Joseph Roth (1894-1939) : by Name

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Joseph Roth

11/01/2006 09:06 AM

Joseph Roth (1894-1939)

Prolific political journalist and novelist, whose major work, the family
history Radetzkymarch appeared in 1932. It depicted the Habsburg
empire Austria-Hungary from 1859 to 1916. Roth saw admiringly the
old empire as a cosmopolitan world and its decline a sad chapter in
European history. His ambivalence toward Western civilization led him
increasingly to draw on the heritage of Eastern European storytelling.
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"The Eastern Jew looks to the West with a longing that it really
doesn't merit. To the Eastern Jew, the West signifies freedom,
justice, civilization, and the possibility to work and develop his
talents. The West exports engineers, automobiles, books, and poems
to the East. It sends propaganda soaps and hygiene, useful and
elevating things, all of them beguiling and come-hitherish to the East.
To the Eastern Jew, Germany, for example, remains the land of
Goethe and Schiller, of the German poets, with whom every keen
Jewish youth is far more conversant than our own swastika'd
secondary school pupils." (from The Wandering Jews)

Joseph Roth was born Moses Joseph Roth in the German colony of
Schwabendorf in Volynia (Austro-Hungarian Empire), into a Jewish
family. His father-in-law was an installment seller in Vienna, his uncle
a tailor, and his grandfather a rabbi. Roth's father left the family before
Joseph was born and died according to Roth in a lunatic asylum in
Amsterdam - actually he died in Russia. Roth lived by turns with
relatives of his father and mother.
Roth's early years are little known and his own account is not always
reliable. He attended Baron-Hirsch-Schule, Brody (1901-05),
Impererial-Royal Crown Prince Rudolph Gymnasium (1905-13),
studied literature and philosophy at the University of Lemberg (now
Lviv, Ukraine) and Vienna (1914-16). From 1916 to 1918 he served in
the Austrian army in the rifle regiment (Feldjger) - he probably had a
desk job. Roth claimed later to have spent months in Russian captivity
as a prisoner of war. The Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy, with its 15
official languages, collapsed in the war, but Roth did not lose his
adoration of the vanished empire. "... we all lost a world, our world," he
once said.
After the war Roth worked as a journalist in Vienna, where he wrote
his first feuilletons, and moved in 1920 to Berlin, which he described as
"an aimlessly sprawling stone emblem for the sorry aimless of our
national existence." In the 1920s his articles showed traces of socialist
conviction, although he never became a political thinker. During his
exile years he professed Catholicism. Roth's marriage failed, his wife
became mentally ill and was confined to a hospital.

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Joseph Roth

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From 1923 to 1932 Roth was a correspondent for Frankfurter Zeitung,

travelling around Europe. Some of his widely read articles from this
period were collected in The Wandering Jews (1927). In 1926 Roth
went to the Soviet Union and recorded his resigned Socialist views in
Der stumme Propher, which was published posthumously in 1966.
When Hitler came into power, Roth was obliged to flee Germany and
return to Vienna. "The European mind is capitulating," he wrote in
1933. Roth wrote for emigre publications, and drank even harder than
before. In 1933 and 1937 Roth travelled in Poland on PEN lecture tour.
After the assassination of Dolfuss, he moved to Paris, where he died in
a poorhouse (in some sources in an army hospital) on May 27, 1939.
"Joseph Roth was an enigmatic figure in his life more than in his
work. Though Jewish, he rarely spoke about his Jewishness. Plagued
by poverty, he admired aristocracy. Though extremely gifted, his
truly deserved recognition came to him only posthumously." (Elie
Wiesel on Joseph Roth, in a review of Radetzky March, New York
Times, Nov. 3, 1974)

Roth started his career as a writer in the 1920s under the influence of
French and Russian psychological realism (Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert,
Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky), but later his works became nearer
Viennese Impressionism (Hofmannstahl, Schnitzler). In Hotel Savoy
(1924) Roth described a variety of hotel clientele, arranging the stories
according to the wealth and status of the figures. Die Rebellion (1924)
was a story of Andreas Pum who has lost a leg in battle. "He believed
in a just god. One who handed out shrapnel, amputations, and medals
to the deserving. Viewed in the correct light, the loss of a leg wasn't so
very bad, and the joy of receiving a medal was considerable. An invalid
might enjoy the respect of the world. An invalid with a medal could
depend on that of the government." He plays the barrel organ on street
corners. After a rebellion his marriage is ruined and Pum finds himself
in jail. Die Flucht ohne Ende (1927) traced the experiences of an
Austrian soldier who makes his way back from captivity in Siberia to
West, and who finds himself alienated from the bourgeois world. The
protagonists of these novels belonged to the wartime generation that
found the society changed and the traditional values threatened.
Roth's best-know novel, Radetzkymarsch, portraits the latter days of
Habsburg monarch, its multietnic equilibrium, bureaucratic correctness,
and hedonistic sensuality. In the opening of the work an Austrian army
officer saves the life of the young emperor at the battle of Solferino.
Through his account of the descendants of this hero Roth creates a
Spenglerian vision of European culture in decline and loss. The same
nostalgic theme is repeating in Roth's later novels. Its sequel, Die
Kapuzinergruft, (1938), traced the collapse of the Empire through an
account of a whole family, the Van Trottas. It shows Roth responding
to the National Socialist takeover in Austria with an expression of

