Annual Review 2013 14

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Annual Review


Whats inside the BSRIA

Annual Review?

Chairmans statement


Chief Executives review


Soft Landings: airborne


BIM: how to get started




Leslie Smith
Chairman, BSRIA

Publications, networks and training


Membership, Board of Directors and



Member list



Stay in touch with BSRIA

This is my final introduction to the Associations annual

review in my position as Chairman and it is pleasing that
after three years I am, at last, able to do so in an improving
economic environment. There has been a clear return of
confidence to the construction industry lead by a significant
improvement in the residential property sector.
Whilst this upturn in activity was welcome, the past year
remained challenging for the business. The improving
workload generated in the UK construction sector was slow
to filter through to the activities undertaken by BSRIA
and was compounded by depressed activities in
difficult European and Global markets.
It is to the credit of the staff and the management
team that, in spite of these constraints, the
business returned a respectable surplus for the
year against a lower than budgeted turnover. I
would like to thank all the staff for their commitment
and hard work during the last year which delivered this
creditable outcome.
In my review last year I advised that BSRIA was facing a
year of change, with the retirements of John Turner, after
16 years of service as Financial Director, and Andrew
Eastwell after 38 years of service, 16 of which were as Chief
Executive. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank them
both for their immense contributions in developing and
growing the business into the well-respected organisation,
which it is today.


The Board has subsequently welcomed Eian Hardacre

who joined the business in September 2013, as Finance
Director, and Julia Evans who was appointed as the new
Chief Executive and joined the business in May 2014. Julia
brings with her a wealth of experience at chief executive
level having previously held the position at the National
Federation of Builders, and has intimately been involved in
the construction industry for the 10 years. The changes at
Board level were completed by the appointment of George
Adams as non-Executive Director.
Throughout this transitional period BSRIA has maintained its
focus on its mission, making buildings better, by improving
and broadening the services it provides to its members and
to the industry in general. Strategic investments have been
made to expand the business. Compliance testing capability
in the UK has been substantially increased through our
partnership. Our capacity in worldwide market intelligence
has been extended by the opening of our office in Chicago to
develop a presence in the American market. I am confident
that both of these developments will be seen to be astute
moves as the activities in construction both in the UK and
globally continue to gain momentum.
In the coming year the business celebrates its 60th anniversary
and a number of special events are being planned nationwide
to commemorate this milestone throughout the year. We
shall also be publishing our vision for the future, outlining
how the organisation proposes to adapt, develop and
grow its services and activities in response to the changing
requirements of the built environment and the enormous
challenges of the sustainability agenda within the UK.
This promises to be an exciting and pivotal year for BSRIA
and I am confident that, with the calibre of its staff and the
management team, it is well positioned to capitalise on
the opportunities that will arise in the now expanding and
diversifying sectors in which it operates.
In conclusion I would like to thank the Board of Directors
for all of the support and advice that they have given to me
during my term as Chairman and I look forward to working
with them as the business moves forward into its 60th year.




Instrument Solutions

Julia Evans
Chief Executive
In my first annual report for BSRIA I am reflecting back on
the key issues and challenges with which BSRIA has been
engaged in the year 2013/14. This is the year in which, at
last, the icy grip of the recession started to lose its purchase
and the signs of a modest recovery in the economy were
evident. Later in the review we focus on a couple of topics
for the future.
BSRIA has weathered the recession in good condition and
has undertaken a number of key high profile research and
technical projects during that time. It has also considered
some of the basic structures of the organisation and
streamlined operations to gain greater efficiency. The year
to come will enable a broader review of performance and
engagement, and focus on the development of a five year
strategy to take BSRIA through its 60th anniversary and
BSRIA has a number of key functions each of which report
their key activities in this article. However it is the reputation
of the business as a whole for reliable service, expertise and
creativity in the field of building services both within the UK
and internationally for which BSRIA is known and respected.
It is this that we will be celebrating in 2015 and this upon
which we will be building our plans for the future.

BSRIA membership continued to grow with the recruitment

of 78 new members during the year.
During the year we have consolidated and updated our
relationship with the Association of University Engineers
(AUE). We are also working with the National Housing
Federation (the Federation) to develop a package that will
benefit both BSRIA members and Federation members alike.
An increase in interest from overseas organisations has led
to the development of a new services package available
electronically and at a lower subscription for the first year of
membership. We will be looking to develop this in the next
12 months.

Member Networks are continuing to grow in popularity and

are highly regarded as a member benefit. In the last year
854 delegates attended our events - a 7.5% increase over
the previous year. In September 2014 we will be launching
our latest network Residential which will examine and
communicate the key issues in this growth market.
We have not neglected our traditional services for members
and have produced eight new technical publications for our
members plus the Blue Book 2014. We also redesigned the
members journal, Delta T, to expand the range of topics
and areas. And finally we have introduced a standard
7.5% discount on on-line purchases from BSRIA Instrument

The 2013/14 year was a vibrant one in business terms for

Instrument Solutions who saw clear growth in not only the
level of calibrations undertaken but also the amount of
equipment on hire and in the sale of instrumentation into
different markets around the world. Particularly interesting
was the geographic and subject diversity of the markets
served. For example during the year we have supplied health
and safety instrumentation into the oil and gas industry not
only in the North Sea but also as far afield as Azerbaijan
and we have supplied particle counters for manufacturing
facilities in Germany and dust monitoring instruments for use
in process plants in the Far East.

(Above) Specifically designed to help specifiers mind the gap between performance and reality, BSRIA Cert has now introduced two new
certification schemes - for weather louvres and PICVs. Also under consideration is a scheme for fan coils.

