Prevented situation where one alternate path could have two distinct joining s
Test case generation modified to update connector lists for current Element.
Activity and State Diagram generation modified to re-use elements for alternat
e path instead of recreating them.
Activity and State Diagram generation modified increase left margin.
Sequence Diagram generation modified to only include step numbers if 'Show Seq
uence Numbering' is disabled.
Linking Step to a Use Case when editing from initial creation updated to ensur
e link is created on correct step.
Highlight of glossary terms and referenced elements improved in situations whe
re one is a substring of another.
Improvements during Beta Period
Connector rendering improvements
. Orthogonal line style connectors will now align to diamond shaped elements
. Line joins for double line connectors with increased line width improved.
SysML 1.2 <<objectiveFunction>> element now drawn as a rounded rectangle.
Shape Script rendering of Ellipses and Arcs improved.
Built-In Technologies using 'Orthogonal - Rounded Corner' connector style, mod
ified to use this as a default instead of forcing it.
Documentation template editor modified to save changes to current template bef
ore generating a document.
Add-In keys duplicated in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER will no lon

ger display an error.

Project Calendar now supports filtering of event types.
Attribute and Connector properties dialogs can now be opened from the Element
Attributes dialog will now open the open the classifier dialog to the current
Batch XMI export now provides the option of automatically restoring cross refe
rences for all packages.
Added support for creating stereotypes for Template Binding connectors in a pr
Gap Analysis matrix modified to reflect the visual style being used
Gap Analysis Matrix can now refresh the view after new objects are added
Corrected rendering of rotated, non-circular ellipses in shape scripts
Publish Package dialog modified to ensure options are only available for the a
ppropriate XMI types
Linked document button removed from Model Mail editor
Updated help links for Personal Items window and Project Calendar
Scripted report generation of Element Tasks and Changes improved
UML Profile metaclass attribute 'isVertical' renamed to '_isVertical' to match
existing naming convention for system attributes
Element Browser will now show appropriate pages for the current element when s
howing Element properties.
Added option to hide Toolbar within Diagram Views
Updated support for correctly showing the XMI export progress for the packages
during Batch XMI Export
PHP 5.3 support extended with support of importing packages and generating nam
Resource Report updated to improve sorting on percent complete
Displaying help for selected element, connector or diagram type no longer disp
lays two help windows
SOMF Technology updates: shape script improvements; linestyles changed to orth
ogonal; sectionLayer partition created vertical by default; cloud element types
can be selected on creation
Working Sets window in Personal Items updated with more options for creating a
nd loading sets
Removed unlabeled button from Constraints page of Control Flow on an Activity
Updates to ensure new features are available in correct editions.
Diagram Copy to same package restored.
ODBC import from Access Northwind modified to exclude system tables.
Creation of new tables now gets the model default database.
Default diagram for HTML reports using a master document improved.
Attribute Derived property moved onto the Details page of the attribute proper
ties dialog.
Filter bars on Search window and Package Browser modified to be case insensiti
Additional Collection Classes option modified to allow collection classes cont
aining an underscore.
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 864
RTF Reporting
Style for notes fields in generated documentation improved.
. Paragraph spacing, alignment and indents. Font face and size will always
be copied from template.
. Font color and styles such as bold or italics can be copied from template
if 'Use Style Defined in Templates for notes' is set.
Updating of styles from normal.rtf corrected to prevent error that could occur

Table generation improved so that heading rows will be generated when first it
em in table is filtered out.
Field substitution modified to prevent situation that could cause first charac
ter of a field to be omitted from documentation.
Minor errors corrected in the following templates:
. (usecase scenario template)
. (master template)
Automation Interface and Add-In Support
Package.VersionControlAdd() modified to ensure correct display of package stat
us regardless of value of KeepCheckedOut.
Project.LoadControlledPackage() modified to retrieve latest from version contr
ol if called for a version controlled package.
Security and Version Control
Automatic Exclusive Edit Locking in models without 'Require User Lock to Edit'
updated to prevent case where Redo operation could allow two users to have the
diagram locked.
Check-In operation modified so that when Version Control provider fails to che
ck-in the change the package will remain checked out in the model.
SCC connection to PVCS altered to avoid the faulty implementation of SccOpenPr
oject in PVCS 7.5.
User Interface
Project Browser updated to preserve multiple selection when moving away from t
hat window.
Highlight of glossary terms and referenced elements improved in scenario edito
r where one is a substring of another.
Operation properties dialog modified to provide warning if editing the behavio
r of an unsaved Operation.
Find in Project Browser updated to ensure changes in docked notes editor are s
Package Selection dialog updated to allow selection of packages not yet loaded
into Project Browser.
Other Changes
Creation of Embedded Elements from the context menu of a State Machine element
Note editing under Japanese version of Windows 7 updated to prevent issues dur
ing undo.
Loading of Enterprise Architect modified to use other available version of MSX
ML if MSXML 4 is not available.
Shape Script rendering improved for handling of RefGUID and RefGUIDList tagged
Scripting console updated to show auto-complete for console commands. (Startin
g with '!')
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 863
RTF Reporting
Connector End Objects now documented even if they don't match object filters.
Package Section generation modified to prevent situation that could cause it t
o not generate.
Master Document generation in lazy loaded models will no longer result in a si
tuation where a package isn't loaded properly.
Data Modeling

DDL Generation of SQL Server constaints updated to generate specified escapes

around name.
DDL Generation for Oracle updated to prevent Sequences being missing when usin
g an Oracle repository.
XML Technologies
XMI Import modified to ensure all Diagrams are saved before starting.
XMI Import modified to ensure imported Package is loaded into Project Browser
on completion.
XMI Import updated so that Connectors do not lose Linked Features when 'Strip
GUIDs' is enabled.
BPEL Generation updated to provide cause of any errors shown.
User Interface
Scenario list shown with scenario descriptions re-ordered to show Basic Path s
cenarios first.
Structured Scenario editor updated to support extended Polish characters.
Project Transfer Dialog updated to ensure progress bar stops on completion.
Other Changes
UML Pattern Importer updated to check for matching connector between two merge
d objects before creating a new one.
Package Comparison tool modified to check early for XMI not containing any inf
ormation about the selected package.
Automation property ScenarioExtension.JoiningStep modified to return NULL inst
ead of throwing an exception if no joining step exists.
Automation property ScenarioStep.Results will now retrieve the result.
Transformation Templates modified to no longer process indent instructions so
that multi-line values are preserved.
Rule Composer modified to clear target attribute when using auto-complete for
a class name.
Visual Execution Analyzer extended to allow debugging of applications using th
e .Net 4 runtime.
Visual Execution Analyzer modified to prevent error when deleting last build s
cript from a package.
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 862
Data Modeling
ODBC Import
ODBC Import
ODBC Import
ODBC Import
Primary key

and DDL Generation of PostgreSQL sequences improved.

of SQL Server and PostgreSQL updated to import Table comments.
of DB2 from Windows to use the system tables instead of ODBC API c
of Oracle updated to import Column nullable information.
behavior modified to be case insensitive on the stereotype name.

XML Technologies
XMI 1.1 Import updated to improve handling of notes exported by PowerDesigner.
XMI 2.1 Import updated to read associations from a child association element.
WDSL & XSD dialogs updated to ensure notes typed in immediately after Element
is created are preserved.
Undo behavior for connectors improved when changing to and from Tree and Later
al line styles.
Element copy using Control Drag updated to prevent deselection of current Elem
ent at beginning of drag.
Deleting an Element after copying it to the clipboard will no longer result in

an error message when pasting.

User Interface
RTF Template lists in Tagged Value dropdown and Resource Browser updated to so
rt alphabetically when templates are added by an MDG technology.
Tagged values of type RefGUID, RefGUDList where no values specification is giv
en will now allow choosing from any element in the model.
Creation of new link by dropping a Requirement onto another element will now u
pdate the windows that need to show that information.
RTF Editor update to correct warning message when removing protected text lock
Use Case Metrics dialog 'phase like' search corrected.
Other Changes
New composite elements added to an Element on a diagram will now be created wi
th the correct parent when the Project Browser selection is in a different packa
Multiple Profiles containing the same stereotype names will now be handled bet
ter from Automation Interface and applying stereotype to an existing Element.
Automation Interface iterator handling updated to prevent issue that could cau
se unexpected exceptions in complex code.
Copy and Paste of a Package containing sequence diagrams will no longer lose t
he Sequence Messages from original diagram.
SQL Server Repositories using Hungarian language options now handled during Pr
oject Transfer and auditing of Connector creation and deletion.
Project Integrity Check updated to detect & remove import stubs.
Visual Execution Analyzer option to limit stack recording depth now supported
for .Net applications.
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 861
Composite Diagram will now be drawn without requiring a manual refresh after e
nabling the option to 'Show Composite Diagram'.
Tagged Values on Objects pasted as new will now be drawn if the diagram option
s require it without requiring a manual refresh.
Rendering speed improved in situation where diagram is not showing relationshi
ps, but many relationships exist between elements on diagram.
Communication Messages modified to prevent changing direction independently of
owning connector.
Screen Elements updated to draw bookmark marker.
Profiles and Customization
New tagged value type supported for containing URLs. URL tagged values and st
rings containing a URL will allow clicking button to open the URL.
Association Classes updated to show custom metatype in caption of properties d
Composition Connectors updated to include support for customizing drawing usin
g a shape script.
Attributes dialog for a Stereotype Element modified to prevent automatic save
after assigning a shape script to the value.
XML Technologies
BPEL 'Create Web Service' dialog updated to filter out operations that are inv
alid in BPEL.
XSD generation updated to provide user feedback of invalid attributes in Model
Groups and XSDgroup elements.
XSD generation modified to prevent the attribute "use" from being generated on

top-level XSD Attributes.

XSD properties dialogs updated to ensure classifier is updated after typing in
to type field.
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 860
Saving of Element notes will no longer escape special symbols by name, which r
esulted in escape sequence being shown on diagrams.
Deletion of a Port from and instance now allowed. Previously showed error abo
ut a locked object.
GUI Elements with the stereotype 'Label' will now display their alias if the d
iagram is set to 'Use Alias if Available'.
'Generate DDL' button in Table Properties dialog will now be disabled if user
does not have Generate DDL permission.
Issues dialog updated to improve handling for user without permission to Manag
e Issues.
Lock Package with 'Full Lock' will no longer lock currently open diagram if it
is outside of selected package.
User Interface
Type combo in Attributes and Operations dialog will now update datatypes when
base object is changed and better support choosing a class that closely matches
a language datatype name.
Check-in Branch command updated to show dialog on the same screen as EA when r
unning a multi-monitor setup.
Code editor updated to close active tooltip when opening another editor.
Code editor updated to handle clicking on line containing a declaration for mu
ltiple variables.
Sequence Message option 'Is Iteration' will now be saved in translated edition
Scenario step generation using sentence delimiter updated to support quotes in
side a sentence.
Structured Scenario loading improved for joining steps for alternate and excep
tion paths.
Scenario step generation from scenario notes updated to detect type of step ba
sed on keywords found near beginning of each step.
Other Changes
Model Search window updated to handle searches returning very large result set
s under Access.
Data transfer updated to handle exporting from MySQL 4 based repositories.
Synchronizing tagged values for a profile stereotype will no longer override n
otes with empty values.
Javascript engine updated to correct errors some users were experiencing when
ending a Javascript session.
Moving of elements in Project Browser updated to handle an add-in modifying th
e element during a change notification.
Import Reference Data updated to improve handling of templates with no style i
nformation set.
Import Reference Data updated to improve importing of images.
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 859

RTF Reporting
Structured Scenario 'Name' field renamed to 'Action' to match label on dialog.
Structured Scenario path types added to word substitution list.
Structured Scenario Steps will no longer be documented with old step numbers a
fter deleting and reordering steps.
Master Document reports updated to report on any errors encountered during gen
New section added to allow generation of Connectors to Package Elements.
Template Editor improved to prevent surrounding style information being lost w
hen inserting 'Package Child' Section on a non-empty line.
Template Editor improved to allow removal of protected text after clearing 'Pr
otected Text' option in the menu.
Generation of Diagram figure numbers updated to ensure consistent numbering ac
ross Package and Element Diagrams.
Generation of very large reports updated to prevent SQL errors.
New fields added to Connector section:
. Conveyed -> Information Items conveyed by the connector.
. Effect -> Effect field from Transition properties.
Audit fields updated to support formatted text.
XML Technologies
XMI Import of exceptionally large files updated to report XML errors such as D
TD violations.
XMI Import updated to preserve empty author fields.
XMI Import updated to improve handling of classifier references to classes bei
ng imported.
XMI 1.1 Import updated to preserve line style of Note Link connectors.
XMI 1.1 Import updated to preserve Association end tagged values from a restri
cted set of names that previously could be lost.
XMI 2.1 Import updated to prevent errors that could occur when importing over
existing package.
XMI Export of qualifiers updated to use lower case string.
XMI 1.1 Export updated to prevent duplicate tagged values being written for in
stance Ports.
XMI 2.1 Export updated to write <memo> tagged values into UML section of XMI f
Note elements are cleared when all text is removed.
Automatic Resize of objects will now include elements that have just been move
Elements with self-connectors dropped from the Project Browser no longer flip
when first selected.
Rendering of metafile alternate images created by certain tools in 'Enhanced 2
' mode improved.
State Diagrams modified to save changes before switching to a State Table view
User Interface
'Recently Modified Elements' and 'Recently Modified Diagrams' searches now hav
e a default search term of '3' if no search term was provided.
Searches run from the Model Views window now support the option 'Return matchi
ng items for the selected Package'.
Searches for Diagrams created by the Query Builder now support the option 'Ret
urn matching items for the selected Package'.
Search in Files window updated under WINE to prevent unknown character being d
isplayed at the end of each line.
Relationship Matrix function to save as an image updated to allow filenames co
ntaining '.'.
Scenario Type window (In General Types dialog) updated to allow empty notes fi

Information Items dialog updated to allow creation of Information Flows betwee
n Port instances.
Keyboard navigation between pages of element properties dialog improved.
Structured Scenarios
Added support for creating a diagram when generating Test Cases from Structure
d Scenario Steps
Added support for inserting scenario steps above or below the current selectio
Newly added steps automatically recognize their type if the following keywords
are used in the first 15 characters:- user,actor or system.
Generation of Activity Diagrams updated to create Flow End Elements in transla
ted editions of EA.
Improved behavior of Sequence & Robustness diagram generation on Lazy Loaded m
Multiple tweaks to improve usability of the Alternate/Exception path dialog.
Scenario Editor updated to open to 'Specification' page initially when it has
been populated.
Scenario Editor now recognizes adding a hyperlink to the description as a chan
Automation Interface updated to support Scenario Step Extensions for languages
using the dual interface.
Other Changes
Code Reverse synchronization updated to prevent overriding of current author w
ith current user.
Code Generation from Activity diagrams updated to improve handling of an Activ
ity specification being an Operation.
Code Generation of C modified to prevent generation of invalid parameter name
when parameters explicitly specified as void.
Automatic Exclusive Edit Locking updated to prevent non-diagram views from bec
oming locked.
Creating a new project will now preserve tagged value types from profiles used
in base model.
Synchronization of a profile updated to allow synchronizing an empty note for
a Package Tagged Value.
Saving a UML Profile updated to ensure all tagged value connectors are process
Display of RefGUID and RefGUIDList tagged values improved in Lazy Loaded model
ERD Technology updated with new Connector Transform Template.
State Table Editor updated to prevent issues dragging a state onto itself or a
State Table CSV Export updated to ensure file is created in the appropriate fo
Association Custom Property 'isDerived' restored to Custom Properties dialog.
Script console updated to prevent issues that could occur when closing on some
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 858
RTF Reporting
Table handling in templates improved to better identify when section should be
generated into a single table.
Model Document generation updated to follow template specification for generat
ing child packages.

HTML Reporting
Message Item section #NOTES# field changed to return only the notes.
The following fields have been added that were previously included in the note
. #TYPE# -> The Type of Message
. #SYNC# -> The Sync of Message
. #KIND# -> The message Kind Field
Added support for documenting Structured Scenarios.
. New fields #STRUCTURED# and #EXCEPTIONS# added to 'Scenario Item' section.
. New sections 'Scenario Structured', 'Scenario Structured Item', 'Scenario
Exception' and 'Scenario Exception Item'.
Generation of Connectors updated to allow reporting of self-connectors.
Generation of Packages updated to prevent situation where packages could be ge
nerated twice from EAP files.
Improved handling of very large models.
Data modeling
Foreign Key dialog improved to support the range of Referential Integrity cons
traints supported for each database.
Foreign key dialog updated to provide user feedback if it can't be used becaus
e table databases are different or no columns available on either table.
Select Database Objects to Import dialog updated to include Schema name with d
atabase object name if known.
Oracle 11g support improved for Timestamp and Interval data types.
Oracle DDL generation updated to improve generation of Triggers and Sequences.
MySQL DDL generation updated to prevent generation of a Key constraint matchin
g the Primary Key for a Table.
ODBC Import of PostgreSQL updated to include support for database schema filte
ODBC Import of SQL Server 2000 updated to improve import of view definitions.
Synchronization of stored procedure, function and sequence containers improved
during ODBC Import.
Visual Execution Analyzer
Multiple improvements to Sequence Diagram generation improvements including St
ate Transitions and Template Classes and Lazy Loaded models.
Multiple improvements to Native Debugger including handling exceptions, stack
and templated classes.
Multiple improvements to starting a debug process to resolve situations that c
ould prevent target from loading.
Local Variables window updated to improve presentation of MFC & STL maps.
Code Editor updated with new command to locate variable in Watch or Locals win
String Viewer command ('View in Editor') added to Watch window.
String Viewer support extended to include .NET and Java debugging.
Multiple improvements to Breakpoint and Build messages including Breakpoint wa
rnings now being highlighted.
Code Editor
Configuration options now editable with new dialog in the Code Editors page o
f the options dialog.
. Options can be configured globally and for individual languages.
. Supports changing syntax highlighting and display options
Large file and Unicode or UTF-8 support improved.
Mouse-over Tooltips will now show glossary entry if no code information can be
found for the current word.
Mouse-over Tooltips for methods improved to prevent duplicate method signature
s being shown when the same class appears in multiple locations in the model.
Auto complete in C++ files now includes values of enumerations owned by the cl
ass being inspected.

Text highlighting in improved to handle numbers in surrounded by quotes correc

Find Next (F3) will no longer remove focus from the editor.
User Interface
Select Element dialog updated to disable 'Add New' button when an element can'
t be added due to a locked Package or lack or permissions.
State Transition properties dialog updated to allow copying text from Trigger
Tagged Values window updated to refresh list after changing a value to ensure
derived and inherited tagged values are shown correctly.
Toolbar loading updated to prevent incorrect icons being shown after an upgrad
Auto complete behavior improved when invoked on selection not at the end of a
Animations for docked windows set to auto hide are now disabled by default.
Note Editors updated to improve handling of lists containing line breaks and c
haracter sets using the extended ASCII range.
Business Rules Engineering
Rule Composer updated to identify when changes have been made when right click
ing on view tab.
Multiple updates to Rule Composer Auto-Complete including:
. Where class name contains an underscore.
. Now shows Operation signatures when editing parameters.
. Improved handling of unexpected edit situations.
Other Changes
The Scripting framework now contains an EAConstants script for both VBScript a
nd JScript. This script defines constant values used throughout the automation i
Nesting of partition elements when moving on activity diagrams improved.
'Specialize Associations' command updated to prevent issues creating new Speci
XMI import updated to improve handling of Foreign Key relationships between ta
bles in different packages.
Code generation performance improved for Classes with many relationships.
Metafile rendering updated to improve drawing of shape scripted connectors wit
h a waypoint.
Package deletion updated to prevent situation where unrelated elements could b
e removed off open diagrams.
Floating toolbar for Element hyperlinks in Note and Scenario editors will no l
onger change active object when showing target in Project Browser.
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 857
Shape scripts for elements on Sequence Diagrams updated to draw lifeline header
when drawnativeshape is called.
ODBC Import of SQL Server 2000 database schema updated to correct importing of d
efault constraints.
XMI Export updated to include Operation Parameter & Association End tagged value
XMI Import updated to prevent diagram layout information of connectors to the pa
ckage being imported from being lost.
XMI Import modified to preserve custom references across packages.
State Table support improved to round-trip positions of States & Triggers in XMI
1.1 or XMI 2.1.
RTF Reporting of Triggers corrected for models running on MS SQL.
Tagged Values window updated to allow edit of tagged values of Port and Part ins

Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 856
New command added: 'Check Out Branch' will check out all Packages below the targ
et package that are not checked out to another user.
Open Source File command improved to support opening all linked files of Artifac
t elements.
File Hyperlinks and Element Browser modified to open supported file types in bui
lt-in editors.
Context menu on main view tab expanded to support closing all Diagrams, Code Edi
tors or RTF Documents.
Code Editor Structure Tree improved for viewing XML documents.
Saving of UML Profiles updated to ensure compatibility with TOGAF add-in.
New Filter Dialog for searches updated to restore use of 'Search On' field.
Execution Analyzer improved with new String Viewer for Local Variables that supp
ort displaying long and multi-line strings.
Validation of UML Profiles updated to allow importing of profiles containing onl
y Quick Linker entries.
Project Integrity Dialog updated to improve resize behavior.
Embedded Elements dialog improved to list different elements with same name and
property type.
Creation of profiled elements that show tagged values will now refresh display o
f tagged values on the diagram.
Tagged Value support updated to allow using Predefined Reference Data Type on in
dividual tagged values.
Structured Scenario Editor updated to save changes without prompting when 'OK' b
utton pressed in Element Properties dialog.
Structured Scenario Editor updated to support Oracle Repository script released
with Version 8.
Instantiation of connectors modified to copy tagged values from original to inst
Transformation Template Editor updated to always show Property template.
Copying of diagram elements as new object modified to always set the appropriate
Find in Project Browser command updated to support Lazy Loaded models.
Automation properties Package.Elements and Package.Diagrams updated to include n
ull parent ids.
Automation function Project.ImportSourceDirectory improved in Lazy Loaded model.
DDL Generation of Oracle tables containing both Triggers and Sequences (auto-num
ber property set on column) improved.
Code Generation from State Machines updated to restore generation of code from S
tate Machine Operation behaviors referencing other behaviors.
Properties dialog for Sequence and Communication Messages updated to allow free
text in Parameters field, even if target Operation is specified.
XMI import of large files modified to increase feedback that import is in progre
XMI 1.1 import from Rose updated to link Sequence Messages to the Operations the
y are calling.
XMI 2.1 importer updated to prevent Attributes from being imported as Parts for
XMI from some tools.
XMI 1.1 and 2.1 updated to include State Table Legend information.
Default Diagram creation for new Packages when Model Auditing is enabled will no
w be created under the target Package.
Add Branch to Version Control command improved in lazy loaded models.
Model Compare Utility improved in lazy loaded models.
Diagram rendering of Sequence Messages where font color has been set on previous
lifeline improved.
Diagram rendering updated to prevent occasional problems with bad colors showing

RTF documentation updated to exclude types such as Boundary that only appear on
a diagram.
RTF documentation extended with new field {Element.StructuredScenarioText} that
generates a preformatted rendering of structured scenarios as text.
RTF documentation templates 'Usecase Scenario Template' and 'Usecase Template' u
pdated to include structured scenario information.
RTF documentation option 'Include all Diagram Elements in Report' updated to inc
lude nested elements.
Search Menu initiated when [Ctrl]+[F12] is pressed in code editors, updated to i
nclude all search entries from standard context menu.
Source code editor scope context improved if the current source file fails to pa
Script Console autocomplete no longer displays when no script engine has been st
Project Browser and Structure Tree rendering improved under Windows 7.
Keystore updated to improve retrieval of keys already checked out to the current
Release Notes for EA 8.0 Build 855
(Note: Changes from all beta releases have been merged into a single release not
Created new index packs for repositories to improve overall performance
EAP models now support 'Load on Demand' (Lazy Load).
Improved performance in the following situations (Results may vary on differen
t machines):
. Editing of rich text notes as experienced by some users.
. Enterprise Architect start up.
. Load time and general handling of very large models (3 million+ rows).
. XMI generation in very large models.
. Load of models when multiple profiles are loaded in memory.
. Element deletion from very large models.
. Moving elements between different parents in the Project Browser.
. Synchronizing ports and parts of instances with the classifier.
. Changing element selection when Element Browser is showing.
. Diagram rendering when using "Enhanced 1" rendering mode, especially for d
iagrams with a large number of connectors.
. RTF report generation.
. Reverse engineering code.
. Loading of the Project Browser.
. Saving large files in the Source Code editor.
. Traceability window modified to use lazy loading, significantly improving
responsiveness in large models.
. Loading of Diagrams containing Elements from Packages not yet opened in Pr
oject Browser.
User Interface
Start Page updated:
. New layout to improve usability and visual appeal.
. Icons added to each command.
. Icons added to distinguish between .EAP files and Server based repositorie
s in the "Recent Projects" list.
. Link to Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Community Site added.
Workspace Layout manager added to better support loading, saving and switchin

g between window layouts.

. Allows users to load and save screen layouts from file.
. A collection of Workspace Layouts for common domains is included in the de
fault installation.
. Users may define their own named Workspace Layouts.
. Quickly switch between layouts.
. Custom views may be saved in Workspace Layouts.
. There is now no limit to the number of named Workspace Layouts that can be
The 'Workspace Views' and 'Other Views' toolbars have been merged into the new
'Workspace Layouts' toolbar.
. Supports quickly switching between Workspace Layouts.
. Allows saving the current Workspace Layout to file.
. Quick access all Views, Dockable Windows and Toolbars.
. Provides an "Enter full screen mode" shortcut.
. Option to check spelling as you type added to Linked Documents and Notes w
New Diagram Filters capability may restrict or highlight elements shown on a d
. Supports hiding elements completely.
. Also supports two disabled (suppressed) visual styles.
. Allows for convenient selection of matched objects.
. Extensive filter definition capability.
. Easy to select and swap between various predefined filters.
Many docked windows modified to give a cleaner and more open appearance.
Improved Vista/Windows 7 compatibility by storing various per-user files (such
as spelling dictionaries and the EAExample.eap) to the user's Application Data
Relationship matrix updated to correct error message shown when creating an ag
gregation relationship with the SPEM technology active.
Relationship Matrix improved to support filtering based on Trace dependencies.
Traceability Window extended to show elements on currently selected diagram.
Traceability Window updated to prevent unwanted scrolling when expanding nodes
'Open' toolbar button now contains a drop down menu, listing the most recently
opened projects.
Many dialogs modified to support resizing.
Select <Item> dialog multi select improved to retain selection, when expanding
Project Integrity Check dialog now supports saving results to file.
"Use Circle Notation" and "Use Rectangle Notation" will now enable or disable
according to the lock state of the current diagram.
Diagram context menu now has command to insert an existing model element.
Two new Visual Styles added to provide additional clean and modern user interf
ace elements.
Class Properties -> Details TAB -> Add Template. Increased the manual entry si
ze of Class Templated parameter types to 50 characters.
Insert Related dialog updated to better handle specifying the type of relation
ship or element when profiles specify metatypes with the same name.
Creation of profiled Ports and Parts from the Project Browser is now possible.
Tagged values page added to the table attributes and table operations dialogs
for viewing and editing tagged values.
Connectors can be automatically created between new instances of objects based
off of the connectors between the original objects using the Paste Elements dia
Selecting "Locate Related Object" from the context menu in the hierarchy windo
w for a package will select the package in the project browser.

XSD & WSDL dialogs have been enhanced with rich edit windows.
Template Class Parameter type input field increased to 50 characters.
Test Case element added to Use Case toolbox.
Glossary definitions type now accepts user defined types.
Note fields across EA allow the current selection to be added to the glossary.
Swimlanes matrix heading font sizes have been tweaked to match the same size f
ont in elements.
DDL Name Templates button (found at Tools -> Options | Code Editors) will now
give an informative error message if no model is loaded.
Type combo boxes in dialogs (eg. Attributes, Operations, Parameters) modified
for easier use and faster loading.
Attribute properties dialog Constraints tab usability improved.
Methods property dialog controls sizing improved.
Type selection for Tagged value of type Classifier improved.
Tagged values of type 'RTFTemplate' modified to also list templates provided b
y MDG Technologies.
Cut and Paste support added to diagrams.
Element type change using 'Change Type' improved to refresh type in Project Br
Diagram editing will be disabled for any Diagram after Enterprise Architect de
tects it has been saved by another user.
Floating toolbar for element appearance updated to show current value of borde
r width.
Element List can now be opened to show contents of root package.
Element List in non-recursive list of packages will now allow double click to
navigate into child packages.
GoF Patterns technology added to allow dropping of GoF Patterns from the Toolb
Custom toolboxes can define items for patterns stored in a model's resources.
Relationship Matrix now supports drag and drop of project browser packages to
set source and target.
Scroll-wheel behavior of diagrams improved to follow Windows settings.
Docked testing window modified to improve look of labels.
Paste Composite Element dialog's 'Instance Of' combo box now dynamically resiz
es its drop down list based on the longest diagram name it contains.
Validation of System Issues for resolution when closing corrected.
Composite Elements created from profiles will now always be set as composite.
Actions created using Quick Linker will now prompt for Action Kind when Contro
l key is held down or user has not suppressed the prompt.
The Help menu now contains an entry to open the Example Model.
Web Browser view modified to accept addresses longer than address field.
Nested Non-Package Elements in the Project Browser modified for consistent sor
ting in lazy loaded models.
Find in Diagrams command updated to improve behavior after using keyboard to n
avigate model.
Tabs in main view updated to include icons to reflect view or diagram type.
Menu button added to Caption Bar for listing and selecting from the list of cu
rrently open views.
UML Help pages linked to by element types updated.
Timeline Dialog improved to allow easier reordering of states.
Transitions page of Timeline Dialog improved to update state list after state
Test Cases imported from Constraints, Requirements, Scenarios and other elemen
ts are now set to 'Not Run' by default.
Technology settings dialog updated to list technologies in alphabetical order.
Technology settings dialog updated to show icon and logo for the Basic UML 2 T
Double click on element features updated to handle trailing whitespace when fi
nding feature in docked windows.
Toolbox page tooltips improved to remove information included from previously

displayed tooltips.
Docked note windows now receive an update after correcting a mistake using the
model spell checker.
Border width selection from floating context menu improved with consistent res
triction on valid widths as format toolbar.
'Edit Connector on New' option updated to apply to all connector types instead
of only sequence connectors.
Security password dialogs updated to prevent entering passwords longer than wi
ll be accepted.
Project Glossary dialog updated to allow delete of multiple selected terms.
Getting Started window improved to ensure scrollbar is shown when EA is loaded
if necessary.
Hyperlinks to files can now be set to open the file for viewing or editing usi
ng the windows default program for each action.
Hyperlink option available when dragging file onto diagram or from hyperlink p
roperties dialog.
Tagged Values to specify specific connector line styles updated to ensure that
line style can not be modified on a diagram.
Diagram Caption Bar display improved to ensure separation of diagram icon and
Select Trial Version dialog updated:
. Workspace Layout selection added to assist users to customize display.
. Hyperlinks to useful videos and web pages added to help users get going qu
Deletion of elements from Model Search results improved.
Rename of Operation Pre/Post Conditions improved.
'Convert to Instance' command renamed to 'Convert to Property' where required.
Keyboard navigation of 'Link note to element feature' dialog improved.
Element properties dialog updated to ensure changes to Status or Concurrency a
re recognized and will trigger a prompt to save if necessary.
Added support for pasting diagrams under an element instead of only under pack
UML Stereotypes dialog updated to remove 'composition' from the base class lis
t. Composition is not a base class itself and you can use association or aggreg
ation instead.
Type combo for Attribute and Operation types improved clear existing classifie
r when typing new type.
Text Fields and Combo Boxes defining classifiers now support [Ctrl]+[Space] to
invoke the Select Classifier dialog.
Baseline compare difference dialog modified to provide better opening position
Option to automatically create instances when dropping a classifier on a diagr
am improved to remove situations where it could become on by default.
'Getting Started' task pane has been modified for easier navigability and to i
nclude features new to version 8.
Element List modified to restore automatic expansion of all items in hierarchy
Workspace Layout dialog modified to list Custom layouts before System layouts.
Hyperlink creation with Unicode text in Linked Document Editor and note fields
in WINE improved.
Team Review Window updated to set focus to editor after creating an item.
Many features adding new elements to a model updated to better handle models t
hat are 'Load on Demand'.
Workspace Layout files (.eaworkspace) created by previous versions of Enterpri
se Architect are now upgraded to be compatible with the current version when app
New Glossary Term dialog will now fill with existing data if attempting to cre
ate a duplicate entry.
Select Item Dialog improved to show current selection consistently in lazy loa
ded models.

Auditing View updated to better support Lazy Loaded models.

Select <Item> Dialog updated to restore behavior when clicking 'OK' button.
'Apply' button removed from Visual Style dialog when running under WINE to avo
id hidden window issues.

Code and Note Editors

Note editor now supports highlighting of glossary terms (blue underline) and s
pelling mistakes (wavy red underline).
Glossary Manager now includes hyperlinked terms within rich text notes and the
new Structured Scenarios.
Glossary term auto-completion has been added to all text fields that support g
lossary hyperlinking. [Ctrl]+[Space] will bring up the Auto-complete suggestion
A 'Search For...' context menu item added to all text edit controls, enabling
you to search the current model, files and the internet for selected keywords.
Ability to select scripts using Autocomplete in the Scripting console.
Code editor controls can be configured to highlight the line that the caret is
on through the CARET_LINE_VISIBLE property.
Source Code Editor now prompts the user if the file that is being edited has
been externally modified on the file system since it was opened.
Source Code Editor now highlights only quoted strings in unrecognized file typ
es rather than assuming the code is C++ by default. This enhances the way Enter
prise Architect manages unknown code segments and generic text files.
Source Code Editor enhanced with the inclusion of syntax highlighting support
for VBScript and JScript.
Source Code Editor autocomplete performance has been improved on larger models
Source Code Editor now handles Ctrl/Alt/Shift key modifiers correctly.
Code Editor context menu now contains an entry to toggle the visibility of the
line numbering margin.
Source Code Editor context menu now contains an entry to toggle the visibility
of the structure tree.
Code Editor options changed to default to always parse files when unexpected c
ontents are found in size limit field.
Code Editors no longer display calltips while their context menus are active.
Source Code Editor context menu now appears in the correct location when invok
ed from the keyboard (eg using the [App] key or [Shift]+[F10]).
Source Code Editor now advises if files have been modified by another process
since they were last opened/saved in the editor.
Source Code Editor now supports highlighting of parameters in method calltips.
Source Code Editor now indents new lines after defining a function parameter l
ist and scope start on the same line. (eg void SomeFunction(){).
New toolbar added to code editor, allowing quick access to commonly used funct
Modification of read only files is now prevented.
New search function 'Search In Open Files'. Available from editor context men
u and File Search window.
Numerous improvements to the note editor under WINE.
Source Code Editors now process up/down arrow key presses when Mouseover toolt
ips are displayed.
Find/Replace dialog in Source Code Editor is now moved if it would obscure fou
nd search terms.
Note Editors updated to improve handling of hyperlinks after the current curso
r position.
Source Code Editor intellisense now provides mouseover information for symbols
Source Code Editor's Autocomplete list now restricts selections to Classes and
Interfaces of the current editor language.

Signature tooltips no longer shown when attempting to cast a variable.

Intellisense now provides information from the entire class hierarchy.
Find/replace dialog now appears in the same place it was last closed.
Local scripts no longer become editable after being executed.
File Search dialog results improved to always highlight term being searched fo
r after double clicking on results.
Spelling mistakes now formatted with red wavy underline instead of red text wi
th underline.
Glossary terms now formatted with blue underline instead of blue text with und
Glossary terms can be added to notes windows using the autocomplete menu by pr
essing [Ctrl]+[Space].
List styles in the notes window will indent consistently when applying the sty
le to multiple lines that contain both lists and plain text.
Structured Scenario Editor
New capability to edit and manage structured scenarios for Use Cases (as well
as other types as required).
Additional window to manage structured scenarios (additional to existing Notes
based description).
Structured Scenarios include:
. Numbered steps of type "Actor" or "System".
. Step description (Action) field.
. Uses field for Inputs, Requirements, References, and Rules.
. Result field to describe testable results.
. State field to record the current state of the progressing Scenario.
. Links to Alternate paths.
. Links to Glossary items.
. Links to other elements.
Optimized for rapid entry of scenarios.
Context References window added to list all referenced and linked elements.
Referenced and/or linked elements will appear hyperlinked in structured scenar
io text.
Ability to reverse engineer existing notes or clipboard content into structure
d steps.
Ability to reverse engineer simple activity graphs into structured steps.
Ability to generate a variety of activity diagrams from the structured scenari
os and alternate paths.
Ability to generate state diagrams based on steps and the "State" field of eac
h step.
Ability to generate Rule Composer task graphs based on Scenarios (requires a p
reexisting "fact model").
Ability to generate Internal tests for the entire scenario suite (all logical
paths) based on path and Result field.
Ability to generate External "Test Case" tests for the entire scenario suite (
all logical paths) based on path and Result field.
Ability to generate Sequence diagrams based on each step containing one or mor
e referenced or linked Elements.
. Each step containing two elements referenced will become a call message be
tween the two referenced elements.
. Each step containing one element will become a self-message on that elemen
Ability to generate Robustness diagrams based on each step containing one or m
ore referenced or linked Elements.
All diagrams and test cases can be generated from the automation interface. (
See Automation Interface and Add-In Support for more details)
Structured scenarios exported in XML formal within standard XMI import/export.
Full support via Automation Interface for adding, reading and editing structur
ed scenarios.

The Rules and Scenarios window is now dockable in the main view.
The Rules and Scenarios window has been restructured to behave consistently wi
th other windows. This includes:
. Replaced the tree that was part of the window with navigation from the Ele
ment Browser.
. The three different views previously used are now explicitly available by
selecting the relevant tab.
Docked Window modified to no longer take focus from other windows.
Context menus modified open under selected items when using keyboard stroke.
Constraints list updated with informative tooltips on its toolbar.
Docked Window updated toEnabled visual styles for the Scenario & Requirements
docked window.
Reloading the Basic Path improved to load faster.
Generation of Activity and State diagrams from Structured Specification improv
ed to support synchronization of Diagram Layout with existing diagram.
Creation of extends connectors modified to reverse the direction of the connec
tor created.
Alternate Path creation commands improved to prevent situations that appeared
to allow Alternate Paths to be added to Alternate Paths.
Context Switching while unsaved changes exist in Scenario editor improved.
'Join' column of 'Entry Points' list updated after reordering of steps.
Scenarios & Requirements View updated to select current item being edited in t
Docked Scenarios & Requirements updated to ensure Basic Paths are always avail
Import Test Cases from Scenarios updated to import text from structured scenar
Scenario steps can be created from notes or clipboard text delimited by new li
nes or sentences.
Link Note to Element Feature now can be set to link to Structured Scenario Tex

Element Browser Window

Viewing of Test, Project and Maintenance items has been added.
Viewing of Attributes and Operations that the currently selected element is li
nked to has been added.
Performance improved when selecting objects.
Clear visual cue of grayed out icons provided when no element is selected.
Scenarios shown will also include Structured Scenarios and their steps.
Expanded possible actions that can be performed from the Element Browser inclu
. Add breakpoints and view code for Attributes and Operations.
. Control selection in the Scenario and Requirements window by selecting Con
straints, Requirements or Scenarios.
. Open to the properties of any item by double clicking an item or selecting
Properties from the context menu.
. Double click on a link will open properties for the link, properties from
context menu opens properties for target element.
Team Review Window
Name changed from Discussion Forum to describe how it can be effectively used.
Discussion tree moved from view into separate docked view.
General usability improved.
Changed default visual style of posts to "page view" and allowed for saving us
er preference.
Saving a post now better handles when another user may have modified a post wh
ile it was being edited.

Added Review Status on Team Review items.

Opening a Post will now always retrieve latest data instead of using cached da
Model Search Window
Search configuration and options window merged into main view. (No longer a po
pup dialog.)
Improved and additional capabilities for the advanced SQL search editor provid
Ability to view source code on returned items using [Ctrl]+[E].
New search: 'Element Name'. Provides a unique match on element name or alias
including a possible attribute or method name.
Added the Alias field to the Simple search.
Entering in-place edit will now scroll active Diagram to ensure editor is visi
Action effect text can now be truncated and wrapped using the Feature Visibili
ty dialog for the action element.
Layout Diagram no longer moves Note or Text elements when there are no connect
ors on the diagram, consistent with the hierarchical diagram layout.
Interaction Occurrence elements enable the diagram save button when changes ar
e pending.
Background color used for feature stereotype groups improved when using strong
Text elements aligned to Center or Right will now draw correctly under Crossov
ArchiMate shape scripts improved for Grouping, Meaning, Object and Product ele
Interaction Occurrence elements modified to allow for filtering using diagram
Sequence diagrams updated to allow source activation from asynchronous message
s to be extended.
Quicklinker updated to support multiple stereotypes and will now show quicklin
ks for all stereotypes that apply.
Diagrams created from a Template Package now use current author and creation d
ate instead of original values.
Diagram Filters updated to support filtering of elements with Alternate Images
Package Elements showing contents improved when multiple packages with the sam
e name are being shown on the diagram.
Copy and Paste behavior of elements restored to diagram using undo/redo improv
Creation of some elements from builtin profiles improved.
Creation of profiled packages from the Toolbox improved to add them to the sam
e package as the diagram.
Requirement added to "Common" quicklinker sub-menu.
Shape Scripts
Custom properties of the element can now be tested against and displayed.
Multi-segment connectors will now only draw Shape Script for custom line on mi
ddle segment.
Added classifier.type element property.
Modified display of valid properties with invalid values.
Shapescripts and metafiles can be applied to element stereotypes to change the
ir appearance on sequence diagrams using the UML Types dialog.
Connectors on sequence diagrams can now have their appearance changed using sh
ape scripts.
HasProperty function updated to support retrieving values from add-in function

Code Engineering
Generation of get properties for Delphi improved.
Generate Package Source Code dialog improved to list SystemC files.
File Editor improved to handle modified default file extensions.
Generation of PHP 5 abstract methods improved.
Generation of templated C++ classes modified to generate body for default cons
tructors and destructor if they are being generated..
Transformation modified to allow specification of additional values of attribu
te containment during a transform.
Operations on C# classes now have the modified "unsafe" in the Advanced Option
s list.
Python reverse engineering now supports version 3.3.
Delphi reverse engineering supports additional Delphi 7 constructs.
C# reverse engineering now supports the fixed modifier on fields.
Python reverse engineering modified to accept empty class inheritance lists.
C++ parsing updated to support forward declaration of template instantiations.
C++ reverse engineering updated to import the scope of nested types.
Actionscript parsing updated to include support for regular expressions.
Code Template Editor updated as follows:
. Sorting of the template list will now preserve the current selection.
. Prompts to save unsaved changes added in a number of circumstances includi
ng when clicking a stereotype override and creating a new template.
Preprocessor Macro changes will now be reflected in parser from next parse ins
tead of needing to restart EA.
Code Template auto-complete list updated for macro attAllowDuplicates.
Round trip engineering support for Delphi 'object' and 'metaclass' types.
VB.Net State Machine code generation templates improved.
Delphi get property code generation templates improved.
Code Generation of current class updated to ensure current context is use for
Database Engineering
Prevent duplication of Oracle packages when synchronizing.
Display details of DBMS, server and database on import DDL dialog.
Backward compatibility for ODBC DDL schema import from PostgreSQL version 7.
Import multiple PostgreSQL table triggers.
Added option to override default foreign key name template.
Support for PostgreSQL citext and date/time/interval - with/without time zone
data types.
PostgreSQL generated DDL includes identifier delimiter characters when that op
tion set.
Modified drop statements and SQL terminator for Sybase ASE generated SQL.
Set unique column flag on importing table as new object, as well as when synch
Increase attribute initial field size to maximum of 65535 characters.
Added auto-increment Column Properties for Sybase ASE and Sybase ASA.
Ensure the Class properties dialog opens instead of the database function dial
og where the class is stereotyped <<block,function>>.
Ensure DDL schema generation creates unique Oracle sequence and trigger names.
ODBC Import from SQL Server - import correct extended property for table and c
olumn comments.
Remove random "Unspecified Error" during ODBC Import of schemas into an Oracle
Ensure SQL Server view definitions are fully imported without truncation.
Column Comments no longer generated when comment level is 'None'.
PostgreSQL generation now sorts the generated database objects taking into acc

ount the dependencies between them.

Oracle import updated to handle NUMBER data type when using Oracle ODBC Driver
Access 2007 data modeling support added.
ODBC import modified to allow apostrophes in ODBC data source names.
ODBC import now allows unicode characters in ODBC connection string.
Oracle Database Engineering improved including:
. Support for importing and generated Duration/ON COMMIT clauses.
. Generation of COMPRESS clause improved.
. Added option for handling of character length semantics.
. User name now automatically added as schema during import.
Sybase ASE 15 ODBC Import updated to include foreign keys.
Informix Database Engineering improved including:
. Binary characters no longer saved to Stored Procedure text.
. User defined functions can now be imported.
. Foreign Keys import improved.
. Maximum precision for decimal/numeric data types increased to 32.
. Imported Diagrams updated to ensure display of objects, attributes and ope
. Generated DDL improved to match data model content.
. Informix datatypes updated. Available either by download from the Resourc
es page of the Sparx website, in EABase.eap or EAExample.eap.
SQL Server Database Engineering improved including:
. Added option for handling of default constraint clauses.
. SQL Server 2005 & 2008 datatypes added to EABase.eap and EAExample.eap.
DDL Transformation updated to set foreign key column to NULL if source multipl
icity is optional (*) or (0..*).
Data Model - Synchronize the datatype of unique constraint parameters to with
datatype of the column that is part of the unique constraint.
Business Rules Engineering
Fact Model renamed to Business Domain model to more accurately reflect its pur
Added support to model business rules logic for operations using Rule Composer
Rule Composer window modified to check for valid data before opening.
Rule Composer updated to handle cell contents that are too large to display.
Rule Composer will no longer show context menu when right clicking on an empty
Rule Composer will now allow Activity Parameters to be used as Condition and A
ction Variables.
Rule Composer will now allow Operation return values to be used as Condition V
Rule Composer updated to support passing parameters to Operation Calls in Deci
sion Table.
Rule Composer modified to save multiple links to an Attribute in Computational
Rule table when the expression values are empty.
Rule Composer enhanced to allow multiple links to an operation to exist in dec
ision table.
Rule Composer modified so that tab name is preserved when editing.
Rule Composer modified to select the appropriate tree item when dropping any a
ttribute/operation/activity parameter on the Decision Table.
Rule Composer now allows resizing of Condition and Action grids.
Rule Composer usability enhanced by enabling option to add row from header row
of the rule composer tables.
Rule Composer interface improved by ensuring vertical alignment of columns in
the decision table.
Code generation modified to generate conditional logic as using nested If-else
blocks instead of simple If statements.
Code Generation modified to resolve role names for Parameters passed to Operat

ions that are linked to Rule Composer.

Drag and Drop of multiple tree nodes onto Rule Composer displays appropriate m
Object deletion will now update the Rule Composer if the object was being used
Object and package deletion updated to remove associated Rule Composer data.
XMI round trip will no longer add data for Rule Tasks.
Now possible to save from the Context Menu on the Rule Composer tab.
Rule Tasks created from quick linker will now have a default value for Effect.
Edit Allowable Values dialog will now preserve focus after clicking Save.
Rule Composer now viewable in Lite Edition.
Validation command added to Rule Composer.
Drop-down options in Rule Composer modified to open with single click.
Column Headings updated to be more informative.
Traceability between Decision Table and Rule Statements improved by highlighti
ng relevant information from each table when selecting anything in the other tab
Keyboard navigation of 'Edit Allowable Values' dialog improved with accelerato
rs, creating a new entry after previous is accepted and support for delete key t
o remove entries.
Task Pane for Business Rules added to provide easy access point to help.
In place editing of Condition, Action and Computation Action columns added inc
luding auto-complete functionality.
Execution Analyzer/Visualizer (Profiler)
New Profiler feature providing sampling of native Windows applications.
Enables rapid analysis and real time visualization of process with call graphs
of individual threads.
No instrumentation required.
Sampling frequencies typically set between 1ms and 15ms
Reports quickly identify code in application with highest call frequency.
Profiler Reports can be loaded/saved in either XML or binary format.
Profiler Reports can be stored as resource items in the Team Review center.
Suitable for profiling any Windows application for which source code and PDB f
iles are available.
Also works under WINE running under Linux or CrossOver Office running on Mac O
SX 10 (Intel).
Execution Analyzer/Visualizer (Debugger)
New main window Toolbar added with Debugging and Recording operations.
List controls in debug windows modified to accept Ctrl+A to toggle selection o
f all items.
List controls in debug windows updated to support copying contents to the clip
Watch Items window now has a toolbar to assist in managing watches.
UAC issues in Windows 7 have been addressed.
Recording Marker Sets can now be created and stored for selected Elements with
in the model.
. Rapidly bind all methods (or a subset) of a single or multiple elements wi
th recording markers
. Record all hits on the bound markers between user interface actions or oth
er "found messages".
. Visualize the recorded scenario as a detailed Sequence diagram showing all
incoming messages and system responses.
. Record complex and ad hoc interactions over time and capture actual system
responses in graph form.
. Store, manage and re-use marker sets and rapidly change between sets.
Ability to quickly markup entire class for recording whilst attached to a proc
ess. Drag and drop to breakpoint/marker set window will cause debugger to bind a

nd record any methods it discovers for class.

Stack Record Threshold can now be set for all platforms.
Attach to Process no longer requires a debug command to be set up.
Breakpoints can now be set when package doesn't have debugging configured.
Build command will now save all modified source files.
Code Editors no longer marked read-only during debugging.
Native code debugging improved to prevent breakpoints being left in after sele
cting 'Run' or 'Step Out'.
Build Scripts can now be set as the default for a model instead of just a pack
Debug Output window will now stop scrolling when new items are added after the
user has selected one.
Modifications to handling of Package Build Scripts for Non-Namespace Root Pack
Breakpoints for model now stored in local users common data folder .
Call Stack for native Windows applications expanded to show greater detail.
Watched items modified to store for current user instead of directly against t
he package. Allowing each user to have a different set of watched items.
Native debugger improved display of array elements declared as pointers.
Improved debugging of C operations.
'Attach To Process' dialog updated to remember last filter for user or system
Hyperlink elements can now specify a specific script to run.
Added ability to drop a Package Build Script on to a Diagram to create a hyper
Stack window updated with new button to toggle stack display to show all frame
s or those with source code associated.
Locals window updated to maintain scroll position while stepping through a fun
Locals window updated to highlight changed variables while stepping through a
Memory Viewer available for inspecting memory addresses when debugging native
Variables with a primitive type can now be edited in-place during debug sessio
Warnings of source being more recent than breakpoint module now shown only whe
n this is true.
Package scripts in the debug window can be pinned. Ensuring that it is always
the active build script regardless of how selection changes.
Profiler modified to list partial stack traces in a collected <unknown> folder
Saving Debug Output to File, updated to save to the path specified instead of
the default folder.
Tree controls contained in the Debug Tasks, Debug Stack and File Search dockab
le windows will now expand/contract if double clicked.
Fixed issue with connecting Execution Analyzer to Tomcat and other Java servic
Enabled limiting of Sequence diagram trace depth within .NET and Java (previou
sly limited to Native only)
Enabled full stack trace when "pause" button hit
Enabled full stack trace on exception caught
WINE (Linux and MAC support)
. Full debugging and profiling support of debuggable Windows native executab
les on Linux and Apple MAC systems.
. Debugging of Native Windows applications (debug executable with source and
PDB files).
. Works under WINE or Cross Over Office on Linux based systems.
. Works under Cross Over Office running on Mac OSX 10 (Intel).

Updated Mozilla Script Engine to 1.8.
Messages output by Script Session object now use proper Locale for translation
Script toolbar Refresh button disabled while refresh in progress.
Drag and Drop/Copy introduced to manage user scripts.
Search in Scripts added to Search Toolbar and Editor context menu.
Saving scripts from the script editor modified to use the target directory spe
cified by the user.
User defined templates can now be applied to new Scripts created through the S
cripter dockable window. These script templates in the Config\Script Templates d
irectory of the Enterprise Architect installation root.
The Scripting Window now allows users to classify Scripts under different clas
ses of Script Groups. These groups include:
. Normal Scripts: Ordinary scripts, executable from the Scripting window.
. Project Browser Scripts: Scripts that can be executed from the Project Bro
wser's context menu.
. Workflow Scripts: Scripts that will be called by Enterprise Architect's wo
rkflow engine.
Updated appearance of the Scripting dockable window's tree control and toolbar
Tree control in the Scripting dockable window will now expand/contract if doub
le clicked.
Script console updated to handle auto complete invocation when no script engin
e is created.
Scripting tree improved for deletion of script groups.
Workflow Support
Workflow Script Processing introduced to provide enhanced model management and
collaborative development.
New script engine available in Corporate and above editions.
Consumes "Workflow Scripts" written by end users.
"Workflow Scripts" define the rules and behavior concerning modifying and mana
ging elements within a model.
Rules manage changes to Status, Version, Name, Alias, Author, Phase and other
critical fields.
Rules may deny changes or limit access to fields.
Script engine provides access to the current security profile of the current u
ser, proposed change and existing state objects.
Workflow searches may also be defined to provide running lists of current work
flow assigned to groups and/or users.
Workflow scripts are able to report back to the user the reason why a validati
on check did not pass.
Workflow scripts have the ability to veto changes to an Element in the same wa
y an addin is able to.
WINE/Crossover Office Support
Speed of drawing UI and startup improved to comparable levels with native Wind
ows performance.
Numerous improvements to speed and quality of drawing user interface controls.
Numerous other fixes specific to running under WINE.
Display Images in internal RTF Viewer improved under WINE.
Improved Notes entry windows under WINE to support spell checking, glossary an
d other UI enhancements.
Execution Analyzer changes for WINE:
. Debugging of native Windows applications running under Wine/Crossover 9 no
w supported.
. Execution Analysis of native windows applications under WINE supported, in

cluding sequence diagram generation.

. Profiling of native Windows applications running under WINE now supported.

UML Specific
Actions' context menu improved to load 'Advanced options' based on the action'
s type.
Class property 'isActive' handling improved.
Set Object State command modified to allow selection of states owned by an obj
ect classifier and superclasses.
Syntax Validation of Control Flows modified to prevent occasional error when b
etween two Ref Fragments.
Qualifier support improved on connector ends, including support for Property b
ased qualifiers.
Parameters can now have multiplicity information specified.
Modeling of Properties improved as follows:
. Qualifier support improved on connector ends, including support for Proper
ty based qualifiers.
. Added Qualifiers for Attribute, Ports and Parts.
. Added Subsetting, redefining capabilities for Attributes, Ports and Parts.
Interaction Occurrence Arguments modified to load correctly from models saved
prior to version 7.5.
Loop Nodes and Conditional Nodes support enhanced.
Triggers modeling improved, with ability to reference to other model elements
based on their 'event' type.
SendSignalAction, BroadcastSignalAction support improved with provision to d
efine arguments to be transmitted to target objects.
Ability to associate an operations' behavior to any existing behavior element
Value Specification Action has been added to the list of actions that can be c
Embedded elements dialog improved to show owned and inherited elements with sa
me names and unnamed inherited elements.
Added ability to associate input/output pins as properties of Actions.
Asynchronous signal messages improved to refer to signal elements, and specify
arguments for signal attributes.
Rendering of part multiplicity in sequence diagram improved.
Reused Ports and Parts updated to allow them to be inserted and deleted.
SysML Specific
Drawing of Properties modified to use dashed border when isReference custom pr
operty is set.
Drawing of Properties modified to display name at top of shape when shape is m
ade larger.
Quicklinking of SysML Requirement elements improved to include definitions fro
m EA base Requirement elements.
Allocate dependency added to quicklinker between two Block elements.
Allocate dependency added to the Block Diagram toolbox.
Parametric Diagram toolbox improved ('Argument' removed, 'Property' added).
SysML Requirement element has "text" tagged value added.
Block and Internal Block toolboxes now include UML Signal element.
Diagram Rendering of SysML elements when SysML is disabled has been improved.
Diagram Frame text for SysML diagram improved.
Model template for capturing system requirements, constraints and designs in S
ysML has been added.
BPMN/BPEL Specific

Added support for migrating BPMN 1.0 constructs to BPMN 1.1.

