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Lynx Virtue

Power: 11 (Terram)
Features: Features: Cunning +2, +5 Perception, Presence 0 Communication -3, -1 S
trength, Vitality +3, Speed
+3, Dexterity +3
Size: -1
Season: Summer
Virtues and Flaws: Animal Magic; Features Enhanced x2, Good Vision, Ferocity (it
s territory, Great Insight x2, Not Affected by Don, Guidance, Quick Reflexes, Gr
eedy (M), Harmful Circumstances (no stones) defect Essentials ( Territorial - Hi
gh) Hungry Magic Terram, Monstrosity Terram, Solitude
Qualities and inferiority Spell: Improved Stamina, High Power, Enhanced Powers,
Personal Power x2, Ritualx2 Power, Major Defects (No Hands, Mute - Free), Suscep
tible to Gaps, Vulnerable to Climate.
Personality Traits: Lynx * +3, +6 Greedy, Territorial * +6, Shy +3, +2 Attentive
Grip: Initiative +3, +8 Attack, Defense +8, Damage n / a
Bite: Initiative +3, Attack +12, Defense +10, Damage 0
Zarpazo: Initiative +2, Attack +10, Defense +11, Damage +1
Stamina: +5
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Penalties for Injuries: -1 (1-4), -3 (5-8), -5 (9-12), Incapacitated (13-16), De
ad (17 +)
Skills: Care 6 (monitor its lair), Athletics 3 (Skip), Hunting 5 (Supernatural),
Concentration 1 (Vision beyond Sight), Leadership 1 (Intimidation), direction 4
(Water), Fight of 5 (Bite) Penetration 1 (Imaginem), Stealth 5 (Shrubs), Surviv
al 5 (Forests)
Brot and Figurius of Grain, points, Initiative, Terram:
R: Touch, D: Momentary, O: Group; Ritual
The Virtue Lynx creates and buried several gems figurius, a mineral that should
come from his lair is a Virtue object in turn (see below on enrichment). The fig
urius is a semi precious stone that has the following bonus material in the labo
ratory (Terram +2, +3 Security, +1 Intellego), and although the Lince supernatur
ally created, also the values and fiercely guards.
CrtE 40 (Base 25, +1 Touch, +2 Group): Power Ritual x2 (40 levels, the cost of p
ower -2) Enhanced Powers (-2 cost of Power)
Presence, 0 points, constant Imaginem:
R: Connection, D: Solar, OR: Guy
You can watch his lair where you are, where their pieces figurius also become pa
wns of Vis, two a year. It also has Link as a major presence in the vicinity whe
n lifting a Magical Aura (luckily for him). While it is not consumed or steal al
l your Den Vis not suffer for it (see below).
Inim 35 (base 2 Arc +4, +2 Sun, +1 constant effect, Tight +1 No effect): High Po
wer (35 levels, cost of power -3)
Vision Beyond Sight, 1 point, Initiative +3, Imaginem:
R: Personal, D: Concentration, O: Vista
All senses Lynx range of his work to Vista, can perceive smell and even touch wh
ere to look. It makes it extremely difficult to surprise.
Inim 30 (Base 5, +1 Concentration, +4 Vista): People Power x2 (30 levels, the co
st of power -2, +2 Initiative) Enhanced Powers (+1 Initiative, 5 levels to 5 lev
els of penetration and concentration)
Natural Weapons: Fangs: 0 Initiative, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +1; Claws In
itiative -1, +2 Attack, +3 Defense, +2 Damage.
Vis 2 pawns of Vis in his eyes Intellego 1 Terram Vis pawn in their blood, 1 paw
n of Vis Muto on your skin.
Appearance: Your skin changes with each season (unlike what happens with normal)
. Grey with onyx spots in winter, with earthy golden brown stains in autumn, roa
sted yellow black spots in spring and golden with reddish spots in summer. His e

