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Curriculum Vitae


Lupascu Florentin
5, Str. Mihai Romanul, Buna Ziua, 400489 Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Sex Male | Date of birth 16/04/1989 | Nationality Romanian


Junior Software Developer .NET/C#


Junior Developer
UMT Software, Cluj Napoca (Romania)


Software Engineer
SC SilvianSound SRL, Suceava (Romania)
The main area of activity is the servicing of computers, peripherals and specific components.
SC SilvianSound company provides service and maintenance for data networks.



Masters Degree
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automatic and Computers, Str. G. Baritiu nr. 26-28,
400027, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


Bachelor Degree
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, Faculty of Eletrical Engineering and Computer Science, Str.
Universitatii, nr. 13, 720229, Suceava (Romania)
Title of qualification awarded: Engineer in Computers


High School
"Dragos Voda" National College of Campulung Moldovenesc, Campulung Moldovenesc (Romania)
Mathematics - Informatics


Certificate Level 1 of pedagogical studies

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, The Department for Teacher Trainig, Str. Universitatii, nr. 13,
720229, Suceava (Romania)
Good ability to hold a speach speech in front of an audience.
Good ability to interact with the listeners.


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Curriculum Vitae


Lupascu Florentin

Certificate in Computers
"Dragos Voda" National College of Campulung Moldovenesc, Campulung Moldovenesc (Romania)
Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher, Acces Database,

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)






Spoken interaction

Spoken production












Certificate of proficiency in English


Levels: A1/A2: Basic user - B1/B2: Independent user - C1/C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills

Good communication.
Good ability to hold a speech in front of an audience.
Good ability to interact with the listeners.
I am a dynamic person, I integrate quickly into a team and I like teamwork. I am a serious person,
ambitious and resistant to stress.

Computer skills

A good knowledge of programming languages .NET, C#, TSQL, TFS, SharePoint 2013, XAML,
HTML5, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, Visual Basic/Visual C#, Visual FoxPro, MySQL, C, C++,
Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash Professional.
A good knowledge of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Access Databases.
Hangman (Visual C#)
This project is created in WFA (Windows Forms Application) using the C# programming language.
Hangman application is an interactive game in which the user can select one of 3 different areas and
to guess the word in the field.
To begin , the user opens the application. Once in the game the user can choose a category from the
Category section in the top bar of the screen, then he can opt for a new game or close of the section
game.In the " About" he can get informed about the author and in the " Rules" , he can read the game
rules. After selecting a category or opt for a new game is generated a word in that category and the
user will have a number of white boxes representing the number of letters of that word. The user is
allow to enter at least 5 letters wrong until the end of the application ( when displayed last leg). If the
user has entered a correct letter in the word, it will display the message "Wrong ", then the letter will
appear in the left side of the form and the right head shape is generated, then a body, followed in
succession by the two hands and the two feet. But if the user guess this letter will appear in the white
box above. And if you guess all the letters before generating the final leg , the user wins the game and
the message " You win ."
The problem of bagman (Visual C#)
This project is created in WFA (Windows Forms Application) using the C# programming language.
This application represent a salesman who leaves his hometown to be to visit a number of cities given


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Curriculum Vitae

Lupascu Florentin

and then must return to the starting point, with minimal effort (eg minimum time, in which case the cost
of each side is equal the time to walk the road).
Dolars Game (Visual C#)
This project is created in WFA (Windows Forms Application) using the C # programming language.
This application is represented by a bank and two people (Ionut and Mihai) who can make loans from
the bank until there is no money in the bank or to deposit money in the bank to at least one of them
has no money.
I have developed this application as a freelancer in order to gain more experience in the programming
language C #.
App that calculate the cost for a travel distance (Visual C#)
This project is created in WFA (Windows Forms Application) using the C # programming language.
"App that calculate the cost for a travel distance" is an application that calculates the cost of fuel
consumed on a journey. The user selects a starting point and a finish point. The application calculates
the approximate RON value of the fuel.
Aliens vs Humans Game (Visual C# + XAML)
Aliens vs Humans is an interactive game. The user must save as many little people who are attacked
by aliens through a portal in a while.
In this application we used two different types of code. We designed the interface using XAML
(Extensible Application Markup Language), which is a very flexible language design, and we used the
C# programming language to make the game work.
Calculator for desktop (Visual C# + XAML)
"Calculator for Desktop" is an application that allows the user to perform various operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, root of a number, power lifting, rest a number, storing the
results in a variable etc.
"Calculator for Desktop" is a WPF application (Windows Presentation Foundation).
I designed the interface using XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language), which is a very
flexible language design, then I used the C# programming language to make the application work.
The Solar System (Visual Basic)
This application was created in Visual Basic, using WFA (Windows Forms Application).
This application represent our solar system with pictures and description of each planet..
Tourism Agency (Visual FoxPro)
This application performs the management of Travel Agencies in Romania.
Access to the database is very simple, using the database can be done by an administrator to enter
data into the database.
The database administrator has full access, being able to do consultations, insertions, deletions and
Website (PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Adobe Flash Professional)
This Website was developed in order to gain as much experience using the technologies PHP, HTML,
CSS, jQuery, JavaScript and Adobe Flash Professional.
Website (ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS)
This Website was developed in order to gain as much experience using the technologies ASP.NET,
CSharp, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
Website (MVC, ASP.NET, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)


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Curriculum Vitae

Lupascu Florentin

This Website was developed in order to gain as much experience using the technologies MVC,
ASP.NET, CSharp, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
Website (PHP, HTML, CodeIgniter, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL)
This Website was developed in order to gain as much experience using the technologies PHP, HTML,
jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL.
Quiz Engine ( C#, ASP.NET, SharePoint 2013, TSQL, CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, XML,
WebServices )
This website was developed to provide to a company the opportunity to test the selected candidates
to sustain online interviews. The application has behind it a database in which are stored the
questions, the correct answers to questions, users and all interviews supported candidates. Correction
of the tests made automatically if there is no free text questions. Also it is possible to generate a link to
an interview online or download an interview in PDF/Word format that includes the correct answers to
be more easily corrected on paper sheets.


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