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1. Introduction
2. Key Areas to remember
3. Some important questions


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Microprocessor is one of the most happening topics for the placement of
fresh engineers. Especially the core electronics companies like Intel,
telecommunication companies like Sasken and also software firms like
Wipro etc. have a strong affinity towards this subject during campus
recruitments. Therefore it is an important paper especially for the CSE, IT,
ECE, ETCE pupils and also for other streams if they are willing to be a
part of the giant software/hardware industry.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Definitions: microprocessor, microcomputer, assembly language,
ALE, Accumulator, Flags, Program Counter, Stack Pointer, Registers,
DMA. Interrupt, Addressing mode, Masking.

8085 architecture (i.e., number of bits, frequency etc.)

40 pins of 8085 and their functions.

Different flags of 8085 and their functions.

Key difference between 8085 and 8086.

Different flags of 8086.

Function of certain opcodes MVI, MOV, RIM, SIM, IN, ADI, ADD, INR
and DCR.

Number system (i.e. decimal to binary and binary to decimal).


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


1. What is a Microprocessor?
- Microprocessor is a program-controlled device, which fetches the
instructions from memory, decodes and executes the instructions. Most
Micro Processors are single-chip devices.
2. Give examples for 8 / 16 / 32 bit Microprocessor?
- 8-bit Processor - 8085 / Z80 / 6800; 16-bit Processor - 8086 / 68000 /
Z8000; 32-bit Processor - 80386 / 80486.
3. What are tri-state devices and why they are essential in a bus
oriented system?
- A tri-state device is a non-inverting buffer with an additional control input.
If the control is high (or low, there are both kinds of tri-state buffers just like
there are both kinds of D-flip-flops) the output drives (i.e., is directly
connected to power or ground and thus generates current) the value on
the input. If the control input is low, the output is not connected to either
power or ground, generates no current and is said to be in a "highimpedance" state (which symbolically is represented as "Z").
In any bus-oriented system, there may be multiple devices that need
exclusive access to the bus. You need to provide some form of arbitration,
ensuring that only one device has control of the bus at any point of time.
And for this purpose we need the tri-state devices whose control input
helps to achieve the desired arbitration.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

4. Why are program counter and stack pointer 16-bit registers?
- Both the program counter and the stack pointer are used as memory
pointer. The memory location has a 16-bit address that is why these are
also16-bit registers.
5. Why 8085 processor is called an 8 bit processor?
- Because 8085 processor has 8 bit ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit). Similarly
8086 processor has 16 bit ALU.
6. What is 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th generation processor?
- The processor made of PMOS / NMOS / HMOS / HCMOS technology is
called 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th generation processor, and it is made up of 4 / 8 /
16 / 32 bits.
7. Define HCMOS?
- High-density n- type Complimentary Metal Oxide Silicon field effect
8. What does microprocessor speed depend on?
- The processing speed depends on DATA BUS WIDTH.
9. Is the address bus unidirectional?
- The address bus is unidirectional because the address information is
always given by the Micro Processor to address a memory location of an
input / output devices.
10. Is the data bus is Bi-directional?
- The data bus is Bi-directional because the same bus is used for transfer
of data between Micro Processor and memory or input / output devices in
both the direction.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

11. What is the disadvantage of microprocessor?
- It has limitations on the size of data. Most Microprocessor does not
support floating-point operations.
12. What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?
- In Microprocessor more op-codes, few bit handling instructions. But in
Microcontroller: fewer op-codes, more bit handling Instructions, and also it
is defined as a device that includes micro processor, memory, & input /
output signal lines on a single chip.
13. What is an interrupt?
- A signal informing a program that an event has occurred. When a
program receives an interrupt signal, it takes a specified action (which can
be to ignore the signal). Interrupt signals can cause a program to suspend
itself temporarily to service the interrupt.
14. Which line will be activated when an output device require attention
from CPU?
- Data lines will be activated first when an output device requires attention
of the CPU.
15. What is meant by LATCH?
- Latch is a D- type flip-flop used as a temporary storage device controlled
by a timing signal, which can store 0 or 1. The primary function of a Latch
is data storage. It is used in output devices such as LED, to hold the data
for display.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

