Force, Mass, and Motion: F MG A M F Ma G

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LPC Physics

Jumping Force

Force , Mass, and Motion

In this lab you use logger Pro and the Force Plate sensors to help you determine the
difference between Mass and Weight, as well as understand the relationship between the
height of a jump and the force exerted on the force plate.


Logger Pro
Force Plate
Meter stick

Image from:

The acceleration of any system is equal to the net external force, divided by the total
mass of the system, as given by Newtons Second Law of Motion. In other words:


M total

In a coordinate system that points upwards from the ground, we can identify the forces
and assign signs (+ or -). Imagine that you are standing on a scale, so that there are now
two forces acting on you. The downward force of gravity (mg) and the upward force of
the scale on your feet (Fn )


M total

Fn mg
Fn m(a + g )

In this case, Fn is the force of contact between you and the scale. This is often called
your apparent weight Note that If you are in the air and not touching anything, , then
Fn = 0, and 0 = m(a+g), so a = -g.
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LPC Physics

Jumping Force

In this lab, our goal will be to verify Newtons second and third law, and understand how
Newons laws work together with the kinematic equations you learned eaerlier in the
class when you jump in the air. In a nutshell, you will jump off the scale and see how
high you get. From this height, and a measurement of how much your body moved
before you left the scale, your acceleration while in contact with the scale can be
calculated. From this value, and knowledge of your weight, we can predict how much
force you must exert on the scale while you are jumping. This can be compared to the
actual value measured on the scale and Newtons laws can be verified. So lets get
A) Determining your acceration while in contact with the scale.
To determine your acceleration, you will need to know both the speed you left the
ground, how much you bent your knees and how high you jumped
To do this, we will use the relationship below twice:

v2 =
vo2 + 2a ( y y0 )

Equation (I)

To find a, use the following conventions:

1) at the top of your jump, v = 0, and your speed at the start of the jump = v1 .
2) while you are in the air, a = -g
3) While your feet are in contact with the ground, your speed at the start of the jump
= 0, and your speed as you leave the scale is v1 . While you are in contact with the
scale, the average acceleration = a.
4) The distance your center of gravity moves while you are in contact with the scale
So: While you are in contact with the scale,
Equation ( Ia) v1= 0 + 2a ( d )
And While you are in the air:

Equation ( Ib)

v12 2 g (h)

Thus equations Ia) and Ib) can be combined to find a, the acceration you have while
you are in contact with the scale.
The predicted value of Fn is then:
II) =
Fn m(a + g ) = ma + mg
Where: mg = your weight in Newtons while standing at rest on the scale. m = your
weight divided by g (9.80 m/s2 ), and a is the acceleration from equations (Ia) and (Ib)
The experimental value of Fn is the reading on the scale while you are in contact with
it. Of course this will vary, so the trick is deciding which value of Fn to use!
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LPC Physics

Jumping Force

1. Connect the Force plate and logger Pro to the computer. Make sure the collect button
is working and the display reads Force as a Function of time. Press on the Force plate
and see if the reading changes.
2. Check the Calibration of the Force plate by placing weights on the force plate.You
may have your best results by doing a one point calibration twice. If there is
difference between the two, you will need to calibrate the program. Your instructor
will show you how if you are having difficulties. Fill out the Mass Calibration Table
and show sample calculations. It should not be difficult!
3. Each of the lab partners should take turns standing on the plate. Fill out the Force
and Weight table and show your calculations.
4. While standing on the force plate, practice using a two meter stick to measure the
distance one lab partner bends his or her knees when jumping (the height of your
center of mass will change when you bend your knees), and the height of the jump.
5. Now the same person should jump in the air and touch a spot on the wall or two meter
stick so the height of the jump can be measured. You should record the distance
his or her knees are bent, and the height of jump for the same jump!

During the jump, collect data on Force vs. time. For the value of the force, find the
peak force during the jump, and a time average. To get a time average, highlight the
Force vs time graph, and integrate over the time interval while jumping. Then divide
the result by the time interval. your weight, and average them together:
Repeat for each lab partner and fill out the Jumping Data table. Also Make a
Sketch of the display of your Force vs. time graph. Save your graphs for part 8

7. Use the Expected vs. Measured force table to help you determine the results of your

Can you think of a better way (analyzing the logger pro data) to determine the
average force while you were jumping (Fn )? If so, do it. You can use the predicted
value of the force to help you decide which method works best!

9. Think of one other investigation you can do using the force table and do it!
10. When you are done, you can turn in the lab tables and calculations below as well as
ONE additional page with your introduction, a sketch of one Force vs. time graph, A
sketch of a person in the act of jumping with forces drawn in, a description of what
you did in #9, and a one or two additional sentence summary of results.

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LPC Physics

Jumping Force

Names of Lab Partners:


Mass Calibration Table

expected reading in
actual reading in Newtons
before calibration

1 kg
2 kg

Table 1: Force and Weight

Weight in

Mass in kg

Weight in lbs


Table 2: Jumping Data

Distance knees are
Trial Trial Trial

Height of jump

Max Force
during Jump

Calculations: Show one sample of each calculation!

Sketch of Force vs. Time graph (use straight edge and include units!)

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Time average
Force during

LPC Physics

Jumping Force

Table 3: Expected vs. Measured Force (Using

acceleration Expected

Maximum Force)
force from
logger pro



Table 4: Expected vs. Measured Force (Using

acceleration Expected

Time average Force)

force from
logger pro


Discussion/summary of Results:

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