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"Urgh" I groaned when she pushed me against the wall.

I struggled to put the key in the

lock and lock the door while she was kissing me hard and passionately. I always locked
the door mothers death. Finally I managed to do it and could now
concentrate on what Taeyeon was doing to me.

"Tae" I moaned when she moved from my lips to my neck. She didn't know about my
special spot, the spot that Nichkhun always failed to stimulate properly. But I think from
the increasing shuddering of my breath as she moved nearer to it, she realised.

As soon as she found it, my back arched and I held my breath. I felt her smile against
my neck before taking the skin in between her teeth and tugging on it gently before
soothing it with her tongue. A cry escaped my lips when she bit down harder making a
jolt go right to my clit, she stayed there a while longer before kissing the spot and
moving down further.

"Well.....someone has a little turn on spot hm?" She smirked before sucking on my
collar bone. I grabbed her jaw and pulled her back up to meet my lips. I couldn't even
begin to describe my hunger for her. It was screaming at me to take her but that
wouldn't happen yet, I wouldn't allow it. We didn't know each other enough, I mean
we've only just had our first kiss but I knew Taeyeon had respect, lots of it.
"Tae" I moaned when she moved her hand from my back, down to my butt and began
massaging and squeezing it. My hips unconsciously bucked and I heard that husky
chuckle, god she knew how to tease.

I got up off the wall and led her to the living room, she was walking backwards and
when her legs met the arm of the sofa, I stopped and lifted her legs up so she would fall
right onto the couch.
I looked at her lying there, her hair splayed across the arm of the opposite end, her
chest heaving up and down, her legs hanging over the side of the sofa and her eyes
staring right at me, black with lust. I smirked and climbed on top of her and she

immediately wrapped her hands around my back to pull me down so my body rested
against hers.
I gasped as our breasts touched through our clothing and bit my lip. She smiled and
kissed my neck while I tried to keep my balance on the sofa with one arm. Her hand
travelled down my back to rest on my butt again.
I felt it was unfair that she got to do all the touching so I moved myself to a spot where I
didn't need my arm to balance me and then caressed her sides, running my nails up
and down her waist through her shirt. I heard her growl when my nails ran over her
again and met her skin where her blouse had been pulled up.

"Is this one of your spots?" I whispered and tickled the sides of her waist again only to
be met by the same reaction. I decided to be a little bold and moved my nails around on
her abs before pushing up her blouse more and more exposing more of her stomach
until I got to the underside of her bra. It was black just as I expected.

I looked up at her to see her staring back at me and leaned down to leave wet kisses up
and down her stomach. Since I was on top of her, I felt her hips move but my body on
hers wouldn't allow much more movement.
I finished on her stomach and went back in to do just as she had on my neck loving the
sounds that came from her. As soon as I felt the urge to start grinding on her, I turned
myself over and flopped on the sofa beside her resisting the very strong urge of ripping
her clothes off. We were both panting after our make out session until she started to
chuckle and held her hand over her eyes.

"What?" I asked
"God what are we doing?" She laughed
"We're making out...." I replied, confused.
She then turned over to her side and looked into my eyes. "Tiff, this is serious. Like....I
could go to prison"

I frowned and moved my position so I was sitting up on the sofa, I didn't like that she
said that. She soon sat up too and held an arm around me, nuzzling her nose in my
neck, tickling me and making me giggle to cheer me up.

"Which is why....we need to be very careful until you leave school. Which is a long way
away Tiffany. I mean you've only just started your final year" she sighed. "But I'm willing
to wait for you because I really like you "
I gave a sad smile and leaned my head on her shoulder, inhaling her addicting scent. "I
like you too. So what's going to happen?" I asked tentatively. If she was gonna pull the
plug on this then my heart would probably break again.
"Well, we can continue texting...normal contact in the classroom. What we did before
was irresponsible and it shouldn't happen again. Otherwise, I can come over..."

I smiled and nodded my head. I would rather do only those than not see her at all.

"Great" she grinned and kissed my neck making me close my eyes. "Then I suggest you
stop wearing those little outfits you do that make it hard for me to look away from you"
she whispered against my pulse point.
"But...." I paused when she placed her hand on my thigh, leaving it still before rubbing it
up and down. "But I love your face when you're frustrated" I chuckled.
"And you call me the bully"
"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes and got up. "I'm gonna go put my pj's on" I said as I
walked upstairs. She nodded and rested back on the sofa while she waited.

I quickly took off my clothes, changed my underwear - it was very necessary and then
put my pyjamas on before joining her back downstairs.

"Hey are you hungry?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen.

"A little. Why? Are you gonna make us something? Burnt toast perhaps?" Her little
snigger made the insult cute.
"Ha. Ha." I said sarcastically as I opened the fridge looking inside for anything that we
could use but finding nothing. "We could order takeout" I suggested.

I felt her approach and then she hugged me from behind, her chin resting on my
shoulder looking into the fridge with me.

"Can I ask you something?" I nodded to answer her question. "Why do you always
shiver when I touch you?"
"I uh....shiver a lot because I'm constantly cold" I shrugged. What a stupid excuse.
"Hm. I don't believe you" she said and changed her head position to be lying sideways
on my shoulder facing my neck, her breath hitting my sweet spot. "See, you just did it
again." I could see her smirking from my peripherals and it was bugging me.
"Shutup" I said and folded my arms, not happy.

