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3-4 Advanced English

Mr. Kelly



Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

by Judy Blume

Dear Students,
Over the October break, please read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume, and answer the
questions in the packet. If you read on average one chapter a day, and complete the work for it, it will be an
easy assignment. Remember the lesson the grasshopper learned in The Grasshopper and the Ant: Dont
put off until tomorrow what you can do today! Try your best, and GOOD LUCK!

Mr. Kelly

Chapter 1: The Big Winner

Match the character on the left with the description on the right.

___ Dribble
___ Henry
___ Peter Hatcher
___ Fudge Hatcher
___ Jimmy
___ Mrs. Fargo


Peters friend, who has hosted a birthday party.

Jimmys mom.
The elevator operator.
Peters new pet, a turtle.
The narrator (the one who is speaking).
The narrators younger brother, also known as

Directions: Answer each question in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

7. How old is Peter? _________________________________________________________________________________
8. What grade is he in? _______________________________________________________________________________
9. Where do Peter and his family live? ___________________________________________________________________
10. How did Peters mom react to the turtle? _____________________________________________________________
11. How do we know that Peters mom isnt happy about Dribble, other than her words? _________________________
12. What does Peters father do for a living? ______________________________________________________________
What is Juicy-O? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Does Peter get along well with his brother? Explain your answer: _____________________________________________

Chapter 2: Mr. and Mrs. Juicy-O

DIRECTIONS: Stop reading as you find each word. Look the word up in a dictionary or online, and write the definition
that BEST fits the meaning in the context of the sentence.
1. crib:___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. racket:__________________________________________________________________________________________
3. mumbling (mumble):_______________________________________________________________________________
4. measly:__________________________________________________________________________________________
5. cuddling (cuddle):_________________________________________________________________________________
6. vanish:__________________________________________________________________________________________
7. babbling (babble): _________________________________________________________________________________
8. hollered (holler):__________________________________________________________________________________

Directions: Answer each question in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

9. Who are Mr. and Mrs. Yarby, and why are they going to stay at the Hatchers house? __________________________
10. But she fixed up Fudges bedroom for our guests. (Top of page 9) What do you think fixed up means?
11. Why is Peter upset about Fudge sleeping in his room? ___________________________________________________
12. What are two things that Fudge likes to play with that arent toys? _________________________________________
13. What does Fudge do that worries his mother? _________________________________________________________
14. What gifts does Mrs. Yarby give to the boys? __________________________________________________________
15. How does Peter try to act like hes grown up? (Hint: think about the dictionary)_______________________________

16. Name three things that Fudge does that embarrasses his parents: _________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________
17. How do the Yarbys react to Fudges actions? __________________________________________________________
18. What does Fudge do when he knows he has made his mother angry? ______________________________________
19. What does Fudge do that he thinks is pretty? ________________________________________________________
20. Why does Peters father throw away all of the Juicy-O? __________________________________________________

Chapter 3: The Family Dog

BEFORE READING: Look at the Chapter title. Write 3 5 sentences about what you THINK will
happen: ______________________________________________________________________

Directions: Answer each question in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1. What is worrying Peters mom? ______________________________________________________________________

2. What does Peter do to help? How does it help his mom? __________________________________________________
3. Who actually is the new family dog? _________________________________________________________________
4. How does the rest of the family act like dog owners? _____________________________________________________

5. What are two more things that Peters mom does to get Fudge to eat? ______________________________________
6. What does Peters father do when Fudge wont eat his cereal? _____________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Reread the following sentences from the chapter. They all contain idioms. An idiom is a word or phrase
which means something different from its literal meaning. Idioms are common phrases or terms whose meanings are
not real, but can be understood by their popular use.

Match the underlined phrases with their meaning on the right.

7. ___Fudge you will eat that cereal, or you will wear it.

a. crazy or silly behavior

8. ___ Hed had enough of Fudges monkey business.

b. you will be covered in it

9.___ For once my brother got what he deserved.

c. received a consequence equal to an action

Chapter 4: My Brother the Bird

Vocabulary and Idioms: Context Clues

DIRECTIONS: After you read the chapter, go back and find the words in bold. If you do not know the words, try to figure
out what it means based on the words around it. Then, try to write a definition in your own words. DO NOT go to the
dictionary for your definitions!