Poole Innovation Centre, courtesy of Aedas Architects, BSRIA members. For the carbon performance of the building see:



Future growth seems assured with the portfolio of

instruments from different suppliers and UKAS accredited
calibration facilities allowing BSRIA to be clearly recognised
as a one-stop shop for clients.

during the year to come. The division will continue its focus
on key areas including the development of its services in
the residential sector with the Government maintaining its
commitment to zero carbon homes from 2016.

Sustainable Construction Group


The Sustainable Construction Group has enjoyed a successful

year across all of its operations. The Group has seen growing
industry interest in a number of areas including Life Cycle
Costing (LCC), Soft Landings in part associated with the
Governments implementation of Government Soft Landings,
the learning from building performance evaluation and the
implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM).
The drive by the UK Government to adopt BIM within the
construction industry has generated a huge upsurge in
interest. BSRIA has been key to the implementation of
BIM within the building services sector, and central to the
production of PAS 1192-3 Specification for Information
Management for the Operational Phase of assets using
building information modelling. BSRIA was delighted to
win the contract to write this publication for the BSI, the
importance of this document was emphasised by it being
downloaded 355 times in the first 10 minutes of it being
available. PAS 1192-3 is a companion document to PAS 11922, which specified an information management process to
support building information modelling (BIM) Level 2 in the
capital/delivery phase of projects. In contrast, PAS 1192-3
focuses on the operational phase of assets irrespective of
whether these were commissioned through major works,
acquired through transfer of ownership or already existed in
an asset portfolio.

BSRIA Test has had a successful year following the introduction

of the Construction Products Regulation in July 2013. This
has driven demand in areas such as radiator and flue testing,
as well as stimulating new opportunities with the testing of
solid fuel stoves. BSRIA has now been testing stoves as an EU
Notified Body for just over a year.

BSRIA has also continued its highly successful Introduction

to BIM course and will be promoting and supporting BIM

Publication of BSRIAs Test Method for Pressure Independent

Control Valves (BTS 1/2012), written in collaboration with
industry has overcome the lack of an existing standard. This
publication has led to an increase in valve testing work and
we see this part of the business expanding.
The demand for heat pump testing remains strong,
particularly from manufacturers wishing to access schemes
such as the Energy Technology List (ETL) and Microgeneration
Certification Scheme (MCS), linked to the Renewable Heat
Incentive. We have seen a significant increase in the testing
of heat interface units over the past year, resulting in the
creation of a working group to develop a test methodology in
collaboration with industry.
Our bespoke testing team has also had a successful year. A
significant project to build and run a 345m2 bespoke test
facility for a new build project in 2014 will allow further
research and development in this area.

Worldwide Management

clients and we have won repeat business from several key

players in the industry. The reach of BSRIA Asia has also
extended into the wider Asian market including Russia.

BSRIAs Worldwide Market Intelligence (WMI) division had a

challenging year as the European market continued to suffer
from the effects of the economic downturn combined with
an increased level of competitor activity. As a result BSRIA
undertook a wholescale review of their market intelligence
activities which has resulted in a widening of the topics
covered by BSRIA reports an increase in the type of report
available and will see a fresh and contemporary new styling
to BSRIA reports, allowing WMI to build on the growth they
have experienced in the last few years.

In April 2014, BSRIA Asia also signed a cooperation agreement

with the China Association of Refrigeration (CAR) at the
China Refrigeration Show and the parties will work together
to conduct a China Refrigeration Study in 2014.

Two of the exciting new topic areas that WMI will be

developing are:-

Energy and Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Although the European Commission is still debating the
final energy targets for 2030 it is already clear that it will
focus on factors that have helped to put it on the right track
towards achievement of the 20/20 targets. These include the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency
and the increased use of renewable energy systems; these
moves can only strengthen in the years to come.


Increasing levels of work commissioned by American clients

has led to the establishment of the BSRIA USA office in
Chicago. This will enable us to further improve services for
existing USA clients and to grow our impact and services.

BSRIA will continue to support and serve the industry during
the year to come and with the development of its new
strategy, its celebrations of its 60th year in 2015 and the
drive and determination of its members and staff, BSRIA will
continue to play a leading role in the creation and delivery of
cutting edge services and the development and advancement
of the building services industry.

District Energy
The UK has a 60 year history of utilising district energy.
However the last five years have seen a big upsurge in
interest on the part of energy companies, planners, central
government and certain types of clients.

BSRIAs Compliance division for commercial and domestic
airtightness integrity testing went through a number of
changes during the year. Commercial and residential testing
businesses were merged to facilitate improved business
efficiencies which are now yielding considerable dividends.
These changes were fundamental in ensuring BSRIA
exceeded our clients service expectations during the course
of the year. This included receiving the Barratt Developments
Service Supplier of The Year (Indirect) award. The year also
saw a new partnership with NHBC whereby BSRIA serviced
their current bookings and were allowed new sales through
NHBC Energy Services. This partnership, coupled with generic
growth through Building Regulations, led to a significant
increase in activity over the previous year.

Chris Knights (General Manager,

Compliance) receiving the Barratt
Developments Service Supplier of
The Year (Indirect) award.