She chuckled and made her way over to some takeout menus I had lying on the table
and then chose one for us. I told her what I wanted and she phoned up.
As she was talking to the person on the phone, I walked over to the table in the kitchen,
sat down and stared at her. The way she couldn't stand still....the way her voice
changed.....the way she was now blushing once she caught my eye. I decided to have
some fun.
I went up behind her, her still ordering our food and began stroking my arms up and
down her waist. I heard her breath hitch and then she tried to push me away. I chuckled
and moved down to the beginning of her outer thighs, leading my hands down firmly
over the toned flesh. She pushed away again so I spinned her around and wrapped my
arms around her waist.
She looked into my eyes and I saw she was finding it hard to speak to the person on the
phone. I smirked and leaned in, brushing my lips against hers and laughed when she
tried to connect our lips. It came to the point where the woman she was talking to was

shouting 'Hello?!' She quickly released herself and walked away, making the sofa a
barrier between her and me.
I smiled and sat down, putting my legs up and switching on the TV. I told her my
address when she asked and then she lifted my legs up and slid underneath them,
letting them rest on her lap.

"You're terrible" she tutted, I just laughed

Im for auction
I know I was looking for trouble once Ive sent that treacherous message. I regretted it the moment
I did. But I guess I was just looking for some boundaries. It was just our second date last night and
it felt like Tiffany was being too much with the skinship. Im not used to those things really and to
add up with that, were not really dating. Im more likely stuck in a big debt.
I let out a heavy sigh. Okay. I did this; I will be responsible for it.
I glanced at my wrist watch. I was ten minutes early and Ive already ordered myself some iced tea
to keep me company. Minutes later, I saw a familiar brunette walking to my direction. I tried to look
confident in her eyes. Fear just provokes Tiffany to do something unbelievable
Im trying to avoid that now.
She took the seat in front of me and smiled brightly like she does every day.
I cleared my throat and she leaned in a little bit closer, Uhhh, before you say what you want
Taeyeon-sshi, Id just like to ask
I raised a brow, How did you get my number?
I shrugged, I asked your friend, Sunny-sshi
She looked at me confusingly, You two talk?! I shook my head slightly, Not entirely When she
borrowed my phone she just punched your number and saved it
You didnt bother to delete it? I looked at her puzzlingly, Why would I? Since were dating as
youve said, I obviously need it for communication purposes
Oh She looked discontented, Anyhow, this is not why we came here I called you because I
want to clarify things between us, Tiffany-sshi

She looked at me intently and I just sipped more of my iced tea, Ive made a contract that contains
our boundaries
She cocked a brow, Boundaries? I nodded meekly, Yeah, boundaries and I mean it Tiffany-sshi
She let out a heavy sigh, Can I take a look? I took out a long envelope from my bag and handed it
over to her carefully. Okay so far so good, I just have to get her sign those papers!
She opened the envelope and took out the paper. She slightly tilted her head to the side and would
nod from time to time. Until she suddenly
YAH! What the hell is this!? I looked at her with wide eyes, What?
She breathed heavily, Why the hell does your kisses cost too much!?
I coughed a little, Well I have the right on my own body!
But I bought you! She tried to defend, But Im considering human rights Tiffany-sshi!
She slumped her body in her seat and let out an exasperated sigh. She definitely looked pissed.
Well, I just considered the factors Tiffany-sshi. I didnt say you couldnt, did I?
She gave me that confused look and I sighed in defeat, You can kiss me if you want to. But its for
sure that the amount thats written there would be deducted once you do so. So all in all, Im not
depriving you of what you want Im just doing the math
Tiffany looked out at the window, But the price doesnt give any justice Why the hell does your
kiss cost fifty thousand?!
I sipped more of my iced tea and gulped anxiously, Y-you were being too much Tiffany-sshi
Too much!? I nodded slightly, Y-yeah
But you didnt do anything!
I was afraid okay! And was tired I tried to argue. I thought she was gonna stop when she
suddenly asked
Am I that scary?!
You were creepy!

In some way
In some way?!
Youre a pervert!
She looked at me with those wide eyes and I just pinched the bridge of my nose. She was frustrated
and I was too. But what can I do? I still dont feel the same about her And Im not used to those
kinds of touches. It felt like it was too much for me
Look, Tiffany-sshi. Its the starting price of the auction. And you bought me for half a million, its
not like you cannot kiss me that much right?
But that would end our deal once youve reached the price of half a million.
Thats right. She averted her gaze. Even though she tried to hide her disappointment, at least I
still gave her what she wants. Its a win-win deal right?
She breathed heavily. The atmosphere between us was quite suffocating that I just wanted to leave
right away. But at the back of my head, I felt like staying. Was I being too much with this contract?
Ive considered both sides but why was she disheartened?
Tiffany-sshi? She looked at me again with seriousness plastered all over her face. I felt scared at
the moment. But nevertheless, I came here for a purpose and Im not going home until I achieve
that purpose
Do you have a pen? I blinked at her a few times, You need my signature right?
I let out an awkward chuckle, Oh, yeah Right I searched for my pen and when I finally found
it, I quickly handed it to her. She looked at me deeply in my eyes and I could just look at her
awkwardly. She let out a heavy sigh and finally signed the paper.
She handed me the pen and paper slowly. The paper that meant everything to me
Thank you for understanding Tiffany-sshi Ill wait for your call
I stood up and bowed at her slightly. She pressed her lips together. At least Ive got what I wanted
now Once Ive arrived home, I couldnt help but smile at the outcome. I plopped myself on my
bed and giggled.