BPEL Generator modified to generate the Gates in the order specified in the Se
quenceFlow tag 'GatewayOrdering' for Exclusive Data and Inclusive gateways.
Tagged values on diagrams now refreshed after being being changed using the BP
EL Properties dialog.
BPEL Generator improved when resolving a Send Task in the Exception Path to it
s upstream Receive Task in the Normal Path.
BPEL Generator Improved when resolving a Message End Event to its upstream Mes
sage Intermediate Event.
BPEL Model Validator updated to add the following checks.
. Message selected in a Task/Event belongs to the correct Web Service.
. Correct Participant has been selected for a WebService.
. Message belonging to a Synchronous Operation is used asynchronously.
. Validate Assignments referenced from BPMN 1.1 SequenceFlow connector.
BPEL Generator updated to support generating Assignments set on Gates.
BPMN 1.1 SequenceFlow connector on a BPEL diagram modified to show custom BPEL
Properties dialog.
Autosize behavior of BPMN Activity, Start Event, Intermediate Event, End Event
and Gateway elements improved.
HTML Reporting
Report generation on Oracle repository having more than 1000 elements in a pac
Modified generated files to use Windows style line endings consistently for al
l files.
Improved memory usage when generating on large projects.
Added the following new fields:
. Operation Behavior: #BEHAVIOR# (Was previously part of #NOTES# field.)
. Stylesheet name: #CSS#.
Message and Message Item sections added to support Sequence Messages.
Body-Object section: #KEYWORDS# and #LEAF# fields updated to return correct re
Icons used in generated tree control improved when generating under WINE.
RTF Reporting
Section Tree improved to sort sections in the same order they are found in the
document when loading templates.
Added the following fields and sections:
. Added "Version" field to the External Requirement section.
. Added sections Pre/Post Constraints.
. Added sections for Structured Scenarios.
. Added Linked Feature section.
. Added Connector Trigger section.
. Added StereotypeEx to External Requirement section.
Report generation modified as follows:
. Indent style generated for bulleted lists from notes changed to indent wor
d wrapped lines the same as in the notes editor.
. Rendering of Diagram_element section improved when an Element filter is in
. Generation from a Model Document modified to ensure Attribute sections are
generated correctly.
. Rendering of empty Diagram_element section improved when the Element secti
on isn't enabled.
. Legend and Boundary elements are now documented in the Diagram Element sec
. Hyperlink and other Diagram elements no longer get generated in the Child
Element section.
. "Signature" field for methods in the "Linked Feature" section modified to

include parameter types.

. Fields being generated will now have they previous style applied to them.
. Stopped headings being removed in sections when immediately followed by a
. Heading levels now automatically indent on Package and Element sections to
provide consistent styles across a document.
. Model Document generation for templates where the Package child section is
n't enabled have been improved.
. Report generation time slightly improved.
. Prevented SQL error that could occur when generating an RTF document from
an EAP file.
. Element.Realize updated to generate a a value regardless of if realized cl
asses are included in the report.
Template and document editor modified as follows:
. Insertion of Package section updated to allow insertion outside of a table
when the Model section is in a table.
. Editor modified so that changing between Fitted and Page Mode layouts upda
tes menu correctly.
. Loading and Importing of RTF documents modified to always update the SSBoo
kmark style.
. Template list modified to prevent wait cursor when navigating using the ke
. Elements with Unicode characters in the name can now be dropped into Linke
d Documents to create a link.
Import/Export of "RTF Project Constants" via reference data added.
Project Constants are now initially sorted by name in 'Generate RTF Documentat
ion' dialog.
Generate Dialog modified to set focus when it loaded.
Connector Trigger generation improved to remove SQL error.
RTF templates that have an empty Element Diagram section will use the Package
Diagram section of the template instead.
MDG Technology Support
MDG Technology Wizard options for visible pages improved when using back butto
MDG Technology Wizard default selections improved for when building a technolo
gy in parts.
MDG Technology Wizard modified to handle document templates containing ',', '(
' or ')'.
Introduced MDG Technology for Eriksson-Penker Extensions.
UML Profile saving and loading updated to support a stereotype named 'Document
Automation Interface and Add-In Support
New docked window support:
. New Add-Ins docked window that any Add-In can add a window to.
. Uses the new Repository.AddWindow method.
New broadcast events. (See User Guide for more information):
. Open and close of diagrams: EA_OnPostDiagramOpen and EA_OnPostDiagramClos
. Creation of diagrams: EA_OnPreNewDiagram and EA_OnPostNewDiagram.
. Deletion of methods: EA_OnPreDeleteMethod.
. Deletion of attributes: EA_OnPreDeleteAttribute.
. Creating an object instance makes existing broadcast EA_OnPostNewElement.
New functions. (See User Guide for more information):
. Repository.GetTreeSelectedElements() .
. Repository.VersionControlResynchPkgStatuses(bool ClearSettings) .
. Package.VersionControlGetLatest(bool ForceRefresh) .
. Package.VersionControlPutLatest(string Comment) .

. Package.VersionControlResynchPkgStatus(bool ClearSettings) .
. Project.CreateBaselineEx() .
. Project.ExportPackageXMIEx() .
. Project.GenerateDiagramFromScenario() .
. Project.GenerateTestFromScenario() .
Improvements made to the following:
. Package.VersionControlAdd() . Improved handling of the error condition whe
re the object package is already under version control.
. Package.VersionControlRemove() . No longer raises an exception when no err
or occurred. No longer attempts to delete the XMI package file. Now refreshes tr
ee icon.
. Repository.GetTreeXML() . Modified to ensure tree is fully loaded.
. Repository.GetTreeXMLByGUID() . Modified to ensure tree is fully loaded.
. Project.RunHTMLReport() . Updated to support GUIDs passed in as XML GUIDs
or regular EA GUIDs.
. Repository.GetElementSet() . Now returns an empty collection when provided
with an object query that produces no results.
. Package.Elements . Now excludes elements contained within sub-elements.
. Package.Diagrams . Now excludes diagrams contained within sub-elements.
. Diagram.DiagramLinks - Now includes connectors that haven't yet been saved
on the diagram.
EA_OnPostNewElement now supports Add-In modifying Tagged Values.
Package objects modified to handle situation where the object connector collec
tion is accessed immediately after Package.Update() is called on a new package.
Package objects modified to update the package name after updating the Package
.Element.Name property.
Add-Ins menu on Diagram no longer duplicates entries.
Java wrapper for automation interface improved mapping of EA methods returning
integers or booleans.
Locking check for Connector updates improved in lazy loaded models.
XML Technologies
XMI 1.1 import of Interaction Parameters and Occurrence Arguments improved.
XMI 1.1 and XMI 2.1 will now round trip Sequence Message co-ordinates.
XMI 1.1 and XMI 2.1 will now round trip Custom References between Elements.
XMI 1.1 and XMI 2.1 export of Attributes, Ports, Parts improved.
XMI 2.1 serialization of Activity Parameters improved.
XMI will now round trip Relationship Matrix Profiles used in a package.
XMI 2.1 import will now import RefGUID typed tagged values from other tools.
EMX importer updated to include support for the following:
. Input/Output/Value Pins.
. Interaction Operands under a Fragment.
. Linking a Message to an Operation signature.
. Resolving Interaction Use to its Linked Diagram within a model.
Eiffel Studio XMI 1.0 import will now import Generalization connectors.
Rose XMI 1.1 exporter updated to include the metamodel information in the XMI.
header element of the XMI file.
Schema import now supports schemas containing multiple prefixes for the Target
WSDL generation can now validate the correct operations between WSDL Binding a
nd PortType.
WSDL Service dialog modified to prevent clearing of Location after double clic
king on a Service in a diagram.
XMI Import of State Flow (Transitions) modified to prevent Guard and Trigger i
nformation being included in the name.
XMI Import from other tools updated to support the following:
. Constraints from Oracle JDeveloper.
. Cross references in an alternate format from RSA.
Virtual Document Package links maintained when using 'Strip GUIDs' and the tar
get packages are outside of the XMI being imported.

WSDL Importer updated to validate compatibility between the Bindings and PortT
ypes with multiple operations.
UML Pattern merge updated to check for existing connectors before creating new
UML Pattern merge updated to support setting attribute classifiers to classes
outside of the imported pattern.
XMI 1.1 import updated to handle attributes without a name.
XMI 1.1 import updated to improve import of operation parameter of "return" ty
XMI 2.1 import will now import UML Attribute properties from the UML section o
f an EA exported XMI 2.1 file.
XMI 2.1 imported will now import language specific data types from files that
have been exported without EA specific data.
XMI import updated to handle empty element representing a model-document, elem
ent-script or rule-composer.
XMI import updated to ensure child packages with version control applied are m
XMI import updated to preserve Version Control state.
XMI export performance improved in situations where a large number of attribut
e tagged values exist in the model.
XSD Element Properties dialog modified to set default type of incorrectly set
the dataType of parent XSDtopLevelElement to the created XSDsimpleType.
XMI import updated to better support auditing.
Model Management
Added support for copying and pasting a Package or Element(s) within a model.
Reference Data import of CSV styles into Oracle improved.
Reference Data transfer of code templates improved to prevent duplicate templa
tes being created.
Connection to empty repository will now prompt to transfer some data.
Export of Packages to XMI (1.1 and 2.1) enhanced to support export of child pa
ckages as stubs only:
. Stubbed package export enabled for Controlled packages and Diff/Merge.
. Diff/Merge enhanced to work with stubbed packages.
. Support for baselining root and high order packages within deeply nested a
nd complex model branches.
. Support for baselining stubbed packages via automation allows for scripts
to process entire branches.
. Fast Diff/Merge capability in large models based on use of stubbed package
s instead of full branch baselining.
CSV Import/Export imports data when the CSV_KEY field is not populated but the
'Preserve Hierarchy' option is on.
Previously only the last entry in the CSV input file would be updated or imp
orted if no hierarchy data was specified. Now all entries are imported.
Data Transfer to Oracle repositories improved for large models.
Project Transfer dialog Source and Target fields made larger to allow full con
nection string to be displayed.
Connection Name dialog modified to no longer change the case of the connection
Project Transfer to Open Edge repository updated to preserve connector notes.
Change Project Transfer so t_secpolicies is transferred last, to avoid request
s for security details in the event of a transfer failing after the enable secur
ity flag and before the security user data.
Allow connection to Oracle repository using Oracle ODBC driver.
Security and Version Control
'Apply/Release User Lock' command in Lock to Edit mode now enabled for version
controlled, checked-in packages.
Checkout operation improved when used in 'Lock to Edit' security mode. Now fo

rces refresh of lock status as part of operation, to ensure that newly applied l
ocks are recognized.
Checkout using 'Lock to Edit' security mode: after application of the user loc
k (part of check-out), now updates lock status immediately. Previously, the imp
ort was failing due to use of stale values for lock status.
Import Model Branch file selection dialog now responds to double-click on file
New function for resynchronizing VC status of a selected package. (Existing f
unction resynchronizes ALL packages.)
'Check-in Branch' functionality modified to ensure that all checked-out packag
es are reliably discovered when using Lazy-Loaded models.
Project Browser modified to draw Alternate Icons and Icon Overlays for partial
ly visible items.
Added and improved several automation functions to manipulate version controll
ed packages. See 'Automation Interface and Add-In Support' and the User Guide f
or more information.
Added support for advanced security support via user configurable scripts to g
ive fine grained edit permission to users based on security groups. (See Workfl
ow Support)
Checking of locks for very large packages under Oracle improved.
MDG Integration: Context menu "Version Control" performance improvement determ
ining package status for enabling/disabling (and hence displaying) menu items.
User and Group locking mode will now automatically lock a diagram when a user
attempts to modify it and unlock when it is saved.
Locked Elements will no longer allow Behavioral Diagrams to be created under t
hem from the context menu.
Port instances will no longer report locking error when not locked.
Release of security locks for a dirty diagram now give prompt to save changes.
Security passwords can be changed on Access 2007 repositories.
Resynch VC statuses command updated to handles Packages that are checked-out t
o another user.
Check Out of Package associated with an uncontrolled XMI file, updated to repo
rt 'XMI Not Controlled', instead of 'XMI Checked-Out to Other'.
Version Control Settings dialog updated to support sorting of the defined conf
Manage Locks dialog updated to improve sorting on timestamp column.
'Add Branch to Version Control' will now prompt user for check-in comment.
Baseline and Model Comparison
Number of characters displayed for a given property has been limited. (Full t
ext can be displayed by double clicking on it.)
Comparison of the "Default" value of a given Element improved.
Merging of Packages and Elements that have been moved out of a baselined packa
ge improved.
Merging of State and Activity composite diagrams from the baseline, synchroniz
es display properties.
'Find in Project Browser' option improved when the selected element is now out
side of the package being compared.
Comparison to exported XMI 2.1 will now give a clear error message stating tha
t only XMI 1.1 can be compared.
Element Constraints and Requirements containing line breaks will now compare.
New Baselines will now always be created with the options 'Use DTD' and 'Gener
ate Diagram Images' disabled.
Compare to Model to File updated to prevent messages saying that the file does
n't exist.
License Management
New Windows Service based Key Store provided:
Shared keys for floating licenses can now be obtained from a Sparx Systems K

eystore Service (SSKS).

The Keystore Service is a network based license management service.
Instances of Enterprise Architect are now able to contact an SSKS server run
ning on a central remote machine and request keys from it.
Enables serial and controlled access to the underlying keystore file.
Provides extensive support for logging/reporting shared key usage events and
New capability added to Keystore manager interface to manage existing file o
r new Service based stores.
The SSKS installer is available for separate download from the Sparx Systems
The installer includes both service and file based version of the Key Store
Shared Keystore Selection dialog advises the user if it could not connect to
the SSKS server with the provided details.
Matrix Profile names can now contain a quote character.
Saving Operation behavior improved to avert sporadic failure.
Unnamed Ports or Parts of a Class will no longer be duplicated when creating a
n instance.
Renaming of diagrams and objects from Project Browser updated to handle ' in t
he new name.
WAN Optimizer now supports queries over 64k characters in length.
Saving a Transition will no longer set the name to the Guard and Trigger infor
Toolbox modified to ignore Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down while using a tool.
Reloading of Package contents, and deleting a package updated to allow package
s exceeding 1000 elements under Oracle.
Profiled Association Classes created from the toolbox will now have the stereo
type and shape script applied to both the class and association.
Model Validation of Statechart Choice elements updated to allow one more more
outgoing transitions.
SysML Flow Ports on Internal Block Diagrams updated to show direction notation
'Paste as New' command will now set the created date instead of preserving the
original creation date.
Model Validation handling of OCL rules on elements using '<' or '>' improved.
Model Validation improved to handle packages that haven't been previously load
ed into the Project Browser.
Removed Zicom mentor toolbar and menu commands
Trigger Kind handling improved in translated versions.
Workspace Layouts improved to prevent problem experienced by some users that c
aused EA to minimize when switching layouts.
New connector properties that can be defined for stereotypes in profiles: _lin
eStyle, _SourceMultiplicity, _TargetMultiplicity, _SourceAggregation, _TargetAgg
regation, _SourceNavigability and _TargetNavigability.
Tasks Pane updated to always use 'Getting Started' as initial page instead of
page from a loaded technology.
Copying of Attributes and Operations with RefGUID tagged values improved to pr
eserve references.

Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 850

"Lock to Edit" security mode altered to enable the menu item "Apply or R
elease User Lock" for version controlled packages irrespective of their checkedin / checked-out status.

GUID reference tagged values can be set to an 'empty string' by selectin

g the 'none' option in the Select <Item> Dialog.
Unsigned_int16 types included in the grammar for the C++ importer.
Viewing custom references and transforms in the hierarchy window have be
en optimized to improve performance.
Java code importer modified to preserve full Java 'throws' that exceed 2
55 characters in length.
User Interface Elements generated as an element and not as an embedded t
ype in RTF reports.
RTF template editor improved to prevent the insertion of '{{' on field n
ames which could occasionally cause template corruption.
RTL fonts will not be used by default if the Windows default language is
set to Hebrew/Arabic, resulting in an improved RTF report.
RTL detection of text within a linked Document refined, resulting in the
improved generation of HTML reports.
Source Profile for tagged values retained when copying and pasting objec
ts, attributes and operations, resulting in the Profile specified type (eg. RefG
UID) still being used.
The closing of floating toolbars on diagrams has been corrected because
it occasionally caused errors.
Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 849
Ensure hidden Constraint and Synchronization elements are moved between
Packages when their owning diagram is moved.
Connector labels for Aggregation and Composition source and target roles
will display a derived '/' symbol, if the derived option is set.
Elements with inherited tagged values of type GUIDRef and GUIDRefList wi
ll display Classifier names, instead of the GUID value.
Check box option 'Always prompt before import' in the Import Reference D
ata Dialog modified to show previous saved state.
Redefined shortcuts(mnemonics) for buttons 'Columns/Attributes...' and '
Operations...' on the 'Table Detail' page.
Automation function Package.Update( ) modified to retrieve package's cur
rent lock state, prior to attempting to update the database.
Prevent the 'Ctrl+Delete' keystroke combination from deleting elements w
ithin checked-in version controlled packages.
'Add Branch to VC' command user permissions revised to be brought in lin
e with 'Configure Package' command. The command is disabled unless the user has
the 'Configure Package' permission.
Command 'Import Model Branch from Version Control' modified for better c
ompatibility with CVS - preventing error messages that were misinterpreted as CV
S command failure.
The Code Generation of Activity Graphs has been modified to handle adhoc
control flows.
Added column 'Stereotype' to the search list in the Select <Item> dialog
Select <Item> dialog search tab will find all elements when no text is e
Selecting a namespace in the browse tab of the Select <Item> dialog coll
apses all Packages and selects the chosen namespace.
Select <Item> dialog search tab by default finds items that contain your
search term returning a more comprehensive set of search results.
Context menu option 'Locate in Tree' added to Search tab of the Select <
Item> dialog for locating an item in the Browse tab.
Select <Item> dialog will indicate the version controlled status, if a T
ree item is locked and MDG technology specific icons.
Added support for round-tripping Packaging Components using XMI 1.1. Pre

viously an import could possibly result in a Packaged Component incorrectly beco

ming a Package.
'XSD Enumeration Properties' dialog improved to update all name and note
fields upon being saved.
When reverse engineering an existing Oracle packages, the system will sy
nchronize all changes that have occurred.
Oracle Tables allow duplicate constraint names to assist with standard n
aming conventions when constraints and supporting indexes must share the same na
Foreign key stereotype cannot be changed to any other stereotype.
'Find In Project Browser' for Package favorites in the Model Views windo
w is supported for models with lazy loading.
The model search window will persist column ordering when appending resu
lts from XML.
Auto resizing of some nodes has been improved to reduce CPU load.
The Rule Composer window is invalidated when changing the value of check
Ensure automation function 'Package.VersionControlCheckout' allows you t
o change a packages content with out displaying an Element Locked notification.
Allow printer page setup for the Relationship Matrix from the 'Default T
ools' tool bar.
Ensured consistent handling of Realization connectors.
Bounding rects for sequence diagrams with self connectors improved.
Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 848
Correct an issue with RTF generator and right-to-left reading order text
Prohibit display of Output list context menu when right clicking on tab
Manage collapsed state of technology based toolbox pages better.
Better managed the positioning of connector end points when adjusting wi
th mouse
Tranformations defining an incomplete classifier reference now handled c
MDG Technology wizard now handles when an invalid code options file is s
Improved selection of connector labels prior to displaying a context men
Added ability to create Use Case connector from Automation Interface whe
n strict syntax checking is enabled.
Modified Help file to improve compression and reduce size of installatio
n package
Modified display of notes in Test list to remove HTML markup when approp
RTF generation of Notes improved in 'Diagram.Messages' section.
Baseline comparison modified to add support for StateMachine and Constra
int objects.
Removed size limitation importing UML patterns into a PostgreSQL reposit
Elements created from automation interface will now get auto named alias
if set.
Toggle for moving messages with a fragment on a sequence diagram improve

Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 847

User Interface
New Search facility within code editors and Debugger to 'Find in Files'
- Search source code and text files for specific terms
- Recursive and case-insensitive search supported
- Double click on results to open in source editor
- Accessible from docked Debug window (tick Windows/Search)
- Accessible from context menu of selection within source code e
- Accessible from Main menu View/Debug and Profile/Search (for n
ew users)
- For existing users, run Tools/Customize/Menu <Reset> to refre
sh cached main menu structure
'Select Classifier' dialog modified to work with projects having an empty ro
ot (model) node.
'Bend Line at Cursor' (Ctrl+Q) command disabled when line style makes its us
e inappropriate.
The display of tagged values having fully qualified names is synchronized wi
th diagram tagged value 'inline feature' selection.
Editable features selected in diagrams (eg. Operations and Attributes) have
a new command in their context menu to quickly create a linked note and place it
on the diagram.
Tooltips have been updated for the MDG Integration diagram view.
Toolbar icons in 3 toolbars (default, project and diagram) have been res
et to resolve issues where incorrect icons may be used after upgrading from buil
d 845.
Reporting Rich Text and HTML
New sections can now be inserted directly before a table in the RTF document
template editor.
A header row will always be displayed when using filtering in the Connector
'Save As' from Template Editor will no longer default to normal.rtf.
Moving a section in the editor will not cause protected text to appear, as c
ould happen under certain circumstances previously.
The Table of Contents styles are now imported from the Master Document templ
Field Values containing the word 'quote' are now rendered more consistently.
Tagged Values notes now appear on a separate line in the following templates
(basic template), (basic template + audit) and (Master template - basic
The built-in Requirement template now excludes Text elements by default.
The Table of Contents rendering is improved when windows is configured to us
e a RTL language.
Generating diagrams using the 'Diagrams Only' report now uses the Project Br
owser order if 'Order Diagrams Alphabetically' is unchecked.
Diagram hyperlinks to web pages in HTML reports will now display the target
page when clicked.
Data Modeling
Column custom properties enhanced to support large auto increment start valu
Foreign key name updated to match foreign key name template.
BPEL Modeling and Generation
Generating XSD 'import' statement in the generated WSDL files when a WSDL Me
ssage Part references constructs in external XSD file now supported.
Importing annotations on ModelGroup from XSD now supported.

Generating WSDL 'import' statement in the WSDL file generated for BPEL now s
Exception Flows that do not merge into Normal Flow now handled.
WebService creation for Pool/Process modified to ensure name is not empty.
Automation & Scripting
Comprehensive library of JScript example scripts added - accessible from the
Scripting window.
Script Editor no longer duplicates all line breaks when saving scripts to fi
Value returned by Repository.EAEdition modified for backwards compatibility:
- Repository.EAEdition now returns EACorporate instead of EABusi
ness, EASystems and EAUltimate editions.
- EABusiness, EASystems and EAUltimate editions can now be checked f
or using a new function, Repository.EAEditionEx.
Effort.Time property added. Can be used instead of Effort.Weight to access
fractional value. Matches name used for field in user interface.
Version Control operations on the Package interface modified to better handl
e lazy loaded models.
Diagrams created from automation interface modified to use the following opt
Show diagram details,
Show public features,
Show protected features and
Show private features.
Version Control, Baselines and XML support
Baseline comparison utility updated to provide a more informative error mess
age when using unsupported XMI formats.
Compare utility option to Suppress children of missing items has been enable
Added new command 'Resynch all Statuses with VC providers' to package contro
l context menu in project browser.
Use this command to ensure all model package statuses match version cont
rol provider status.
Also useful when moving or copying a version controlled model fr
om one PC/User to another, and a re-synch is required
Please read the help file on this topic as it also provides some
additional warnings about general usage.
Code Engineering
Code generation templates using classKeywords macro will now use up to date
value after it is modified on an object on a diagram.
Activity's 'isReadOnly' and 'isSingleExecution', exposed as EASL properties
to be used in the code generation templates
Actionscript generation will no longer generate a default constructor if any
constructor already exists in the class.
Actionscript parsing modified to improve handling of expressions using Vecto
r class.
Other Changes
Text on a diagram drawn using a shape script will no longer lose the last ch
aracter under Crossover Office.
Support for GDI+ under Crossover Office 8.0
Files page of the element properties dialog will now show the last write tim
e in the current timezone.
Source code editor's find/replace performance improved when replace term inc
ludes the search term.
Source code editor has new feature to go to definition of selected symbol if
defined in the model.

User profiles specifying an instance type for an element will now be able to
specify an instance type from another profile.

Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 846

User Interface
Select Classifier dialog and other dialogs requiring an object to be selecte
d have been redesigned to make finding the target faster and easier.
Classifier dialog now supports:
Tree based selection of elements (similar to Project Browser)
Search based selection - based on required item type and/or stereotype
Last selected item remembered for fast access to similar locations
Element List window significantly upgraded
Hierarchical (tree style) display and in-place editing now supported
Keyboard navigation updated to support more 'spreadsheet' like editing s
Ability to Add New elements quickly and efficiently improved
Report based on Tree Style display now supported
Tagged values page added to several property dialogs
Element property dialog
Attribute property dialog
Operation property dialog
Connector property dialog
--'Show Feature' option added to the Feature Visibility dialog. Allows modele
rs to specify the features they want to show instead of those they want to hide.
CSV Import/Export now gives a warning if no action is selected.
'Link to Element Feature' dialog usability improved.
Objects with the SysML <<view>> stereotype now show the correct SysML proper
ties dialog.
When selecting a View or Workspace from the main View Menu or the Workspace
toolbar, always bring that View's window to the front and/or give it focus.
'Type' combo box in Hyperlink Details dialog, drop down size under Windows 2
000 increased.
Changed method of specifying classifier information for Activity parameters,
to restrict selection to items in drop-down list.
Added parameters' 'type' information in Arguments dialog.
'New Element' dialog, updated to facilitate adding generalizable profile ele
'Warn about spaces in class names' option is now disabled by default.
Visual Execution Analyzer
New support for debugging Microsoft .NET dynamic 'In Memory' assemblies and
including in Sequence Diagrams.
New Stack Copy marker added that performs silent capture of stacktrace at a
points in an application.
Stack Toolbar has new buttons allowing Stack copying and Sequence Recording
Limit relative auto-recording stack depth option added to Options page of 'P
ackage Script' dialog
Significant native code profiling speed improvements.
Recording of other API calls in native debugger now supported.
Create sequence diagrams from native code showing where external code is bei
ng called.
--Java server debugging improved to support re-attachments to the same process

(eg. recording multiple Tomcat service interactions)

The 'Watches' window has been renamed to 'Data Breakpoints' to more accurate
ly reflect its function.
The 'Autos' window has been renamed to the 'Watches' window.
The 'Options' tab in Package Script dialog renamed to 'Sequence Diagram Reco
Context menus have been added to some debugging windows.
Thread Start and Thread Exit entries are no longer captured in the recording
Source code editor now allows non-destructive key combinations (such as Find
/Goto Line) while debugging.
MDG Technology wizard expanded to include
Diagram types
Toolbox definitions
Taskpane definitions.
MDG Technologies enhanced to support
RTF Report templates
Linked Document templates
Added support for transparently importing model reference data from an XML f
ile, as a model is loaded.
Automatically synchronizes a model with a reference data file
File version stored in model and checked at load time
When the model is out of date, the reference data is imported automatica
Configured from Tools/Import Reference Data/Shared File
--SysML flow specification default diagram changed to an internal block diagra
MDG Technology for SOMF has had quicklinks added.
RefGUIDList and RefGUID tagged values from UMLProfiles modified to display c
lassifier names (where possible)) instead of GUID strings.
BPMN 1.1 quicklinks improved to better distinguish between stand-alone and e
dge-mounted events, and to provide quicklinks to pools.
Ada 2005 technology renamed from ADA to Ada.
SysML internal block diagram toolbox now contains ports.
BPMN 1.1 Implementation tagged value changed to default to 'Unspecified'.
Assignments tagged value added to BPMN 1.1 Sequence Flow.
SysML <<ItemFlow>> quicklink options updated from SysML 1.0 to SysML 1.1. <
<ItemFlow>> now extends InformationFlow, instead of Association and Connector.
Rich Text Reports (RTF)
The RTF Template editor may now be invoked 'in-place' from the Resources win
dow (Document Templates section)
The Resources window has been updated to show 'System' (read-only) and 'Mode
l' (editable) templates
Documentation Templates may now include Authors, Resources, Roles & Clients.
Documentation template now support custom Project fields. This allows a te
mplate to be easily shared across multiple projects.
Open the Master Document Template for editing from the Generate dialog.
--'Optimize for Open Office' is now an option on the generation dialog.
Ports are rendered as Embedded elements when generating a document.
Table of Contents is updated when generating a document.
Improved report generation to ensure that all Metrics are generated for all
Hyperlinks containing spaces have been modified to work correctly with Micro

soft WORD.
LastUpdateShort, DateCreatedShort Fields added to the External Requirement s
'Model Document' section has been renamed to 'Linked Document' in the RTF Te
mplate editor.
Master Documents generated in models that use 'lazy loading' now load all re
quired child items into the model prior to generation.
Diagram rendering in print preview of RTF documents has been improved.
Search tags on model document elements are ignored when the model document c
ontains package attributes.
Header/footer support when generating Master Documents improved.
Automatic resetting of font details after editing paragraph style now preven
Field Text Flow is restored when generating a document.
All diagram objects, including those from other packages, are generated to R
TF, when the option 'Document each contained element in RTF' is checked.
RTF template editor numbered list style for sub lists, now begins at 1 by de
HTML Reports
Improved the HTML generation to correctly implement the 'tagged values' and
'tagged value item' templates.
HTML documents now provide a larger area to display tagged value details.
Text rendering across different zoom levels made more consistent with the 1
00% optimal value (avoids small variations in element sizing).
'Configure Layouts' menu item added to the Layout quick buttons and changed
the button order.
Connector label text wrapping improved at differing zoom levels.
Line joins and line end caps drawing neatened for the Enhanced 1 and Enhance
d 2 rendering modes.
--Resizing of connector source and target role labels improved when these are
owned by the opposite Class as opposed to the Association.
Selection of labels associated with elements improved when using alternate i
Drawing of lifelines on sequence diagrams improved by limiting displayed tex
t to fit in lifeline header.
Disabled element 'Use Rectangle Notation' and similar commands when a shape
script is overriding it.
Status colors on rectangular objects in the Enhanced 2 rendering mode update
d to give cleaner display.
Default font colors in notes rendered more consistently for objects with Jap
anese or other Unicode text.
Constraint elements drawn on diagrams display simplified plain text names in
stead of marked up text.
Message arrows for collaboration messages between actors and objects improve
d (when performing shallow copies of communication diagrams).
Expansion Nodes created in diagrams updated to support immediate placement o
n the right or left sides of their parent Expansion Regions.
Object run state display modified. By default all objects where a run state
has been set will display their run state.
Modified diagram attribute display to enforce 'Show Attribute Detail' option
when set to 'Name Only'
Stereotype information displayed on connectors and the elements they connect
has been made more independent of each other.
Legends copied from one diagram to another avoid occasional duplicate entrie
Tool-Tip message on connector context menu for displaying hidden line segmen

ts modified to 'Show All Line Segments'

Line-wrapping for names of Process elements modified
contained within the element boundaries.
Printing of note elements containing bullets or list
Sequence Diagrams containing self-messages when copy
s clipboard will now have less blank space above them.
Multiple selections will now be retained when a drag
Shift key is depressed.

to ensure that text is

numbering improved.
and pasting from Window
is initiated while the

Data Modeling
Foreign keys synchronized when reverse engineering database schema with 'Pac
kage Only' option selected.
Option to 'Include Triggers' added when reverse engineering database schema.
Show full Oracle DBMS version on table properties dialog.
General Improvements to Oracle ODBC Import...
- Synchronizing default values and foreign keys
- Preventing duplicate foreign keys
- Preventing primary keys duplicated as indexes.
Reverse engineering MySQL schema modified to include all foreign keys.
UNSIGNED and ZEROFILL columns added to reverse and forward engineering of My
SQL schemas.
Diagram saved when reverse engineering database schemas with auto-layout opt
ion set.
InterBase and Firebird reverse engineering modified to support Firebird 2.0
(in addition to Firebird 1.5), and Interbase (with lower case 'B').
Reverse engineering Sybase ASE supports multiple column indexes.
DDL Transformation modified to distinguish identifying relationships.
Business Rule Modeling
Added support to export Rule Composer data as CSV.
'Rule Composer' menu item has been disabled for all elements types, except A
ctions, stereotyped as <<RuleTask>>.
BPEL Modeling and Generation
Minimum value can now be generated for BPMN 1.1 Loop Activity.
Loop condition can now be generated for BPMN 1.1 Multi-Instance Loop Activit
'Instantiate' tag on Event based Exclusive gateway mapping updated.
'TimeDate' and 'TimeCycle' tag on Timer Intermediate Event mapping updated.
Added support for mapping the tag 'ErrorCode' on Error Intermediate Event in
a normal flow.
Added support to ensure that the default gate of an Inclusive Gateway is tak
en only if the condition on all other gates fail.
BPEL Properties dialog for BPMN 1.1 Activity updated to correctly set the ta
g 'MessageRef'
BPEL Properties dialog for BPMN 1.1 IntermediateEvents updated to set the ta
g 'CatchOrThrow'
BPEL Properties dialog for Timer Event updated to treat 'Time Cycle' and 'Ti
me Date' as mutually exclusive fields
BPEL Model Validator updated to check the Sequence Flows on an Intermediate
Event in a normal flow
Events specified in a Multiple Start Event can now be mapped to a BPEL 'onMe
ssage' element.
BPEL Model Validator updated to invalidate Processes containing more than on
e valid Start or End Event
BPEL Generator updated to generate the BPEL variable representing the WSDL M
essage for a Timer Start Event
Added support for Exception Flows that merge back into the Normal Flow (
i) after the Activity and (ii) further Downstream

Automation & Scripting

Added comprehensive library of VBScript example scripts - accessible fro
m the Scripting window.
DeleteBaseline() method added to Project Interface.
Collection.DeleteAt now supports Connector Constraints.
Repository.GetContextObject() modified to return the Context Object, rather
than the Project Browser's tree selection.
Auditing functions accepting dates have been improved.
Functions Repository.ActivateTab() and Repository.IsTabOpen() updated do han
dle tab names containing an ampersand.
Adjusted reporting of Enterprise Architect version from the automation inter
Version Control, Baselines and XML support
XSD import of ModelGroups improved to handle nested ModelGroups.
Added support to handle an incorrect result code that is returned by ClearCa
se when a check-out is canceled.
XSD and WSDL export now exclude RTF tags in notes fields.
'Use DTD' in the 'Package Control Options' dialog is now disabled when savin
g Rose XMI 1.1 and XMI 2.1.
Import of Activity diagrams from XMI 2.1 files improved.
Import of element Z-Order from Rose XMI 1.1 files improved.
XMI 1.1 when using a DTD now supports round-tripping alternate-images.
XMI import process modified, to truncate Connector Role names at 50 characte
rs, when importing into MySQL, Postgres, ASA or SQL Server.
Version Control check-out status, modified to use case-insensitive tests of
user names.
Baseline comparison updated to include UML:Event elements.
Baseline comparison of cardinality on connectors corrected.
User and Model Security
Diagram Switch Type command, now respects user permissions.
User & Group locks will now be preserved when re-importing from XMI.
Other Changes
Performance improved when applying a profile stereotype to an element.
Performance improved performance when adding a profile element with tagged v
Reference Data export filters improved.
Model View change notifications no longer triggered by model reload.
Added ability for a state's operations to refer to other behaviors in the mo
Operation return type classifier selection improved, to allow selection of I
nformationItem as a type.
Operation Behavior dialog's Initial Code field saving of text including perc
ent symbols improved.
Integrity check on Oracle repositories modified to handle packages containin
g more than 1000 elements.
Model Search filter dialogs modified to use localized date formatting.
JUNIT test case output capture improved to ensure results are recorded accur
Boundary, ActivityPartition, InterruptibleActivityRegion and ExpansionRegion
can now have connectors created to them using the quicklinker.
UMLProfile tagged values will now always retain their original namespace whe
n the tagged value data is modified.
New 'Find in Project Browser' command added to Diagram Object's Inline Featu
res context menu.
'Style' field in Connector Properties dialog for connectors where tagged val
ue '_Bezier' is set has been disabled.
Help button on the dialog 'Link to Element Feature', now opens the appropria

te Help topic.
Import of tagged values when merging from baselines improved.
Java source code engineering now supports transient fields.
Instantiations of stereotyped elements now have their correctly-defined ster
eotypes applied.
OCL constraints checker modified to support isStereotyped OCL statements.

Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 845

Added SoaML (Service Oriented Architecture Modeling Language) technology for t
he Corporate Edition and above.
Added SOMF (Service Oriented Modeling Framework) technology.
Added non-normative SysML 1.1 extensions for Activity, Requirement and Paramet
ric diagrams.
Improved SysML technology quick link definitions.
Updated SPEM 2.0 Technology: improved shape scripts and added missing elements
to toolboxes.
Updated ArchiMate Technology: improved shape script for Meaning element.
Resolved namespace conflict with Zachman Technology and StrategyMap profiles.
Added 'none' value to flow ports' direction tagged value in SysML 1.1 profile.
Corrected base class of SysML's testCase stereotype.
Improved WINE implementation of saving shapescripts to bitmaps, where rounded
rects are involved.
Improved selection of text elements under WINE.
Improved display of Information Flow Items Conveyed under Lazy Load.
Improved undo of digraph layout to include connector waypoints.
Addressed possible crash when using the Enhanced 1 renderer and diagrams conta
ining arcs are zoomed out to 5%.
Corrected rendering of hyperlinks that don't have an alias set.
Ensured that "Repeat Last Element" gets stereotype information from the correc
t profile.
Modified enabling of Diagram Object context menu item "Selectable", to use Dia
gram lock state rather than element lock state.
Improved connector positioning so that connectors don't overlap labels of elem
ents that have an alternate image.
Allow hyperlinks to display the link as the label if no other name is specifie
Improved printing of elements that have their color changed by a stereotype.
Improved rendering of diagram legend lines in Enhanced 1 and Enhanced 2 render
ing modes.
Allowed embedded parts to be dropped onto an element's child diagram as freest
anding elements.
Updated and improved some quick link definitions.
Improved connector labels that are inside suppressed segment ends.
Added an option that sets whether metafiles are generated with GDI or GDI Plus
Resolved an issue with Quick Buttons on interaction Fragments.
Resolved an issue with changing thickness of connector lines.
Changed color of selection highlight to red, for locked diagrams.
Resolved issue of moving self connectors when moving the element they are conn
ected to.
Improved ability to move self-messages around a port.

User Interface
Corrected handling of 'Custom Masked Tagged Value Type'.
Added intellisense to the Code Generation Template editor.
Added the ability to choose a toolbox from the Hyperlink Details dialog when s
etting up an Activate Toolbox hyperlink.
Added combobox that groups, link type and target type by MDG Technology in Cre
ate Link dialog.
Corrected double clicking behavior in element browser.
Improved save checking on forms with RTF controls.
Improved handling of favorite diagrams in the model views window for lazy load
ed models.
Fixed problem assigning a classifier to a lifeline in a sequence diagram using
the "Add New Element" button.
Corrected 'Find in Diagram' context option for diagrams displaying as an eleme
nt list.
Corrected enabling of delete functionality in Rules and Scenarios dialog.
Made it possible to add CollaborationOccurrence elements to custom toolboxes.
Added ability to go to source code for linked method or attribute when source
code for the current element isn't available.
Added asterisk indicator to <memo> tagged value to notify tag contains data.
Improved hit test on connector ends for connector context menu.
Improved Database View Editor intellisense by providing structural information
on tables in the current model.
Added update of search view in Model Views window when double clicking search
Added Select / Deselect All button to Batch Document Generation dialog.
Fixed Properties tab allowing blank values on set property types.
Fixed Implementation Details dialog target types filter.
Improved generation of HTML reports, when using the Enhanced 1 renderer in 16
bit color mode.
File hyperlinks generated in RTF documents now work correctly in Word.
Improved rendering of Project Task/Issues/Glossary items in RTF documents.
Improved printing of images in RTF reports.
Resolved errors generating RTF report on Access 2007 repository.
Added an option to optimize RTF generation for Open Office - enables field ove
rwrite and basic metafile support.
Modified rendering of RTF documents from EAP files to prevent an SQL error.
Improved resolution of MessageRef tagged values when generating RTF.
Corrected the inclusion of Package's Linked Documents within generated RTF rep
Changed file filter to "*.jpg", for header image selection when generating HTM
Corrected ability to search by GUID, for generated HTML documentation in web b
rowsers under Linux.
Visual Execution Analyzer
Added support for native debugger to record calls to external frameworks from
model where symbols can be located
Added support to specify additional symbol paths for Microsoft Native & .NET d
Added support for Automatic display of static variables for Microsoft .NET fra
mework. Variables selected by user persist over each debugging session.
Addressed possible crash during debugging caused by missing resource string
Addressed debugging issues when attaching to windows service under Windows Vis
Thread limit increased to resolve possible failures attaching to Tomcat and Li
feray type environments
Fixed potential crash in Java Debugger which may be caused by missing root pat

h to source files in classpath property

Fixed NULL messages from Java debugger while attached to a JVM
Fixed occasional failure to change breakpoint to recording marker during debug
Resolved issue where state transitions not detected by debugger
Data Modeling
Improved DDL Generation for Oracle GRANT Statement.
Improved import of Access 97-2000 primary key, check constraint and index name
s, and default values.
Added import of Access 97-2000 views.
Ensured default database is set when newly created element's stereotype is set
to "table".
Improved DDL Generation for SQL Server and MySQL Foreign Key Constraints.
Added support for SET DEFAULT Foreign Key Constraints for SQL Server repositor
Improvements to database datatypes dialog - added common type combo box.
Code Engineering
Fixed a crash caused due to multiple nested decision-merge graphs in Actrivit
y diagrams
Fixed parent data being removed when resetting code generation options.
Fixed unintended rendering of state-machine code stub.
Added code generation for C# partial and extension methods.
Improved position where new C++ namespaces are generated to code.
Addressed Reverse Engineering Progress dialog closing automatically.
Fixed display of element parent changes in diagram when synchronizing model wi
th code.
Fixed parent data being removed when resetting code generation options.
Corrected possible duplicate package entries in Project View after importing o
f source code on a lazy loaded model.
Corrected Project View context issue after importing of source code .
Business Rule Modeling
Improved Quicklinks for Rule Flow diagram.
Added support for referencing enumeration in allowable values field of Rule Co
Modified Import of Rule Composer data to handle enum references information.
Added ability to create link to an attribute in both condition & action table
of Rule Composer.
Added support for returning values from Business Rule Flow behavior.
Improved remapping of tagged values referring to other elements in the model,
on import with strip guids on.
Fixed issue where the value of the global "Write Log" option ( in the "XML Spe
cifications" section of the "Options" dialog ) does not get applied as the defau
lt value for "Write Log file" option in the "Import Package from XMI" dialog.
Improved XMI importer to retain external references, on importing with strippe
d guids.
Modified XMI 2.1 import to realize type information, even when EA specific inf
ormation is turned off
Modified XMI 2.1 export to render primitive types information as a href to the
UML primitive types
Fixed issue where enumeration-literals were sometimes not imported from XMI 2.
Improved Interaction parameters classifier type import in XMI2.1
Improved primitive type information import from XMI 2.XX, exported by other to
Fixed issue where diagrams were sometimes not exported to XMI 2.1 when EA Spec

ific tagged-values were excluded.

Added option to import XMI using sql transaction to prevent locking issues und
er some databases.
General Changes
Corrected errors opening Use Case Metrics dialog on PostgreSQL repository.
Improved check whether currently open model is target of a project transfer.
Fixed baseline compare for Node elements.
Corrected extended search under PostgreSQL.
Added support for exporting user defined Status Types "Applies To" information
Improved detection of whether sub-folders are version controlled by CVS.
Implemented use of sub folders for package files when new packages are automat
ically added to version control.
Addressed a database error when using a shapescript that contains an image on
a case sensitive database.
Resolved issue in CSV import/export whereby elements were duplicated when GUID
S were provided in the specification.
Improved CSV import/export mechanism to correctly preserve the element hierarc
hy on import.
Corrected issue where Tagged Values would fail to synchronize for InformationF
low Relationships.
Corrected handling of EA_OnContextItemDoubleClicked broadcast when double clic
king an item in the project browser
Addressed issue with saving operation details after creating a new object via
the project browser
Corrected escaping of backslashes in literal strings on ASA repositories.
Fixed inadvertent loss of behavior classifier information on closing the behav
ior's properties dialog.
Fixed issue where changing values on the Save UML Profile dialog had no effect
on the saved profile.
Fixed issue where any new Activity's return type was set to "Boolean" on creat
Fixed MDG Technology Model Views remaining open after model has closed.
Fixed error when adding attribute stereotypes larger than 50 characters.
Fixed display of realization target and source names from different root nodes
in compare utility.
Fixed display of ampersand in list of recently opened files.
Added asterisk memo indicator to memo tagged value.
Removed the need for "create" permission in the keystore directory when using
floating licences.
Added baseline comparison option, "Suppress Advanced Properties"
Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 844
Prevented drawing of tracking lines on Start Page.
Improved dragging of image from file system onto EA diagram.
Modified Link to Element Feature dialog to show current selection when opened.
Added handling of diagram hyperlink to activate a technology.
Improved creation of profiled connecters from the relationship matrix when req
uire user lock to edit is on.
Improved drawing of dotted and dashed connector styles with a suppressed line
Added the ability to specify the number of columns in a Box layout.
Fixed issue drawing Collaboration elements with long names and stereotypes.
Enabled the display of stereotypes on diagrams for elements that display their
name in floating text labels (e.g. Ports).

Improved RTF generating time when rendering a template which contained a Table
of Contents.
Improved formatting of connector notes in default HTML templates.
Added support for document generation from custom sql search returning only gu
Improved resource report to ensure all are displayed after adding a resource t
o an element.
Data Modeling
Improved database datatype mapping from Oracle to PostgreSQL.
Added database datatypes mapping for SQL Server 2008.
Code Engineering
Modified Delphi code import to observe option for importing method bodies.
Improved code import where many | characters are used in class note.
Modified DDL Transformation to set foreign key not null based on Source Multip
Improved XMI import when connected through the WAN Optimizer.
Improved import of tagged values and element constraints from XMI 2.1 generate
d by other tools.
General Changes
Improved the process of saving the changes to an existing CSV import/export sp
Improved loading of associated behavior information for an invocation.
Improved testing of diagram object's lock state, to ensure that 'Ctrl+Del' doe
s not delete from the model, any diagram object locked by another user.
Improved the element lists filter to only include types that can be shown.
Corrected ability to create relationships in matrix when there was a name clas
h between profiles or technologies.
Improved handling of deleted elements in Rule Composer.
Prevented error when tab navigation arrows are pressed and no diagrams are ope
Removed a second error message that displayed when deleting a model branch con
taining checked-out VC packages.
Release Notes for EA 7.5 Build 843
Summary of new features in Enterprise Architect 7.5
New: Editions of Enterprise Architect
Version 7.5 introduces 3 new editions of Enterprise Architect
Two editions target specific engineering domains
A third edition wraps up everything for the ultimate Enterprise Architect expe
Each edition bundles licenses for specific MDG products that target the needs
of the domain engineer
Each edition supports advanced Behavioral Modeling and Code Generation
New custom dialogs for various behavioral elements to provide enhanced behavio
ral modeling capability.
Ability to generate source code from behavioral models.
Support for code generation from State Machines
Support for code generation from Activity Graphs
Support for code generation from Sequence Diagrams
NEW: Enterprise Architect - Business & Software Engineering Edition

Targets software engineering, BPEL generation, behavioral code from business r

ules, integration with Visual Studio and Eclipse, and various frameworks
Includes all functionality in the Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition
Examples included in the Example model
Advanced Behavioral Modeling and Code Generation for standard coding languages
Business Rules Modeling and Code Generation
Support for Fact models
Support for Rule Flow models
New Rule Composer supports modeling and configuration of complex Business Ru
les from Fact and Rule Flow models
Support for behavioral code generation from modeled Rule Sets
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) Support
Support for generating BPEL 1.1 from BPMN 1.1 models.
Introduced BPMN 1.1 Technology and BPEL diagram type
New property dialogs for BPMN 1.1 elements when placed on BPEL diagrams.
Support for additional advanced Math functions in the Enterprise Architect Scr
ipting engine
MDG Technologies and Add-in licenses included (bundled) with the Business Engi
neering Edition
MDG Link/Integration for Microsoft Visual Studio
MDG Link/Integration for Eclipse
MDG Technology for Zachman Framework
MDG Technology for TOGAF
MDG Technology for DODAF/MODAF
NEW: Enterprise Architect - Systems Engineering Edition
Targets systems, real-time engineering, behavioral code generation, executable
Includes all functionality in the Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition
Examples included in the Example model
Advanced Behavioral Modeling and Code Generation for HDL's, ADA and standard c
oding languages
ADA 2005 Language Support
Added ADA 2005 language support
Hardware Descriptions Languages Support
SystemC support added
VHDL support added
Verilog support added
Support for additional advanced Math functions in the Enterprise Architect Scr
ipting engine
MDG Technologies and Add-in licenses included (bundled) with the Systems Engin
eering Edition
MDG Technology for SysML
MDG Link/Integration for Microsoft Visual Studio
MDG Link/Integration for Eclipse
MDG Technology for DDS
MDG Technology for DODAF/MODAF
Added support for OMG SysML 1.1
Added support for SysML Parametric Simulation
NEW: Enterprise Architect - Ultimate Edition
Combines all the features in the Business Engineering and Systems Engineering
New: 'built-in' MDG Technologies
Introduced MDG Technology for Strategic Modeling - including
Strategy Maps,
Balanced Scorecards,
Value Chains,
Flow Charts,

Decision Trees and

Organization Charts.
New MDG Technology for ArchiMate, which supports The Open Group's ArchiMate en
terprise architecture standard.
New MDG Technology for SPEM, which supports version 2.0 of the OMG's Software
Process Engineering Metamodel standard.
New MDG Technology for Business Rule Modeling. Supports modeling Business Rule
s in Enterprise Architect Business Engineering Edition
Web Modeling UML Profile now incorporated as a built-in MDG technology.
New: Scripting support (Corporate Edition and above)
Write scripts inside Enterprise Architect using either VBScript, JScript or Ja
Full and immediate access to the Enterprise Architect automation object model
Built in Repository object to facilitate instant scripting
Built in Intellisense support for the Enterprise Architect Object Model
Built in Intellisense support for the major scripting language constructs on a
per language basis
Advanced math functions are also supported in the Business and Systems Enginee
ring versions of EA
Save scripts directly into the current model.
Save scripts to a local file, for use in all models.
Support for a "Scripts" subdirectory in the Enterprise Architect installation
Support for Scripts embedded in MDG Technology files.
Ability to export scripts as reference data.
Default Session objects for printing out trace information
Console window for executing script commands in "immediate" mode
New: Diagram Layout Window
Added new dockable window with 10 new layout styles.
Can help with manual layout, or automatically layout diagrams.
Each command includes configuration options, allowing you to customize the res
Added new lateral connector style.
Added logic to automatically switch between horizontal and vertical tree style
New and Improved WAN and Large Model Support (Corporate Edition and above)
Lazy Loading
Only implemented for DBMS connections (not for .EAP files)
Can greatly minimize the time taken to load large models and/or models acces
sed over a network with low bandwidth (eg. WAN).
Lazy Load capability defers loading of model packages until required by the
Is configurable on a per-connection basis, so two connections to the same DB
MS can be configured with and without Lazy Load
Can be used in conjunction with the WAN Optimizer
WAN Optimizer
Lightweight server that can be installed on a LAN connection to the host DBM
Accessible by WAN based clients over socket connection (eg. when client is o
n a WAN based VPN connection)
Acts as a local proxy to retrieve data and compress data for transmission to
Significantly improves performance by reducing the amount of data transmitte
d and the number of network calls made
New and improved Themes support
Added new visual themes (UI appearance) to choose from.

Modified all docked windows to support and use the current theme.
Configurable status bar
New status bar indicator "WAN" - active when the WAN Optimizer is enabled
New diagram zoom control in status bar
Allows for immediate configuration of a general "all diagram" zoom level.
Independent of the per diagram "zoom level" set by the diagram toolbar.
Ideal for viewing all diagrams at a higher zoom level on a per user basis.
General Appearance, Performance and Reliability Improvements
Added "slideshow" model view type, which shows all the contained diagrams in o
rder in fullscreen mode.
Added command from toolbox item context menu to synchronize the tagged values
and constraints of a stereotype.
Added Directory custom tagged value type.
Added handling of C# 3.0 and VB 9.0 code constructs.
Added handling of localized decimal symbol in Estimation factors.
Added new functionality to validate the configuration settings for version con
trolled packages.
Added 'Realization' to Create Metaclass dialog in place of 'Realisation'.
Added specific warning about opening a read-only .eap file.
Added Stereotype column to Element List.
Added support for Code Modules in MDG technologies to specify the name of cons
tructors etc.
Added support for creating profiled items from 'Create New Element' dialog.
Added support for moving required interfaces on sequence diagrams.
Added support for search filters on element Defects.
Added support for showing details of selected maintenance, project management
and testing windows item in Notes Window.
Added support for showing generated XMI, XSD and WSDL files in EA's internal e
ditor if an external viewer is not available
Added support for stripping GUIDs in tagged-values when importing an XMI 1.1 o
r XMI 2.1 file with Strip GUID option
Added support for using Sparx Keystore (shared keys) when running under Wine o
r Cross Over Office (Linux/Mac).
Added support to move or copy test cases between testing types of an element.
Added toolbar to search view, including an option for how to display the notes
Corrected minor project transfer errors.
Corrected searches on Oracle that return over 1000 results.
Discontinued support for RealTime UML add-in (rolled into Systems Engineering
Fix configuration of model validation whitelists and blacklists.
Fix direction setting of quicklink connectors.
Fixed issue of missing association notes during XSD Import.
Fixed issue when remove Trigger from Transition.
Fixed issue where the "aggregation" attribute was set incorrectly on the gener
ated XMI 2.1 for Association connector
Fixed transfer of connectors owned state in Package transformation.
Improve project transfer to and from Access 2007.
Improved auditing performance.
Improved baseline comparison of element scenarios.
Improved creation of operation returning arrays from transformation templates.
Improved current context immediately after dropping an element from the projec
t browser.
Improved display of combo boxes listing available searches.
Improved display of stereotyped Activity Partitions.
Improved drawing and tracking of Ports and Parts with shapescripts when bound
to their owning parent
Improved drawing of connectors drawn with dashed lines in tree style.
Improved drawing of formatted notes to diagram where the selected font contain

s unicode characters.
Improved drawing of long element stereotypes on sequence diagrams.
Improved GDI+ metafiles when generating RTF documents
Improved general performance in models containing a large number of security l
Improved highlight of features in diagram when selecting feature in dialog.
Improved loading time of the Classifier Dialog in very large models.
Improved performance of 'Insert Related Elements' command when a large numbers
of elements will be inserted.
Improved performance when applying a security lock to a package.
Improved performance when moving large numbers of elements on a diagram (in a
single step).
Improved reliability when using case sensitive MSSQL model
Improved resources usage while loading EA and displaying diagrams.
Improved Set Element Classifier dialog loading time.
Improved snapping of connector line points to perpendicular line segments.
Improved synchronization of attributes and methods with tagged values.
Improved synchronization of profiled attributes and operations when dropping f
rom the resource tree.
Improved version control performance when creating context menus.
Improved XMI 2.1 export of types using predefined common types.
Introduced an "All Scenarios" option as a target for notes linked to element f
Made type of bool/boolean tagged values in profiles case-insensitive.
MDG Technology for ArchiMate: changed shape scripts for interface and collabor
ation elements.
Modified CSV import routine to only allow EA style GUIDS for the GUID field.
Modified handling of text elements so that they automatically resize to fit th
e text being displayed.
Modified HTML export to only copy local files to generated location.
Modified lists for docked maintenance, project management and testing windows
to preserve absolute column widths instead of percentages.
Modified state table to only show state elements.
Observe element locking with the quicklinker.
Prevent a crash that may occur when deleting an element and its children from
the search view window
Prevent access to "Lock Item" dialog, through Diagram toolbars and menus, for
Diagram Objects locked by other users.
Prevent an error when using recent MySQL ODBC drivers which do not correctly s
upport alternate images (binary data)
Prevent deletion of packages which contain child items checked out to any othe
r user in a version controlled model
Project management element resource allocation added to core auditing level.
Redirected instant help for BPMN elements.
Restored Expand Branch functionality in Project Browser.
Updated diagrams after deleting link from Rules and Scenarios window.
Updated drawing of artifacts to account for long names.
Use transparent icons when generating HTML reports.Improved handling of transf
orming operations that return an array.
Added support for Collection.GetByName for the MethodTags collection.
Support generating RTF Master Documents via IProject.RunReport.
Added ability to compare requirement stability.
Code Generation
Added ability to list over the following properties of elements in code or tra
nsform templates.

Constraint, Effort, LinkedFile, Metric, Problem, Requirement, Resource, Risk

, Scenario, Test
Added parsing of Actionscript 3 Vector type.
Added parsing of VB.Net functions without parameter lists.
Added transform of ExecutionEnvironment, StateMachine and Trigger element type
Code & Script Editor Changes
All new, intelligent code and scripting editor.
Added syntax highlighting to the Initial Code field of the operation behavior
Allowed the appearance of Common Code Editor calltips to be specified in the c
orresponding configuration files.
Autocomplete functionality based on elements and features within the currently
open model
Automatic indenting for supported languages.
Faster loading with support for more languages and larger files
Improved brace matching.
Improved Javascript engine to better support use of the global Repository as t
he default scripting object
Improved syntax highlighting for a much wider set of languages.
Intellisense and autocomplete functionality built in.
Intellisense support added for shape scripts, database view element sql and cu
stom search query sql editors.
Prevented Code Editor key combinations from opening EA dialogs bound to the sa
me key combination.
Data Modeling
Added support for DDL generation of SQL Server index INCLUDE.
Allow for inbuilt editor to view generated DDL.
Corrected error importing schema from DB2 that includes table aliases.
Corrected middle top label for foreign keys.
Corrected reverse engineering of indexes from Oracle ensuring all indexes are
Ensured composite indexes imported from PostgreSQL contain all columns.
Improved DBView dialog handling of objects not loaded on a diagram.
Improved DDL Generation for Foreign Key Constarint Tags for Oracle Databases.
Improved DDL Generation for ORACLE INDEX Properties.
Improved DDL Generation for Oracle Storage Clauses.
Improved DDL Generation for sp_addextendedproperty statement for SQL Server da
Improved DDL Generation for Storage Clauses for UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY Constra
ints in Oracle.
Improved Drop Sequence Statement generation for PostgreSQL Database.
Improved generation of DDL for MySQL data models having circular foreign key r
Improved import of Integer columns from MySQL to display correctly in the Fore
ign Key dialog.
E ZONE datatypes.
Improved Import of SQL Server 2008 datatypes.
Improved MDA Transformation to allow foreign keys to be NULL.
Improved Order of DDL Generation.
Improved OWNER Name generation in DDL for PostgreSQL repository.
Improved support for table properties in Oracle.
Improved Table property dialog box after importing from SQL Server 2008.
Prevent editing of Foreign Key connector labels and foreign key direction.
Prevent generation of Oracle foreign key names over 30 characters long.
Stop error/warning messages about sysproperties tables when importing SQL Serv
er 2008.

