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Parimalam - an Internet magazine dedicated for Dvaita Philosophy

Issue: February 2000
Table of Cotents

Anubhasyam (III chapter)

by S Ananthapadmanabhan
History of Sri Madhwacharya
by S Ananthapadmanabhan

Anubhasyam (III chapter)

By S Ananthapadmanabhan
Now Sri Madhwa proceeds with the means of Aparoksha Gyana.
A Jiva attains heaven by doing good deeds. He goes to hell by doing bad deeds. By False Knowledge he goes
to external hell. By Aparoksha Gyana he attains Bliss. --1-Therefore, Jiva should long for Knowledge alone without any attachment for worldly affairs. The Supreme
Hari alone regulates all, at all conditions. He does not have difference in all his forms. That is, he is pervaded
in all assuming different forms. Among different forms he is same. --2-In all places and at all times he is Supreme. There is a gradation in devotion shown by Jivas to God. Based on
which, there is gradation in bliss for Jivas in Moksha. --3-Jivas should devout Hari or meditate Hari as Sath, Chit, Ananda Atma (blemishless), a form of perfect
knowledge and a form of perfect bliss. Devas, Sages, Manes (Pitru Devatas), Emperors should worship him
according to their capacity as he has been endowed with many qualities. But Brahma should worship him as
he endowed with all qualities. --4-The Jivas, who are fit for liberation and also according to their capacity, should know Vishnu with the help of
Vedas. When the Knowledge increases proportionately Knowledge about God also increases. According to
the Jiva's higher status, there will be improvement in Jiva's Vedantic Knowledge. --5-All kinds of human aims or goals such as Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha are obtained thro' Aparoksha Gyana
only. There is no doubt in that. And also Gyani is not bound by sin. --6-For human being, according to their deeds good or bad, there will be increase or decrease in bliss in Moksha.
But for the Devatas, the level of bliss will be even i.e. there will be no increase or decrease. --7-Here ends the simple translation of III chapter of Holy Anubhasyam of Sri Madhwacharya.
Ever in the service of Lord Hari,
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Ever in the service of Lord Hari,

S Ananthapadmanabhan

History of Sri Madhwacharya (Sri Madhwa Charitam)