I just have to keep track of everything that we do and Ill be fine. I took the paper out of the bag to
take a look. I saw her signature at the bottom of the paper. Im thankful that she
was this understanding. Though I felt a little bit guilty about it, but I just wanted some peace of
mind for all of this.


It was in the middle of the night when I heard my phone suddenly ringing. I hurriedly looked for it
since I didnt want to disturb the sleeping giant. I saw the caller and it was Tiffany. I tried to answer

--Oh, hello! I thought you werent going to answer! Thats not right Tiffany didnt sound normal
--Its in the middle of the night Tiffany-sshi Why are you calling?
--Oh nothing I just wanted to hear your voice Oh wow Such an important thing
--Oh Well you shouldve just called later rather than at this time of the night
--Hmmm I just dont feel like it Taeyeon-sshi?
--Do you hate me?
--Then why are you treating me like shit? I was caught off guard with that question Seems like
shes taken this issue to the heart

--Look, Tiffany-sshi, youre drunk I think you ne

--NO! I want you to answer me Why do you keep treating me like shit?! Why do you distance
yourself too much when I always, always meant what I said?! Did I sound too insincere? Or is it
because Im a girl?
I sat on my bed and let out a heavy sigh.

--Tiffany-sshi Im just
--Youre just what?
--Nothing I could hear Tiffany breathing heavily on the other line. It sounded like she was trying
not to cry. It pained my heart a little

--Can you do something for me?

--Can you sometimes disregard about the deal we made or the contract you made and just look at
me like you never did before and then maybe youll seriously think about what I meant about you
--But----No buts! Just Just do it okay? Promise?
--I promise
--Im sorry, go back to sleep
And then she hung up. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Shes just one girl and shes giving me so
much stress more than my homework does
Disregard everything and look at her?
I cant help but feel more guilty than I did yesterday. She is serious about you! at the back of my
head that thought rang for so many times. What should I do? I dont know what its like to be in
love. I dont want her to regret having me for a lover. I dont want to damage her reputation.

You wouldnt know unless you try!

Even if I did. Relationships would end the same as others.
It would just break into pieces and then Ill come to realize that I just hurt myself for entrusting my
feelings to someone like her. The pain of hoping for something that I know I cant have forever just
aggravates me. I exhaled loudly
Just ignore Taeyeon. Just ignore. I tried to go back to sleep that night.


Yah, did you even sleep last night? Yuri gave my hand a light squeeze and I just smiled at her,
Taeyeon, ever since that basket girl incident You dont look that fine anymore. Did that Tiffany
say something to you?
I shook my head. Our relationship is a simple thing but gets complicated as time passes by. I
wanted to say all of those, but I just couldnt.
Then what is wrong with you Kim Taeyeon? I looked at Yuri in the eyes, hoping that maybe she
could read my mind. But of course, that was impossible right!?
I sighed in resignation, Yul Have you ever been in love?
Yeah Why? Someone caught your eye? Yuri tried to joke but I just couldnt bring myself to smile,
Okay maybe not But seriously, why Taeyeon?
Im just Im just curious what its like to be in love. Im not necessarily in love with someone
Oh Well, being in love is something I consider amazing
Amazing? Yuri nodded enthusiastically and then clasped her hands, You get to share your likes
and dislikes with that special person. They would love you for whatever you are and wouldnt judge
you because they love you
But wouldnt relationships lead to an end? Wherein everybody becomes miserable?
Yuri chuckled lightly, Pain is part of the cycle. It would always be Taeyeon. But obstacles just make
you smarter and stronger wouldnt it?
I nodded in agreement, If this person is serious or sincere about you, then why not give it a try
right? I mean, its not like youre going to lose anything
But what if they make me more miserable than yesterday?
Then you dont deserve them.
And if they make me the happiest person?
Then they are worth a try
I nodded in reply. Yuri chuckled heartily and patted my back, Its okay if youre not ready to tell us
whos the one that got your heart. Just make sure that the person you chose loves you from head to

I smiled at her reassuringly, Sure

Disregard everything huh?

