Planned Teaching On Occupational Health Hazards

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Name of the student

Name of the guide
Method of teaching
A.V. Aids

Occupational Health Hazards
Workers of ACC cement Induustry
ACC cement industry Lakheri
Lecture cum discussion
Chart and f. chart, PPT

GENERAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the teaching the group will be able to know about occupational health hazards to their prevention measure able to utilize this
knowledge in their routine for the self

At the end of teaching the group will be able to.
1) reviews the previous know ledge
2) introduce the topic
3) explain about accidents and type of injuries occurs in cement industry
4) enumerate the causes for accidents and injuries

5) discusses the preventive measures for accidents and injuries in cement industry
6) explain first aid for minor wounds
7) explain first aid for fracture
8) Explaine first aid for foreign body in the eye
9) explain about hazards due to dust inhalation
10) preventive measures for allergic rhinitis
11) summarise the topic








reviews the
previous know

While working in cement industry you will come across many

accidents and injuries. During extraction of stone from rock you
will get injuries like hand injury, eye injury, injuries to legs etc,
these are unpredictable and unplanned. When extracting stone
from the rock so much dust comes, the prolonged inhalation of
dust causes many respiratory diseases, like allergic rhinitis,
Bronchitis, asthma, silicosis etc. These can be reduced by using
protective measures like face mask, Goggles, gum boots,
helmets etc. So today we will discuss about selected
occupational health hazards and its prevention at cement
industry, such as accidents and injuries and its prevention
allergic rhinitis and its prevention, bronchitis and its prevention
at cement industry.

Teacher reviews
knowledge of cement
industry workers by
asking questions
Answers to the questions


introduce the

Occupational health hazards and its prevention :

Occupational health is concerned with health in its relation to
work and the working environment. Occupational health
includes health promotive, protective, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative services to the workers.
There are many health hazards which affect the worker in the
working area, the health hazards which affect the health of
worker in the cement industry are falls, blasting accidents,
detachment of rocks, injuries of hand, eye, legs from the stone
and respiratory diseases due to dust inhalation like allergic
rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, silicosis etc .

Teacher introduces the



explain about
accidents and
type of injuries
occurs in cement

Accidents and injuries : Accidents are common in working

area. The common type of injuries the workers will get during
stone extraction are hand injury, head injury, eye injuries, foot
injuries etc.

Teacher explains the

accidents and type of
injuries which occurs in
cement industry with the
help of charts Workers

What are the

common health
hazards occurs in
the cement industry

What are the

common injuries
and accidents
which occurs in
cement industry ?

listens and answers and

enumerate the
causes for
accidents and

Causes of accidents and injuries in cement industry

The causes of accidents are several and may be grouped under
two headings
Human factors
Environmental factors
Human factors
Human factors are important than environmental factors in
accident causation.
Human factors causing accident can be grouped into
1. Physical factors:
The physical factors like worker with deafness, visual
Psychological factors :
These are mental factors that might include a person in
accidents these are
Carelessness : The worker not doing the work with care
Inattentiveness : if the worker not paying attention in his work
leads to an accident. Ignorance : if the worker not knowing the
particular work to do leads to an accident.
Inexperience : if the worker not having much experience in that
particular work leads to an accident. These are the human
factors which leads to an accident at cement industry.
General factors
Age : the younger ages are known to be involved more in
accidents than older age group. The very old again are more
prone to accidents.
Time : accidents are minimum at the beginning of the day and
increases gradually as fatigue sets in .
Experience : approximately 50% of the employees had
accidents in their first 6 months of employment.
Working hours : an increase in accidents is found whenever the
daily or weekly working hours increases.
Environmental factors :
Amongst environmental factors known to influence the

Teacher enumerates the

causes for accidents and
injuries in cement
Workers listens observes
and clarifies

What are common

causes for
accidents and
injuries in cement
industry ?