By S Ananthapadmanabhan
The base of India's traditional culture (and civilisation) lies in Vedas, Upanishad, Brahma Sutra, Maha
Bharatam, Ramayanam. The essence of the above is called Vedanta which is now wide spread, all over the
world. By Hindus, three eminent persons viz. Sri Sankara, Sri Ramanuja and Sri Madhwacharya, are
considered as Loka Gurus. All the three established Hinduism. The greatness of our culture attracts even
foreigners also.
Now in this article, we are going to see the life history of Sri Madhwacharya in a simple manner, who I feel,
gave True Knowledge to mankind to attain salvation.
When the people had a knowledge of pollution it is only Sri Madhwa came here to earth to teach Thatwavada
on the order of Lord Narayana by way of granting the request of Deities such as Brahma, Siva etc. He is
considered to be an avatar of Vayu Bhagavan. His date of Birth in Kaliyuga is 1238 AD, Vilambi year,
Asveeja Suddha, Vijaya Dasami day. His father's name as Sri Madhyageha Bhatta and his mother's name is
Vedavathy. This couple worshipped Lord Ananteswara in Udupi for more than 12 years duly following all the
austerities as laid down in sastra in order to have a good progeny. Sri Madhyageha Bhatta is a Thuluva
Brahmin, pure person and well-versed in Sastras. Sreemathy Vedavathy also a chaste wife. Sri Madhwacharya
was born in Pajaka Kshetra near by Udupi. Though our acharya was born to a human couple, actually, he did
not suffer from garbhavasa i.e. staying in mother's womb. Driving out the Jiva from the womb, Sri Vayu
Bhagavan entered into the womb at the time of delivery. No doubt it is needless to say that our acharya
possessed with 32 good qualities.
Once upon a time, when the parents alongwith others were returning home thro' thick forest, a Bhutaraja
entered into one of them and told that child is a world's preceptor. Because of him only you all escaped. Thus
the Bhutaraja told.
According to sastra, Sri Madhwacharya was names as Vasudeva.
When he was a child, when his parents were away from the house to attend on domestic function, he ate
horse-gram and remained unaffected. All were really wonder-struck. Catching the tail of a cow, he wandered
alone in forest and worshipped all the deities. When enquired he said that every deity in the temple came along
with him as a guard. Afterwards, he was taken care by his father regarding his primary studies. At the age of 7,
he was performed sacred thread ceremony (Upanayanam).
Even when he was a small boy, he corrected a mistake done by a scholar Shiva Bhatta while he was giving a
discourse. Also by asking a question as to what is meant by likucha, his father stumbled. Sri Madhwa,
immediately explained it as Lime tree, thereby exposing his supreme knowledge.
While he was in Gurukula, he exhibited his unusual physical power while playing, and proved that he was an
avatar of Sri Hanuman and Sri Bhimasena. He taught his teacher the secret of Aiteraya Upanishad. He recited
the Vedic Hymns immediately that was taught and even he was able to say the untaught Vedic portion and
was able to give a beautiful explanation for those.
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By blowing a little air into the ear of his teacher's son he cured the long time headache suffered by that boy.
In order to fulfil the work for which he took up the avtar, he decided to accept Thureeyashrama i.e. Sanyasa.
Compelled by parents not to take sanyasa, he blessed them that one more child will be born to them who was
also finally accepted sanyasa.
Achutha prekshar is his Guru. While doing pattabhisheka, Sri Madhwacharya was renamed as Anandha
Theertha. Since he defeated his rivals thro' Knowledge he was again given a title as Poorna Pragjya. One of
the important person defeated by Sri Madhwacharya is Thrivikrama Panditha who initially an advaithee and
finally turned out to be a follower of Sri Madhwa.
Readers are requested to read our article under the caption - Whom does our Guru protect? - published in
January issue.
Sri Madhwacharya travelled all over India and established Dvaitha philosophy, by defeating the scholars of
Tarka sastra, Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Advaitha and Budhdha. While on tour he has told that Veda has 3 meanings,
Maha Bharatha has got 10 meanings and Vishnu Sahasra Nama has got 100 meanings.
He undertook fasting for 40 days and remained silent for the same number of days before going to
Badrikashrama. Having gone there, he obtained Vyasa Mushti from Sri Veda Vyasa and also obtained
Thatvopadesa and other shastric Knowledge. We come to understand that he has gone to Badri thrice. After
obtaining permission from Sri Veda Vyasa, he wrote commentary on Geetha, Upanishad and Brahma Sutras
and got the approval fro his commentary from Sri Veda Vyasa. The word "Sakthitha:" in Geetha Bhasyam
was altered as "leshatha:" by Sri Veda vyasa.
Sri Madhwacharya's commentaries are very crisp and lucid. In his commentaries, his words are minimum.
Only a number of quotations from Veda, Ithihasa, Smrithy etc. occupied more places in his explanation.
Anyone who writes even a single letter of Madhwa Bhasyam attains the merit (punya) of building Sri Vishnu's
temple at the bank of river Ganges. Thus declare Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya Mahakavya.
Once upon a time while he was doing Sandhya worship, sudden storm burst out in the sea and he saw a ship
was stumbling. By waving his Kashaya Vasthra, he showed the Captain of Ship the near by SeaShore.
Rejecting all the worthy offerings given by the Captain to the Saviour i.e. Sri Madhwacharya, he insisted only
for the "Gopichandana" and then broke the Gopi chandana clay only to find the idol of Sri Krishna which was
initially worshipped by Sri Rukmini Devi. Sri Madhwacharya brought it to Udupi, all the way dancing and
enchanting Dvadasa Stotra.
Dvadasa Stotra is a Mahamantra which is capable of removing the food poison and also the poisonous
thoughts in our mind. The incident of bull killed by his disciples by giving poison was brought back to life is
famous story all of us know about it. He crossed river Ganges without any difficulty. He spoke Paraseeka
(Urdu) language to a Mohal King who donated half of his kingdom and wealth to Sri Madhwacharya. As a
true sanyasi, he returned all of them to the same king and advised him as to how to rule a country.
By enchanting Manthra - Ya oshadhihi - he made a dry stick to bloom with flowers, leaves etc. that is he gave
life to a lifeless stick just by keeping the stick in his palm. There by he made a king to believe Vedas.
Once he ate 4000 bananas and 30 pots of milk brought by his devotees and by digesting them he proved he is
a super human being with super natural power. Finally when he was teaching Aiteraya Upanishad to his
disciples at Ananteswara temple, Devatas showered a flower rain on him, and disappeared from human eyes
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disciples at Ananteswara temple, Devatas showered a flower rain on him, and disappeared from human eyes
and went to Badri. He is still in Badri. He is not only in Badrikashrama but also in the minds of all of his
devotees. At about 79 years, Magha Sudhdha Navami of 1317 AD he went to Badri.
Sumadhwa Vijaya is a Maha Kavya which is an authentic work on life of Sri Madhwa. This was written by
Sri Narayana Panditha who is a son of Thrivikrama Panditha. This kavya is of 16 cantoes and 1008 slokas.
The time of Narayana Panditha is 1287 AD - 1350 AD roughly.
The house where Sri Madhwa lived and the Tamarind tree seeds of which turned out to be gold coins given by
Sri Madhwacharya to a person to whom Sri Madhyageha Bhatta owe some money are still in Pajaka and
testify historical events.
Regarding Madwa's philosophical works, we are going to see in forthcoming issues of Parimalam magazine.
I would like to conclude this article with two slokas - one was written by Sri Vyasaraja in his Tatparya
Chandrika and another one was written by Sri Narayana Panditha in Sumadhwa Vijaya.
Srimadananda Theertharya pada pankaja renava: |
Pavithrayanthu mam nityam papa patana panditha: ||
Namaste pranesa pranatha vibhavaya avani maga:
Nama: swamin Rama priyathama Hanuman Gurugana |
Namasthubhyam Bheema prabalathma Krishneshta Bhagavan
Nama: Sriman Madhwa pardisa Sudrisam No Jaya Jaya ||
Let the pollen dust of Lotus feet Sri Madhwacharya, which has got the capacity to drive out the sins, purify me
Oh! Bhagavan Vayu! You are the lord of all Jiva groups you have descended to earth only to impart right
knowledge to virtuous who have saluted you. Salutation to you. Oh! Hanuman! With all good qualities and
very dear to Lord Rama, salutation to you. Oh! Bheema! Very dear to Sri Krishna, salutation to you. Oh! Sri
Madhwa! Possesed of unlimited true knowledge, salutation to you. Please give us the right knowledge.
Victory to you! Victory to you!
Ever in the service of Lord Hari,
S Ananthapadmanabhan

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