16. What is the difference between primary & secondary storage device?
- In primary storage device the storage capacity is limited. It has a volatile
memory. In secondary storage device the storage capacity is larger. It is a
nonvolatile memory. Primary devices are: RAM / ROM. Secondary devices
are: Floppy disc / Hard disk.
17. Difference between static and dynamic RAM?
- Static RAM: No refreshing, 6 to 8 MOS transistors are required to form
one memory cell, Information stored as voltage level in a flip flop. Dynamic
RAM: Refreshed periodically, 3 to 4 transistors are required to form one
memory cell; Information is stored as a charge in the gate to substrate
18. What is interrupt?
- Interrupt is a signal send by external device to the processor so as to
request the processor to perform a particular work.
19. Differentiate between RAM and ROM?
- RAM: Read / Write memory, High Speed, Volatile Memory. ROM: Read
only memory, Low Speed, Non Volatile Memory.
20. What is a compiler?
- Compiler is used to translate the high-level language program into
machine code at a time. It doesnt require special instruction to store in a
memory, it stores automatically. The Execution time is less compared to
21. Which processor structure is pipelined?
- All x86 processors have pipelined structure.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

22. What is stack?
- Stack is a portion of RAM used for saving the content of Program
Counter and general purpose registers.
23. Can ROM be used as stack?
- ROM cannot be used as stack because it is not possible to write to ROM.
24. What is NV-RAM?
- Nonvolatile Read Write Memory also called Flash memory. It is also
know as shadow RAM.
25. Which type of architecture 8085 has?
- The 8085 is an 8-bit general purpose microprocessor capable of
addressing 64K of memory. The device has 40 pins, requires a +5V single
power supply, and can operate with a 3 MHz single phase-clock.
26. How many memory locations can be addressed by a microprocessor
with 14 address lines?
- 214 = 16384 memory locations.
27. How many bits are there in 8085 microprocessor?
- 8085 is a 8-bit microprocessor.
28. What is called Scratch pad of computer?
- Cache Memory is scratch pad of computer.
29. Which transistor is used in each cell of EPROM?
- Floating gate Avalanche Injection MOS (FAMOS) transistor is used in
each cell of EPROM.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

30. Why is data bus bi-directional?
- The data bus in 8085 is bi-directional. Because, they serve dual purpose.
In one hand, they are used as the low-order address bus as well as the
data bus. In executing an instruction, during the earlier part of the cycle,
these lines are used as the low-order address bus. On the other hand,
during the later part of the cycle, these lines are used as the data bus.
This is also known as the multiplexing of the bus. However, the lower
order address bus can be separated from these signals by using latch.
31. What is the function of accumulator?
- An accumulator is a register which is basically used to store data in the
binary pattern. It is basically a 8-bit register which is a part of the
arithmetic/logic unit (ALU). This register is used to store 8-bit data and to
perform arithmetic and logical operations. The result of a n operation is
stored in an accumulator.
32. What is flag, bus?
- FLAG: The ALU includes flip-flops that are set or reset according to the
result of an operation. The flags have critical importance in the decision
making process of the microprocessor. The conditions (set or reset) of the
flags are tested through software instructions.
BUS: The communication lines used by microprocessors are called buses.
E.g., the 8085 uses three types of buses address bus, data bus and
control bus.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

