St. John's AJC Bulletin NOV 2014

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The Apostolic Johannite Church

Initiated by the Baptist, transmitted by the

Apostle, and restored in the modern era, the
Apostolic Johannite Church enacts the
Johannite Tradition through an esoteric, Gnostic
and Christian path of spiritual understanding and
self-discovery. Ignited in community, nurtured
by individual practice, and fed by service, the
Sacred Flame of Gnosis embodied in the tradition
of the Holy Saints John, lives anew through the
work of the Apostolic Johannite Church.

Prayer Requests:
This month, we ask that you say an extra prayer for:

James Backus

Mar Thomas

Dcn. John DiGilio

The Lewandosky Family

Our absent loved ones

and all departed souls

Phoenix Bridegroom and

her family

Our civic leaders, elected

and appointed

All Saints Remembered

Thanks & Blessings:

Linda Lewandosky for feeding so many Johannites every month; the
folks at Second Unitarian for use of their space; Matthew Backus &
Stephanie Hailey for transporting our pilgrims; His Grace, Mar
Thomas, for his unwavering support and leadership; All of our online
followers, financial contributors, and those who sustain and support us
with their labors and spirit.

St. John the Revelator Apostolic Johannite Church

The Apostolic Johannite Church

St. John the Revelator

November 8, 2014

An Advent Message

Parish News

Brothers & Sisters in the Gnosis,

While many of us are either still recovering from our
Halloween festivities or hungrily looking forward to the
celebration of Thanksgiving, we must not forget that this
month brings yet another important season of reflection,
prayer, and anticipation. Advent starts on November 30 for
those using the Western calendar and on November 15, for
followers of the Eastern Orthodox observance.
Whether your Advent celebration runs four weeks or 40 days,
we can all agree that this is a magical time of the year. With
joy in our hearts, we pray, fast, and repent our failings as we
await the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the
Light made flesh, and celebrate the hope of a new beginning.
St. Johns is joining with other Christian fellowships around
the world this year in an attempt to make this Advent even
more meaningful. As we prepare to mark the descent of the
Holy Logos into this material world, we urge you to pray
harder, fast more earnestly, and take on new challenges that
show others that you too believe in a world reborn in light
and love. Come Christmas, the best gifts we can give are
truly those that come without price tags the gifts of hope,
joy, peace, love, kindness, and understanding.
Whatever you do this Advent season, may it bring you and us
all, light and warmth to last the winter and beyond.
- Rev. Dea con John DiGilio

Focus on Church Building

The goal of St. John the Revelator Parish is to create an active,
vibrant, and meaningful community of Gnostic practice in the
Greater Chicago area. Our focus this fall and winter will be to
spread the news of our open and welcoming fellowship. We need
your help. Join the St. Johns Steering Committee! E-mail
Deacon John ( for more information!
Necessary opportunities include: distributing flyers to coffee
shops and campuses, fundraising (we do not need much to pay
our monthly bills), social activities planning, and social media
outreach. We also need creative to help us design logos and
create print materials, as well as a pianist for our monthly
Eucharist. Help us serve the Chicago community!

The Parish Coffers November 2014



Member giving: $10

Space Rental: $100

Rectors Contribution: $110

Website: $20

Bishop: His Grace, William
Behun, in ecclesia, Mar
Deacon: John J. DiGilio
Sub-deacon: Juliana Eimer
Acolyte: Matthew J. Backus

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