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Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2014) xxx, xxxxxx

Ain Shams University

Ain Shams Engineering Journal


Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC

metal matrix composites
H.M. Zakaria

Mechanical Engineering Department, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt
Received 12 June 2013; revised 16 February 2014; accepted 16 March 2014


Abstract Several Al/SiC MMCs having several volume fractions up to 15 vol.% and different SiC
particulates average sizes, typically, 11, 6 and 3 lm were fabricated using conventional powder
metallurgy (PM) route. The effect of the size and volume fraction of SiC particulates on the
microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites (MMCs) were studied.
The results revealed that the Al/SiC MMCs exhibited higher density than pure Al matrix. The static
immersion corrosion tests of Al/SiC MMCs in 3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution at several temperatures showed that, at ambient temperature, the Al/SiC MMCs have better corrosion resistance
than the pure Al matrix. Reducing the SiC particles size and/or increasing the volume fraction of
the SiC particulates reduce(s) the corrosion rate of the Al/SiC MMCs. In contrast, the Al/SiC
composites exhibited higher corrosion rates at 50 C and 75 C than the pure Al matrix.
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1. Introduction
Aluminum alloys reinforced with ceramic particulates have
signicant potential for structural applications due to their
high specic strength and stiffness as well as low density [1
3]. These properties have made particle-reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCs) an attractive candidate for the use
in weight-sensitive and stiffness-critical components in aerospace, transportation and industrial sectors [4]. Corrosion
behavior is very important parameter for assessing the application potential of composites as structural materials [5].
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While considerable work has been done on the physical,

mechanical and tribological characteristics of Al MMCs, very little systematic studies have been done to study the corrosion
behavior of Al MMCs [610]. Reinforcement particulates may
interact electrochemically, chemically, or physically with the matrix leading to accelerated corrosion [46]. In addition, galvanic
interactions between the reinforcement and matrix can also accelerate corrosion. Preferential corrosion along a particle matrix
interface can lead to rapid penetration along the large interfacial
areas in composites. This can result in enhanced corrosion of
MMCs in comparison with the corrosion of the respective monolithic matrix alloys. Crevice attack at the metal/reinforcement
interfaces and preferred localized attack on structural and compositional inhomogeneities can occur within the matrix. Since
corrosion decreases the load-bearing capacity resulting in catastrophic failures, corrosion can limit the application of MMCs
in corrosive environments especially in the presence of stresses.
Previous corrosion studies conducted of Al matrix composites have been focused on the corrosion susceptibility in NaCl

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Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

H.M. Zakaria

solution, as well as pitting potential and pit morphology [11

15]. Researchers reported that pits initiate at the secondary
particles within the matrix; therefore, composites generally
have more pits than the monolithic matrix. For example,
improvement in corrosion resistance has been declared with
decreasing volume fraction of Al2O3 particles in Al4 wt.%
Mg alloy matrix composites [11]. Kiourtsidis and Skolianos
[12,13], explained the progress of corrosion by two anodic
reactions; namely corrosion of the a-phase adjacent to intermetallic regions, and pitting of the dendrite cores, instead of
galvanic corrosion developed between the reinforcing particles
and the matrix. Additionally, they supported this argument by
a further report that the pitting potential is unaffected by the
SiC particles. Since the processing method can heavily alter
the microstructure, the contradictory results of corrosion tests
conducted on Al MMCs, may arise from processing methods
The aim of the current investigation is to study the static
immersion corrosion behavior of Al/SiC MMCs in 3.5 wt.%
NaCl solution at both ambient and elevated temperatures.
The Al/SiC MMCs were fabricated using the conventional
powder metallurgy (PM) route. The effect of the SiC particulates size and volume fraction on the corrosion characteristics
was extensively studied.