The Beijing operation has experienced a positive growth

in 2013/2014 year, not only for WMI business, but also for
management consultancy including winning our first job with
a Chinese client. We continue our valued work for private



Soft Landings:


Roderic Bunn
BSRIA Soft Landings
If one had to define what problem Soft Landings was an
answer to, one could do worse than say the difference
between ambition and reality. At the start of most projects
there is no shortage of motivation, no limit to enthusiasm, no
barriers to imagination. Clients have boundless ambitions,
prospective occupiers have great expectations, and designers
have grand designs. No-one sets out to do a bad job.
Reality, though, tends to be a bit of a let-down. The tougher
the performance targets the greater the risks. The greater
the risks, the more attention there has to be on managing
them. In the cash-strapped, time-limited, rapid-design
and even more rapid-build world, mistakes are made,
assumptions are not revisited, and commissioning is rushed.
Handover ends up perfunctory. Hidden complexities come
as standard, increasingly so in sub-contract packages like
motorised windows or renewable energy systems. The
demands on asset managers increase with every innovation
and tighter carbon targets. Twenty years of post-occupancy
studies, from the PROBE project in 1995 through to the work
by the Carbon Trust and currently the building performance
evaluation work funded by the Technology Strategy Board,
testify to the problems of underperforming buildings.
Which is why BSRIA is putting so much effort into developing
the Soft Landings way of doing things. Its a slow-burn
process, not least because UK construction industry has so
many ingrained, deeply contractual and institutionalised
ways of doing things. But in the last twelve months things
have moved on perceptibly. More private sector clients are
including Soft Landings in their employers requirements;
sometimes well, sometimes with more than a few begged
questions but at least its in them. The public sector is also

waking up to the need for change. Central Government will

be mandating its version of Soft Landings (Government Soft
Landings, or GSL for short) alongside building information
modelling (BIM) from 2016.
Where central government leads, local government tends to
follow. More and more local authority tenders are requiring
Soft Landings (and, increasingly, Government Soft Landings).
Admittedly such requirements are not always well-informed,
well-expressed, nor contain enough detail for tenderers to
respond appropriately, but clients intentions are clear: we
want buildings that work in reality, not just in a computer
model, and we want a greater level of professional care, both
before and after handover. Its up to the construction industry
to respond, and in that they can turn to the guidance on Soft
Landings published by BSRIA, whether it be BG54/2013 The
Soft Landings Framework and its supporting document BG38
Soft Landings Core Principles, or the practical guidance in
BG45 How to Procure Soft Landings.
But its not just BSRIA thats been leading with guidance,
training and public exhortation. BSRIA runs the Soft Landings
User Group, with a membership of more than 25 organisations
professionally committed to Soft Landings. The members
of that User Group do much of the public speaking on Soft
Landings, they contribute hugely to the documentation,
and they learn from each other how to apply Soft Landings
in practice. The benefit to the Soft Landings movement
has been immense. Members also benefit commercially in
terms of market awareness, as clients begin to discriminate
between those who say they do Soft Landings, and those
who actually do it.
So what of the immediate future? Much remains to be done,
particularly in providing training for Soft Landings champions
and in developing skills in building performance evaluation.
BSRIAs successful Soft Landings Level 1 training course will
be supplemented by new levels, particularly covering tools
of building performance feedback and ways to reality-check
designs. As some confusion exists between Government Soft
Landings and BSRIA Soft Landings, a task group headed by

Ashley Bateson of consultant Hoare Lea (members of BSRIA

and the User Group) will be authoring a bridging document
to explain the differences and commonalities.
We also know more effort is needed to support Soft Landings
at a regional and provincial level. Again, the Soft Landings
User Group is showing the lead here, with Stephen Beadle of
contractor FES planning to host a Soft Landings User Group
in Scotland. More than anything we need case studies to
demonstrate the benefits of Soft
Landings. In the coming year
BSRIA and the User Group will be
collaborating to generate those
case studies.
Soft Landings has, as it were,
taken a long time to pick up
speed down the runway, but
with some justification BSRIA can
claim the process is well and truly
airborne. This may be a mixed
metaphor, but all Soft Landings
are preceded by safe and wellprepared take-offs. You cant
really have one without the other.
Soft Landings may be largely
about graduated handover
and professional aftercare, but
absolute commitment to the
process by both clients and
project teams has to be in place
from the very start for it to work
well. That means BSRIA and the
User Group engaging with clients
and client bodies to explain the
Soft Landings process. If you are
that client, then were keen to
hear from you.

(1) Max Fordham have championed Soft Landings on the Keynsham Regeneration Project, which is
fundamental to helping the client achieve their ambitious target of an A-rated DEC.
(2) Several members of the Soft Landings User Group are involved in this project including Max Fordham,
AHR, Willmott Dixon, Balfour Beatty and Building Automation Systems (BAS) doing the controls.



How to get
The Governments requirement
- the Seven Pillars of (BIM)
Earlier this year the Government BIM task group redefined
the scope for Level 2 BIM as being compliance with seven
components the seven pillars of (BIM) wisdom if you like:

Jo Harris
Principal Consultant

What is Building Information

Modelling (BIM)?
With the UK Government pushing forward with Level 2 BIM
required on all its mandated construction projects by 2016
our members are busy working out what that means for
them. At its core BIM is a managed approach to the collection
and exploitation of information. It is all about the efficient
use of information and data on assets.
BIM offers the construction industry a process to capture
data and share information during a project which also
results in better information for those operating assets. As
everyone knows knowledge is power and BIM is all about
giving the recipient of the data generated by the process
knowledge. We have been working with our BIM network
and BIM training to help our members get the best support
and most up-to-date information they can with this fast
moving subject.

10 |

BIM Protocol*

GSL (Government Soft Landings)*

PAS 1192-2:2013 Specification for information

management for the capital/delivery phase of
construction projects using building information

PAS 1192-3:2014 Specification for information

management for the operational phase of assets using
building information modelling#

BS 1192-4 due for release 2014

Digital Plan of Work due for release March 2015

Classification due for release March 2015

#PAS 1192-2 and PAS 1192-3 are available as free downloads from
*BIM protocol and GSL are available as a group of documents free
to download at

Of these seven components, four already exist with a fifth

due out imminently. BSRIA won the technical authoring role
for PAS 1192-3 which has been published by BSI. It sets out
the need for comprehensive and accurate information and is
a great start to the in-use phase of an assets life. Following
PAS 1192-3 results in an Asset Information Model (AIR) - a
single information source which can be used as the basis for
all asset related decision making.