Support for Geography and Geometry Datatypes for SQL Server 2008.
Improved debugging/profiling capabilities
Added debug control window to manage debugging sessions and windows
Allow greater set of operands when constructing state transition constraints
Breakpoints now show error messages when failing to bind
Create data bound breakpoints which activate on changes to data variables
Enable / Disable diagnostic logging function for debug sessions
Evaluate global / static variables using the Autos window
Modified all debugging windows to allow separate docking to create a detailed
debugging environment
More stringent matching of source code to binaries during debugging
Package scripts for selected class or package can be accessed directly using t
he Debugger Control Window.
Record/Create sequence diagrams for the current stack or history
Diagram Rendering Engine - New and Improved
Added display of compartments provided by SysML and DDS.
Added support for setting background colors of non-transparent UI Controls in
All new anti-aliased rendering of diagrams
Configurable with 3 different modes
Basic : no smoothing
Enhanced 1 : inbuilt smoothing
Enhanced 2 : smoothing via GDI+ (Not available under WINE)
Improved gradient fills of all elements
Metafile support for anti-aliased drawing (Not available under WINE and only s
upported by some client applications, such as MS Word)
Numerous enhancements to metafiles and generalized drawing routines
Smoothing of all lines and shapes, including shape scripted elements
General Diagramming Behavior
All new "Quick" buttons activated when element selected in diagram
Quick access to formatting commands
Quick access to common dialogs and commands
Quick access to Help for the current element
Quick access to Document generation for packages
Added new "sweeper" method for moving all elements relative to the mouse posit
ion on a diagram.
To activate press and hold the ALT key, then click the left mouse button and
The initial movement will set the type and direction of the "sweeper" contro
Elements on the active side (or quadrant) of the sweeper will be moved only
Added a small red italic "A" indicator to diagram elements which have a define
d linked document
Changed from single click to double click for timeline element quickbuttons.
Ensure packages dropped on a diagram from the project browser are always selec
Improved drawing of bezier curves with offscreen control points
Modified horizontal swimlanes to have a minimum height.
Separated a number of options relating to diagram appearance onto a new option
s page.
Discussion Forum Improvements
Added "Recent Discussion" node to the Model Views window for quick access to d
iscussion topics
Improved general usability of forum editor
Modified discussion forum to edit posts inside window instead of new dialog.

Documentation - HTML and RTF

Added #CLASSIFIER# to "Object - Body" section of HTML reports.
Added #STEREOTYPE# to "Link Line Item" section.
Added a "Model Document" (insert element linked document) field to RTF templat
es under the "External Requirements" section
Added Header Row menu item to RTF Document editor.
Added menu "Update Styles" to Linked document and RTF Template editors - impor
ts default styles from file "normal.rtf"
Added menu item "Insert-Insert RTF File" to Linked document and RTF Template e
Added new section "Linked Document".
Common settings are saved when the generate dialog is closed.
Corrected heading level when generating Model Documents.
Ensure .rtf extension for all RTF reports.
Improved documentation on section Tags in HTML reports.
Improved filtering of elements from search in RTF generation.
Improved generation of scenarios to legacy RTF generator.
Improved inserting of OLE objects to allow for a wider range of objects in RTF
Improved user experience and general RTF bug fixes
Internal Requirements are now sorted by name.
New RTF fields for Author and Language in the Package section.
Resource based Documents now restore options they're saved with when generatin
Table headings are now displayed correctly when filtering is used.
Viewing RTF documents has Header/Footer on by default.
Improved Element List and Search Results windows
Drag and drop columns to form instant groupings
Easier navigation
Improved performance and loading times
Improved search view and element list to allow arbitrary grouping
Improved WINE support
Improved performance under WINE. Application no longer causes high CPU load w
hile idle.
Removed separate WINE build, WINE is now automatically detected by normal vers
Model Views, Searches and Element List
Added capability for model/search views automatic refreshing and notifying whe
n new items are added.
See model views folder properties dialog.
With custom queries and integrated security supports implementation of flexi
ble workflow procedures
Added hot keys to launch model view as element list (report style list)
Added option to set double click as "Open Search in Main Window" or "Refresh F
older Contents"
Custom searches returning ad hoc columns now show a best-fit column width base
d on column content
Column layout and grouping is now preserved for all search types between sessi
Modified the drop list of Searches (eg. in the Manage Searches dialog) to cate
gorize searches by type
Printing the report view now takes landscape orientation into account
Search entry on the "Start Page" changed to use Extended, rather than Simple s
Modeling Changes
Added new behavioral modeling property tabs for various behavioral elements.

Added new type "Packaging Component". This allows for creation of components
that can contain packages.
Added support for activity partitions, and other elements selected by the user
to dock to each other.
Added support for composite interfaces.
Added support for connectors between attributes and operations. (Link objects
then specify the linked features.)
Added support for Device elements owning ExecutionEnvironment elements.
Changed display of derived attributes so that the '/' is drawn immediately bef
ore the name.
Changed display of interface elements to not use italic font, in accordance wi
th UML 2.1 specification.
Extended list of element types for which status colors can be displayed.
Improved attribute/association end comparison in model validation.
Improved handling of language-specific visibilities in model validation.
Improved syntax checking for interrupt flows.
MDG Technology Enhancements
Ability to define custom Project Browser icons for stereotypes in a technology
Ability to disable the "Basic UML 2 Technology" and to hide EA's built-in tool
boxes, diagrams and quicklinks for a fully customizable experience.
Added support for defining toolbox items for UML Patterns.
Added support for including Scripts in Technologies
Added support for specifying default swimlanes and diagram properties for cust
om diagram types.
Allow tree-style connectors to be defined in UML Profiles.
MDG Technology for BPMN upgraded to support BPMN 1.1.
Enable setting margins to diagram print/print preview.
Improved "scale to 1 page" capability
Improved handling of page size after changing printer.
Improved printing of diagram frames.
Project Security (Corporate Edition and above)
Added ability to import user ids for security from Windows Active Directory.
Added check for export permission for Batch XMI Export.
Rich text based notes
Notes editor now appears with an isolating grey border and small margin to inc
rease readability
Applies to all instances of the notes editor
Docked notes, element properties, diagram properties & etc.
Rich text notes have also been added to many more fields, including (but not l
imited to):
Additional testing fields
Maintenance fields
Project management fields
Shape Scripts
Added diagram.connectornotation property for connector shape scripts.
Added shape script attribute dockable.
Added shape script attribute fixedAspectRatio.
Added shape script property "diagram.mdgtype" for identifying custom diagrams.
Slideshow Capability
For presentations and demonstrations based on model diagrams
Play a Model View "slideshow" either at a set pace, or manually - slide by sli

Slideshows play in full-screen mode

Support for defining a Model View as a "slideshow"
User Interface
Added a "Set Font" button on the format toolbar
Added a menu option to find a CallOperationAction's operation in the project t
Added a menu option to find a Port or Part's classifier in the project tree.
Added a new button to the UML Elements toolbar - provides a menu driven drop l
ist of all available elements and connectors
Added Text, Hyperlink, Diagram Legend and Diagram Notes to the Common toolbox.
Baseline comparison now only shows changed elements by default.
Code page enumeration errors are no longer reported to the System Output bar.
Enabled execution of user specified "Tools", when no model is loaded.
Expand User Interface toolbox to include all UI control subtypes.
Extended search term string entry capacity.
Fixed display of tagged values in element compartments on diagrams under MySQL
(applies to very long values only))
Improved behavior of relationship matrix when using settings based on a profil
Improved handling of cursor when showing context menu for diagram.
Improved handling of regional formatting in the Time Allocated field of the Do
cked Resources Window.
Improved keyboard navigation around the CSV Specification dialog.
Improved list of code languages available to import when languages in database
are disabled.
Improved Project Browser multiselect under Vista
Modified hyperlink properties dialog to allow selection of the different types
of hyperlinks that are available.
Modified options dialog to show the help for the currently open page
Modified Project Transfer dialog to allow reading full values of source and ta
rget project fields.
Modified use case resize to provide visual feedback of the actual size.
Option "No warning for spaces in class names" extended to attribute and operat
ion names.
Prevent "Drop as Port or Part" dialog from popping up when dropping a class on
to a partition.
Removed display of database version in connection name and type dialog.
Version Control
Improved listing of sub-folder content using Get Package function with Perforc
Improved 'undo check-out' of TFS controlled packages, following offline checkout.
Improved version control functionality for packages with version control confi
gurations that are undefined.
Modified version control to honor last-known package statuses, when EA cannot
communicate with version control provider.
Visual Execution Analyzer
Addressed infrequent issue of activation levels being drawn incorrectly in gen
erated sequence diagrams
Debugging of Microsoft .NET managed C++ projects had issue with losss of stack
frames and missing class names which has been resolved.
Failures attaching to processes under Windows Vista have been addressed.
XSD & XMI import/export
Added support for importing UseCase "include" and "extend" connectors from Sta
rUML exported XMI.
Added support for importing a top-level element, that does not have a "type" a

ttribute or inline definition, as an XSDtopLevelElement.

Corrected export of Interaction Fragment type to XMI 2.1.
Corrected export of parent package GUIDs to XMI 1.1.
Fixed issue where importing operation tags whose value contained more than 255
characters caused database errors during an XMI 2.1 import.
Fixed issue where label co-ordinates may not be round-tripped correctly using
Fixed issue where modelGroup was sometimes generated after XSDattributes in an
XSDcomplexType class.
Fixed issue where namespace-prefixes were incorrectly generated in XML Schema.
Improved export of ActivityPartitions and its contents to XMI 2.1.
Improved import of notes on elements when importing from Rose exported XMI 1.1
and EMX file.
Fixes and changes since EA 7.5 BETA 3 Build 842
Improved handling of Files containing special characters in the name.
Corrected false difference for abstract activities.
General Appearance, Performance and Reliability Improvements
Added a message display, to indicate the locking user, when attempting to "App
ly User Lock" (an edit lock) on a diagram object that is already locked by anoth
er user.
Corrected EA runtime error whilst deleting a package with auditing enabled.
Improved error handling when an invalid URL is given for an MDG Technology pat
Corrected direction of trace dependency when quicklinking away from change and
issue elements.
Improved adding items to packages not yet loaded in Project Browser.
Improved adding profiled elements from the Element List's type combo box.
Fixed issue where tagged-values were sometimes not imported from Visio exporte
d XMI 1.0
Improved version control check-outs, to ensure that model views are updated fr
om the database when no XMI import occurs. (eg. Shared model, where DB is up-to
-date with VC.)
Corrected action of Current Element toolbar's Lock button in "Lock to Edit" mo
de, to open the "Lock to Edit" dialog.
Data Modeling
Corrected error importing from SQL Server case sensitive databases.
Corrected import of check constraints from SQL Anywhere 11.
Corrected truncation of generated Oracle foreign key names to 30 characters.
Improved DDL Generation for SQL Server databases.
XML Schema Changes
Fixed issue where relative file-paths, specified using the "schemaLocation" at
tribute on an XSD "import" or "include" element, were somtimes incorrectly resol
Fixed issue where Schema for XSDsimpleType classes, which are under XSDcomplex
Type class, were sometimes incorrectly generated.
Fixes and changes since EA 7.5 BETA 2 Build 841
Business & Software Engineering Edition
Added support for mapping Error Intermediate Event, attached to the boundary o
f an Activity, to BPEL "catchAll" element
Added support for mapping Message Intermediate Event to BPEL
Added support for using special characters in rule composer values.
Added support for validating the referenced WebService and Assignments from a
referencing BPMN 1.1 construct
Added support for XMI 1.1 and 2.1 import/export of Rule Composer data for Rule

Corrected code generation error on rendering role names of behavior parameters
for RuleTask.
Improved code generation from Rule Composer containing empty values.
Improved deleting of multiple rows at a time in Rule Composer.
Improved update of Rule Composer from object changes.
Modified rule bindings in Decision Table to use a dropdown selection for rule
Systems Engineering Edition
Improved import of ADA source code.
Improved speed of code generation for languages supporting behavioral code gen
Modified code templates across systems engineering languages.
Diagram Rendering Engine
Improved rendering support of alternate images within file or clipboard based
Improved bounds of diagram when rendering to metafile.
Improved display of RefGUID and RefGUIDList Tagged values in tag compartment f
or elements.
Improved behavior of quicklinking to existing element.
Improved rendering of large diagrams to bitmap.
Prevented element nesting changes when parent and child are moved together.
Addressed issue in Java Script causing calls to fail on COM objects requiring
arrays as parameters.
Added keyboard navigation through the Script Editor command history.
Script Console command !include has been improved to permit many more scripts
to be embedded in one call.
General Changes
Corrected editing embedded elements on creation, updating classifier details o
n edit.
Corrected generation of RTF documents from the model search window
Corrected honouring "Highlight References" option in operation parameters.
Corrected validation of communication diagrams.
Improved Code Editor syntax highlighting for BPEL documents.
Improved correlation of parameters, arguments positions.
Added support for new WAN Optimizer protocol features.
Corrected loading of element quick buttons when system display settings are se
t to 120 DPI
Fixes and changes since EA 7.5 BETA 1 Build 840
General Changes
Added additional checks to ensure keystore integrity when writes to networked
drives fail.
Improved auto-route layout to handle elements that are off the diagram.
Make legend string of StateTable to be exported to CSV file.
Added PackagingComponent to Create Metaclass dialog to allow it to be extended
in UML Profiles.
Corrected keyword for executionEnvironment elements.
Prevented adding of operations to an actor instance.
Improved determination of CVS user ID, when using CVS :sspi: protocol.
General Appearance, Performance and Reliability Improvements
Improved resource usage when moving around diagrams with Pan & Zoom window ope
Improved deleting of elements from a search view.
Shape scripted "clouds" now display correctly across all output formats for al

l rendering engines
WAN Optimizer
Lazy loaded models no longer have a separate Database Manager created for them
in the WAN Optimizer.
WAN Optimizer server address field in the Connection Details dialog now ignores
leading and trailing whitespace.
Integrated support for a new WAN Optimizer protocol.
Code & Script Editor Changes
Improved autocomplete listing for the Custom SQL Search Filter and Shapescript
code editors.
Improved Code Editor behavior when using [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C] to line comment th
e last line of a file.
Improved horizontal scroll bar behavior on all common code editors.
Improved sorting of the Code Editor's autocompletion list.
Improved the Script Editor's breakpoint margin context menu.
Prevented Code Editor key combinations from opening EA dialogs bound to the sa
me key combination.
Business & Software Engineering Edition
Added new property dialog for creating/editing BPMN 1.1 Assignment element.
Better management of Rule Composer columns
Improved validation of BPMN Web Service, Participant, Message and Assignment el
Improved the quicklink behavior for activity diagrams when Business Rules techn
ology is enabled.
User Interface
Improved position of zoom slider when starting EA.
Improved the list of buttons shown on floating toolbars depending on the curre
nt context.
Improved hyperlinks set to an EA Command
Added "LocalPath" command to list of accessible hyperlinked EA Commands
Corrected behavior of technology combo box after closing a model
Improved Javascript engine to better support use of the global Repository as t
he default scripting object
Added values to the Connector Direction field in the RTF generation dialog.
The XML returned from DoBaselineCompare now has a default encoding.
The XML returned from DoBaselineCompare now has a value Type.
Repository.EAEdition now returns identifiers for the new editions
Added Name to Connector Start and Connector End.
Improved comparison of element requirements under MySQL.

Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 834

Add-ins and Automation
Added handling for deleting linked element files containing apostrophe charact

Modified EA_OnTabClose to send the name of the tab being closed.
Improved handling of Element and Connector Custom Properties.
Improved saving of a boundary name when no other changes are made to a diagram
Improved display of diagram notes using script fonts.
Improve resizing of connector labels to allow wrapping.
Improved selection, sizing and positioning of shape scripted labels.
User Interface
Added field for Requirement Stability on Internal Requirements.
Added the ability to find the operation for a CallOperation action in the proj
ect browser.
Improved error message when no file specified for CSV import or export.
Improved handling of new activities created for state transition behavior.
Improved handling of element focus after changing font.
Improved creation of new version controlled packages from diagram.
Improved tab order in Table Attributes dialog.
Modified adding package to project browser to specify a default name.
Allowed XMI dialog to open import when child package locked.
Improved updating of open diagram's lock icon, following version control opera
RTF Documentation
Added support for advanced filters on element features.
Improved handling of non-blank Child Element sections.
HTML Documentation
Added support for blank custom property templates.
Added support for absolute links to documentation pages by referencing "index.
Improved generation of table of contents for elements containing < or >.
Database Engineering
Added support for ODBC import using "Adaptive Server Enterprise" ODBC Driver v
ersion 12.5
Added support for DDL generation of SQL Server index FILLFACTOR.
Improved Oracle ODBC import performance.
Improved import of foreign keys from Sybase ASE 15 databases.
Improved generation of sequence name in DDL for PostgreSQL Repository.
Improved Import of Stored Procedures from SQL Server 2008.
Modified View properties dialog to have consistent style to other EA dialogs.
Modified transformation engine to set the default length of columns created in
DDL transform.
Stopped trailing comma from being generated to last column of a table.
Code Engineering
Added support for 'Package Per Namespace' import to import all classes into on
e package for non-namespace languages.
Added support for parsing Actionscript 3 anonymous methods and rest parameters
with a type.
Improved generation of Actionscript 3 classes to top level namespace.
General Changes
Added support for Access 2007 as a repository.
Modified XMI export of an Oracle model containing more than 1000 packages.
Modified EMX importer to allow for an operation return-type value containing a
n apostrophe character.

Added import of CallOperation actions from EMX.

Added import of lifeline classifiers from EMX.
Added support for importing events on State Transitions from Rose exported XMI
Prevent adding of multiple instances of one element to diagram from Rose XMI 1
Improved baseline of large packages under Oracle.
Improved baseline comparison of ports and parts.
Improved display of unbounded values in XSDElement properties dialog.
Modified database transfer to write a progressive log.
Improved undo for the source editor
Improved handling of connectors when an object is converted to a local copy.
Modified viewing XML Schemas to use XML editor specified in the options.
Improved determination of status of package files created by other users, in b
oth TFS & CVS.
Improved check for CVS and SVN connection.
Improved initialisation of connection to Visual Source Safe SCC provider.
Improved status determination under Visual Source Safe, for package files chec
ked out by current user, on another PC.

Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 833

Code Engineering
Improved linking of newly imported parent class for existing C++ classes.
Improved parsing of VB.Net for handling of "new" generic constraints, multiple
attributes and custom events..
Improved handling of code around C# elif compiler directives.
Improved saving of Component Types for source directory import on Oracle repos
Resolved issue with code generation of association links with one end marked a
s non-navigable.
Removed duplicate file extensions from the import source directory dialog.
Modified import from MDG add-in to prevent importing duplicate source files.
Database Engineering
Added support for reverse engineering Oracle temporary tables.
Added support for including column names in DDL Name Templates.
Improved import of Oracle NCHAR and NVARCHAR2 datatypes.
Improved import of PostgreSQL and bigint datatypes.
Improved DDL Generation of SQLServer to account for case of sysobjects.
Improved Oracle ODBC import performance.
Modified ODBC import to preserve trailing spaces of table and column comments.
Modified DDL transformation, to set foreign key column to NOTNULL.
Modified Reset DBMS Option DialogBox to show default DBMS and table owner.
RTF Documentation
Added document option for RTF templates to exclude selected Connector types.
Added Option to Insert Page Break between Model Documents.
Added Hyperlink field to the Element.File section that creates an RTF hyperlin
k to the selected file.
Added handling of XMI style guids to several Project interface methods.
Improved scaling of diagrams when rendering RTF documents.
Improved saving of Master Documents as Resource Documents.
Improved handling of arbitrary complexity factors in Use Case Metrics report.
Modified "CallOperation" and "CallBehaviour" custom properties on Actions to g
ive the target name if one is available.
Modified Element.FullName field to return the full namespace (up to a namespac

e root).
Resolved issue where Dependency Report and Implementation Report showed incorr
ect connections.
Various improvements to linked document and template editing.
Various improvements to documentation output.
HTML Documentation
Added #CLASS# tag to the TestCaseItem Template to return which test tab it bel
ongs to. (Unit, Integration etc.)
Modified #TYPE# tag in the TestCaseItem template to return the value of the ty
pe field. (Load, Regression etc.)
Modified HTML generation to allow clicking on any visible object on a diagram.
Add-ins and Automation
Added call of EA_OnPreNewMethod and EA_OnPostNewMethod when a Property is crea
Added new broadcast events EA_OnPreNewDiagramObject and EA_OnPostNewDiagramObj
Added GetContextItem method to the Repository interface.
Improved exception reporting through the Java interface.
Improved error message when .Net add-ins can't be loaded.
Improved behavior when moving elements between packages with UI updates disabl
Improved handling of Connector custom properties.
Modified Project.RunReport to only display the RTF dialog when EA is visible.
Resolved issue calling Package.Update.
Resolved issue when using attaching a package to a project with MDG Link.
Added EA.Repository property to suppress initial security prompt if automated
login fails
User Interface
Added new Business Modeling Stereotypes toolbox.
Added support for input of Polish characters in notes fields.
Added missing tooltips on various context menus.
Added check indicators in View menu when main view windows open.
Added update of available roles in author dialog when list of roles changes.
Added update of all test tabs after importing tests from other elements.
Added saving of 'Neither' answer when dropping a class from the project browse
r onto another class on a diagram.
Improved making consecutive attribute changes of the same type in attributes d
Improved changing of multiple aspects of the default style of elements.
Improved inplace editing of interface features.
Improved promt to save linked document when closing.
Improved visibility of Academic edition.
Improved drop of multiple packages onto a model document element.
Improved context menu for connector ends when over an object.
Modified diagram selection to prevent non-selectable elements becoming current
Modified association class creation to always create an undirected association
Added support for shape scripted decorations on UML 2.0 components.
Added support for additional diagram types as composite diagrams of profile el
Added option to force anti aliasing of fonts or use the windows default when d
rawing diagrams
Improved rendering of dashed lines to metafiles and printers.
Improved resizing of objects that are partly off screen.

Improved wrapping of new connector labels when diagram page borders are being
Improved ordering of new Communication messages after showing a sequence messa
ges dialogs.
Improved rendering of sequence messages starting with '('.
Improved handling of labels for reflexive shape scripted connectors.
Improved calculation of center point for shape scripts.
Resolved issue resizing horizontal swimlanes.
Version Control and User Security
Added support for using MS Integrated Security with TFS version control.
Added support for export of Alternate Images when exporting for version contro
Added support for change of SCC Project within a version control configuration
Allowed deleting locked elements from unlocked diagrams.
Improved behavior when calling Undo Checkout, after performing an offline chec
Improved update of lock indicators in the Project Browser when releasing user
Improved testing for locks on source and target objects, when setting source a
nd target of selected connector.
Improved testing for locks on source and target objects, when adding a link to
the selected object.
Resolved issue of time lag in applying user locks.
Resolved issue of Compare with Controlled Version (under CVS) performing unwan
ted Undo Checkout.
General Changes
Added support for importing diagram notes from Rose exported XMI 1.1
Added support for exporting Package Stereotypes and Tagged-values to XMI 2.1.
Added support for importing Attribute and Association-ends multiplicities were
imported from PowerDesigner exported XMI 1.1.
Added ability to retain Diagram Hyperlinks across packages when the package co
ntaining the diagrams are deleted and re-imported from XMI.
Added update of Modified Date when a name is changed in the project browser.
Added handling of CSV Import/Export specification names containing apostrophes
Added update of displayed compartments when applying a pattern or copying elem
Improved handling of deleted packages in baseline comparison.
Improved handling of packages containing only diagrams in baseline comparison.
Improved printing of templated classes when printing not printing in color.
Improved copying a diagram containing a swimlane matrix as an image when there
is no header.
Improved update of modified package names during a CSV import.
Improved Prefix/Suffix option for display of reference parameters on diagrams.
Improved update of element packages when moving a diagram between packages.
Modified copy and paste of elements to update the alias auto counter.
Preserved value of relationship matrix profile combo after adding a new relati
Resolved issue when deleting multiple nested elements appearing on an open dia
Resolved issue of error message when deleting a diagram under MySQL.

Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 832


Database Engineering
Improved creation of stored procedures using the Data Modeling toolbox.
Improved import of complex stored procedures.
Added support for changing the order elements are generated in the Generate Pa
ckage DDL window.
Added support for generating PostgreSQL DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement.
Improved support for C++.
Improved support for Python.
Added CreateBaseline to the Project interface.
Added CompositeDiagram property to the Element interface, allowing the associa
ted diagram of a composite element to be accessed.
Added GetMethodById, GetAttributeById to the Repository interface
Added Clone to the Package interface.
Added call to BroadcastPostNewAttribute when creating a column on on a table.
Added option to Project.GenerateXSD to control generation of global elements.
Added ApplyUserLock, ApplyGroupLock and ReleaseLock to the Package, Diagram an
d Element interfaces.
Added keywords field to element section of RTF templates as alternative to tag
Corrected swapped fields for connector tagged value notes and value.
General Changes
Resolve the password is UPPERCASE for repository issue.
Minor update to the WSDL Importer to import WSDLs correctly.
Added support for turning on/off the generation of global element for all glob
al ComplexType elements during XSD Generation when called from Automation Interf
Fixed issue where replication prevented linking to a CallBehaviorAction's clas
sifier's diagram.
Fixed issue where the package "Scope" and "Abstract" values were incorrectly e
xported to XMI 1.0.
Added support for exporting and importing "isUnique" attribute on UML Attribut
es and Association-Ends in XMI 2.1.
Added support for facets as tagged-values on XSD Enumerations.
Improved Diagram delete routine to clean up objects owned by the diagram. (eg.
Text, Notes and Boundaries)
Fixed discussion forum refresh thread function when using DBMS back end.
Improved handling of float tagged values under different regional settings.
Restored code generation from connectors.
Added handling of MDG technology code options specifying extensions including
a '.'.
Prevented validation error of State Machines.
Added support for InformationFlow connectors in transformations.
Corrected synch option on Import Binary dialog.
Improved initial diagrams positions given to imported classes during a code im
Added support for importing Association End notes and default values for attri
butes from an EMX file.
Added support for importing the value of attribute "changeable" on Association
Ends and Attributes from Rose exported XMI 1.1
Improved handling of tagged values not directly created through profile in syn
chronize profile stereotype.
Fixed in-place editing in the Element List window when regions are collapsed
Diagramming Changes
Fixed syntax checking issues when moving connector ends.

Corrected issue where Notes created from the toolbar were placed offscreen.
Improved grid drawing behavior for large diagrams.
Added support for specifying a background color for UIControl elements using t
he format tool.
Added update of other open diagrams when class changed into association class.
Improved drawing of long templated class names.
Prevented feature label position from reverting when adding a new feature for
elements with an alternate image.
Improved source package display for newly created elements not in the same pac
kage as the current diagram.
Improved text alignment for rotated connector labels.
Added additional quick-link types.
Improved consistency of rules applied for strict UML checking between creating
and moving connectors.
Reduced the tab width of formatted text on the diagram for compatibility with
older EA versions.
Prevented the unhelpful menu showing a single option when creating some profil
ed elements.
Improved the colors used when native shape drawn from shape script for some el
ements, and when gradients are drawn.
User Interface Changes
Fixed issue where the "Export Package to XMI" dialog sometimes goes into backg
round when called from Automation Interface.
Modified the "Export Package to XMI" dialog so that only the XMI version is sh
own in the "XMI Type" field when "FUll EA Roundtrip" option is enabled.
Modified Rich Edit controls to rehighlight the current selection after the Col
or Chooser closes.
Improved baseline comparison and merge of composite diagrams.
Improved creation of elements from selection in linked document.
Improved rendering of Project Browser after collapse under Crossover.
Improved sorting when showing level numbers in the relationship matrix.
Improved sorting on dates in element list and search view.
Modified the docked issues dialog to always clear the resolved by field when c
reating a new issue.
Added support for saving a default type of action to create from the toolbox.
Modified the organization field of the resources editor to be optional.
Modified lists of names populated from the People dialog to remove duplicates.
Improved the indication of selected language in Spellchecker tool.
Improved spellchecking of a package when subpackages may be locked.
Added additional user feedback when directory addition to version control fail
Added additional user feedback when check-in to version control fails.
Added warning when model and registry show different version control types.
Modified search for available version controlled branches to include subdirect
Added support for alternate format of "CVS\Root" files.
Modified Information Items Conveyed dialog to allow multiple selection when ad
ding items.
Added support for synchronizing tagged values on Device elements.
Improved ports created on new instance of classifier containing ports.
Prevented security users (Corporate Edition Only) from applying a group lock f
or a group they don't belong to.
Optimizations made to
The speed of loading a model.
Filling the relationship matrix.
Loading sequence message properties.
Running an integrity check.
Drawing of large sequence diagrams.

Importing of XSD schemas.

Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 831
User Interface and Diagramming Changes
Added informative tooltips to most main menu and context menus within EA.
Added option to save bitmap images in higher resolution format (2x and 4x) fo
r high quality presentations. (See Tools/Options/Diagram)
Modified text output within EA to improve general appearance of text and eleme
nt sizing at all zoom levels. Can be turned off at Tools/Options/Diagram page.
Added ability to undo supressing or showing a connector segment.
Added quicklinks for embedded state exit points.
Added ability to display bi-directional data flows in DFD technology.
Added support for setting of property values for part elements.
Added support for user-defined creation of collapsed toolboxes.
Improved drawing of Transition label after transition name is changed.
Improved display updating of Package elements when new items are added to the
package they represent.
Improved display of the package name to be imported/exported in the CSV Import
/Export Dialog.
Improved initial layout of sequence diagrams generated by debugger.
Improved handling of moving of non-sequence elements on sequence diagrams.
Improved layout of diagrams containing very wide elements.
Improved behavior of large baseline comparisons.
Improved loading time of sequence diagrams in large eap files.
Improved movement of sequence messages on diagrams containing note links.
Modified the deletion of connectors from the context menu to use option for de
ep delete or remove from diagram.
Relationship Matrix
Added support for profiled element and connector types.
Added ability to select an element in the matrix and get information about it
from the docked windows.
Added additional UI cues such as directional arrows and highlighting to better
support current working context
Added navigation options to aid traceability
Improved speed of loading.
Version Control
Added support for switching version control configuration from TFS SCC connect
ion to a direct TFS connection.
Added support for version control commands Get Latest and Get All Latest in Sh
ared Models.
Improved spell check when model under version control.
Improved reliability of communications between EA and CVS.
Improved speed when building list of packages for retrieval from Subversion.
Corrected specification of "config-dir" when controlling packages under Subver
General Changes
Added support for enumerations containing both Enumeration Literals and Attrib
Improved auditing under SQL Server and some regional settings.
Improved Java API to allow use of Repository.Resources.
Improved testing for locked packages through Automation Interface.
Improved code editor behaviour when no project is open.
Modified creation of state machines to automatically create composite diagram.

Database Engineering
Added support for Oracle SDO_GEOMETRY datatype during ODBC import.
Improved handling of generalizations in DDL transformation.
Corrected sql syntax for reverse engineering check constraints from DB2/400.
Prevented duplication of Views, Stored Procedures and Functions on reverse syn
Added support for Audit section to Attributes and Operations.
Improved support for embedded png and gif images into a Linked Document.
Modified RTF documentation to omit elements from "Diagram Element" section whe
n element is already documented in that package.
Corrected formatting of Notes fields.
Corrected Tagged Values not displaying their values.
Added support for navigation to diagram of compound elements in generated HTML
Corrected TOC issue when viewing HTML.
XMI Changes
Added support for round-tripping "Enumeration Literals" using XMI 2.1.
Improved export of connectors linking to packages in XMI 1.1.
Improved round-trip of Package date values from using XMI 2.1.
Improved round-trip of linked-documents associated with packages using XMI 1.1
Improved round-trip of tagged-values on State operations.
Corrected import of "Condition" value on Messages from XMI.
Minor updates and improvements to the model compare and merge capability
Minor updates and improvements to the XMI 2.1 import/export process to ensure
full round trip support
Code Engineering
Added code generation support for C++ bitfields and static const attribute val
Added import of visibility for properties and events from .Net reflection impo
Added support for parsing legacy C type definitions "int long"/"long int".
Added support for parsing C++ identifiers containing $.
Added handling of non-navigable connectors to code generation.
Improved parsing of NUnit results containing setup failures.
Improved code generation of qualified type names in C++.
Improved code import when model under version control or project security.
Modified C# and VB.Net import to import nullable type identifier into type fie
ld, allowing it to be generated back out.
Prevent database warning during reverse engineer involving a long attribute na
Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 830
General Changes
Improved handling of label visibility when changing connector notation for a d
Modified TFS version control to override check-in policies.
Modified Note element creation to consistently check the template package for
a template Note element to duplicate.
Modified layout of controls on the Relationship Matrix for improved readabilit

Relationship Matrix options are now set from their own dialog, rather than fro
m the Relationship Matrix context menu.
Added "Use Element Alias if Available" option to the Relationship Matrix.
Improved the Full Screen routine to place the full screen window on the monito
r that EA was originally placed on.
Added help link for the Details tab on the Class Properties dialog.
Fixed issue where the connector stereotypes were displayed incorrectly in the
"Links" tab of an element's properties dialog.
Improved dropping of new elements onto a sequence diagram so that it uses the
correct top margin.
Improved moving of messages when moving a fragment on a sequence diagram.
Improved drawing of termination X when moving last message on a sequence diagr
Added GenFile field to CSV import/export.
Changed writing of large temporary files to use system temp directory instead
of user profile directory.
Improved "Launch" action in "Files" tab of an element's properties dialog when
default action is not open.
Improved data transfer of images to PostgreSQL repositories.
Allowed any kind of behavior for state transition effect instead of just activ
Corrected handling of BPMN associations from toolbox.
Added all valid base classes to "Base Class" combo box in stereotypes dialog.
Show metatype set by profile in Requirement properties dialog.
Modified "Information Flows Realized" dialog to keep Information Items list up
to date.
Improved handling of profile connectors in the repeat last connector command.
Added support for directly encrypting your connection string when connecting t
o a model.
Added support for Use Case connectors to transform.
Improved loading of line breaks from MTS files in MDG Technology Wizard.
Improved loading of connector constraints shown on a diagram.
Improved C++ parser handling of templated methods.
Added handling of attribute scope to package comparison.
Improved handling of automation function Collection.GetByName for names contai
ning a quote character.
Improved error message on bad call to automation function Repository.GetPackag
Project Security (Corporate Edition Only)
Improved permission checking on the "Project | Add Diagram" menu item.
Improved security checking when updating connectors through the automation int
Database Engineering
Improved check for existing foreign keys with matching name when saving a fore
ign key.
Prevent overwriting table and column comments on ODBC Import when comment sync
hronization not required.
Added support for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN statment to DDL comparison.
Added Datatype field to Attribute Section (for database columns).
Added Stereotype, StereotypeEx and Alias fields to Method Parameter Section.
Improved Parameters field of Message Section.
Added Text, Synchronization, Notes element to available exclude element list.
Extended word substitution to include: Keywords, Locked, Requirement, Feature,
Screen, Association,
Custom diagram, Last, Action, Requirement, DecisionNode, Ac
tivityPartition, Part

Added warning when generating Model Document when a package can't be found.
Improved Use Case and Use Case Scenario templates.
Improved handling of lists in element notes where template specifies numbering
in headings.
Prevented addition of blank lines after notes fields.
Prevented incorrect numbering of ordered lists in element notes.
XMI Changes
Improved import of messages and state transition guards from Rose XMI 1.1.
Fixed issue of importing association-classes twice from EA exported XMI 2.1
Fixed issue where attribute and operation "Static" property may be lost on an
XMI 1.2 and Rose XMI 1.1 import
Fixed issue importing XMI 1.2 containing diagrams.
Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 829
Database Engineering
Added support for Oracle 11g.
Improved generation of DDL check constraints for MySQL, Informix and Ingres.
Improved generation of unique constraints for MySQL.
Improved generation of foreign keys for DB2.
Improved generation of surround characters for column names.
Improved import of DB2 databases from mainframe servers.
Improved import of MySQL tables through ODBC.
Improved import of foreign keys from Oracle.
Improved synchronization of tables containing non-database related operations.
Improved handling of non-default primary key templates during DDL comparison.
Corrected deletion of operation tagged values when deleting a foreign key oper
Code Engineering
Added handling of C++ extern type declarations to parser.
Added handling of PHP foreach - endforeach blocks to parser.
Added code template macros to access class created and modified dates.
Allow import of C++ typedef elements where parent is an unsigned type.
User Interface and Diagramming Changes
Added ALT-DOWN/ALT-UP support for combo boxes in docked tab dialogs.
Added support for filtering for Scenario tests in Testing Details dialog.
Improved rendering of editable features of elements under Visual Studio or Ecl
ipse Integration.
Improved rotation and saving of Fork/Join elements.
Improved drawing of nesting connectors at different angles.
Improved switching diagram type between built-in types and MDG technology type
Improved moving of fragments with messages on a sequence diagram.
Improved deleting of connectors from state table.
Adding a new package from the project browser no longer dirties the current di
Allow model views window to find newly added view packages.
XMI Changes
Added support for exporting type information in XMI 2.1.
Improved handling of long notes when importing an EMX file.
Improved XMI import of Sequence Message operations when stripping guids.
Improved export of profile tagged values to XMI 2.1.
Improved compatibility and compliance of exporting Activity Final Node to XMI
2.1. (Note. Prior versions of EA will be unable to read activity final nodes fr

om this XMI.)
Improved import of attribute,operation, parameter types and position from Visi
o and Rose XMI 1.0.
General Changes
Added further check to project transfer where the current model is an odbc con
nection and the target model is an oledb connection (or vice versa).
Improved nesting of elements created under a merged element by UML Pattern imp
Improved speed of comparing package to version on disk for version controlled
packages saved to stubs.
Improved handling of COM objects and date values in Java API.
Improved handling of duplicate stereotypes in project Integrity Check.
Improved handling of special characters in encrypted user passwords, when expo
rting project Reference Data.
Improved encrypton/decryption of stored TFS passwords.
Improved positioning of controls on Version Control Settings dialog, when usin
g large system fonts.
Improved storage of SCC based VC configuration details, for use with shared mo
Prevent printing operation behavior and element notes compartments in color wh
en color is suppressed.
Export tagged value notes in a profile as plain text.
Fixed interface definition of DefineRule and PublishResult functions for C++ a
Improved pasting into RTF notes editor.
Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 828
Rich Notes support
Added handling of broken numeric lists to notes. (Shift+Enter to insert newlin
e without creating new item.)
Modified linked notes to show formatting after edit in notes window.
Improved generation (to code and ddl) of notes saved using formatted text edit
or to code.
Improved input to process the SPACE key when the SHIFT key is held down.
Increased maximum length of file path for rtf report generation.
Corrected table of contents in Master Template.
Fixed issue with rendering of tables during HTML conversion.
General Changes
Improved debugging to disregard option to hide execution of lines when manuall
y recording or debugging.
Improved keyboard usability for various dialogs.
Improved undo of moving messages on timing diagrams.
Improved handling of deleted packages and concurrent users of a model.
Improved consistency between Activity alias and the alias of other elements on
Improved option for automatically accepting saved settings when doing Version
Control Check Out.
Improved compatibility with Perforce version control by submitting changes fol
lowing package file addition.
Improved error handling in Add Branch to Version Control
Added "Add to version control" option to the New View Dialog, displayed if the
parent Root Node is version controlled.
Added support for Subversion under Linux/WINE.
Added import of diagram notes from an EMX file.
Export association-classes created using Aggregation/Composition connectors co

rrectly to XMI 2.1.

Export the GUIDs of the lifelines covered by an Interaction-Use to XMI 2.1.
Importing element's "Persistence" value and Connector's Source/Destination nav
igability correcly from Rose exported XMI 1.1.
Fixed issue when auto-recording some jBoss applications.
Release Notes for EA 7.1 Build 827
Summary of new features in Enterprise Architect 7.1
Rich Notes support
Added formatting such as Bold, Italic, Underline and Lists to Notes.
Formatting rendered to diagrams, element list and search view.
Formatting included in generated HTML and RTF reports.
Formatting is stored as simplified HTML markup for portability and ease of use
Automation interfaces added to retrieve notes as plain text, HTML markup or RT
Model Merge based on Baselines
Merge changes from saved baselines into current model package.
Single item, batch item and full restore supported using merge functions.
Many improvements to speed and capability of baseline comparison functionality
Ability to load, compare and merge with baselines stored in other models (.EAP
or DBMS repository), for the same package based on GUID.
Ability to load, compare and merge with an external file
Added functions to automation interface to run comparison or merge with baseli
Expanded differences reported in model comparison.
Improved keyboard navigation of Baseline dialogs
New options to show and hide relevant results from compare
Model Views Window
New dockable window containing custom sets of model elements and diagrams
Use inbuilt or new searches to define new views of your model.
Create custom views for specific diagram or element types
Create special views based on specific "favorites" within a model
Views may be shared with other users of the same model (Model Views), or set a
s private (My Views)
Easily export views from one model and import into other models.
MDG Technology defined views may also be loaded when a profile is activated in
a model.
RTF Documentation
New Master Document (stereotyped package) element - generate and link multiple
Model Documents in one action
New Documentation toolbar linked to new "Model Document" diagram type
Link different RTF templates to Model Document elements (using tagged value) f
or complete control of final output
New context menu commands for bulk generation of RTF Resource Documents (in th
e Resource View).
New options to split large diagrams across multiple report pages.
Model Document elements may now refer directly to a named element search (tagg
ed value) as the source of the elements they will document.
Redesigned RTF generation dialog to make various options more visible.
Improved context menu in RTF template editor for Package.Element section.
Improved handling of hyperlinks from linked documents in RTF report.
Improved diagrams only report to handle option for inverted metafile text.

Improved handling of missing ole interfaces referenced from linked documents g

enerated in RTF report.
Added Fields Alias, Assigned To, and Parameter Values to the Diagram.Message s
Added Field ReturnArray to the Method section.
Added Field Guard to the Connector section.
Improved User Experience
Full Screen Mode capability - Window/Full Screen in the main menu.
Ability to create connector way points while quick linking by pressing the shi
ft key.
Highlight of target object when creating new connectors or moving existing con
Highlight of potential parent object when dragging an object on a diagram.
Added F2 key for inline editing of currently selected diagram label.
Standardized docking behavior across all visual styles.
Modified text of some context and main menu items to improve readability
Accelerator shortcut keys added to most dialogs to facilitate keyboard navigat
Ensure that the F1 key takes you to a relevant page from anywhere in EA.
Added support for moving the selected connector or object label using Shift+Ar
row keys.
Show lock status icon for in properties dialogs when context is locked.
Expanded Program Visualization with Debug & Profile
Capture and Display Object State
Visually capture instance state during program execution (Java, .NET, native
Windows C/C++)
Dynamically link an execution to a UML state machine and record state transi
tions as well as sequence calls
Include instance state markers in generated sequence diagrams.
Run multiple executions against differing state machines to capture differen
t information and state transitions
Debug Recording Markers
Set Start and End marker(s) at points in source code to record execution
between those points only.
Set multiple sets of Start and End markers
Multiple threads can now be recorded
User intervention is no longer required during execution/recording.
Multiple regions of code throughput the application can be targeted in one
Debugger Generated Sequence Diagrams
Removed parameter values on Messages that fall within Fragments, as it w
as inaccurate and misleading.
Support now exists to "Generate Sequence Diagram" from project tree shor
tcut menu, for selected native methods.
Filters on Package Scripts, used to exclude calls during recording, have
been improved.
Both class and/or method names can be now used included in list for thes
e platforms [.NET, Java, Native]
Generated Sequence Diagrams Messages include more operation detail in Pr
Debugging General
Improved support for scrolling arrays.
Improved validation of breakpoints.
HTML Report Generator
Modified sort order of table of contents to put diagrams before other elements
Modified sort order of table of contents to better mimic the order shown in th

e EA project Browser.
Ensure connector constraints are shown correctly.
MDG Technologies and Automation Support
Added support for profiles to specify if stereotyped package should always cre
ate a diagram, and what type to create.
Added support for MDG technologies to specify searches.
Automation handling of various Element and Repository with long values or valu
es containing special characters.
Added Repository.IsTechnologyEnabled() method to Automation Interface.
Added built-in profile for Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).
Prevented creation of self-generalizing stereotypes in UML Profiles.
Improved application of UML Patterns to support object being nested under a pa
rent object that exists in a different package.
Implemented ConnectorEnd.StereotypeEx property in Automation Interface.
Modified Element.MethodsEx property in Automation Interface to support method
Resolved issue causing the Attribute.IsCollection property to be incorrectly m
odified through the automation interface.
Project Security (Corporate Edition Only)
New Visible Status Indicators for user security locks in the Project Browser.
See at a glance all elements that you have locked, are locked by another user
or are unlocked.
Improvements to the "Lock Packages/Diagrams/Elements" dialogs;
Indicate current lock state of selected item.
Enable radio buttons according to current lock state.
Improved format of warning messages.
Changed the default setting of "Process Children" to unchecked, when locking a
Model Root node in "UserLockToEdit" mode.
Added new permission "Baselines - Manage". Permission to create, delete, impo
rt, export of baselines.
Added new permission "Baselines - Restore". Permission to restore from baseli
ne to model.
Improved permission checking on the Note Properties dialog.
Improved permission checking on the Package Properties dialog.
Disable options for editing matrix profiles if user doesn't have "Configure Re
sources" permission.
Improved check for appropriate permission to run a project transfer.
Refresh current user permission after deleting a User Group.
Remove locks from model elements when deleting the users or groups that hold t
hose locks.
Fixed issue where Group Locks that remain after deletion of the user that crea
ted them, were not displayed in View Locks dialog.
Ensure that all "Full Locks" are cleared from the model, when the security mod
e is changed.
Improved handling of user and group locks.
Allow automation function Repository.ChangeLoginUser to work when windows auth
entication is enabled.
Use case-insensitive comparisons of UserLogin on case-sensitive DBs, whenever
Windows Authentication is enabled.
Allow modifications to existing Users and User Groups to be saved.
Allow elements created from locked template package to be edited.
Added handling of showing locked nested packages to matrix view.
Select All/Deselect All buttons added to User and Group permission dialogs
Prevent edit of scenarios of an object when locked.
Data Management and Repository Improvements
Project transfer - prevent insertion of empty strings into Oracle not null col

Enhanced performance of project transfer to SQL Server.

Improved resolution of replication conflicts under JET 4.0.
Enabled Sybase SQL Anywhere 10 as a model repository.
Searching and Model Management
Added ability to create search for diagrams with Query Builder.
Show search view options as dropdown menu.
CSV Support
Improved CSV package import handling of stereotypes.
Added support for hierarchy preservation in CSV Import/Export routines.
Added support for a default font for a model, taking precedence over the user
set font.
Selection of actions in 'Save Model As' dialog.
Improved Project Browser behavior when dealing with multiple selections under
Windows Vista
Recent file list under main "File" menu now abbreviates DBMS connection names
Ensure that package icon is updated after clearing Namespace setting.
Prevent project transfer into the currently open project (close project first)
, to avoid inconsistent security state.
Improved importing of large patterns into certain repository types.
Improved the speed of loading oracle models over a slow connection.
General Diagramming Changes
Added options to New Package dialog to create a new diagram and to add the pac
kage to version control.
Added ability to text align diagram hyperlinks.
Improved Pan and Zoom dialog behavior when docked and not selected.
Next diagram given keyboard focus on diagram closure.
Prevent creation of last object when multiple objects selected on a diagram.
Allow customization of diagram grid whenever it is being shown.
Added support for rendering abstract Part names and customized fonts on a diag
Display RefGUID tagged values as names not GUIDs in linked notes.
Improved drawing of notes and constraints attached to links when printing in m
Drop as Port/Part to work for all kinds of classifier.
Improved loading of multiply nested diagram frames.
Allow Artifact elements to be conveyed by Information Flow connectors.
Improved synchronization of notes window with current context.
Improved diagram renaming under Vista.
Updating object scenario updates linked notes on all open diagrams.
Prevent diagram zoom changing when clicking on navigation window after it has
been hidden.
Refresh of attached notes when updating constraints from notes window.
Improved tracking of ports and interfaces around objects.
Improved rendering when scrolling diagram while moving a line.
Improved handling of swimlanes and partitions in various elements.
Solid fill interaction fragments can be pushed behind sequence elements.
Improved bounding rectangle when exporting image of class with robustness ster
Improved diagram frame when copying a bitmap to the clipboard.
Resolved issue with pasting enhanced metafiles as grouped drawing instructions
into some image editors
Improved moving of communication messages on a diagram.
Link relations dialog updates diagram when checking or unchecking relations.
Suppress set feature visibility option for elements and diagrams where it does
n't apply.

Added inplace editing of hyperlinks.

Added support for rendering Requirements in SysML compliant notation.
Improved quality of text output on diagrams.
State Tables
Added support to export StateTable to CSV file.
Improved moving and sizing of State Table.
Improved behavior when deleting States and Transitions from State Table.
Improved handling of Trigger-Transition relation on State Table.
Added Legend support for State Table diagram.
Sequence Diagrams
Added duration constraints between messages on sequence diagram.
Added support for drawing Asynchronous self messages on sequence diagrams.
Improved rendering of crossing timing messages on sequence diagrams.
Improved rendering of notes attached to messages on sequence diagrams.
Reference element created when dropping timing, sequence, communication diagra
ms onto other diagrams.
Improved selection of sequence message ends having general ordering links.
Improved dragging of sequence message end points to other elements.
Prevent unsaved sequence message moves from being lost when another diagram sa
Improved drawing of first interaction when font is larger than default.
Edit on create allows valid message as new lifecyle.
Improved tooltip quickbutton updating on sequence and timing diagrams.
Timing Diagrams
Ensure timeline rulers are included in bounding rectangle of element.
Improved drawing of Sequence, Communication and Timing diagrams dragged as a r
eference onto another diagram.
Improved usability of timeline editing in busy diagrams.
Improved position of new image when pasted into a scrolled or zoomed diagram.
Support of Ctrl+C for copying search results as text to clipboard.
Improved copying of diagrams containing communication messages or a diagram ma
Improved copying of diagrams containing swimlanes under PostgreSQL.
Visual Elements
Classes with business modeling stereotypes obey Use Alias if Available option.
Improved context setting when multiple items are selected.
Ensure only one object selected when applying image to element from clipboard.
Added command to set the font used to draw an object on a diagram to the main
Added support for showing role stereotypes on aggregation connectors.
Added support for Interfaces in Template Packages.
Improved handling of moving various boundary elements containing other element
s on a diagram.
Support element file linking to any web protocol.
Suppressed line segments are no longer selectable.
Improved user interface when dragging connector ends between objects.
Communication message arrows follow parent connector line segment.
Improved dialog behavior when setting a state transition effect to be an activ
Improved drawing of selected bezier connectors in Pan & Zoom window.
Drawing of associations navigable at end showing aggregation.
Undo and Redo support for sizing connector and object labels.

Improved drawing of connectors where waypoint defined inside end object.

Corrected quicklinks to horizontal and vertical fork and join elements.
Add generalization quicklink between interfaces.
Diagram Layout
Changed layout algorithm for diagrams with no connections to better match elem
ents to page boundaries
Diagram Labels
Holding shift key with arrow keys moves connector and object labels.
Improved the sizing of vertical labels.
Dragging labels off screen scrolls screen.
Improved rendering of connector labels when the diagram's visibility indicator
preferences change.
Added support for wrapping Artifact, Interface and Deployment Specification na
mes on diagrams.
Improved wrapping of long Node names.
Database Modeling Changes
Added support for importing cascade constraint details for MySQL.
Prevent import of system objects from SQL Server when option not set.
Correct import of Oracle unique constraints.
Import of check constraints from mainframe versions of DB2.
Added support for importing Oracle LONG RAW and XMLTYPE datatypes.
Added owner to objects imported from Informix databases.
Added filtering/selecting of system objects when importing from Informix datab
Prevent duplicate columns in foreign key dialog.
Corrected issue when importing Oracle column name when user select Synchroniza
tion option.
Improved generation of stored procedure comments.
Modified automation interface to correctly set table type when modifying Eleme
Improved generation of SQL Server 2000 column comments when generating table o
Add convert DBMS Type options for 'stored procedures','procedure', 'view','seq
uences' and 'function'.
Showing default database type in Code Generation at toolbar from View menu.
Support Import and GenDDL for SQL Server trigger.
Compare with Database in Generate Package DDL.
Improved importing of column properties for SQL Server tables with an owner.
Include owner in drop view statement generated for SQL Server.
Support Import and generate DDL varchar(MAX),nvarchar(MAX)and varbinary(MAX) d
atatypes for SQL Server.
Stopped generation of empty comments for triggers.
Corrected import of Oracle NVARCHAR2, NCHAR and NCLOB datatypes.
Improved import of binary and timestamp datatypes for SQL Server.
Improved import of table indexes for PostgreSQL.
Improved handling of foreign key cardinality in Foreign Key dialog.
Added support import and GenDDL for dBase database.
Added reverse engineering of SQL Anywhere 10.
Resolve saving tablespace.
Corrected ODBC import from Sybase ASE.
Resolves import table's column comments for Ingres.
Support SQL Server Non Clustered Primary key Properties for SQL Server 2005.
XML Schema Improvements
Added ability to import multiple Schemas and referenced Schemas.

Added ability to generate Schemas for child and referenced packages.