1. Jimmy has been mugged three times twice for his bicycle and once for his money. (p. 29)
Your definition:_______________________________________________________________________
2. Shes a real know-it-all. (p. 31)
Your definition:_______________________________________________________________________

3. Peters got the cooties! Peters got the cooties! (p.31)

Your definition:_______________________________________________________________________
4. Me and Jimmy horsed around while Sheila ran Fudge. (p. 35)
Your definition:_______________________________________________________________________
5. Boo-boo here More boo-boo here. (p. 37)
Your definition:_______________________________________________________________________

Directions: Put the following events about Peters day in the park in the correct sequence. In other words, put them in
____ Fudge says that he is a birdie and jumps off the jungle gym.
____ Peters mom apologizes to Peter, saying that what happened to Fudge wasnt his fault.
____ Jimmy and Peter arrive at the park and are annoyed to find that Sheila is sitting in their special place.
____ The children decide to go to the playground, because it will be easier to keep track of Fudge there.
____ Sheila offers to help watch Fudge.
____ After Fudge is cleaned up, Peters mom yells at him.
____ Peter, Jimmy, and Sheila rush to Fudge, whose face is covered in blood.
____ Peters mom agrees to leave Sheila and the boys in charge of Fudge.
____ Sheila accuses Peter of having cooties and they chase each other around, unaware of Fudges actions.
____ Jimmy runs toward Peters home to get his mom.
____ Peters mom tells Sheila that what happened to Fudge wasnt her fault.
____ Fudge and Peters mother arrive. She is exhausted by Fudge, who is chasing after birds.
____ Jimmy discovers that Fudge has lost some teeth.
____ Peters mom guesses that Fudge probably swallowed his teeth.
____ Peter thinks that he has the worst mom in the world.

Chapter 5: The Birthday Bash

Writing a Chapter Summary
DIRECTIONS: For Chapter 5, you will be writing a chapter summary. First, introduce the main event, the setting, and the
characters. Describe each new, main character of the chapter with one sentence each. Then complete the summary by
recording important plot points, or events.

In this chapter, __________________________________________________. The

chapter takes place at _____________________________________. Peter, Fudge, and
their mom and grandmother are at the party. In addition, Fudge invites three friends:
_____________, ______________, and ____________________. ___________________
The chapter begins with an argument. Peter likes to call Fudge Fang because of the way his
brothers mouth looks without his front teeth, but his mom thinks the name is an insult. The
narrator, Peter, tells us about his brothers birthday party. He has to help his mom with the
party games. They prepare for the party with decorations and by trying to get Fudge


Chapter 6: Fang Hits Town

Critical Thinking Essay

DIRECTIONS: In this chapter, Peter has to help his mother, the dentist, and the shoe salesman. Even though he doesnt
always want to do what he is asked, he sees how important it is for him to set a good example. He is beginning to see
what it means to be grown-up. Complete the essay that I have started to build by including at least 3 of the following
quotes. Be sure to explain where the quote is from and why it is important.

It burns me up the way people treat Fudge. Hes not so special. Hes just little, thats all! (p. 57)
What do I have to do that for? I asked. I dont need a checkup yet. I just had one last month. (p. 58)
Thats what he tells little kids hes doing counting their teeth. Little kids will believe anything! (p. 59)
I liked the way Dr. Brown tricked Fudge into opening his mouth. (p. 60)
Mine was root-beer flavored. I hate root beer. But I thanked Mr. Berman anyway. Ill save it for after lunch, I told
him. (p. 61)
I smiled. I guess the kid really looks up to me. (p. 65)
I had the feeling I wasnt going to like her idea. But I listened anyway. (p. 65)
Thats mean, I said. Youre taking advantage of him. (p. 65)
How could he think a person in fourth grade might want a shoe store balloon? (p. 67)
Shut up. Cant you ever act human? (p. 68)