GSL is also one of the pillars; it is Central Governments client

requirements M or R for construction projects to embrace Soft
Landings. Central Government departments are gearing up to
include their own GSL champions on these projects. Our Soft
Landings User Group are also looking to engage further with
facilities managers in the industry and we have been working
with the BIM4FM group to encourage this group to get involved
with Soft Landings and BIM.

What does that mean for me?

- The BIM Roadmap
During a construction project BIM supports design decisions
and allows visualisation and discussion with clients and their
representatives, leading to better decision-making about a
facility from earliest conceptual stages, through design and
construction, into operational life and even future demolition.
To arrive at handover in a construction project with the best
possible data set, the operational requirements must have
been considered as part of the project briefing process.
This allows the information being prepared throughout the
procurement phases to be focussed on adding maximum value
to the operations process providing the data required and
in the right format. This should also satisfy the organisations
Organisational Information Requirements (OIR), as identified
as part of its Asset management Plan. An Asset Management
Plan is discussed in detail in PAS 55 Asset management and its
equivalent ISO standard ISO 55000, recently published by BSI.
We have been helping organisations to determine what BIM
means to them and their organisation. You dont have to wait
until you have a new building built, the principles set out in
PAS 1192-3 will help you start the journey and you can take
a progressive approach as you update your information about
your existing properties. You just need to create the right
environment for managing all the data about your properties.

How do I get started with BIM?

- The BIM implementation plan
It is helpful to put new developments such as BIM in context
with existing working practices, and for this BSRIA uses a BIM
roadmap. The roadmap puts the BIM elements alongside
common construction activities such as the RIBA Plan of
Work and helps align the processes. BSRIA has offered the
Introduction to BIM training course throughout 2013 and this
will get updated in 2014 to support people who are now trying
to implement the BIM process into their organisations.
Converting practices to comply with BIM is not a quick activity
but it is a worthwhile one.

Louis Vuitton Foundation Museum

Icebergs Louis Vuitton Foundation

| 11





as at 1st April 2014


The Building Services Research and Information Association is a company limited by guarantee. It trades through
subsidiaries - BSRIA Limited which is registered in the UK but trades globally, and BSRIA Business Consulting (Beijing)
Co. Ltd which is registered in China.
The Association has no shareholders and does not distribute its profits but reinvests in research and guidance for the
industrys benefit. Our 670 member companies come from all parts of the supply chain. Membership of BSRIA enables
organisations to demonstrate that they are leading the industry through innovation and best practice.
The membership elects the Board of Directors of the company and an advisory Council (see page 15 & 16).



Tangible fixed assets













Key statistics:

4,000 m2 of laboratory space

Offices in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, China, North America, Japan and Brazil

Over 600 corporate members, covering many thousands of people.


BSRIA turnover

Worldwide Market
2.39 million
5.32 million

2.94 million









CREDITORS: Falling due within one year






CREDITORS: More than one year



Defined benefit pension scheme liability



Accumulated Fund







Revaluation Reserve

Exchange Adjustment Reserve

UK 75 %

Worldwide turnover breakdown

50 %








Surplus of income over expenditure before


25 %


Direct expenses
Surplus of income over direct expenses

EU 50 %



Twelve months to 1st April 2014

Other expenses


0.46 million

Turnover by types of work

12 |



Pension Reserve

0.84 million

Our mission is to enable the building services and construction

industries and their clients to enhance the value of the built
environment, by improving the quality of their products and services,
the efficiency of their provision and the effectiveness of their operation.


Member companies

Customer group

BSRIAs presence gets ever more global. We now have market research staff based in
eight locations.


185 staff






Intangible fixed assets


Turnover 2005/06 to 2013/14

12 million turnover



The accounts on the page opposite are for the BSRIA group of companies, as submitted for adoption at the AGM.


Interest receivable and similar income

Interest payable and retirement benefits









Surplus of income over expenditure



Tax on surplus



Surplus of income over expenditure



Full statutory accounts are available from:

| 13


Publications, networks
and training 2013 - 2014
Technical Publications


Publications Panel

Building Information Modelling

Allen Cook - Bracknell College

Chris May - Cudd Bentley Consulting
Bob Swayne - The Hampden Consultancy
Nick Cullen - Hoare Lea Consulting Engineers
Mitch Layng - M&G Real Estate
Phil Henry - Polypipe
Rob Lambert - Skanska Rashleigh Weatherfoil
Wande ter Kuile - Waterloo Air Products
Richard Tudor - WSP Buildings Ltd
Robert Swayne - The Hampden Consultancy

Published in 2013/2014

BG 48/2013 A practical guide to building

thermal modelling
BG 49/2013 Commissioning Air Systems
(new edition)
BG 6/2014 Design Framework 4th edition
BG 47/2013 Designing and constructing
for airtightness
BG 46/2013 Domestic ventilation systems
A guide to measuring airflow rates
BG 45/2014 How to procure Soft Landings
BG 25/2014 HVAC troubleshooting
BG 52/2013 Life Cycle Assessment
BG 38/2014 Soft Landings Core Principles
BG 54/2014 Soft Landings Framework
BG 50/2013 Water treatment for closed
heating & cooling systems

Building Environment Assessment

All BSRIA training courses can be delivered

in-company, and can be customised to
meet the need of the attendees. More
information can be found at:

User group meetings

Young Engineers

Advanced Life Cycle Costing

Design Framework - managing building
services design
Domestic airtightness testing
Implementing BIM - preparing your BIM
Implementation plan
Introduction to BIM
Introduction to commissioning
Introduction to economic and
environmental appraisal
Introduction to electrical building services
Introduction to electrical power quality
Introduction to mechanical building
Introduction to the Building Regulations
Introduction to thermography
Maintaining building services
Management of the commissioning
Pre-commission cleaning of pipework
Project management for building services
Safety in Building Services Design
Soft Landings Level 1
Thermography Level 1 PCN
Understanding Part L and Part F of the
Building Regulations
Soft Landings Level 1

What Happens When the Lights Go Out?