33. What are the different addressing modes in 8085?
- 8085 has the following addressing modes:
(1) Immediate Addressing: MVI R, Data
(2) Register Addressing: MOV Rd, Rs
(3) Direct Addressing: IN/OUT Port#
(4) Indirect Addressing: IN 08H
(5) Implicit Addressing: CLA
34. What is the difference between MOV and MVI?
- MOV (Move- copy from source to destination):- This instruction copies
the contents of the source register into the destination register, the
contents of the source register are not altered. [MOV Rd, Rs]
MVI (Move Immediate 8-bit):- The 8-bit data is stored in the destination
register or memory. [MVI R, Data]
35. What are the functions of RIM, SIM, IN?
- RIM is Read Interrupt Mask which is used to check whether the interrupt
is Masked or not. SIM is Set Interrupt Mask which is used to mask the
hardware interrupts. IN is Input Data to Accumulator from a Port with 8-bit
Address which when used the contents of the input port designated in the
operand are read and loaded into the accumulator.
36. What is the immediate addressing mode?
- The various formats of specifying the operands are called the Addressing
Modes. In the immediate addressing mode the data is directly the data is
used as the operand. E.g., MVI R, Data, ADI 58H


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

37. What are the different flags in 8085?
- 8085 has five flags:
1) Zero (Z)
2) Carry (CY)
3) Sign (S)
4) Parity (P)
5) Auxiliary Carry (AC)
38. What happens during DMA transfer?
- The Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a process of communication or data
transfer controlled by an external peripheral. In situations in which the
microprocessor-controlled data transfer is too slow, the DMA transfer is
used generally. During DMA transfer the following things take place:

Typically, the DMA controller sends a request i.e. a high signal to

the HOLD pin.

The processor finishes its current machine cycle and sends the
HLDA signal which is an acknowledgement that the processor is
ready to give the control to the external device.

The DMA controller takes the control to the buses, and transfers
data directly in between the source and destination, thus bypassing the microprocessor.

At the end of the data transfer, the controller terminates the request
by sending a low signal to the HOLD pin and the microprocessor
regains control of the buses.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

39. What does it mean by embedded system?
- An embedded system is a special-purpose system in which the computer
is completely encapsulated by the device it controls. Unlike a generalpurpose computer, such as a personal computer, an embedded system
performs pre-defined tasks, usually with very specific requirements. Since
the system is dedicated to a specific task, design engineers can optimize
it, reducing the size and cost of the product. Embedded systems are often
mass-produced, so the cost savings may be multiplied by millions of
40. What do you mean by wait state? What is its need?
- A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when


memory or another device

that is slow


respond.When the processor needs to access external memory, it starts

placing the address of the requested information on the address bus. It
then must wait for the answer, that may come back tens if not hundreds of
cycles later. Each of the cycles spent waiting is called a wait state.
Wait states are a pure waste for a processor's performance. Modern
designs try to eliminate or hide them using a variety of techniques: CPU
caches, instruction pipelines, instruction prefetch, branch prediction,
simultaneous multithreading and others. No single technique is 100%
successful, but together they can significantly reduce the problem.
41. What is PSW?
- PSW is Processor Status Word.The four condition codes in the
processor status word (PSW) are
N indicating a negative value
Z indicating a zero condition
V indicating an overflow condition, and
C indicating a carry condition.
PSW is a special processor control register.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


42. What is ALE? Explain the functions of ALE in 8085.

- ALE is Address Latch Enable. This is a positive going pulse generated
every time the 8085 begins an operation (machine cycle); this signal is
used primarily to latch the low-order address from the multiplexed bus and
generate a separate set of 8 address lines.
43. What is a program counter? What is its use?
- Program counter is a 16-bit register that deals with sequencing the
execution of instructions. This register is a memory pointer. The function of
the program counter is to point to the memory address from which the
next byte is to be fetched. It holds the address of that particular memory
location from where the data is to be fetched next.
44. What are the flags in 8086?
- In 8086 Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary carry flag, Zero flag, Overflow
flag, Trace flag, Interrupt flag, Direction flag, and Sign flag.
45. What are the various interrupts in 8086?
- Maskable interrupts Non-Maskable interrupts.
46. What is meant by Maskable interrupts?
- An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer is known as
Maskable interrupt.
47. What is Non-Maskable interrupts?
- An interrupt which can be never be turned off (ie.disabled) is known as
Non-Maskable interrupt.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

