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A N T H O N Y S T.


A Very Brief Biographical Sketch

Anthony St. John was born 7 October 1944 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York,
DisUnited States of America. His fathers parents were born in The Old Soviet Union; his
mothers mother was born in Ireland and her husband was born in France.
Mr St. John studied in three universities: St. Bonaventure University (a country club for
Irish-American pedophilic Roman Catholic Franciscan monks who made a business deal
(ROTSEE!) with the Pentagon to send their students to South Vietnam as artillery
officersnaturally, without paying taxes! [1962-66]); the University of Miami (1972-73);
and, the University of Florida (1973-75). He specialised in Philosophy, British Literature,
and North American Literature.
He toiled for the religious fanatic William F. Buckley, Jrs National Review (1961-62) as a
circulation and correspondence assistant.
Mr St. John is a graduate of the United States Army Artillery & Missile School, Fort Sill,
Oklahoma (1966), and served as an instructor in a missile/rocket training battalion, United
States Army Training Center, Fort Sill (Little John, Honest John, Sergeant, Pershing, Lance
missiles and rockets). Lieutenant St. John wished that Albert Einstein had kept his mouth
shut about E=mc and the Theory of Relativitythere are just too many idiots in this
world who should not be entrusted with atom bombs and/or artillery or rockets or missiles
loaded with atom bombs. (Do you know a difference between a rocket and a missile?)
The sad fact is that nuclear reactors scare people just as do atom bombs. He was stationed
in South Vietnam (August 1967-August 1968) where he attained the rank of first
lieutenant. He was an artillery forward observer (Fourth Division), then performed the
duties of artillery liaison officer (Americal Division) at battalion and brigade levels. While
serving in the above-mentioned missile/rocket training battalion, he proudly received The
Wayward Missile Award. While serving in the field artillery, he proudly received The
Loose Cannon Award. (He is an out-of-the box thinker!) Startlingly, the US Army
asked Mr St John to remain in the army, and he was selected to be promoted from first
lieutenant to captain. The Peter Principle?
He was a social worker for the state of Floridas Division of Family Services, was useful in
the ghetto of northwest Fort Lauderdale (1969-71), and was dismissed for having

complained to a locale newspaper that the Division of Family Services was not efficient
and had failed to achieve the goals it had planned, yet could not implement, for its
operation: helping destitute Floridians.
Mr St. John reported for The Hollywood Herald (1972-73); The Miami Herald, a KnightRidder company (1973-74); and, The Gainesville Sun, a The New York Times Company
company (1974-75). He was a copy editor for The Daily Journal, Caracas, Venezuelas
English-written news digest (1977).
In Venezuela, trying to win the hand of the woman he loved, he associated himself with
the Accin Democratica political party, lent a hand (media consultant) at the Ministerio de
Informacin y Turismo, and re-scrawledwith Central Stupidity Agency agents looking over
his shoulder checking each and every wordpolitical speeches of President Carlos Andrs
Prez during his corrupt presidency (1977). After the Accin Democratica presidential loss,
he taught English (First Certificate & Certificate of Proficiency) at the British Institute in
Caracas. However, this appointment must be taken cum grano salis because the directress of
The Tute, an Irish woman, absconded with the association's funds causing the closure of
the centre of British culture and leaving, forever, her good judgement in dubiety.
Mr St. John is the author of the unpublished The Hippie Lieutenant (a trilogy about his
experiences in Vietnam); Politically Philosophical and Philosophically Political Writings: A Book of
Essays; Men Without Honor, Women Without Love (a trilogy set in Caracas); Poetry by Me,
Anthony; A Book of Aphorisms and Quotations by Anthony St. John; A Book of Vietnam War
Poetry; One-pagers on Form-giving Cause as Contrasted with Potential Existence; Pages on Form-giving
Cause as Contrasted with Potential Existence; Why I Live Beyond the United States of America;
Pinning Hope on a Contemporary Style Intended to Cultivate Gracious Behaviour, et alia.
Please visit for a larger selection of writings and literary
Recordings of Mr St John's Vietnam War poetry are to be found at
He renounced his United States citizenship on 27 March 1994 (Why I Sat under an Olive
Tree in Calenzano, Italy, 27 March 1994, Set to Flames My United States Passport, Dried
My Eyes, and then Returned Home to Write a Letter Renouncing My United States
Citizenship). His request was denied.
On 31 July MMX he donated his body to Science specifying the Universit degli Studi di
Firenze (The University of Florence in Tuscany) as the sole owner of his remains. In his
article, I Have Donated My Body to Science to Thwart Pentagon Body Snatchers, Mr St. John
explains his reasons for this unusual determination.