20th June 2013
Indoor Air Quality - must we live with
problems? 7th February 2014
Low Carbon Heating and Cooling 16th May

Soft Landings User Group

Training and Events

O&M Network - Building services, keeping you

25th September 2013
Improving Energy Efficiency 13th December
Joint event with ECA - Can we keep the lights
on - 27th March 2014
Measure to Manage 4th July 2014, Thomson
Reuters Canary Wharf

Energy & Sustainability

All publications are available from, including free
downloads for members

Training courses

Post Occupancy Commitments in BREEAM

Operation & Maintenance Benchmarking

BSRIA Briefing 2014 - Smarter ways to

better buildings

14 |

BIM network discussion forum 14th & 28th

February 2014
BIM network meeting 19th September 2014

Meet the Specialists - 19th September 2013

An audience with George Adams - 10th
December 2013

Low Carbon Heating and Cooling (joint

event with E&S) 16th May 2014
BSRIA site visit - 14th August 2014

Meet the Expert - 1st October 2014

Business Network

Business Network - Trend & Opportunities

2014 - 20th March 2014
BIM & Soft Landings; the process challenge
25thSeptember 2014

Chief Engineers Network

Initial Meeting 5th July 2013

The pros and cons of chilled beams 30th
October 2013
The Issues With Water, 14th March 2014
Heat Interface units Meeting 27th June 2014

New for 2014 Residential Network

Residential Network Launch 11th September


Further information from


How to procure Soft Landings

A Practical Guide to Building Thermal
Design Framework training
Project management for building services
Introducing the 4th edition of BSRIAs
Design framework
Part L of the Building Regulations
World Refrigeration Study
Energy & Smart Technologies Research
Smart Homes

Further information from

BSRIA Membership:
the benefits
Keeping you informed so you can make better business decisions
Putting you in touch with industry peers to help you make beneficial contacts
Saving you money on essential information, publications, training and services
On-line technical information
Access technical and market information by email, phone or in person
Latest publications - be the first to receive them
Education and networking - keep you and your colleagues informed
Free consultancy and member discounts - access information and services at preferential rates
Marketing - use BSRIA to help you get business
BSRIA publications - authorative and independent guidance
BSRIA members receive regular mailings

BSRIA Council 2014

Alan Cole
Drew Ford
George Adams
John Sharp
Paul Marsland
Steve Cooper
Stuart Thompson

Sir Robert McAlpine
SPIE Matthew Hall
NG Bailey
Armstrong Integrated
Morgan Sindall (Ipswich)

Andrew Brookes
URS Infrastructure and

Environment UK
Ant Wilson
David Featherstone Building Services Design
Jeff Wood
Foreman Roberts Consulting
Leslie Smith
Cudd Bentley Consulting
Nick Cullen
Hoare Lea
Richard Spencer
Robert Swayne
The Hampden Consultancy
Tom Smith
WSP Group


Adrian Aylett
Chris Monson
Colin Biggs
Tony Fleming


Brendan Murray
Iain Black
Mitch Layng
Gary Middlehurst

Hydrotec UK
Trend Control Systems
J S Humidifiers

Tesco Stores
M&G Real Estate


Cedric Sloan
Chris Burgess
David Rintoul

CR Burgess Commissioning


Paul De Cort



Stephen Matthews CIBSE

at 1st April 2014

| 15


BSRIA Directors 2014

Non Executive
Leslie Smith
David Rintoul
George Adams
Mitch Layng
Tom Smith
Tony Fleming


Julia Evans
Anne King
Eian Hardacre
Mike Smith

Chief Executive

BSRIA Members
Allen & Overy LLP
Asda Wal-Mart
Aspire Defence Ltd
Atelier Ten Consulting
Engineers Ltd
Bank of England
Baptist House Ltd
Barbican Centre
Barclays Bank Plc
Barnsley Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust
Blackburn College
BNP Paribas
Boots UK Ltd
British Telecommunications Plc
Broadgate Estates Ltd
Brookfield Office Properties
Canary Wharf Management Ltd
Cass Business School
Cheshire East Borough Council
Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS
City of London Corporation
City University London
Coventry University
Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse - NY
Department of Health
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust
Eco Tiffin Ltd
Eli Lilly & Co Ltd
Equinix Services
Essex County Council
Estate Support Services
Newcastle University
European Bank for
First Great Western
Fujitsu Services Ltd
G4S Facilities Management (UK)
Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd
Glasgow Caledonian University
Great Ormond Street Hospital
for Children
Hampshire County Council

16 |

Imperial College London

Islington Council
John Lewis Plc
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Kensington & Chelsea College
Lancashire County Property
Land Securities Group Plc
London Borough of Hackney
London Fire Brigade
M&G Real Estate
Manchester Metropolitan
Marks & Spencer Plc
Metropolitan Police Office
Monsoon Accessorize Ltd
Motability Operations Ltd
National Air Traffic Services Ltd
National Gallery
NHS Business Services Authority
Nomura International Plc
Plymouth Community Homes
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Prudential Corporate Property
Regents University
Regus Management UK Ltd
RIBA Enterprises Ltd
Royal College of Music
Royal Holloway University of
Royal Mail Group Facilities
Royal Surrey County Hospital
NHS Trust
Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd
Savvis UK Ltd
Science & Technology Facilities
Science Museum
Sellafield Ltd
Shell Real Estate Services
Shetland Islands Council
South Lanarkshire Council
South Staffordshire & Shrops HC
Southampton Solent University
St Georges University of London
STFC, Daresbury Laboratory Estates Mgt
Sussex Police

