Install Bumblebee in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04 Using PPA: General Email This Post Post To Facebook

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Install Bumblebee in Ubuntu 12.10/12.

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December 12, 2012 General Email This Post
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Bumblebee aims to provide support for NVIDIA Optimus laptops
for GNU/Linux distributions. Using Bumblebee, you can use your
NVIDIA card for rendering graphics which will be displayed using
the Intel card.
A primary goal of this project is to not only enable use of the
discrete GPU for rendering, but also to enable smart power
management of the dGPU when it's not in use. We're using either
bbswitch (a module) or vga_switcheroo (kernel module,
experimental) to do this in Bumblebee.
What is NVIDIA Optimus
NVIDIA Optimus technology intelligently optimizes your notebook PC, providing the outstanding
graphics performance you need, when you need it, all the while extending battery life for longer
Key Benefits:
Optimus technology is completely automatic allowing you to experience longer battery life and

amazing visuals without having to manually change settings.

Behind the scenes and with no interference to what you're doing, Optimus seamlessly figures out how
to best optimize your notebook computing experience.
NVIDIA graphics you've come to expect, with more than 10x better performance with NVIDIA
CUDA technology, allowing you to enjoy your applications and games without interruption or worry.
Install Bumblebee in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04
Open the terminal and run the following commands
You need to open your terminal and enter the commands below.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable
For more up-to-date nvidia drivers, you need to add another PPA. As of 12.04, this is still necessary for
Nvidia GT 6xxM cards. It may be optional for the GT 4xxM and GT 5xxM series on 12.04. When in
doubt, just install it. The command is:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update
Install Bumblebee using the proprietary nvidia driver:
sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia linux-headers-generic
Reboot or re-login
For advanced users, if you do not want to use the proprietary nvidia driver or 32-bit libraries (for
example, if you are only interested in power savings), install bumblebee with:
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends bumblebee linux-headers-generic
linux-headers-generic is necessary since bbswitch (the power saving module) is a kernel module.
To run your application with the discrete NVIDIA card run in the terminal:
$ optirun [options]
$ optirun firefox
For a list of options for optirun run:
$ optirun --help
Normally you do not use optirun for your window manager, installations or other non graphic heavy
demanding programs. The optirun command is mainly used for graphic demanding programs or for
Uninstall Bumblebee
If you're unsatisfied with Bumblebee, you can remove it via:

sudo apt-get install ppa-purge

sudo ppa-purge ppa:bumblebee/stable
If you want to keep some programs from the bumblebee repository, you can also suffice by removing
Bumblebee only (including its dependencies):
sudo apt-get purge bumblebee
sudo apt-get --purge autoremove
How to install Primus for Bumblebee in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04
Open the terminal and run the following commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zhurikhin/primus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install primus
Using Primus
$ primus [options]
$ primus firefox
For a list of options for primus run:
$ primus --help

Instalacin de Bumblebee en Ubuntu 12.10 (Gestin de grficas hbridas:

FrikiNuX en: dic 30, 2012 bumblebee, intel, Nvidia, ubuntu 12.10
Como bien indican en su pgina web, Bumblebee ofrece soporte a las tarjetas
Nvidia con tecnologa Optimus. Es decir, aquellos porttiles en los que se tiene
montado a la vez una grfica Intel y una grfica Nvidia. Bumblebee nos permite
correr el sistema slo con al tarjeta grfica, mientras que para aquellos
programas en los que necesitamos una mayor calidad, podemos escoger correrlos
con nuestra tarjeta Nvidia, preservando as la buena salud de nuestra tarjeta.
Lo primero que hay que hacer es comprobar si disponemos de dicha tecnologa
Optimus, ya que no todos los porttiles que tienen montadas dos grficas,
disponen de ella. En Terminal:
lspci -vnn | grep '\''[030[02]\]'
Si disponemos de la tecnologa Optimus, nos aparecern dos lneas diferenciadas
correspondientes a las dos grficas.

Si no te aparecen estas dos lneas, Bumblebee no es para tu porttil. Si sois de

los afortunados (o desgraciados, segn se mire) que disponen de Optimus,
continuad leyendo. El siguiente paso es desinstalar cualquier driver privativo o
libre de grfica que tengamos en nuestro sistema, para que no interfiera con
Bumblebee. Para ello, en Terminal:
sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current
sudo apt-get autoremove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Tambin hay que eliminar cualquier archivo xorg.conf que hayamos podido crear
con antelacin, ya que interfiere con Bumblebee y hace que no funcione nada
bien. En Terminal:
sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Una vez realizados estos pasos, vamos a instalar Bumblebee. En Terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia linux-headers-generic
Reiniciamos el sistema y comprobamos que ya tenemos activado Bumblebee.
Para ver los FPS de cada una de las grficas, primero de la Intel y luego de la
Nvida, abrid Terminal y poned:
- Para la Intel:
- Para la Nvidia:
optirun glxgears

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