Added option to enable/disable the generation of global element bound to the c
orresponding global ComplexType.
Added option to import global elements, whose name is same as that of the Comp
lexType to which it is bound to, with "Type" postfixed to its name as an XSDtopL
Added support for round-tripping "fixed" and "default" on XSDtopLevelElement a
nd XSDelement.
Improved the import time for large Schemas.
Fixed issue where changing the value of a Model-Group appended the correspondi
ng stereotype instead of replacing the existing one.
Fixed issue of missing "anonymousRole" and "anonymousType" tagged-values on im
ported "ref" elements.
General improvements in round-tripping Schemas.
Resolved element display issue when the type property of an XSDGlobalAtt is ch
anged from a classifier to a primitive type.
Fixed issue where child complexType classes were generated at an incorrect pos
ition under the parent complexType class.
Code Engineering Improvements
Added handling of several new C code constructs to C parser.
Corrected issue when importing C file with multiple classes definition when us
er select Object-Oriented Support for C language.
Importing of bitfields from C code.
Import VB.Net attributes declared with Dim as private.
XMI Import/Export Improvements
Round-tripping attributes and operations of an Activity in a DTD compatible wa
y using XMI 1.1.
Fixed issue where the condition on a Sequence Message was sometimes replaced b
y the message stereotype.
Improved export of stereotypes to Rose compatible XMI 1.1.
Fixed import of Realization connectors and Operation exceptions from Rose expo
rted XMI 1.1.
Improved import of Operation pre/post-conditions without truncating them to 25
5 characters from Rose exported XMI 1.1.
Fixed issue where Scenarios and other XMI 1.1 extension elements were lost dur
ing a Get All Latest operation on the entire model.
Improved export of association-classes in XMI 1.2.
Added support for export of non-standard multiplicities on Ports, Parts and As
sociation-Ends to UML section of XMI 2.1.
Added support for export of "isOrdered" on attributes to XMI 2.1.
Improved import of Build Scripts from XMI 2.1.
Exporting general ordering links for XMI 1.1.
Fixed issue where the condition on a Sequence Message was sometimes replaced b
y the message stereotype.
Importing of operation exceptions from Rose 1.1 XMI.
Importing of long operation pre-conditions and post conditions from Rose 1.1 X
Added support for importing Exceptions on Operations as tagged-values.
Fixed issue where operation parameter alias was lost during an XMI 2.1 import.
Improved support for importing State,Activity and Sequence Diagrams from an EM
X file.
Fixed issue where the Z-Order of diagram-elements were lost during an EMX file
Improved round-trip of Association "containment" information using Rose 1.1 XM
Improved import of diagram links from Rose XMI 1.1 and EMX file.
Fixed issue where exporting linked-notes with missing information resulted in

Fixed issue where exporting packages from Oracle containing more than 1000 ele
ments resulted in errors.
Version Control
Added ability to apply version control to all packages within a selected model
Added ability to export a version controlled package, as a Model Branch File.
Added ability to import from version control, the model branch defined by a Mo
del Branch File.
Test lock status of individual items in Relationship Matrix, rather than relyi
ng on the status of the Source and Target packages.
Improved testing of lock state, when deleting items that do not appear in the
Project Browser.
Disconnecting a package from version control, no longer deletes the local pack
age file, nor removes that file from version control.
Improved detection of Synergy SCC product, to work around incompatibility issu
Improved parsing of Subversion output to handle different line terminators.
Limit length of command string issued to Subversion, to avoid exceeding the Wi
ndows command line limit.
TFS configurations (non-SCC), now handles spaces in usernames and workspace na
TFS configurations (non-SCC), now supports use of sub-folders in the Get Packa
ge command.
Ensure that "Compare with Version on Disk", updates local package file to late
st revision, before comparison.
Improved the speed of loading and using version controlled models.
Shape Scripts
Shape scripted objects and connector labels obey "Use Alias if Available" opti
Invisible shape script labels cannot be selected.
Prevent creation of empty labels from shape scripts.
Improved some error messages in shape script editor.
Other Changes and Improvements
Added ability to import scenarios as test cases for all elements in a package.
Added ability to automatically save and close attributes or operations dialog.
Improved namespace settings dialog behavior.
Added maximum limits on constraint text fields in the General Types dialog.
Modified Get/Set Project Custom Colors routines to provide feedback if the imp
ort/export was successful.
Added new list types 'RTFTemplates' and 'SearchNames' for Tagged Values.
Added context-menu UML help for protocol state machine and trigger elements.
Synchronize Tagged Values command supports connectors of type "Connector".
Support using keyboard accelerator to open properties for selected diagram in
project browser.
Syntax-check actor instances as if they were actors.
Drop down combo boxes which contain no items in their lists are now disabled b
y default
Resolved issue retrieving connector constraints from Oracle repository using a
utomation interface.
Corrected data transfer of t_snapshot table to OpenEdge and SQL Server.
Resolved issue where the contents of Note elements are not shown when printed
or copied if the diagram is zoomed out.
Fixes and changes since EA 7.1 BETA 2 Build 826:
User Interface and Diagramming Changes

Added refresh of connector end display when changed through properties dialog.
Added extra width when resizing of elements to the width of compartment text.
Added copying of swimlanes color when copying diagram.
Improved handling of resizing code template dialog.
Improved progress display relating to batch XMI and version control operations
Improved quality of text output on diagrams.
Improved positioning of attributes and operations from project browser onto ac
tivity diagram.
Improved rendering speed long formatted notes in search view.
Improved speed of XMI exports from models using lots of classifiers.
Improved copying of transitions on timing diagrams.
Allow input of tab characters in docked notes window.
Corrected handling of hidden model views when dropping from project browser.
Corrected handling of format argument to automation functions GetFormatFromFie
ld and GetFieldFromFormat.
Corrected closing of operations dialog for locked elements.
Code, Database and XML Technology Engineering
Improved parsing of Actionscript 3 expressions.
Improved generation of primary and foreign keys for Informix databases.
Improved generation of SQL Server drop view script.
Allow element file and schemaLocation tagged value to have different values in
XSD generation.
Allow importing of markup from annotations during XSD import.
Prevent adding duplicate ports to binding diagram during WSDL import.
Other changes and Improvements
Added option for constraint type for captured state transitions during debuggi
Improved backwards compatibility of notes containing quote characters.
Improved Baseline comparison of connectors when running JET 3.5.
Improved selection of elements around EA_GetMenuItems add-in broadcast.
Improved scaled printing of notes and text elements.
Fixes and changes since EA 7.1 BETA 1 Build 825:
RTF Documentation
Improved table of contents generation when using master documents.
Added warning if user attempt to run documentation for model document searchin
g for diagrams.
Updated legacy RTF Documentation generator to handle formatted notes.
Added Fields Alias, Assigned To, and Parameter Values to the Diagram.Message s
Added Field ReturnArray to the Method section.
Added Field Guard to the Connector section.
User Interface and Diagramming Changes
Added formatted notes to message and hyperlink properties dialogs.
Added refresh of diagrams after changing various options.
Added ability to open properties of an element from package showing contents.
Added inplace editing of hyperlinks.
Added handling of formatted notes to shape scripts.
Added ability to drag files onto diagrams as hyperlinks or artifacts.
Added searches for recently modified elements or diagrams.
Added support for rendering Requirements in SysML compliant notation.
Added drawing of multiplicity of Components on diagrams.
Added ability to use custom searches that return a field named 'CLASSGUID' as
a model view.

Added access to linked documents for views and packages in Project Browser.
Improved drawing of note elements in diagram frames or linked to a diagram not
Improved drawing of Activity and Use Case elements drawn as rectangles.
Improved drawing of package contents when showing name and alias.
Improved wrapping of Use Case and Activity names when drawn as a rectangle.
Update selection of features when selection changes between dialogs and diagra
Disabled Move Up/Move Down buttons on the Model Views tab when multiple items
are selected.
Improved element selection so that clicking on an already selected element doe
s not trigger further database calls.
Code, Database and XML Technology Engineering
Improved generation of oracle column comments when using alias.
Added handling for comparing unique constraints for Compare with database in G
enerate Package DDL.
Improved parsing of several C++ constructs.
Improved generation of C++/CLI properties.
Improved generation of Actionscript packages and interfaces.
Improved creation of components from files during import source directory.
Improved importing of WSDLs containing "OneWay" and "Notification" PortType op
Improved generation of namespace-prefixes for a WSDL Message Parts, referring
to an XSD construct in a different namespace.
Improved the Debug Workbench to allow .NET processes to be started under Windo
ws Vista when User Account Control is enabled.
Other Changes and Improvements
Improved the speed of loading oracle models over a slow connection.
Improved the speed of loading and using version controlled models.
Added an option to the New Package dialog to add the newly created package to
version control.
Prevented overwriting of memo-type tagged values during stereotype synchroniza
Added a check to Project Transfer between different types of repositories (eap
and dbms).
Added handling to automation interface of using names of states when setting C
Improved handling of packages in the relationship matrix.
MindMapping technology allows creation of composite MindMapping elements.
Note: Model Views saved into a model in BETA 1 are incompatible with this build.
Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 818
General Improvements
Importing of C source files without a corresponding header file.
Referencing the XSD constructs using the correct attribute from a WSDL message
Fixed saving of profiles with invalid option data in notes field.
Exporting to correct XMI version from the Automation Interface.
Improved loading of diagram references.
Support for parsing of additional Managed C++ and MFC constructs.
Corrected issue when resolving replication conflicts use JET4.0 Option.
Added support for automatic layout of sequence diagrams.
User Interface and Diagramming Changes

Support canceling 'Synchronize Package Contents' currently in progress.

Batch XMI Import/Export dialogs modified to exclude version controlled package
s from selection list.
Update drawing style of Interaction Occurrence when toggling timeline view.
Aligned timing diagram timeline units to left edge of timing elements.
Drawing of resize handles on selected boundaries with alternate images.
Improved scroll of project browser when dragging selection above or below brow
Handle saving operation in operations dialog when only parameter classifier ch
Reporting Improvements
Font used for multi-line notes in RTF reports.
Rendering of tagged values referencing other model elements in RTF and HTML re
Handling of names containing a '\' character in HTML reports.
Database Modeling Improvements
Corrected behavior of table column PK, Unique and Not Null options.
Import of multiple unique constraints.
Import of stored procedures and functions.
Generation of drop statement for PostgreSQL foreign keys.
Import of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for Mysql.
Generation of indexes for Informix databases.
Generation of triggers using stored procedures for PostgreSQL.
XMI Improvements
Exporting the positions of Sequence Diagram constructs correctly to XMI 2.1.
Exporting the GUIDs of the Lifelines that a State-Invariant covers correctly t
o XMI 2.1.
Round-tripping Activity constructs and "Exception" element correctly using XMI
Improved import of "Keywords" and Constraints from an EMX file.
Retaining Relationship Matrix information after an XMI import.
Added junction kind for Synchronisation elements in XMI 2.1.

Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 817

General Improvements
Modified auto-checkout of shared keys to provide warning when no keys can be o
btained and to retain auto-checkout list when keys are not available
Improved model load time for models with many packages.
Display audited changes to attribute default outside of Raw Mode.
Improved Auditing SQL construction.
Rendering of Pan & Zoom window immediately after diagram is loaded.
Behavior of Audit Reverse Engineering option.
Performance of message-operation updates.
Models opening searches in output window on startup.
Encode tagged value enumerations to allow for embedded commas.
Make "Add Model Using Wizard" command available in task pane.
Display of RefGUIDList tagged values.
Modified display of operation parameters in tagged values window.
User Interface and Diagramming Changes
Added option (Tools/Options/Objects) to automatically scale up all viewed diag
rams by a personal scaling factor (between 10% and 50 %)
Sizing swimlanes while hold alt key doesn't effect swimlane other swimlane pos

Moving of embedded elements when resizing swimlane matrix.
Don't layout diagram if "Insert Related Elements" doesn't add new objects to d
Copying a timing diagram also copies messages.
Expose IsComposite property to shape scripts.
Changing association end objects on communication diagrams also updates childr
en messages.
Stopped State Table Diagram from resetting current mode.
Added "States" edit button to timing diagram 'State Lifeline' elements.
Improved hit-test behavior when dropping stereotyped element from toolbox over
another object.
Hide "Insert Related Elements" command for elements that don't appear in proje
ct tree.
Prevent composite diagrams from being opened on creation.
Vertical Activity Partition stereotypes obey Show Element Stereotype option se
Stopped changing model appearance for multiple objects marking the current dia
gram dirty.
Add timeline element and saving persists default state.
Updating position of elements on diagrams when changing diagram matrix row hei
Disable "Show element type (Port and Part only)" option for all other element
Hide context menu commands that don't work for labels with shape scripts.
Corrected behavior of selectable setting on boundary, screen, UI control, text
and hyperlink elements.
Corrected display of diagram context menu when the project browser has no sele
Allow saving of existing diagram changes before changing diagram, object or co
nnector type.
Allow saving of existing diagram changes before synchronizing profiled element
Usability of Swimlanes Matrix dialog.
Various rendering improvements under Crossover Office (LINUX).
Table of contents in generated HTML documentation.
Rendering of notes in RTF reports.
Version Control
Improved "Get Package" command, to handle Subversion users having restricted a
ccess to SVN repositories.
Improved processing of localized output from Subversion - connection now indep
endent of locale.
Database Modeling Improvements
Database type set on tables imported from SQL Server 2005 databases.
Improved checking validity of and writing generated DDL to a file.
Prevent occasional truncation of view definitions when doing ODBC import from
various database types.
Allow self-connectors for foreign keys to show each distinct label.
Open DDL generation dialog for Generate when data modeling class selected.
Improved handling of deleting foreign keys and creating foreign keys involving
multiple tables.
Allow removal of primary key constraint from a column being used to reference
another table.
Allow tagged values used for DDL Generation of properties for Oracle tables to
contain the keywords to be generated.
Propagation of column changes to the keys they are used in.

Modified Class toolbox to create tables identically to the Data Modeling Toolb
Restructured column properties dialog for consistency with other dialogs.
Writing of files for DDL generation.
Import of timestamp columns from MySQL ODBC import.
Added option to select DB2 Windows or other DB2 versions for reverse engineeri
ng database schema.
Generation of DDL sequences for Oracle columns when using aliases.
Added support for creating unique constraints in "Foreign Key Constraint" wind
Allow MS Access long and long integer foreign key columns to reference counter
Improved handling of progress dialog retrieving table list or details causes a
n error when reverse engineering a database.
XSD Generation of model groups containing other elements.
Logging of port creation during WSDL import.
Round trip of some state operation return types in XMI 2.1.
Round trip of connector line styles in XMI 2.1.
Round trip of properties of non-UML elements in XMI 2.1.
Improved export of association-classes in XMI 2.1.
Exporting Operation Parameter direction and Operation Concurrencies as specifi
ed in UML Superstructure to XMI 2.1.
Referencing correct classifier during an XMI import with StripGUIDs option.
Added ability to import tagged-value notes > 4000 chars into Oracle from XMI.
Updating large classifier sets when importing XMI.
Layout diagrams after XML Schema and WSDL import.
Code Engineering
Importing of Actionscript XML expressions.
Synchronization of enumerations into existing classes and C source files.
Handling of code and transform templates generating many levels deep.
Performance of code generation of inherited methods.
Other Improvements
Improve drawing of logos in MDG Technologies dialog.
Allow any kind of Behavior to be used as classifier of CallBehaviorAction elem
Draw AcceptCallAction as a concave pentagon.
Improved Java Debugger selection of class loader for debug class.
Allow save a element of Alias and Notes on PostgreSQL repository.
Amended behavior of Docked Windows that allow data entry when docking with the
project browser.

Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 816

Added undo for Insert Related Elements command.
Added support for association-end tagged values and stereotypes in UML section o
f XMI 2.1.
Added DBMS dropdown to database view and stored procedure dialog.
Added support for border styles other than solid for ellipse and rounded rectang
le boundaries.
Updated font scaling algorithm to
Improve diagram appearance at all zoom levels
Prevent inadvertent label wrapping at extreme zoom levels

General Improvements
Removed namespace path in naming of reference classes in generated sequence di
Removed overlapping of timelines in generated sequence diagrams.
Selection of self messages on sequence diagrams having high call levels.
Initial positioning of self message labels.
Selection of transparent elements contained in another element.
Importing documentation from an xml schema header and elements having inline c
omplexType definitions.
Generation of multiplicity to xml schema elements.
Creation of profiled elements from automation interface.
Rendering of timing constraints for messages on sequence diagrams.
Merge of tagged values when applying a UML Pattern.
Import of large notes and tagged values from XMI 1.1.
XMI 2.1 export of operation behavior.
XMI 1.0 export of package tagged-values.
Handling of decimal symbol across all regional settings.
Refresh of table objects when DBMS type is altered.
Saving of tablespace for table elements.
User manual improvements linked from Help buttons on dialogs.
Behavior of Standard Mode and search results in Audit View.
Readability and ordering of results in Audit History window.
Integration with AllFusion Harvest version control provider.
Importing and synchronizing table constraint columns.
Importing unique indexes and foreign keys from Sybase ASE.
Layout of fragments on sequence diagrams after deleting a message.
Preventing creation of users with duplicate UserLogins or user groups with dup
licate Group Names.
Filtering of child packages based on Phase in RTF documentation.
Generation of multi-line notes to RTF documentation.
Inclusion of sequence numbers into RTF documentation.
Indentation from Linked Documents into HTML documentation.
ValueOf fields containing unicode text in RTF template editor.
Refreshing foreign key information when opening and saving association propert
Added validation of 'Allocated Time' field in the Project Management window.
Rendering of objects from diagrams showing diagram details to images.
Prompts for saving changes in the Glossary dialog.
Prevent users from deleting last model base root node in a model.
List selection in various dialogs.
Importing stored procedures (as individual classes) into a package when all di
agrams are closed.
Importing Informix database objects.
Double-click of stereotyped document artifact opens text editor.
Behavior of metatypes in the relationship matrix view.
Embedding parts inside another part.
Corrected reverse engineering of synonyms for Oracle tables.
Corrected reverse engineering of primary and foreign keys from PostgreSQL.
Improved handling of diagram layout options when reverse engineering database
Activity Partition stereotypes obey Show Element Stereotype option setting.
Improved mouse tracking when sizing diagram swimlanes/grids at various zoom le
Import of XMI into large models.
Check to allow XMI import as root node.
Generation of WSDL message parts.
Nesting of packages within a diagram.
Rendering of transition events on timing diagrams.
Generation of connector constraints to RTF documentation.
Generation of RTF documentation under Crossover Office.

Size of objects with alternate images will be preserved.

Creation of sequence messages by dropping an operation onto a lifeline.
Display of sequence message format after changing it from context menu.
Update of Audit View after adjusting audit settings.
Corrected handling of adding activities from the element list and project brow
Improved rendering of swimlanes in UML diagram (frame) elements contained in o
ther diagrams
Improved rendering of swimlane names in diagram caption bar.
Modification of transition details when changed in timing message dialog.
Positioning of timing message labels when connector is first loaded.
Improvements to drawing of dashed and dotted lines to printer and metafile dev
Improved undo behavior when adding an element with connections to embedded ele
ments to a diagram.
Diagram behavior when adding a package to the project browser.
Improved XMI 2.1 export of packages containing various behavior diagrams.
Pasting of Unicode characters into RTF editor.
Performance of XMI import/export including alternate images.
Allow StateMachine to be owned by a class element.
Updates to open diagrams when connector properties change.
Corrected several minor text rendering issues in Linux list controls.
Updated Windows TaskBar button text to show current model when connected to DB
MS repository.
Other Changes
Allow merge of typed elements during pattern export.
Corrected display of user names in Audit View.
Warn users that Auditing will lock out Professional and Desktop editions
Removing Field Protection from generated RTF documentation to allow later edit
Restructured appearance items in context menu for multiple diagram elements.
Allow entering tab character into text fields using Ctrl+Tab.
Stopped creation of example attribute on creation of new XSD Any element.
Corrected display of file-name for Controlled Packages in "Import Package from
XMI" dialog.
Added diagram icon to diagram caption bar to add visual cue as to current diag
ram type
Corrected auditing of security group locks.
Prevented prompt to configure version control when model loaded by automation.
Clarified error message when time-out waiting for version control provider.
Update Toolbox for when changing the type of the current diagram.
Allow automatic layout of Use Case diagrams.
Diagram label wrapping is preserved when toggling bold text.
Improved rules that allow new attributes and operations to be created with inp
lace editor.
Improved usability of editing search filters.
Clear Version Control configuration when importing package with strip guids en
Clear image for objects using an alternate image when that image is deleted.
Prevent entry of carriage returns while editing connector labels.
Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 815
Added support for round-tripping alternate-images using XMI 1.1 and XMI 2.1 duri
ng XMI Export/Import and Batch XMI Export/Import
Added support for importing the attribute "mixed" on complexTypes and multiplici
ty on associations to modelGroups from XML Schema
Added capability to save a project reference that defines what to open in the mo

Added Model Patterns Task Page to provide support for using UML Patterns defined
in MDG Technologies.
Added capability of showing searches run from a hyperlink to the output window.
Added support for batch export of 'Rational Rose/Unisys UML 1.3'.
General Improvements
Sequence message validation to allow messages within scope after delete messag
Usability of self messages just loaded or created on a sequence diagram.
XMI 2.1 export of operation pre/post-conditions.
XMI 1.2 generation of stereotypes
XMI import of very large files.
XMI round trip of tagged values start and ending with pair of chevrons.
Rendering of thick collaboration borders to metafiles.
Result of canceling a diagram save.
Selection of text in internal source editor.
Undo behavior for new and removed connectors.
Result of not saving a diagram after objects are added.
Sizing of objects with an alternate image.
Import of XSD and WSDL containing comments.
Sort order of diagrams generated under elements in rtf generation.
Behavior of file types when saving a diagram as an image.
Drawing of names for composite elements with an alternate image.
Loading of multiple sets of templates from a file based MDG technology.
Profiles extending Forks and Joins.
Handling of code and transform templates containing unicode characters.
Saving of diagram at very low zoom level.
Adjusting of tree sorting.
DDL generation for SQL Server 2005.
Propagation of column datatypes changes to indexes.
Other Changes
Changed behavior to allow double click on non-selectable elements.
Corrected diagram attribute/operation visibility on Oracle repositories with G
erman and Spanish regional settings.
Corrected missing security permissions on Oracle repositories with German and
Spanish regional settings.
Resolved issue where tablespace not displayed on table properties dialog.
Corrected behavior with calls to deprecated methods in the Automation Interfac
e to prevent issues with loading MDG Technologies via Addin.
Changed behavior with applying stereotypes to prevent redundant error messages
being displayed.
Fixed drawing issue when the Toolbox and Taskpanes are docked together in a fl
oating window.
Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 814
Increased range of embedded elements that can be created through automation inte
Improved copy and paste of timeline transitions.
Improved memory performance when using Java wrapper for automation interface.
Removed unnecessary prompt in attributes dialog. Affected Non-English or Linux u
sers only.
Added support for exporting Association-Classes to Rose compatible XMI 1.1
Added support for importing attribute multiplicity from NetBeans exported XMI 1.
Resolved issue with classifiers for Ports and Parts when copying from a base pro

Removed ability for Professional and Desktop users to enable auditing (Coporate
Edition required)
Improved MDG Integration products for Eclipse and Visual Studio 2005 when establ
ishing connection to server based repositories
Improved setting of debug breakpoints within internal code editor
Resolved issue with saving position of text labels on connectors drawn with shap
e scripts
Resolved issue when adding ports and closing diagram without saving.
Resolved issue when copying and pasting elements that were previously non select
Added persistence to showing/hiding labels of toolbox page.
Improved rendering of dashed lines to metafiles for greater compatibility with o
ther tools.
Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 813
Summary of new features in Enterprise Architect 7.0
Redesigned Toolbox
Supports context sensitive tool pages to limit complexity
Toolbox pages reflect current diagram type (including Profile extended diagram
Supports dynamic technologies and profiles
Supports over-riding of default toolbox pages with domain specific tools
Allows pinning of frequently used pages
Allows display of tools with or without textual description
Added unlimited redo capability for diagram-level changes.
Extensive improvements to Undo capabilities. Now supports embedded elements, m
ultiple open diagrams, attached notes, connector re-routing operations and z-ord
Significant enhancements to Undo/Redo operations for Sequence and Timing diagr
User Interface Changes
Gradient fill for Elements and Diagram background
Extended use of format toolbar to connectors and improved use of custom format
ting on all elements
Extensively reworked all application icons, toolbox images, menu images, splas
h screen etc.
Print Preview now supports multiple page display when zoomed out
New toolbar to provide quick access to Other Windows such as Auditing and Disc
ussion Forum
Many major dialogs reworked as standard Windows property page (tabbed) dialogs
Some settings dialogs amalgamated into single dialogs with multiple property p
Reworked major dialogs such as the Stereotype dialog for improved performance
and usability
Introduced context-menu UML help for all element and connector types.
New Element List View
Provides direct editing of Element properties within list view
Toolbar provides shortcuts for creating, deleting and reporting on Elements
Direct access from the Project Browser (Right-click Package or Diagram | Show
Element List)
Supersedes the Report view

New Model Auditing Capability

Provides detailed recording and monitoring of model changes
Audit View provides effective management of Audit logs
Audit Tree elements are traceable to the Project Browser and Diagram reference
Added Automation Interface method for Clearing and Saving logs
Audit History available for use in RTF Report templates
Added Security Permissions for Viewing and Changing Audit logs and settings
New State Table Modeling Facility
State Table view provides matrix-style rendering of UML State Chart Diagrams (
right-click open diagram to switch views)
Quick-buttons provide streamlined addition of State and Event elements
Transition (Trigger) relationships can be directly added, edited and re-routed
from the table cells
State Table maintains synchronization with State Chart representation
Flexible display options include 'Next State' and 'Trigger-State' views and ge
neral table configuration (right-click diagram background)
New Mind Mapping Profile
Added a Mind Mapping profile to default installation
Added new Mind Mapping diagram type.
Technology Support
Significant changes to provide deep support for domain specific modeling
Support for loading of technologies from custom file or URL
Ability to include toolbox descriptions in technology (Profile) XML
Ability to over-ride default toolbox pages with domain specific tools
Technology Management dialog (under Settings menu)
Debug Workbench
Added Windows Native debugging support for C++, C and VB.
Added Runtime Intellisense of local data variables.
Added facility to record system calls external to the Model, when recording se
quence diagrams.
Added filter facility for class names and native methods to exclude related ca
lls from being recorded in sequence diagram.
Added facility to record and display parameter values passed to calls in gener
ated sequence diagrams.
Added button to toggle update of source code windows whilst recording, improvi
ng capture speed.
Added button to pause/resume process being debugged.
Allow double-clicking in recorded sequence history to display source code line
in editor.
New Tab for Sequence Diagram Options available under Build & Run scripts.
Data Modeling
Major enhancements to support Data Modeling, DDL Generation and ODBC Import fo
Views and Procedures (Adaptive Server Anywhere, DB2, Informix, Ingres, InterB
ase/Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL)
Triggers (Adaptive Server Anywhere, DB2, Oracle, Informix, InterBase/Firebird
Sequences (Ingres, Oracle)
Functions (Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server)
Oracle Packages, Table and Index properties, Table privileges and Object Syno
PostgreSQL Trigger Functions

Data Modeling now supports four additional DBMS targets:

Adaptive Server Enterprise
SQL Server 2005
Added option for user to modify database datatype conversion map.
Added user defined templates for Foreign Key, Primary key, and Unique Constrai
nt names.
Added prompt when attempting to generate DDL for Tables with no database targe
t set.
Improved renaming unique table columns to avoid duplicate unique constraints.
Added check to prevent addition of duplicate DBMS datatypes.
Improved model synchronization when deleting Foreign Key relationships.
Resolved issue synchronizing Foreign Keys from Oracle ODBC import where the sa
me name foreign key existed in multiple schemas.
Updated Oracle DDL generation to include OR REPLACE in CREATE VIEW statements
Improved ODBC import of PostgreSQL table comments.
Support for manual entry of DDL script file name and added check for validity
of DDL script file.
Improved prompt for log file path during Project Transfer.
Code Engineering
Added support for round-trip engineering Object-Oriented C (see Tools | Option
s | Source Code Engineering)
Improved C Code Reverse Engineering of complex #define expressions to UML attr
Added code template macros to access the following properties
Class imports/headers fields without calculated imports
Relative filename of include from current file
Column (attribute) length
Alias of connector, connector ends and parameter
Other connector end properties
Added generation of default return values to C# code generation templates
Improvements to C++ Reverse Engineering
Pointers to class members
Template instantiations
Improved .Net binary import
Disabled import of hidden property methods when using disassembly
Added import of events and structs when using reflection
Improved generation of Python import statements including automatic creation o
f minimal package initialization files
Improved handling of Delphi reference attributes
Improved parsing of javadoc comments
Improved reverse engineering of Python import statements
Added handling of moved associations and updated role access to reverse engine
Added additional macros to access package properties in code/transform templat
Transformation Changes
Added flexibility to CONVERT_NAME macro
Exposed the following properties to be set by transformations
Classifier for attributes/operations and parameters
Connector, Connector End and Parameter alias
Other properties of association ends
Tagged values on foreign keys
Operations on tables
Improved transformation of overridden methods with generic parameters in JUnit

and NUnit transformations

Improved Foreign Key creation in DDL transform including support of many-to-ma
ny associations
Quicklinker Changes
Added quick button capability to timing diagrams.
Added quicklinks for timing diagrams.
Added quicklinks for timer events on activity diagrams.
Added quicklink definitions for artifact instances.
Added quicklinks between screens and requirements.
Added quicklinks for n-ary association elements.
Updated aggregation and composition quicklinks to follow "Draw Reversed" optio
Added quicklinks for embedded state entry points.
Shapescript Changes
Added properties for accessing alias, metatype, name and stereotype of classif
ier and property type.
Added properties for accessing name and stereotype of source and target of con
Added handling for resizing shapescripts applied to Ports.
Added "hasLinkedDocument" property to allow visual indicator for elements with
linked documents.
Diagram Changes
Enhanced identification of label ownership; labels of the selected connector a
re now highlighted.
Added swimlane matrix to diagrams with ability to save swimlane matrix profile
Allowed pasting of clipboard images directly into a diagram
Added ability to reroute connector ends by clicking and dragging to another ob
ject on the diagram
Added Alternate Image support to Hyperlink elements and Diagram Hyperlinks.
Improved drawing speed of diagrams in many situations
Corrected display order of runstate attributes for object elements.
Removed underlining of ObjectNode elements on activity diagrams.
Disabled diagram layout command for all behavioral diagram types.
Added display of attribute collection type (ordered, bag, sequence).
Improved rendering of assembly connectors, when switching line styles.
Removed underline from name of object nodes on activity diagrams.
Corrected structured activity keyword to <<structured>>.
Modified diagram layout command to ignore hidden connectors.
Modified rendering of scope symbols for package contents.
Timing Diagram Enhancements
Added the following Quick Buttons to significantly enhance editing of Timeline
Add new State
Change State order
Add new Transitions (Click above/below timeline edge)
Change Transition time (Drag transition edge)
Delete states and transitions (Ctrl + Left Click)
Align transitions across elements (Left Click beside transition edge)
Zoom timescale and set timeline range
Add compressible Time Intervals (Right-click top of Timeline element). Allows
copy, paste and delete of multiple transitions
Compress sections of no activity (Right-click timeline edge)
Move multiple transitions (Shift + Drag within a time interval)
Insert and remove time from the timeline
Set timeline start position

Quickly draw messages between timelines with smart message placement

Numeric range generator. (Automatically creates numeric states- see Timeline
Sequence Diagram Enhancements
Added Quick Button for reordering Conditions within Interaction Fragments
Added Support for General Ordering link
Added Quick Button for creating General Ordering links between Sequence Messag
Added ability to edit absolute position of Sequence messages (hold alt key whi
le dragging message, to leave other messages in place)
Improved performance of sequence diagram rendering engine.
Improved copying of attributes and operations used in sequence diagrams.
Added Message Lifecycle (new/delete) validation when moving or adding message
s on sequence diagrams.
Improved support for importing RSA/RSM models that span multiple EMX files.
Added support for importing multiple-stereotypes from Rose exported XMI 1.1.
Improved handling of transformation links during XMI 1.1 import.
Improved "Get Latest" option for Version Controlled packages.
Updated handling of Maintenance information during Version Controlled XMI oper
Corrected import of association-classes from NetBeans exported XMI 1.2
Rule Changes
Disallowed composite event elements.
Enabled Feature elements to be owned by other elements in Project Browser.
Prevented stereotyped attributes and operations from being dropped on elements
that cannot own them.
Allowed exception handlers to be owned by activities.
Added source and target validation of state transitions.
Resolved issue with validation of self-associations.
RTF Generator
Improved RTF Generation with rendering Unicode characters.
Improved section placement (when enabled).
Improved support for sections within tables.
Added FullName and ElementParent Fields to the Attribute and Operation section
Automation and Add-In Interface Changes
Added alias to Connector, Connector End and Parameter interfaces
Added access to other association end properties
Version Control
Added ability to Version Control Project Root Nodes
Modified "Get Package" for SCC version control to search in sub-folders for pa
ckage files.
Discussion Forum
Made Discussion Forum editable in read-only (Lite) version. Enables user feedb
ack to be input by Lite users.
Added support for dragging objects from custom SQL search results to diagrams
and discussion forum.
Linux Build
Improved UI and general performance of EA running under CrossoverOffice
Recommended version of CrossoverOffice is 6.1

Other Changes
Added general ordering for messages on sequence diagrams.
Added "Set Operation" command for CallOperationAction elements.
Added warning message where conflicts exists after eap replica synchronization
Added update for all open diagrams when element name changes
Added update for class constructor and destructor names when class name change
Added custom references to hierarchy window
Added support for round-tripping multiplicity on XSD model-groups.
Added capability to show package control status of MDG packages in project bro
Added predefined tagged value type for a list of element references
Added level numbering option to the project browser (right-click Package | Sho
w Level Numbering).
Added ability to Copy/Paste Meta File from clipboard to current Diagram or sel
ected element as alternate image. (See Edit | Paste Elements | Paste from Clipbo
Copy Operation (Ctrl+C) now copies current Diagram or selected element to Syst
em Clipboard as image.
Search results can now be directed to the Output Bar. (Allows drag/drop of ele
ments from result list)
Enabled "Synch Tagged Values and Constraints" command for Feature elements.
Modified sequence diagram creation from debug session to link messages to oper
ations in the model
Added ability to apply User/Group Locks to Project Root Nodes.
Improved handling of large tag notes when saving to Oracle repositories.
Improved handling of apostrophe character when creating properties
Resolved issue where attributes and operations dialog could show deleted items
Resolved issue when doing rtf report that shows parents of a class not on a di
Resolved issue where attribute positions could change when saving
Improved import of sequence models from XML into DBMS repositories
Improved datatypes select list default value
Improved wrapping of association role labels with long name
Improved behavior of option to hide visibility indicators on diagram.
Improved behavior of attribute and operation dialogs for interface elements.
Improved loading of transform selections from mts file for MDG technology wiza
Improved parsing of NUnit test results.
Improved drawing of interface stereotypes.
Improved performance of sequence diagram rendering engine.
Moved Editor option to respective language pages (see Tools | Options | Source
Code Engineering)
Extended Set Attached Links command to notes not already attached to a link.
Extended Synch Tagged Values and Constraints command to synchronize secondary
Resolved tagged value synchronization issue for link stereotypes.
Removed "Tree style" from default routing styles (see Tools | Options | Links)
Updated XSD Generator generation of 'import' and 'include' statements.
Deprecated use of perspectives.
Added Status Colors to reference data.
Introduced RefGUIDList tagged value type, to allow multiple references in a si
ngle tagged value
Enabled Attributes to be used as target of RefGUID tagged values.
Fixes and changes since EA 7.0 BETA 3 Build 812:
Corrected display of multiple stereotypes for packages

Corrected syntax of SQL Server generated table and column comments.

Corrected issue where Enumerations would fail to be created correctly.
Improved copying of attributes and operations used in sequence diagrams.
Modified "Package Control Options" dialog, to clear and disable "Other Options"
when Version Control is selected.
Added support to import dataTypes and association-end multiplicities from XMI 1.
1 exported by MIMB.
Modified Auditing to record both Windows and Security Username
Corrected issue where XML documents may fail to load or save when the encoding p
roperty was incorrectly defined
Improved Add-in handling of EA broadcast messages.
Dropping multiple elements onto a diagram only records one undo action.
Added Message Lifecycle (new/delete) validation when moving or adding messages
on sequence diagrams.
Improved undo move for parts and ports.
Moving messages on sequence diagrams while holding down the alt key will not cha
nge the position of other messages.
Improved creation of embedded ports and parts.
Added constraint to z-order changes to force embedded elements to always be abov
e parent.
Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 812 (BETA 3)
Fixes and changes since EA 7.0 BETA 2 Build 811:
Added a Mind Mapping profile to default installation, including a new Mind Mappi
ng diagram type.
Made Discussion Forum editable in read-only (Lite) version. Enables user feedbac
k to be input by Lite users.
Changes to Audit Settings and Audit Operations (Clear, Save, Load) are now recor
Improved the adjustment of objects when messages are moved on sequence diagrams.
Improved support for importing Operation Pre/Post-Conditions from Rose exported
XMI 1.1
Corrected import of attributes and operations on Activity from XMI 1.1
Dynamic updating of sequence numbering on EA option change.
Corrected saving database views after modification.
Introduced context-menu UML help for all element and connector types.
Prevented datatype changes where a table is in a locked package.
Modified Select By Type menu item to restrict available choices to those on a di
agram and allow selection by stereotype
Added support for round-tripping "nillable" on XML Schemas
Added handling of moved associations and updated role access to reverse engineer
Added the automatic update of diagrams when deleting a connector constraint.
Added additional macros for accessing package properties in code/transform templ
Added an option for default diagram in html report.
Additional bug fixes and performance improvements.
Some graphical updates to icons
Updates to Help file

Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 811 (BETA 2)

Fixes and changes since EA 7.0 BETA 1 Build 810:
Improved handling of connector labels created from shape scripts.
Improved applying matrix profiles under some repository types.

Improved handling of inserting sections in the RTF Editor.

Improved creating foreign key into composite primary key and into unique constra
Improved MDG technology wizard.
Improved RTF generation on ASA model repositories.
Added persistence of MDG technology status.
Rebuilt Java API for Java 1.5.
Corrected undo/redo issue when reordering states in timeline elements.
Sequence diagrams now updated instantly based on 'Garbage Collection' option
Added Alternate Image support for Diagram Hyperlinks.
General improvements in round-tripping State, Activity and Sequence Diagrams in
XMI 2.1
Improved forward and reverse engineering of Oracle packages.
Added SQL Server 2005 datatypes to datatype mapper.
Modified validation of unique target columns when creating a foreign key.
Enabled Delete button on UML Types - Stereotypes dialog on Oracle repository.
Improved handling of DDL Name Templates.
Corrected generation of DROP PROCEDURE statement for Adaptive Server Anywhere.
Added support for accessing Audit History from RTF Report templates
Added support for auditing change of audit status
Increased size of textbox for autonumber column start value.
Added option to specify time period when saving and clearing Audit Log Items
Added automation call to save all diagrams.
Added automation calls to save and load linked documents to rtf file.
Added automation handling for setting diagram selection of objects or connector.
Added run state of object to automation interface.
Corrected DB2 ODBC import and DDL script generation.
Added support for dragging objects from custom SQL search results to diagrams an
d discussion forum.
Class name changes now propagated to sequence and collaboration messages.
Further extensions to Undo/Redo capability for Connector Labels, Feature Visibil
ity and other changes
Sequence and Collaboration links now show aliases of classifiers if available an
d diagram is showing aliases.
When generating Sequence diagrams via the Debug Workbench, classes are now creat
ed in order of execution.
Disabled printing of status colors when not printing in color.
Increased maximum allowable diagram area to accommodate extremely large (auto-ge
nerated) diagrams.
Improved handling of results from broadcast add-in functions.
Improved application of matrix profiles under some repository types.
Improved performance when dragging connector ends from one element to another.
Added pages to Tasks Pane to assist users with Getting Started, Managing Require
ments, Debugging and Profiling, Code Engineering
Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 810 (BETA 1)
Initial release of EA 7.0 - see release notes under build 813 above
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 806
Resolved issue where version controlled packages orphaned during an import, rema
ined in the model.
Resolved issue determining status of version controlled packages when version co
ntrol is offline as model is loaded.
Added support for exporting connector-end tagged-values to Rose compatible XMI 1

Updated WSDL Importer to better handle importing of WSDLs with no namespace defi
Resolved issue with code engineering options containing reserved xml characters.
Resolved issue creating ports and parts on instances from classifier ports and p
Improved propagation of ports and parts to instances.
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 805
Improved Rose XMI 1.1 Import :
- Support for importing multiple stereotypes, operation parameter notes and ope
ration pre/post-conditions
- correct ordering of Sequence Messages in Sequence Diagrams
Added Object's "Run State" information to XMI 2.1
Improvements in general XMI 1.1 round-tripping.
Improved RTF output when generating a document.
Prevented data transfer when selected source and target repositories are identic
Added check for locked classes to reverse engineering.
Resolve issue copying diagrams on SQL Server replicated databases.
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 804
Improved ODBC Import:
- Support for importing tables with primary keys containing non-alphabetic char
- Numerous fixes for MySQL ODBC import errors, including default values.
Improved XMI import:
- Updated XMI 2.1 import to better handle connector display options and directi
on for self-associations.
- Better handling of association-class links when using the 'Get Latest' comman
- Support for Virtual Document Attribute classifiers that refer to Packages in
external root nodes.
- Support for "Composite Element" diagram references that are defined in extern
al packages.
- Improved compatibility with the Unisys XMI plug-in for Rose to handle associa
tion class links and
operation tagged value of more than 255 characters on SQL Server repositories
Enhanced Foreign Keys dialog shows unique constraint columns with general improv
ements to column display.
Added support for changing table column datatype without propagating to any fore
ign key relationship.
Resolved issue importing and synchronizing MySQL tables was changing indexes to
foreign keys.
Added ability to save diagram notes > 4000 chars on Oracle.
Corrected some syntax errors in MySQL DDL generation.
Improved Generate Package DDL file browser to handle ':' characters in Package n
Resolved incorrect saving of foreign key parameters on MySQL repositories.
Resolved issue where some dates weren't displayed using current regional setting
Updated VB.Net reverse engineering to handle escaped type names.
Improved resolution of classifiers when reverse engineering namespace qualified
Resolved issue importing XSD Schema into eap replicas/design masters.
Updated Boundary elements in sequence diagrams to allow "send to bottom of Z ord

Updated Report View to display child packages.
Resolved issue where default colors being rendered incorrectly for metafile outp
Resolved issue where 'Suppress EA Dialogs' setting was ignored when creating pro
filed elements.
Resolved issue with automatically generated association roles in code generation
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 803
Resolved issue preventing deletion of objects from search window if the object h
as negative Object_ID.
Prevented unncessary error message when saving table operation with no column se
Add warning message when generated files set up read-only and then tried to re-s
cript the tables from EA
Resolved shapescript issue filling or stroking paths containing bezier curves.
Resolved issue with hierarchy view and large depth setting.
Modified the Checkout operation using SCC version control, to Get the latest rev
ision before the Checkout.
Fixed issue where XMI 2.1 import sometimes reversed connector direction.
Fixed issue where XMI 2.1 import sometimes reversed notelink Source and Target e
Fixed issue where XMI import sometimes lost the element, attribute, operation, o
peration parameter classifier.
Fixed issue where importing from XMI files containing empty operation and operat
ion-parameter names caused errors in Oracle.
Resolved issue with implementation details documentation on MySQL.
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 802
Added handling for wrapping or truncating package contents and remaining compart
ment types.
Improved .Net Disassembly import for handling of .Net 3.0 files.
Improved error message when attempting to import XMI file that doesn't exist.
Corrected occassional issue where some relationships weren't shown in the hierar
chy window.
Corrected issues Inserting Sections into table with RTF Template Editor.
Improved handling of shared keystore files during intermittent network problems.
Improved handling of attribute classifiers during XMI import.
Corrected issue importing sequence messages for objects defined in an external p
ackage in XMI 2.1.
Corrected issue where some Collaboration messages could lose their names on XMI
2.1 import.

Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 801

Added transformations dependencies and a toolbar to select which relationships t
o show in the hierarchy window.
Added support for cancelling a baseline compare
Added override for C++ import where a matching C class already exists.
Increased allowed varchar length for MySQL tables to 65536.
Prevented processing of objects on ODBC table import when user cancels "Select T
ables to Import" list.

Modified ODBC import of SQL Server decimal(19,4) datatypes.

Corrected issue where filenames of objects may not be updated after package gene
Stopped drawing of a colon when no attribute type is specified.
Added RTF option to exclude <Anonymous> elements from the generated document.
Added ability to remove RTF text styles in document editor.
Updated RTF Templates to have "Heading 1-9" styles defined by default.
Improved RTF Numbered List to have better default values.
RTF Heading with a list number increase correctly with depth.
Modified RTF Editor to scroll to newly enabled section.
Prevented generation of column DEFAULT clause for user defined databases where t
he column default had no default value.
Improved canceling of ODBC import of a large number of database objects.
Improved selection of log file for Project transfers.
Prevented saving a new Code or DDL datatype when no product name is selected.
Resolved issue where adding/modifiying a column's default value or comment was p
revented when the column was involved in a foreign key relationship.
Ensure connector labels dont display when they are marked as hidden.
Ensure On_PreNewElement method called when creating elemente by dragging from th
e project tree.
Allow DiagramFrame elements to be created using profile stereotypes.
Ensure EA_OnPreNewPackage receives stereotype parameter when creating a package
from a profile element.
Ensure EA_OnPreNewAttribute and EA_OnPreNewMethod events are always invoked when
creating features using profile elements.
Added ability to create Requirement metaclasses in UML Profile models
Corrected issue where tagged values, containing element references, could occass
ionaly contain stale data when the referenced element is deleted.
Resolved intermittent error when deleting an element from a PostgreSQL repositor
Added additional firings of PreNewPackage and PostNewPackage events.
Changed the "Batch XMI Export" dialog so as to display the package path along wi
th the package name.
Changed the "Batch XMI Import" dialog so as to display the package path along wi
th the package name and the status of import on each package.
Improved refreshing elements and connectors using Repository.AdviseElementChange
or Repository.AdviseConnectorChange.
Corrected minor issue with creating some elements as package members.
Modified profile export to constrain tag value type notes within field limits.
Improved automation interface to allow creation of certain child elements via th
e automation interface.
Improved import of links defined in patterns.
Added support for exporting Constraints in profiles in their specified order.
Fixed issue where Stereotypes applying the <all> baseclass could occassionally b
e incorrectly duplicated when used.
Corrected issue where profiles with XML/SQL tokens in the name may be incorrectl
y imported.
Corrected issue where Synch Tagged Values and Constraints could fail to include
inherited tags.
Added support for updating tagged value description data when synching.
Improved profile updates to ensure Tagged Value Types, defined by profiles, are
updated correctly.
Corrected issue where OCL validation may fail to execute on Class Instances.
Added option to include metaclassed elements in the relationship matrix whenever
the base class is specified as source or target.
Corrected issue where accessing the Project Authors dialog under Linux terminate
s EA abnormally.
Improved check-in function to save all diagrams that are part of the check-in, p
rior to export.
Improved import of SQL Server stored procedures.

Added support for getting the contents of Element linked documents via the Autom
ation interface.
Added support for RTF Language & Tag Substitution data to the RefData Exporter.
Fixed issue where EA may lose some connector bend-styles on a "Get All Latest".
Fixed occassional issue where a model may lose the link from a composite element
to its diagram when round-tripping using XMI.
Improved handling of enumeration-literals on XMI 2.1 import.
Improved Package Control Options dialog, to accept Local Path substitution strin
gs (%pathString%) in XMI Filename, when applying XMI control.
Added round trip engineering of VB.Net Widening and Narrowing operators.
Added round trip engineering of C# volatile attributes.
Added importing of enumerations to .Net reflection importer.
Resolved issues parsing of VB6 rem statements and expressions.
Improved parsing of C# anonymous methods.
Resolved issue reverse engineering methods with default scope in Java interfaces
Improved .Net 2.0 reflection importer.
Resolved issues where language or filename weren't set by MDG addin in linked pa
Resolved issue where unknown javadoc tags immediately following a param tag were
imported into the parameter notes.
Corrected issue with generating qualified collection classes.
Corrected issue with missing stack trace in an unhandled exception during debugg
Added functionality to facilitate debugging of Java Classes in Local Web Servers
Corrected issue with some connector and element labels that could cause resizing
of contents on move
Resolved issue importing MySQL tables with columns having default values.
Corrected DBMS datatype mapping issues.
Resolved MySQL error when drag/dropping a user interface with an embedded GUI el
ement from one package onto a diagram of another package.
Improved Java debugger handling of classpaths with relative paths
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 800
Added support for importing EMX (*.emx) files.
Added support for SQL Server 2005 xml datatype.
Added handling of unsigned MS specific types to C++ parser
Added handling of generalizations to DDL transformation
Added handling for C++ methods returning a volatile member
Added handling of C++ generalization scope
Added automation call for importing individual files
Added ability to show multiple constraints on connectors
Added PI function macro to code generation templates
Added validation of attributes against association ends with the same name.
Added support for duplicate tags using the 'valueOf' field in RTF documents.
Added inplace editing of connector labels.
Added ability to change multiplicity from connector end context menu
Added cross table duplicate guids to data integrity check
Added support to allow multiple stereotypes to be applied to constructs using th
e Automation Interface
Added further corrections for case-sensitivity issues with TFS version control.
Added support for importing and generating WSDLs which use multiple prefixes for
referencing the WSDL namespace.
Added ability for progress window to maintain its size across sessions
Improved import of Oracle NUMBER datatype to distinguish between NUMBER, NUMBER(
50), NUMBER(10,2) types.
Improved DDL generation of DB2 autoincrement column.
Improved Visual Basic source code parsing

Improved import of foreign keys from MySQL InnoDB tables.

Improvements in Project Security, to observe user's permissions when attempting
model updates from the Project Browser.
Improved import and generation of Delphi properties
Extended Synch Tagged Values and Constraints command to work for Activity Partit
Ensure new Elements created using the automation interface are owned by correct
Removed option to "Force reload from XMI" when checking-out up to date packages
in a shared model.
Modified Set Object State command to also list inherited states.
Modified Relationship Matrix to avoid incorrectly rendering elements with extend
ed metatypes
Modified Artifact elements to preserve the 'artifact' keyword when applying ster
Modified the processing of TFS results to accommodate non-english language outpu
Stopped code generation changing diagram properties of class
Stopped code generation adding blank lines to end of files
Resolved issue creating a foreign key into a unique constraint (where the target
table also has a primary key).
Resolved issue creating a foreign key between the same common datatypes (eg. int
eger datatype referencing serial datatype).
Resolved issue with DDL genration where a view with attributes was generated as
a table.
Resolved issue importing database view and stereotype was uppercase instead of l
Resolved issue with drop-down lists for selection of VC configs not dropping-dow
n under Windows 98.
Resolved issue importing Oracle tables where import list included a procedure wi
th no name.
Resolved issue with ODBC DDL Import where "Include System Tables" checkbox not w
orking (on Oracle).
Corrected code template conditional tag subsitution for connector and package ta
Corrected issue where Addin Manager dialog would show incorrect options
Corrected issue where source import may remove classes because of a parse error
Corrected issue where embedded elements would be incorrectly allowed to become d
irect package children.
Corrected issue where a Baseline in MDG Integrate for VS 2005 would cause a Java
script Error.
Corrected several minor issues with Element.ExtensionPoints property.
Corrected parsing of executable filenames containing more than one period.
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 799
Resolved issue of using "paths.txt" file from application install directory. Co
pies to, and thereafter uses from, the application data directory.
Resolved issue where nested RTF document sections in table cells could render in
Corrected inconsistency on saving Alias field on requirements.
Corrected error with Import Source Directory associating a class with an incorre
ct directory.
Corrected error with order of imported Delphi parameters.
Added option for the search path for implementation files for C and C++.
Added checks for C++ method implementations inside a namespace.
Added default length, scale and precision values when using DDL transformation.
Fixed issue where Maintenance Issues where not being displayed in the HTML Repor

Fixed issue where HTML Report did not work properly with IIS6 on Windows 2003.
Improved display of keywords in expansion region.
Prevented small change in position when 'converting linked element to local copy
Prevented the "save changes" messagebox being raised on the stereotype dialog wh
en navigating it's list with the arrow keys.
Prevented multiplicity labels from wrapping to multiple lines.
Corrected occassional issue when adding multiple object flows between two activi
Added help link to the Generalization Set dialog
Corrected issue with incrementing the suffix of the names of new embedded elemen
Minor fix for WMF images when rendering in Adobe Illustrator.
Corrected issue with Test Case glyphs drawing the 'x' symbol in white when expor
ting to metafiles.
Enhanced Pan & Zoom window to show page extents.
Corrected issue with creating Enumeration elements using the New Element dialog.
Increased width of status color outline on some elements to make it more promine
Corrected issue with .NET debugger failing to record some methods when executed
as arguments to other methods
Updated debugger to auto-save generated sequence diagrams
Updated debugger to log message when breakpoints fail to bind at runtime
Fix for issue when importing WSDL files containing multiple PortType operations
with the same name
Added support for extended UML constructs to the Relationship Matrix
Allow more than 4 shared keys to be auto checked out.
Added shortcut generation of sequence diagram for a given method in model
Modified DDL transformation to copy additional properties of attributes.
Corrected issue with HTML Generator where images in linked documents were render
ed with their absolute file paths defined.
Fixed issue where the XSD Importer lost the value of the attribute "use" on XSDa
Fixed issue where the XMI 1.2 Importer lost attribute dataTypes and operation st
ereotypes for XMI exported by Together
Fixed issue where the XMI 1.1 Importer lost Association Class link if the Associ
ation Class is in a separate package than the Classes it associates
Improvements in general XMI import for XMI exported by MIMB
Corrected the XMI 2.1 Exporter so as to stop prefixing "vis_" before the visibil
ity of all UML constructs in XMI
Trigger Type Dropdown now displays correctly in Windows 2000
Fixed minor issue where RTF heading style could be applied incorrectly.
Standard RTF templates updated.
Improved speed of generating RTF reports.
Added RTF option to stop generation of bookmarks in documents.
Improved handling of constructors and non-public members in .Net reflection impo
Prevented "Ctrl+Alt+X" from invoking "View Package XMI" when there is no model l
Improved handling of large packages and models in package transform
Fixed issue where adding a new status type could prevent some status combo boxes
from being populated
Resolved issue where project security locks on Root nodes were not removed corre
Resolved issue where project security locks on Root nodes were not displayed in
the "view locks" dialogs.
Changed diagram context menu, so that "Classifier Properties" is always enabled.
Fixed issue with browsing for stereotypes from Object properties sheet - (Window
s 2000 only)
Corrected the status query in TFS version control to use case-insensitive compar

ison of user names.

Corrected some minor display issues with connector labels having multiple wrappe
d lines of text
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 798
Added ability for UI Control elements to own other UI Control elements
Added ability for Requirement elements to own Feature elements
Fixed UML Profile import to tolerate blank version number
Improved importing of XML Schemas and Schemas spanning multiple XSD files
Stopped generation of implementation file for C++ typedef classes
Corrected some parsing errors for code importing
Added support of operation behavior to transformations
Added commands for code engineering and transformation functions automation inte
Corrected issue with tree style connectors where both horizontal and vertical st
yles could be activated at the same time.
Corrected issue with displaying labels with wrapped Japanese characters.
Improved RoundRect shapescript command by preventing the rounded corners from ov
Improved TFS version control configuration to query TFS for Server and Workspace
names associated with the specified Working Copy folder.
Corrected TFS "add" operation to add the package file to the repository, rather
than create only a pending changeset.
Improved version control initialisation when loading model, to verify existence
of all working copy folders specified in VC configurations.
Improved filename generation/checking when adding files to version control - rem
ove illegal chars from package names when creating filename.
Corrected the link for the Help button on the version control "Get Shared Files"
Improved reporting of version control status when package is "Checked Out Offlin
e" in a shared model.
Improved version control status reporting through Automation Interface.
Improved handling of packages associated with Version Control Configurations tha
t are incomplete - no longer handled as though VC Offline.
Added ability to create connections to elements off screen by scrolling the view
Added ability to create a selection rectangle to elements off screen by scrollin
g the view.
Corrected issue of triggers not loading correctly with old data.
Added ability for ExpansionRegion elements to own Object, ExceptionHandler and E
xpansionRegion elements.
Corrected issue saving Requirements when locale is set to Bulgarian.
Added Swimlane support to automation interface.
Prohibited the creation of non-creatable automation classes.
Resolved issue where creating automation elements using invalid types returned c
orrupted elements.
Modified code templates for C++ to not generate constructors for unions
Modified the DDL transformation to copy attribute notes to the column notes
Transitions with multiple Triggers now display correctly.
Fixed OCL validation error on collection iterations.
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 797 (final release)
Summary of new features in Enterprise Architect 6.5
UML 2.1 support

General changes to support latest UML 2.1 specification

Information Items and Information Flows
Association subsetting and redefinition
Generalization sets
Improved support for Triggers and Events in state transitions
Numerous small tweaks and refinements
Multiple stereotype support
XMI export for UML 2.1
Diagramming improvements
New custom "Legend" elements
Improved, adjustable self-connectors for all connector types
Improved and extended "tree style" connections for most connector types
New curved line style available for ControlFlow, ObjectFlow, and StateFlow con
Ability to show composite elements as "diagram frames" with target diagram int
ernally rendered
Significant changes to "Undo" capability:
Improved ability to undo object deletions from diagrams
Improved ability to handle connector deletions from diagram
Improved general undo of moved labels
Improved undo in sequence diagrams to restore message sequence
Option to create connectors precisely where the mouse is released - see Tools>Options->Links->New Connector End-Points
Option to snap new connectors to a perpendicular line - see Tools->Options->Li
nks->Force perpendicular line
Creating a connector from an existing element to an empty area of the diagram
will show the Quick Linker menu filtered to the connector type
Shift + drag selected element(s) to retain element vertical/horizontal alignme
Ctrl + drag to copy selected element(s)
XMI support for UML 2.0 and UML 2.1
New support for both UML 2.0 and UML 2.1 export via XMI 2.1
Improvements in general XMI import/export speed
Export of UML 2.1 Profiles in XMI 2.1 format
MDG Technology Support
Custom diagram support for profiles
New Add-in event notifications
New Add-in model query and report view capability
Pan & Zoom Window
New docked "birds eye view" window for panning and zooming large diagrams
New HTML Report Generator for web publishing models
Significantly enhanced HTML report generation
Capable of handling very large models deployed as HTML on the web
Outline structure mirrors actual model view
RTF Document Generator
Numerous refinements to generator
Ability to include tagged values as specific object level properties
User Interface changes
General improvements to look & feel
Reorganized element and connector context menus
Test docked window modified to provide improved data entry and review
Maintenance, Requirements, Constraints, Scenarios windows modified for improve

d usage
Project Management and Resource windows modified for improved use
All toolboxes accessible in diagram from context menu "Create Element or Conne
ctor->" sub menu
Ability to switch toolbox from diagram context menu
Instant panning with middle mouse button (Tools->Options->Diagram->Auto-pan to
revert to pre-795 panning)
Sequence Diagram Improvements:
Support for nested/inline ports and parts
Nested callback activations
Activation quick buttons
Coregion notation UML 2.0
States snap to lifeline
Dragable timing constraint
Improved connection between message endpoints and fragments
Change condition order for fragments via quick buttons
Change top margin for diagram
Returns from callback messages
Improved undo support and more...