press having a capacity of 500 kN. The compaction pressure

applied was about 400 MPa. The Al/SiC composites produced
from the cold compaction step were subjected to sintering at
600 C for 120 min. The sintering process was performed under argon inert gas atmosphere. After sintering, the Al/SiC
composites were subjected to hot extrusion. The Al/SiC composites billets were extruded at 490 C. The extrusion reduction ratio was 2:1 by area. The nal Al/SiC composite
samples had cylindrical shape of 8 mm diameter and about
12 mm length. The Al/SiC composites cylindrical extruded
rods were cut in the transverse directions for microstructural
examinations using optical and scanning electron microscopes
Specimens were ground under water on a rotating disk
using abrasive disks of increasing grade up to 1000 grit. Then
they were polished using 3 lm alumina paste and 1 lm diamond paste, then cleaned with acetone. The density of the
Al/SiC composites was calculated using water displacement
approach (Archimedean density) according to ASTM B31108. The theoretic density of Al/SiC composites was calculated
using the rule of mixtures. The cylindrical sample was weighed
in air (Wa), then suspended in distilled water and weighed
again (Ww). The actual density was calculated according the
following equation:

2. Experimental procedures


Commercially pure aluminum powder having minimum purity

of 99.8% was used as a matrix material. The aluminum powders have an average size of 60 lm. The SiC ceramic particulates were used as reinforcement. The SiC particulates have
three different average sizes, typically, 11, 6 and 3 lm. The
SiC particulates were dispersed in the Al matrix with 5, 10
and 15 vol.% using conventional PM route as follows: Both
Al powder and the SiC particulates in addition to 1
1.5 wt.% parafn lubricant wax were placed into a blender,
mechanically mixed until a homogeneous mixture is achieved,
and then placed into containers. The mixed Al/SiC powders
were cold compacted in a tool steel die shown schematically
in Fig. 1. The powders were then pressed using a hydraulic

where qa is the actual density, Wa is the mass of the cylindrical

sample in air, Ww is the mass in distilled water and qw is the
density of distilled water. The sample was weighed using a digital balance with an accuracy of 0.1 mg. Vickers hardness test
measurements were carried out using a load of 10 kg. A minimum of ten readings were taken for each sample and the average value was determined.
Static immersion corrosion tests were carried out at three
different temperatures, typically, room temperature, 50 and
75 C. Weight loss was measured to determine the corrosion
rate of Al/SiC composites using a digital accuracy with an
accuracy of 0.1 mg. Each specimen was rst weighed before
being immersed in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution and later taken
out after 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h, respectively. After drying
thoroughly, the specimens were weighted again. The weight
loss was measured and converted into corrosion rate expressed
in mm penetration per year (mm/year). The corroded surfaces
were examined using SEM. Corrosion tests were carried out by
suspending the Al/SiC composite samples in a still solution of
3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution. To avoid crevice corrosion,
the specimens were suspended in the solution with a plastic
string. The results of corrosion tests were evaluated using
weight loss measurements, performed following the ASTMG31 recommended practice [16]. Before immersing in
3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution, the Al/SiC composite samples were ground to 1000 grit and then cleaned with deionized
water followed by rinsing with methanol and dried. For the
elevated temperatures corrosion tests (i.e. accelerated tests), a
3.5 wt.% NaCl solution was prepared, and heated to 50 1
and/or 75 1 C using an electric heater. The specimens were
put into the warm solution and a glass cover was put on the
top of the vessel to prevent evaporation.
The corrosion rate CR (from the mass loss) was calculated
using the following equation [5]:

Figure 1 A schematic illustration of the cold compaction die

used for preparation of Al/SiC composites.

Wa  Ww

Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites



where CR is the corrosion rate (mm/year), K is a constant

(8.766 104), T is the time of exposure (h) to the nearest
0.01 h, A is the area (cm2), W is the weight loss in the nearest
1 mg and D is the density of the material (g/cm3).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Microstructural characteristics of Al/SiC composites
Fig. 2 shows SEM micrographs of the fabricated Al/SiC composites having a constant volume fraction of 10 vol.% but with
different sizes of the SiC particulates. Although some agglomeration of SiC particulates could be observed, the distribution
generally appeared to be fairly homogeneous throughout the
aluminum matrix. Fig. 3 shows typical optical micrographs
of Al/SiC composites having a constant SiC particulates size
of 11 lm but with different volume fractions of the SiC particulates. It has been observed that increasing the volume fraction
increases the agglomerations of the SiC particulates. Such
observation has been reported also by many workers [24].
The agglomerations size was found varying between 10 and
35 lm.
3.2. Density of the Al/SiC composites
The variation in the measured (actual) density of the Al/SiC
composites with the volume fraction at different SiC particles