Mr St. John is a student of English, French (he stopped studying French at the French
Institute in Florence, Italy when Nicolas Sarkozy was elected president of France), Italian,
and Spanish, and studied Latin for six years in his youth.
He is an Italianist trying to understand the political, social and economic realities of Italy.
He is particularly proud of the results of an Inkblot (Rorschach) Test taken on Anthony, your subconscious is driven most by PEACE. You have a deeply-rooted
desire to make peace in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with loved ones, or through getting
involved in social causes, it is important to you to be able to influence the world in a positive way. You have
a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement
in it, and you inspire others to feel the same way. Your innate drive toward PEACE guides you in daily
life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others. Your psyche is very rich; the more you
learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are. People who have unconscious minds driven
by PEACE tend to be independent thinkers who often prefer to live by their own high personal standards
and moral code.
In 1971, he was interviewed by The King of Interviewers, Larry King, in the radio
studios of WIOD in Miami, Florida. During this interview he discussed his Vietnam
War experiences and his The Hippie Lieutenant.
He prizes many varieties of music...delights being in the company of others...he can make
people laugh...he uses public transport exclusively...he did not permit the Roman Catholic
church to squash him physically or intellectually...he enjoyed the friendship of Howard
Zinn...he has kissed (on their cheeks) three Italian princesses: La Principessa Marcella
Borghese, La Principessa Giorgiana Corsini and La Principessa Fiona Corsini...he did not
kill when he served as an artillery forward observer in Vietnamnot even one brainless U
S Army general!...he fights with his words not his fistshe is TheWordWarrior!...his
electric bill is the lowest in his apartment building...he reads at last four or five or six or
seven books at the same time...he possesses a built-in instinct for what is insincere...he
refused to recognize the three medals he was awarded for service in Vietnam...he survived
an airplane crash on Los Roques in Venezuela...he outlasted two armed robberies in
Caracas...he pulled through two 122mm Chinese rocket attacks on the Cambodia-Laotian
borders in Vietnam...he outlived assorted mortar barrages in Vietnam...he never refuses the
desperate pleas of poor individuals who ask him for changewhen he has some...he
understands the Venezuelan people...he has four doctors: Dr Music & Dr Rest & Dr Diet
& Dr Exercise...he cautiously comprehends the Italians...he is a fan of Roger Federer buts
hopes RF has no stupid or criminal skeletons in his closet...he bicycles for pleasure...he
suggests that young children be disciplined by tickling themnot by slugging them...he has
an exceptional respect for Nature...he coined the expressions The DisUnited States of
North America and Central Stupidity Agency...he coaxed the resignation of Prime
Minister Silvio Berlusconi...he does not own a motor vehicle...he wills to preserve the
natural resources he depends upon...he has hope in the future...he is proud of the various

work experiences he has had during his life...he has not stolen a cent from the Venezuelan
or Italian people...he has no respect for Tony Blair, John Bolton, Thomas Friedman,
Francis Fukuyama, Al Gore, Stanley Hoffmann, Samuel Huntington, Robert Kagan, John
Kerry, Henry Kissinger, Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, John McCain, Norman
Podhoretz, George Will, Paul Wolfowitz...he admires Daniel Bell, Fausto Bertinotti, Hugo
Chavez, Noam Chomsky, Hillary Clinton (more because she is a woman), Paul A Cohen,
Rodney Dangerfield, George Carlin, Richard Dawkins, Simone de Beauvoir, Vittoria
Franco, Eric Hobsbawn, Martin Jacques, Karl Marx, Alain Minc, Robert Reich, Don
Rickles, Joan Rivers, Sgolne Royal (more because she is a woman), Edward W Said, Israel
Shamir, Peter Singer, Sun Tzu, Gore Vidal, Oscar Wilde, Howard Zinn...among others.
Mr St. John likes reading, navigating on the Internet, walking, riding trains, looking at
beautiful women, listening to streaming broadcasts in English, French, and Spanish, has
not driven an automobile since leaving the United States for good (31 December 1976),
celebrates Ludwig van Beethoven (16 December 1770) and David Humes (26 April 1771)
birthdays every year, uses Van Cleef & Arpels Eau de Toilette pour homme and Aqua Brava
Eau de Cologne, enjoys Cuban, Nicaraguan and Canary Island cigars and Dunhill 965 pipe
mixture, drinksmoderatelyfine Chianti wines, and particularly finds pleasure satirizing
European political leadersthose Italian, in front row.
He lived in the United States for thirty-two years, in Venezuela for more than seven years,
and has been a resident of Italy since 1 May 1983.
He considers Bertrand Russell to be his intellectual father, and Jean-Paul Sartre his
spiritual father.
He is a keen admirer of C. K. Scott Moncrieff s translation of Marcel Prousts Remembrance
of Things Past and the majestic prose of Edward W Said.
Mr St. John is an atheist and a mitigated Marxist. He hopes that there will be a Union of
Soviet Socialists Republics' encore so that the members on the Forbes magazine's The
World's Billionaires List are put away in gulags in Siberia. To those who question his
atheism, he says this: If a god (god spelt backwards is dog!) exists who is all-perfect,
all-powerful, all-good, all-intelligent, and all-knowing, how could he have created two
imbeciles like you and like me! To those who question his mitigated Marxism, he says this:
Please read Marx by Peter Singer, Past Masters series, Oxford University Press, 1980, and
comprehend the reasons why Marx should be extolled for the efforts he expended
defending persecuted workers throughout the world.

Updated: 6 November MMXIV

Calenzano, Italy

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