cement industry

incidence of accidents are ventilation, lighting communications,

rest, meal breaks should all designed to reduce fatigue. Good
conditions will improve productivity as well as safety.
Prevention of accidents and injuries in cement industry
Accidents can be prevented by
1. Adequate preplacement examination :
Preplacement examination is the foundation of an efficient
occupational health service. It is done at the time of
employment and includes taking workers medical history,
family history, occupational history. This helps to identify
hereditary diseases, occupational disease and can be treated
accordingly thorough physical examination of the worker helps
in identification of any
abnormalities. If the person is not fit for the work cannot be
2. Periodical examination for finding out hazards :
Many occupational diseases require months or even years for
their development. Their slow development leads to the non
recognition in the early stages and this is harmful to the worker.
So periodical examination is essential for finding out health
hazards in early.
3. Establishing safety engineering measures :
The protective devices like gloves, gum boots, goggles, ear
plugs, helmets, safety shoes, the worker should be instructed in
the correct use of protective devices.
Gloves : gloves can be used to provide protection against injury
from heavy, rough, abrasive or sharp materials.
Goggles : safety goggles are used to prevent eye injuries from
sharp stone.
pieces, workers are instructed to use.
Ear plugs : protect ears from excess of noise at cement industry
by using ear plugs.
Helmets : helmets or face shields which protect the face and
head injury from sharp stones.
Respirators against dust : these respirators usually contain
filters. Which can prevent entry of dust into nose.
Safety boots : safety boots provides protection against heavy
objects dropped on the feet like stones.

Teacher discusses the

preventive measures for
accidents and injuries in
cement industry with the
help of chart
Workers listens and puts
forward his doubts

How can we
prevent accidents
and injuries in
cement industry ?

explain first aid

for minor

explain first aid

for fracture

explain about the

first aid for
foreign body in
the eye

explain about
hazards due to
dust inhalation

First aid for minor wound

Wash the wound with soap and water
Apply 5 drops of Tr benzoine for small cut and apply dressing
Avoid contact with dirt and dung
Visit a clinic and take a dose of Inj. TT if not given previously
within period of 6 months.
If there is external bleeding place clean cloth directly over the
wound till the bleeding stops.
Elevate the affected part
First aid for fracture
Recognition of fracture : pain, and tenderness, increased by
movement, swelling, the victim may try to relax, relieve pain
by supporting the affected part. Immobilise the part with
newspaper, magazines or with slings.
Take the person to hospital
If there is suspected spinal cord injury the person will have pain
in neck or back at the injury site, swelling in the skin over the
spine, loss of control over limbs, movement may be weak,
passes urine without control and defecates without control,
breathing difficulties.
If above signs and symptoms are present make the victim to lie
down on his back with head supported by blankets or cloths.
Shift the victim to the hospital carefully with the same position
First aid for foreign body in the eye.
- Wash the hands thoroughly before touching the eye.
- Wet the cotton piece or handkerchief with a corner made
pointed and then the foreign should be taken out with the help
of pointed end.
- If the foreign body gets sticked on the middle portion of the
eye then donot try to take out it may leads to injury to eye.
- Never try to take out the foreign body with tooth picks, knife,
match sticks or any short instruments.

Teacher explains about

the first aid for minor
wound with the help of
Workers listens and
clarifies their doubts

How will you do

the first aid for
minor wound?

Teacher explains first aid

for fractures with
the help of chart
Workers listens and
clarifies their doubts

What is the first aid

for fracture ?

Teacher explains the first

aid for foreign body in
the eye with the help of
Workers listens and
clarifies their

How will you do

the first aid for
foreign body in the
eye ?

Health hazard due to inhalation of dust inhalation among

cement industry workers:
Cement industry workers are exposed to dust which is coming
during stone extraction, stone cutting. Due to inhalation of dust
they may get many respiratory diseases like allergic rhinitis,
bronchitis, bronchial asthma, silicosis, lung cancer etc.