Would it be worth?
Actually im her wife

Meet My Wife
Taeyeon glanced to Yuri who was peeking behind the door, her nose was
opened the door and went to the living room. She sat on the sofa and folded
Taeyeon huffed, she also moved forward to the living room after stared her
door. Yuri glared her; she caught the glare but ignored it, just walked
roommate and sat on the other edge of the sofa.

red. Yuri
her legs.
past her

Why did you do that? Yuri asked, eyed the neatly placed and delicious sushi on the
coffee table.
I didnt mean it. My head mixed up. She excused.
You should apologise.
Should I? She hesitant looked Yuri.
Yes. Yuri judged her, the eyes were moving up and down. Youre the one who made
her like that. Its not like I suppose to do that.
Taeyeon sighed, she was spacing out. She remembered how nice and kind Tiffany
treated her when they were on honeymoon. The brain recalled that Mr Hwang was the
person made her life in miserable not Tiffany and she never blackmailing her. It was
also her fault eagerly signed the contract and nobody forced her to do it but she was
who pushed Tiffany to sign it. The conclusion was all her fault not Tiffany.
Yuri looked to her, making some weird face. Is she just dozes off? She brought her
finger front of Taeyeon face and snapped it. Hello!
Haaaa! What? She startled, Yuri made what are doing responded. Okay. She gave
up and stood, hugged the sushi container in her fractured hand and walked to their

Good luck.
She stood front of the door, deeply inhaled and exhaled. Huffed. Left hand turned the
knob and the door was open. She saw Tiffany still in her work clothes, lay on the bed
and her back was facing the door. The pervert eyes were trailed to the bare skin,
smooth hips and legs. She shook her head, woke up from dirty mind. She walked to
Tiffany side, she shut her eyes. Careful Taeyeon placed sushi on the bedside table.
Staring Tiffany, her makeup was messy, tears stain was left on the cheek and her
mascara was ruined. Taeyeon stood up and went to the mirror table, took a makeup
remover. She headed back, folded her legs and sat before Tiffany face. She took a
sheet of cotton, poured some liquid on it, gently placed on her wife face tried to remove
the mess. Her action made Tiffany popped the eyes. Both of them were shocked after
they caught each other eyes.
Whatre you doing? Hurriedly she rose from lie and folded legs to the side.
I tried to clean your makeup. She showed the makeup remover.
You no need to. She wasnt looked at Taeyeon, annoyed.
Taeyeon scratched her nape, felt embarrassed to face Tiffany. She looked at the
bedside table; pick sushi container up. I brought you this. You not eat yet right? She
put it under Tiffany nose.
Tiffany pushed it aside. I eat when I feel to eat.
Im sorry Fany. She placed it back on the table. Im very sorry; I didnt mean to
scold you. Blame my hormone. I guess it all about my PMS-ing. She lied the reason.
You on your period. Taeyeon nodded. Then its okay. My PMS mood more horrible
than you I guess. So you better watch out and prepare. Tiffany winked at her,
Taeyeon stunned and terrified. Tiffany chuckled a little when she saw her wife face,
she shifted her eyes to the food and tried to pick one of sushi with her finger but
Taeyeon prevented her.
Use this Fany. She fished out chopstick from her back pocket and hands to Tiffany.
Tiffany reached it and peeled it out from its plastic. She took one and ate it.
You not eat?
Urmmm? Oh yea. She eyed the sushi, it lot of choices, thinking which she will ate
Here Tae. Tiffany tried to feed her. She shook, refused the offer.
I can eat by myself. She took the sushi from the chopstick, careful held it by her
fractured hand. Its good! Where you bought it? She changed the tense atmosphere,
her face was sparkling.

Tiffany looked at her, searching Taeyeons eyes. Secret, but I will bring you and Yuri
there, someday. She smiled warmly.


Finally you back Taeng. Jaemin, Taeyeons store manager greeted her, he hugged her
tight. I missed you so much.
What the f**k. Let me go. She struggled to free herself from the embraced. Since
when youre know how to miss me? Before this, you were always scolding me.
Since that guy replaced you. My popularity dropped to the bottom, my crush also like
him. I felt like to kill him, but what can I do, I dont want live in jail. He faked crying,
cover his face with hands. Taeyeon was chuckling, looked at her manager exaggerated
his complained.
I know who your crush is. Its Yuri, right?
He gasped. How did you know? Am I too obvious?
Taeng! Dont ever you involve me with him. Why there is no handsome guy ever like
me! Yuri shouted from her spectacles store.
Taeyeon and Jaemin startled with her loud voiced. They looked at each other eyes,
question. Jaemin turned to the sport shoes entrance door; he jutted out his head at
Yuris store. Im handsome what. My love for you is bigger like an ocean, you wont
regret if you agree to be my wife. Ill give all my life only for you.
Hell no! Go away; dont stick your face here. Youll make my customer run. Yuri was
shooing Jaemin away.
She really got big ears. The smiled still plastered on her face. She walked to the store
room; put her things inside the locker and checking herself at the mirror. Wow, Im so
cute. She giggled.
Her workmate heard her, he made face. Taeyeon noticed him walked pass behind her
and stepped out from the storeroom. He shuddered. Taeyeon followed him; she also
made herself left the store.
What? Im cute okay.
Yea yea. Youre cute. Alex muffled his laugh.


Welcome. Taeyeon greeted out loud to the new customers.