48. Which interrupts are generally used for critical events?
- Non-Maskable interrupts are used in critical events. Such as Power
failure, Emergency shut off etc.
49. Give examples for Maskable interrupts?
- RST 7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5 are Maskable interrupts
50. Give example for Non-Maskable interrupts?
- Trap is known as Non-Maskable interrupts, which is used in emergency
51. What is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086?
- 5 MHz is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086.
52. What are the various segments registers in 8086?
- Code, Data, Stack, Extra Segment registers in 8086.
53. Which Stack is used in 8086?
- FIFO (First In First Out) stack is used in 8086.In this type of Stack the
first stored information is retrieved first.
54. Why does microprocessor contain ROM chips?
- Microprocessor contain ROM chip because it contain instructions to
execute data.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

55. What are the address lines for the software interrupts? RST 0

0000 H


0008 H


0010 H


0018 H


0020 H


0028 H


0030 H


0038 H

56. What is cache memory?

- Cache memory is a small high-speed memory. It is used for temporary
storage of data & information between the main memory and the CPU
(center processing unit). The cache memory is only in RAM.
57. What are SIM and RIM instructions?


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

- SIM is Set Interrupt Mask which is used to mask the hardware interrupts.
RIM is Read Interrupt Mask which is used to check whether the interrupt is
Masked or not.
58. Which is the tool used to connect the user and the computer?
- Interpreter is the tool used to connect the user and the tool.
59. What is the position of the Stack Pointer after the PUSH instruction?
- The address line is 02 less than the earlier value.
60. What is the position of the Stack Pointer after the POP instruction?
- The address line is 02 greater than the earlier value.
61. Logic calculations are done in which type of registers?
- Accumulator is the register in which Arithmetic and Logic calculations are
62. What are the different functional units in 8086?
- Bus Interface Unit and Execution unit, are the two different functional
units in 8086.
63. Give examples for Micro controller?
- Z80, Intel MSC51 &96, Motorola are the best examples of
64. What is meant by cross-compiler?
- A program runs on one machine and executes on another is called as

65. What are the address lines for the hardware interrupts? -


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


RST 7.5 003C H

RST 6.5 0034 H

RST 5.5 002C H


0024 H

66. Which Segment is used to store interrupt and subroutine return

address registers?
- Stack Segment in segment register is used to store interrupt and
subroutine return address registers.
67. Which Flags can be set or reset by the programmer and also used to
control the operation of the processor?
- Trace Flag, Interrupt Flag, Direction Flag.

68. What does EU do?

- Execution Unit receives program instruction codes and data from BIU,
executes these instructions and store the result in general registers.
69. Which microprocessor accepts the program written for 8086 without
any changes?
- 8088 is that processor.
70. What is the difference between 8086 and 8088?


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

- The BIU in 8088 is 8-bit data bus & 16- bit in 8086.Instruction queue is 4
byte long in 8088 and 6 byte in 8086.

vision is really that in the information age the microprocessor-based machine, the

PC, along with great software, can become sort of the ultimate tool dealing with not just
text, but numbers and pictures, and eventually, even difficult things.. Bill Gates
Microprocessors are one of the most difficult things to manufacture. It is easy to fall out
of bed.