Telefonica UK Ltd
Tesco Stores Ltd
The National Archives
The Open University
The Royal Bank of Scotland
The Royal Household Property
The University of Greenwich
The University of Reading
The Wellcome Trust
Turner Broadcasting System
Europe Ltd
UCB Celltech
UNITE Integrated Solutions Plc
University of Bath
University of Bradford
University of Bristol
University of Essex
University of Glasgow
University of Hertfordshire
University of Kent
University of Leeds
University of Lincoln - Estates
University of Portsmouth
University of Southampton
University of Surrey
University of Ulster
University of Warwick
University of Westminster
University of Wolverhampton
Valero Energy Ltd
Worcestershire Health & Care
NHS Trust
Workplace Services - The CoOperative Group

ABB Eutech Ltd
ACTS Partnership
AHR London Ltd
Air & Water Consultants Ltd
Andrew Reid & Partners LLP
Apex Acoustics Ltd
Applied Energy Ltd
Architype Ltd
Atkins Consultants Ltd
Babcock Infrastructure Services

Bailey Partnership
Beadsmore Associates
Bennett Williams Partnership
Bilfinger RE Asset
Management Ltd
BMT Fluid Mechanics Ltd
Building Design Partnership
Building Management
Technology Ltd
Building Services Design
Building Services Group Ltd
Buro Happold Management Ltd
Butler & Young Associates
Capita Property and
Infrastructure Ltd
CBG Consultants
CBS Design Consultants
Chapman BDSP
Charles Andrews Ltd
Charles D Smith & Associates Ltd
Chesterfield WT Consultants Ltd
Clifford Chance LLP
CML Sustain Commissioning
Management Ltd
Commtech (Asia) Ltd
Commtech CME FZC
Core Group Ltd
CSA International LLC
Cudd Bentley Consulting Ltd
Cunnington Clark Ltd
David Miles & Partners
Davie + McCulloch Ltd
Davies Partnership
Designbrook Ltd
Dewan Architects & Engineers
Dome Consulting Ltd
Dowling Blunt Ltd
DRAC Consulting Ltd
Dunwoody LLP
E3 Consulting Engineers LLP
EC Harris LLP
Edward Pearce LLP
Elementa Consulting Ltd
Emerson Retail Solutions UK Ltd
Engineering Services
Engineering Services Design

Environmental Engineering
Ernest Griffiths
ES Consulting Engineers
Eskayem Consultants (PVE) Ltd
FHP Engineering Services
Flatt Consulting Ltd
Forbes Leslie Network Ltd
Foreman Roberts Consulting Ltd
Gardiner & Theobald LLP
GDM Partnership
Graham Powell Consultants
Grontmij Ltd
HamsonJPA Ltd
Hannaford Upright
Harley Haddow LLP
Harrison Varma
Construction Ltd
HaskoningDHV UK Ltd
Henderson Green Ltd
High-Point Rendel Ltd
Hill Lawrence Ltd
Hilson Moran Partnership Ltd
HLM Architects
Hoare Lea
Holloway Partnership
Hulley & Kirkwood
hurleypalmerflatt Ltd
IBE Consulting Engineer Inc
Jacobs Engineering UK Ltd
James Jervis Partnership Ltd
Jones King Partnership
JRB Environmental Design Ltd
Karsons Consulting
Kehr & Tucker
King Shaw Associates
Kut Partnership
Latis Scientific Ltd
Leonard Engineering Design
London Commissioning
Services Ltd
Max Fordham LLP
MBE Consultants Ltd
McBains Cooper Consulting Ltd
McCann & Partners
Mesh Projects Ltd
Michael Jones & Associates LLP
MJC Environmental Services Ltd
Mott MacDonald Ltd
Norman Bromley Partnership
NPS Property Consultants Ltd
OR Consulting Engineers Ltd
P McCaul Environmental
Consulting Eng
Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd
Peter Brett Associates LLP
Peter Deer & Associates Ltd
Peter Williams Associates
Pettit Singleton Associates LLP
Pinnacle ESP Ltd
Poyry Energy Ltd
Primotek Associates Ltd
Promode Building Services
Ramboll UK Ltd
RHB Partnership LLP
Richard Stephens
Partnership Ltd

Ridge & Partners LLP

Roger Parker Associates
RSP Consulting Engineers LLP
SA Walsh Specialist CE & Expert
Scicluna & Associates
Scotch Partners LLP
Selanya Consulting Engineers
Silcock Dawson & Partners
Silcock Leedham Consulting
Engineers Ltd
Skelly & Couch Ltd
Slade Associates
Slender Winter Partnership
Spencer Mayes Ltd
Stantec Consulting Services Inc
Stars Oasis Tech. Cont. L. L.C
Status Design Associates LLP
Steensen Varming (Australia)
Stuart McCurry & Partners Ltd
Synergy BSS Ltd
T&C Technology LLC
The Anslow Partnership
The Environmental Consultancy
Ltd (T/A RPS)
The Hampden Consultancy
TP Engineering Services llp
TPS Consult
Troup Bywaters + Anders
Tuckers Consultancy Ltd
URS Infrastructure &
Environment UK Ltd
Utilivista Ltd
Valco Services Ltd
Vector Design Consultancy Ltd
Velosi Certification Services
Venables Associates Ltd
Waterman Building Services
Watson & Sole Associates Ltd
Whole Life Ltd
WSP Buildings Ltd

