Railnet Comprises of Two Major Components

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Railnet has established connectivity for data transfer between

railway board, zonal headquarters and production unit in its first phase,
to be extended to new zones, centralized training institutes, research and
development standards organization, and central organization for railway
electrification and metropolitan transport project in second phase. The
divisional offices, zonal training institutes, workshop will be connected
to Railnet in the third phase and finally Railnet will flow down to the
fourth tier of the Indian railways hierarchy.
Initially Railnet will be primarily used for services like creation of
web pages, E-mail, electronic transfer of data used for monitoring and
co-ordination purposes from the computerized applications. The services
of Railnet will be extended to voice over IP, video conferencing, web
based application software development.
Railnet comprises of two major components: Intranet services.
Internet services.
The Intranet is an internal network of Indian railways allowing all
railway officers and staff to communicate on this digitalized network
using their computers, which would be hooked to the Railnet.
The internal part of Railnet allows the authorized user to get into a
global communication method and global pool of knowledge,
advertisement and entertainment in various forms through World
Wide Web in a secured manner.
How to use Railnet
An Indian railway has opted for most user friendly and best
of breed Information Technology products for Railnet. This includes
Microsoft Windows NT and lotus domino mail and web server. The

hardware has been installed keeping in mind low failure, high

availability and user friendliness.
The user always faces his loaded PC with Windows. For
using e-mailing, web surfing and other Intranet/Internet facilities, user
may use various browsers like Lotus Dominos Client, Netscape,
outlook express, and inbox.
Whenever a new user gets its PC installed, he should ask for
a network card by default on his PC. Then he should look at the LAN
connectivity up to his work place. In case it does not exist he should
immediately connect the system to the administrator with request of
installing LAN connection in his site.
Railnet could be used for various functions as mentioned in
earlier part of this user guide. The guide covers configuration and
stepwise usage manual as E-Mailing.
File Transfers.
Fax Services.
E-Mailing is one of the prime objective of setting up the Railnet.
The facility will bring change in communication technology presently
being used by Indian Railways. The Railnet E-Mailing would enable
Indian Railways to exchange the information inside the Railways as well
as outside the Indian Railways with the help of Internet.
The Railnet main clients can also access their mails sitting at
remote locations through VSNL. The process for the same has been
elaborated in a separate chapter remote mail clients.
A notes mail message is same as any notes document. For
example, you can change fonts and color, add file attachments, and
include tables, graphics, and links. Each notes user has a mail database
to store mail messages.

Various options available on notes client includes Connecting to your mails.

Opening mails.
Checking for new or unread mails.
Managing mails.
Creating mails.
Addressing mails.
Preparing to send mails.
Sending and saving mails.
Opening your address book.
Adding contents to your address book.
Adding mailing lists.
Setting up of office mails.

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