Debugging, Profiling and Visualizing Running Objects

Debugger support for Attaching to Process
Debugger support for Attaching to ASP.Net Web Service processes
Debugger support for Attaching to Java VM
New Object Workbench feature:
Instantiate single Java or .NET classes in workbench mode
Inspect object variables
Invoke object methods passing custom parameters
Record and diagram invocations
Pass other workbench instances as parameters in invocations
Code Engineering Changes
Added option to import dependencies from operation return types and parameter
Template Editor now invoked as a View in EA user interface
Improved parsing of code involving preprocessor commands
Several minor parsing and synchronisation improvements
Version Control changes
Support for Team Foundation Server (TFS) as a version control provider
Testing with jUnit and nUnit
Automatically record jUnit and nUnit test results after test execution
View test history and record all xUnit tests executed
Data modeling support for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
Data modeling support for SQL Server, Oracle and Sybase ASE views
Improved creation of data model composite foreign keys
ODBC DDL Import - improved import of MySQL tables with multiple foreign keys
ODBC DDL Import - improved import of MySQL INT(n) datatypes
ODBC DDL Import - fixed missing TIMESTAMP datatype importing from Oracle 10g
ODBC DDL Import - fixed import of check constraints from Sybase ASA version 9
Generate DDL - removed duplicate table owner for SQL Server

Automation and Add-In Interface Changes

New Add-In Manager window to enable and disable Add-ins
Added Project.RunModelSearch interface to execute Custom queries
ShapeScript changes:
Added StartCloudPath command for rendering cloud-like paths
Other Improvements:
Improved performance when creating swim lanes on large Oracle models
Improved .NET error messages for automation exceptions
Fixed occasional crash when print previewing Relationship Matrix and closing v
ia "X" button
Added orderly shutdown of EA when attempting to connect to an empty repository
Fixed issue saving long Package notes on Oracle repository
Automation EA_OnContextItemChanged now provides correct value for Guid on pack
ages created through automation
Fixed Figure Number being calculated incorrectly with the legacy RTF Generator
Resolved issue where XMI import through automation would prompt for user input
- accept current package or force reload
Enhanced version control functions in Automation Interface, now uses path subs
titution string to obtain working copy folder
Enhanced version control "Add" function in Automation Interface, now accepts l
og message
Improved version control "Undo Checkout" function - removed option to accept c
urrent package XMI file, always reloads
Added handling of some UML 2.x elements to XMI 1.1 with DTD
Fixes and changes since EA 6.5 BETA 2 build 796:
Ctrl-MiddleMouseButtonClick now returns a Diagram to standard zoom (Zoom to 100%
Improved handling of Schemas during WSDL Import and WSDL Generation.
Fixed issue with drawing of vertical text to metafile format
Improved export/import of reference data between different repositories.
Corrected drawing of robustness elements (boundary, control, entity) which have
multiple stereotypes.
Improved DDL ODBC import of schema from case sensitive SQL Server.
Improved support for importing RSA XMI (*.uml2) files.
Resolved issue of missing table and column comments generating MySQL DDL.
Improved parsing of several VB.Net constructs.
Resolved issue involving code generation of aggregation relationships.
Resolved issue with the creation of classifier of an exposed interface.
Added ability to import and export package build scripts
Added support for importing and executing package build scripts via the automati
on interface
Stopped the creation of multiple dependencies between two elements on code impor
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 796 (BETA 2)
Added ability to specify suppression of individual attributes and operations wit
h the Specify Feature Visibility dialog
Added display of multiple attribute and operation stereotypes when using the gro
uped stereotype notation for features in diagrams
Improved load time of large diagrams (with thousands of attributes/operations)
Improved sequence diagram quicklinks.

ODBC DDL Import - moved stored procedure parse error message to Output window.
Added Author, Phase, Created, and Stereotype Fields for External Requirements wh
en generating RTF documentation.
Fixed Phase restriction from working correctly on RTF Generation.
Fixed default (use case template) in from missing elements.
Fixed issue with applying default colors to some element types
Fixed issue with importing root level model with XMI 2.1
Modified connector label drawing in metafiles to show correct back color when ov
er elements
Updated behaviour of metamodel toolbox for consistent behaviour when adding elem
Several minor code parsing and synchronisation improvements
Corrected load of existing properties into attribute properties dialog.
Improved linking process of code reverse engineering.
Corrected display of XMI version when exporting baseline and version control.
Added ability to double click on parse errors in the output window and have EA t
o open to the error.
Remove all connector validation from analysis diagrams.
Allow MergeNode to be dropped onto Regions and Partitions.
Added Source.Metatype and Target.Metatype properties to connector shape scripts.
Added support for SysML-specific compartments.
Improved handling of version controlled packages whose XMI files are renamed or
Resolved issue that could cause errors when searching a PostgreSQL repository.
Improved updating data model diagram when an operation parameter is deleted from
the Project Browser.
Allow AssociationClass to be created with Aggregation or Composition connector.
Add-ins may now selectively hide their entire menu at runtime.
Improved user experience when key taken off site expires.
Expired shared keys now available for re-use as soon as checkout time is elapsed
Resolved issue creating a redefined connector from a profile.
Release Notes for EA 6.5 Build 795 (BETA 1)
Initial release of EA 6.5 - see release notes under build 797 above
Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 792
Changed code generation to omit package names containing spaces.
RTF generator correctly includes scenerio elements when generating a Single elem
Added Alias and Type Fields for External Requirements when generating RTF docume
Improved diagram loading speed over slow connections.
Improved parsing of VB.Net array expressions.
Improved parsing of C++ floating point expressions.
Changed XSD and WSDL transformations to no longer update class names.
Resolved issue that could cause a crash when dragging items from the project vie
Improvement of "Get Latest" using SCC, to better handle case where it is unknown
whether to expect an update.
Resolved issue that prevented embedded elements from being dropped onto a locked
parent in an unlocked diagram.
Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 791

Corrected issue where RTF documents would fail to render correctly when Language
Substitution was enabled
Resolved saving long object scenarios and correct scenario changes on Oracle.
Modified XMI importer to ensure that packages imported using "Strip GUIDs" are a
lso stripped of Version Control settings.
DDL generation of stored procedures - corrected missing CREATE PROCEDURE stateme
nt when there was nothing in the Note field.
Corrected validation of association classes.
Corrected validation of CallOperationAction elements.
Resolved issue of EOF/BOF error message when generating rtf document.
Added default server connection name when creating a new connection.
Corrected issue with Japanese MySQL repository users.
Generate DDL - added index name to MySQL indexes.
Improved SCC version of "Get Latest" - now checks whether update has occurred be
fore attempting import.
Modified SCC version of "File History" to prevent import of previous revision wh
en package is currently checked-out.
Added version control command "Check In Branch".
Modified "Delete Package" function, to disallow deletion when selected package c
ontains checked-out, version controlled child packages.
Generate DDL - resolved missing identity datatype for SQL Server.
Corrected order in which columns are added to constraints.
When generating HTML Report Polish characters now display correctly.
Changed default Package, Element and Diagram ordering, in RTF reports, to Tree O
Resolved missing FK links when importing tables where one table is named "Object
Added handling of multiplicity to attribute inplace editor.
Modified display of abstract operations for C++ classes.
Added handling of more language constructs for Actionscript, C#, C++ (.Net), Del
phi, Java, and VB.
Improved handling of indenting in Python parser.
Improved generation of VB.Net interfaces.
Resolved issue with generation of duplicate attributes from associations in C++
and Delphi.
Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 790
Disallowed automatic creation of windows reserved filenames in code engineering.
Modified C++ parsing of static properties and friend functions.
Fixed generation of C++ anonymous enumerations and stopped them being synchronis
Resolved issue reverse engineering C++ pure virtual methods.
Modified .Net disassembly import to handle static properties.
Added round trip of Actionscript class scope, rest parameters, prototype attribu
tes and literal methods.
Added parsing of * syntax for Actionscript untyped variables.
Modified "Package Control" menu to ensure that "Get Package" is disabled when se
lected package is checked-in.
Improved processing of Subversion status results, when long usernames are involv
Modified the Get Package command for Subversion, to handle localised Subversion
Modified hyperlinks in the Help Menu, to overcome problem of some browsers not b
eing able to open the URLs.
Modified the Configure Version Control dialog, to prevent problems when attempti
ng to disconnect from invalid configurations.
Fixed crash when generating an RTF document on a large project.

Fixed RTF bookmarks not displaying correctly.

Resolved issue where new classes exported using MDGLink for Visual Studio would
not successfully complete.
Resolved issue where importing classes using MDG Link for Visual Studio would du
plicate pre-imported classes.
Resolved issue of missing tagged values at connector ends during an XMI import.
Ctrl+Alt+M now always behaves appropriately to the Project View's selection.
MiscData() automation calls now accessible through the dispatch interface (ie. s
cripting languages).
Disabled menu item "Add Model from Pattern", for packages that are locked.
Implemented Automation method Repository.ShowInProjectView()
Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 789
Improved handling of relocated packages, diagrams, objects, connectors and featu
res on XMI import (including version controlled packages).
Improved XMI import when using the "Strip GUIDS" option
Improved handling of an attempt to create an invalid link, the quicklinker menu
is now shown instead of the "invalid uml syntax" message.
Corrected issues where elements with linked documents would misbehave when place
d under version control or in a locked state.
Added packageNotes macro to code template framework.
Changed default state action types to "entry", "exit" and "do" for UML 2.0 compl
Improved ODBC import of SQL Server stored procedures.
Added ability to edit Connector properties from Element dialog - Link page
Prevented DDL generation of triggers when Create Trigger checkbox is cleared.
Generate SQL Server stored procedures - removed parameter brackets if no paramet
ers to generate.
Automation change - property assignment fixed for EA.Connector.SupplierEnd.Stere
Automation change - EA.Package.FindObject() now explicitly excludes Diagrams
Added ActionScript 3 support.
Improved parsing of C++ function pointers, delegates and parameters.
Added support for C++ methods overriden by const.
Resolved issues with synchronisation of inner classes.
Resolved issue with synchronisation of class notes.
Improved transormation of complex package structures.
Improved handling of some constructs in .Net Disassembly.
Fixed issue drawing usecase extension points in rectangle notation.
Interaction Fragments, Activity Partitions, and Boundary elements may now have c
ustom background colours
Improved handling of UTF-8 source files.
Added support for obtaining user message when adding package to version control.
Improved handling of reconnection to a repository following a network interrupti
Fixed issue with alternate connector notations.
Allow elements that have an alternate image to be resized to at least the minimu
m image size.
Corrected notation for abstract actors - name now uses italic font.
Added Image command to the shape script feature to allow rendering of images def
ined in Settings->Images.
Improved zoom to allow zooming to selected connector in a diagram.
Improved the stereotype dialog to display warning if exiting without saving chan
Modified metamodel to allow Signal element to allow operations and attributes
Modified Signal element to allow ownership by other elements.
Improved processing of Subversion response in Get Package command, when long use
rnames are involved.

Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 788

Improved load times for models with very large numbers of elements (greater than
Improved load times for models with very large packages with deep element nestin
g (greater than 50,000 nested elements per single package)
Modified toolbar "UML Elements" to allow dropping element at selected location,
rather than auto placement in top left corner
Modified element multi-select menu to allow setting multiple elements as "Non-Se
lectable" in one step
Added context menu option to diagram context menu to allow setting all "Non-Sele
ctable" elements "Selectable" in one step
Fixed issue with Sequence diagrams saved to image or clipboard sometimes having
excessive white space on left and top
Enabled actors to be set as composite elements
Resolved issue with dropping Collaboration elements from UML Profiles
Corrected UML syntax checking for Interaction Overview diagrams
Updated EA type library and Interop assembly
Updated behaviour of Information Engineering connectors when multiplicity equals
Stopped creation of unexpected packages in transformations.
Modified Package contents display in diagram to include MessageEndpoint and Fina
l state icons
Added MessageEndpoint and InteractionOccurence elements to list displayed in Pro
ject Tree
Added support for generating code from self-aggregations.
Corrected notes synchronisation of VB6 classes when generating.
Improved behaviour or option to remove associations when reverse engineering.
Improved handling of literals and arrays in VB.Net parsing.
Improved handling of enumerations in Java parsing.
Improved handling of enumerations, records and method pointers in Delphi parsing
Improved handling of forward declarations and properties in C++/CLI parsing.
Code Template Updates:
- Updated C++ templates to handle namespace qualified types and inner classes.
Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 787
Added the ability to forward synchronise changes in 'linked attributes'.
Added live code generation to many connector changes.
Improved Sequence diagram handling of InteractionFragments:
Fragments and contained messages now move as a single block when fragment is
All subsequent messages and elements are also shifted down or up to account
for fragment being moved
Lifelines now take precedence of Fragments when doing a hit-test. Z-Order is
Pressing the ALT key while moving a fragment will allow movement of fragment
without moving contained messages
Adding messages between lifelines in a fragment now allows lifelines to take
precedence over Fragments despite Z-Order
Width of Lifeline "hit test zone" reduced to allow finer selection and discr
imination between lifelines and other "decorations"
Other Sequence diagram changes:
Message "IsReturn" now not the default for Right to Left messages (option to
restore old behavior is in tools/options -> diagram/sequence)

Return value on Message now specified with "=" instead of ":="

Added option in Tools/Options dialog - Diagram/Sequence page to select Async
hronous as the default for new messages
Improved Delphi parser handling of enumerations.
Improved C++ parser handling of unicode strings
Improved VB.Net parser to handle different inheritance syntax.
Improved the comment handling in parser for multiple languages.
Expanded list of element types which have shape script decoration support.
Enabled resizing of profile elements with a default size specification.
Zooming the diagram view will now center on the current selection.
Included Up/Down buttons for Attribute and Operation dialogs, by default.
Improved handling of context when using inplace editor.
Added the ability to drag-drop items in the Project Browser as hyperlinks in Mod
el Documents
Added new Document section to RTF templates to allow documentation of various pa
ckage data.
Some minor tweaks to the drawing of connector arrow-heads
Resolved issue with custom transformations not working on SQL server.
Improved handling of package transformation.
Changed "Bookmark Element" keyboard accelerator from Alt+Space to Shift+Space (C
hange takes effect after using : Tools | Customize | Keyboard | Reset All)
Code Template Updates:
- Added support for generating the static keyword from a static to to the C# Cl
ass Declaration template.
- Actionscript Operation and Operation Body templates modified to handle interf
ace operations.
- Actionscript Import template modified to allow generation in more circumstanc
Improved representation of iterations in sequence diagrams generated by debugger
Redesign of breakpoint binding to accomodate late-bound modules.
Breakpoints now associated with project view, to permit multiple views to have s
ame debug command.
Stack Trace History collected by debugger to build sequence diagrams can now be
saved to html, using additional toolbar button.
Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 786
Improved handling of UNC paths on Adaptive Server Anywhere repository.
Added support for datatype mapping of character field > 255 to Memo field where
Access is target database.
Ensured changes to connector tag values are propagated to shapescripts.
Added support for Python decorators.
Improved Delphi code parser to include parsing delphi properties containing qual
ified names and class references.
Improved VB.Net code parser handling of expressions and events.
Added support for generating both ends of bi-directional reflexive associations.
Added handling of connector end multiplicity ordered property to transformations
Changed behaviour of Classifier typed tagged values to allow specification of va
lid types.
Resolved issue on Oracle and PostgreSQL repositories when using QuickLinker from
a BPMN element.
Improved ShapeScript support for connector tag values.
Improved handling of invalid filenames in code generation.
Added support for documenting Object Run States in the RTF generator.

Improved DDL reverse engineering of SQLServer binary/varbinary datatypes.

Added sorting of drop table order for generating DDL for MySQL datamodel having
foreign keys.
Improved support of SQL Server 2005 database reverse engineering.
Resolved different version issues when reverse engineering MySQL databases.
Added "Use <database" clause for generating ASA DDL generation..
Corrected primary key column generation for ASA DDL generation.
Improved handling of comments for ASA DDL generation.
Changed generated DDL for SQL Server script to use table alias when dropping foe
rign keys.
Ensured new UML Profiled elements added to diagram display their tagged values i
Ensured new UML Profile connectors added with Quick Linker show their tagged val
ues immediately
Improved usability of the project security "lock to edit" mode, when combined wi
th version controlled packages.
Ensure that current user's permissions are reloaded after making changes to user
permissions or group permissions/memberships.
Resolved issue with saving version control configuration when using replicated E
AP file.
Resolved issue with drop menus on Project Browser toolbar
Added option to "Copy a Base Project" to Start Page.
Release Notes for EA 6.1 build 785
New Model Wizard
Range of Model Patterns to select from when creating a new model
Kick-start development and modeling with pre-defined "starter" packages and
Patterns included for general use as well as Iconix and UP (Unified Process)
Supplied patterns can be modified and supplemented by the end user
New Quicklink Technology
New diagram behavior supports rapid creation of correct models
New user interface functionality to quickly draw new links "in place" with s
imple mouse clicks
Ability to generate new elements and links concurrently
Quicklinking is completely context sensitive and provides only "legal" UML c
onnectivity options to speed development
Quicklinking can also be integrated with UML Profiles (eg. the BPMN Profile
available from the Sparx Website)
Updated .NET and Java debugger
Sequence Diagrams now generated for a single, user-selectable thread
Enhanced ability to "automatically", as well as "manually" step through a ru
nning application and generate Sequence diagrams
Automatic detection of iterative loops when generating Sequence diagrams
New Threads pane allows easy selection and debugging of specific threads
Support for debugging and working with .NET 2.0 executables
Many other refinements and fixes for both .NET and Java debuggers
MDG Integration
Release 1.0 of the MDG Integration add-in for Visual Studio 2005 released co
ncurrently with EA 6.1
Provides deep integration of UML2.0 and EA's modeling capability into Micros
oft's Visual Studio 2005

New Additional UML 2.0 Elements

Signal, CentralBufferNode, Device, ExecutionEnvironment
Structured Activity, State Machine, MergeNode
CommunictationPath (link)
New Document Templates and Report Templates
Added RTF document templates for reporting Use Case Scenarios, Diagram repor
ts, Resource allocation, Model Glossary
Added new document templates for linked documents such as source code review
s, test reviews and integration plans
Linked document templates can be customised and added to by end users
Many other enhancements and fixes, including the following:
Generate DDL - added Oracle constraint state tags.
Added support for C++/CLI (.NET Managed C++)via option for C++ version.
Added Element Resource.Description field to the document generator
Fixed issue where Help Page became hidden behind EA
Added support for path substitution with version control.
Fixed problems with Package Control "browse" function.
Added support for use of sub-directories with CVS and Subversion.
Fixed problem with packages that are checked-out-offline, being locked by versio
n controlled parent packages.
Disabled menu items Get Latest, Get All Latest, File History and File Properties
whenever user selects "Version Control | Work Offline".
Fixed Notes not saving correctly
Show Behaviour check option now enables the Save button correctly.
Fixed deleting an attribute the Get/Set properties are now being deleted.
When copying an attribute, its Get/Set properties are now copied as well.
Fixed creating a Stereotype Override on cancel.
Fixed new interfaces not appearing on the Exposed Interface Dialog.
Fixed Notes links being dropped when the diagram was copied.
Fixed Diagrams Notes not being saved when navigating in the Project View.
Fixed parsing issue with C++ operator () methods.
Fixed possible crash after using Select Classifier to view class Operations.
Fixed problems with importing some .Net 2.0 libraries.
Fixed occasional parse errors importing Visual Basic 6 code.
Fixed export of RTF Documents as Reference Data.
Automation fix for EA.Repository.SaveDiagram()
Automation fix for EA.Method.Update()
Fixed drawing of diagram element if alternate image fails to load
Fixed override of inherited embedded elements when sub-class is in a different p
Added option to rotate Fork/Join elements via their context menu.
Added "Add from toolbox" item to the diagram context menu.
Fixed positioning bug when resizing elements that are bound to their parents bor
Fixed problem of version control File History dialog not showing information whe
n only a single revision exists.
Fixed issue where EA.Element.Abstract would be unchangeable when set to true
Fixed issue loading defined searches where Search Names may have alternate encod
Fixed issue where EA freezes when using the Search & Report View in crossoveroff
ice 5.0
Fixed issue where printing State and Activity elements in linux draw incorrectly
Release Notes for EA 6.0 build 781
Fixed issue with Get All Latest command ignoring selection of Prompt for Each Fi

le, Always Import or Import Only Changed Files.

Fixed problem diagram toolbox context menu disabling class and interface.
Fixed crash handling VB6 events.
Fixed bug where undo allowed multiple instances of an element on a diagram.
Fixed issues with C++ macros that fail to parse.
Fixed issues with reversing the code from readonly and writeonly C# properties.
Fixed displayed sort order of constraints compartment of diagram objects.
Added DDL Generation of Tablespace for PostgreSQL.
Fixed bug where parameters dialog was inaccessible when object locked.
Added Repository.RemoveTab() method.
Repository.ActivateTab() method no longer fails silently when no name matches.
Fixed speed issue with data transfer.
Fixed error using a template for a document artifact on SQL Server.
Generate DDL - allow backslashes in comments for MySQL.
Fixed UML syntax checking to allow generalizations between classes and associati
on classes
Fixed UML syntax checking for interrupt flows
Fixed issue with Package Control (not VC) when typing "C:\" as the save folder.
Fixed transformation parser to handle operation aliases.
Fixed missing column name if generate alias checked and there was no alias.
Fixed VB parser to handle more complex expressions.
Fixed Delphi parsing error due to comments inside the unit end token.
Fixed issue with Domain Users when Accept Windows Authenication is turned on.
Added ability to search on bookmarked objects
MDG Integration for Visual Studio now doesn't show diagram selection box when di
splaying classes in EA.
Fixed parse error associated with VB6 dim statements.
Fixed python parsing error incorrectly handling indentation.
Fixed issue with CVS and codepages, CVS to add files as binary type.
Release Notes for EA 6.0 build 780
Fixed parsing issues with C++, Delphi and VB.Net
Fixed UML syntax-checking for assembly connectors
Fixed UML syntax-checking for association between classifier and instance
Fixed UML syntax-checking to allow message endpoint on communication diagrams (l
ost and found messages)
Fixed RTF Generator issue where connectors created using the Relationship Matrix
were not documented
Fixed Automation for use on Restricted User accounts
Automation fix for EA.ConnectorEnd.TaggedValues.DeleteAt()
Fixed Auto Counters. Allow all to start from zero. Removed requirement for a p
refix or suffix.
Fixed Print Preview causing title bar to report "No current project"
Fixed bug preventing "show package contents" from applying to certain elements
Fixed bug affecting use case extensions
Fixed unwanted error message on MySQL when first modifying a new diagram.
Fixed import of Oracle stored procedure parameters.
Added security permission check when transferring data.
Made progress dialog for code engineering resizable
Added alias for table operations.
Fixed issue with diagram names when generating a Diagrams only Report
Fixed problem with package's initial status icon using CVS, where "a.xml" was co
nfused with "aa.xml"
Improved code import to create link to templated parent class.
Release Notes for EA 6.0 build 779
Fixed issue with spell checking models stored in repositories
Added some missing syntax highlighting.

Fixed error with implicitly scoped operations in a C# interface.

Import DDL ODBC - fixed bug truncating Oracle and SQL Server stored procedures.
Import DDL ODBC - fixed bug truncating SQL Server check constraints.
Fixed error where RTF Document Generate process would wrongly prompt for a Headi
ng style
Fixed "Get All Latest" command when invoked from non-VC packages.
Made "CVS update: checksum failure" message more friendly.
Disabled retrieval of previous version control revisions, when package is checke
d-out to self.
Fixed errors when reverse engineering Delphi.
Fixed issue where the relationship window would not allow the insertion of eleme
nts to a diagram.
Fixed java parser to handle fully qualified annotations.
Added menu item "Project | Version Control | Work Offline".
Release Notes for EA 6.0 build 778 (final release)
Summary of new features in Enterprise Architect 6.0
Model Discussion Forum:
New forum view in main diagram area
Ability to add categories, topics and posts
Elements from EA project tree can be linked to a post (drag drop)
Ability to load and save in HTML
Shorcuts/Keyboard enhancements
Build, Test, Debug and Execute Support:
Ability to setup and run compile commands from within EA
Ability to click on compile errors in EA and open in the code editor
Ability to show a code editor in the main diagram area
Ability to setup and run jUnit and nUnit testing commands
Ability to click on jUnit and nUnit errors and locate error in code
Ability to run a program associated with a package in EA
Ability to store multiple build/test/run scripts for a package
Debugging of Java applications - requires JAVA 1.5 SDK (including JVMTI) - see H
elp file for details
Debugging of .NET applications (.NET 1.x) directly in EA, including breakpoints,
local variables, call stack
Create Sequence diagrams from executing code (Java and .NET)
Ability to create sequence diagrams from an EA debug stack history (.NET and Jav
a only)
Added support for importing and generating WSDL files
Added support for importing XML Schema files
Added built-in WSDL toolbox to support rapid modeling, development and reuse of
key WSDL components
Added built-in XML Schema toolbox
Extended support for XML Schema modeling (top-level elements, attributes, groups
Added XML node outline to built-in code editor
Support for storing EA models on the Progress OpenEdge DBMS
Integrated Model Documents:
Create, edit and save rich text documents directly within EA
Stereotyped Artifact elements <<model document>> provide direct model document s

In Corporate version any element may also have a linked rich text document store
d in EA
Use document templates to define a set of project wide document templates for ra
pid use
Print, preview, import, store, edit and manage RTF documents directly in EA
Integrate model document content into existing RTF reports generated from EA
New Search/Report View:
Report view is expanded with new columns
Report view now lists both diagram and package contents depending on context
Powerful search engine has been built into report view
Create and save complex search criteria, show results in report view
VS Integration of search results
Code Engineering:
Live code generation for all major languages: Model changes updated in code real
Significant performance improvements for reverse engineering large code bases
Enhancements to Code Engineering option pages
Added code outline to source code editor
Added simple "parse error" display to code outline to highlight first error EA's
code parser locates in file
Added support for additional visibility terms (protected internal etc.)
Added support for Action Script 2.0
Significant Enhancements to C++, VB, VB Net and Delphi round-trip engineering
Ability to open source files from the main menu - including XML, WSDL, XSD etc.
Added built-in support for Python
Added support for AspectJ
MOF Support:
Ability to export EA model elements to MOF
Ability to validate EA model against MOF
OCL Support:
Ability to write OCL scripts
Ability to evaluate a wide range of OCL expressions dynamically and report error
s to user
Ability to validate models using OCL expressions
MDA Transforms:
Ability to perform multiple transforms at once
Added possibility of creating a connector to any element with a known guid
Added option to automatically chain transformations
Added option to automatically generate code from transformations
Shape Scripting Language:
Allows definition of complex shapes and decorations in a simple language
Attach to scripts to stereotypes or profile elements for alternative rendering i
n diagrams
Improved ability to tailor UML toolbox by Perspective
Ability to configure and store user perspectives
Ability to associate a UML Profile or Technology with a Perspective

Ability for add-in to load and set perspectives

Associate Perspective with User Layout
Ordering of Tech Folders in Toolbox
Support for new major profiles:
Profiles now include MOF/OCL validation, complex shapes and perspectives
SysML Profile for systems engineers
BPMN Profile for business modeling
Model validation rules for SysML
Model validation rules for BPMN
Version Control:
Support for Subversion
Support for off-line checkouts
Added Automation Interfaces for checkin, checkout and getstatus
Relationship Matrix:
Fixed issue with cells being locked when either source or target is locked.
Removed menu item "Delete Relationship" when selected Link Direction is "Bi-Dire
Introduced visual cue to indicate whether link is locked. Where a cell has link
s in both directions, S->T is shown.
Right-clicking off the matrix is now ignored.
Right-clicking on a source or target element opens a property dialog for the ele
Miscellaneous :
Mouse over diagram elements now shows tooltip
Hold left mouse down and tap right mouse simulates Ctrl+Right Mouse for easier e
lement addition in diagrams
Support for alternative rendering of data-modeling associations (IDFX1, Informat
ion Engineering)
Fixed connector context menu, to observe lock status of connector's source/targe
t objects.
Fixed issue with adding packages to VC when working file of same name already ex
ists. Duplicate file name is now rejected.
Fixed problem retrieving status of nested CVS controlled packages held in sub-di
rectories of CVS working directory.
Fixed problem when adding package to version control. Clicking Cancel in "Keep
Checked Out" dialog, now aborts the operation.
Fixed problem with Exposed Interfaces ignoring version control locking.
Fixed problem of ignoring the lock status of target and/or source objects, when
invoking the Reverse Direction command for connectors.
Fixed problem of ignoring lock status of parent, when dragging an item in the pr
oject tree.
Fixed problem with CVS "Get Package", to handle packages in sub-directories corr
ectly. (Different to problem fixed in 771.)
Fixed bug loading populating Language combo box in Transformation Templates Edit
or dialog on Oracle repository.
Fixed bug in integrity check on MySQL repository when running recover to remove
invalid foreign keys.
Fixed bug when importing/synchronizing classes on Oracle repository.
Added support to "remember" the chosen type in the "Select By Type" dialog.
Added menu item "Lock Diagram" to Diagram drop-down menu, off main menu.
Numerous additional small bug fixes and performance enhancements
Fixes and changes from EA 6.0 BETA 2 build 777
Fixed drawing issues when using inplace editing.

Made JavaDoc the default commenting comment style for actionscript engineering.
Fixed offset bug in copying alternate images to the clipboard.
Fixed display of missing imported profiles in object properties Stereotype combo
box on Oracle repositories.
Generate DDL - added option to generate foreign key operation constraint_state f
or Oracle DDL.
Fixed VB6 parsing issue.
Fixed issue with import of very large source file sets (> 2000 classes) causing
database error on completion
Improved performance of source importer - especially when no diagrams being crea
Fixed memory violations that could occur under very rare circumstances in the Pr
oject Tree
Release Notes for EA 6.0 Build 777 (BETA 2)
Modifications to enable MDG Integration for Visual Studio .NET 2005
Release of MDG Integration for Visual Studio .NET 2005 Beta 1
Modified discussion forum to allow connection to independent EA model (file or r
Fixed a crash in the relationship matrix
Fixed loading of Primary Key Clustered/NonClustered checkbox in PK Operation Ext
ended Properties dialog.
Fixed ODBC DDL Import to restrict import of VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) datatype to Oracle
Fixed ODBC DDL Import from SQL Server where identity column details were disappe
Fixed ODBC DDL import from SQL Server databases having case sensitive collation.
DDL Generation - Removed extra ";" from end of Oracle trigger script.
Modified sort attributes/operations by stereotype to sort first by stereotype, t
hen by parent class.
Modified discussion forum to allow connection to independent EA model (file or r
Fixed error importing source files containing some unicode characters.
Fixed error where unscoped C# methods were imported as public.
Modified java compile script parsing to handle compiles through Ant.
Fixed bug that truncated stored procedure text on ODBC DDL Import from SQL Serve
Modified the presentation of alternate raster images for non-boundary elements,
the name is now rendered bellow the element.
Fixed error in the Reset New Project GUIDS feature that caused composite element
s to lose their diagram link.
Modified Build & Run script dialog to allow specification of Java class to run w
hen debugging, separate from run command
Modified the Alternate Image dialog, an entry named "NONE" is now available in t
he image list.
Fixed bug in the loading of alternate images defined prior to EA 6.
Release Notes for EA 6.0 build 776
Modified installer to correct intermittent problems on Window 2000
Fixed issue with Matrix display under Windows 2000
Fixed issue with Discussion Forum and Diff/Merge forms under Windows 98
Fixed issue with some license keys being reported as invalid
Help file updates
Fixed issue with import of MOF 1.3
Fixed issue with height of some combo box drop downs in Windows 2000 and 98
Improved performance of context menu in project tree where package menu could be

delayed when checking VC status

Cleared System docked bar when current project is explicitly closed
Updated WSDL transformation to allow for multiple Services for a single componen
Fixed issue with EA exiting without warning on some DB errors
Release Notes for EA 6.0 Build 775
Initial release of EA 6.0 - see release notes under build 778 above
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 772
Fix for issue when loading diagrams from EAP file with user security enabled
Minor update to RTF document genreator
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 771
Improved performance when loading models/diagrams with security enabled.
Fixed issue with displaying inherited features in diagrams and in automation
Fixed display of inherited attibutes and operations on diagram objects
Fixed handling of apostrophe characters in RTF Template names
Changed CVS version of File History dialog, to use "cvs log" instead of "cvs his
Changed CVS version of File History dialog, to highlight the current revision.
Fixed problem with double quote characters placed in CVS check-in message.
Fixed CVS check-out to handle the CVS "checksum failure" error message.
Fixed CVS "Get Package" to handle packages in sub-directories correctly.
Added support to delete connectors from model by pressing Ctrl+Delete key combin
Renamed the diagram option "Hide Qualifiers", to "Hide Visibility Indicators".
Added support to hide the visibility indicators for connectors' roles.
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 770
Fixed Automation Interface issue (introduced in 769), that caused EA.Connector i
nterface to be incompatible with previous builds.
Note : Automation clients compiled against build 769 need to be recompiled again
st build 770.
Fixed error that occured when reverse synchronising a class with an existing ass
Fixed RTF Report Bookmarks to cover the selection range for the section bookmark
Added Field Attribute.Length to the RTF Generator.
Added support for Model Document and Single-element document generation using th
e revised RTF Generator.
Corrected issue with invalid compare status for Test Acceptance Criteria field i
n Acceptance Test.
Minor corrections to floating-point results compared by the compare Utility
Fix to prevent EA Crashing when cancelling Code Package Imports
Fix to correct item ordering in the Element.TaggedValeuesEx Interface method
Fixed problem of version controlled packages losing their VCConfig settings.
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 769
Fixed issues regarding exporting of tagged-values of type <memo> in XMI 1.2
Modified the (CVS) version control File History dialog, making it resizable.

Made Delphi parser delete property tags not found in code.

Added support for array types in Delphi.
Fixed conditional lists of parameters in code template framework.
Fixed the classComplexity code template macro.
Added support for Nested annotations to Java parser.
Generate DDL - add option to place terminator on same line as statement or on ne
w line following statement.
Fixed type field in Auto Counters dialog for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 platforms
Fixed opening properties for stereotyped attributes from Project Browser
Fixed calculation of Use Case Metrics report "Total Use Cases" field
Fixed retrieval of float values from repository (fixed incorrect decimal values
in Use Case Metrics report)
Added automation property: Connector.StateFlags
Copying of table 'column' attributes no longer copies PK/FK flag
Tab characters in Notes elements now get expanded when rendering
Fixed bug when Deleting items from Database Datatypes dialog when multiple items
have same name
Removed Duplicate Att.Notes field in "(basic template)" RTF Document Template
Corrected issue whereby profile tags would not save when invoking "Save Package
as Profile" from the project View.
Corrected issue where Diagram content would incorrectly render using the RTF Doc
ument Generator.
Fixed issue whereby Sequence lifeline occurences would incorrectly draw when "As
sume Return" was enabled.
Added support to persist the View->Field Names option in the RTF template editor
Corrected issue where element substates would incorrectly render to the RTF Docu
ment Generator
Added Element.Abstract, Element.GUID, Diagram.GUID, Package.Abstract, Package.GU
ID, Attribute.GUID, Method.GUID, Connector.GUID, Element.FullName Fields to the
RTF Document Generator
Corrected various rendering issues with the Child Package RTF Document Section
Fixed issues with Element, Package and diagram ordering when Generating RTF Docu
Fixed "Write Always" checkbox option to not generate intermediary file on Transf
ormations after file name has been set.
Added support for custom Codepage and Languages with the revised RTF Generator
Fixed Generation of Single DDL file from multi-select when including elements no
t of "table" stereotype.
Fixed sorting on Date column in System window, Model Issues tab.
Corrected issue with default Document Section ordering in the RTF Template edito
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 768
Significantly improved rendering time of RTF documents for Unicode EA documents
with extended character sets
No longer allow multiple licence key checkout from same machine.
Modified docked relationships window to allow multi-selection when adding relate
d elements to current diagram
Added auto-count feature for aliases.
Corrected direction of connectors created using Create Link dialog.
Fixed issue that prevented stereotype information being included in the OnPreNew
Connector addin event
Fixed issue that prevented profile stereotypes based on certain meta-classes fro
m being applied.
Fixed issue where images drawn in the built-in RTF editor/viewer we're incorrect
ly flipped.
Fixed issue where actors with alternate images were incorrectly drawn to clipboa

Fixed issue of slow model loading when using certain Versions of CVS for version
Modified version control functionality to detect loss of connection to CVS serve
r & alert user.
Fixed bug importing xmi with association names > 255 characters.
Fixed bug in syntax of generated DDL involving table owner and delimiteres ([[db
o].TableName] to [dbo].[TableName]).
Fixed DDL import of multiple indexes from MySQL.
Fixed DDL import of multiple indexes from SQL Server.
Fixed problem where Scenarios attached to locked elements could still be edited
through the dockable Scenarios dialog
Fixed problem of CVS not working when the specified path to cvs.exe contains spa
Fixed problem where the "Document Each Contained Element in RTF" diagram propert
y option is ignored when generating documents with the new RTF Generator.
Fixed problem where Version Control configs that failed to connect to VC system,
where left in the list of available configs.
Fixed problem where "Exclude Details for" option in the new RTF Generator would
not work correctly for Activity Initial/Final and State Initial/Final elements.
Fixed issues with synchronising Java enumerations and methods with array paramet
Updated handling of tagged values in inherited and derived ports/parts
Added support for generating XML-based logs of the DiffMerge command.
Added support in the new RTF Generator for outputting RTF Bookmarks for Diagrams
, Elements and Packages.
Code Template Updates:
- Updated Java Class Body template for enumerations to improve formatting.
- Update Java Parameter template to remove check for tagged value containing ar
ray information.
In Relationship Matrix, right-clicking outside of existing extended selection, r
eplaces the existing selection with the clicked cell.
Fixed ODBC import of table owner for SQL Server.
Fixed ODBC import of MySQL auto_increment columns.
Fixed bug in CreateProperty dialog with updating a name.
Fixed problems transforming connectors to nested elements.
Fixed bug with java enumerations.
New substitution macros available in transform templates:
- %connectorEffect%
- %connectorGuard%
- %connectorTrigger%
- %connectorWeight%
Fixed context menu to observe user's permissions to lock elements in project tre
Auto-checkin facility for shared keys.
Added automation method: Repository.GetDiagramByGuid
Fixed ImportTechnology to import tagged values, images, transforms.
Keystore now works under Wine and Novell client environments.
Added automation method: Repository.GetSelectedTreeObject.
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 767
Fixed generation of methods from multiple realised interfaces.
Fixed VB.Net parser to allow Shadows keyword on inner classes.
Made the source editor save using the "Output files use both CR & LF" option.
Corrected issue where the RTF Generator would incorrectly generate noteless elem
ents when the "Hide Noteless Elements" option was turned on.
Added External Requirements as a document section in the new RTF generator
Updated RTF (basic template) to include external requirements
Corrected issue where the "Exclude image from RTF document" option was ignored i
n the new RTF Document generator.

Fixed issue where images of GIF/PNG/WMF file types were unable to be imported or
viewed in the RTF Template editor and Internal Viewer.
Fix bug generating Implementation Report on MySQL repositories.
Fixed bug where documents generated with the new RTF generator would incorrectly
generate root packages when the Skip Root Package option was enabled.
Fixed bug where Paste Appearance wasn't marking diagram dirty.
In HTML documentation, made hyperlinks clickable even when not "selectable".
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 766
Added support for moving connector end to new source or target using mouse (Shif
t+ Left Mouse click on end to move - then click on new target)
Modified sequence diagram behavior to automatically move elements below a moved,
deleted or added message up or down as required to preserve diagram format
Modified sequence diagrams to show Use Cases as ellipses where appropriate
Fixed bug when adding Port or Part to sequence diagram (could cause crash)
Modified sequence diagram to correctly show names of all lifelines in caption ba
r - previously some (such as Use Case) were not shown
Added support for moving from one selected connector to another using the arrow
Fixed issue with Enter key not invoking Property dialog for connectors
Modified EA to not reset main menu every time it runs - supports additional user
customization of menus. Note: adding or modifying license keys will revert menu
to default
Added "BatchAppend" property to automation interface. Use when adding large numb
ers of elements, attributes, operations or parameters to a model. Provides signi
ficant performance boost. Note: you must set BatchAppend to false when complete
Fixed relative file paths when EA is on a repository.
Added option to draw aggregations and compositions from target to source.
Fixed incorrect DDL of PostgreSQL primary key if the PK operation was not the fi
rst in the operations list.
Fixed issue where RTF documents viewed with the internal viewer would incorrectl
y print and print preview.
Fixed buffer overrun in Image Manager when performing an update.
Fixed automation method Attribute.IsOrdered to record True value correctly.
Fixed automation Repository.OpenFile() to deal gracefully with non-string values
Corrected output of the legacy RTF generator to output object aliases.
Fixed consistency issue with Collaboration message links when deleting the assoc
iation they are attached to.
Slight modification of label drawing on Transitions to better format Trigger\Gua
rd\Effect details, including source code on multiple lines
Fixed RTF generator issue where diagrams were incorrectly being duplicated.
Fixed issue with slow performance clicking in large diagrams with many visible A
Fixed Automation issue with broadcast events that could cause a crash if diagram
was reloaded by add-in.
Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 765
Fixed problem with package locking when dragging & dropping items between versio
n controlled packages.
Fixed problems with switching between the code and transform template editors.
Fixed bug with forward synchronising to some Visual Basic files.
Fixed bug where a C# file wouldn't parse if any namespace had any attributes.
Fixed bug where Oracle wasn't displaying a unique index and a unique constraint
having the same name.
Removed newline character when importing from Oracle tables where column has a d
efault value.

Fixed bug generating InterBase DDL for table having multiple primary key.
Fixed issue with Insert Related Elements: can now be run on locked elements
Corrected Issue where RTF Document Generation, invoked with user-defined Phase v
alues in the Generate Options dialog, would cause EA to abort.
Corrected basic template to remove duplicate Att.Notes field.
Added support to preserve RTF output filename when switching between RTF Generat
ors where possible.
Fixed ddl generation of Access primary keys.
Removed doubling up of surround chars ([]) for SQL Server generated DDL of forei
gn key refenced tables.
Fixed alias names for table and column comments for SQL Server DDL generation.
Modified code synchronization to preserve user stereotypes on some elements wher
e appropriate.
Tagged values of attributes named "xUML" (or "XUML") are displayed on diagrams.
Code Template Updates:
- Added support for partial classes to the C# Class Declaration template.

Release Notes for EA 5.0 build 763 (BETA 4)

Addition of MDA style model transformation engine (Professional and Corporate ve
rsions only)
Template driven for easy creation and modification of transforms
Simple intermediary language allows definition of complex trasnform targ
Full forward synchronization to allow PIM updates to be propogated to PS
Maintain multiple PSM(s) from single PIM
PSM classes may have additional attributes and operations added that for
ward synchronization will not modify
New fully WYSIWYG RTF template editor and report generator (all versions)
Powerful RTF template editor support:
Tabular Sections
Nested Tabular Sections
All model elements, connectors, diagrams and their contained pro
Template import/export using XML
Basic templates supplied for customization
New document generator
Simplified options
Generates complex documents based on new RTF templates
New embedded RTF viewer
View RTF documents generated in EA directly within EA
Compare (diff) Utility (Professional and Corporate versions only)
Embedded compare utility allowing comparison of model structure (package
branch) to stored XMI
Deeply compare all model elements and connectors (diagrams not currently
Shows added, deleted, moved and modified elements
Compare to XMI file on disk
Compare to latest version control XMI file from repository
Compare to stored baseline (Coporate version only)

New Baseline function (Corporate version only)

Store complete package branch in compressed XMI format within the curren
t model
Perform compare on current package to stored Baseline
Maintain multiple baselines for any package
Use compare to determine changes, additions, deletions from the Baseline
to current state
Version control changes:
Substantially improved support for version control of nested packages.
Nested VC packages are now not overwritten by import of parent VC packag
VC packages now only write out nested package stubs instead of full deta
Support to retrieve version control status of many files with a single q
uery to the version control provider, improves load time of large models
Improved support of AccuRev version control.
Improved support of Perforce version control.
General bug fixes and enhancements
Perform check of all open diagrams when model subtree is refreshed after
import of version control XMI
Model Consistency in shared environment (particularly where version control is e
Modified Project Browser to check status of selected element when right
clicked or focused.
Detect when underlying element has been deleted or imported using XMI (i
ncluding version control)
Reload model sub tree when inconsistency detected.
Modifications and improvements to Hierarchy window.
Includes dependency relationships
Include nested elements as dependency type
Added support for the import of binary modules such as Jar files, and .Net assem
.NET binary import supported through reflection and/or decompilation to
IL format
Data modeling changes:
Added support for reverse engineering of stored procedures for SQL Serve
r and Oracle.
Fixed engineering of check constraints for Oracle and SQL Server tables.
Code Engineering:
Updated Property dialog to check for existing property that isn't linked
when creating methods.
Fixed property dialog to check for property let functions in visual basi
Added functionality to remove generalization and realisation connectors
not found in code when reverse synchronising.
Added option to remove associations representing attributes not found in
code when reverse synchronising.
Fixed bug where attribute/operation positions were set incorrectly after
reverse synchronising.
Added fix to support C++ operator() correctly
Addition of OCL type for element, attribute and operation constraints. S
imple syntax checking included.

Automation changes:
Support for Add-in menu on connector and diagram
Added function to get selected connector
Added function to activate an Add-In tabbed window and give it focus
Modified EA to prevent closing Add-in tabbed view when user closes curre
nt model and opens another
Other functions added - see help file
Added additional accelerator key strokes to facilitate using EA by keybo
ard only
To ensure new accelerators available, go to Tools/Customise Keyboard tab
- and press Reset All
Modified use of Arrow keys in a diagram to allow easier navigation and m
ovement (see help)
Modified handling of UML Profile and UML Patterns in Toolbox
Show each UML Profile in separate toolbox tab
Modify behaviour to be more like standard toolbox items (drag drop suppo
rt, toolbox color etc.)
Some small changes to element menu to group advanced settings on separate sub-me
Added option to prompt user on deleting connectors, "Hide in diagram" or "Delete
from model".
Clean up of toolbar images and UI drawing
Improved user messages when shared key expires.
Fixed issue where nested element positions were lost in project view
Fixed issue with EA Lite opening models from certain repositories.
Disabled various menu items in EA Lite.
Fixed bug where new properties created in EA didn't get their positions set.
Added option to accept Windows authentication instead of logging on to models wi
th security enabled.
Fixed bug where tagged values didn't show in diagram frames
Fixed issue with tagged values on sterotyped operations.
Fixed bug attaching a note to an element feature whose name includes an apostrop
Added functionality to allow changable colours for status types
Enabled context-sensitive help on Add Licence dialog
Fix import of "timestamp" datatype from SQL Server 2000.
Fix DDL generation of Oracle inline column comments.
Added support in the UML Profile export facility to customize the order of profi
le stereotypes in the resource tree and toolbox.
Fixed issue with GUI layout occassionally being broken after running EA from aut
omation client with main window hidden
Fixed issue with automation collections not clearing between "CloseFile" and "Op
enFile" calls from client
Release Notes for EA 4.51 build 752
Fixed issue with saving association class assignments where class and associatio
n were getting out of step.
Fixed truncation of SQL Server composite primary keys when generating DDL.
Fixed population of Type Details list in Inheritance dialog on Oracle repository
Fixed incompatibility between StarTeam Source Code Control and EA using DAO 3.5.

Code Template Updates:

- Fixed VB.Net and VB operation body templates to be able to generate both beha
viour and initial code
- Added initial code generation to VB.Net operation body property template.
Fixed missing check constraint column when importing database schema.
Fixed issue where Pasted composite elements would not completely copy children s
Fixed issue where Interaction Occurrences would not move when a sequence diagram
is moved to another parent.
Fixed issue where Single Element documentation behaves incorrectly when invoked
from the project browser.
Added support for File Type tag values
Release Notes for EA 4.51 build 751
Fixed display of UML Pattern folders in Resource Tree, now sorted alphabetically
Prevented saving invalid stereotype image path.
Fixed display on sequence diagrams of actors with alternate image derived from t
heir stereotype.
Fixed issue with excluding element details for ActivityInitial, ActivityFinal el
ements in RTF documentation
Fixed issue where legacy profiles would fail to import metafile images for profi
le stereotypes.
Fixed issue with Project.ImportPackageXMI automation call which prevented the St
rip Guids option from working.
Changed attQualType, linkAttQualName, linkParentQualName, opReturnQualType and p
aramQualType to include namespace path only if generating namespaces.
Code Template Updates:
- Fixed C++ templates to scope class names in model with outer classes and name
space path if generating namespaces.
- Fixed problem with not generating destructors properly in the Delphi Operatio
n Declaration and Operation Declaration Impl templates.
- Fixed problem in the Visual Basic property get Operation Body template that g
enerated a double quote at the start.
- Fixed C# enumeration Class Declaration template that wouldn't generate non in
t enum types.
Corrected issue with RTF Report dialog incorrectly setting the saved template wh
en used with saved documents.
Fixed import of MySQL tables where NULL/NOT NULL flags were reversed.
Fixed display of attribute compartment when inherited attributes are being displ
ayed but parent class doesn't have any.
Corrected SQL statement for import of schema from case sensitive SQL Server.
Allowed exception handlers to be set as composite elements.
Corrected Pasting behavior for Embedded Elements to correctly copy element geome
tries from specified source diagram.
Included Short Description field for Requirement, Issue and Change elements when
spell checking.
Fixed saving use case notes > 1024 in length on PostgreSQL repository.
Fixed a bug where the class level option for default file extention didn't work
in code engineering.
Allowed for __fastcall methods with a type in the C++ parser.
Fixed bug where code template editor wouldn't display empty user templates.
Added reverse engineering support for Delphi records.
Added integritry check for duplicate diagram links to Data management/Integrity
Modified check when adding connector to allow source element to be locked under
security settings, but must still be checked out under Version Control
Release Notes for EA 4.51 build 750

Updated Automation Interface to allow XMI Type specification from Project.Export

PackageXMI() call
Fixed diagram refresh issue that caused deleted element tagged values to remain
displayed in diagrams until reloaded
Fixed Licence Management dialogs to use regional date format
Fixed format of sequence message labels when parameter name includes "(opt)"
Fixed display of actors as sequence diagram lifelines when they have alternate i
mage defined
Fixed format of parameterized template labels
Modified behavior of UML Profile imports where stereotypes containing valid note
s will not contain the "UML Profile Notes" prefix
Checking out version controlled packages improved. When current package is up t
o date, offer user choice of;
Force Reload, Accept Current & optionally Refresh Model View. When model view
is out of date, force Refresh View.
Improved integration with AccuRev version control. Status messages returned by
AccuRev are displayed in EA output window. Generation of
Catch & handle exception thrown by AccuRev (& others), when it fails to open pro
successive XML files for an unchanged package, now produces identical files.
Fixed issue with packagePath macro inside a Java Import template.
Fixed issue with C++ parser including comments in default values.
Made it possible to generate private and protected delphi properties
Corrected display of GUIElement with <<tab>> stereotype
New substitution macros available in code templates:
- %attAlias%
- %opAlias%
- %packageAlias%
- %genOptPHPGetPrefix%
- %genOptPHPSetPrefix%
Code Template Updates:
- Updated the the Operation Body Impl template for C++ to not generate construc
tors and destructors for structs.
- Updated the Operation Body template for Delphi to generate private and protec
ted Delphi properties.
- Updated the Java Class Body enumeration override template to fix bad list con
Fixed bug which allowed in-place editing of elements when security user had insu
fficient permissions
Fixed bug with in-place creation of attributes and operations where a failure to
parse left the default values on the diagram.
Added <<invokes>> and <<precedes>> connectors for Iconix Use Case toolbox.
Fixed bug in display of varchars in PostgreSQL tables.
Fixed bug in showing inherited attributes/operations in a class in a diagram
Stopped generation of bad using statements for inner classes in a C++ implementa
tion file.
Fixed problem that sometimes stopped method and attribute tagged values being av
ailable in custom templates.
Fixed issue were RTF Report generation fails when using an SQLServer-based repos
Fixed problem where VB.Net import statements were generated without the project
Fixed issue where operation sequence messages were not being corrected to reflec
t changes to operation renaming
Fixed bug when generating DDL CHAR dataypes was missing the length.
Fixed problem on Win9x systems where if CVS did not allow check-in of checked ou
t packages if the username environment variable did not match Windows' user name
Added option to selectively include Embedded Elements in RTF Document generation

Fixed issue with operation and attribute scope images in Operations and Attribut
es dialogs when moving position of feature up or down
Fixed spurious error message when entering MDG licence key before an EA key.
Modified code generation to disallow deleting notes from code when model element
s have no code.
Added check for locked element when adding embedded element or dropping class as
port or part onto locked element
Release Notes for EA 4.51 build 749
Fixed issue where messages with sequence numbers were incorrectly generated in R
TF document format.
Fixed issue where swimlane titles appearing on the Caption Bar would position ba
dly when the diagram's zoom is changed
Added the class modifier keyword "strictfp" to the java grammar.
Fixed issue where the source bar allowed both Sync and Generate buttons to be en
abled when a package was selected
Fixed intermittent issues where Eclipse Add-in would freeze or crash EA.
Prevented DDL generation of tables without columns.
Allowed DDL generation of individually selected table operations.
Added DDL generation of referential integrity for InterBase/Firebird table relat
Added support for Oracle VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) datatypes.
Release Notes for EA 4.51 build 748
Automation additions, deletions and modifications of terms, tasks and project is
sues are now reflected in user interface.
IDualConnector.Name is now Read/Write.
Version Control GetLatest can now be disabled on shared models.
Fixed Username/Rego in 747 build incorrectly copied from Shared Key property she
Fixed issue with EA crashing when AutoGenerating Documents
Fixed bug when copying/pasting as new and new name contains an apostrophe.
Fixed Diagram copy/paste issue where copied elements could appear under the wron
g parent in the Project View
Added support for FireBird 1.5 data modeling.
Fixed bug that stopped classes within dotted C# namespaces from synchronising.
Fixed bug that stopped C++ method implementation notes from synchronising.
Fixed bug where closing a diagram using the tab reverts to an unexpected diagram
Fixed bug in DDL generation of InterBase/Firebird triggers.
User layouts for version 4.51 reset to avoid display issues with loading layouts
from previous versions of EA
Release Notes for EA 4.51 build 747
Enabled outlining (collapsible sections) of source code editor for major languag
Added ability for EA to import Java from .JAR and .CLASS files
Added Dynamic Help docked window to provide instant help on popular topics
Added docked Output window for system and add-in to use when displaying line ite
ms to user
Added automation calls to allow add-ins access to new Output docked window
Added dockable Project Management window. Replaces old "Project Management, reso
urces, Risks and Effort" dialog. Similar behavior to docked Tests window.
Fix to include test cases in the Testing Documentation for the root package the
command is invoked on.
Added context menu option to diagram for multi-selected elements - allow Layout

of Selected Elements Only

Enhanced the resolve ambiguous relationship dialog to show parent classes.
Enhanced the resolve ambiguous relationship dialog to be resizable.
Added the parent elements to the select classifier dialog.
Fix for C++ parser to handle empty template definitions.
Fix code generation issue that could cause a crash when attempting generation of
multiple classes to the same, new file path.
Fixed diagram behavior issue where the diagram would incorrectly be set as dirty
on selection of a connector
Generate DDL for PostgreSQL - removed ASC from index syntax.
Create foreign key - allowed for foreign key relationship betweeen "integer" and
"serial" datatypes.
Generate DDL for PostgreSQL - fixed syntax of trigger generation to allow text b
efore the table name.
Generate DDL for PostgreSQL - added CREATE SEQUENCE statements where column is a
n autonumber.
ODBC Schema import - removed error message importing SQL Server 7 schema includi
ng table/comments.
Fixed issue with display of source code when doing a reverse in quick succession
Fixed issue which caused artifact stereotypes to be reset to default during XMI
Fixed issue which caused EA to crash when generating RTF reports for Package Met
Enabled saving UML Profiles as either of EA's current or legacy formats.
Fixed issue where EA would raise an exception when trying to save an empty packa
ge as a UML profile.
Fixed issue where Artifact element names were being incorrectly drawn in diagram
Generate DDL for MySQL - fixed position of NOT NULL for ENUM and SET datatypes.
ODBC Schema import - fixed issue where EA was not distinguishing between SQL Ser
ver unique constraints and unique indexes.
ODBC Schema import - added option to import directly into a selected package whe
n no diagram is open.
Ensure Close button in diagram caption bar is repainted correctly in all situati
ons and not overwritten by caption text
removed Multiplicity context menu item from Actions
Corrected Action element drawing behavior to prevent Action Kind text overwritin
g the stereotype.
Fixed bug where composite and embedded elements would behave erratically with SQ
L Server.
Fixed issue where EA would abnormally terminate when browsing operations in elem
Added option to Tools/options dialog - Object page ... ability to show Port and
Part type always.
Disallow MDG connection at root package.
Fixed issue with misreported page sizes on RTF reports generated from EA.
Fixed issue where element icons were incorrectly drawn when diagram drawn to RTF
or image file using Windows 2000.
Corrected Attribute notation for ordered multiplicity for UML 2.0 confirmity
Fixed issue with packages displaying wrong contents on diagrams, if sibling pack
ages used the same name
Fixed issue with xml code page when applying style sheets to XMI export
Fixed Tagged Value drawing issue where tags with null values were not drawn.
Fixed issue where Child diagrams were incorrectly created for Change and Issue e
Fixed issue where dropping elements (such as Requirements) from the tree onto an
other element in a diagram would not update the diagram and docked windows as ex
Added support for attaching linked element files to HTML documentation.
Added support for naming Fork/Join elements in Activity diagrams.