Abyss Technical Services Ltd
ACP Water Treatment Ltd
Airtech Premier Ltd
Alba Facilities Services Ltd
Anderson Mechanical Services
Apex Design and Construction
Aqua Environmental Services
Aquastat Environmental
Services Ltd
Armstrong Fluid Technology
Artic Building Services Ltd
Ashford Environmental
Services Ltd
Babcock Civil Infrastructure Ltd
Babil International LLC
Balcomm Ltd
Balfour Beatty Engineering
Services Ltd
BAM Design
Blizzard M&E Contracting Co.
Boulting Environmental
Services Ltd
Bouygues Group (Warings )
Bouygues UK
Bowmer & Kirkland Ltd
Briggs & Forrester MEP Ltd
BTC Tech Services LLC

C&I Controls
Carillion Plc
CFM (SW) Ltd
CH Lindsey & Son Ltd
Chemflow Environmental Ltd
Chemring Technology Solutions
Cleartech Water Solutions Ltd
Clearwater Technology Ltd
Climacare Commissioning Ltd
Close Technical Services
Colledge Trundle & Hall Ltd
Commissioning Technical
Services Ltd
Commissioning Water
Treatment Specialist
Commtech Commissioning
Services S.A.
Compass Group Uk &
Ireland Ltd
Comserve Ltd
Concept Environmental
Crosscount Ltd
Crown House Technologies Ltd
CTH Eng Svs Balfour Beatty
DAKRO Environmental Ltd
Dornan Engineering Services Ltd
DT Technical Services
Ductclean (UK) Ltd
EGP Building Services Ltd
Elmdon Technical
Management Ltd
EMCOR Group (UK) Plc
EME Installations Ltd
Ensys Ltd
Envirocure Ltd
Environmental Commissioning
and Services
Environmental Scientifics
Group Ltd
Essex Services Group Plc Ltd
Evolution Water Services Ltd
Farrans Construction
Fielder Technical Services
Flowtech Enviro Ltd
Future Water Ltd
G4S Secure Solutions
(Guernsey) Ltd
Galliford Try Plc
GBS (Building Services) Ltd
GF Tomlinson Building Ltd
Global Environmental Ltd
Goodwater Ltd
Gratte Brothers Group
Green Compliance Water
H E Simm and Son Ltd
Harvey Group Plc
Heywood Chemical Cleaning
Higgins Construction Plc
Hockley Building Services Ltd
Howlett Associates Water
Treatment Ltd
Interserve Facilities
Management Ltd
ISG Academy
ISG Interior Services Group
UK Plc
ISS Facility Services Ltd

J&B Hopkins
Jaguar Building Services
Jasun Envirocare Plc
JCA Engineering
JCW Energy Services Ltd
JD Cooling System Ltd
John Noad (Building
Environment) Ltd
John White PM Ltd
Kebble Environmental
Services Ltd
KGB Commercial Heating
King Environmental Services Ltd
Klimatec Ltd
Lend Lease
Lorne Stewart Plc
M&E Maintenance Solutions Ltd
Mala Engineering Ltd
Mechanical Services Ltd
Mercury Engineering Ltd
Michael J Lonsdale Ltd
Mitton Mechanical Services
Mondial Engineering
Consultancy Ltd
Morgan Sindall (Ipswich) Plc
Musketeer Services Ltd
MWS (UK) Ltd
Nationwide Property Solutions
NG Bailey Ltd
Norland Managed Services Ltd
Ocean Integrated Services Ltd
One Facility Ltd
Optimum Group Services
Orostream Air Conditioning Ltd
Overbury Plc
Penmann Climatic Systems Ltd
PH Water Technologies
Piggott & Whitfield Ltd
Pillinger Controls Ltd
Potteries Mechanical
Services Ltd
Premier Plant Engineering Ltd
Primary Water Treatments
Prime Environmental
Services Ltd
Prime Technologies LLC
Protechnical Services Ltd
Q Commissioning
Management Ltd
Quotehedge Ltd
R&S Building Services
Engineers Ltd
Reigate Environmental
Services Ltd
Relabond Ltd
Robinsons M&E Ltd
Rolfe Contracting Ltd
Royce Group Ltd
Safeguard Water Technologies
Sani-Duct Installations Ltd
Saudi International Test &
Balance Co
SC Horsfield Building Services
Scion Technical Services Ltd
Select Water
Serco Defence Science &
Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd
Skanska Rashleigh
Weatherfoil Ltd
Skilz (UK) Ltd
Specialist Independent Building

| 17


SR Industrial Ltd
Sutton Services International Ltd
Swiftclean UK Ltd
Ten Group Services Ltd
THV Environmental Services Ltd
Triobiz LLC
W Wright Electrical Ltd
Water Compliance Solutions Ltd
Water Environmental
Treatment Ltd
Wates Construction Ltd
Wilden Services Ltd
Willmott Dixon Construction Ltd
Woodford Heating Ltd