Her face smile warmly, she led her feet to the customer. She noticed Alex, one of her
co-worker tried to snatch her customer. He rushed to the only customer, the customer
just stood at the entrance; he wary looked at the salespersons. His eyes wandered to
right and left.
Stop your pace! She pointed to Alex, he stunned with her loud voice. Hes my
customer. She said under her breath, the eyes were big.
Who said? Alex fought back her mouthed. He also nudged his chin at her, added fuel
in fire.
I sa...
Alex! JaeMin was interrupting their bickered. What happened in the store? The boxes
scattered everywhere. I want you arrange it nicely in the shelves. Now! He grabbed
Alex arm and dragging him to the storeroom.
Yes! She pumped up her fist, celebrating the moment.
Urmm. Miss?
Oh sorry. What shoes are you looking for?
Taeyeon watched his face, he smiled. Im looking for futsal shoes.
She stunned looked at his face, he was so handsome and cute; few of his hair covered
his eyes. He brushed the hair by his hand, giving a clear view of his face. He was sweet
and gentle, the eyes were covered with round Wayfarer frame glasses and it was in
black tortoise.
Eheeerrrmmmm! He cleared his throat, his fist at the mouth, closed the sight of his
neat Casanova mustache and short beard.
Oh! Futsal shoes. Back there. She was grinning.


Fany, why are you brought us here? Seohyun asked as closed Tiffanys car door.

I want you find some ideas for new articles to put it in our latest section. She pointed
the car remote to lock her car. She walked forward to the talked destination.
Yea right. You just want to observe your wife. Yoona snorted, rolled her eyes. Follow
obediently her two friends, they crossed the road.
Taetae works here? I just know about it. The automatic door slid open to invite them
entered the mall. She just walked and hid her laughed.
Yoona and Seohyun glanced, couldnt believe at her. While they were walking around
the mall, they actually didnt know where Taeyeon store is. Tiffany stopped at
Information Board to search the midget store name. Yoona also helped her; however
Seohyun just stood there and did nothing. Her eyes was wandered around the mall, she
watched the entire mall. Until she found a lady doing her window shopped, she drinks
the soda and her right hand held a hot dog.
Is that Syoung? Seohyun pulled Yoona shirt. Yoona turned around, looked at where
Seohyun eyes were.
There. She pointed at their graphic designer.
Guys, stop talking and help me. I cant find her shop. Tiffany begged, her index finger
still pointing at the board. But her colleagues just ignored her request. She turned her
neck to call her friends. GUYS!
Tiffany loud voiced was echoing around the mall, startled all visitors. They stopped their
activities and looked at Tiffany and her friends. Sooyoung also shocked, she tried to
find where the voice came from. She saw Tiffany was nagging at Yoona and Seohyun,
she grinned and walked to them.
Hey! Watcha doin? She stood beside Tiffany.
Whatre you doing here?
Its a mall, Fany. I can be anywhere I want. Whatre you looking for? She shifted her
eyes to the board.
Shes looking her wife store. When she cant find it, we here become her nag victims.
Seohyun revealed her unfair expression.
You mean Taeyeon.
How many wife she has Syoung? Yoona talked to her, folded her hands at her chest.
She was munching and swallowed the food. I just walked past her store. Lets, I show
the way.


A handsome man just laughed. Okay. Bye. He waved his hand before turned to the
entrance. Hope we can meet again.
Yes, hope so. Let me send you.She rushed to lead the way. Bye! Taeyeon bid a
goodbye, daydreaming.
Taeyeon! Enough!JaeMin twisted her left ear. You married woman and you flirted to
that guy. Youre playgirl.
Ouch. She snatched her head to the opposite direction, rubbing her red ear and not
forgot to pout. Mr Manager, how long you ever know me. Its my natural habit, okay.
She walked to the cashier counter.
You dare fought me back. You see that. He pointed to lot of shoes behind the counter
Make the price. JaeMin gave her a pen and load of price tag. HangAh, dont help
her. He warned the cashier and she just lift her hands up. Then he walked away and
tried to invite customer went to the store.
Youre cruel manager ever, how can I write with this hand. She shouted, made him
turned back his head looking to her.
I dont care, use your left hand.
Alex snorted; he walked out from the store. He stood front of counter, against the
midget and the cashier. Serve yourself midget. Its karma. He laughed, Taeyeon
glared to him and she flicked his forehead used a pen. Her action wasted, he easily
dodged her attacked.
Welcome. JaeMin voiced stopped the fighting. Alex shifted his eyes to the voice; he
saw 4 beautiful women entered the sport shoes store. He amazed and enjoyed the
scenery, Taeyeon was busy wrote down the shoes price on new tag.
Alex was straightening his jersey and forward to the women. He tapped his shoes to
inform the girls his was there to help them. Hi. What can I help you? He charmingly,
politely smiled and asked them, tried to impress the beautiful goddess.
Taeyeon provoked his action with her faked vomit. Unfortunately, a group leader
showed him her palm and Alex got rejected from the ladies.
TAETAE! Sweet voice but loud called her name.