Teacher explains about

the hazards due to dust

What are the

common hazards

state the
meaning of
allergic rhinitis

mention the
causes for
allergic rhinitis
list out signs and
symptoms of

Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to airborne particles that
primarily affects the nose and eyes. Allergens like dust
responsible for allergic rhinitis usually enter the body by
Meaning :
Rhinitis is the inflammation of nasal cavities and it is most
common disorder to affect the nose and accessory nasal sinuses.
Risk factors
Family history of any allergies
Having other allergies such as food allergy, dust allergy
Exposure to second hand cigaratte smoke the nonsmoker
inhales the smoke from a smoker group.
Types of allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis are two types
1. Acute allergic rhinitis:
This may be caused by allergens or a virus. Allergic rhinitis is
commonly initiated by sensitivity reactions to allergens such as
dust .
2. Chronic rhinitis: presents intermittently or continuously
when an individual is. exposed to certain allergens such as dust,
animal dander, wool and foods
Causes :
The allergens like dust, mold etc which causes allergic rhinitis.
In an allergic reaction substances called histamine are released,
histamine contribute to the symptoms of allergic rhinitis
Signs and symptoms
Stuffy runny nose, discharge is generally thin and clear
Post nasal drip
Red itchy and watery eyes
Swollen eyelids
Itchy mouth, throat, ear and face
Sore throat
Dry cough
Partial loss of the senses of hearing, smell and taste
Allergic rhinitis is very commonly identified by using skin test.
Skin testing is the most common method of allergy testing it

Teacher mentions the

causes for allergic rhinitis
workers listens
Teacher lists the signs
and symptoms of allergic
rhinitis by showing chart
Workers listens and
clarifies their doubts

What are causes for

allergic rhinitis ?
Mention the signs
and symptoms
of allergic rhinitis

treatment plan
for allergic

explain the
measures for
allergic rhinitis

summarise the

includes scratch test in this small amounts suspected allergens

are applied to the skin with a needle prick or a scratch. If there
is an allergy swollen reddened area forms within about 20
minutes. Anti histamines should not be given for atleast 12 to
72 hours before the test.
Treatment for allergic rhinitis
The treatment for allergic rhinitis includes
To relieve nasal congestion nasal decongestants or applied
directly into the nasal passages with a spray, gel, drops or
vapors; available as long- acting (6-12 hours) or short acting.
Oral decongestants are also given to relieve nasal congestion.
Immunotherapy is occasionally recommended it includes
regular injection of the allergens given in increasing doses. The
aim of desensitization is to gradually accustome the immune
system to the allergens so that it no longer reacts to that
Give lots of fluids, especially tea, lemon and chicken soup.
Avoid ice drinks, avoid getting chilled.
Donot blow your nose hard, donot force the air if your ears are
Apply warm compresses to the sinus area.
Give foods like green leafy vegetables, lemon papaya, orange,
tomato which
contains more Vit-C and helps in healing of mucous membrane
of nose.
Preventive measures
1. Spend less time in dusty area, spend only when you work
remaining time be away from the dust.
2. Have the food away from the dusty area.
3. Use washable or disposable work cloths at the work site.
4. Use face mask against dust which contain filters and can
prevent entry of dust into nose.
Wash hands and face before eating and drinking.
Change into clean clothes before leaving the site
Summary :
Till now we learnt what are common occupational health
hazards which will occur in the cement industry workers like
accidents and injuries and hazards due to dust inhalation like
allergic rhinitis and bronchitis and how we can prevent them

Teacher explains
treatment plan for allergic

Explain the
treatment for
allergic rhinitis ?

Teacher explains
preventive measures with
the help of flip chart

How will you

prevent allergic
rhinitis during
cement industry

Teacher summarises the

topic by enumerating the
sub topics discussed

Conclusion :
To conclude that workers constitute segment of general
population, factors which influence the health of the population
also apply equally to the workers in their working area. It is one
of the responsibility of the each worker to keep their health in
good condition.

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