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Teacher: lcd

Academic Unit: Engineering Sciences

Level: third

Subject: safety and industrial hygiene

Student: Erika JESSENIA SUQUINAGUA cajas

Academic period: October to February

Teacher : ledesma

miracle 2014

Exercise 1
Using the Verb "To be"
Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in present tense.

Example:I (be) am happy.

1) I (be) am_____ tired.
2) I (be) ___am__ hungry.
3) I (be) __am___ late!

Example: You / We / They (be) are happy.

7) You (be) _are____ nice.
8) We (be) __are___ sleepy.
9) They (be) __are___ funny.

Write the correct form of the verb "To be" in present tense.
10) John _is____ excited.
11) Tiffany and Uma _are____my friends.
12) Ricardo, John and I _are____watching a movie.
13) Hadil _is____ kind.
14) Alisa _is____ young.
15) The hammer __is___ new.
16) My mother and father _are____ cooking dinner.
17) Rachel __is___ driving to school.
18) Nikkos and Billy __are___playing at the park.
19) The students ___are__studying English.
20) The test __is___ hard!
21) My best friend __is___coming to my house.

Exercise 2
Tess and Jen _____are___(1) best friends.
They do everything together. They spend every day together.
One day they meet on the bus to school. They start talking.
Hey Jen, says Tess. How ___are_____(2) you?
Hey girl, says Jen. I ___am_____(3) doing fine. What ____are____(4) going on? What
___are____(5) you doing today?
Oh, says Tess, I _____am _____ (6) doing anything special. I dont have any plans.
That ____is____(7) cool.
Yeah, says Tess. But I have something to tell you.
Really! Can I try to guess?
Umm says Tess. Well
Okay, I get three guesses. Ready?

Umm, wellokay.
____Are____(8) we eating dinner together?
No, that ___is__ _____ (9) it.
Okay. Are we going to the soccer game together?
No. It ____is ____(10) that either. Tess looks nervous. Her eyes look sad. A tear starts to fall
down her cheek.
Oh, says Jen, wiping a tear from her own eye. Now I know. You ___are_____(11) moving

Exercise 3
Choose the correct form of "to be" in past tense.
Example: You / We / They (be) were sick yesterday.
Example: I / He / She / It (be) was sick yesterday.

1) I ___was_____ tired yesterday.

3) We ___were_____ sad yesterday.

4) They ___were_____ busy yesterday.

5) He __was______ angry yesterday.

6) She __was______ sleepy yesterday.

7) It ____was____ cold yesterday.

8) I (be) ____was____ tired last night.

9) You (be) ___were_____ happy last night.


10) Richard and I ___were_____ excited last

11) You ____were____ happy yesterday. 12) Javier and Roberto ___were_____ lazy last
13) Julian ____was____ angry yesterday.

14) Rachel ___were_____ sleepy yesterday.

15) The movie ____was____ scary. I don't want to watch it again.

Exercise 4
Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense.
I ___am_____(1) going outside, said Jerry.
Wait! said Jerrys mom.
Dont forget to wear your jacket.
It ___is_____(2) cold out there.
But mom, said Jerry. I dont want to wear it.
I will be fine without it.
Besides, it ____is_ _____ (3) that cold today.

Jerry opened the door. The wind ___is_____(4) blowing and the trees ________(5) shaking.
Leaves ________(6) falling to the ground. He shivered a little and stood behind the door.
Jerry! shouted Jerrys mom. You close that door and get your coat young man.
But mom! said Jerry.
But what? said Jerrys mom. I dont understand why you dont want to wear your new
coat. ___was_____(7) there something wrong with it?
Jerrys face turned red. No! he said. Nothings wrong with it! Then he covered his mouth
with his hand.
Well then said Jerrys mom. Why dont you want to wear it?
Well, mom, said Jerry. I kind ofwellgave it away.
You what? said Jerrys mom. You gave it away?
Yeah. But dont worry. It ___was_____(8) okay. I gave it to Marvin. And he really needs it.
Well, every time I see him, he looks cold. He __is______(9) always cold, actually. His
parents cannot afford to buy him a jacket.
Well, that ________(10) a very nice thing for you to do, dear. But now what___are_____(11)
you going to do without a jacket?
I dont know. Maybe Ill wear my old jacket for a little while.

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