The owner of name lifted up her head and looked at the latter. She saw Tiffany warmly
smile and walked near the counter. Taeyeon stiffed, her eyes were big and the
eyebrows slowly met.
Whatre you doing here?
Whoa Taeyeon. Dont say like that to our customer.
Shes not a customer, Jaemin. She will never buy shoes from our store. Tiffany just
nodded. Look her styles and her body, this body never done exercise. Sooyoung and
Yoona snorted, they were trying to hold their loud laughter. Seohyun tried to prevent
her lips from to curl up.
Do you know each other? Alex interrupted, he eyed Tiffany.
Yes we do. Actually, Im her w...
...ROOMMATE. New roommate. If you not believe me, just ask Yuri. Taeyeon quickly
interjected Tiffany answered and of course she pouted.
No, Im her wi...
She once again interjected what Tiffany wanted to say. bestfriend. She
released her stifled laughed.
Tiffany breathed heavily, she held her anger, and her nose was fuming red. She eyed
the price tag and swapped it away until it scattered fell on the floor. Her action shocked
her 3 friends who were busying looked the shoes. Taeyeons friends were stepping back
from the monster. Tiffany glared at Taeyeon, before she went out from the store.
Taeyeon gulped.
Go chase her. Seohyun nodded head to Tiffany direction.
Taeyeon heaved as she rolled eyes and just shook head. Seohyun saw her annoying
face, she frowned. Taeyeon ran where Tiffany went. She was running through the mall
but she couldnt find the latter, finally she stopped at centre of atrium. She breathless,
tried to catch the oxygen, placed her palm on the chest wrinkle her jersey. She made
her body turning around the atrium tried to find the glimpse of Tiffany, her neck was
turning everywhere. She gave up.


Stupid midget. She stomped her foot and harshly sat beside teenage couple. The
couple weirdly stared her, Tiffany turned and looked to them, glaring their innocent

eyes. Quickly a boyfriend rushed his girlfriend rose from the chair. Tiffany scoffed when
she saw them ran like they saw ghost.
Hello. 1, 2, 3, hello.
Tiffany stunned, she identified the voice, turned to look at her right side, saw a speaker
at the wall. She saw the visitor stopped their pace and stared at same direction; she
changed her sight and there was built a small TV for mall advertisement. She stood and
headed to the TV, her mouth wide open.
Hi. Im Taeyeon, stand me here is for looking my ... It was the midget; she was on TV
and tried to communicate with visitors. She hesitant to continue her intention, fidgeting
fingers and at last she braved herself to looked against the camera lens. Im looking
for my wife.
The visitors gasped, the news obviously shocked them because they thought a little girl
was married in young age and her partner was a girl too. They were whispering to
anyone beside them, including Tiffany. An uncle was bad talked about Taeyeon to
This is my wife. She showed Tiffany picture in her phone and it was spread around
the mall advertisement TV. The old man who spoke with Tiffany was shocked, the
image was identical with her face, and he covered his mouth. Please, if you see her,
bring her to the information counter at ground level near with main entrance door. She
tried to memorize the place.
It was her. The old man voice making the visitors stared at him; they followed the old
man pointing. Few of them was gasped and most of them was cheering, the young
generation was happy when they saw Tiffany.
Go girl, go to your wife. One of them encouraged her to get her wife side.
Tiffany turned her head to a group of University student, she gave a small smile. Then
she bidding some goodbye to the nice visitors and nodded to the middle aged visitors.
She got an approved from the old group, and it surprised her more because its Korea.


Taeyeon was wandering and walking around the counter; she heard some murmur and
gasped from the visitors. The faces was wrinkle, she tried to gave a simper smile too
them, it looked like she had been forced to smile. Sometimes she just bowed to the
elder who looked at her suspiciously. She clenched her both hands together, waiting

patiently and hoping the turned monster would came as soon as possible. She stopped
her pace, her eyes turning to every direction and she heaved a sighed heavily.
Suddenly, clapping sound was waking her from her anxious. She lifted up her sight and
looked to the view where every single person in the mall looked at. She saw Tiffany was
walking approached her; she was greeted and cheering by the salespersons when she
walked at their store.
Taeyeon huffed. You surely are digging your own grave, Kim Taeyeon. She faked
smiled when Tiffany closer to her. She reached out her hand, waiting for Tiffany to
intertwine it. Tiffany with a big heart accept Taeyeons hand, she held her hand tight.
Tiffany lips went up when her eyes searched for Taeyeon eyes, but Taeyeon just
dragging her away from there and she never let permission for her eyes to catch Tiffany
Tiffany was enjoying the moment, she felt like she was in heaven and got blessing from
the stranger peoples. She moved her body closer to the midget, her action made
Taeyeon moved to the opposite direction. Every time she came close to her, Taeyeon
would walk far from her. Tiffany shifted her eyes to their holding hand, it seemed like
only her that hold her wife hand and Taeyeon just held it slightly.
The face was straight and unreadable; she kept dragging her wife to her prestige store.
The moment a not so lovely couple walked through the row of stores, an eye was
trailing their movement. A young lady that has crush on Taeyeon was leaning on the
entrance door wall. Her friends were happily looked to the couple, except her. The face
showed hateful, she was glaring to Tiffany.
So shes your wife. Im better than her. She flipped tail of her hair that rested on her
right shoulder. I know how to make you fall for me, Tae. She lifted her side lip,
smirking. Her friends watched her in worried eyes.
Dont do what you think you will do. Her friend tried to warn her. She looked to her
friend with her playful glanced and turned her body inside the store.


JaeMin, Alex and HangAh was clapping furiously, they shook their head unbelief with
the braver midget. Sooyoung and Yoona shed some tears after witnessed an
unforgotten memorable sweet loving couple moment. Seohyun, just stand still on her
feet, crossed her hand on her chest, she gave small smiled and it wasnt reached her
heart. Yuri and Sunny excitedly ran from their store just to watch their favourite couple.

