Notes On Socialism Rise

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The history of socialism has its origins in the French Revolution of 1789

Robert Owen (1771 - 1858)he was british, In 1825 he arived in America

Created first free school in U.S
He took care of his workers and their life style and their childern also.
Harmony, Indiana, a village where idea of socialism was practised
People were attracted here in 1827,1828 to discuss ideas.
Lot of thinkers here
Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895)
Karl Marx his disiple (1818 - 1883) (both Germans)
Communist Manefesto
By the end of 19th century theory was around since last 50 years, and its not be
coming true and implemented
Otto von Bismarck (1st chancellor of germany 1871-1890) outlawed all socialist a
Eduard Bernstein socialist activist
Vladimir Lenin (exiled in Siberai) (1870-1924), He red karl and documents of his
Lenin said that you have to trust on professional workers not on workers,
In 1900 he left for europe Germany Munich started underground newspaper to start
revolution in Russia.
Russian revolution (Bolshevik revolution)- 1917 after this was civil war
Preasts rich peasents and specially Nicholas II of Russia along with family kill
Many died, bank churches died, all replaced by bolshevik,
Lenin broke ties with all other socilists of world and so came communism
Samuel Gompers (1850 - 1924) in U.S also followed by workers, he was marxist, he
said that workers should be uplifted by workers.
He was kind of save human life, using strikes and bycots rather then being polit
ical, founded American fedration of labors.
Socialist party in U.S, Okolohoma favouring party, but WWI turned things around,
many socialists were arrested
socialist party faded around WWI time, after that some farmers went to canada
socialism in Canada is american import
In 1930 CCF emerged, co-operative common wealth,1944 won provincial election
First govt in North America, CCF ideas were adopted by liberal govt of Canada
Lenin created first world socialist state.
Union of Soviet Socialists Republic
All over europe socialists transformed to Nationalist socialism
Socialist took over eastern europe and North Korea
Mao believed to re-educate people, recreate them, cut them from past
Mao created Red gaurd, youth for his ideas to rebel agaisnt any1
For decade China followed Russia
In Great leap forward, productivity increase but low quality
Even Steel produced was worthless
Then to produce wheet
30 to 40 million chinese peasents die
In west Democratic socialism rose as a replace to Communism
In Britian Labour party for example (started as labour union, then attracted soc
In 1918 party adopted socialism
Clement Attlee (1883 - 1967) - labour party leader in 1935 prime minister of U.K

from 1945 - 1951

He wanted large industry nationalised and small industry in private hand for sma
ll time
He nationalised much of country industry, coal, rail, steel, gas, pension create
d, medical insurance
Many of jews settlements were socialist in Palestine.
kibbutz : everything owned by community, no salary needed,
It is collective responsibilty to raise childern, free member of childern societ
y no parents specific
The first kibbutz, established in 1909 in Israel Degania Alef
All intial members of Israel's cabinet were kibbutz members
Julius Nyerere president of tanzania adopted socialism,in africa (Ujama thw word
for socialism)
Ujama villages will buid socialism at village level, Julius visited china to mov
e away from west, China took interest in Tanzania develpmnt.
Tanzania schools began to reshape, students learned trade. Julius reallocated vi
Deng Xiaoping (1978), china leader reshaped socialism, He was Mao's closet advis
In Deng time people started to own plots dividing their collective land and keep
ing profit to themselves
People decided that if any1 arrested let other support his childern.
Deng knew this he said don't stop let it work lets see how it comes out to be
And harvestors were doubling and income was increasing, He said lets move like t
Any them every single commune was de-collectivese
Political reforms were not brought, Dend crushed people
Deng and Mikhail Gorbachev were two reformist to get rid of socialism
Gorbachev also wanted to reform political system.
March 1989, first free parliament election in Russia, and new faces suddenly bec
ame MPs
Poland : also new elections
In August 1991 military coup put Gorbachev in arrest, thousands citizens came to
Boris Yeltsin (1991-1999) issued decree outlawed communist party
Then Russian states declared independant,
Is collapse of communism really end of socialism
In 1990z Tony made clear that we don't belive in socialism.

Margaret Thatcher : against socialism in England belonged to conservatives , aga

inst labour
Joseph Stalin (1878 - 1953)

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