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Rejuvenate and Reignite Your Inner Power and Energy to Achieve

Greater Heights at Work and Life

Learn techniques for effectively managing stress to improve productivity and well-being.
*Checkout the latest dates and training venues on
Everyone responds differently to stress, some may experience anxiety, panic attacks, aggressive behavior while
others find it affects their digestive system or makes them feel tired or run down. It is not the situation that causes
stress, it is how you react to it. People could be stressed by many different things, someone may be stressed by the
thought of meeting people they don't know. For others, it may be being late for an appointment or having to
deliver a presentation. The situation itself does not cause the stress, otherwise everybody would be stressed by the
same situation.
The key lies in how we react to the stressful situation. When stress occurs it is because we have reacted in a
negative way to the perceived stressful event, which in turn causes us to feel stressed.
The objective of this workshop is to facilitate and coach you to explore and identify your own stress symptoms and
causes, then to develop the personal strategies most suitable for controlling and dealing with your stress. Allowing
you to take control of both your current and future stressors. This course offers NLP based proven practical
solutions to reduce and manage workplace stress.
Through this workshop, it will enable delegates to consider the management of work-related stress at an individual
and organisational level, helping delegates to develop and implement effective strategies to remove and manage
stress at work.
Throughout the workshop, a range of practical stress management techniques will be introduced to help delegates
to be able to execute management health and safety responsibilities back at work and in life.
At the end of this program, participants will be able to, among others:
discover the root cause of anger and be aware of the triggers for negative emotions
realise that the negative emotion is just a manageable 'temporary state'
manage anger and other negative emotions before they go uncontrollable
control the situation or people who are experiencing 'anger'
maintain calm and contain professional service with unreasonable customers
deal with self-inflicted anger
flush and get rid of the toxic emotions bottled up in our bodies
gain back priority on our emotional and physical health
understand the study of stress and its impact.
see stress in a different Perception in life
Identify the symptoms of stress
Be conscious about what happens when under pressure
Understand the effects that stress has on the mind
Be able to truly relax and de-stress instantly
Begin implementing goals created to relieve your stress during the session

For you who wants be aware and manage stress more effectively within the workplace.
The workshop is ideal for team leaders, supervisors and line managers who want to reduce and manage work-related
Module 1: Stress and Beliefs
How feelings shape us?
Is stress a real emotion that is real?
Symptoms and costs of stress
Personal Pressure Awareness
LOVE: The only true emotion on the planet
Module 2: Managing Our Internal state and Perception of Stress
Commuting through space and time
Logical levels of human why are we doing what we are doing?
Our perception of stress
Personal Stress Audit
Module 3: Consciousness of S.T.R.E.S.S, FEAR and Anxiety
The Gestalt model
A great motivator and yet a great destroyer
Getting to know the unknown you
o State of mind
o Thought Process (Managing States )
o R+E=O
o Effect Vs Cause
o Shift from Effect to Cause
o Strategy of Reframing
Modul4 Digging the Roots of The Negative Feelings; Angry people are often unaware of their feelings underneath
their anger
Searching for the first event that instigate your anger
Disassociate yourself from respond to 'anger'
React in ways that deescalate our anger
Module 5 Consequences of Anger; For those are highly strung can destroy a village rather than build it up
Assessing 'anger' as neutral
Checking our anger thermometer - expressing anger that either escalates or deescalates our anger.
Use solid and simple anger management tools to move into the deeper aspects of anger
Using this emotion to building relationship rather than destroy them
Empower Yourself through Transformative Anger
Module 6: Strategies to combat mental stress; Moving on from H.E.R.E
What you perceive is what you get. Every situation can be seen as two subjects (the wanted and unwanted)
See the trio-you in different positions and roles
Submodality: the lens in our mind that creates emotions
Healthy Eating to combat stress, physical health, relaxation techniques



Module 7 Freedom from the Need to Control ; Angry people are often obsessed with a need to control the outcome
How to loosen the grip of the 'problems' or 'conflicts'

Managing your "expectation to results" and attachment to outcome in solving personal conflict in life.
Let go of "outcome" without compromising ones integrity, values or performance

Liberate from the bondage of 'ego' and 'control freak'

Free yourself from negative emotions that affects your health and experience better relationships with
Module 8: Stress-Proof Your Life The Action Plan
Self- Hypnotherapy
Creating and automating a relaxation button in your body.
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Interactive input, in-class demonstrations, direct-experience practice exercises, group discussions, explanations and
case histories specific to your company needs.
This creates a rich and stimulating learning environment that allows participants to confidently experience the direct
benefits of NLP.
Personal attention and direction between the trainer and participants will further assure that the material will be
utilized rapidly and effectively and integrated into the work environment in a respectful and productive manner.

Call us now at +603 8074 9056- Malaysia.
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