A Profile of The Patient With Periodontal Disease?: Terry D. Rees

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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

32, 2003, 910

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved

Copyright # Blackwell Munksgaard 2003

ISSN 0906-6713

A profile of the patient with

periodontal disease?
Terry D. Rees

Almost 30 years ago, a small group of clinical periodontists conducted a brief but intense meeting to
determine if it was possible to develop a profile of
patients at increased risk of advanced periodontal
disease. We had become intrigued with the early
efforts of our medical colleagues to use evidencedbased data to determine environmental and physiologic risk factors that placed one at greater risk for
developing specific systemic diseases. Heart disease
susceptibility was at the forefront of this effort. Accumulated data indicated that risk factors could be
identified and that many of these factors could be
controlled to prevent and/or treat some cardiovascular disorders (7, 18, 20). Could this same thing be
done for periodontal diseases?
A review of the periodontal literature indicated that
much had been written regarding the etiology of
periodontitis but there was little hard evidence to
identify specific predisposing factors. Consequently,
using what we thought was common sense and our
clinical experiences, we developed a list of factors
that we believed were characteristic of individuals
affected by periodontal disease. This list included
the following:
 Inadequate oral hygiene/increased plaque accumulation
 Presence of local factors predisposing to plaque
 Poor motivation regarding oral health
 Non-compliance with maintenance protocols
 Presence of parafunctional occlusal habits
 Disease prone
 Emotionally stressed
 Possibly malnourished
 Family history of periodontitis
It is of interest to note that this profile of the
patient with periodontitis seems realistic even

today, and may help to explain why some individuals develop severe disease while others do not.
Evidence-based data has identified some of those
features as risk factors for periodontal diseases
(14, 10, 1416, 21). However, the modern periodontal practitioner may still be perplexed regarding
the differentiation of etiologic factors from risk
factors and regarding the difference between a risk
factor, a risk indicator and a background factor. This
dilemma is compounded by the fact that some putative periodontal risk factors are also implicated in a
variety of systemic diseases.
In this volume of Periodontology 2000 an effort has
been made to evaluate current understanding
regarding the factors that may place an individual
at increased risk for developing periodontal disease
or at increased risk for advanced disease. The
opening chapter of the text, written by Dr. Martha
Nunn (13), provides a review of terminology
relative to risks and an overview of factors that are
suspected to predispose one to periodontal disease
Other authors have reviewed available evidence
regarding specific periodontal risk factors/indicators
and offered their interpretation of the data associating these factors with increased susceptibility to periodontal destruction. Drs. Paul Ezzo and Christopher
Cutler (6) have described the potential for specific
oral microbiota to increase the risk for periodontal
diseases. Dr. Francisco Rivera-Hidalgo (17) has provided current information regarding smoking as an
external periodontal risk factor, while Dr. Salvador
Nares (12) has discussed the impact of the human
genome study and the role of genetics in determining
periodontal risk susceptibility and host response to
the challenge of bacterial plaque and other etiologic
factors. Dr. Stephen Harrel (9) addresses the controversy regarding the role of trauma from occlusion as


a risk factor for increased periodontal destruction

and altered response to periodontal therapy.
Various systemic risk factors are discussed in
detail. The influences of diabetes mellitus and endogenous female sex hormones are discussed by Drs.
Brian Mealey and Alan Moritz (11) and the role of
neutrophil dysfunction is addressed by Drs. David
Deas, Scott Mackey and Howard McDonnell (5).
Drs. Nico Geurs, Cora Lewis and Marjorie Jeffcoat
(8) have provided updated information regarding
the relationship between osteopenia/osteoporosis
and the risk for periodontal diseases. Finally, Drs.
Thomas Stanford and Terry Rees (19) have discussed
the degree of risk for periodontal disease generated
by acquired immune suppression, emotional stress,
malnutrition, obesity, alcohol abuse and aging.
Much is yet to be learned in order to explain why
some individuals develop severe periodontal disease
while others are relatively resistant to disease progression beyond marginal gingivitis. It is hoped,
however, that this text will help to shed light on
the riddle of periodontal disease.

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2. Albander JM, Rams TE. Risk factors for periodontitis in
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3. Amarasena H, Ekanayaka AN, Herath L, Miyazaki H. Tobacco use and oral hygiene as risk indicators for periodontitis.
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2002: 30: 115123.
4. Beck JD, Lainson PA, Field HM, Hawkins BF. Risk factors
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needs in Iowa. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1984: 12:
5. Deas DE, Mackey SA, McDonnell HT. Systemic disease and
periodontitis: manifestations of neutrophil dysfunction.
Periodontol 2000 2003: 32: 82104.


6. Ezzo PJ, Cutler CW. Microorganisms as risk indicators for

periodontal disease. Periodontol 2000 2003: 32: 2435.
7. Fejfar Z. Risk factors in ischaemic heart disease. Acta
Cardiol 1972: Suppl 15: 735.
8. Geurs NC, Lewis CE, Jeffcoat MK. Osteoporosis and periodontal disease progression. Periodontol 2000 2003: 32:
9. Harrel SK. Occlusal forces as a risk factor for periodontal
disease. Periodontol 2000 2003: 32: 111117.
10. Jansson LE, Hagstrom KE. Relationship between compliance and periodontal treatment outcomes in smokers.
J Periodontol 2002: 73: 602607.
11. Mealey BL, Moritz AJ. Hormonal influence: effects of diabetes mellitus and endogenous female sex steroid hormones on the periodontium. Periodontol 2000 2003: 32:
12. Nares S. The genetic relationship to periodontal diease.
Periodontol 2000 2003: 32: 3649.
13. Nunn ME. Understanding the etiology of periodontitis: an
overview of periodontal risk factors. Periodontol 2000 2003:
32: 1123.
14. Ogawa H, Yoshihara A, Hirotomi T, Ando Y, Miyazaki H.
Risk factors for periodontal disease progression among
elderly people. J Clin Periodontol 2002: 29: 592597.
15. Page RC, Krall EA, Martin J, Manci L, Garcia RI. Validity and
accuracy of a risk calculator in predicting periodontal disease. J Am Dent Assoc 2002: 133: 569576.
16. Ritchie CS, Hoshipura K, Hung HC, Douglass CW. Nutrition
as a mediator in the relation between oral and systemic
disease: associations between specific measures of adult
oral health and nutrition outcomes. Crit Rev Oral Biol
Med 2002: 13: 291300.
17. Rivera-Hidalgo F. Smoking and periodontal disease. Periodontol 2000 2003: 32: 5058.
18. Stamler J, Epstein FH. Coronary heart disease: risk factors as
guides to preventive action. Prev Med 1972: 1: 2748.
19. Stanford TW, Rees TD. Acquired immune suppression and
other risk factors/indicators for periodontal disease progression. Periodontol 2000 2003: 32: 118135.
20. Taylor CB, Hass GM, Ho KJ, Liu LB. Risk factors in the
pathogenesis of atherosclerotic heart disease and generalized atherosclerosis. Ann Clin Lab Sci 1972: 2: 239243.
21. Thomson WM, Williams SM. Partial- or full-mouth approaches to assessing the prevalence of and risk factors
for periodontal disease in young adults. J Periodontol
2002: 73: 10101014.

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