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passionate commitment for the Hapsburg dynasty. The author once said:
"I am a conservative and a Catholic, consider Austria my fatherland,
and desire the return of the Empire."
Roth's other works include Rechts und Links (1929), set in Berlin, a
disappointment for Nazis and leftists critics, Hiob (1930, Job: The Story
of a Simple Man), a modern-day analogy of the biblical story, in which
Roth paid his tribute to his Jewish background. Das falsche Gewicht
(1937) depicted a weight-and measures inspector in the borderlands of
the Tsarist Empire, Die Legende vom heiligen trinker (1939) was an
self-ironic examination, in which Andreas the drinker is suddenly
charged, by a total stranger, with the task of delivering a large sum of
money to the shrine of St. Therese.
In his last novel, Die Geschichte von der 1002. Nacht (1939) Roth
examined the theme of self-deception. The Shah-in-Shah, the great
ruler and overlord of all the lands of Persia, feels sick and in 1873
decides to visit Vienna, saying that "Muslims have been there once
before, many years ago." His Chief Eunuch, Patominos, corrects him:
"Sire, they were unfortunately unable to enter the city. Had they done
so, St. Stephen's Cathedral would have not a cross, but a crescent moon
on top of it!" In the course of the narrative, the principal figures - Baron
Taittinger, the brothel keeper Frau Matzner, and the prostitute Mizzi
Schinagl - fall victim to the rewards they have reaped the Shah. He has
slept with Mizzi and sends her a string of pearls. She ends in prison and
Taittinger shoots himself. Juden auf Wanderschaft (1927, The
Wandering Jews) was a fragmented account about the Jewish
migrations from eastern to western Europe in the aftermath of World
War I and the Russian Revolution. In 1937 Roth wrote a new preface
for the book, seeing how temporary the period of peace and shelter was.
For further reading: Understanding Joseph Roth by Sidney Rosenfeld
(2001); Encyclopedia of World Literature, vol. 3, ed. by Steven R.
Serafin (1999); World Authors 1900-1950, ed. by Martin Seymour-Smith
and Andrew C. Kimmens (1996); Joseph Roth by Rainer-Joachim Siegel
(1995); Joseph Roths Fluch und Ende by Soma Morgenstern (1994); CoExistent Contradictions, ed. by Helen Chambers (1991); Joseph Roth
byWolfgang Mller-Funk (1989); Ambivalence and Irony in the Works of
Joseph Roth by C. Mathew (1984); Von der Wrde des Unscheinbaren by
Esther Steinmann (1984); Joseph Roth und die Tradition, ed. by D.
Bronsen (1975); Joseph Roth: Eine Biographie by David Bronsen (1974);
Weit von wo by C. Magris (1974); Lontano da dove by Claudio Magris
(1971); Joseph Roth: Leben und Werke by H. Linden (1949) - Key
writers of Vienna after WW I: Karl Kraus (1874-1936) wrote a satirical
play about the Great War, The Last Days of Mankind, 1922; Herman
Broch (1886-1951) wrote The Sleepwalkers (1932) and the prose-poem
The Death of Virgil (1946), the first volume of Robert Musil's (18801942) novel The Man Without Qualities (1930-43) was immediately
hailed as a great and unusual work. Franz Werfel's (1890-1954) Barbara;
oder, Die Frmmigkeit (1929) examined the problem of political action in
its relation to the significance of religiousness, and Elias Canetti

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published his first and only novel, Die Blendung, in 1935. Joseph Roth
wrote his Radetsky March (1932) in Berlin's hotels and restaurants.
Musil's favorite place in Vienna was Caf Museum. Soma Morgenstern,
the best friend of Roth, also brought him to that caf.

Hotel Savoy, 1924 - trans.
Die Rebellion, 1924 - Rebellion - Kapina
April, 1925
Der blinde Spiegel, 1925
Juden auf Wanderschaft, 1927 - The Wandering Jews
Die Flucht ohne Ende, 1927 - The Flight Without End
Zipper und sein Vater, 1928 - Zipper and His Father
Rechts und Links, 1929 - Right and Left
Hiob, 1930 - Job: The Story of a Simple Man
Panoptikum, 1930
Radetzkymarsch - Radetzky March, 1932 - Radetzky-marssi
Le Buste de l'Empereur, 1934 - Die Bste des Kaisers - The Bust
of the Emperor
Der Antichrist, 1934 - Antichrist
Tarabas, ein Gast auf dieser Erde, 1934 - Tarabas
Die hundert Tage, 1936 - The Ballad of the Hundred Days
Beichte eines Mrders, 1936 - Confession of a Murderer
Das falsche Gewicht, 1937 - Weights and Measures
Die Kapuzinergruft - The Emperor's Tomb, 1938
Die Geschichte von der 1002. Nacht, 1939 - The Tale of the
1002nd Night
Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker, 1939 - The Legend of the
Holy Drinker
Der Leviathan, 1940
Werke, 1956-1976
Romane, Erzhlungen, Aufstze, 1964
Der stumme Prophet - The Silent Prophet, 1966 (written in 1929)
Das Spinnennetz, 1967 - The Spider's Web
Der Neue Tag, 1970
Briefe 1911-39, 1971
Die Erzhlungen, 1973
Perlefter, 1978
Berliner Saisonbericht, 1984
Collected Shorter Fiction by Joseph Roth, 2001 (trans. by
Michael Hofmann)
What I Saw: Reports From Berlin, 1920-1933, 2002 (trans. with
an introduction by Michael Hoffman)

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