size is illustrated in Fig. 4. The Al/SiC composites exhibited

higher densities than the pure Al matrix. The Al/SiC composites exhibited actual densities of about 9798% of the theoretical density. The Al/SiC composites (6 lm) contain 5, 10, and
15 vol.% of SiC particulates exhibited densities 2.682, 2.695,
and 2.7195 g/cm3, respectively. The Al matrix alloy has density
2.685 g/cm3. It has been found that increasing the volume fraction of SiC particulates increases the density of the composites.
The increase in the density of aluminum alloys due to the addition of ceramic particulates was reported by many investigators [17,18]. The results revealed that the reinforcements
enhance the density of the MMCs. Moreover, the density of
the composites increased with the increase in particulate volume fraction. The increase in the density can be attributed to
the higher density of the reinforcement particulates.
3.3. Corrosion behavior of the Al/SiC composites
Fig. 5 shows the variation in the corrosion rate of Al/SiC composites with the exposure duration in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution
at room temperature. Generally, it has been found that the
Al/SiC composites showed better corrosion resistance when
compared with the pure Al matrix. Increasing the volume fraction of the SiC particulates increasing the corrosion resistance
of the Al/SiC composites. Moreover, reducing the SiC particles
size improved signicantly the corrosion resistance of the SiC
composites. It has been found that the increasing the duration
exposure reduces the corrosion rate. Such observation implying that the corrosion resistance of the materials under investigation increases as the exposure duration is increased. The

Figure 2 SEM micrographs of Al/10 wt.% SiC composites reinforced with SiC particulates have size of (a) 11 lm; (b) 6 lm; (c) 3 lm;
and (d) Higher magnication micrograph of (c) showing clearly the SiC particulates.

Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

H.M. Zakaria

Figure 3 Optical micrographs of Al/SiC composites reinforced with SiC particulates having size of 11 lm and (a) 5 vol.%, (b) 10 vol.%
and (c) 15 vol.% of SiC partculates.

Figure 4 Variation in the density with the volume fraction of the

SiC particulates having different average sizes.

phenomenon of decreasing the corrosion rate with respect to

the exposure duration indicates some passivation of the matrix
The improvement of the corrosion resistance of the Al-MMCs
due to the increase in the SiC volume fraction was reported by
many workers [19,20]. For example, Feng et al. [19] examined
the effects of the volume fraction of SiC particulate reinforcements and the concentration of chloride ions in solution on the
localized corrosion characteristics of SiCp/2024 Al-MMCs. They

reported that the increase in the volume fraction of SiCp reinforcement in the SiCp/2024 Al composites resulted in a signicant
decrease in pitting potential. Candan [20] studied the effect of SiC
particle size on corrosion behavior of Al60 vol.% SiC particle
composites. Experimental results showed that the weight loss of
the composites increased with increasing particle size and exposure time. The results showed also that intermetallics as a result
of reaction between Al and SiC particle have a benecial effect
on corrosion resistance of the composites due to interruption of
the continuity of the matrix channels within the pressure inltrated composites. Moreover, the weight loss of the composites
in still 3.5 wt.% NaCl solutions increased with increasing particle
Figs. 6 and 7 show typical variation in the corrosion rate of
the Al/SiC composites with the temperature after exposure in
3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 24 and 120 h. In contract to the results obtained at room temperature, it has been found that the
Al/SiC composites have higher corrosion rates when compared
with the pure Al matrix at elevated temperatures. Increasing
the volume fraction and/or the SiC particles size reduce(s)
the corrosion rates of the Al/SiC composites. The corrosion
rates of the pure Al as well as the Al/SiC composites were
found to increase linearly with the temperature. At xed exposure duration, the Al/SiC composites always exhibited higher
corrosion rates at 75 C than at 50 C.
Fig. 8 shows typical SEM micrographs of the corroded surface for both pure Al matrix and Al/15 vol.% SiC (3 lm)
composites after exposure in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for
96 h at room temperature. It is clear that severe damage is
found on the surface of the pure Al matrix. Large pits were

Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites

Figure 6 Variation in the corrosion rates with the temperature

for Al/SiC composites after immersion for 24 h in 3.5 wt.% NaCl
solution; (a) Al/5 vol.% SiC and (b) Al/15 vol.% SiC.

Figure 5 Variation in the corrosion rate with the exposure

duration for Al/SiC composites after static immersion in 3.5 wt.%
NaCl aqueous solution in laboratory room temperature; (a) Al/SiC
(11 lm), (b) Al/SiC (6 lm) and (c) Al/SiC (3 lm).

visible on the surface, indicating susceptibility of the material

toward pitting corrosion in NaCl medium. In contrast, the
Al/15 vol.% SiC (3 lm) composites corroded surfaces exhibited less damage then the pure Al matrix. It is clear from
Fig. 8 that the surface of the unreinforced Al matrix underwent
severe degradation, especially along the grain boundaries.
These grain boundaries provide preferential corrosion initiation sites because of the discontinuity in the surface due to
the change in structure. In the case of Al/SiC composites, in
addition to grain boundary attack, pitting occurred at the sites
where the SiC particulates agglomerate. Fig. 9 shows high
magnication SEM micrograph of the corroded surface for
Al/15 vol.% SiC (3 lm) composites after exposure in
3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 24 h at room temperature. It is
clear that the pitting occurred at the sites where the SiC particulates agglomerate.
The better corrosion resistance at room temperature of
Al/SiC composites compared with the pure Al matix may attribute to the fact that SiC particulates are being ceramics and

Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

H.M. Zakaria

Figure 8 SEM micrographs of pure Al matrix (a) and Al/

15 vol.% SiC (3 lm) composites and (b) after exposure in
3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for 96 h at room temperature.
Figure 7 Variation in the corrosion rates with the temperature
for Al/SiC composites after immersion for 120 h in 3.5 wt.% NaCl
solution; (a) Al/5 vol.% SiC and (b) Al/15 vol.% SiC.

remain inert in the NaCl solution. They are hardly affected by

the NaCl aqueous medium. Although the corrosion rate of the
Al/SiC composites is lesser than that of the Al matrix metal,
the Al/SiC composites showed also the formation of pits on
the surface. However, the number of pits gets decreased with
the addition of SiC particulates compared to that in the pure
Al matrix metal. It has been found that increasing the volume
fraction and/or reducing the size of the SiC particulates
reduces the number of pits. The SiC particulates resist the
severity of the medium attack to a certain extent. Moreover,
there is an evidence for the presence of grain boundary
corrosion and pitting corrosion in the Al/SiC composites (see
Fig. 9).
It has been reported that the corrosion resistance of AlMMCs depends on many factors such as processing technique;
type and characteristics of the matrix alloy (cast or wrought
and heat treating condition); type, size, shape and amount of
the reinforcement; the type of corrosive media, and the environmental factors [1922]. The fabrication and processing of

Figure 9 SEM micrograph of the corroded surface for Al/

15 vol.% SiC (3 lm) composites after exposure in 3.5 wt.% NaCl
solution for 24 h at room temperature.

Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites

MMCs sometimes lead to the formation of an interphase
between the matrix and the reinforcements, which can also
inuence corrosion. For example, it has been reported that
Al4C3 reaction product can be formed at the SiC particles/matrix interface during fabrication of the Al/SiC MMCs using liquid metallurgy techniques. It has been reported [23] that if the
melt temperature of Al/SiC composite materials rises above
710 C (in low Si-containing alloys), Al4C3 forms which can result in a severe loss of corrosion resistance. Some investigators
have concluded that the increased corrosion rate is due to the
formation of Al4C3 at the reinforcement/matrix interface
[23,24]. It has been reported that the reinforcing phase, SiC,
can also affect the corrosion behavior of MMCs, by modifying
the distribution of intermetallic phases in Al alloys [23].
Increasing the number of intermetallic precipitates results in
increased corrosion rates. For example, Kiourtsidis and Skolianos [12] reported that no detrimental galvanic corrosion was
observed between the SiC reinforcing phase and the 2024 Al
matrix. Instead, corrosion was described by two anodic reactions: corrosion of the a-phase adjacent to Al2Cu interdendritic regions, and pitting of the dendrite cores.
In the present investigation, the Al/SiC MMCs were fabricated using PM route, which is a solid-state fabrication process. Accordingly, the formation of Al4C3 at the SiC
particles/matrix interface during fabrication is not likely to
form. Moreover, the matrix used in the present investigation
is a pure Al that means no intermetallic phases in Al matrix
may exists. It is believed that the SiC particulates play an
important role as a physical barrier. A particle acts as a relatively barrier to the initiation and development of corrosion
pits. Rodriguez [25] reported that the interface between the
base matrix and the reinforcement is the weakest part of particulate composites. Hence the nature of the interfacial bond,
whether weak or strong, is critical in the corrosion process.
It is believed that the improvement of the corrosion resistance
of the Al matrix, observed in the present investigation, may
due to the strong interfacial bonding between the aluminum
and SiC part. The increase in corrosion resistance with increasing the volume fraction of SiC particulates also support this.
Fig. 10 shows typical SEM micrographs of the corroded
surface for both pure Al matrix and Al/15 vol.% SiC (3 lm)
composites after exposure in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution for
96 days at 50 C. It can be concluded from these gures that
the amount of surface degradation increased with temperature.
It clearly seen that increasing the NaCl solution temperature
increases the severity damage of both pure Al matrix as well
as the Al/SiC composites. However, the Al/SiC composites
exhibited more severe damage surfaces than the pure Al
matrix. Generally, it has been observed that the severity of
damage in the Al/SiC composites and the pure Al matrix
increases with the increase in exposure duration and the NaCl
solution temperature. The number per unit area and the size of
pits are seen to increase with the temperature of the NaCl solution. It is important to mention that there is hardly any information available in the literature about the corrosion behavior
of the composites in 3.5 wt.% NaCl media at elevated
The effect of temperature on the corrosion rate of Al/SiC
MMCs depends on the energy activation of corrosion. The
corrosion rate increases with activation energy [26]. According
to the results obtained from the current investigation, the cor-

Figure 10 SEM micrographs of pure Al matrix (a) and Al/

15 vol.% SiC (3 lm) composites (b) after exposure in 3.5 wt.%
NaCl solution for 96 days at 50 C.

rosion rate increases more rapidly at higher temperatures than

lower temperatures for both Al matrix and Al/SiC composites.
4. Conclusions
Based on the results presented, the following conclusions can
be drawn:
1. At room temperature, the Al/SiC composites exhibited
better corrosion resistance than the pure Al matrix in
3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution.
2. Increasing the volume fraction of the SiC particulates
increased the corrosion resistance of the Al/SiC composites. Moreover, reducing the SiC particles size
enhanced signicantly the corrosion resistance of the
SiC composites. Increasing the duration exposure
reduces the corrosion rate.

Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

H.M. Zakaria
3. At elevated temperature, the Al/SiC composites exhibited lower corrosion resistance than the pure Al matrix
in 3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution. However, increasing the volume fraction and/or the SiC particles size
reduce(s) the corrosion rates of the Al/SiC composites.
The corrosion rates of the pure Al as well as the
Al/SiC composites were found to increase linearly with
the temperature.

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Hossam El-din Mohamed Zakaria is an Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical

Engineering, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering,
Benha University, Egypt. His eld of research
and supervision of Masters and PhDs are
Composites, friction stir processing, friction
stir welding, wear and corrosion.

Please cite this article in press as: Zakaria HM, Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites, Ain Shams Eng J

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