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TOPIC : 15.0 TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN HUMAN BEINGS Subtopic : 15.1 Structure of the Heart

Prior Knowledge: Students have learnt about The Transport System, Theme 5: Systems, Unit 14: Our Body Systems in Primary
4 “Go with Science” textbook.

Links to: English Language

Vena cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, aorta, right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, valves, artery, vein.

Misconceptions / Problems
• Students often get mixed up with pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.
• Students often label the blood vessels in the order they have learnt. Sometimes, different diagrams of the heart are given .
They must learn to label the blood vessels on the given diagrams by looking at the information given i.e. where the blood
vessel is heading to or coming from.
• Students often misspell heart as “hearth” or “heat” which have completely different meanings. Time Allowed: 2 periods

Suggested Activities Suggested

Topic / Sub-topic / Resources /
Must Do Should Do Could Do
Objectives Comments
15.1 Structure of • Teacher can obtain the heart of a cow (mammal) which will have similar structure to • If flash
the heart heart of human being for class activity. cards of
• Teacher explains to the whole class the structure of the heart using the heart of a key words
Students should be cow. It is easy to show the valve using the real heart. are
able to: • Teacher must explain clearly to students the right side, left side of the heart, how to laminated,
identify the aorta and pulmonary artery so that they will not be confused when they are
• identify the main labeling these structures. durable and
parts of the heart • Note: You can also use the artificial model of the heart as an alternative BUT this will therefore
and the main blood not be as exciting and interesting for the students when they are using the real heart can be used
vessels. of the cow. repeatedly.

Suggested Activities Suggested
Topic / Sub- Resources
topic / Objectives Must Do Should Do Could Do

• Then, divide the class into three groups. Ask the pupils to identify the structures of • www.teacher
the heart. Students must read the simple step by step instruction on the worksheet
and follow the instructions. Give students a simple checklist where they will tick each
structure if they have identified and seen the structure. • Useful
• For the must do group teacher must spend time helping them to read the instructions information
and assisting them to perform the activity so that they will learn and also enjoy the for
activity. conducting
the practical
• For the must do group, use bigger font size e.g. 16 for the checklist so that they will
activity on
pay particular attention to the spelling of the structures of the heart.
cow’s heart:
• Provide students with disposable gloves for this activity. For those adventurous
1) For
students who would like to use their bare hands to explore the heart of the cow, they
should be provided with liquid soap to wash their hands at the end of the activity.
cow’s heart
• Through this hands-on activity, we hope to allow students to have fun through
at the
Gadong wet
• After this activity teacher will project the diagram of the human heart on the white
board and ask students to identify the structures orally.
• Then break the students into groups of not more than 3 and give students worksheet
person is
to label the structure of the heart. For the must do group, provide them with flash
cards which show the structures of the heart.
mobile no:
• Ask students to learn the spelling of the structures of the heart because they will
have a dictation on spelling the next lesson.
2) Book in
• In the next lesson, spend about 15 minutes at the beginning of the lesson and do a
dictation on spelling of the structures of the heart.
3) If the cow’s
heart is
frozen, at
• Remind students to be careful when using scalpel when cutting the heart to explore
least 3 hrs
the internal structure of the heart.
is needed to
thaw it.

Topic / Sub- Suggested Activities Resources
topic / Objectives
Must Do Should Do Could Do

• •


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