A1 Flue Systems
Ability Projects Ltd
Advanced Air (UK) Ltd
Aereco Ventilation Ltd
Air Handling Systems Ltd
Air Vent Technology Ltd
Airedale International
Airflow Developments Ltd
Airforce Ventilation Products
Altecnic Ltd
ALU + Ltd
AO Smith Water Products
Atlantic Boilers
Auckland Ventilation Services
Autron Products Ltd
BAM Nuttall Ltd
Belimo Automation (UK) Ltd
Biddle Air Systems Ltd
Brooke Air Diffusion Ltd
Caice Acoustic Air
Movement Ltd
Camfil Ltd
Central Ventilation Systems
Colt International Ltd
Comyn Ching & Co (Solray) Ltd
Conex Universal Ltd
Construction Specialities Inc
Crane Building Services &
Cresco Industrial Supplies Ltd
Dadanco LLC
Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd
Dunbrik (Yorks) Ltd
Dunham Bush Ltd
Eaton-Williams Ltd
Ebac Ltd
EBM-Papst UK Ltd
Elta Group Ltd
Emmeti UK Ltd
ENWA Water Treatment
ET Environmental Ltd
Fabricated Products (UK)
FG Eurofred Ltd (Fujitsu General)
Fischer Future Heat UK Ltd
Flakt Woods Ltd
Flamco Ltd
Frenger Systems Ltd
Frese Ltd
GEA Denco Ltd
George Fischer Sales Ltd
GI Energy
Gilberts (Blackpool) Ltd
Gripple Ltd
GVA Acuity Ltd

18 |

H Docherty Ltd
Halton Products
Haverland UK
Herz Valves UK Ltd
Hilti (GB) Ltd
Honeywell ECC
Horne Engineering Ltd
HRM Boilers Ltd
HVC Supplies (Stourbridge) Ltd
Hydralectric Group Ltd
Hydropath Holdings Ltd
Hydrotec (UK) Ltd
Ice Energy Heat Pumps Ltd
Inno Viva Co.,Ltd.
Invensys Controls Europe
Johnson & Starley Ltd Dravo
Johnson Controls
JS Humidifiers Plc
KelBie Engineering Ltd
Kohler Mira Ltd
Larsen & Toubro - Construction
Maincor Ltd
Marflow Hydronics Systems
Mason Acoustics Ltd
MHS Boilers Ltd
MI Flues
Midtherm Flue Systems Ltd
Mitsubishi Electric UK Ltd
Munters AB
Nuaire Ltd
Ormandy Ltd
Oventrop UK Ltd
Pegler Yorkshire Group
Polypipe Terrain
Portakabin Ltd
Quinn Radiators Ltd
Renson Ventilation NV
Rinnai UK Ltd
Ruskin Air Management
Sauter Automation Ltd
SAV Systems
Schneider Electric UK Ltd
Sensotherm Europanel Ltd
Siemens Building
Technologies Ltd
SMARDT Chiller Group Inc
Smiths Environmental
Products Ltd
Swegon Ltd
System Uvex Ltd
TA Hydronics
Timoleon Ltd
Toshiba Carrier UK Ltd
Trane (UK) Ltd
Trench Heating Ltd
Turner & Wilson Ltd
Unit Products Ltd
Uponor Ltd
Vent Axia Ltd
VES Andover Ltd
Vogue (UK) Ltd
Warmflow Engineering Ltd
Waterloo Air Products Plc
Wolseley UK Ltd
Wozair Ltd
Zehnder Group UK Ltd
Zip Heaters (UK) Ltd

3M United Kingdom Plc
ABL Technical Services
AJB Hightech Ltd

AMTECH Group Ltd

Andrew Wilkes Management Ltd
Association of University
Atomic Weapons Establishment
Banyard Consultants
Bickerdike Allen Partners
Birmingham City University
Bracknell & Wokingham College
British Board of Agrement
British Council for Offices
Building Research
Establishment Ltd
Calor Gas Ltd
Cambridge Assessment
Cardiff University
CCS Services Ltd
Clarkslegal LLP
CML International (Dubai)
College of Estate Management
Comfort Commissioning
Services Ltd
Management Ltd
Createmaster Ltd
CR Burgess Commissioning Ltd
Cube Clean Tech Ltd
Dublin Institute of Technology
Durham University
EDF Energy
Edocuments Ltd
End Systems Ltd
English Heritage
Environmental Building Group
Eurocom Technical Services Ltd
Eurofins Environmental
Services Ltd
Europa Technical Services
Goodman Real Estate Advisor
H&V Commissioning Services
Heron Water Services
Imperial College London
Integrated Water Services Ltd
JPR Services (Welwyn) Ltd
Kajima Partnerships Ltd
Knights Commissioning Services
Loughborough University
MACE Group
Marquis & Lord Ltd
Modern Building Services
Moore Environmental
Commissioning Ltd
Network Rail
Nottingham Trent University
Oakleaf Technical Services Ltd
Oasis M&E Technical LLC
Phoenix Commissioning
Services Ltd
Prime Development Ltd
Sheffield Hallam University
Smoothflow Commissioning Ltd
Southend on Sea Borough
Space Air Conditioning Daikin

St Edward Homes Ltd

Sutton International LLC
Syngenta AG
Taylor & Stapleton
Engineering Ltd
Telecity Group International Ltd
TGLynes Ltd
The University of
The University of Manchester
The University of Reading
TRADA Technology Ltd
Travis Perkins Plc
Turner & Townsend
University College London
University of Brighton
University of Dundee
University of Liverpool
University of Northumbria
University of Oxford
University of Zagreb
Voltas Ltd
Zeta Compliance Group Plc


Stay in touch with BSRIA


Education Funding Agency

Mr Graeme Baker OBE
Mr Andrew Eastwell
Mr Noel Gibbard
Mr Donald Leeper OBE
Mr Christopher Monson
Mr Graham Manly OBE
Mr Colin Swain



Training & events


| 19

Engineering services: Test, compliance and consultancy support services for clients,
designers, constructors, manufacturers and facilities managers
Instrument solutions: Hire, sales and calibration of instruments
Market intelligence: Off the shelf reports, bespoke studies and management consultancy
for global markets
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