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Professionalism - NAEMSE

Professionalism, part 1
National Association of EMS Educators
Paula J. Johnson
Adult Education and Training
Colorado State University
As a passionate advocate of pre-hospital provider
education, I have chosen to evaluate the National Association of
EMS Educators (NAEMSE) as my professional organization. As a
member of the organization since 2006, I have reveled in the
education and networking opportunities that NAEMSE has been able
to afford me. When I initially joined, I did so to validate
that my programmatic development and delivery met a set standard
followed across the nation. In time, I no longer looked to the
Association for the sole purpose of verification, but as a
resource. A resource for learning new information, unique
tools, new insight into education theory, and networking
opportunities from other educators in the field across the
nation. On more than one occasion, I have reached out to fellow
program directors in California, Ontario, and North Carolina for
guidance and advice in various arenas regarding my actions in
EMS education.
Incorporated in 1995, the mission of the National
Association of EMS Educators is to inspire and promote
excellence in EMS education and lifelong learning within the
global community.(NAEMSE: What is NAEMSE). The NAEMSE
provides a forum for EMS educators to share insights and
information concerning all aspects of EMS education at all
levels (NAEMSE: revised bylaw, Article 2, May 14, 2012). With
the membership totaling over 3,000, the Association is comprised
of a diverse group of both national and international
facilitators, directors, physicians, and more. Membership to
the organization costs $90.00 per year for those individuals in
the United States and $95.00 per year for those living abroad.
Members benefit from exclusive access to the Trading Post on the
NAEMSE website where educators can access a wide variety of over
5,000 resources. Members will also receive the Associations
quarterly magazine, Educator Update, in either electronic or
paper format which focuses on current topics in the facilitation
and management of the EMS classroom. Yearly, NAEMSE hosts the

Professionalism - NAEMSE

Symposium of which members can attend at a discounted rate. To

remain true to their mission and values, the Association opens
the Symposium to all educators regardless of their membership
status, but does charge those individuals access at a higher
The Symposium is an annual event where educators can gather
and share ideas, tools, and skills for the betterment of the
field. Comprised of general sessions for all members, it also
includes the chance to attend a wide variety of specialized
breakout sessions based on your individual interests. This
event also allows members to meet with, and join sub-committees
of their choice that work to support the mission and values of
the Association. Exhibitors are also on hand to meet
instructors for the opportunity to find new products. Educators
may wish to submit proposals for sessions at the Symposium. In
order to submit a proposal, the individual needs to complete the
application along with a 150-word description of the session
including three learning objectives. Applicants will also need
to provide the Association with a short biography and curriculum
vitae validating expertise in the field. Those accepted
proposals afford the facilitator with paid airfare, waived
registration and hotel fees for one night.
The National Association of EMS Educators currently offers
two levels of Instructor Courses that address the needs of both
the new and seasoned instructor. New instructors are provided
with a basic introduction to the skills necessary to be an
effective educator. Meanwhile, seasoned educators are provided
with the opportunity to improve their techniques in the
development of lesson plans, evaluation tools, and
administrative concerns. Both courses are designed to flesh out
the 2002 National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors and
establish a solid base for the ethical and professional
education of first responders. The NAEMSE also provides a
workshop for the Implementation of the National EMS Education
Standards so that we, as a field, can build a solid foundation
of curriculum and competency benchmarks. Finally, NAEMSE
supports the non-profit organization called the National
Emergency Medical Services Educators Certification who has
devised a standardized exam that clearly sets those EMS
Instructors with expertise in the field apart from the rest. In
addition to instructional support, NAEMSE is deeply involved
numerous national topics. A few of those topics include: the
research and development of technology-based educational

Professionalism - NAEMSE

resources, high fidelity simulations in competency evaluations,

and the newest movement in healthcare referred to as Mobile
Integrated Healthcare Systems or what is more commonly known as
the Community Paramedic Initiative.
In Summary, the National Association of EMS Educators is a
powerful vehicle toward the development of EMS Education as a
profession by upholding and supporting the same rigorous
standards as other allied health education systems.
Additionally, NAEMSE is firmly dedicated to the fruition of the
field as liaisons and representatives within numerous
organizations at the national level.
The National Association of EMS Educators. (2014). NAEMSE:
What is NAEMSE. Retrieved October 4, 2014, from
The National Association of EMS Educators. (2014). NAEMSE:
Frequently asked questions. Retrieved October 4, 2014, from
The National Association of EMS Educators. (2014). NAEMSE:
Bylaws. Retrieved October 4, 2014, from
The National Association of EMS Educators. (2014). NAEMSE:
Strategic plan documents Recommendations of the strategic
plan task force goals and committee structure FINAL 5-252012. Retrieved October 4, 2014, from

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