Fixed issue where changing the type of an element in a diagram may affect positi
on of the same element in other open diagrams
Corrected diagram notes output behavior in RTF documentation to be more consiste
nt for package and element diagrams.
Connected default project director yset in Tools/options to File/Open and open M
odel File dialogs
Corrected issue whereby filters applied to the selection of objects in the RTF r
eport generator dialog would not apply for embedded elements.
Added General properties/Advanced properties command support when selecting elem
ents in the Project View.
Added button to Tagged Values docked window to allow quick access to Tag Definit
ions from the Configuration main menu
Modified new tag dialog to allow direct entry of pre-defined tags of type "strin
g" only
Modified Tag dialog to check for data mismatch between Mask and Template length
when Custom tag types define mask and template
Added priority field to the default Maintenance/Maintenance Item HTML templates.
Generate DDL - added option to generate table alias as table table name and colu
mn alias as column name where it is provided.
Fixed issue with generating RTF reports containing return characters which were
not being picked up
Modified drawing of Collaboration to allow elongated shape when "Allow Elongated
use Cases" option is checked
Modified HTML and RTF Report generators for performance increase and to overcome
DMBS limitations on very large models
Fixed issue where the Hide Property Methods Diagram command would not work for D
elphi properties.
Added support for showing vertical swimlane names in the diagram caption bar.
Import DDL Schema - fixed bug when importing table with at least 2 indexes, one
clustered from SQL Server - wasn't setting clustered tag.
Modified Sequence diagram drawing to allow return messages to appear at source a
ctivation level
Added support for code engineering of Java 1.5, C# 2.0 and PHP 5.0
Added support for using literal numbers in code template function macros.
C++ reverse engineering now assigns a typedef name to anonymous types where avai
Fixed bug where parsed comments in C++ implementation where not parsed
Fixed issue with Toolbox scroll buttons being disabled in very rare cases
Fixed bug in the XML exporter where an exception is raised if a tagged value con
tains an apostrophe character.
Fixed bug with various dialogs not being translated for international users.
Fixed performance issue where copyring attributes and operations from the Projec
t View for very large models.
Modified RTF Report Generator to include Feature Aliases, Project Management ite
ms, Model Glossary, Issues and Tasks.
Fixed issue with drawing and printing text in EA running on CrossoverOffice 4.0
and above.
Fixed issue where Project View item where class elements were not being updated
when profile attributes and operations were created for them in a diagram.
Changed HTML templates to make output easier to read
Updated directory code import with namespaces to close all namespace diagrams an
d lay them out according to the options.
IElement::ParentID fixed (IDualElement was working) .
Fixed behavior where diagram-specific commands would not process correctly when
switching between views using ALT-Left and ALT-Right keyboard shortcuts.
Modified EA to switch to the next diagram to the right of one just closed (where
possible) with the tab context menu command.
Fixed behavior where Sequence Message names would incorrectly display when the "
Use UML 1.4 Message Names" local option is turned off.
Added options page for PHP containing default source extention, import extention

s, default directory, PHP version and property prefixes.

Modified Tagged Value property dialog to allow structured tags to be defined on
an individual basis (ie. in the Tag Notes section use Type=<tagtype>;)
Corrected an error in syntax of generated stored procedures.
Fixed issue where Project.PutDiagramImageToFile would hang EA when an image draw
ing error has occurred.
Added additional fields to Project/Project Statistics dialog (Element Tests, Sce
narios etc.)
Added support for Corporate Floating License (shared keys). Corporate floating l
icenses will be available as a separate EA product in the near future
Fix to include test cases in the Testing Documentation for the root package the
command is invoked on.
Corrected issue where multiple classes with same name may cause incorrect select
ion of classifier in Attribute, Operation dialogs
Fixed issue with Default values for operation parameters when edited using in-pl
ace editor
Fixed issue when adding element to diagram which has been modified by another us
Fixed problem where new class inserted into a C++ header file was added after th
e #endif
Fixed erroneous import statement generation from aggregation links
Added PHP to the Create Property Dialog
Some additions to Undo feature (connector line points, format toolbar colors, si
zing element with keys)
Version Control GetAllLatest feature now accepts single response on behalf of mu
ltiple packages.
Fixed issue with "Create Property" dialog when used on class with no code genera
tion language set
Code Template Updates:
-Updated the the Operation Body template for all languages. Now implements th
e use of the option 'Generation->Wrap long comment lines'.
-Updated Java and C# templates to include support for generics.
-Updated PHP templates to provide PHP 5 support.

Release Notes for EA 4.50 Build 744

Fix for element copying for Composite Activities States and Classes to create ne
w ones on Paste as New.
Enhanced the resolve ambiguous relationship dialog to show parent classes.
Added the parent elements to the select classifier dialog.
Shared dialog appears now when UMLDiagram Properties is clicked.

Release Notes for EA 4.50 Build 743

Fix issue with Oracle in countries using , as decimal separator - affected attri
bute and operation dialog
Fix for issue when deleting connectors that can occur in some models
Fix for issue where Matrix profiles saved with duplicate names would incorrectly
be allowed to occur.
Fix package drawing where diagram shows package with requirements or other compa
rtments - package could become very large
Fix for drawing behaviour of CallOperation Action
Modified behavior when dropping multiple Requirements from Project Browser to no
t create Realizations by default
Added check for duplicate GUIDs to Data Integrity dialog

Modified menus to show "Operation" instead of "Interface" for Component and Inte
rface operations
Changed behavior when pasting duplicated elements into diagrams which are owned
by other elements. Pasted object now receives parentID of diagram
Fixed issue with Action element when having a Behavioral classifier and pressing
F9 or F10 keys
Release Notes for EA 4.50 Build 742
Fix for critical issue with Oracle repository that could adversely affect a numb
er of functions, particularly security and element features.
Fix for issue with Timeline labels not drawing correctly
Fix for Collaboration message direction indicator
Modify Toolbox to remove Profile folder if Profile is deleted from Model
Some improvements to the speed of deleting large packages
Fix for Foreign Key dialog which could occur when both a Unique Index and Primar
y key contained the same parameter
Release Notes for EA 4.50 Build 741
Fixed issues when using Ctrl + Arrow keys to move elements in the project tree u
p or down the order
Fixed issue with project tree not receiving focus when clicking in the backgroun
d area - impacted scrolling with mouse wheel and similar actions
Adjusted F4 hot key and element context menu for "Appearance" to support multi-s
elect appearance change in the same fashion as Ctrl+Shift+E already did
Fixed issue where Package Elemente we're not draw correctly when the "Show Requi
rements" option was enabled on the diagram.
Fixed issue where some resource elements made visible in the toolbox, were incor
rectly placeable onto UML diagrams.
Fixes issue where the Resource Tree would not refresh when Reference Data was su
ccessfully imported.
Fixed bug on Oracle repository when saving changes to a class attribute.
Fixed Oracle date comparison in Resource and Tasking Details Report.
Modified "Create a New Model" command to create a writeable model from a read-on
ly base model.
Added support for copying files linked to in diagrams for HTML documentation gen
Ensure editable item selected in table attribute list when dialog opens.
Fixed error modifying test having apostrophe in name.
Fixed display of use case metrics, ecf and tcf values on Oracle and PostgreSQL.
Fixed issue with diagram when resizing class and Object option "Auto-Reize marks
dirty" is set on
Fixed issue where drawing of movable labels could cause GDI leaks in Windows9x
Fixed issue where creating new elements using the Elements->New Element command
could cause EA to crash
Modified EA to allow creation of an instance of an Artifact
Some improvement to load time of very large models
Fixed issue where EA would not load the last-used User Layout when starting.
Fixed issue where HTML document generation would not include line breaks in html
note fields when the "Preserve Whitespace in Notes" option was used.
C++ parser updated to:
- Ignore any comments that appeared before compiler directives.
- Ignore comments before method parameters.
- Handle bitfield size specifications.
VB.Net parser updated to allow bracketed keywords for function and variable name

Fix for Java parser where a newline appears between the function name and openin
g brace.
C# Parser updated to handle qualified indexers.
Fixed bug where the attProperty macro only sometimes worked.
Allowed 'Create Package per Namespace' for Import Source Directory with Java.
Data Modelling:
- Fixed import of SQL Server table and column comments.
- Fixed DDL MySQL UNIQUE INDEX syntax.
- ODBC Schema Import: fixed bug importing/generating unconstrained Oracle NUMBE
R datatype.
- Fixed bug creating foreign key into a unique column of a table where that tab
le also has a primary key.
Added multiple stereotypessupport in XMI 1.2 export for objects.
Added metamodel tag to XMI 1.2 header.
Release Notes for EA 4.50 Build 740
Added support for multi-select drag and drop and delete in Project View
Extended Object Search on MySQL repository to include attributetags and operatio
Connection to repository dialog - replaced unused radio buttons with DBMS text i
Correction to the Roles dialog to save changes to the Note and Description field
s when modified
Modified Interaction fragment dialog to allow larger drop list under Windows 200
Modified Sequence message to include "Set Label Visibility" context menu option
Corrected behavior where the notes docked window would lose its contents if an e
lement, feature or connector is modified by one of the properties dialogs
Added ability to synchronise new class members with package visibility into a C+
+ class (with public visibility).
Fixed importing of inner interfaces in C#.
Added support for vertically aligning moveable element labels.
Fixed issue where UML Toolbox scroll buttons may not activate when changing betw
een diagram types
Modified Activity drawing to hide stereotype when Diagram "Hide Element Stereoty
pe" option checked
Modified Attribute dialog to pick up default type on first entry
Fixed display of use case metrics, ecf and tcf values on Oracle, PostgreSQL and
ASA repositories.
Allow multiple Version Control configurations in the same model.
Direct support for CVS.
More tolerant of common mistakes on user registration/security key entry.
Fixed issues with unwanted whitespace when importing C# comments.
Fixed bug with attProperty field substitution macro.
Allowed for unit qualified parameter types in Delphi import.
Fixed problem with java import when an empty comment (/**/) appears in the sourc
Handle the declaration of multiple attribute in a single statement better in the
Java parser.
Added support for tagged values on operation parameters
Updated dockable tag window to display tags for connector ends and operation par
Corrected behavior in EA where text on printed or clipboard-copied diagrams were
incorrectly overlapped.
Modified drawing behavior to prevent element names overlapping the stereotype ic
ons in Artifacts and Class Elements.
Fixed issue with using cursor keys to resize selected elements.

Fixed issue with attribute losing constraints when dragged and dropped between c
lasses in the Project Browser
Fixed issue with dragging and dropping a parent element onto its child within a
diagram causing a circular reference.
Added Requirements #TYPE# tag & updated default HTML templates to show Object re
quirements type in HTML documentation
Updated RTF document generator to include Diagram Note elements when the "Docume
nt All Elements" option is turned on
Fixed problem in Java parser where a comment on the same line as a inner class o
r function close break stopped the thing following from importing properly.
Added a prompt to confirm code template deletions.
Added a save prompt when closing the code template editor.
Removed "Set as Default" checkbox from the Language Datatypes dialog.
Made the help button for the Language Datatypes dialog go to right page of help
Fixed problems with association types not being correctly imported.
Improved XMI 1.2 export for class diagrams and state machines.
Fixed problem with root packages not importing correctly as root nodes.
Fixed issue with importing and stripping GUID values resulting in duplicate obje
ct ids.
Fixed bug in builds 738/739 where View-type elements in some circumstances behav
ed differently to Package-type elements.
Fixed bug in Glossary report to take Language adjustments into account
Fixed bug in parser that caused it to fail when the following appeared in a stri
ng. "\\\""
Fixed bug where import statements where only generated from one end of an associ
ation with unspecified direction.
Fixed bug where the arrows on collaboration messages in communication diagrams w
ould not update after moving the association connector
Improved application load times and overall stability on CXOffice Linux edition
Added option to show line numbers in margin of source editor
Added "Usage..." menu option in Project Tree context menu for any Element type.
Provides list of diagrams element appears in.
Fixed bug where elements with movable labels would not apply the element's custo
mised fonts.
Fixed bug where editing diagram notes in Notes window wasn't marking diagram as
Fixed bug where changing case of object test was not saving.
Creating a new VB.Net property with only Read or Write checked now sets the prop
erty to "ReadOnly" and "WriteOnly" respectively.
Added a subset of version control functions to the Project View "Rootnodes"
Modified "New Package" and "New View" functions when inserting at the Root level
(ie a new view is being added) to prompt for Icon type (Use Case, Class etc.)
BrowseProject dialog (used in Set Project Template Package, Matrix and Move Requ
irement External) modified to match project package positions, instead of simple
Fixed issue with diagram layout not working as expected when importing source co
Modified diagram view to hide grid when zoom level is below 40%
Don't allow group locking where no group is selected.
Fixed issue with automation interface - when using the DiagramLink.IsHidden prop
erty - depending on the calling convention of the client application
Fixed issue where Classes dropped onto a Sequence lifeline were incorrectly bein
g dropped on as a composite element.
Data Modelling:
- Generate DDL - fixed bug where cascade constraints not generating for MySQL f
oreign key relationships.
- Added NOT FOR REPLICATION option to SQL Server data model table columns.
- Fixed setting of focus back to column name after saving column.

- Added option to generate a single DDL script for tables selected on a diagram
- Fixed bug that truncated long check constraints.
- Added support for import of Adaptive Server Anywhere 7 schemas.
- Fixed bug where non-foreign key associations between tables were generated as
foreign keys.
- Added support for MySQL ENUM and SET datatypes for generating DDL.
- Modified Foreign Key Dialog to sort foreign key parameters to match datatypes
of primary key.
- Modified Foreign Key Dialog to allow moving position of foreign key and prima
ry key columns.
- Fixed import of foreign keys from MySQL on Windows.
Code Template Updates:
- Added checks for package visibility class members in the C++ Class Body templ
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 739
Adjusted tabular RTF output to scale with the user-selected width of the output
Modified display of Test docked window to ensure it is correctly refreshed with
currently selected object information when first shown or made visible
Modified XMI export to exclude "Encoding" attribute of XML instruction when Enco
ding string is set to nothing in Tools/options/XML Encoding
RTF Report dialog now saves Page setup with the template and no longer overwrite
s the default values
Fixed Find Object search dialog (Ctrl+F) so that "Scenarios, Tags etc" option wo
rks on MySQL repository.
Fixed bug on PostgreSQL and Adaptive Server Anywhere repositories when importing
Reference Data having a null field.
Fixed bug importing table from MySQL where table name includes spaces.
Foreign Key dialog - allow saving only if there's an update of an existing FK or
source and destination columns have benn selected.
Modified XMI import to allow for embedded models in other objects.
Modified XMI export to exclude all diagram information when 'Export Diagrams' is
not checked.
Resolved some compatability issues in XMI 1.2 export to support Netbeans MDR (us
ing uml2mof).
Fixed bug where packages exported to XMI may not have had their stereotype prese
Fixed various bugs in the VB.Net parser
Restrained Part when dropped from Project Tree on to diagram to require Parent c
ontainer is on diagram already
Added option (true by default) to Tools/Options/Object dialog ... duplicates Inh
eritance and realization links for an Edit/Copy (Ctrl+Shift+V)
Added check when saving diagram for possibility of diagram being deleted or relo
aded through XMI. EA will reload containing package and re-show diagram if it st
ill exists
Added check for missing elements when selected in tree - may occur on XMI import
/export or element deletede by another user. Containing package is reloaded.
Fixed Package drawing in diagrams to use alias names for package elements if ava
ilable and the relevant option is enabled in the diagram
Fixed issue where operation throws tag was not updated during reverse engineerin
Added diagram option to display operation parameters by name only
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 738

Suppressed popup dialog detailing DBMS connection information for data transfer
and data compare between models.
Fixed bug on ASA repository where adding elements wasn't incrementing their name
Changed button caption on Configuration | Database Datatypes dialog from Cancel
to Close.
Fixed bug where focus was not given to the Search Project dialog when called by
the "Search Tree" command on a package in the Project View
Set default to single output file for DDL generation of a package.
Fixed bug where table has foreign keys into > 1 other table - changing any FK op
eration name corrupted the FK links.
Fixed bug saving creation of FK relationship on Oracle repository.
Fixed creation of foreign key cascade constraints and corrected DDL generation o
f cascade constraints.
Fixed bug on MySQL repository where option "Show Linked Items in Package" select
ed and diagram containing linked packages was opened.
Fixed Save button behaviour on operations dialog, enabling when pre- and post-co
ndition types changed
Fixed RTF Report dialog box behavior to retain user selections that were incorre
ctly overwritten when user uses the file browser to select a file
Generate DDL for PostgreSQL - removed extra comma from last column when it has a
n inline comment.
Fixed behavior where the Project View failed to correctly display type changes f
or Exposed interfaces
Updated Code Template Editor to be non-modal.
Connectors now derive lock state from diagrams.
Added non case-sensitive check of primary keys when adding UML Stereotypes.
Fixed error creating foreign key on Oracle repository.
Fixed bug where moving Diagram Frames and elements in a multi-select would crash
Corrected double-move behavior on selected elements inside selected parent eleme
Significantly improved diagram context menu behavior in very large models
Corrected HTML document output to omit trailing ", " characters in the "Goto:" s
ection for an element
Rendered <title> tag for HTML document generation
Added password encryption for Oracle and SQL Server repository users.
Added replication information to About box.
Corrected Oracle DDL generation of table owner in 'alter table add foreign key'
Fixed display issue with instances in Project Tree missing class name on first l
Corrected SQL Server DDL generation of delimiting characters '[]' around target
table name in alter table..add foreign key statement.
Corrected EA model behavior so that Realized elements no longer inherit stereoty
pes automatically
Added prompt to discard changes when user cancels Element properties dialog.
Fixed error that caused EA to crash on Applying Z-Order on elements with embedde
d elements
Fixed bug where VB.Net class comment was inserted after the class attributes.
Fixed bug in operations dialog when attempting to change between operations when
there were unsaved changes.
Fix in PHP parser to allow Array default parameter values.
C++ importing now follows options in the C++ options page for where method comme
nts should appear.
Upper bounds are no longer set when importing multidimentional arrays.
Allowed C++ comments to start with '///' as well as '//' in the one block.
Fixed saving of Registration user name and company.
Fixed saving of default version information for new EA Diagrams

Removed option from Tools | Options | Generation | Attributes/Operations page :

"Generate Get/Set methods for associated attributes"
Corrected autosize behavior on Class parents, Expansion Regions and Timing to pr
event the autosize occurring on zoom scales less than 60%
Added Requirement #TYPE# tag to the HTML generator & default templates
Code Template Updates:
- Updated VB.Net templates to write 'Namespace' instead of 'namespace'
- Fixed bug in VB.Net templates that meant const attributes weren't generated p
- Changed 'Null' to 'Nothing' in the VB.Net Operation Body template
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 737
Added dockable Tagged Properties window. Provides the ability to quickly view an
d edit tagged values (custom properties) for:
Elements: Including owned tagged values and inherited tagged values
Attributes: Including owned tagged values and those received from attrib
ute type classifier (including inherited ones)
Operations: Owned properties only
Connectors: Owned properties only
When over-riding an inherited property, EA copies down the tag to the ch
ild and sets the new value, leaving the original tag unchanged
Added diagrams, attributes, operations and connectors to the dockable Notes wind
Fixed issue with code generation templates not being reloaded after being modifi
ed on another machine
Fixed reversed column order when importing tables from PostgreSQL.
Fixed errant DEFAULT keyword when generating PostgreSQL DDL.
Fixed enable/disable problems with Project Details dialog
Fixed "Zero length string" problems with Project Details dialog
Fixed issue with applying stereotypes dragged from Resource View
Fixed issue where the Relationship matrix would wrongly display as a dialog when
a Matrix profile is double-clicked in the Resource View.
Fixed issue where emf/wmf diagrams in the RTF Report are not created to fit the
width of the page.
Fixed issue where icons for elements drawn with stereotype icons were incorrectl
y drawn when printed or exported to the clipboard or as an image file.
Fixed bug on Oracle repository involving European comma as decimal separator.
Added "Get All Latest" facility to Version Control.
Added offer to save any unsaved changes on navigation away from combined fragmen
t dialog.
Corrected behavior where elements in boundaries were not moved on multi-select m
Added language datatypes to base model : C# : string, C++ : bool, wchar_t
Updated Configuration menu item to display "Local Paths" instead of "Local Direc
Added ability to create and execute custom templates for Class, Attribute, Metho
d, Parameter and Import
New substitution macros available in code templates:
- %opReturnQualType%
- %paramQualType%
- %importClassName%
- %importFileName%
- %importFromAggregation%
- %importFromAssociation%
- %importFromAtt%

- %importFromDependency%
- %importFromGeneralization%
- %importFromMeth%
- %importFromParam%
- %importFromRealization%
- %importInFile%
- %importPackagePath%
New function macros available in code templates:
- %REMOVE_DUPLICATES(<source>, <seperator>)%
- %TO_UPPER(<string>)%
%fileImports% macro now lists imports for classes needed by all classes in the f
Fixed FileOpen automation method so that subsequent calls do not error.
Code Template Updates:
- Java File template updated to remove extraneous whitespace after package stat
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 735
Major update to EA diagram functionality to allow inplace editing and selection
of many internal element features:
1. Element Name. Generally allow selection and editing of name within di
agram element
2. Element stereotype. Generally allow selection and editing of stereoty
pe within diagram element
3. Attributes. Allow selection, invocation of property dialog, in place
editing, new, delete and modify from within diagram element
4. Operations. Allow selection, invocation of property dialog, in place
editing, new, delete and modify from within diagram element
5. Tagged Values. Allow selection and invocation of property dialog
6. Requirements & Constraints. Allow selection and invocation of propert
y dialog
7. Maintenance items (Defects, Changes, Issues, Tasks) Allow selection a
nd invocation of property dialog
8. Test Scripts. Allow selection and invocation of property dialog
9. Added ability to add Test and Maintenance items from a hot key on ele
ment in diagram
10. Operations and Attributes support insertion of new items at any poin
t within the current ordered set
11. In place editing of operations and attributes supports context menu
to allow quick entry of some keywords, and selection of classifier from current
12. Ability to accept changes to attribute or operation and open up a sl
ot for a new item immediately using Ctrl+Enter
13. New "Inline Features" submenu added to main menu Element section.
14. Added ability to navigate a diagram (move current selection) using C
trl+Shift+ <arrow keys>. This will move current selectde element across, down &
15. Added hot key to toggle a selected element's highlighted editable fe
ature on and off (Shift + Enter)
16. When an element is selcted and in "highlighted feature" mode, arrow
keys (up and down) can be used to move up and down the features.
17. For users of MDG Link to VS.Net and the upcoming MDG Link to Eclipse
, Ctrl+E pressed on a selected operation or attribute will activate that feature
in the other application
Hot keys modified for this build are:


Edit Selected
View/Edit Properties of


Insert new after selected

Add attribute
Add operation
Add other (test, maintenance ite

Ctrl+Shift+Delete Delete selected feature from model
Ctrl+Shift+<arrows> Navigate diagram selection
Toggle element highlight mode on and off
Other keys while editing in place:
slot for new item
o save)

Accept curren tchanges

Accept changes and open
Abort editing (n
Context menu for inplace
Invoke Classifier dialog

Other changes:
Fixed support for Activity Partition elements in UML 2.0 Profiles
Fixed bug in automation method Resource.Update()
Fixed loading of connector foreign key info where unique index involved.
Fixed checking of columns selected for foreign key creation.
Fixed ODBC schema import from Oracle where user doesn't have sufficient permissi
Fixed CSV Import/Export Specifications dialog to correct abnormal save behavior
Improvements to XMI export speed for EA format export
Allow Root node to be imported from XMI at Root level
Some minor fixes to RTF document generation to show method pre-condition notes
Fix import of connector association-end stereotype from XMI
Fix XMI import issue which could very rarely place import under wrong package
Changed Attribute/Operation dialog behavior to maintain list selection on deleti
on of an attribtue or operation.
Fixed import of self referencing foreign keys from PostgreSQL.
Added support for multi-page printing for Diagrams.
Fixed SQL Server SQL Drop syntax where table owner included.
Added Status as a column in the Report view
Fixed MySQL DDL syntax for primary keys, indexes and comments.
Fixed Issue.Version on dual interface for automation.
Added ODBC DDL import of MySQL table types.
Fixed ODBC DDL import of MySQL PRIMARY index on primary keys.
Fixed issue with the VB parser concerning comments after a type declaration.
Fixed issue with the VB parser not correctly importing the first attribute of a
Fixed problem in the Java parser where it didn't import comments on a single lin
Fixed problem with delegate functions causing problems in the VB.Net parser.
Fixed saving change of class name on PostgreSQL repository.
New substitution macros available in code templates: %genOptVBVersion% and %eaVe
Renamed Collaboration diagram to Communication diagram in project view new child
diagram context menu.
Fixed excess memory use when importing large Oracle database through ODBC.
Corrected RTF document output behavior for both RTF Documentation and RTF Diagra
m only Documentation to fit large diagrams on the RTF output appropriately.

Improved MySQL ODBC schema import and DDL generation.

Fixed DDL generation of Oracle table comments and default values.
Fixed display of foreign keys where two columns from one table reference a singl
e column of another table.
Fixed generation of duplicate foreign key names on a single table.
Fixed bug where deletion of table attribute did not also delete it as an operati
on parameter.
Added option to set default DBMS on Configuration | Database Datatypes dialog.
Fixed XSD issue where attribute group references omitted the target namespace pr
efix tagged value.
Updated Resolve Ambiguities dialogue to include full path of displayed packages
during reverse engineering.
Fixed issue where Save as UML Profile command would not function when called fro
m the Project View
Improved PostgreSQL ODBC schema import.
Fixed behavior where collaborations messages would mistakenly move when a diagra
m is reopened.
Fixed behavior where "'" characters in the RTF word substitution would be incorr
ectly processed by the RTFLanguage engine.
Fixed behavior where Actor elements were incorrectly unable to select alternate
Code Template Updates:
- VB Class template updated to check for version to generate
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 734
Fixed issue with saving diagram under SQL Server when set of selected diagram op
tions exceeded 255 characters in length
Fixed issue with initialization of connectors imported from code and assigning a
ttributes to connectors on import
Fixed issue with export of Method post conditions to XMI when no pre-conditions
Fixed issue with loading method pre- and post conditions in Method constraints c
ollection via automation interface
Added automation interface for Resource.ActualHours
Fixed issue with non-unicode version initializing under Windows NT4 SP6
TestDetails, TestScenarioDetails and Maintenance dialogs made 'sizeable'
Modified Project/Gnerate DDL main menu item to generate for entire package if si
ngle element not selected
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 733
Updated automation interface when creating new diagrams to allow placement below
a parent element if necessary
Corrected behavior where elements created by stereotypes in UML Profiles created
prior to EA 4.1 did not import user-defined tagged values.
Added new context menu in diagrams.
Using Control+RightMouseButton click, a context menu of all elements in th
e currently selected UML Toolbox folder is shown.
Selecting an element will place it at the current mouse position
Selecting a connector will place EA into "insert new connector" mode
The UML toolbox does not have to be visible for this to work
The new context menu will only show elements currently enabled in a fold
er. Any hidden elements will not be shown.
Added Control+LeftMouseclick as a shortcut to toggle a linepoint on a connector.
Makes it much simpler to develop complex line routing.
Automatically generated require statements for PHP now properly include the file
name of the class.

Fixed problem with XMI import when referencing Sequence messages between element
s linked into diagram in, but not actually contained in, the imported file
Several changes to Diagram load to increase perfomance over slow network connect
ions (eg. ADSL or ISDN)
Several improvements to the XMI importer, specifically for Rose based models usi
ng XMI 1.1 (state machines and activity models)
For Unicode build added ability to set a custom codepage for ALL source code gen
eration, import and export on a per model basis (see: Tools/options dialog Gener
ation page [unicode only])
Added ability to specify a Matrix Profile as a target from a Hyperlink object in
a diagram. Use $matrix:// as the target prefix followed by name of profil (eg.
Modified all XMI exporters to re-order operation parameters in same order as con
tained in model
Modified Namespace dialog to allow longer namespace names. Same for "Insert Link
ed Element" dialog
Modified Link constraint tab page to correct issue with not being marked dirty w
ith some keystrokes
Modified Project/resource Details tab page to handle input keystrokes and new ad
ditions better
Fixed issue with elements being marked as "contained by parent" when dragged on
top of another element, but both elements in different packages
Fixed issue with RTF generation very occasionally missing initial character of s
entence after line break
Fixed issue with Spacebar not being recognized as a keystroke for marking some i
nput dialogs "dirty"
Updated XMI exporter for Rose format to indicate EA Exporter version - "4.1RR"
Modified RTF document export behavior to support user-selected page size/orienta
tion selections.
Added ability to print diagram frames via user-selectable local option.
Modified Element properties dialog to allow null-length phase string.
Added support for inline lifelines for children elements
Added support for creating Part Decompositions as inline or diagram references i
n Sequence diagrams
Added support for creating Class instances as partitions in Activity diagrams.
Added support for deletion of attributes/operations from code during forward syn
chronization (see : Tools/options dialog, Attributes/Operations page )
CSV export from Matrix supports , and " characters.
CSV import spec definition doesn't prompt to overwrite file.
CSV export doesn't fail where last field of any object is empty.
Added Repository Automation Interface calls : GetTechnologyByVersion, IsTechnolo
gyLoaded, ImportTechnology
Added linkStereotype macro to Code Template Framework, for accessing stereotype
of connectors
Fixed code gen issue that could cause conditions of list macros to be ignored fo
r parameter and base class lists
Code Template Updates:
- Fixed incorrect LinkedAttributeDeclaration template for PHP.
- VB.Net Class Inherits template updated to check for multiple inheritance
- C++ File : added new line to end of template, to resolve compiler compatibili
ty issues
- C++ Attribute Declaration : added check for "mutable" tagged value set
- C++ Operation Declaration : added check for "explicit" tagged value set
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 732
First implementation of "Smart Snap" an alternative to "Snap to Grid" which help
s layout diagram elements while you work

Added support for setting non-model local options when a model is not opened wit
hin EA.
Changed default Z-order of attached notes/constraints for associations
Fixed error throen by SQL Server repository when placing target element on diagr
am from relationships window.
Fixed crash when transferring model to Oracle and there's an integrity constrain
t violation caused by an orphaned object in an eap file.
Changed SQL Server comments for ODBC DDL import and generate DDL from 'remarks'
to 'MS_Description'.
Fixed missing index in DDL generation.
Fixed ODBC DDL import of MySQL tables with multiple foreign keys.
Fixed bug in the PHP parser for methods returning references.
Fixed bug on importing tables where option to "never" autolayout diagram had no
Fixed bug where elements with alternate images were incorrectly being draw when
generating HTML documentation.
Korean input: Dialog box buttons no longer mysteriously disable.
Added support for exporting and importing stereotype metafiles as per the Refere
nce Data import and export.
Fixed issue when deleting a namespace from the namespace dialogue didn't update
the project view.
Corrected sort order on date and numeric columns in Resource Details, Project Is
sues, Test Details, Project Statistics and Timeline dialogs.
Added option when generating package DDL to delete target files where selected s
ingle file for each table.
Corrected UML Pattern behavior to properly import package elements
Corrected locate element behavior in Relationships dialog to locate package elem
ents in Project View
Corrected issue where Method/Attribute Constraints were being incorrectly export
ed in HTML with non-renderable <br> tags.
Fixed issue where directions for Activity Edges were incorrectly settable in the
connector properties.
Fixed bug where the modify property dialogue didn't load up the scope for existi
ng methods.
Refresh and sort the resource list control on the Resource Details dialog.
Locate Object command in Resource Details dialog fixed to allow search for packa
Fixed bug on SQL Server repository when setting a property for a class attribute
Fixed occasional menu corruption after add-in menu had been active.
Fixed table support for UML Profiles.
Fixed issue where stereotype notes on UML profiles were being incorrectly import
Code Template Updates:
- C# Operation Declaration : Fixed erroneous generation of access modifier for
static constructors.
- C++ Class Body : Updated to use default constructor/destructor visibility opt
ions + bug fix
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 731
Fixed behavior where the Object Find dialog would not allow searches on Associat
ion and Decision elements
Fixed saving Priority and Difficulty fields for Requirement Elements.
Fixed HTML Document generation to not provide the Goto links in the Linked Secti
on if there's no <a/> tag to refer to
Modified operation of user security when "User Lock required to Edit" enabled. A
llow editing of locked elements within unlocked packages.
Fixed error which could result from using context menu on diagram object directl

y after deleting attribute in Project View

Fixed Boundary element drawing to prevent stereotype strings being incorrectly d
rawn over with the element's name
Fixed behavior where element descriptions were not being updated when the packag
e they reside in was renamed
Fixed error which could result from deleting columns from tables with foreign ke
Fixed Hide Qualifier behavior to show/hide qualifiers for package contents.
Added check for blank datatypes when creating foreign keys.
Added support for displaying element features in a movable label when the elemen
t is displayed with an alternate image.
Fixed problem with foreign key references to unique constraints
Removed direction restriction for self-connectors.
Fixed copy-paste behavior to copy style information for diagram element connecto
Fixed the file save-as dialog for Saving UML profiles to prompt the user to over
Fixed SQL memory leak on DDL import.
Fixed some errors in DDL output for MySQL.
Code Template Updates:
- C++ Class body generates inline destructors for interfaces if destructors are
being generated.
Release Notes for EA 4.10 Build 730
Code Template Updates:
- VB.Net Attribute declaration support of object initialisers.
- Delphi Operation declaration support for override tagged value.
- Delphi File changed to use a unit name derived from the filename.
- Removed Delphi file template overrides for class sterotypes of struct and enu
Fixed bug on PostgreSQL repository where change to table name not working.
Fixed ordering of foreign key columns.
Fixed ODBC import of default column values from Oracle.
Fixed foreign key indexes for Generate MySQL DDL.
Fixed bug when importing tables from MySQL and table owner was empty string.
Fixed table/column comments when generating SQL Server DDL.
Prevented adding duplicate column and constraint names.
Added option to propagate primary key attribute change to linked foreign key tab
Fixed syntax of USE DATABASE statement for SQL Server.
Fixed EA crash when importing Access tables.
Fixed resizing of elements showing inherited features
Fixed RTF default templates to prevent EA incorrecly exporting Object Type infor
mation when Object Detail is unselected
Fixed display issue with Activity folder in UML toolbox not enabling scroll butt
on in some conditions
Fixed display issue with Diagrams incorrectly displaying the locations of elemen
ts when the diagram ismoved in the project
Fixed database error in Automation interface where GetByName attempted to find e
ntries in an empty collection.
Fixed schema/owner bug when importing ODBC tables in Unicode version.
Fixed bug with unique constraint names.
Allowed setting Delphi operations to pure without abstract.
Allowed creation of read only and write only Delphi properties.
Added support for some string manipulation functions in the code generation temp
Modified Communication message name to include ":" after sequence number (if it

Corrected issue with object name underline being drawn using border style rather
than font style
Added support in sequence diagrams to show proposed message insertion path while
dragging and dropping a connector (Message)
Improved security checks so that checked-out and versioned classes from foreign
packages are locked appropriately.
Added support for EA Model Technology resource files in the Resource View
Changed Delphi "uses" clauses to use a derivative of the filename of used class.
Added support for XMI import/export of rose uuid's
Replication conflict overwrite now works.
Fixed Message drawing to self-associations
Fixed Activity Parameters to allow their Instance classifiers to be set.
Fixed Class parent behavior on diagrams to show parent aliases if available.
Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 729
Added support for moving self-associations around all edges of an element.
Fixed bug when importing java source directory into SQL Server repository and Au
thor greater than 255 chars.
Fixed various reverse engineering bugs involving comments in unusual positions.
Fixed bug where new a new class synched into a file sometimes didn't get all its
Code Template Updates:
- Delphi Operation templates to allow for multiple constructors
- Delphi Parameter template to fix default value

Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 728

Improved ODBC DDL import of check constraints and table/column comments.
Restricted length of Oracle foreign key names to max of 30 characters.
Fixed DDL Generation of Referential Integrity constraints for Interbase.
Fixed syntax of DDL Generated inline column comments.
Added "use database" option to generate DDL dialogs.
Added refresh of treeview when adding/modifying table attributes/operations.
Added warning about deleting attributes/operations that are part FK relationship
Fixed Import DDL ODBC bug where non-FK relationships are deleted.
Added isBehavior notation for UML Ports
Fixed Sequence Diagram behavior to update diagram when message scope is changed
Fixed bug where templates from functions would be given to the following class w
hen reverse engineering C++. Also fixed synchronisation deleting the function.
Fixed bug where first parameter was ignored when code was wrapped after the open
brace in reverse engineering VB.Net.
The modify property dialogue now loads up the current property values and saves
modifications properly.
Added multiplicity notation to UML Ports
Fixed multiplicity notation for UML Parts
Fixed Version Control handling of pipe symbol (|) when using Eap file.
Fixed Type Hierarchy Dialog to properly show Package names of generalized Types.
Fixed bug where method definitions spread over multiple lines in Java didn't imp
ort correctly.
Added check for self-parent and circular parent object errors in the Data Integr
ity check.
Fixed bug where method parameters were sometimes displayed in the wrong order.
Fixed a mouse problem when moving swimlanes in diagrams that are zoomed in or ou
Added check to adjust diagram size after performing an auto layout

Modified "Set connector Source and Target" dialog to remove boundary, note and t
ext from the general list
Fixed bug where self-realizations and self-dependencies were incorrectly drawn w
ith solid lines
Fixed bug where first attribute of a Visual Basic enumeration was missed.
Added paramNotes macro to Code Template Framework, for accessing parameter notes
from code templates
Added main menu item to Diagram Menu for managing Diagram Views - included:
Close All
Close Current
Close All Except Current
Reload Current
Save All
Changed operations dialogue so it wouldn't override an empty return type with "v
Stopped code template macro WRAP_COMMENT from producing an extra line for commen
ts with a length equal to the wrap length.
Code Template Updates:
- C# Operation Declaration and Operation Declaration with property stereotype t
o resolve interface names
Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 727
Fixed DDL generated script syntax for PostgreSQL auto increment/sequences.
Primary key and unique checkboxes made mutually exclusive on Table Attribute dia
Added option allowing Data Transfer only between eap files on Professional Editi
Added option to change table owner for a package and child packages.
Added code engineering option to prevent Auto Layout of diagrams on synchronisat
Added support for forward synchronizing java package statement
Fixed code generation issue which could cause empty import/using statements to b
e generated
Fixed position of primary key comma when generating MySQL DDL.
Fixed code generation issue that caused classes to appear to be in the wrong pac
kage and not generate as a result.
Fixed diagram hyperlink issue that caused a hyperlink to a deleted diagram to er
roneously open an empty diagram.
Fixed syntax of SQL Server DDL generated comments and MySQL foreign keys.
Fixed incorrect DB datatype conversion mapping from Access to Oracle.
Improved syncronization of enumerations.
Fixed tab order of Table Properties Dialog.
Fixed behavior where EA would not prompt the user to save any changes to attribu
tes or operations when the selection in the Project View is changed
Fixed VB code import issue where EA would only import the first property, functi
on or sub it encountered.
Added support for forward synchronization of inner classes
Added support for inserting classes into a Delphi file
Improved speed of forward synchronization
Fixed bug where delegate functions are removed when forward synchronizing C#
Fixed issue that could cause incorrect generation of namespaces for C#, VB .Net
and C++
More robust parsing of C#, C++ and Java
Added refresh treeview when adding/deleting foreign keys.
Allowed PostgreSQL FK creation of integer datatype into a serial datatype.
Code Template Updates:
- C# Operation Declaration to give return type of void if none set
- C# Operation body always having body of ";" if external method.

- C++ Class Declaration to allow generation of DLL export macros

- C++ Class Inherits to remove extraneous white space

Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 726

Visual Studio.Net now supports For Each of EA automation objects
Fixed bug involving C++ reverse engineering method parameters with comments.
Fixed DDL script syntax for MySQL tables with auto_increment columns.
Fixed Delphi Code Synchronization issue which prevented properties from being sy
nchronized correctly.
Added Page Up/Page Down/Home/End support for EA Diagram navigation
Fixed issue where element aliases were being incorrectly displayed in the Projec
t Tree
Fixed issue where EA would incorrecly allow duplicate attributes to be created.
Fixed bug on Oracle repository when adding UML pattern to a diagram.
Fixed bug where diagram views were being incorrecly deleted when deleing a packa
ge on the Project View.
Added Data Modelling feature where tables, attributes and operations of one DBMS
can be mapped to another supported DBMS.
Fixed table owner and DDL syntax for SQL Server and Oracle database tables.
Added option to specify InnoDB table type for MySQL.
Added option to select clustered or nonclustered primary keys for SQL Server.
Optimised speed of XMI Export|Format XML Output
Enhanced resolution of timer for DB debuging
Fixed Element.Elements collection to include newly added children elements creat
ed by the Automation Interface
Fixed VB Code import to correctly import class notes
Fixed CrossoverOffice printing to correct issue whereby text was incorrectly pri
nted back-to-front
Fixed issue whereby Part elements were being incorrectly drawn when moved from o
ne parent to another
Fixed issue which caused generation of duplicated associated attributes when no
role specified
Fixed bug where RTF Report Format dialog not showing all in Style combo box when
on Oracle repository.
Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 725
Added GUI & Misc. support for EA running under CrossoverOffice (Linux)
Generate DDL - removed whitespace after DROP TABLE statement terminator.
Generate DDL - fixed CREATE INDEX syntax for InterBase/Firebird.
Generate DDL - prevented generation of column default values for MS Access CREAT
E TABLE statements.
Import DDL ODBC - fixed recovery if import fails.
Import DDL ODBC - fixed importing of Oracle LONG data type as CLOB datatype.
Import DDL ODBC - fixed bug when importing MySQL foreign keys.
Fixed MySQL sql syntax when saving/applying UML profile.
Fixed foreign key bug where key references unique column.
Improved array support in C#, C++, Java and VB.Net. (Involved template changes,
see below)
Code Template Updates:
- Linked Attribute Declaration template (for all languages except PHP)
- Fixed bug causing no type to be generated when multiplicity is set without
a Collection type.
- Fixed bug with unnamed linked attribute getting a name of the class type no
t the name in the options dialog.
- Attribute declaration templates updated to provide array support in C#, Java,

- Parameter VB.Net template also updated for array support.

Added Code Gen option for removing suffixes from attribute names when creating p
Fixed Element.ExtensionPoints AI property so that it contains a comma-separated
list of extension points for a use case element
Fixed HTML Report generator dialog to prompt user for output folder if none defi
Fixed diagram undo behavior for connector & movable element labels.
Added support for reverse synching inner classes.
Fixed minor GUI translation issues.
Updated LayoutStyles parameters for Project.LayoutDiagram Automation method.
Fixed sql syntax when loading swimlanes so that sort order is determined by conv
erting a string number representation to a number representation.
Fixed issue with "Locate in Current Diagram" not working correctly
Updated collaboration messages to properly link with linked notes
Fixed transfer of eap model to Oracle where some id columns were negative.
Code Template Updates:
- C# Operation Declaration and Operation Declaration with property stereotype
- Fixed so that a declaration for a class with the Implements tag true genera
tes valid code.
- Created a tag that the user can add if they want the operation to use Expli
cit Implementation.
- C# Class Body, Attribute, Linked Attribute
- Updated to prevent generation of interface member fields and nested types
- VB .Net Attribute, Linked Attribute
- Updated to prevent generation of interface member fields
- Updated Note templates for C#,Delphi,Java,PHP,VB,VB .Net to remove hardcoded
wrap length- option value now used instead
- Added support for using connector strereotype overrides
Updated package code generation dialogue to save auto-generated file paths
Fixed creation of new package reference file where changes made to an existing r
eference file.
Fixed source directory import to close generated class diagrams on import.
Fixed source directory import to prevent EA from terminating abnormally on impor
t of complex source bases.
Fixed DDL generation where columns have default values.
Fixed deletion of large packages.
Updated code generation of import statements to use class member types for C++,
C#, Java and VB.Net.
Fixed issue with wrap comments option so that it accepts -1 for no line wrap.
Fixed issue with Tag compartment string in Classes for Delphi Classes not being
displayed properly
Fixed bug with foreign key relationship into unique constraints.
Fixed bug with classes going into wrong namespaces in VB.Net
Fixed issue which caused incorrect package path to be generated for java
Added hideicon stereotype appearance attribute to UML Profile exporter
Updated manner in which profile stereotypes are applied as new elements such tha
t any appearance settings are applied before showing the properties dialog.
Fixed issue importing exception specifications that include scope resolution ope
rator in C++
Fixed issue to prevent EA from terminating abnormally when an embedded element i
s created on a UML component.
Fixed issue to prevent EA from terminating abnormally when importing a VB struct
Fixed issue with code generation of nested types, which allowed non-class/interf
ace elements to be generated

Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 721

Fixed foreign key association into column with a unique constraint.
Added "Action" support to the <Apply/> Element in the UML Profile XML.
Fixed missing back slashes in file path when generating package DDL on a Postgre
SQL reopository.
Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 720
Added a check for DBMS type when connecting to a repository using ODBC.
Fixed ImportODBC schema bug where certain columns incorrectly flagged as unique.
Fixed error in C# ClassInherits template for struct stereotype
Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 717 (Beta 03)
Bug fixes and performance updates from last beta.
Fixed ordering of Glossary in HTML documentation such that its sorted by Item an
d Type.
Corrected context menu behavior which prevented embedded elements from being cor
rectly inserted in a diagram
Corrected XMI import behavior for files with mixed single/multibyte characters w
hich prevented non-western characters from being imported correctly
Removed "list of" on two strings on Export Reference data
Added "Model Authors", "Constraint Status Types" to Export Reference Data
Corrected XML import/export problem which prevented dates and float values from
being imported correctly when using non-english regional settings
Corrected possible XMI import problem when multi-byte characters used on Sequenc
e Message names (length limitation)
Fixed HTML report problem when deep package nesting repeats package names in a b
Added LibraryVersion property to Repository Automation interface
Added support for printing Project Status information as a list
Added GUIDs to Code generation template elements (class, attribute, operation, p
Added Font scaling to support standard diagram layout & size when large fonts ar
e selected.
Minor corrections & performance optimisations

Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 716 (Beta 02)

Added support for displaying and managing inherited and overridden tagged values
Added support for displaying and managing inherited and overridden Ports and Par
ts values.
Added support for displaying inherited constraints.
Added support for displaying inherited responsibilities.
Added support for displaying inherited operations.
Added support for displaying inherited attributes.
Added support for over-riding initial values on Attributes within an inheritance
Added Guard and Weight settings to ControlFlow property dialog
Added <<hyperlink>> as a valid GUIElement stereotype (behaves like text hyperlin
k element)
Added support for named message endpoints and diagram gates
Modifications to Foreign Key dialog
Additional support for defining UML Profiles using UML 2.0 Profile notation
UML Profile Toolbox compartment added

DDL Generation - fixed default comment tag when none selected.

Foreign keys - fixed corruption of FK information when changing name of non-FK o
Corrected error in object search when Scenarios, Tags, etc checked.
Corrected display and updating of Diagram Note Created and Updated dates.
Updated C++ code engineering to support type-definitions of the form: typedef st
ruct foo {...} bar;
Fixed integrity checking bug where there are orphaned requirements.
Fixed saving object efforts, risks and metrics where Notes is empty string.
Fixed bug in synchronization of foreign keys during DDL ODBC import.
Added tidy shutdown if network connection broken.
Fixed missing DB2 Data Type display in table attributes dialog.
Fixed creation of duplicate issues on Oracle repository when closing issue and s
electing OK on dialog.
Added check when opening project with incorrect connect string to avoid network
error message.
Added check for valid filename when generating individual DDL scripts from Proje
ct View.
Altered order of messages on completion of Data Transfer of model.
Added 3 GUIDCols missing from GetGUIDCol function in Data Transfer.
Changed source and target database connect string fields on Data Transfer dialog
to read only.
Altered PostgreSQL datatype details when importing PostgreSQL tables through ODB
Added option to reset GUIDs when createing a new model.
Added support for PostgreSQL repository.
Added ability to create foreign keys referencing unique columns as well as prima
ry key columns.
Bug fixes.

Release Notes for EA 4.00 Build 715 (Beta 01)

Support for all 13 UML 2.0 diagrams and associated diagram elements. Includes:
Structural Diagrams:
Behavioral Diagrams:
Use Case
Interaction Overview
Custom (requirements, UI design)
See HelpFile for detailed information on all the new UML 2 elements
Support multiple open diagrams thru tabbed interface
New StartPage to assist opening and managaing Projects and Profile

Ability to customize UML Toolbox contents thru personal Profile

Update to RTF and HTML generator to handle embedded elements
Automation Interface updates and extensions
Add-In interface modified to support additional integration with EA user interfa
ce. See help file for more details on writing new add-ins.
Code Engineering updates and fixes
DDL and database modeling enhancements
Moveable partitions within State and Activity nodes using mouse
Improved context menus for Objects and Connectors in diagrams
Many other bug fixes and small enhancements

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 660

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 659
Fixed default test run date being entered when test not yet run.
Fixed issue with package code generation, which prevented some classes from appe
aring in the list
Fixed problem with Operation dialog and some other properties dialog which preve
nted Save button enabling under certain circumstances
Fixed issue with selection of Hyperlinks and states when embedded on top of anot
her state or element
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 658
Corrected issue with Unicode build that prevented use of JET 4.0 to access model
s or import MS Access 2000 or higher database schemas
Fixed VBNet function identifier behaviour which prevented keyword function ident
ifiers to be properly imported.
Fixed UML Profile import process to correct an issue where SPEM profile images w
ere not being properly imported.
Fixed XMI import error when reloading new XMI controlled packages.
Fixed issue with saving of decimal values in requirements types dialog when loca
le uses , for decimal point
Fixed problem with automation interface when reading IsStatic,IsSynchronized and
IsAbstract properties of Method
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 657
Modified UI to use Shift+Control+Tab as the key combination for moving between t
abs in major dialogs - allows use of Control+Tab combination to enter tabs in no
te fields
Corrected problem with saved image rectangle in XMI sometimes not reflecting abs
olute diagram offsets
Allowed use of code Synchronize command from Project main menu when multiple sel
ection is enabled
Modified HTML report generation to use ", " instead of "," in some instance, to
allow browser to wrap long "See Also" lists
Modified XMI import/export to correct issue with diagrams containing instances o
f the root export package losing image of package on import
Fixed attributes dialog issue where the user would be mistakenly prompted to sav
e changes when using the keyboard accelerator key to access the dialog.
Fixed issue with batch code generation and readonly files, causing the dialogue
to lock.
Fixed issue with batch code generation and inner classes.

Corrected display and updating of Diagram Note Created and Updated dates.
Fixed saving object efforts, risks and metrics where Notes is empty string.
Fixed bug in synchronization of foreign keys during DDL ODBC import.
Fixed missing DB2 Data Type display in table attributes dialog.
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 656
Added search results count to the Search dialog.
Fixed Delphi import issue where statically defined functions would prevent a Del
phi class to import correctly.
Fixed Delphi synchonization issue which prevented operation implementation signa
tures from being properly synchronised with that in the class body.
Excluded DDL Import of SQL Server 2000 dtproperties table.
Added option to show table owner on diagram - set option on Diagram Properties D
Fixed syntax of DDL table generated for PostgreSQL.
Added create sequence statement when DDL generating an autonumber attribute for
Fix deletion of association notes link during ODBC table import.
Fixed MSAccess Memo datatype specification for DDL generation.
Fixed missing guid when creating table owner.
DDL Generation - fixed default comment tag when none selected.
Foreign keys - fixed corruption of FK information when changing name of non-FK o
Corrected error in object search when Scenarios, Tags, etc checked.
Fixed missing column comments and corrected foreign key syntax when generating M
Fixed display error when 'Classes Honor Analysis Stereotypes' unchecked in optio
ns dialog (affected Class elements only)
Fixed display problem with connector labels sometimes displaying black backgroun
d for Print Preview and Print
Modified XMI import/export to include message conditional
Added Entity element to Custom page of UML toolbox
Fixed error on code synchronization of C# and Java function names which could re
sult in missing bracket
Fixed case sensitivity issue in class names, when reverse engineering nested cla
Updated C++ import feature to include support for "typename" keyword in operatio
n return and paramater types.
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 655
Fixed problem with notes linked to element features or diagram note
Reverse engineering a locked file no longers disables UI
Removed the "Lock Package" menu option from all Project Root Nodes
CSV specification is checked for completeness before import
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 654
Modified the image generation code to allow creation of larger in memory bitmaps
for drawing. This avoids having larger images scaled down when saved to file in
PNG, JPG & etc. format. This affects the Save Imge to File and HTML/RTF generat
ed images. WMF and EMF format are not changed.
Added option in Tools/Options dialog - Diagram page to set the maximum amount of
memory to allocate when creating memory bitmaps for images. This can be increas
ed from the default where sufficient ram and pagefile space exist.

Fixed error with XMI package round tripping and "Virtual Documents" losing packa
ge identifiers
Instances of EA COM objects started from automation are now marked as single use
to prevent inadvertent re-use of the same COM object when running multiple auto
mation clients.
Fixed error with some toolbar images when Zicom Mentor add-in is active.
Modified algorithm to determine font sizing when zooming in and out. Corrects is
sue with some blank space appearing at the end of diagram elements with many att
ributes and/or operations. Element appearance is now more consistent at all zoom
Modified Zoom procedure to retain current diagram centre when zooming in or out,
rather than retaining the upper left corner position. Generally only noteiceabl
e when diagram exceeds size of visible window.
Fixed issue with Package "Note" of root package not being retained thru XMI roun
d trip.
Fixed bug in Integrity Check when checking Object Features.
Change PostgreSQL auto increment DDL script to lower case.
Fixed bug in Foreign Key Dialog allowing duplicate names.
Updated C++ Import feature to accept inheritances as "virtual public"-previously
only "public virtual" was accepted.
Fixed bug in C++ Synch, which caused implementation notes to lose a carriage ret
urn during synchronize.
Fixed bug which could prevent classifier type being saved properly, when retyped
manually into combobox.
Code Generation for custom languages now excecutes only the "File" template- pre
viously hardwired to execute the "Class" template.
Updated Java Parameter template use "final" keyword for fixed parameters.
Updated Java Class Inherits template to handle sub-interfaces.
Updated Java Operation Declaration template to correct the "throws" specificatio
Updated C++ Operation Declaration templates to correct the "throws" specificatio
n and "const" stereotype.
Group permissions now flow through other members of the group.
Modified LockPackage dialog to prevent repeated display of warning message when
locking on behalf of another group
Fixed bug in Code generation which prevented VBNet namespace Import statements f
rom being automatically generated.
Fixed bug in C# import feature which could prevent enums from being imported cor
Fixed bug in Code generation feature to allow Delphi export paths to be saved in
the registry.
Updated the Image Manager Dialog for elements that causes the currently-selected
alternate image to be selected in the list by default.
Updated the UML Profile Save/Import features to selectively save and import addi
tional UML Profile options including:
- Element Size fields (cx, cy)
- Color and Appearance fields (bgcolor, fontcolor, bordercolor, borderwidth)
- Alternate Image (metafile, or <Image/> Element, if there is an alternate met
afile image defined for the element)
- Code Templates (<Template /> Element, if there is a code template defined fo
r the stereotype in the Profile)

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 653

Fixed problem opening foreign key dialog for some earlier EA model files
Fixed display of default foreign key name when creating new foreign key
Modified saving of long foreign key names
Fixed support for importing and exporting multiple class/attribute/operation att

ributes in CSharp and VBNet

Added Support for generating the system issues and system tasks in the HTML Docu
Added check to Foreign Key dialog to ensure target columns are Primary Keys.
Fixed problem with modifying PrimaryKey columns for a table class
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 652
Modifed version control option dialog to allow disconnecting from version contro
l even when packages in the model are under VC (useful when changing project loc
ation etc)
Modified behavior of main menu and context menu handler to correct a deficiency
in a 3rd party library when using EA with Unicode on non-Englsih platforms
Allowed Version COntrolled packages to have relative paths specified instead of
a single path (eg. source\java\classes.xml instead of just classes.xml. This app
lies to the Package Configuration dialog
Updated import of C++ operation parameters: array based parameters and more comp
lex template-based parameters can be imported
Updated C++ Operation Declaration templates: removed redundant %opReturnArray% m
Updated Linked Attribute templates: fixed problem with collection classes, when
multiplicity set to "1"
Updated UML profile import - now includes support for "constraint" stereotypes
Fixed issue that could cause DAO error on package generation
Added Support for generating the glossary in the HTML Documentation
Fixed problem with selection of Use Cases in metrics dialog based on Keyword Lik
e or Not Like search value
Fixed some errors with preservation of Package stereotype value for root nodes a
nd views when round tripping using EA XMI export/import
Fixed search error when using SQL server in the find dialog and setting certain
tagged value criteria
Auto element naming dialog now picks up changes in object type when using keyboa
rd input only
Fix for problem with length limit on Foreign Key Names
Some changes to the Docked Element Browser window to ensure it is updated when t
ree and diagram changes occur
Changed drawing routine on composite element diagram icon
Default package behaviour in diagrams has been changed to automatically open the
target rather than show properties (Ctrl+K behavior)
Correction to file writing routine that impacts CSV export
Some modifications to item selection in Attribute and Operations dialogs
Modified drawing code when saving images to file - better support for Win98/95/M
E and improvements for XP/NT/2000 also. Impacts maximimum size of diagram that c
an be saved without scaling of image
Modified drawing code to redraw diagram when feature visibility dialog invoked t
o update display immediately
Modified mouse selection pf elements in diagram to prevent moving and sizing whe
n Ctrl key is held down during mouse move. Helps prevent inadvertent moving of
elements when adding to selected list using Ctrl+Click
Foreign Keys...
Improved saving of association details, loading of Source and Destinatio
n roles.
Fixed association link to display source and destination roles as well a
s foreign key attributes
Fixed inconsistencies on deletion of association where there are multipl
e or composite foreign keys.
Fixed Foreign Key dialog to improve handling of multiple and composite f
oreign keys.
Fixed import of multiple and composite foreign keys.

