Cross Docking

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Prepared by Presented to
Sebastian Supply Chain
Thomas Conference

Date 09th Nov 09


¾Cross docking operation were first pioneered in the US trucking

industry in the 1930s

¾US Military began utilizing Cross Docking in 1950s

¾Wal Mart discovered the benefit of Cross Docking in retail sector in

the late 1980s

¾More and more companies are exploring Cross Docking opportunities

during Economic Down Turn

¾Cross Docking directly supports bottom line

What does Cross Docking

Cross docking
C d ki i an increasingly
is i i l common L Logistics
i ti t h i
technique th t
rapidly consolidates shipments from multiple sources in order to gain
economies of scale in out bound delivery.

It essentially eliminates or minimises inventory holding function of a

warehouse while still allowing it to serve its consolidation and shipping

This effectively turns the warehouse into a giant conveyor that is

constantly receiving orders and replenishment, minimizing a company’s
capital outlay on static stock.
Lean Approach through
Cross Docking

How can you reduce waste and increase speed in

Supply Chain?

¾Reduction in inventory investment

¾Reduction in storage space requirement
¾Reduction in warehouse handlingg cost
¾Reduction in order cycle time
¾Faster inventory turn over
¾Accelerated cash flow

“Health of the inventoryypplays

y a vital role in
determining the health of the organization and its
Definition of Cross Docking

“To rapidly consolidate shipment from multiple sources

and realise economies of scale in outbound
transportation .

In practice ‘Cross Docking’

g operations require large
staging areas where inbound materials are sorted,
consolidated and stored until the outbound is
completed and ready to ship

If the staging
g g takes maximum up p to 24hrs,, the
operation is usually referred as a “cross-dock” DC.
This was first pioneered by Wal Mart.
Advantages of Cross Docking

¾Streamlines the Supply Chain from point of origin to

point of sale

¾Reduce handling cost, operation cost and storage of


¾Fast delivery and good service level

¾Eliminate or minimise warehousing cost

¾Increase retail space

Typical application of
Cross Docking

¾“Hub & Spoke” arrangements, where materials are

brought into one central location and then sorted for
delivery to multiple destinations

¾Consolidation arrangements, where a variety of smaller

shipments are combined into one larger shipment for
economy of transport

¾Deconsolidation arrangements, where a single shipments

is divided into varied smaller shipments for wider
Factors Influencing
Cross Docking

¾Cross docking is dependant on continuous communication

between suppliers, DCs, and all points of sale

g Cost

¾Cost of inventory in transit

¾Complexity of Loads

¾Handling methods

¾System integration
g between the stake holders

¾Tracking of inventory in transit

High inventory turnover

¾ High inventory throughput

¾ Optimize storage volume

¾ Demand planning & Sales forecasting

¾ Phasing of imports shipments

¾ Cost efficiency in DC operation

¾ Is DC for long term storage?

Ageing inventory & Stock

¾ What is ageing inventory

¾ Cost of ageing inventory

¾ How to address ageing problem

¾ Reasons for inventory ageing

¾ Stock days or Week’s cover

¾ Set target for stock days & ageing

¾ Measure & monitor the performance

Impact of delivery return to DC

¾ Shows wrong sales

¾ Double handling and wasting of resources

¾ Product damage

¾ Losing of sales opportunity

¾ Lead to wrong practice at sales side

¾ Tight control is required

Importance of KPIs in
achieving DC efficiency

¾ Benchmarking

¾ Identify the deviation from target

¾ Identify how far we are from industry standard

¾ To achieve continuous improvement

¾ Identify areas of improvement & resource requirement

Role of human resources in
DC efficiency

¾ Most vital aspect in any department

¾ People with right skill at right role

¾ Working time and condition

¾ Realistic target and fair wages

¾ Over time pay for over time job, but one day off and
maximum 10 hrs per day

g and motivation
¾ Training


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