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Configuring Elastix 2.0.

0 57 for
Spitfire SIP Trunks
This document is a guideline for configuring Spitfire SIP trunks onto Elastix 2.0.0 and includes the
settings required for Inbound DDI routing and Outbound CLI presentation. The settings contained within
have been tested and are known to work at the time of testing.
SIP trunk details such as account number and password will be provided separately.

Provisioning a SIP trunk:

Page 2

Outbound Routing Reference only:

Page 9

Inbound Routing:

Page 10

Outgoing CLI:

Page 11

Please Note: Please make particular note of the addition of extra code on pages 3 & 4. This is necessary to allow
inbound DDIs to be routed.

Add SIP Trunk

Additional code is required to parse the inbound DDI from the To header. In this example I have used the
extensions_custom.conf file but you should use a config file that is appropriate for your particular installation.
Select PBX, Tools, Asterisk File Editor, and then select the file you wish to add custom code to. In this
example I am using extensions_custom.conf

Add SIP Trunk continued

Paste the following into the appropriate file (I have used extensions_custom.conf) as highlighted below. This will
allow the elastix to read & route incoming DDI calls. Please note that the goto step may need to be changed to suit
your programming. Although this code was tested as working in this installation it comes with no warranty from
exten => _.,1,Set(parseDDI=${SIP_HEADER(To)})
exten => _.,n,Set(parseDDI=${CUT(CUT(parseDDI,@,1),:,2)})
exten => _.,n,Goto(from-trunk,${parseDDI},1)
Select Save.
Please ensure that you add context=ParseDDI_from_ToHeader in the Outgoing Peer Details of the trunk
(page 7)

Add SIP Trunk continued

Select sip_nat.conf
Paste the following into sip_nat.conf . This will change the default expiry timer on the SIP trunk to 10 minutes
Select Save.

Add SIP Trunk continued

Select PBX Configuration, PBX, Trunks, Add SIP Trunk.

Add SIP Trunk continued

General Settings


Trunk Description:
Outbound Caller ID:

A logical name for the trunk

Enter the User name as supplied by Spitfire without the leading 44.
Please note that this is just the number and DOES NOT include This is the number that will be presented if there is no
individual CLI presentation per extension
CID Options:
Determined by the installer
Maximum Channels:
As specified by Spitfire
Disable Trunk:
Determined by the installer. I would suggest No
Monitor Trunk Failures:Determined by the installer

Outgoing Dial Rules (Reference Only)


Dial Rules:
Determined by the installer
Dial Rules Wizards:
Determined by the installer, but normally blank on Spitfire trunks
Outbound Dial Prefix: Determined by the installer, but normally blank on Spitfire trunks

Add SIP Trunk continued

Outgoing Settings
1. Trunk Name:
2. PEER Details:

Give the trunk a logical name

Enter the details below in the PEER Details area.
Please Note: Not all the details required are shown in the screenshot they are listed
below with a brief description. There are also other settings available for use in the
PEER Details, but the ones below are those required to work with Spitfires SIP
trunks. Other settings may have a negative impact on the SIP trunks, but this will
need to be determined by the system installer.
host= (or
username=your username as supplied by Spitfire (i.e. 442031410025)
secret=password as supplied by Spitfire
fromuser= your username as supplied by Spitfire (i.e. 442031410025)
qualify=no (or yes if required for fallback)
progressinband=yes this setting may be required if you are using call
forward/divert to an off-switch destination. Without this setting, the call will
establish but you may not hear any speech.

Add SIP Trunk continued

Incoming Settings
1. User Context:
2. User Details:

Leave blank
Leave blank

1. Register String:

Enter the Register string in the following format:


Username:password@ Number
or Number

Example as below:


Select Submit Changes when finished

Submit changes & apply

Outbound Routing Reference only

Note: In this example I am simply modifying an existing Dial 9 route to use our newly created trunks. The
installer may add or amend routes as necessary.
Select Outbound Routes, then 0 9_outside
Go to Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes and use the drop-down box to select your newly created SIP trunk
(Spitfire in this case) to route calls through, and Submit Changes

Inbound Routing Reference only

Please Note: There are many fields available in the Inbound Routes field. This guide is only intended to
demonstrate an incoming DDI call only. The installer will determine if any of the other fields are required for each
DDI programmed.
Select Inbound Routes on the PBX Configuration panel on the left of the screen.
Add or edit an Incoming Route
DID Number:

Give the incoming route a logical name.

Enter the DDI number in the format 44xxxxxxxxxx (as below)
In this example the DDI is simply routed to extension 100


Outgoing CLI Reference only

This reference shows how to modify the outbound Caller ID on a single extension. This will over-ride the
Outbound Caller ID in the SIP trunk (Page 6). The number must be a valid DDI associated with the Spitfire SIP
trunk WITHOUT the leading 44.
In PBX Configuration, Extensions select the extension you wish to modify.
Go to Outbound CID under Extension Options

Enter the CLI number in the format below (i.e. drop the leading 44 from the DDI number) and
Apply Configuration Changes


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