DDL Generation...
Fixed lock up when DDL generation file path not valid.
Restricted Oracle trigger and sequence name lengths to max 30 characters
when generating DDL.
Fixed generation of table and column multiline comments.
Allowed for longer table/column/operation names.

saving Tablespace in Table Properties/Class Detail when Tablespace is dele

saving of primary key name changes in association.
saving of attribute name changes in association.
updating of attribute from project tree where attribute is part of primary

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 651

Support for PHP code generation and reverse engineering (beta release)
. Code generation templates to support the PHP language
. Importable standard datatypes package
. Reverse engineering of PHP
. Synchronization of PHP source code and syntax highlighting for source
Improved transaction handling around XMI import/export and version control check
-in and check-out
Modified modality of dialog boxes shown when checking in and out packages to ver
sion control to prevent inadvertent interruption of the process
Improved speed of XMI import- especially in removing existing packages from mode
l prior to import
Fixed issue with object Maintenance dialogs which treated name as key value. Als
o allowed multi-delete in docked list.
Fixed issue in C++ reverse engineering parameterized operation arguments
Fixed Synchronize options for package-level source code generation. Previously,
class-level synchronize options were used
Modified RTF export to allow user entered line breaks in operation paramters to
appear in documents
Modified behaviour of several dialogs in EA to better handle "Save" operation wh
en initiated by pressing Enter key
Fixed issue with diagram icon in browser not changing immediately a diagram type
is changed
Fixed diagram not saving Page Setup when invoked and set from the File menu
Corrected Status Types dialog query definitions for MySQL - problem with case se
Some minimisation of queries generated when moving diagram elements around to as
sist those using EA over a slower link
Fixed problem with Add-In menu when switching between user defined visual layout
Fixed issue with Oracle and Implementation/Dependency report
Updated Scenario dialog behaviour to preserve list selection when a scenario is
Changed the default value of the "Show Stereotypes" option in the Options->Gener
al page to true
Fixed a gui issue with the attributes dialog that wrongly enabled the property c
heckbox after clicking the new button to add an attribute.
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 650
Fixed problem with Auto-Layout diagram feature causing exception in some cases i
n non-unicode build of EA

Added initial supports for Ports to EA

Modified the Save as Profile function to support the more standard UML Profile m
odeling syntax
Modified calculation of bounding rectangle for Decision elements (text could be
truncated in saved images in some conditions)
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 649
Extended support for Composite Elements to Class, Object, Use Case etc.
- Can be set from context menu option on diagram element
- Automatically adds a child diagram to the Composite Element
- Adds a small icon to the lower right corner indicating Composite
- Double click on Composite Element will open the child default diagram
Added automation support for composite elements - Element now has an Elements an
d a Diagrams collection
Added App object to EA automation interface
EA Type Library updated to version 2.02.
Fixed issue with source code editor prompting to save file after code generation
Changed package generation to ignore existing file paths by default, when auto g
enerating directory structure
When running EA from external automation client, main windoww is now automatical
ly hidden
When running EA from external automation client, add-ins are prevented from load
Also added ability to retrieve App Object from the "Running Objects" table using
constructs such as VB's GetObject() function. (see Help file for more informati
Added ability to add and work with Nested Version Control packages in the Proje
ct Browser (ie. children of Version Controlled packages may now be Version Contr
olled as well.
Added Constraint Status Types Dialog & support code to provide user-customisable
constraint status types.
Fixed problem with loss of Keyboard mappings when switching between Visual Layou
Fixed problem with sequence diagrams when "New" message is preceded by a Return
message to an other object
Fixed problem with diagram not being marked dirty when relation suppressed thru
docked relations window
Re-worked Project/Issues dialog to be more in keeping with the System/Issues dia
Fixed issue with Source Editor when using Local Paths as part of the filename
Allowed diagrams to be placed under Root node in project browser
Fixed error when deleting tablespace names
Added support for color and border style using the Format toolbar when editing N
ote elements
Modified System Issue dialog to replace "Save" with "Apply" and retain current r
ecord after saving
Corrected a couple of minor XSD generation issues
Disabled Version Control "Change User" button for Jalinda Igloo, which does not
support the function.
Changed route behaviour for Association classes so that it routes in the user-sp
ecified default mode.
Added default property operation note values to new property creations (attribut
e notes)
Fixed diagram draw behaviour logic that refreshes a lollipop name of a realised
interface when the interface's name is modified
Fixed Issue Dialog problem that did not set edit fields as dirty when user enter
ed white space (space).
Fixed Property checkbox behaviour for Attribute Edit dialog that erroneously sho

wed properties as unchecked

Linked display of Delphi Tagged Values for Properties to visibility of Operation
s (hiding one hides the other)
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 648
Added Sub-Activity and Sub-Machine elements to the UML Toolbar. Each automatical
ly creates a new child diagram on creation.
Added ability to show a Use Case using 'rectangle' notation - displaying attribu
tes, operations, constraints etc. in the same way as a Class
Added ability to drop an Operation from the Project View onto an Activity diagra
m and have it automatically create an Activity element
Added Artifact model element to the Deployment compartment of the UML Toolbar. D
isplays using artifact keyword and 'doc' icon in top right corner
Added ability to 'Show Realized Interfaces' to Class and Component (toggle on/of
f using element context menu. When enabled:
- EA will show a lollipop style interface node for each Interface the cl
ass or component directly realizes
- Connectors may be directly attached to the lollipop circle - inidcatin
g usage of the interface part of the class or component
Fixed problem with focus of control in Sequence diagrams on messages set as "New
" (ie. create new instance)
Added ability to generate a complete directory structure of code from a model pa
ckage and subpackage in one step using default values
Modified sort order of some collections in the automation interface to match the
sequence shown in project browser
Fixed some issues with adding child diagrams to elements in the project browser
Fixed issue with locking packages using Group locking
Fixed issue with context menu display in UML Toolbar
Fixed issue with associations between objects being deleted in collaboration dia
grams when one object removed from diagram
Modified Issue dialog to set status to closed when issue resolved
Corrected case sensitivity issue of class scope in XMI import/export
Fixed issue with Association Class elements showing dotted link in images derive
d from only currently selected items
Added context menu option to single elements to include "Copy Selected Image to
Fixed import of XMLDoc <exception/> comment tags for languages not having explic
it throws clauses
Fixed ExportXML dtd file copy problem for XMI 1.0 export

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 647

Added Multi-Object appearance for sequence elements
Added context menu option to Connector "Hide in Other Diagrams" - allows batch H
iding/Showing of a connector in all but the current diagram
Unlocked "Launch" button on Files tab of Object Properties dialog when Object is
locked - assume launching files is still OK when object is locked
Modified Project Tree to show package stereotypes when appropriate
Fixed error in Sequence diagram - Object could be displayed with circle notation
Fixed error in image generating code which could cause an error when creating la
rge HTML documentation sets
Fixed issue with Add-Ins menu causing interference with standard menus in rare c
Modified Add-In template (Addn_Templ.TLB) to include "Disconnect()" method (dest
- Used to allow Add-Ins to disconnect gracefully (see Help File)
- Solves problem of .NET based Add-Ins locking EA from exiting normally

- see Help file for more information

Modified XSD generator to ensure nested model groups generate correctly
Modified standard C# Operation Body code generation templates to exclude curly b
races for interface methods
Fixed issue with Version control settings when using Replicated .EAP files (sett
ings could not be saved)

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 646

Added additional highlight for context element in diagrams - when selected has h
atch border.
. Context element is one used for alignment operations not using mouse
. Can be turned off on the Diagram/Behavior page of Options dialog
Modified Project Browser to improve context menu behavior and added warning befo
re reloading model when changes by other user detected
Changed Add-In template file from DLL format to Type Library format for improved
language independence. See help file for details on writing Add-Ins using Add-I
n Template Type Library
Added option to Tools/Option dialog to not expand drop target packages when doin
g a node trasnfer in project browser
Fixed VBNet Comment parser behavior - XMLDoc, JavaDoc & standard comment
Fixed VB & VBNet processFunction arguments (multiple lines)
Various Code Generation Template updates
Modified CreateProperty dialog behavior on Attributes dialog (to improve propert
y creation & modification)
Modified diagram alignment behavior to use last selected element in group select
ion when aligning via main menu
Fixed issue with conditions on Collaboration messages caused when re-sequencing
the collaboration messages
Corrected possible problem when printing or saving images with 'Display Watermar
k' ticked, but not text set to display
Modified some string resources to correct displayed tooltips
Modified RTF Report dialog to allow creation of new Template when started from <
<Model Document>> class
Limited Extended Properties on Operations for Tables to Indexes and Foreign Keys
Improved Boundary, Text and Note behavior to retain font and color settings when
pasting as new copy
Modified RTF format of Requirements/Linked Requirements to make them match
Modified RTF format of Requirements/Linked Requirements to hide status and advan
ced information when "Object Detail" unchecked
Corrected problem with Code Generation toolbar - which could cause exception whe
n showing context menu under certain circumstances (affects XP and Win3K only)
Modified .EAP file repair functions to be grayed out when no EAP file loaded.
Modified XMI import/export to move connector end stereotypes from the attribute
to tagged value level. Issue with DTD
Extended behavior of locking on View and Project roots to allow deletion of View
or root when "Require User Lock to Edit" is the security mode
Fixed option for auto-generating interface methods
Updated C# operation templates: removed invalid modifiers on interface operation
Updated C++ FileImpl template: uses %fileNameImpl% instead of %fileName% in comm
ent section
Added ability to bookmark (red triangle) alternate images and stereotyped metafi
Fixed issue with automation interface that could prevent "CreateObject" working

in some instances

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 645

Inclusion of first release of EA Add-Ins capability (see Help file under Automat
- Ability to define ActiveX add-ins to appear in EA main menu
- Allows creation of one menu branch (including submenus) per Add-In
- Receive and respond to user menu selection
- Interact with the EA Repository elements active within the current ope
n Model
Fix for problem with CVS Source Code Control using Igloo bridge
Modifications to SCC interface to support PVCS SCC
Fix for relative names from Source Code Editor
Modified user interface to retain current User Tools when changing visual layout
Added support for business process stereotypes such as "business worker" "busine
ss entity" "business actor" "business use case" etc.
Modified Space Evenly - Horizontal function to accomodate some elements which ma
y have external text (eg. Actor)

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 644

Modified Workspace Views toolbar to allow toggling of docked windows (on-off)
Added Configure Appearance menu option to element context menu
Fixed problem with some docked windows first appearing with no "X" cloce button
in the top right corner
Fixed issue where Rolenames on association between two tables were being suppres
sed, even when Foreign Keys were not defined
Modified VB parser to treat Enums in .cls files as inner classes
Modified VB.Net parser to allow _ in op declaration
Added code in Override Implementation dialog to support VB implemented interface
Fixed issue with Vb, VBNet operation implementation for inherited interfaces
Corrected problem with element properties dialog appearing offscreen in some ins
Modifed foreign key dialog to only show FK's associated with current association
Fixed problem with Print List function in several places causing exception in Un
icode version
Released first version of SPEM UML Profile (see
Fixed problem in automation interfce with Aggregation property on ConnectorEnd O
Fixed problem in automation interface when deleting a Connector from a Collectio
Changes to XMI 1.0 imort/export to pick up EA tags when round tripping
Modified use of XMI local path setting for use with Version Control
Added "Parameter Impl" code generation template to allow for correct generation
of operations having parameters with default values
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 643
Generate namespace option is used in default templates
Packages set as root namespaces, now generate classes at file scope

The %synchNamespaceBodyIndent% is available for specifying namespace-level inden

tation during code synchronisation.
Updates to the XML Schema generator and to the associated UML Profile which may
be obtained from our website
Fixed error when re-ordering Collaboration messages
Fixed error in XMI import/export to SQL Server - missing diagram hyperlinks
Improved some aspects of XMI import/export when linking back to internal element
Added support for User Images in custom toolbars. Supplied some default icons in
UserImages.bmp, which may be modified or replaced by end user
Fixed issue with importing Metafiles for Stereotypes, both in Stereotype dialog
and in importing UML Profiles
Modifications to Code Templates to fix error with C# Public keyword
Added support for <<label>> stereotype on GUIElements - creates a transparent te
xt field
Some fixes in the Delphi code generator
Fixed display of combined foreign and primary keys.
Fixed display of multiple primary keys.
Fixed bug on delete connector on MySQL.
Removed restrictions on creation of foreign keys.
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 642
Fixed problem with import of WMF and EMF files for stereotypes in Unicode build
Modified self-reference sonnectors to allow moving down the full height of exten
ded elements
Fixed error in Implementation report under Oracle
Modified behavior of Requirement elements when resizing using "auto-size"
Modified Configure Default Appearance to allow setting more than one element at
a time
Fixed error in Save Diagram as Profile function which could cause incorrect XML
Modified code generation template for C++
Added ability to sort UML Profile elements in resource tree in different ways (c
ontext menu option)
Fixed error that could occur when closing Element property dialog using Alt+C

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 641

Fixed C++ Rev Eng : Incorrectly parsed attributes with nested template types
Modified Use Case drawing to hide extension points when diagram option "Hide Att
ributes" is checked
Removed namspace blank line in DDL generation for Oracle
Fixed missing attribute name on associations with multiple primary keys
Fixed error in import of tables where more than one foreign key relationship exi
sted between two tables
Fixed bug that could cause Operations and Attributes dialog to abort when Alt+C
Fixed problem with buttons to move method params up and down being disabled
Fixed issue with UI when changing visual layouts that have docked tear-off menus
Modified use of stereotype colors to work when base class type is not matched in
target element
Fixed caption display of sequence diagram so that when diagram is scrolled, elem
ent captions in title are correclty positioned

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 640

Added additional Attribute details to RTF reports
Fixed error in System docked window that could cause exception when no project l
Fixed C++ Rev Eng : Incorrectly parsed parents, if namespace resolved.
Added support for namespace of parent in C++ inheritance declaration
Fixed bug in Foreign Key Dialog allowing Update Cascade checkbox to show for Ora
cle tables
Improved DDL Import and DDL script generation.
Namespace Declaration fix for VBNet,
Generation options Dialog fix when using Japanese version of EA
Remove Comment style from VBNet Generation options,
Add advanced checkbox & supporting code to Template Editor ("Namespace *" "Class
Base" "Class Interface" "Import Section" moved to advanced),
Template edits (added warning comments to advanced templates),
Fixed problem with Virtual Inherited parents not showing in 'Inherits' section o
f class caption when appropriate
Added some checks on Version Control before allowing changes to configuration
Tightened up some security items related to version control
Fixed C++ Rev Eng : Incorrectly parsed complex template-based attributes eg. vec
tor< const TestType& > listConst
Modified Actor to allow use of Rectangle notation from Actor context menu - rath
er than from a single stereotype (<<system>>) as previosuly
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 639
Added Configure Version Control and Use Version control permission types to Secu
rity Model in Coporate version of EA
Modified Apply Pattern function to allow setting both Rename and Link check boxe
s - and have EA only apply one
Modified apply pattern function to prevent doubling up of applied operations in
some cases
Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down shortcut keys added to Project Browser (move elements up a
nd down)
Fixed context menu on element properties dialog - Link page to be non-modal
Sub-Activities now handled correctly in XMI import/export
Fixed error in stereotype dialog which only allowed a stereotype for one base ty
pe instead of many
Fixed element search dialog to handle particular Japanese character(s) that were
causing SQL errors.
Added a new check to Integrity dialog to update Foreign Key definitions to new m
ode in EA 3,60
Added 'Advanced' check box to Code Templates dialog to show all templates
Some minor fixes in VB.Net code generation and templates
Some additional code template macros for handling Parameterized and Instantiated

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 638

Added ability to Save specially set-up diagrams as UML Profiles (see Help file)
Fixed issue with object font color set from Format Toolbar
Fixed error with multiple extension points being defned in Use Cases
Modified XMI importer to correct possible import error when importing a full mod

Fixed problem with EA always opening maximized even with local option - Open Max
imized - unchecked
Fixed issue with use of refernce character when defining properties
Fixed issues with import of VB.Net nested classes
Fixed problem with multiple copies of operation pre- and post- conditions appear
ing in RTF documents
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 637
Fixed problem of Local Paths dialog not saving paths
Fixed issue with saving scenarios and some reference types when regional setting
s use , (comma) as the decimal separator
Fixed issue with not being able to modify namespace root when Require User Lock
to Edit enabled
Fixed error in MySQL when changing Locking Mode in Corporate version of EA
Fixed error in RTF output in Unicode version of EA - document could be corrupt w
hen Scenarios included in output

Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 636

Fixed problem with useage of Apply/Release User lock in Corporate version of EA
Added Select Classifier dialog to Operations dialog for Return Type
Fixed problem with Operations Return Type combo losing contents after dialog can
Fixed problem with importing indexed properties in VB.Net
Changes and Fixes in Version 3.60 - build 635
User Interface Changes:
Major changes to docked windows...
Upgraded docking behavior - pull out and redock tabbed windows (eg. Note
s docked window)
Flexible docking algorithm allows a number of new docking methods
Dock windows in a larger variety of places
Autohide (slide away) enabled on all major docked windows
Main menu reworked to include new functions and makes many features more
Addition of Element menu to handle Element functions on currently select
ed element
Context menus for elements, diagram etc. reworked to limit complexity
Toolbar added to docked property window
Added syntax highlighting source code editor as dockable window within E
Quick customization menu on toolbars (add/remove buttons)
Improved graphical indication of version controlled and package controll
ed packages in browser
Added scope icons to method and attribute nodes in browser
Ability to display text below toolbar icons
Keyboard accelerator map added to Help menu
Added ability to save and load screen layouts (up to 5)
Improved keyboard access to all windows. Ctrl+F4 hotkey to close current
docked window
Improved Hierarchy view to show more information
Added ability to Select elements in a diagram by type (Edit menu)
Improved Snap to Grid and Grid display function (now in View Menu)

Made a selection of submenus 'tear off' - so they can be detached and do

cked like toolbars
Clean up of many graphical elements within EA
Code Generation Changes:
Code generation templates for C#, C++, Delphi, Java, VB and VB.Net
Ability to generate code for user languages using templates
Inbuilt Source Code Editor with syntax highlighting
Ability to synchronize and generate from the source editor
Code template editor with syntax highlighting for template macros
Extensive Code Template language for modifying all aspects of code gener
Bug fixes and improvements to Parser
Version Control:
Enabled SCC cmpatible version control
Currently tested with Visual Source Safe and CVS (using Igloo). Generic
support for SCC compliant providers
Uses a local 'virtual repository' to store XMI text files from EA, which
integrate with the SCC provider
Project/Version Control menu option to configure.
Context menu option on package in Browser to use
Improved XMI import/export for version control - relinking and control o
f cross package references
Improved XMI export/import speed
Unicode Edition:
A Unicode edition of EA is now available for users wishing to mix langua
Unicode version enabled for WIn98/ME as well as NT, 2000 and XP
Database Engineering Changes:
Added Dialog to streamline creation/editing of foreign keys.
Added option to write a log file for Data Transfer errors and Remove Rep
lication transfer errors.
Specified a direction for the link between tables linked by a foreign ke
Added foreign key details to table link.
Fixed adding and removal of Foreign Key link.
Fixed deleting foreign key operations when association deleted.
Fixed DDL import of table default values from Oracle using Microsoft ODB
C Oracle driver.
Fixed missing header comments in DDL generation of Data Model package.
Fixed sp_addextendedproperty DDL generation for SQL Server.
Fixed syntax of drop table statement.
Fixed creation of Primary Key operation where attribute allowed nulls.
Fixed primary key in t_seclocks table in Oracle9i script.
Fixed truncation of requirement type name.
Fixed adding of extra columns to Primary Key.
Fixed crash when saving operation on databases built with SQL Server 7 s
Fixed crash when cancelling data transfer.
Reversed sort order of reference data types
Display default DDL filename in file dialog when browsing to location to
save DDL script.
Warning against deleteing foreign key using Operations dialog.
Additional fixes and updates
Document Generator:
Added ability to create a 'Virtual Document' from s Class stereotyped as

a <<Model Document>> (ie. 'Model Document' - case sensisitive)

Drag packages from the Browser onto the virtual document to add packages
as 'attributes'
Sort the package order using the Attribute dialog
Generate using the Element/Documentation dialog. EA will detect the <<do
cument>> stereotype and generate the full document
Added ability to generate RTF for a single element (Element/Documentatio
New Example Mode:
A new example model is now distributed with the base EA application. Thi
s provides a more 'worked example' than the previous example
Modified function that applies a UML Pattern to the model. Provides abil
ity to add pattern features to targets pattern is applied to
Updated Help System. An extensive reworking, reformatting and tidy up of
the Help system has been started.
Fixed problem with Message dialog when classifier of target had circular
Realization graph
Fixed display of Interface and Stereotyped elements in Sequence diagrams
Elements retain selection status between generation and synchronization
Imrpoved locking semantics and detection of locked elements when securit
y is enabled
Added function to export linked files in RTF as RTF Hyperlins
Fixed some problems with Printing - especially a problem that caused a c
rash when page dialog accessed repeatedly
Fixed some docked windows which were not being kept up to date when they
were not visible.
Default page size now set when EA first runs on a machine - detects Lett
er/A4 and printer resolution etc.
Added a function to reset tagged values for intances of a class (to matc
h the class tagged values)
Modified Collaboration message arrows to match Sequence style
Added ability to number collaboration messages in indented groups (eg. 1
.1.2.1, ... etc)
Option to show sequence message numbers in Sequence diagram
Numerous other bug fixes and tune-ups

Changes in Build 618

Fixed problem introduced in 617 with Conditions and Constraints on Seqeunce mess
ages not showing correctly
Fixed error in CSV import with delimeter specification not showing corectly in d
Added Collaboration diagrams to possible sub-activity types
Fixed problem with node elements having Tagged values causing drawing error when
tag name wider than node body
Changes in Build 617
Fixed problem with Nodes rendering Tagged Values twice when diagram dialog optio
n to show tagged value compartment checked
Fixed error with C++ import of pointer variables (eg. A* pA;)

Added Sequence and State diagrams to those that appear as sub-activities in Acti
vity diagrams
Fixed error with saving element Template Package in projects with replication en
Changes in Build 616
Fixed error with import of source code directory when resolving generalizations.
In some rare circumstances could cause an exception
Fixed error with import of Sequence diagrams from XMI causing intermittent probl
ems with saving message positions in Sequence diagrams
Fixed error with Options dialog pages being offset to far to the left for uses u
sing 'Large Fonts' in windows
Fixed C++ import error of typed operators : eg. TCHAR operator[] () ;
Modified XMI exporter for Rose. Adding <<subsystem>> stereotype to a package wil
l cause that model branch to be exported as a Component Model for Rose
Modified base .EAP file (EABase.EAP distributed with EA) to improve replication
Added 'compartment' support in diagrams for states and nodes.
Prevented EA prompting for 'Save' when exiting secure model with no user lock on
current diagram
Modified order of word replacements in RTF language adjustment to prevent inadve
rtent overwrites
Improvements to DDL generation of:
Column defaults, check constraints,
Table and column comments,
Referential integrity and check constraints,
Added option to select referential integrity constraints to table operations.
Added option to skip all rows of a table if an error occurs during data transfer
of a model, and during removal of replication.
Fixed saving of association link names greater than 50 characters.
Fixed error on save of Local Options dialog when using .EAP files with replicati
on enabled
Modified XMI export to write log file when requested
Fixed GUI ELements to show text even when stereotype not applied
Modified XMI importer to handle XMI 1.2 files where possible (some work still re
Modified ECF and TCF dialogs to handle , as a decimal separator where regional s
ettings are configured that way

Changes in Build 615

Added support for picking up initializer lists in .CPP file and correctly re-syn
ching the same on code generation
Fixed bug with pointer reference being reversed in C++ (*& becomes &*)
Fixed bug in parser where many macros are defined in Refrence/Language Macros. C
aused incorrect parsing of some tokens.
Fixed problem with output of Tagged Value notes in RTF
Fixed issue with import/synchronization of attributes delared as arrays eg. int
x[100]; in C++
Added support for "volatile" keyword in Java and C++
Fixed issue with "unsigned long" data type in CPP imlpementation file paramter l
Added ability to define a system wide "Watermark" for diagrams when printed or o
utput to image. See View/Options dialog - Diagram page
Fixed problem with Collaboration graphic element printing with solid border inst

ead of dashed. Also cured similar problem when zoomed in on Collaboration

Added or improved support for ODBC import and DDL generation of:
Interbase 6,
PostgreSQL, and
Sybase tables,
including index and foreign key constraints (where supported).
Added and modified existing Database Datatypes. See file ddl_datatypes.xml in EA
install directory. Import using the Reference/Import Reference Datatypes dialog
Set index sort radio button to default to ascending in operation extended proper
ties dialog.
Changes in Build 614
Elements with parent names specified graphically now resize if name is longer th
an class name
Fixed error with UML:Diagram XMI being written out during export when Diagrams s
et to non-export
Added support for C# event keyword (field declaration and accessor) to C# parser
Added ability for ordinary user to 'View Current Locks' when security enabled. V
iew Locks is a new Permission.
Fixed problem with Java parser misinterpreting default values of attributes when
the default is a scoped name
Fixed error in automation interface which could cause Models collection to throw
an exception
Changes to XSD Schema generator
For complexTypes which contain an attributeGroup and are derived from
another complexType by extension or restriction, the attributeGroup is
placed within the extension element.
Duplicated objects now created with User Lock applied where 'Require User Lock t
o Edit' is enabled in security
Fixed problem in adding items to Glossary
Links page of Object Properties dialog now works with Locate Object when the tar
get is a package type
Fixed some instances of case sensitive SQL which could cause issues on UNIX base
d version of MySQL
Added ability to define a default user diagram for corporate edition when securi
ty is enabled.
User may set any diagram to be their own default
Function is available from the diagram context menu - when user security
is turned on
Made 'New' button on Requirements page of Object Properties dialog always enable
d - even when a linked requirement is selected

Changes in Build 613

Added new diagram layout options:
- Set from Diagram Dialog: see Set Layout button
- Applies to current diagram only
- Can be set as Project Default layout
- Includes option to layout to left, right, up or down
- Includes settings to control spacing and layout performance options
- Also includes auto 'bending' of line links where possible to achieve a
clean layout

Fixed 'Undo' of moved boundary where subelements are also moved

Fixed Undo of diagram layout - Ctrl+Z will now reverse a layout
Added Connectors collection to Package element in Automation Interface
Added TreePos property to Element in Automation interface
Fixed error in options dialog default value for wrap long comments option
Fixed spelling errors in Generate DDL dialog
Fixed C++ parser error when importing some inline functions from header file
Added Alias property to Package element in ActiveX interface
Fixed 'Locate Object' behavior in Implementation Report dialog
Fixed error with code generation progress dialog that could result in dialog bee
n left open when a bad filename was encountered in output
Modified Instance State behavior to remove merged name when this option is unche
cked and to not show [state] in instance graphically when name is merged
Changed 'hit test' on sequence elements to only include the 'head' of the elemen
t and 7 pixels either side of the lifeline. This is to improve element selection
in sequence diagrams
Fixed error with arbitrary packages being opened when EA first loads a project (
bug in 612 only)
Changes in Build 612
Addition of support for using ORACLE 9i or greater as the repository for an EA p
- Required scripts are located on Corporate resourse pages
- Data transfer functions also modified to work with Oracle
Added check box to Set Instance State dialog to "Merge State with Instance Name"
- will append [State] to instance name
Added menu option on Connector for Association Class link to automatically add t
he Association Class if it is not currently in the selected diagram
Fixed issue with RTF language substitution function - "Figure" was not being han
dled correctly
Added option (in View/Options Diagram page) to allow changing diagram created da
te. If checked, created date is editable on diagram dialog
Fixed problem with importing packages in XMI format to DBMS repositories. In som
e cases diagrams did not appear in Project Browser
Fixed problem with importing Delphi source code where class with many implemente
d interfaces could be imported without all interfaces
Fixed issue with Instance Classifier dialog not showing caption under certain ci
Fixed issue with Diagram Hyperlink not working when the default was not to gener
ate pages for notes or text
Fixed duplication of mnemonic on Operations dialog (Const and Cancel)
Added option in RTF diagram to use 'Simple Names' for elements. This removes the
scope and modifiers from the element name in the final document
Added option to add initializers to output source code in C++ implementation fil
e. A tagged value of "initializer" will result in EA appending ":" + the initial
izer value to the source
Fixed autocounters for element task, issue, change etc.
Removed some autocounters in the list which were not relevant
Added drop list of 'owned states' to "Set Instance State" dialog. An owned state
is one which appears under an element in the project browser
Modified local option 'Sequence message Vertical Gap" to now be saved on a per p
roject basis - rather than a per person basis
Fixed error in generation of Package notes in RTF when using the <Basic> style
Fixed problem with package Alias always being used in RTF output when set, and n
ot when explicitly asked for only
Changes to the XSD Schema generator
- Import elements are generated for each referenced package whose target
Namespace tagged value differs from the target package's targetNamespace.

- Include elements are generated for each referenced package sharing the
targetPackage's namespace.
- Added "schemaLocation" as a tagged value for the XSDschema stereotype.
It is generated in the include and import elements.
- TargetNamespace prefix gets included in the schema element, if targetN
amespacePrefix tagged value is specified for an XSDschema package.
- The Encoding value in the processing instruction is omitted if the enc
oding field in the GenXSD dialogue is empty.
- TargetNamespace prefixes are used in ref elements for external types.
Fixed problem when generating VB6 source - class specific Advanced Options were
being overridden by the global equivalents at run time
Added automation method to GetCurrentDiagram() from the open model
Added ability to hide or show 'Package' scoped features in a diagram to the Diag
ram Dialog
Fixed error in picking up project default language when showing the Import Sourc
e Directory dialog
Moving a Collaboration message now marks the current diagram as dirty
Fixed error with RTF Report dialog when saving template with all options and fil
ters set. Length of opetions style string was too long.
Added ability to mark a collaboration message as 'Return' and have it show with
'dashed' line appearance
Length of Collaboration 'tails' increased and some small adjustments made to pos
ition of associated text
Changing a text font will now mark diagram as dirty
From search dialog, Locate Related Element in Browser now works for Package as w
ell as other elements
Added Automation method to Repository to GetConnectorByID(long ConnectorID)
Added 'Apply' button to Diagram Properties dialog
Fixed problem with data transfer between MySQL and SQL Server (NULL able columns
Fixed problem with Association Class - link to association was not draw if Assoc
iation Class was off screen - but association was on screen

Changes in Build 611

Fixed bug in EA running under Windows 2000 that could result in program terminat
ion when adding a new Project Root node
Fixed problem with UML Patterns when adding sequence objects and messages to an
existing diagram - could result in duplicate messages being created
Fixed problem with Classifier dialog not showing correct classifiers for some in
tance types
Added option to View/Options/Diagram/Behaviour dialog to turn off Automatic SubActivities from dropped diagrams
Fixed issue with new Sub-Activities created from dropped diagrams not appearing
in Project Browser until a reload occurred
Fixed issue with import of XMI - attribute and element contraints could cause an
error if constraint type was not set in XML file
Modified export of 'position'tagged value in XMI 1.0 for attributes - used tag n
ame ea_position instead to avoid conflict with XSD position tagged value
Modified RTF generator to sort connectors by connector type first, thereby group
ing like connectors
Modified RTF generator to fix issue with line breaks in Test notes
Fixed issue with glossary dialog not warning if pending changes exist when movin
g between records or closing the dialog

Changes in Build 610

Automation interface re-written to support both IDispatch and Type Library acces
s to automation objects.
- TypeLibrary automatically registered on install of EA (Enterprise Arch
itect Object Library 2.0)
- Automation error handling improved to provide simpler and more conveni
ent error messages
- Intellisense for EA object model now supported thru type library refer
- Code samples added to EA install directory (Sample Code)
- AutomationInterface.PDF updated
- Automation Interface ReadMe.PDF added to Program Group ... highlights
recent changes
Added new behaviour on Ctrl+Drag of element from Project Browser to diagram. Sou
rce element may be dropped as Link, as Instance and as new Child (generalizes)
Added new options to UML Pattern function (from diagram 'Save as UML Pattern' op
- Option to link an object to an existing classifier at pattern instanti
ation time
- Option to replace a pattern element with an existing model element of
the same type at pattern instantiation time
3 more Properties added to the Connector automation element:
- TransitionEvent
- TransitionGuard
- TransitionAction
Added an option to the HTML Generation dialog to optionally not generate separat
e pages for notes and text elements
Modifed Attributes and Operations dialogs pages - improved keyboard navigation a
nd added additional mnemonics for each field
Modified Project Browser so that F9 and F10 shortcut keys to Attributes and Oper
ations now work correctly in tree
Updated EA installer to new version. Added code samples directory to install and
included registration of type library as part of install
Added support for SubActivity State.
- Dragging an Activity Diagram from the Project Browser onto an Activity
diagram will create a SubActivity State node
- The SubActivity node will behave in the same fashion as a Diagram Hype
rlink - ie. double click to go to target diagram
Added ability to bookmark results in Search Dialog (places a red triangle above
bookmarked elements in diagrams)
Changes in Build 609
Added support for showing element and feature stereotypes in Project Browser (op
tion is on View/Options dialog first page)
Made a number of modifications to the source code importer (including):
Improved support for importing hundreds or thousands of files in the sam
e directory.
Improved support for synchronising existing classes - rather than re-imp
Added support for 'default element templates' :
Use the Project Main Menu - "Set Element Template Package" option to cof
igure or change the template directory
Place elements you wish to be the default templates for new elements in
the package
Configure the template size, appearance, notes, version etc.
Add new elements from the toolbox - EA will check the templates director
y first and if a template is found, will copy from there

Improved handling of drag and drop from the Project Browser:

Cursor reverted to default explorer arrow
When moving in tree, drag source is gived 'cut' appearance to indicate p
ossibility of moving element within model
When cursor is moved outside tree and over diagram, drag source is focus
ed and drawn normal - inidcating it will be added to the current diagram
Added "Cancel Import/Generation" button to batch source import/generate dialog
Fixed problem with CreateProperty dialog. In some cases could revert to default
language instead of element language.
Added display of table column number, scale and precision to HTML output
Fixed problem with XMI import/export and package scope of AssociationEnd's
Prevented EA from overwriting custom parameters in sequence messages when the un
derlying method was updated
Added support for Object State (context menu option on object element) allows se
tting of a single state for a class instance
Made the Matrix cells uneditable if user does not have permission to edit source
and target objects
Fixed issue with applying user locks and element locks in tree. Lock applied imm
ediately now.
Packages created in tree are created with user permissions
When moving a Boundary element, all contained custom line points for contained e
lements will be moved as well as the contained elements
Fixed error with newly created elements being moved between packages.
Added option to diagram dialog to suppress qualifiers (scope markers +-#~ etc) i
n a diagram
Fixed problem with report view of diagram scrolling to top after each edit
Made docked property window display object properties when selected in diagram R
eport View, and reflect changes to both
Added Methods and Interfaces to the list of replaceable word in RTF language cus
Dotted namespaces in C# and VB.Net now imported correctly
Fixed problem with import of VB.Net interfaces when each realised interface list
ed on a separate line
Added option (in Viuew/Options dialog) to have 'free sorting' of elements in pro
ject tree - so that element type is ignored
Collaboration diagram type added to context menu in project browser where approp
Fixed font dialog of Diagram Link element - not picking up underline correctly
Modified DataTypes dialog so that a product could be deleted when the last datat
ype it supported was deleted
Association-Class now suppressed in RTF when you suppress the Class type for the
Fixed problem in CSV import - elements not appearing in import package when no c
urrent diagram is open
Changed text item minimum size to be 16x16 - the same as an icon with no text
Changed diagram link type so that element can have no text but background will s
till not show if it has iconic form
Ensured EA prompts to save any changes before changing projects
Fixed problem with setting link label alignment
Fixed error with getting default code generation language when flipping between
projects which have different defaults
Changed EA default behavior to stop force loading of Association Classes in diag
rams. Now the Association Class may be suppressed if desired
Added support for deleting multiple test cases in the Test Casew list in one act
Modified Java code generation - stopped writing out name of Namespace Root wher
e class resided in that namespace (ie. a global class)
Changes in Build 608

Added 'Autosize Element' context menu option to single selected element
Fixed problme in Java generation of extends clause
Added notes section of linked requirement to RTF output - similar to notes for i
nternal requirements
Prevented notes being modified and content lost when element is locked
Fixed cursor problem when connector type and then element type selected in toolb
ox - correct cursor shape now shown
Modified parameter type combo to mark record as dirty when type modified using a
rrow keys only
Checked size of run-state information when drawing elements and ensure element i
s wide enough to contain text
Fixed problem when adding additional Project Root nodes - sort order was reset t
o alphabetic instead of user configurable
Fixed problem where the 'constraint' field on a sequence message was not being w
ritten out to XMI
Fixed problem with print outs where Scale Image to One Page was selected. Often
the font was being overly reduced.
Fixed display erro with Operation behaviour in class diagrams - behaviour notes
now displayed correctly wrapped and next operation moved down a suitable amount
Fixed problem with NewElement Dialog (from Package contrext menu) being set invi
sible in some situations
Changed Diagram Hyperlink element so that it may have no text and the bounding b
ox does not show - only the link icon
Changed wording of connector type in Connector dialog - now drop list contain Au
to Routing as the second option instead of Routed
Schema generator modified:
* EA now generates a complexType wrapper for attributes which are genera
ted as elements and have a non-simple type.
* The default model group is now "sequence", instead of "all"

Changes in Build 607

Addition of XML Schema generation to Professional and Corporate versions of EA
- Provides ability to generate complex XSD schema from UML models
- Use in conjunction with the XSD Profile that can be imported into EA
- Also added XSD Datatypes XMI package for use with XSD generator
- see:
Changed docked Property Grid component
Fixed bug in Auto-counters for new diagrams which sometimes displayed wrong coun
Fixed bug that resulted in prompt to save modified diagram after diagram had alr
eady been deleted
Added option to View/Options/XML Specifications dialog to toggle timestamps in X
MI on or off. This is useful when you wish to ensure two exports from a controll
ed package create identical files when there are no model changes
Fixed problem with Open Project menu and toolbar items not working after applica
tion application has lost and regained focus
Fixed code import (C++) error in eg. Func1(Foo<Msg&> prm1); The & was being lost
Modified diagram 'Deep Copy' function such that a new CreateDate is created on c
Fixed error with Components which could result in elements with a long (wrapped?
) being drawn too large
Limited length of Requirement short description to 254 characters
Added ability to add RunState to Node Instances
New Packages created under User Lock will inherit the lock state

Added option to not generate/reverse code notes and comments

- Added two check boxes to the View/Options/Code Generation dialog page.
They are in a section called comments:
1. Generate: default = true. Uncheck this to not generate any notes in c
2. Reverse: default = true. Uncheck this to not pull in any notes from
C++ generator now uses initial value of attribute in enum definitions
Fixed error where pressing ESC in docked Notes window could cause notes window t
o de-activate
Fixed problem in C# parser which could result when certain combination of commen
ted out { and } characters occurred
Added current EA.tlb (type library) for those wishing to register EA automation
interface in tools with Intellisense etc.
Fixed error in XMI generation where EA duplicated diagram notes in tagged value.
Fixed problem in Java parser - not importing multiply inherited interfaces
Added ability for Node to display attributes and operations - and for Node featu
res to be exported to XMI
Added 'Sort Axes' method to Matrix Options menu. When disable, axes are displaye
d in package order, recursively ... rather than alphabetically
Changes in Build 606
Modified ODBC import to correctly capture 'Currency' type in MS JET databases
Multiple changes to the XMI import facility when importing UML 1.3/XMI 1.1 from
the Rose Unisys toolset
-Improved diagram import and layout
-Handles notes and notelinks better
-Some changes to display of rrot/leaf indicators
-Default cardinality changed to clarify diagrams
-Notelinks to connectors
-Association Classes
Improved print preview and printing to better match printed output with screen o
utput (font sizing problem)
Fixed problem with import from SQL Server to .EAP format of binary data (metafil
Fixed problem with default code language in View/Options dialog not always being
Added option in View/Options Code Generation to toggle auto diagram layout on an
d off when importing
Fixed error when closinf one model and opening another with pending changes and
security enabled
Added ability for EA to autogenerate Foreign Key operations when using datamodel
ing capabiliuty:
1. You create parent and child tables as normal
2. Create attribute (columns) in both
3. Set a target attribute to be the PK or <<unique>>
4. Create an Association from the child to the parent
5. Set the target role to the required PK (will be in drop list)
6. Set the source role to a column name in the Source Role (will be in d
7. Press OK
EA will generate the new <<FK>> operation automatically and convert the
Source Role name to the generated <<FK>> name. I think this makes things

lot simpler as both the FK and PK operations are now being automatically
generated from the column name.
Fixed problem when reversing interface operations from C# code
Added ability to move in Attribute and Operations lists with arrow keys
Fixed bug in Issues dialog when modifying an existing item, a duplicate record c
ould be created

Changes in Build 605

Modified Operations and Attribute dialog to mark dirty when information pasted i
nto notes field
Added Connector detail Heading and Row RTF to the RTF Style templates
Added a number of additional words to the 'Adjust Language' function in the RTF
Documentation dialog
Fixed issue with saving comments in VB.NET where a ' was embedded in the text
XML Export option setting in View/Options dialog to make not exporting diagram d
etails in XMI the default
Fixed issue with XMI export/import that could result in missing package in rare
Modified XMI 1.0 importer to better handle import of Model and Subsystem package
Source and Target Role names added to RTF report on Connector Detail
Added Association start and end tagged values to XMI export using EA/XMI 1.1 sty
Fixed problem in Glossary dialog when using MySQL
Fixed problem in MySQL when invoking "convert linked element to local copy"
Fixed issue where imported property names in VB.Net always used "m_"<name>, and
not option configured in View/Options Attributes/Operations
Fixed issue with Actor element causing problem when Attribute dialog invoked
Updated name wrapping routine to handle class names with embedded spaces
Updated Create New Project dialog to avoid resetting model filename after settin
g new filename
Stereotype dialog now re-sorts list on reload when a custom sort is in place
Modified code import to better handle use of Realization link to interfaces
Modified security subsystem to prevent one user viewing/altering another user's
'user locks'
Added "Exclude from RTF" option on Diagram Options Dialog to selectivey not show
a diagram in and RTF export
Fixed problem that could result in sequence messages being re-wrapped to more th
an one line in Print Preview mode
Changes in Build 604
Fixed problem in label sizing code that resulted in diagram being set dirty afte
r opening
Fixed problem in label sizing code that could result in distortion of containing
rectangle after zooming
Added ability to reset code type for elements in Package Code Gen update dialog
to <none>
Modified default auto-tidy gap in options from 25 to 12 to allow finer control o
f custom lines in default mode
Modified drawing code to calculate bounding rectangle better where connector lab
els extended beyond bounds of objects and connectors

Changes in Build 603

Fixed error in C# parser that could occur where unmatched strings in summary com
ments occurred
Fixed error in removal of classifier from Boundary still showing name of previou
s classifier
Modifed drawing code in sequence diagrams to underline full name of instances
Modified drawing code to force resize of connection labels to best fit of text
Modified C++ parser to correct problem with importing file with complex template
Modified Delphi parser to correct problem with handling of quoted strings in cer
tain comments
Fixed problem with EA on SQL Server when running test report and selecting "Pass
ed, Failed, or Not Run" option
Included attribute tag notes in RTF documentation
Added new interface to EA.Repository object "OpenFile2(Variant Filename, Variant
Username, Variant Password)" - use to open a password protected model from auto
Fixed issue with handling of .EMF files which have been saved with .WMF extensio

Changes in Build 602

Fixed problem with drop menus for code gen and RTF reports in Workspace toolbar
not being always enabled
Fixed problem with label on generic input dialog box being empty in some cases
Added support in Delphi for reintroduce keyword
Fixed problem with Association Class connector not being displayed after class e
Added 'Stop' cutton to spell check dialog to allow cancel of spell check during
Fixed loss of open project name in caption bar after print preview
Added View menu option for animated menus - None, Slide, Unfold or Fade
Added XP style 'faded icons' for toolbars and menus
Fixed bug in Search dialog that caused problem when no search type was defined
Task dialog, percent complete 'spinner' direction reversed to Windows standard
New UseCase diagram from context menu was defaulting to Class in dialog - fixed
Using keys to manually resize an element now marks diagram as dirty
AssignedTo: field in Tas Detail dialog now correctly includes drop list of proje
ct resources/authors
Fixed problem with Zicom Mentor Add-In registration menu item (in Help) not alwa
ys being avaiable in Desktop version of EA
Modified drawing code to correct slight increase in vertical gap between operati
ons and attributes introduced in build 589
Modified C++ parser to prefer CPP comments for operations over .H ones if C++ op
tions "Comments in Header" unchecked
Changes in Build 601
Fixed bug with project workspace button on workspace views toolbar
Fixed error that prevented cancelling a database compact
Added delete constraint and delete requirements from docked properties window us
ing "Delete" key
Modified RTF to better format Attribute constraints
Attribute constraints now use drop list defined in Reference/Types/Constraint Ty

Add check box on diagram dialog to hide element stereotype names in current diag
Fixed bug that caused model upgraded directly from 3.10 to 3.51 being marked as
too recent for version 3.51
Fixed problem with label editing that caused difficulty on Right mouse click
Scenario Type dialog - details edit box now wraps multiline text
Fixed bug in Print Preview that renamed EA caption window to -EA (missing curren
t project name)
Fixed bug with changing user login name - EA previously ignored changes
Fixed problem that could occur when security menu item accessed - but no model o
SQL Server now prompts for password when opening model if no password in connect
string and login fails
Matrix profiles now accept names > 12 characters

Changes in Build 600 (Release 3.51)

Main UML toolbox modified to be dockable
Main UML toolbox folders and contents modified to better reflect UML naming conv
entions and process
Addition of context menu submenu on dependency added to support easy selection o
f dependency stereotypes
Ability to "click, place and drop" elements from the new toolbox (as well as dra
g and place as usual)
Addition of ability to select an object in docked property window/relations page
and place on current diagram (context menu option)
Addition of ability to 'pin' start and end points on a connector line between el
ements (connector context menu option)
Editable tree labels
Active objects support. Objects which have an Active Class as their classifier n
ow are draw with thick borders
Concurrent messages in sequence diagram. Allow setting of messages at same heigh
t to inidcate concurrency
User tools menu. Allows addition of custom user tools - supports additional para
mters for current diagram, element and package
Customizable toolbars. Includes ability to place main menu items onto toolbars including submenus as toolbar drop menu button
Open project dialog set to foreground on open - and EA application workspace loa
ded before open dialog shows
Additional detail in connector documentation (RTF) for connector source role and
connector end role
Fixed some issues with case-sensitive tablenames in MySQL
Addition of 'Scenario' tab to docked properties window. Support quick addition a
nd editing of element scenarios
Element position (x,y co-ordinates) missing in locked diagrams. Fixed.
Addition of extra complexity types (Extreme and Unknown) which can be activated
in the View Options dialog. Affects Use Case estimation
Allow open project to be compacted using the Admin/Compact Project facility. Cur
rent project suggested by default
Additional menu icons
Additional Toolbar for turning on/off dockable windows such as project browser,
properties, tests etc.
Changed a few 'Cancel' buttons to read 'Close' where meaning was confusing
Collaboration messages now drawn with arrow stem as well as arrow head. Also, ar
row head now treated as 'hit point' when selecting message.
Plus other minor bug fixes

Changes in Build 589

Added CSV import/export capability for elements (basic properties only)
- Set CSV Specifications in Project/CSV Specification
- Import/Export from/to CSV on project browser, package right click menu
- Import&Export/CSV Import-Export
- Use GUID field to export / modify element in CSV file / re-import and
update exisiting classes (round trip with other tools)
Modified diagram layout and autosize routines to avoid problem of overlapping el
ements in large diagrams
Modified DiagramLayout function in automation interface to avoid overlapping ele
Modified UML Pattern function to ensure all pasted elements appear in project tr
ee immediately (reload not required)
Modified 'Drop From Tree' function forSsequence diagrams, so that pasted element
s appear where dropped, not in the leftmost position
Fixed bug which prevented Sceanrio notes being updated from the automation inter
face (Scenario object)
Modified RTF Style function to correctly include customized "Basic Style" when a
vailable and selected
Added underlining to Node and Component instance names
Modified Tagged Value drop list in Object, Attribute and Operation dialogs to al
low scrolling of Value content
Modified Column Name edit box in Attribute dialog for tables to allow names up t
o 255
Added check when creating Generalization to take IsRoot and IsLeaf attributes in
to account
Added support for Windows XP Themes. EA dialogs etc. now adopt theme specified i
n Windows XP Appearance dialog. (XP only)

Changes in Build 588

Modifed C# parser to handle @ symbol when used as a indicator of a literal strin
g (ignore escaped characters sequences)
Fixed problem that could cause exception on closing EA when project browser was
Check for dirty attribute data before changing current record in Attribute dialo
Modified generation of 'legacy' style bookmarks for RTF documents.
Modified the way connectors are joined to Decision nodes - now the four points o
f the Decision are considered the only legal abchor points
Modified behaviour of Ctrl+Del key in diagram - now performs delete selected obj
ect(s) from diagram instead of deep delete of selected item in tree
Model Issues, Model Glossary and Model Tasks docked lists now support multiple d
elete of all currently selected items
Ctrl+Del in Model Issues, Model Tasks and Glossary lists now acts as shortcut to
Delete selected item(s)
Modified handling of function parameter types declared as pointers eg. "double *
" & "double*"
Added ability to drag a top level view from one Project Root Folder to another P
roject Root Folder
Added 'Version' as an updatable option in the 'Update Package Status Dialog' ava
ilable from the Project Tree context menu on a package
Fixed problem that occurred with display of attributes when View/Options/Diagram
/'Zoom to Best Scale' options was unchecked.