yes are alert, bright as two pieces of amber and their whiskers and tufts are bl
ack as brushes.
There Bobcats Virtue usually located in remote locations, and if there is not en
ough prey usually look out of their shelters. These places are precious to them,
and protect them tooth and nail. They also produce a valuable stone, which accu
mulate for themselves because if it saves at least one of them suffers the loss
of his immortality and becomes vulnerable. Also not leave their habitat, because
it depends on magical auras really high, or consume Vis. If someone helps you,
you can accept very willingly be paired with a Family or animal.
The Lynx Virtue adds +3 to Perception rolls related to hearing, sight +6; initia
tive ends in the ambush and adds +3 to attack in the same turn. At capture, you
can add your advantage dam in a separate attack.
To do so can be used Intellego Family Imaginem, I think Muto Terram or Animal or
a similar combination (plus clear Vim). If you give chase, his eyes can enrich
both buried leaving safe from dust and wind during a season, and who bears the p
endant made
him acquire Virtue Vista Aguda. If the skin is bathed in blood during
or left in the sun you can win Quick Reflexes ability to be a belt with it and i
f you leave only during a full moon, Changing Skin (Lynx) is acquired to use as
The Vis figurius possessing raw power can also be enriched, and can convert or u
se an amulet that allows the ability Guidance (requiring storage between half a
bag of hand-tanned leather, for several weeks after polishing stone ) or Hard Vi
rtue when used as an ingredient in a potion (potion that requires other material
s including various herbs and requires fermenting time).
Lynx (Lynx)
Features: Wits +1, +2 Perception, Presence -2, Communication -5, -1 Strength, Vi
tality +3, Speed
+3, Dexterity +3
Size: -1
Confidence Score: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Features Enhanced x2, Good Vision, Ferocity (their territory)
, Quick Reflexes, Greedy, Solitude
Qualities: Aggressive, Extra Natural Weapons, Good climber, Good Ear, Good Jumpe
r, Buena Vista, Hunter ambush, Hard Coat, Presa
Personality Traits: Attentive +2, +6 Greedy, Territorial +3
Reputation: Fiera (Local 2)
Grip: Initiative +3, +8 Attack, Defense +8, Damage n / a
Bite: Initiative +3, Attack +12, Defense +12, Damage 0
Zarpazo: Initiative +2, Attack +10, Defense +11, Damage +1
Stamina: +4
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Penalties for Injuries: -1 (1-4), -3 (5-8), -5 (9-12), Incapacitated (13-16), De
ad (17 +)
Skills: Warning 3 (Food), Athletics 3 (Running), Hunting 4 (Wild Cattle), Fight
of 5 (Bite), Stealth 4 (Stalking prey), Survival 3 (Forest)
Natural Weapons: Fangs: 0 Initiative, Attack +3, Defense +1, Damage +1; Claws In
itiative -1, +2 Attack, +3 Defense, +2 Damage. Their fur gives +1 Stamina.
Appearance: Although it is sometimes confused with a tiger, lynx is the most com
mon throughout Europe Mythical beast. It has its ear tufts and their way of fur
on his face, and his coat varies from golden to reddish or brown, gray or even w
hite in places and very cold seasons. No difference though is his strong constit
ution, and its short tail for a cat. Its size makes it impossible to confuse wit
h wild cats.
Bobcats of the Iberian Peninsula are not as bold when it comes to hunting, with
its exclusive rabbits preferred prey, while most prefer Forever Young mountain g
oats or deer, prey larger than themselves. They are territorial and solitary, an
d hunt one of them is well regarded among the hunting activities of the nobility

It has a Choleric Melancholic temperament and a slight look sometimes.

Always wins the Initiative ambushes adds +3 to Perception checks related to the
ear, and +6 to view feature that makes it famous. Add +3 when climbing and jumpi
ng. When I catch a prey between their prey, on the next turn can pass through yo
ur skin with its claws or kill you with one bite, because it adds the difference
the advantage of their prey to that next attack, or follow the conventional rul
es of prey to drown prey.
[First of two parts Bobcats for Ars Magica, this is normal and mundane one, on t
he way, one or Lynx Magic Virtue. Tomorrow it from your friend and neighbor Mari
o cyber]

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