There. There. Tiffany tried to calm the noisy in that store. She wide smile and turned
her head to look to Taeyeon.
Taeyeon face was not amused, she retreat her hand back from the intertwined. She led
her way to the cashier counter, continuing her last work.
Taeyeon, whatre you doing?
Finish my work. Cant you see it? She answered JaeMin question without looking at
Its okay. You can wrap the day. Ill ask Alex to continue your work. Alex who heard
the conversation stunned, his mouth was wide open. Hes free anyway. He placed his
hand on her shoulder made her stopped writing; she weird looked to him suddenly
being a nice manager.
Why? My shift end when its close time. Her finger was tapping the keyboard, keying
SKU for finding the shoes price.
Just go home and play with your s*xy wife. JaeMin winked and whispered the s*xy
word, then instructed his cashier to get Taeyeons bag in the locker; she nodded and
dashed to the storeroom. Then he grabbed Taeyeons arm and flied her to Tiffany.
HangAh harsh put her bag on her stomach.
Oiiii! Its hurt. She rubbed her stomach to heal the pain, and slightly slung the bag on
her shoulder. Fine, I go home. She groaned. I just came to work today and now they
chased me away. She was mumbling, walked out from the store. She looked to Yuri
and Sunny and waved goodbye.
Taetae wait.


Tiffany was driving to her new perspective apartment, Taeyeon just sat on the
passenger seat staring the window and observing the tree and car. Tiffany steered the
wheel into the car park, stop the car and her hand wanted to reached the car ignite to
pull the key out.
Tiffany. Her voice stopped Tiffany.
Urm. She shifted at her seat, face Taeyeon.

After this, please stop telling people that Im your wife. She stared to Tiffany hand;
she rested her hand on the gear knob.
Whys not? She pouted, gave a cute sight to Taeyeon, immediately she changed her
Damn you Taeyeon, why you shifted your eyes, start your acting, ready, role annnnnnd
action. She looked back to Tiffany. Were friend right, so we need to stay as a friend.
Dont do a skin ship or any couple will do.
But you the one who told entire mall our relationship and you also intentionally held
my hand first. Tiffany snickered, her hand playful impaling Taeyeon stomach, tickled
her and making Taeyeon did a weird belly dance.
Taeyeon stopped her hand by holding her wrist. I know but that was the only way I
can coaxed you. Youre easy to trick, Fany. Taeyeon playful wiggled her eyebrows,
teasing her wife. She jutted her tongue out and opened the door.


Office crush
Tiffany's mouth was ajar as she looked down on Taeyeon, she was actually proposing
and it's not a misunderstanding this time. Tiffany screamed as loud as she could and
jumped up and down like a kid because she was so happy. Taeyeon looked on in
disbelief as she watched her very adult wife act like a three year old, it really was funny.
Tiffany stopped to catch her breath and saw that Taeyeon was still down there she
quickly charged at her making Taeyeon fall backwards with a thump.

"YES!" She cried, her tears streaming down her face as she looked down at the woman
she loved. She felt on top of the world, like she had just won the lottery.
"Yay!" Taeyeon said "but can you please get off me baby your knee is in my crotch" she
groaned when Tiffany got off her and pulled her to her feet.

Tiffany kissed Taeyeon hard, her love and her lust both coming out at the same time.
Taeyeon mumbled into the kiss wanting to say something but Tiffany wouldn't allow it.
The two fell to the makeshift bed, Tiffany on top and caressed each other as if it was the
first time they were exploring each others bodies. Taeyeon was still mumbling but
Tiffany shushed her and continued on.

"Babe, babe wait wait" Taeyeon panted when she finally got away.
"What? I'm happy!" Tiffany squealed and went to connect lips with Taeyeon again only
for her to turn her head. "YAH!"
"I'm scared that this ring is gonna get lost if we fool around now babe, can I put it on you

Tiffany eyesmiled at that. She presented her left hand to Taeyeon who swiftly slid the
ring onto the correct finger and then looked at it under the moonlight.

"Wow Tae, it's so beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you" Taeyeon winked
"Yah, you've used that line so many times" Tiffany said as she rolled her eyes and
leaned back down to lie on Taeyeon's front.
"Still works though doesn't it?" She gave a cheeky smile and Tiffany rolled her eyes
before nodding and giving her a peck.
"Yes. Now, can we...." She winked,
"Sure Byuntae" Taeyeon chuckled only to get slapped on the shoulder by a pouting
"Yah!" Tiffany suddenly had an idea. "Stay there" she shouted as she ran to the other
side of the rooftop and down the stairs to the apartment. Taeyeon had a feeling where
she was going.

Tiffany rushed back up, strap-on in hand and then ripped off Taeyeon's dress, literally.

"Tiff! This was expensive!" She said, mouth ajar at now being left in her underwear.
"So was this but you're gonna rip it off me too" Tiffany winked and pointed to her dress.
"Aish, I'm gonna be bankrupt soon" Taeyeon chuckled and did what she was told, the
ripping noise did turn her on though but not as much as Tiffany's body.