As Peter is getting older, he beginning to see the world in a different way. He

wishes that he would get the attention that Fudge gets, and is not always happy to help
his parents and other adults when Fudge is acting naughtily. However, we see that he is
starting to think and act more maturely and sometimes even admires the actions of the
adults around him.
It is clear that Peter sometimes wishes that he didnt have to deal with Fudge and
all the annoying things he does.___________________________________________
In many cases, though, he helps out his parents and other adults who are having a
hard time dealing with Fudge, even if he doesnt want to.________________________
Peter ultimately shows how mature he can be, admires the actions of the adults
around him, and is happy to be a role model to Fudge. __________________________
While Peeter is not yet grown up, he is proving to be more and more respectful and
helpful to others around him. He doesnt want to be treated like a little kid, and is
learning how to deserve the respect of others.

Chapter 7: The Flying Train Committee

Chapter 7 is filled with problems that are then solved by the characters. For example:
Problem: Jimmy, Sheila, and Peter need a

Solution: The group decides to work on the

good place to place to work on their group

project at Peters apartment because hes


the only one with his own room. This will

Chapter 8: The Flying Train Committee

give them privacy while they work.

DIRECTIONS: Find four more problems in the chapter that the character solved and write about them. Be sure to explain
WHY they solved the problem the way that they did.









Chapter 8: The TV Star

Close Reading Analysis
In this chapter, Peter is jealous. He wants to be in the television commercial, but Fudge is asked to do it. Write
a paragraph to explain how we know that Peter is jealous. Include specific examples of his thoughts, words,
and actions. I have provided you with a topic sentence. Be sure to include a closing sentence to end, or
conclude your paragraph.

When Fudge is asked to do the Toddle-Bike commercial, Peter says, thinks, and does
things that show us he is jealous. ______________________________________________
Opinion Essay
Directions: Now, write about a time when you were jealous. Be sure to explain what you did and said that would make it
clear to someone else that you were jealous. If you cant think of an example from your life, write about a time someone
you knew was jealous.


Chapter 9: Just Another Rainy Day

Chapter Summary

DIRECTIONS: Write a summary for Chapter 9 in the same way that you did with Chapter 5. This time, there are no new
major characters, so dont worry about that part. Include at least 8 major events.


Chapter 10: Dribble!

Different Perspectives
Whenever something shocking happens in public, different people experience different thoughts and
emotions. They also take different actions. For example, lets imagine that a boy named Billy slips and falls on
a banana peel in the hallway in front of teachers and other students. Even though it is mean to do so, people
who do not know Billy well or who dislike him might laugh because it looked silly when he fell. Billys friends
and the teachers would be worried; they would rush to Billy to make sure that he was alright. The teachers
would also feel anger after they took care of Billy. They would be upset that a student left a banana peel on
the floor. They would punish students for not respecting the school environment by littering and by making it
unsafe for other students.
DIRECTIONS: Identify the characters who feel the thoughts and emotions below, and write how we know that they are
feeling this way by including examples of their words and actions.

1. Who is worried about Fudges health? ________________________________________________________________

How do you know? __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Who thinks the situation is funny?___ ________________________________________________________________

How do you know? __________________________________________________________________________________

1. Who is worried about Dribble? ______________________________________________________________________

How do you know? __________________________________________________________________________________

Creative Response
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is made of many smaller stories organized into chapters. Each chapter
included at least one major setting, a major problem, and a solution. For example, Chapter Threes major
setting is the Hatchers apartment. The problem is that Fudge refuses to eat anything. There are many things
they try to solve the problem. In the end, Mr. Hatchers angry response (eat it or wear it!) is the thing that
gets Fudge to eat again.
Write a chapter that you think would fit into the book. Of course, it does not need to be as long as a chapter
in the book, but give it a strong effort! Before you write, decide:
What is the main setting? _____________________________________________________________________
What is the big problem? _____________________________________________________________________
What is the solution? ________________________________________________________________________

Now that you have made these considerations, write your chapter on the following pages.





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