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Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Renilde Becqu

Renilde Becqu
Senior Environmental Sustainability Professional (International)
Key Qualifications
Ms. Renilde Becqu is a sustainability professional with strong international experience, breadth and
depth of knowledge, and highly adept at applying a holistic approach. She loves innovative systems
thinking and diving into the compelling narrative and business case for transformative change towards
sustainable development.
Renilde has worked in a very broad range of countries on consultancy projects covering environmental
sustainability & climate change related issues and solutions, environmental planning & management
and integrated urban development.
She has an MSc degree (1999), is a LEED AP (green building scheme) and currently pursues an MBA
via the University of Bradford Triple Crown accredited business school for their worlds first MBA
on Innovation, Enterprise and the Circular Economy
In addition she holds a casual position as an experienced tour leader. She is an astute networker,
knowledge savvy, creative, committed and energetic; combining strong analytical skills with strategic
and commercial acumen. Her pro-active attitude and versatility allow her to quickly familiarise herself
with new roles and challenges.

MBA Candidate (Innovation, Enterprise and the Circular Economy), University of Bradford, United
Kingdom. Triple Crown accredited business school. Combining common MBA subjects with modules
on innovative & transformative business models towards sustainable development, whilst applying an
integrated systems thinking approach. 2014 present
LEED AP (Building Design + Construction), USGBC, 2008 renewed.
BREEAM-NL Expert (New Construction), DGBC, 2012 - renewed 2013
Extensive range of seminars, conferences and study days
MSc Technology and Society (International Technological Development Sciences / Architecture),
Faculty of Technology Management, University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 1999
(grade average equivalent to cum laude)

Positions held
2012 2014
Contracting & Freelancing (
Senior Consultant - Environmental Sustainability
Holder of an independent Hong Kong work visa (Quality Migrant Admission Scheme).
Freelancing (part time; October 2014 present) for Smart Freight Centre, The Netherlands
Freelancing (part time; March 2013 - present) for Natural Resources Defense Council, Hong Kong
Contracting (full + part time; April 2013 - August 2014) for major consultancy & engineering firm,
Hong Kong
Contracting (full time; 2012) for major environmental consultancy firm, Beijing/China
Various small-scale freelance assignments and involvement in several (overseas) initiatives, most
notably UK and the Netherlands (2012 present).
Countries: Hong Kong SAR, China, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Mongolia, Liberia, Netherlands
2010 - 2011
Arup / Sydney, Australia (
Senior Sustainability Consultant
Sustainability consultancy
Business Development and Acquisition

Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Renilde Becqu

Sustainability Champion - Management Consulting group

(Redundancy - initially postponed by securing 100% billability on major transport project)
Countries: Australia
2009 - 2010
SKM / Melbourne, Australia (now
Senior Sustainability Consultant
Sustainability consultancy
Business Development and Acquisition
(Redundancy - initially multiple times postponed by securing 100% billability on 2 consecutive
projects, including 10 week assignment to Santiago de Chile office)
Countries: Australia, Chile
2006 - 2009
Royal Haskoning / Rotterdam+Nijmegen, The Netherlands (now
Consultant Environment International
Sustainability, carbon and environmental management consultancy
Business Development and Acquisition
Clients involving World Bank, IADB, ADB, EIB and a range of overseas national governments, major
developers and Fortune 500 corporates.
Countries: Suriname and Guyana, Central and Eastern Europe, Albania, Aruba, Cape Verde, Papua
New Guinea, Cameroon, Oman, Dubai, Gabon, Nigeria
2005 - 2006
Tebodin / The Hague, The Netherlands (
Consultant Environmental Management
Environmental consultancy
Business Development and Acquisition
Countries: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Gaza and West bank (World Bank), Netherlands
2001 - present Sawadee Reizen, Baobab Reizen (
Tour leader
Tour leader for adventurous 16-30 day trips, small groups of 10-22 participants. Both companies have
received awards in the Netherlands for their sustainability policies.
Countries: Myanmar, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Southern Africa, Egypt, Malaysian Borneo, China,
Mexico/Guatemala/Belize, Nepal, Malaysia/Singapore
2002 - 2004
Triode / Amsterdam, The Netherlands (
Consultant spatial planning (fixed contract)
Integrated planning, process and project management for major Urban Renewal, Revitalization and
Development Projects in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Ede and Bloemendaal.
Countries: The Netherlands
1999 - 2002
ICP+ Consult / Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Consultant strategic real estate management
Strategic Asset Management of Building Portfolios.
Countries: The Netherlands
1998 1999
NGO FEMI-Brasil / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Research Project (6 months): Technical, Socio-Economic, Cultural and Environmental Feasibility of
Applying Sustainable Construction Techniques and Materials at Social Housing Project for Slum

Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Renilde Becqu

Prevention and Control of Shipping and Port Air Emissions in China (2014 white paper - Natural
Resources Defense Council).
NRDC launched a white paper in October 2014 on the topic of air pollution from shipping in and near
major ports in China. Renilde was one of the authors of the 50 page white paper, which received
considerable press coverage including NY Times, Associated Press, Washington Post, Reuters,
Business Week, Huffington Post and many others.
NYCs 10-Year Plan Sets New Standards for Other Cities (2014 article - Environmental Leader)
Just ahead of the UN Climate Summit in late September 2014, New York City's Mayor de Blasio
announced a bold, new Energy Efficiency plan "One City: Built to Last". This ten year plan comes as
part of NYC's commitment to reduce CO2-e emissions by 80% by the year 2050. The articles takes a
look at the plan, its guiding strategies and key measures to spur the City's public and private sectors.
Linking Carbon-Reduction Targets to Economic Value Added: Making Sense of Science (2014 article Sustainable Brands, 2Degrees, Greenbizz)
The article takes an in-depth look at the use of context-based corporate carbon reduction targets and
putting an internal price on carbon, with examples from (and review by) Autodesk and Microsoft.
Implementing Smart Solutions for Electric Vehicle Scale-up and Integration (2014 article - Energy
Manager Today)
Article covering a number of the key technical and consumer challenges for scaling up Electric Vehicle
use and successfully integrating EVs with a smart grid without compromising grid reliability.
Environmental Profit & Loss Accounting: Can we make it work? (2014 article - Sustainable Brands;
2Degrees, Environmental Leader)
This article covers the concept and challenges of drawing up an Environmental Profit & Loss Account,
as first pioneered by PUMA, including the use of Environmentally extended Input-Output Modelling
and the subsequent use of EP&L as a strategic corporate tool. A follow-up article in collaboration with
the head of Sustainability at Kering (parent group of PUMA) is in progress.
Emergence of the Circular and Restorative Business Model (2014 article - Environmental Leader;
The articles touches on the surge in interest for Circular and Restorative Business Models, distils key
step-changing attributes away from prevailing production & value proposition models, and finally
looks at the practical introduction of such models in the contemporary business world.
Impact of the IIRSA Road Infrastructure Programme on Amazonia (2013, 320 page book
Renilde contributed to chapter 8 "The IIRSA Guianese Shield Hub: the Case of Suriname", which was
partially based on a Strategic Environmental Assessment study for major IIRSA cross-boundary
infrastructure corridors in Suriname & Guyana on behalf of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Miscellaneous - Volunteering
English Language Instructor (volunteer) at Vaughan Systems, Spain (2014)
Organiser and Trip Leader for a variety of one or multi-day outdoor activities, Australia (2009-2011),
Beijing (2012), Hong Kong (2013-14)
Sustainability Advisor (volunteer) for ngo FairFood ( (2011) E.g. review of
Market trend briefing paper -business case for sustainable development in food & beverage sector
Power analysis methodology for the food & beverage sector
Sustainability Advisor (volunteer) at Enviu ( E.g. Business Case of CSR Workshops
and Brainstorms; Cradle to Cradle Workgroup; member of Climate Change Adaptation Think Tank for
Dutch ministry of Spatial Planning (VROM) (2006 - 2009)

Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Renilde Becqu

Member of WEO (Working Group on Ecology and Development), independent network of Dutch
experts, encouraging sound consideration of Ecological Values in Dutch Development Cooperation in
relation to human development, IUCN (2007- 2009)
Member of CSR Chicks The Netherlands (2006-2008)
Voluntary Business Plan Screener at BID Challenge 2006 (Business in Development competition)
Participated in extensive range of Travel Fairs/Expos, providing information to the general public on
Asia and Latin-America (2003-2008, 2011-2012)
Volunteer at Spring / Nivon: Committee Member and Trip Leader for multi-day hiking trips
Extensive travels in North, Central and South America (2002, 2004), and in Asia (2000/01), including a
temporary position as voluntary Jungle Trekking Assistant-Guide for UBAT Malaysia in 2000.
Volunteer at NGO ReisbeWijs (enhancing sustainable tourism in developing countries) (1997-1999)
Volunteer - Eco-camping, Eco-Guesthouse, Construction Camps, Childrens Camp Counselor
Member of Student Excursion Committee (1996 1997), organised excursions to e.g. TNO (scientific
research org.), Dodewaard (nuclear power plant), European Parliament, Waste Treatment Plant
Student Assistant (Technical University of Eindhoven), coaching first year students (1997)

Dutch, English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese.
Basic command of French, German, Malay/Indonesian, Mandarin

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