Remember What Jesus Says To The Woman at The Well

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God has created us with a void inside our souls, void which by design needs to be

filled. And all humans have this void of exactly same size it is the size of God.
This is that void, that causes your soul to hunger and thirst. Have you ever had
that feeling that whatever you do in life go to movies, spend time on facebook,
spend time with friends or family sometimes seems so dull and pointless.
If you did then you have that void. Because of its size, whatever you put into
that void, long term you have to put in again, because it quickly vanishes.
You can put more partying, you can put more work, more spending time with
friends, more of other very interesting activities, however over time you will
understand that this void is ever hungry, ever thirsty.
Maybe that is one of the reasons why the world is so fast today- people are trying
to fill that void by volume, in bulk.
But it simply doesnt work. Because that void can be filled by God alone.

Remember what Jesus says to the woman at the well:

Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the
water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will
become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.
Our God, father, dad, daddy we come here this evening to be refreshed from the
fountain of the Living Water. We have come here to turn our faces upon you and
we ask that your face will shine upon us and we plead that you may be gracious
to us, o Lord. May your Holy Spirit fill us tonight and be like an oil, like a
soothing balm to refresh our burdened and damaged souls.
Our souls are thirsty for you, o Lord, come and dwell with us we pray in Jesus
Devotional p. 20, all.
A pastor was visiting an elderly couple, great grandparents several times over.
On their fireplace mantel family snapshots crowded into high school portraits, all
telling the colorful stories of their seven children and their offspring. As they
relived the memories, the aged parents came to the last portrait on the shelf,
their youngest. A note of sadness crept into the mothers voice as she told of her
boy who had grown up in the same home with the same values as the rest had,
but for reasons nobody knew had turned his back on it all.
Rejected them. Rebelled.
Imagine this family gathered at a Thanksgiving dinner reunion. Six of the
children and their children come home to be with Mother and Father. Laughter
and smiles and joy all crowd around the family table. But wait a minute. As
Father stands to pray, what is that that trickles from the corner of Mothers
praying eyes? A Tear ? But dear Mother, six of your seven children have come
home isnt that reason enough to be happy ?
But we all know the universal truth how can a Mothers heart be happy when
one of her children is missing ?
Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there was a perfect Parent and a perfect
home. But one of the children rebelled against everything the family stood for

and valued, leaving a broken heart and a broken home in a heaven now broken
That child was the highest of the chosen ones, but he chose to become unchosen.
And he broke the maternal heart of our Father in heaven, a heart that still weeps
for a boy not coming home.
There is a void in Fathers heart, a void that can only be filled by you. He will not
settle for anything less, but for having you where he is. I can imagine him saying:
Heave is not heaven for me, if youre not there.
Didnt Jesus say: so that where I am you may be also ?

O taste and see that the LORD is good;

How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
He is thirsty, hungry and jealous for a relationship with you. Because his heart is
heart of a true parent.

Devotional. P.22, last paragraph.

If no one has ever told you that youre a son or a daughter of the Living God you
If no one told you that youre valued and treasured in the eyes of God you are !
If no one ever told you that youre saved, justified, forgiven, vindicated, freed,
found, loved, designed and destined for heaven you are !

I encourage you to read Psalm 38 as you go to bed tonight.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor
demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be
able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our
And all these things are possible because He Lives !
Because He Lives song.
Our God, father, dad, daddy because you Live we can face tomorrow. Our souls
are refreshed by your Spirit dwelling in us. Will you dwell in us tonight and
through this Sabbath, so that our weary, burdened souls may find solace and
peace in You, our almighty God and Savior ?
Thank you for the Cross, Lord, thank you for the Sabbath, the refreshing fountain
on the hot day.
We love you and are waiting for you. In Jesus holy name.

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