Creative Writing About Globalization

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As a final requirement for our CA104 subject, we are required to write a non-academic essay about

anything related to globalization. Until now, I am still exhausted from the aftermath of our final exam in
Lit125a but regardless how tired I am now, I am still obliged to write something for the said subject.
So I decided to conceptualize my paper and came up with an idea of relating globalization to a certain
Philippine plant then made an outline for it. However, just after a few seconds, I realized what will be
the outcome of my paper a very informative and academic essay. How am I going to make it nonacademic then? I thought of nothing. No single idea came to penetrate my caffeinated mind.
Two hours later, still, I can see no progress in what I am doing. I reached for my phone and it says
01:52pm. I havent taken any meal yet so I went out of my dorm and proceeded to Mr. Smiths eatery,
just another line of business of our land lord. I kept on checking their menu up and down and from left
to right even if Ill be ordering the same viand that I ordered yesterday; paksiw na isda.
When I went inside the eatery, I was very puzzled to see one new large round table only. Instead of
numerous separate tables, there was only one and was being shared by the others. It was a very wide
table. I think its surface area is around 6 feet squared and it was a lazy susan type. I recognized the
customers who were already eating at that time. They were Mr. Smiths borders, my dorm mates but
just acquaintances.
I grabbed a chair on the right side of the table and placed my viand on top of the lazy susan, just like
what others did. That moment, I had a closer look with the table. It was shiny, beautifully carved,
lavishly designed and even seemed to be durable. I heard someone whispered that it was made of a
Narra. They just wasted the tree, I said to myself.
My dorm mates, even though we do not really know each other personally or in a social way, it just so
happened that conversations started about the table. Perhaps it aroused our wonder as to why we, the
customers, were sharing one single table. Then later on, we were already discussing our personal life
stories. Eventually from acquaintances, we became close friends. We even shared our food to each
If one wanted to taste others viand, they just rotated the lazy susan until the food of their choice
reaches them so they can take it without having it passed from another to another. So for me to have
some sushi and pasta, I just have the lazy susan rotated. They also did the same when they tasted my
paksiw and the steak and kimchi on the other side of the table. Not only had they saved their effort, but
also their time.
A few minutes after, another customer from the same dorm came. She placed her burger and vegetable
salad on top of the lazy susan. She then took photos of her food using her Iphone 5s while everybody
was staring at her. She then smiled and said, Just for my instagram and so that my mom will know
what I took for lunch. And everybody went back to what they were doing.
I was almost full when I realized something. Aha! I knew it! This is it! I may have a feeling of regret after
losing the Narra tree when it was converted to an innovative table; a wooden lazy susan table. Since it
has a turntable on its top, it became an aid in moving food which actually replaced the needs of having
servants at that table. More time and effort was saved as a result. The sharing of food then symbolizes
the good relationships from one another just like globalized nations. While, the passing of food through
the turn table, represented the transactions from different countries, both imports and exports of

goods, and exchanges of views and aspects of culture. Also, as a result of technical adjustments, we get
used to the things we did not do in the past. Like instead of praying before meals, others conduct a mini
photo shoot which they later on post to their social networking sites. But looking on the brighter side,
we can now transfer information real time using our mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other
electronic devices. Focusing on that table, it was actually the one that drew us closer together. With the
turntable, it did not only gave us convenience while being around the table but also represented
development and progression.
We may have lost the life of a tree, but having an innovative form of table was worthy of the sacrifice.
We may have lost something in the process of having advancement, but we gained something greater in
Thus, that is globalization. One doesnt need to remember its literal and technical meaning for it to be
understood. It is something realized rather than memorized for it to be felt. Also, it is notable that it has
both negative and positive effects towards the people and the world. However, its just that its
advantages weigh more than its disadvantages.

By Rouvinn Uy Negradas

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