Added check for modified element notes on exit and perform save if required
Added File/Save Menu option to be consistent with Windows UI guidelines. Functio
n saves current diagram
Added Element Issues and Element To Do list to the docked Maintenance bar for a
single element
Modified RTF document generator to include check boxes for new element issues an
d element to do lists
Modified key stroke handler to exclude some keystrokes from those that cause a r
ecord to become 'dirty' (eg. Alt-S)

Changes in Build 587

Added 'Apply' button to standard element properties dialog
Modified View/Options/CodeGeneration dialog to support user defined language typ
Fixed bug in VB.Net parser that caused multiple interfaces in a file to be read
as single interface.
Fixed bug in Shallow Copy of diagram that could cause multiple instances of an a
Added integrity check for connectors associated with specific diagrams - eg. Seq
uence messages
Added fix for Shallow copy of sequence diagrams where messages could be duplicat
ed under certain circumstances
Some improvements to import of XMI elements from XMI 1.0
Fixed problem in RTF document generation that could prevent details of package b
eing displayed when 'Document Packages' ticked
Fixed problem with drop list for tagged values in Object Properties dialog
Changes in Build 586
Modified way method behaviour was returned in the automation interface to cope w
ith very large strings
Fixed bug in properties dialog of some objects which could cause a DAO error on
Changes in Build 585
Fixed bug in RTF generator that caused child elements of another element to not
document correctly
Modified code generator and parser to better handle directed associations and ag
gregations when generating and synchronizing code
Fix for automation interface that resulted in error when refreshing newly create
d package
Added method to automation Project interface - BOOL LayoutDiagram(VARIANT Diagra
mGUID, LONG Style) - allows layout of diagram from automation
Added Stereotype field to Source and Target role tab pages of Association link
Modified UML Profile to populate Association End Role Stereotype when Appropriat
Modified XMI 1.0 generator-parser to handle association end role stereotypes
Modified C# code generator to create C# Attributes when set as a tagged value of
Attribute for the UML attribute or UML operation
Modified copy diagram routines to:
1. Copy swimlanes on shallow and deep copy
2. Copy and resolve links between owned elements (eg. notes) and linked
elements (eg. classes) when doing a shallow copy

Modified routine to save Scenario text. Presence of a '|' character could cause
and error in MySQL
Added 'Select Classifier Type' button on Attribute dialog to allow finer selecti
on of attribute type than supported in drop list
Added check box to Batch XMI Import dialog to prevent import from files that hav
e the same file date as the previous import
Modified Controlled package dialog to support "Generic XMI 1.0" as an export for
mat type (generally should only be used for export to other tools)

Changes in Build 584

Modified behaviour of code generator to take into account association direction
when generating member variables
Modified C# parser to handle 'attributed' public variables in C# structs
Added option to View/Options/CodeGeneration - "Do not generate members where ass
ociation direction is 'Unspecififed'" - false by default
Modified XMI 1.0 generator to place AssociationEnd Tags in global tag area inste
ad of under AssociationEnd. EA will still read in both positions
Several modifications to XMI 1.0 import/export. Mainly concerned with Packages,
Dependencies and tagged values.
Modified call made when clicking on Hyperlink and making other OS calls in EA calls Default handler instead of default 'open' command.
Modified JDoc parser to include last character in comment - sometimes dropped.
Added routine to auto-name new elements with a numeric suffix to ensure unique n
ames at creation time. Applies to all element types.
Added funtion to import .NET .XML library file. Accessible from right click on p
ackage in Project Browser - under Code Generation sub menu
Changes in Build 583
Modified Collection Class source code generation from association end roles
Added Tagged Value support to Association and Aggregation Source and Target Role
s, including XMI 1.0 and 1.1 import/export support
Changes in Build 582
Changes to XMI 1.0 importer/exporter
Modified SQL Server date formatting for languages other than english
Modified Relationship Matrix: added TestCase as an option - differentiated UseCa
se and TestCase
Modified Relationship Matrix: added classifier name for instance variables
Modified way collection classes are used on association roles with multiplicity
> 1
1. Project level settings for each language in View/Options for each lan
2. Class level setting on Class Detail page of class property dialog
3. Association level setting on Role page of link dialog
For level one and two, you can set a default collection class, a class t
o use
when the multiplicity is ordered and one to use when it is qualified.
When generating code, the precedence is 3,2,1
Search the help file for "Collection Classes" for more information
Modified the docked property 'requirements and constraints' property page - now
allows adding, modifying and deleting of requirements and constraints directly f
rom the context menu

Modified HTML generator to produce hyperlinks to cross referenced model elements

Added 'Is Linked From' section in Docked Property dialog 'Hierarchy' view
Added option to diagram dialog to suppress attribute compartment on a per diagra
m basis
Added option to diagram dialog to suppress operation compartment on a per diagra
m basis
Added option to diagram dialog to suppress stereotype name on attributes and ope
rations on a per diagram basis
Added global option to View/Options/Diagram to suppress constraints on Associati
on links

Changes in Build 581

Fixed problem with toggling line point on custom line with connector lines at so
me angles
Fixed problem when dragging element from tree onto diagram with modified connect
or positions, state. Connector state now retained after drop operation
Modified handling of dates in SQL Server for some non-English formats
Modifed deletion of connectors in SQL Server ... problem with association classe
s in some instances.
Fixed problem with generation of collaboration message documentation when using
Fixed problem with line continuation characters in VB parameter lists
Added support for indexers to C# code parser and generator
Added support for operator overloading to C# code parser and generator
Added support for 'dotted' method names in C#
Fixed problem with color toolbar 'style drop list' not working correctly
Fixed problem with backspace and \ key not navigating thru 'locked' diagrams
Fixed problem where note and text elements could show & as _
Added check before locking diagram .. if diagram is 'dirty' message box pops up
with chance to save or cancel before locking
Changes in Build 580
Added support for TestCases in HTML and RTF documentation
Added support for Resource allocation in HTML and RTF documentation
Added support for element changes and defects in HTML report
Fixed bug in XMI 1.0 importer ... not picking up multiplicity
Fixed bug in XMI 1.0 importer ... not picking up nested classes
Fixed bug in auto counter for test scenarios
Added * indicator on Not Null table columns in diagram view
Fixed error when doing data transfer from MySQL to another destination (EA repor
ts version conflict)

Changes in Build 579

Added support for VB.Net 'Attributes'
Added function to conver a linked class (from another package) into a local copy
(linked class context menu). Any connectors in curent diagram will be assigned
to new copy.
Fixed bug in assigning Default Database using View/Options dialog
Modified copy diagram function to provide improved handling of messages in seque
nce diagrams when 'shallow copying'
Fixed bug that could cause Speller to display evaluation message
Modifed the way RTF bookmarks are generated and handled. Copy RTF Bookmark to cl

ipboard funciotn (context menu in browser) now returns correct bookmark string.
Added "List Header" to the list of customizable RTF style (Resource Tab/Template
s/RTF Style Templates)
Fixed bug in selection of inbuilt RTF <Basic> style when generating RTF reports
Some modifications to the Undo function when editing diagrams
Modified 'Set Aggregation Strength' to be right click menu option on aggregation
link (instead of dialog)
Fixed bug in deleting diagrams using Automation Interface
Modified XMI 1.0 importer to handle attribute classifier types correctly
Modified diagram zoom in and zoom out functions to provide a more consistent sca
ling effect of text and element details
Modified drag/drop handler for diagrams when droppig from tree to correctly plac
e elements at large zoom levels and scroll offsets
Modified diagram drawing code to prevent packages becoming distorted in size aft
er zooming out to very high levels
Modified snap to grid function to account for new zoom functions

Changes in Build 578

Ability to disconnect an association class into association and class
Ability to import Constraints and Requirements and Scenarios into all Test Types
for an element
Fixed bug when dropping requirement from tree onto another element, when diagram
scrolled down or right
Added support for TestCase Icon (use case with black cross drawn internally)
Modified XMI importer to handle some specific data type import issues
Added support for batch XMI import
Added second Security Mode - 'Require User Lock to Edit' (see Admin/Security men
u) - marks all elements as readonly until a lock acquired
Modified security to prevent applying package locks on top of exisiting locks
Modified security to prevent deletion of model elements from browser if locked b
y another user or group

Changes in Build 577

Fixed bug in Desktop version that could cause exception when upgrading project f
Modified Aggregation to show Multiplicity values
FIxed error that prevented use of the File/Save As function in some situations
Changes in Build 576
Added "ClassifierID" property to Element interface for automation
Modified sequence diagrams to include 'Continue Activation' feature (right click
menu on Sequence message)
Modified sequence diagrams to include 'Stop Activation' feature (right click men
u on Sequence message) terminates Forced Activation above
Modified VB.Net parser to handle Events with default scope in Interfaces especia
lly). Same for Properties.
Modified Sequence diagram to allow messages from object after receiving delete m
essage and before terminating X
Added dialog to allow setting of locks on package elements and diagrams - right
click package in Browser
Check to ensure RTF - Save as Document feature returns an error if no RTF Templa
te set up in RTF DOcument dialog

Fixed bug in VB Parser - missing parameters if ByRef or ByVal keyword used on so

me parameters
Hierarchy view modified to put association link in separate node (Is Linked To)
Added ability to update stereotyped elements with tagged values and constraints
from asociated UML Profile item
Fixed bug in UML PRofile function that didnt insert Constraints when Constraint
type not specified in Porifle XML (made Invariant the default)
Added list of shortcut keys to Help file
Disabled ability to resize Test Dialog access from the docked Test toolbar
Added Object FIles to the list of related elements searched in Search Dialog whe
n 'Scenario, Tags etc. ticked (does not apply to MySQL)
Where user ticks 'Remember ID in Login dialog, focus automatically set to passwo
rd when Login dialog opens
Fixed error in Manage User Locks dialog that prvented limiting list display to o
nly User or only Group locks working correctly
Modified default behaviour of Element toolbar to use 3D shadow colour for backgr
ound instead of a specific colour
Modified Code Engineering "Import Source Directory"
- checking for duplicate classes improved (check done on package not dia
gram content)
- ability to import source directory without generating diagrams improve
- Local path replacements now update Package "Code Generation" path as w
ell as object's
Added support for UML Qualifiers graphically displayed as rectangle attached to
one side of class or object.
- Qualifiers are set in the Associaiton source and target role dialogs
- Qualifier rectangles may be suppressed for those wishing to continue u
sing the current text based Qualifiers (see View/Options/Diagram)
- Qualifers mays be highlighted with some shading (see View/Options/Diag
Fixed bugs in Associaton Class handling - Association class itself may now appea
r in other diagrams without the Association link
Fixed bug in drawing of connector end that had Aggreagtion diamond and arrowhead
- arrowhead and diamond are now draw one after the other - instead of on top of
each other
Changes in Build 575
Parser modified to handle identifiers with extended characters (diacritical mark
s etc)
Installation modified to fix problem with registration of DAO350.DLL in some ins
Some minor changes to allow EA to 'degrade gracefully' if DAO library missing on
start up
General Changes for Version 3.50
Introduction of new Corporate Edition of EA - provides extended functionality
XP Look and Feel
Ability to connect to MySQL and SQL Server DBMS systems (Corporate Version)
User security (Corporate Version)
Data transfer capability
Data compare dialog
Project health dialog
UML Pattern support
Upgrade license key dialog

Ability to set defaut phase and version for new objects

Changes to C# and VB.Net code generator
New Link toolbar
New toolbar on Project workspace
Ability to lock at user and group level (Corporate Version)
Ability to move notes and text as a group in sequence diagrams
Update sequence messages when associated operation signature changes
Added ability to run HTML report from ActiveX IProject interface
Fixed bug in HTML gen ... if .html was chosen as extension, a couple of links we
re brkoen in non-MSIE browsers
Diagram option to disable use of scoped object names in all diagrams
Modified HTML Gen to include Classifier name and hyperlink in object title if cl
assifier is contained in HTML export
Several changes to RTF document generator
Z-Ordering elements now marks as dirty
Added Sequence object type to project browser
Added Batch XMI Export capability
Fixed bug generating read only properties in VB.Net and Delphi
Fixed bug in C++ parser, incorrect handling of some comments after Macro definit
Fixed bug in C++ code generator - applied struct keyword to variables in struct
Added Override Operations dialog to allow easy implementing of parent Interfaces
and Operations
Modifed JDOcParser to include markup in parameter and other JDoc tagged items (p
reviously being deleted on import)
Realisation links now imported as such - not as Generalization links
Attribute type now optional
Additional fields in Model Tasks and Model Issues tables
Added Print List capability to System Tasks, Issues and Glossary
Fixed bug in Operations dialog that caused exception when Cancel pressed from Se
quence message dialog
Added save XMI interface to Automation interface
Build 573
Added ability to Locate Object Classifier in Browser from element context menu
Made several important lists sortable by column (eg. Classifiers, element tags,
element files, element links)
Fixed title of Lite version (previously read 30 Day Trial Version)
Added 'Upgrade License Key' facility to allow Desktop and Professional licenses
to be upgraded
Builds 568-572
Some minor changes to data transfer and data integrity functions
Change to allow MySQL to handle upload of previously replicated .EAP files
Modifications to C# and VB.Net code generation to handle overriden methods
Modified Import source files dialog to select all available files by default
Small changes to help file
Build 567
Fixed bug that could cause EA to use 100% CPU when adding new message to sequenc
e diagram
Modified HTML report generator to replace < and > characters with &lt and &gt in
object,diagram,attribute and method notes

Build 566
Added support for additional language dictionaries ...
Use Admin/Set Spellcheck language.
Requires download of additional dictionaries from Sparx Systems Register
ed User area.
Fixed missing menu items and disabled items in Desktop version
Modified several dialogs whch reported 'Pending changes exist" when none did
Build 565
Fixed bug with anonymous enums causing repeated import for C++
Patched various spots in EA that could cause a problem when no model file is ope
Added in support for Corporate Edition key and Lite Edition functionality
Build 564
Added simple password 'mangling' to security
Modified MySQL to fix error when notes and names contained [ or ] character
Modified SQL to handle 'and " characters in various element names and properties
Added Attribute Constraint details to HTML report
Added ability to show operation Behaviour in a diagram (indented under Method na
me) - see Operation/Behaviour dialog
Build 563
Fixed bug that prevented realisation links being created on initial import of so
urce directories
Fixed drawing problem with Actor instance name field being clipped in exported i
Node and Components dropped as instances from tree onto diagram now draw as Node
or Component instead of object
Problem with last message on sequence diagram behaving erratically when moved fi
Problem with comments in enumerations in VB.Net corrected
Import statements and Namespace declarations now imported into VB.Net and retain
ed on generation
Modified text element such that left, centre and right aligning is possible (fro
m context menu)
Modified Note element sych that double spaced lines are now possible.
Changes and fixes for EA 3.10 build 504
Fixed bug in VB parser which faied to handle property methods with paramters hav
ing default values
Fixed height of interface markers in Component element
Added accelerators for View/workspace windows
Fixed bug that affected coloring of collaboration messages 7 & 8
Modified sequence diagrams such that name of object in heading bar will be :<cla
ssifier> if the instance is otherwise unnamed
Fixed bug in properties window that resulted in Modified and Created dates being
Fixed bug in sorting of Swimlanes in a diagram - problem with more than 9 swimla

Improved handling of parents and implemented interfaces in Delphi code generatio
Added ability for Delphi parser to handle multiple attributes on one line
Fixed bug that displayed external requirements in top right corner of class imag
Fixed bug that could cause exception when accessing Attributes or Operations fro
m the Class Detail page of the Class/Table properties dialog
Changes and fixes for build 503
Added support for ByVal and ByRef keywords in VB - both forward and reverse
Added support for array paramters in Visual Basic
Fixed bug in release version of EA that prevented menu option to 'Add to Favorit
es' on diagram object being shown
Fixed problem in Operations dialog that resulted in default return type always b
eing set to first element in list on Add New
Fixed problem in Constraint dialog ... possible exception or no effect when upda
ting existing constraint.
Fixed bug in 'drop object from tree' routine that could cause crash if drop fail
ed due to 'duplicate element' message
Added code to check if bitmap images being saved to disk exceed Windows maximum
and scale down where necessary. Affects very large diagrams only

Changes and fixes for build 502

Modified XMI importer to accept a wider variety of XMI files from various export
Modified object properties dialog to allow for user ordering of constraints
Modified New Element dialog (from right click on package) to allow populating na
me with auto-counter value
Modified RTF generator to allow heading selection of "Max 9 levels - elements ar
e package + 1" in heading style combo
Fixed problem with scoped object name appearing in Project Browser in some cirum
Added a "Diagrams Only" reporting option to the Project Root node
Made C# interfaces members with no explicit scope in source import as "Public" r
ather than "Package"
Added 'Favorites' capability to Resource tab. Right click menu option on any dia
gram object to 'Add to Favorites'. Drag favorite from resource tab onto diagram
to add to current.
Added option to View/Options/Code Generation page to use "Is" instead of "Get" f
or boolean attributes when creating properties
Interfaces implemented in VB class are now made Private by default
Fixed bug with parsing of Visual Basic "Event" declarations
Fixed bug with Report View that didnt refresh object details under some circumst
Added ability to set scope of new property getters/setters - see Create Property
dialog from Attribute properties
Changes and fixes for build 501
Addition of new Automation Interface. The major change in this release of EA is
the inclusion of a fully read/write automation interface for accessing and manip
ulating EA objects. The current version is an IDispatch based interface suitable
for scripting using VB, VBA, VB.Net and any similar scripting style language. A
Dual Interface will be added later in the year to accomodate other languages.

Note that the documentation for the automation is included as a separate PDF fil
e in the latest install - and also on-line at:
We are also making the HTML version of the automation interface docs available a
s a zip file and as XMI for import into any EA project.
Fix to bug that caused exception when undoing deletion of some elements (eg. Syn
ch bar) in diagrams that also had connections
Fixed bug that allowed selection of hidden relationship in diagrams
Fixed bug in DDL generation that caused table name to be omitted during generati

Changes and fixes for build 500

Modifications and fixes to the Delphi parser.
Modifications and fixes to VB.Net and C# parser - code generator
Added and improved support for XML style comments - supported in C#, C++, VB.Net
Extend JavaDoc style support to C++, VB.Net and Delphi
General improvements in comment synchronization in code engineering
Added menu option to package in Browser Tree to Synchronize all classes - either
forward or reverse
Fixed bug in drawing code when creating file images that clipped text in wide di
Fixed bug in Requirements element that could result in missing information
Changes and fixes for build 499
Maintenance release to upgrade MSI installer components in setup files
Small change to VB.Net code generator
Small change to operations dialog - Abstract and Pure check boxes were inadverte
ntly being disabled
Changes and fixes for build 498
Added option to show 'hidden parents' in diagrams - for Class and Interface type
s. If an element has a parent or realisation that is not shown explicitly on the
diagram via a link, the name of the target element is written in the top right
of the class or interface
Added support for 'Tags' in Requirement, Change and Issue elements ... including
support of tag compartment on diagram
Added support for the synchronisation of DDL information when doing ODBC import
Added support for the generation of Indexes, triggers, stored procedures in DDL
Added support for importing index information from ODBC source
Added support for auto number columns in DDL generation
Added support for 'COMMENT ON' for Oracle and DB2 DDL generation
Added support for multiple levels of comments in DDL generation
Added support for MySQL database
Added function such that depressing the control key while clicking on a connecto
r will bypass the hit test on labels - allowing you to select a line behind a la
Fixed bug that could leave information about connector position in a diagram for
deleted connectors in model
Disabled all controls on search dialog when 'Orphans' check box is ticked

Improved handling of Macros in C++ files

Fixed bug in Operations dialog that could cause exception in rare circumstances
Fixed bug in Docked Maintenance toolbar - Defect dialog caused error if Defect n
ame contained an apostrophe
Modified the way the Hierarchy tab of the docked properties window is populated
- changed 'RealizedBy' nodes
Modified operations dialog such that for C++ Interfaces operations MUST be Abstr
act and Pure
Modified C++ code gen such that Interface methods are generated abstract and pur
e always
Modified C++ code gen such that .cpp file is not created for interfaces
Modified way C++ code parser and generator handled <friend> methods
Fixed bug that caused error when new note attached to link is created but not gi
ven any text (content)
Fixed bug in Deep Copy of a diagram such that Notes attached to links did not ge
t attached to the copied link
Ctrl+Del shortcut now deletes Attributes and Operations from the Project Browser
in addition to the other elements
Removed Project/Maintenenace and Project/Tests dialogs from right click menu on
diagram object. These are now accessed thru the dockable test and maintenance to
Added "Import Scenario" option to Scenario Tests tab of docked Tests toolbar ...
allows import of scenarios from object into test scenarios area
Added support for stereotype metafile appearance to Sequence objects in Sequence
Modifications to C++ parser to handle Macro definitions better
Initial and limited support for import of XMI 1.0/UML 1.3 XMI ... still under de
Changes and Fixes for Build 497
Addition of Swimlanes to diagrams as a configurable attribute of the diagram
-configure from right click diagram context menu - use 'Swimlanes...' op
-Add/modify/delete swimlanes. Associate each lane with a base classifier
-Resize lane widths using mouse - drag and drop
-When used in Activity diagram, correspond to UML Partition
-When not used in Activity diagram, treated as diagram 'decoration'
Added check in importing UML Profiles to prevent import of file with Profile ID
> 12 characters in length
Fixed bug that allowed Component attributes to overlap component name in some in
Added code to Class element to draw 'information' stereotype as rhomboid - as i
n the Eriksson-Penkar extensions
Added code to check size of EMF image when first loading from 'Choose Associated
Image' and display at default size.
Modifications to the Hierarchy tab in Property window to better show an elements
relationships to other elements - by type, composition and dependency
Prevented blank comments from Parameters reversed from code overwriting comments
against parameters in EA
Fixed bug in Issues dialog - running report could cause EA to crash
Modified behaviour of 'Move Diagram' function in Project Browser - owned pseudos
tates, boundaries and decisions are now moved with diagram to target package
Fixed bug in project browser that could cause problems with 'owned elements' (eg
. states under a class) not 'holding' their position between reloads of the proj
Number of changes to C# code generator and parser: support 'internal' and 'seale
d' keywords better. Support attributes on parameters. Support 'params' keyword.
Some changes to code parsers to synchronise 'Abstract' 'Scope' and 'IsLeaf' attr
ibutes back into model from code

Modified element geometry in status bar to show correct size when element first
clicked on
Added setting in element Feature Visibility dialog to hide runstate for an objec
Added setting in element Feature Visibility dialog to hide attributes and operat
ions based on stereotype
Added Decision, Start and End nodes to the Project Workspace tree.
Added ability to select a subset of all elements on diagram and save image for t
hem only to clipboard (see right click menu for multi-selection)
Bug fix to import of C++ methods declared as "foo() const = 0;" pure indicator w
as being missed
Bug fix to Delphi code import ... in some cases method qualifiers spread over mu
ltiple lines caused a problem
Added ability to link note element type to the containing diagram's note - use n
ote element context menu to set
Changes and Fixes for Build 496
Added Interface, Class and Realisation icons to Component toolbar
Added ability to link Note element to Connector Tagged Values (using the Link No
te to Connector feature)
Added suppoprt for PNG graphic format when exporting to image, RTF or HTML
Added support for JPG graphic format when exporting to image, RTF
Added support for TGA graphic format when exporting to image
Added support for linking a PNG, JPG, BMP, TGA, PCX, EMF or WMF image to an elem
ent in a diagram (overrides drawing)
- not all elements support linking to graphic (eg. Decision does not)
- image is stored internally in EA (in PNG format to save space) - link
to external file is not maintained
- image is first shown at default size - but may be resized as required
Added support for 'Package' scope (UML 1.4 compliance)
- added at element, attribute and method level
- for Java acts as <default> visibility
- for VB.Net corresponds to Friend
- not used (currently) in C++ or Delphi
- CSharp treats like Java - and writes out no scope to code
- XMI output translates 'Package' scope to 'Protected' (UML 1.3 does not
support 'Package' scope)
- XMI output to EA format includes tagged value of 'scope=package' where
appropriate to ensure reverse is correct
Fixed a few minor resource leaks (unreleased menu handles)
Fixed drawing of Interface ... attribute name overlapping compartment top when s
tereotype, name and property set (eg. "{root}")
Fixed display of long names in activities and events where height of wrapped tex
t close to height of element - caused a blank line at top
Fixed a bug that prevented some check boxes holding their value - notably affect
ed operation parameters, operations and controlled packages. This was caused by
some changes introduced in build 495 to increase database access speed. If you c
urrently have build 495 we recommend upgrading.

Changes and Fixes for Build 495

Reworked and updated the docked properties window extensively
Added support for Tagged Values to the Docked Property Browser
Added support for Delegates to C# parser/generator
Added ability to set the extension for all filenames generated in HTML report (e
g. .htm, .asp, .html)
Added support in 'Link Note to Element Feature' for Tagged Values
Allow empty notes field in Scenario tab of object properties

Update HTML reporting to show icon for contained packages in lower left Contents
Changed 'Set Run State' shortcut key tot "Shift+Ctrl+R"
Added check box to search dialog - allows search to include scenarios, constrain
ts, requirements and tagged values for object in search
Fixed bug in Delphi parser that caused problems with overloaded functions under
some circumstances.
Added check in Operations dialog for unsaved changes when selecting another Oper
ation from list.
Changes and Fixes for Build 494
Fixed bug in VB.Net parser which could result in multiple return values for a me
thod on synchronization
Added support for default parameter values in VB.Net - forces use of Optional ke
Added support for updating parameter information(name, kind etc.) on synchroniz
ation (reverse engineering)
Added support for C# "ref" and "out" keywords and functions
Support "struct" keyword in C#
Added support for C++ parameter default values having "(" and ")" - eg. _T("")
Fixed problem with Attribute dialog not clearing property value when clicking be
tween different objects
Fixed bug that affected ability to drop a requirement from tree onto a class in
diagram and automatically create a realization link
Modified VB.Net code generator to format parameters slightly more elegantly (wit
h regard to placement of comma)
Changes and Fixes for Build 493
Added support for moveable connector labels. Labels may now be freely placed and
sized by the user.
Added support for connector label style of Bold -see right click context menu of
Added support for aligning connector labels within their placement rectangle - l
eft or centre or right (see right click context menu of label)
Added ability to hide inidividual labels on a connector - see right click contex
t menu of label
Added dialog to manage hidden labels on a connection - see the context menu for
a Connector (Set Label Visibility)
Split the View/Options Diagram Page into 2 pages - Main and Behaviour
Fixed bug in Java parser/code generator ... handling of "final" parameters
Fixed bug in drawing of Entity objects with Attributes ... could cause distortio
n of element size in diagrams
Fixed bug that caused exception if item double clicked in property/hierarchy pan
e, then Attribute or Operation dialog invoked
Fixed problem where two packages with the same name and same parent would show e
ach other's contents when pasted into diagrams
Added ESC key processing to currentdiagram to cancel any pending links from tool
set or elements dragged from toolset
When item clicked in small Element Toolbar, any pending action and selection in
main toolbox is cancelled
Added "Insert Element" option in Diagram context menu to insert Note, Text, Hype
rlink, Boundary or Diagram Details
When folder changed in toolbox, any pending action or selected item is cancelled
Added option to View/Options/Sequence diagram page. Allow specification of Font
and Font Size for Sequence Diagram Heading bar.
Fixed bug that prevented overriden HTML Content template from being used instead
of default one
Fixed bug where objects pasted into diagram that had x,y coordinates larger than
size of diagram were inaccessible. Scroll bar sizes now rest on paste.

Added code in Java generator to accept "[]" as a container type when generating
variables from associations
Added support in Java for "native" keyword. When reversed a tagged value of "nat
ive=true" is added to imported class

Changes and Fixes for Build 492

Added ability to define and modify HTML style templates. Templates are added in
resource tree and selected in HTML report dialog.
Added ability to define and modify RTF style templates. Templates are created in
Resource tree and selected in RTF dialog
Add Package contents to package page of HTML report
Added ability to set user defined Font type and style for Text, Boundary, GUI El
ement, Note and Diagram Text elements (see context menu 'Set Font...' option)
Added context menu option to Boundary element to allow ellipse, rounded rectangl
e or rectangle shape
Added handler for C++ macros of the style DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CView) ... define in
Macro dialog as DECLARE_DYNCREATE() .. EA will ignore content between ( and )
Fixed bug in C++ code gen that could leave extra characters at end of CPP file
Improved support for const methods in C++ using the IsQuery property
Fixed bug in CPP parser that could cause out of memory error when parsing file w
ith a variety of enums and/or structs
Fixed bug in Attribute dialog that could cause an exception under some circumsta
Fixed problem that could cause deletion of a package to fail when sub packages c
ontained elements parenting multiple contained elements
General improvements to the VB.Net parser and code generator
General improvements in C++ parser and code generator
Added ability to import XMI package at View level when StripGUIDs selected
Changes and Fixes for Build 491
Added local setting to View/Options Code Generation page. Allows enable/disable
capitalize of attribute name during Property generation
Fixed bug that prevented constraints being added to elements, operations, attrib
utes and links when new elements created from UML Profile stereotype
Added Aggregation and Composition links to UML Profile.
Fixed bug that prevented C# scope for attributes being generated correctly
Fixed ordering and type bug in HTML generation of method parameters for HTML rep
Added Files HREF to HTML generation - no modification is made to target - so HTT
P or abosulte address expected in Filename
Added options to diagram dialog to show 'tag', 'requirement' and/or 'constraint'
compartments in classes etc. on a per diagram basis
Fixed bug in code generation that prevented attribute generation for Composition
Added HREF for all Hyperlink file types in diagrams when generating HTML Report
Changes and Fixes for Build 490
Added 'Resource' tree to docked project browser - includes sections for UML Prof
iles, Documents, Matrix Profiles and Stylesheets
Added comprehensive and generic support for UML Profiles
. Profiles are imported and managed in the new Resources tree view
. Profiles may be imported from XML files describing the Profile content
. Profiles include Stereotypes and tagged values for elements, attribute
s, methods, links, link ends and more
. Profiles may include a metafile attached to the stereotype
. Profile items may be dragged from the profile tree onto diagrams
. Drag attribute and operation stereotypes over classes in diagram to ad

d to element
. Click on profile links and add connections as usual
. Drag association end stereotypes over end of link to attach details
Added section in Resource tree for defined Matrix Profiles. Doble click on a pro
file to load matrix and display
Added function to post process XMI export XML with Stylesheet. Stylesheets are l
oaded in new 'Resource' tree
Added generation support for <<enumeration>> type in C++, VB.Net, VB
Added reverse engineering support for <<enumeration>> in C++, C# and VB.Net
Added Attribute Tags to both the RTF documentation and HTML documentation
Added Method Tags to both the RTF documentation and HTML documentation
Limited display of Tagged values to those having a set 'Value' as future use of
UML Profiles may define Tagged Values with no set 'Value'
Added highlight for Abstract classes and operations - set on View/Options dialog
- Objects page "HIghlight {abstract} elements" . Adds "{abstract}" keyword to c
lass drawing
Added Read and Write check boxes to Create Property dialog (from Attributes dial
og). Unchecking either will remove one of the paired accessor methods (get/set)
Added Abstract check box to the Create Property dialog. Check this to mark gener
ated get/set methods or property as Abstract.
Revised Realization link such that if target object is an Interface drawn using
Circle notation (lollipop) then the link renders as a solid line with no arrow (
as per UML 1.4 spec)
Fixed bug that caused Visual Basic code generator to end Property blocks with 'E
nd Function' instead of 'End Property'
Fixed bug in Aligning elements that could cause selected elements to align again
st an unselected element when called from the toolbar 'Align' buttons
Force close of Attribute and/or Operation dialog if package selected in Project
Browser. Could cause exception under certain cirumstances.
Added 'Files' tab to requirement properties dialog

Changes and Fixes for Build 489

Addition of 'Lollipop' notation for Interfaces (see Interface context menu <Use
Circle Notation>)
Removed small 'lollipop' adornments from Interface when displayed in Rectangle m
ode to make notation UML 1.4 compliant
Option for new instances of classes dropped from project browser onto diagram as
instance to have same colour and style as original classifer (View/Options/Diag
ram Page)
Added method pre- and post- conditions to HTML report
Fixed bug in diagram drawing which could cause problems with border sizes when t
he "Print in Color" option was unchecked
Minor change to calculation of activation periods in Sequence diagrams
FIxed bug in sequence diagram that caused delete "X" to remain after a delete me
ssage had been modified to no loneger be a Delete - until next diagram reload.
Added check to prevent reverse engineering synchronization of Locked classes
Fixed bug in report View window that could result in two sets of scrollbars bein
g shown and image corruption at view boundary
Changes and fixes for Build 487
Added HTML reporting. See menu option on packages in Project Browser. Current im
plementation is released as Beta ... additional functionality will be added to a
llow configurable templates and stylesheets.
Added option (View/Option Sequence diagram page) to turn off auto 'garbage colle
ct' on sequence diagrams for created object instances

Added OLE Automation function to run an RTF report ... void RunReport(PackageGUI
D,TemplateName, FileName)
eg. Call EAProject.RunReport("{DA3C7745-FB85-437e-A25B-44192CEE
4D08}", "ArchitectureModel", "c:\temp\foo.rtf")
Fixed problem with sequence message when it is both a "New" call and the first m
essage in a diagram having no activation rectangle
Added context menu option to sequence message - allows message to initiate a new
activation sequence, ending all exisiting activations
Ability to lock an object in a diagram against further changes (to properties, a
ttributes, operations etc.)
Fixed 'const' not being written to CPP imlpementation file for const method
Added Link Direction to elements saved in Matrix Profile
Corrected a small memory leak caused by unreleased menu handles
Fixed bug that corrupted the end of notes in notes linked to operations, constra
ints etc. that were longer than 240 characters.
Added a simple AutoCount function for auto naming new elements. See menu option
under Reference/Configure Auto Counter. Supports Prefix-Counter-Suffix notation.
Fixed bug which affected 'Branching' in sequence diagrams when message first add
ed ... menu option to branch was missing and/or branch was with wrong previous m
Fixed bug in C++ import which affected attributes like: "int foo[LENGTH];"
Added support for C++ Macros that have a start and end definition, eg. BEGIN_COL
UM_MAP ... END_COLUMN_MAP. Define in language macro dialog as "BEGIN ^ END" wher
e begin = start macro and end = end macro. " ^ " <space>^<space> is treated as s
Removed generation of MustInherit keyword from Interface code in VB.Net
Fixed bug in C++ parser importing comma separated atttributes - eg. int a,b,c;
- now creates 3 attributes of type int.
Added generation support for "struct" stereotype in C++
Added C++ support for scoped names of indeterminate length (eg; foo::bar::classt
ype Identifier)
Added support for constructs such as "const int * const i;" in C++ parser
Fixed bug which occassionally prevented Workspace window from being shown after
being hidden
Fixed issue with possible loss of data when making changes to object properties
in dockable properties window, then by double click on element in browser
Fixed issue with EMF image type in Windows XP having corrupt images of packages,
classes etc. in package contents
Fixed issue with .GIF image type having a slightly distorted package content ima
Aggregation links now display solid diamond when Role aggregation set to 'compos
"$" qualifier on attributes and operations removed as it has been superceded by
the underline notation indicating a Static member

Changes and fixes for Build 485

Added option to Object page of View/Options dialog to not show Object or Message
properties dialog automatically when adding new element
Sequence diagrams now support incremental method invocation (recursion) and the
ability for messages to extend the recursive method activation (message context
Sequence diagrams now support conditional messages (branching) and alternate exe
cution paths
Fixed bug in Replication engine that caused problems with Access 2002 format pro
Size of selection rectangle for Synchronization element enlarged and 'hot points
' also enlarged
Added support for XMI 1.0 when exporting model to XML format. XMI export dialog

now has a 'XMI 1.0' check box. Check to output UML 1.3 in XMI 1.0 format. Still
in beta testing, and does not yet include import support.
Added Data Types to XMI export (XMI 1.1) plus some slight changes to Rose compat
ible XMI export
Modified Import Source Tree function so that Packages are not created if the dir
ectory contains no source or no child directory with source
Support for Windows Metafiles in RTF documents - provides compatibility with Wor
dpad and other simple RTF editors.
Use WMF image format and check the Embed image check box in RTF dialog
EMF format with Embed image checked only works with MS Word and compatib
Note that editors based on the MS Rich Edit control (Wordpad etc.) do no
t correctly support text wrapping in table cells
Fixed C++ bug which affected import/synch of const unsigned datatype attributes
Added option to Object page of Options dialog to hide <<column>> stereotype in T
able type elements
Improved the way datatype size fields are shown for blank datatypes on the Table
Attribute screen
Additional support for early versions of the Oracle ODBC driver that reported da
tabase of 'Oracle'
Changes and fixes for Build 482
Improved support for JavaDoc style commenting within Java. Support Class, Attrib
ute and Method JavaDocs.
Improved support for forward and reverse engineering C# comments
Added filter to RTF document generator - allow selection of elements based on St
Added additional language support in RTF document generator. Language setup dia
log now has place for setting codepage, character set and language ID.
Reworded the Implementation and Dependency dialogs. Also added support for setti
ng custom impementation targets
Changed XMI exporter for Rose/Unisys format. When DTD selected, output is forced
to comply with UML13.DTD
Change/Maintenance dialog - preloaded lists with union of clients,authors and re
Added setting to View/Options Diagram page to disable Shift-Mouse scrolling. Ena
bled is the default state
Default type of message to self in Sequence diagram change to 'not return'
Realization arrow changed to solid (unfilled) type
Issues docked window refreshed when project issues screen is updated
Default Sequence diagram Activation/Focus rectangle width increased to 10 from 6
. Can be set back in View/Options on the sequence diagram page.
Changes and fixes for Build 481
Linked note attachment point on connections to self corrected
Corruption of Use link connector line under some configurations corrected (erron
eous lines at end point)
Static initializers in Java now processed correctly
Parameters in Java functions with fully qualified name (eg. java.SQL.Exception)
now handled properly
Changes and fixes for Build 480
Changed dialog for State and Object Flow messages - previous version was conflic
ting with Event/Guard/Action fields
Changed handling of Package Phase filter in RTF generation dialog to fix generat
ion problem
Fixed problem with specifying feature visibility - updating attriibute or operat

ion details could corrupt specified feature visibility

Fixed problem with parsing CPP files that contained variable names using scope o
perator and current class name (eg. classname::attribute)
Changes and fixes for Build 479
Sequence diagram messages may now be offset vertically to open or close the gap
between consecutive messages - drag into position with the mouse
Connectors of any type may now have an attached note - the notelink will attach
at the link centrepoint and is currently fixed to that point. Use link context m
enu to attach a note
Connectors may have an attached constraint - use the context menu of a connector
to create one - then check all relations that participate in constraint set
Added a Local Option to the Sequence page to set the default sequence diagram pa
ge layout as Landscape
Fixed a bug in the relationship matrix that prevented new 'X' characters showing
when link created
Modified relationship matrix such that if the specified direction is 'Target->So
urce' then new links will follow this direction as well
Changed image name when generating RTF documents to derivative of diagram GUID provides image independence to document version
Removed pichgoal and picwgoal settings from generated RTF for embedded image - w
as causing problems in Word XP documents
Automatically generated implementations of interfaces in C++ had wrong scope(nam
espace) - fixed
Run state dialog now fetches all attributes in the classifiers ancestry to choos
e from
Removed ' and ' characters from run state instance variables when displaying
Diagram images could have erroneous white space when generating RTF documents corrected
Prevent creation of duplicate realisation links when dropping requirements on ot
her objects
VB.Net parser import of function parameters and types with array modifiers corre
Added option to Object page of Local Settings dialog to show/hide arrowheads on
Uses link
Added code to permit bi-directional dependency and realisation links
When view window is scrolled away from (0,0), moving elements beyond left or top
border is now handled more intuitively
Problem duplicating diagrams with JET 4 and replication enabled (s_ColLineage fi
eld causes diagram copy to fail) - corrected
Fixed problem with Delphi generation of Properties - public property being skip
ped on first file generation
Sequence messages and collaboration messages now pick up the default parameter n
ames from operations when selected in message dialog
Added Node, Activity and Object to drop list of Stereotype 'Applies To' field
Changes and Fixes for Build 477
Added support for branching/tree style generalization links - right click Genera
lization link and set style to 'Tree'
Fixed bug in NT 4 that caused Out of Memory error when displaying Report View
Fixed bug in NT 4 that caused exception when right clicking in project window if
no project loaded
Fixed bug where newly created links in Relationship Matrix could not be deleted
without closing and opening the Matrix first
Delphi code generator updated to handle Interfaces correctly
Delphi code generator now supports Published scope. XMI import/export uses visib
ility of Public with tagged value of Published to handle non-UML scope of Publis

Modified XMI export to include 'final' qualifier on End State nodes

C++ import of abstract methods could fail under some circumstances - fixed
Changing Zoom level on a diagram now causes the diagram to be marked as 'dirty'
for saving purposes
Several bug fixes in VB.Net parser - especially for ReadOnly and WriteOnly Prope
rty statements
Fixed bug in parser code that could cause an error when unmatched string char " - found in comments
Fixed bug in C++ parser that missed static qualifier on some attributes
Elements in Relationship matrix are now sorted alphabetically
Fixed small memory leak in relationship matrix
Added Scope edit box to docked properties window. Set scope
Added Filename edit box to docked properties window. Allows direct editing of im
plementation source filename
Added Keywords edit box to docked properties window. Define user keywords on ele
Added Multiplicity edit box to docked properties window. Set multiplicity
Added support for MustInherit and NotInheritable to VB.Net code generation and p
Properly mark VB.Net classes as abstract if containing MustOverride methods
Mark VB.Net classes as NotInheritable if IsLeaf setting is true for a class
Set 'Toggle Line Point at Cursor' hot-key as Ctrl+Q
Under some circumstances default values for parameters in C++ functions werent b
eing picked up - fixed
Code generator did not wrap default value for function parameter in quotes in im
plementation file - fixed
Fixed bug that could cause exception when object deleted from tree with Attribut
e or Operation dialog open
Fixed bug that could cause associations to be generated twice when importing fro
m source code
Added support for synchronizing Delphi inheritance section when forward generati
ng code

Changes and Fixes for Build 475

VB.Net now supports Inner Classes
Added support for Delphi properties. These are stored as tagged values and can b
e displayed using the Set Feature Visibility function to show Tag Compartment
Added Delphi 'Property editor' ... can be activated from right click menu of cla
ss that has Delphi as its language
Generate Property function amended for Delphi to provide support for custom Delp
hi properties
Delphi parser now handles multiple classes in same file
Delphi parser/generator now handles Interfaces
Fixed bug in RTF language adjust that caused error if replacment string had ' or
" character embedded
Fixed bug that was causing some elements to display wrapped text incorrectly
Changed the icon displayed by diagram hyperlink to differentiate from file/web h
Fixed bug that executed diagram hyperlink when Properties menu option selected
Use case and Collaboration elements now support custom stereotype Metafiles
System and Maintenance docked toolbars now support sorting of list contents on a
ny colum
C++ classes which include 'Friend' statement now import OK
Added 'Parameters' input text box to Message dialog. Add parameter names here wh
en constructing sequence and collaboration messages
Increased length of fields for StateFlow Event, Guard and Action information
Increased length of message name field in Message dialog
List of names in drop downs for Project Issues, Maintenance and Task lists amend

ed to include union of Authors and Resources

When reloading a diagram (after class synch or association changes etc) the curr
ent scroll position is retained rather than reverting to (0,0)
When using the ShowUsage dialog and opening a new diagram - the current object o
f interest is selected and highlighted in the view window
Changes and Fixes for Build 470
Setting Grid size to 0 causes failure of EA to operate correctly ... minimum gri
dsize now 5
Java parser didnt handle '(' being on line after function name declaration - cor
Role access not being updated in current diagram from Association dialog - corre
Added line movements and custom lines to Undo capability in diagrams
Added a 'Tidy Line' feature for custom lines - automatically aligns lines horizo
ntally and vertically if possible (see Diagram page of Local Options)
Virtual inheritance in C++ could fail to be parsed correctly in some situations
- corrected
Requirements now have their status correctly updated when using the Package 'Sta
tus Update' function
Added Phase, Status, Author and Complexity values to XMI output of package
Fixed ALT-S and ALT-O accelerators in Object properties dialog
Added additional 'Hierarchy' tab to properties window
Added support for 1..many association ends generating custom collections in Java
Added support for non-standard page sizes (eg. large plotter pages) when printin
Fixed bug that showed "Could not start print job" message when printing cancelle
Added "Print Setup" option to File menu - allows per session configuration of de
fault printer
Changes & Fixes for Build 469
Saved diagram images now properly include Custom lines that are outside Object b
ounding rectangle
Added a Replication Conflict Manager dialog to Admin/Replication menu - use afte
r synchronizing replicas (professional version only)
Saved diagram images now properly expand to include Diagram Details if they are
Added additional geometry settings to XMI export of diagram elements when images
are also saved along with XMI. This is necessary for people wishing to build im
age maps from the XMI export - using to co-saved images
-imgL - absolute postition of element left inside image
-imgT - absolute postition of element top inside image
-imgR - absolute postition of element right inside image
-imgB - absolute postition of element bottom inside image
Fixed bug where adding additional elements to Sequence diagram increases initial
right hand position exponentially
Fixed bug that resulted in connectors being drawn to 'phantom' object under some
Fixed bug that limited Views in additional projects to 1 view shown
Changes for Build 468
Connector lines now support user defined 'waypoints' ie. they are user routable
- Use context menu or property dialog to set line style to Custom
- Use context menu to add/delete waypoints (Toggle Line Point)
- Highlight line and use Ctrl-Q to toggle line point at cursor position
- Use Local Options dialog to set default line type to Custom if desired

Support element composition for Classes, Objects, Requirements, States.

- Nesting like types graphically automatically creates composition relat
- Nesting packages creates a Nesting relationship
Boundary element border now differentiates between dotted or dashed line
Sequence and Collaboration message dialog reworked to reflect UML 1.4 standards
Sequence and Collaboration message names reworked to UML 1.4 spec
Local Option added on Sequence page to use old message format (for diagrams spec
ifically set up for old style)
XMI export dialog now includes option to export diagram images at same time as X
MI generated
Automation Interface has added a new method to export a package to XMI - includi
ng diagram images
The interface has an additional method:
BSTR CProject::ExportPackageXMI(const VARIANT FAR& PackageGUID,
long XMIType, long DiagramXML, long DiagramImage, long FormatXML, long UseDTD, c
onst VARIANT FAR& FileName)
Where PackageGUID
= the GUID of the package to export
= Rose or EA, 1= EA
= Export XMI for diagrams
= Format of Diagram image to export : -1
= no images, o = metafile, 1 = bmp, 2 = gif
= Format XML output, 1 = yes
= Use a DTD in the XMI header, 1
= yes
= Filename of XMI
Images will be saved to a subdirectory called Images
Images filenames will be constructed using DiagramGUID + image t
ype extension
Relationship Matrix now has ability to save current setup as a profile for easy
Void paramaters in C++ functions now rendered without parameter name
Unsigned parameter types now import/export correctly
Support for Virtual Inheritance in C++ added
Change to layout of diagram properties dialog
Addition of Hide Property checkbox to diagram dialog - hides <<property>> operat
Fixed a bug that could cause a GPF after viewing the Source or Target properties
in the Relationship Matrix
Fixed bug that could cause generation of multiple implmented interface functions

Changes for Build 467

Browser tree now supports objects being located under other objects ...
eg. State nodes can all be placed under an owning Class node
eg. A Collaboration node may have diagrams and objects under it
eg. A Class may have activities located under them
Elements created or droppped onto an 'owned' diagram will become owned by the di
agram owner ...
eg. If a class has a state diagram under it, then all elements dropped o

state diagram automatically get located under that class as well.
Interfaces now display with name in italics (abstract class)
Interface operations now display in italics (abstract operations)
Static attributes (Class feature) are now displayed underlined
Static operations (Class feature) are now displayed underlined
Nesting relationship added (to Logical and Relation toolbars)
Added custom drawing of <<model>> and <<subsystem>> stereotype icon as per UML s
Abstract class names in package contents rendered in italics
Bug fixed when viewing properties of element directly from tree then clicking on
diagram straight after
Association end now displays Qualifier if set
Object instance now supports 'Role Played' as well as Name and classifier - <Nam
e> / <Role> : <Class>
Added 'Iteration' element to Sequence diagram toolbar. Use to delimit iterative
message passing
Inner classes linked with Nesting relationship instead of dependency
Activity and State elements now resize if text larger than visible element
C++ structs imported as stereotyped classes with <<struct>> stereotype
Underlining of Object name now correctly excludes /Role and :Classifier section
Bug fixed that stopped throws clause being picked up in Java reverse if throws o
n new line
Outlook toolbar size now stored/re-stored between sessions
Gen filenames now updated in current diagram when Local Path Dialog used (avoid
having to reload diagram)
New classes etc. are automaitcally set to the current default coding language
Ability to set code page for XMI output (Local Settings/XML page)
Const value in VB with no explicit scope previously marked public - should be pr
Line continuation characters cause problems in VB - added support for line conti
Corrected bug where RTF documentation prints package notes twice - for heading a
nd content
Back/forward diagram navigation stopped responding after 50 items - upped limit
to 300 and investigating cause
Fixed bug where class persistence not in XMI output
Added ability to set Object persistence - moved Persistence attribute to page on
e of property dialog
Fixed bug where association name not displayed (build 465)
Some elements have minimum size set (eg. class, object, component...) to avoid b
ad drawing effects
Added 'IsQuery' property to operations dialog and XMI import/export
Added IsLeaf, IsRoot, IsSpecification and Multiplicity to class display as prope
rty string (when values set display under class name)
Use cases now support Extension Points ... access these from the Use Case contex
t menu.
Use cases and Collaborations now display name in Bold if local setting Use Bold
Names is set.
Changes for Build 465
Added ability to define additional Project Root Nodes (multiple projects in Tree
Added ability to define keyword substitution in RTF documents ('Adjust Language'
button on RTF dialog)
Abstract classes now denoted with italic name, rather than dotted border (UML 1.
4 convention)
Added 'Cardinality' dialog to Reference menu - define list of cardinality types
Display {ordered} constraint on association role end when IsOrdered checked

Abstract operations now displayed in italics (UML convention)

First association constraint now displayed as boolean expression on association
Active Class (and Active Objects) now supported. Set Class to IsActive on Proper
ty/Advanced page. All instances displayed with thick border
Property dialog now renamed to Tagged Values dialog and moved to reference menu
Role changeability now displayed on association role end where applicabel .. sup
ports {addOnly} and {frozen}
Added optional compartment for Responsibilities on some elements. Activate using
the "Set Feature Visibility" menu option on element context menu
Added optional compartment for Constraints on some elements. Activate using the
"Set Feature Visibility" menu option on element context menu
Added optional compartment for Tags on some elements. Activate using the "Set Fe
ature Visibility" menu option on element context menu
Attribute stereotypes now display
Added Local Option (Local Settings dialog - page 1) to toggle Open Maximized or
remember last position
Added .frm, .bas and .ctl files as options for Visual Basic import
Fixed bug in EMF images that displayed Hyperlink icons in black
Fixed bug in .BMP generator that caused black stripe at bottom of image if view
scrolled down
Fixed bug that caused crash under some circumstances when flipping between repor
t and diagram view
Some fixes to VB code generator
Changes for Build 461
Some changes to Visual Basic code generator, notable to handle Const variables a
nd implementation inheritance
Message scope dialog reverted to non-sorted drop lists to correct a selection pr
Changes for Build 460
Substantial changes to Code generation and parsing engines:
-Method notes synchronized forward and reverse
-Ability to update method type in code
-Ability to update method parameter names in code
-Ability to update attribute type
-Update method and attribute scope (except C++/Delphi)
-Update attribute default value in code
-Update .cpp files as well as .h files for CPP
-Better facility for generating properties from attributes
-Improved property support in all languages
-Numerous bug fixes for code generation
-Improvements to comment extraction
-Ability to set comment style for C++
Correct bug where Nodes always dropped as instances onto diagrams
Fixed problem where diagram keyboard input could be lost after editing operation
s or attributes
RTF templates will now accept empty heading and intro - all other headings move
up one level
Correct bug where Attribute dialog did not have correct focus on open
Source and Target drop downs in Message Dialog now sorted
Autosize all now works correctly with Zoom sizes > 120%
Fixed problem with element properties not updating until re-selected
'Shallow' copy in Sequence and Collaboration diagrams now copies messages
Windows Metafiles are converted to Enhanced format on import - not dynamically prevents occasional load errors
Fixed a bug that caused a crash when swapping between diagrams (under special ci

Fixed bug that caused collaboration diagrams to print extra blank pages
Fixed bug that caused some text elements to generate extra blank pages when prin
Fixed XMI bug: Attribute 'const' flag not imported from XML file
Option (diagram local setting) to show 'linked package contents' in packages on
Ability to save import headers from Code Gen dialog without actually generating
code (for later batch generation)
Visual Basic code generator will now create implementation methods for inherited
Following accelerators added:
-F9 - open Attribute dialog
-F10 - open operation dialog
-F11 - generated selected class
-Shift/F11 -generate all selected classes
-F12 - View selected class source

Changes for Build 457

ODBC import modifications. Limited support for DBASE files
Fixed a bug in the Java import which adversely affected the parsing of classes w
ith no Parent
Java code generator now supports 'throws' clause - add a tagged value of type 't
hrows' to an operation to generate
Bug in DataTypes dialog fixed
Table attributes (columns) dialog now enables the Tagged Values page correctly
Changes for Build 456
Addition of option in RTF dialog to 'Document all Elements' - this will include
such items as Sequence objects, Boundaries etc.
JET 4.0 subsystem upgraded to support Replication of Access 2000 format projects
RTF report now sorts elements by Type, Custom position and then Name
Views can now be dragged onto a diagram (as a Package)
RTF Report has option to include Package details (status, constraints, requireme
nts etc.)
If Phase filter set in RTF report, packages which are less than that are not inc
luded (nor their children)
Improved C++ parser handling of line breaks
Tagged Values table now enabled on Table Columns dialog
Changes for Build 455
Extensive changes to the Page Setup functionality and drawing of printed page
Option to Draw a border around printed pages
Fixed bug that lost page setup details after using "zoom to fit" function on dia
Made 'Heading Style' a mandatory field in RTF report dialog
Display Build number in Open Project dialog
Allow 'auto-instance' of Nodes when dropping from tree onto diagram
Tighter linking of Sequence messages and target class operations
Ability to hide and show sequence message paramters (where linked to operation)
using Diagram Dialog
Full method signature displayed in operation drop list in Message Dialog
Return type updated when selecting different operation in Message dialog
Options added to RTF Report dialog to exclude Hyperlinks from output
Changes for Build 452

Removed registry update at program start when user does not have update rights (
restricted users)
Changes for Build 451
<changes & bug fixes>
Improvements to code import linking and link resolution
Realize relationship added to logical toolbar
Scenarios for Use Cases etc. now sortable according to user desire
C++ - import of class with Pure Virtual functions forces Abstract class
Improvements to handling of virtual functions in general
Option to locate object in current diagram and centre (from browser object conte
xt menu)
Further improvements to sequence diagram focus of control
Occassional error in link scope when generating code
Changes for Build 450
Focus of control in sequence diagrams rewritten and updated to include finer con
Testing docked tool updated to include additional columns and sortable columns
Updates to C++ parser to handle some problems template classes
Updates to C++ code generator
Local option to set default association directedness
RTF Templates now save 'exclude element' details
Packages now reload last RTF template used for that package (if previously gener
Objects dropped from browser onto sequence diagram now appear at right most posi
tion in sequence - not left most
Added ability to go to operations dialog directly from 'new message' dialog in s
equence diagram
Hyperlinks now included in RTF generation .... they appear directly under the di
agram they appear in
<bugs fixed>
Hyperlinks caused blue text in state diagrams
Association constraints included in XMI input/output
Some fixes to the C# Parser
Include interfaces from an realized interface in drop list of new message dialog
in sequence diagrams
Fixed bug with ReportView not repainting correctly under some circumstances
Import of FoxPro DDL from ODBC

Changes for Build 443

Ability to associate a metafile with a stereotype and override the normal appear
ance of an object (see Stereotype Dialog in Reference section)
Ability to set the modified date for all elements in a model branch (from the Up
date Package Status dialog)
Ability to define a new method from the Message dialog for selection in Sequence
Modification of Sequence diagrams to include support for 'implicit returns' and
focus of control - Local Setting to enable/disable
Set relation visibility window now resizable
Ability to set generation language directly on Code Generation dialog (drop list

Transition names copied to 'Action' field for old style transitions

Added undo for AutoLayout
Some database changes for future enhancements
Set Element Parent option on context menu for generalizable elements (creates a
generalization link to any element in model)
Autosize Selected elements in diagram option
<bug fixes>
Addition of VB.Net to object language droplist (on Object Properties dialog)
Use of '\' character in element names broke RTF generation
Tidied up name wrapping for classes
Fixed some import errors in C# parser caused by \" (escaped quote)
Ensure Interfaces listed in parameter drop lists
Modifications to sequence diagram
Additional UI fixes and consistency checks
Handling of interfaces in VB improved
Improved Import and Package statement handling in Java
Build 440
Release 3.10 is a minor version update which rolls up all the patches and refine
ments since the 3.00 release.
Special note regarding replicated models: This version of EA will update your mo
del files (.eap) when you open them. Do not try and update a Replica project - a
lways update the Design Master first, then synchronize the Rreplicas with the Ma
ster to copy the changes to the Rreplica. You may also elect to create new Rrepl
icas from the updated Design Master and discard the old version 2.5 Replicas.
The main features are:
- Addition of a dockable 'tab bar' to provide easy access to testing scripts for
an element
- Addition of a dockable 'tab bar' to provide easy access to system tasks, proje
ct issues and glossary
- Addition of a dockable 'tab bar' to to provide easy access to maintenance item
s (changes and defects) for and element
- Addition of 'Hyperlink' element for creating links to other documents and webp
ages and placing on diagram (element toolbar)
- RTF documents can now have heading levels up to 9 deep
- Provide ability to rename or delete the pre-defined model views (Use Case, Log
ical, Dynamic etc.)
- Ability to place 'diagram properties' in a text element on a diagram (freely m
oveable and formattable)
- VB.Net support
- Support for Association Classes (UML connection type)
- More UML support
- Property windows disabled when no valid element selected
- Registry hive for version 3.10 now separate from 2.50 and 3.00 (some quirky be
haviour caused by shared registry settings)
- Attribute multiplicity now shown in diagrams
- Attribute initial value now shown in diagrams
- Simple RTF report for ReportView
- Ability to set the Default Diagram for a project (EA opens to this if availabl
- Last RTF template loaded is recalled when accessing RTF dialog
- Support for Changes and Defects in RTF documents
- Improved Focus of Control on sequence diagrams
- Transitions may have Event, Guard and Action attributes
- Associations now directed by default
- Fixed bug which caused GPF when deleting certain kinds of elements and trying

to undo
- Support for JET 4.0 data access (Access 2000/XP) - requires Jet 4.0 already in
stalled on client - user must configure local option first
- Interface attributes required to be declared 'static'
- Updated type Generalisation to Generalization (spelling correction)
- Plus bug fixes and general tidy ups.

New in Release 3.00

Release 3.00 features a large number of enhancements and refinements. A complete
list is included at the bottom of this note. The main highlights are:
- improved GUI with dockable windows and more toolbars
- relationship matrix for managing requirements traceability
- improved reverse engineering of ODBC data sources
- foreign key information is now included DDL import/export
- ability to copy complete diagrams
- additional modeling elements
- an ActiveX read-only interface based on XMI
Once again, many thanks to all those who have supported EA and offered their ide
as and encouragement. Also a special thanks to those who took the time to evalua
te the beta version of this release and report back bugs and issues.
Please note: For up to the minute details on the latest build of Enterprise Arc
hitect, check the Latest News section of the user forum at: http://www.sparxsyst
Special note regarding replicated models: This version of EA will update your mo
del files (.eap) when you open them. Do not try and update a Replica project - a
lways update the Design Master first, then synchronize the Rreplicas with the Ma
ster to copy the changes to the Rreplica. You may also elect to create new Rrepl
icas from the updated Design Master and discard the old version 2.5 Replicas.
New features, bug fixes and changes in Enterprise Architect 3.00
New to Version 3.00
- much improved 'Office Style' GUI with dockable windows, new look and feel and
smooth performance
- dockable propeties browser and project browser windows
- improved reverse engineering of ODBC data sources
- foreign key information is now included DDL import/export
- ability to copy entire diagram with ease - either as shallow (linked objects)
or deep (duplicate objects)
- tweaks and improvement to XMI import/export facility
- space objects evenly on a diagram, vertically or horizontally
- customize how the tree view responds to mouse clicks- new 'appearance formatter' toolbar - with saveable styles - colorize multiple
objects with a single click
- relationship matrix for managing requirements traceability and other uses. CSV
export for Excel compatibility
- hot keys improved and added
- added 'Set Connector' function, allows existing connector to be moved to other

- added Tagged Values to attributes and operations

- added Tagged Values to class objects
- ability to set custom position of elements in the project browser (custom sort
- addition of structured 'issue' and 'change' elements for help in managing proj
- addition of 'hierarchy' page to requirement dialog to visualize composition an
d implmentation of requirements
- property dialog now supports internal and external responsobilities (requireme
- ability to move internal responsibilities to external requirements with a butt
on push - makes working with system requirements much simpler
- ability to suppress collaboration numbering
- ability to customize toolbars (hide and show buttons)
- set the visibility of element features (attributes and operations) on a per di
agram basis
- Active X (read only) interface - based on XMI
- ability to copy an attribute or operation from one element to another using dr
ag and drop from the project browser to an element in a diagram
- ability to auto create a requirement/realization link by dropping a requiremen
t from the browser on an element in a diagram
- addition of a 'diagram only' RTF report
- ability to link a note element in a diagram to an internal feature (attribute/
operation etc) of another element - and auto display the feature notes etc.
- support for defining C++ Macros that will be ignored during reverse engineerin
- highlight operation parameters and return types that are passed by reference set the highlighting character as an option (eg. & or *)
- support for History states, Concurrent states and Synch states
- additional settings to customize overall behaviour
- some tweaks to the code engineering components
Added Since the Initial Release of version 2.50
- Added date criteria on search screen
- Support for Events in VB code generation
- Support for Behavior in code generation
- Intellimouse support for diagram window
- Support for object colors and styles
- Added Hotkey (Ctrl) to prevent Auto Instance
- Added Phase to requirement dialog
- Increase the size of Scenerio Notes on property screen
- Added Align middle
- Added Support for UI Table Elements
- Added Recursive Package Phase Update
- Added Synch(V) and Synch(H) to state chart toolbar
- Allow notelink to be routed
- New diagrams now receive focus automatically
- Allow hide/show of stereotype icons
- Scroll using Shift-MouseMove
- Append package name to related object in RTF associations
- Pre / Post-Constraints for attributes not in RTF
- Manual entry of RGB values in appearance dialog
- Select tree object when it receives focus after delete
- American spelling for Generalisation etc.
- Objects can be inserted directly into the tree, without belonging to a diagram
- Ability to add new elements by right clicking on package in tree view
- Allow parameter name to be modified in operations dialog
- Added support for /* */ and // comment statements in Delphi code generation

- Added support for constructor/destructor statements in Delphi code generation

Bugs fixed in Verion 3.00 since the Initial Release of version 2.50
- Items in the tree were being sorted incorrectly after drag
- Colour not working for interfaces and abstract classes
- Order test scripts by Use Case name
- Hot keys Ctrl-V and Ctrl-Shift-V were swapped
- Missing Hot keys on screens
- Fixed GPF on RTF generation screen (when New is clicked)
- Save button on Properties screen (file tab) never became enabled
- Diagram property screen changes were lost when user selects PageSetup
- when doing bulk copy/paste boundary object don't get copied unless they have n
- when doing bulk copy/paste new object are insert in reverse z-order
- corrected minimum screen size of Table attributes screen
- CRLF were changed into CRCRLF during synchronizing of C++ code
- Package notes lost in XML import/export
- Cancel drag and drop
- XML import/export bug (friend visibility in C++)
- Associations created by Code generation was incorrect
- Element name too long for context menu in some cases
- Diagram name not updated correctly in props when diagram not visible
- Scenario tests were not being included in RTF documentation
- Copying of Operations and Attributes bug patched
- RTF documentation includes parameter details for methods
- ECF dialog support for other regional settings
- Improved diagram locking - prevent connector moves and multiselects
- Operation and Attribute dialogs hold last selection in list when item saved
- Fix an occasional GPF loading operations dialog for element that has classifie
r which does not support operations
- Autolayout feature marks diagram as 'dirty' to prevent lost changes
- C++ copy constructor syntax changed
- fixed bug in remove replication process
- fixed save attribute bug

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