Taeyeon couldn't keep her eyes off of Tiffany's breasts threatening to spill out of her bra
and while she was doing that, Tiffany was attaching the strap on to Taeyeon's waist.

"First it's my turn, then we'll swap okay?" Tiffany's eyes gleamed as she stroked
Taeyeon's new, hard member and felt herself getting wet.
"Whatever you want baby" Taeyeon smiled and lay down beside Tiffany immediately
connecting their lips.

Tiffany's lips parted and tasted the blonde's sweet tongue on hers. The taste of sweet
champagne lingered on her lips even after the kiss. She loved the taste of both and was
in awe so Taeyeon leaned back in and connected their lips again, moving in synch with
Tiffany's, loving the way the latter's lips felt against her own.
Taeyeon still felt, the buzz that sent a shiver down her whole body when their kiss
became more passionate.
It really was magical. Taeyeon felt Tiffany run her hands through her hair and grasp on
it, sending a tingle straight down her spine. Taeyeon couldn't stop herself as she got on
top of Tiffany, holding her neck up to kiss her more easily. Tiffany's lips were a drug.

"Make love to me" Tiffany whispered

Taeyeon didn't need to be told twice so she connected their lips again and while she
was doing that, tugged off both her and Tiffany's underwear. The cool air made them
both twitch as it hit both their clit and their nipples head on.

"I love you so much" Taeyeon said between kisses, running her hands up and down

Tiffany's waist until she needed to grab something. "You're beautiful" she said as she
grabbed Tiffany's breast and kneaded it while the latter writhed beneath her. Two
thumbs in her nipples pushing them around and pressing down on them made Tiffany's
back arch, she needed more.

Taeyeon went further down the girl and moved her head in between her legs, looking at
the very moist flesh in front of her. She made one long lick from the bottom off Tiffany's
core to the top, brushing over the clit as she did so. Tiffany whimpered as she bit her lip,
she didn't want to be too loud hut Taeyeon kept doing the action over and over until she
got a proper moan.
When she did, Taeyeon smirked and began running her teeth teasingly over the tender
flesh before taking the clit into her mouth and sucking. Tiffany was quickly approaching,
hurtling the edge actually and as soon as she was there....Taeyeon pulled away.

"Tae!" Tiffany groaned, frustrated that her orgasm was slipping away.
"I don't want this to be over so soon Fany-ah" Taeyeon reasoned.

Once she was sure Tiffany was far enough from her orgasm, she led the head of her
strap on to Tiffany's core and applied pressure, not entering yet though. She brushed it
up and down Tiffany's core, loving the way each time she hit the girls clit, she bucked
her hips.
She then pushed into Tiffany, surprisingly enjoying the view of her new dick entering
Tiffany until it dissapeared and Taeyeon's hips were at Tiffany's thighs. She stayed still
there a while to tease Tiffany.

"Tae, come on. Please" she begged

Taeyeon chuckled and slowly began moving her hips in and out finding herself being
more and more turned on when she saw Tiffany's precum coating the dick, adding more
and more each time. When she was comfortable with the way she needed to thrust, she
added more speed much to the excitement of Tiffany.

"Urgh...faster Tae"

Taeyeon obeyed and pumped faster, she was soon approaching took due to the base of
the strap on hitting her clit when she pushed into Tiffany plus the amazing view she was
having. She increased her speed again making Tiffany groan with pleasure. Taeyeon
grabbed one of Tiffany's breasts to hitch balance herself and to be able to squeeze
Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon's head and pulled her down to kiss her though it wasn't much
of a kiss as Tiffany's mouth was wide open, trying to deal with the strong sensations.
Instead Taeyeon pushed her tongue into Tiffany's mouth where they fought for
dominance....Taeyeon easily won.

Tiffany let out a husky groan when she was approaching, all she needed to push her
over the edge was....
Taeyeon saw Tiffany's clot was being neglected so used her two fingers to stimulate
but, pressing down on the bulging, twitching flesh. When Taeyeon knew Tiffany was at
the edge, she pinched it between her thumb and forefinger making Tiffany literally
scream in ecstasy.
Taeyeon slowed down her thrusts and was a little disappointed that she didn't get to
come with Tiffany but she would get the same treatment when Tiffany had gotten her
breath back. Tiffany lay on the makeshift bed, twitching and still bucking her hips while
Taeyeon was inside her. Was it weird that Taeyeon wanted to just look at herself inside
Tiffany for a while longer because she just loved the view?

"'re so god" Tiffany choked and started to giggle, fanning her face a little.

Taeyeon chuckled and her thrusts came to a stop but she didn't pull out. She collapsed
on too of Tiffany and embraced the tired girl, dick still inside her.

"How do you like the new toy?" Taeyeon asked.

"Amazing, wow. And it seems you like it too, you're still inside me Tae" Tiffany giggled
"Mm, it looks good"
"I'm sure I'll like it too when I'm inside you" Tiffany winked and moved to get up but
couldn't as Taeyeon's dick was still there. "Tae I need to get up to do you"

Taeyeon pouted and took one last look at being inside Tiffany, thrusting her hips on and
out a few times before pulling out and taking the harness off. She handed it to Tiffany
who had now got her breath back and who excitedly put it on.

"Lie down" she ordered, her eyes black with lust. "You're mine now"

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