Dan Hutcheson

Users want quiet and powerful machines. Intel is very focused on designing
microprocessors that deliver the maximum performance without generating excessive
heat or consuming huge amounts of power. For now, the Intel Core Duo fits that bill
The 4004 microprocessor provided
computing power for the Pioneer 10
spacecraft, launched on March 2, 1972.
The Pioneer 10 was the first spacecraft to
enter the Asteroid Belt. It obtained the
first close-up images of Jupiter, charted
Jupiter's intense radiation belts, located
the planet's magnetic field, and revealed
that Jupiter is predominantly a liquid
planet. Pioneer 10 is still exploring the
outer regions of the solar system, studying
energy particles from the sun and cosmic
rays entering the Earth's portion of the
Milky Way.
In 1969, Busicom, a Japanese calculator
manufacturer, asked Intel to design a set of
chips for a line of high-performance
programmable calculators. Busicom's
original design required several chips, which
Intel engineer Marcian E. (Ted) Hoff
considered too complex to be cost effective.
Also, Intel's small MOS staff was fully
occupied with the 1101 memory chip, so
design resources weren't available. Instead
of the multi-chip solution, Hoff came up


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

with a general-purpose processor that could
be programmed for various uses. At first,
Busicom was sceptical about the design, but
in early 1970 they agreed to the concept and
signed a contract whereby Intel would
develop the calculator chips for $60,000.
Intel delivered the chips, and Busicom
eventually sold some 100,000 calculators.
Once Intel realised the potential of the new
chips, the company offered Busicom a lower
price in return for the rights to the
microprocessor design and the rights to
market it for non-calculator applications.
Busicom, by then in financial trouble,
agreed to the deal.
The Altair 8800, often called the first
personal computer on the market, was sold
to hobbyists as a $439 kit. It was based on
Intel's 8080 microprocessor, had 256 bytes of
basic memory, and was programmed by
flipping toggle switches on its front panel.
One early user recalls that writing programs
for the Altair wore blisters on his fingertips.
The Altair was produced by MITS, a
company owned by Ed Roberts. It was
wildly successful; several thousand Altairs
were sold between 1975-1977. In 1977,
Roberts sold MITS to Pertec Computer
Corporation, and went off to medical school
in Georgia.
The Altair was introduced in a cover story in
the January 1975 issue of Popular
Electronics. To demonstrate the machine's
capabilities to the magazine editor, MITS
had to ship its one and only working Altair
to Popular Electronics in the summer of
1974. Unfortunately it was lost in transit,
and MITS didn't have time to assemble a
second Altair before the magazine's editorial
deadline. Popular Electronics editor, Les
Solomon, took a gamble and introduced the
computer anyway, with a cover photograph
of a hastily assembled outer shell of the
Altair 8800.
A quote from the Popular Electronics article
about why Intel's 8080 chip was chosen for


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

the Altair: "In practice, a lowerperformance processor would have been
adequate for the majority of the tasks the
user might wish to initially define. But the
problem with lesser-power approach is that
relatively little money would be saved, and it
would be doomed to near-future
obsolescence for practical purposes. Our
intent here was to produce a processor with
more than enough power to handle any
Ed Roberts originally named his computer
the PE-8, in honour of Popular Electronics
magazine. There are conflicting stories
about how it came to be known as the Altair
8800. One story is that a Popular Electronics
editor named the machine for the Altair star
because its introduction was such a "stellar"
event. Another story is that a Popular
Electronics editor wanted to give the PE-8
the same name as the computer on the
starship Enterprise from the Star Trek TV
show. As it turned out, the spacecraft's
computer had no name, so he chose Altair,
the destination of the Enterprise in one Star
Trek episode.
The Micral, introduced in 1973 and powered
by Intel's 8008 chip, was the first
commercial non-kit computer based on a
microprocessor. The term "microcomputer"
first appeared in print in reference to the
Micral. It was marketed by a company
called R2E, and was the first microcomputer
in France. Supposedly it was the first
personal computer programmed by Philippe
Kahn, founder of Borland.
The 8008 that powered the Micral was
essentially an 8-bit 4004. It was originally
intended to be a custom chip for Computer
Terminals Corp. of Texas (later known as
Datapoint). CTC rejected the 8008 because
it was too slow and required too many
supporting chips, but when Intel offered it
to the open market, it was quite successful.


Dreammakers Aptitude & Technical Enrichment Program

Copyright Dreammakers Career Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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