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The Form of Spiritus

Hermetic Breakthrough
This breakthrough can only be made by a character who has been touched by beings
or magic of pure spirit (of whatever kind). This might be by having a virtue or
flaw related to the Umbra (such as Garou Kinfolk), by gaining a warping point f
rom spirit magic or by spending long enough in the Umbra or Dark Umbra to gain a
warping point. It might also be gained from dealings with Angels or the Fallen,
both of whom are beings of pure spirit.
The wizard gets access to a new hermetic form called "Spiritus" which affects sp
irit based magic as if it were corpus or Vim. Used as a requisite, the form can
allow the use of other spells to affect spiritual forms, magic and realms normal
ly. Any Wizard that knows Spiritus can add a requisite to any spell that allows
them to use wizardry in an umbral realm as if it had a magical aura.
Someone who knows spiritus can teach this form to others as normal. A wizard can
only learn spiritus based spells or cast spiritus based magic if he has either
had his arts opened by someone who already has spiritus or if he has been taught
the form by someone who knows it.
A wizard being taught this magic starts off with a score of 0 in the form howeve
r if he made the breakthrough to create it himself, he gains a number of XP poin
ts in it equal to the number of breakthrough points he gathered to make it.
The Limit of the Lunar Sphere does not apply to any spell cast using Spiritus or
with Spiritus as a requisite. Additional true research on Spiritus might allow
certain Hermetic Limits such as the Limit of the Divine and the Limit of Death.
Creo Spiritus this allows the creation of spirit magic, the healing of spirits a
nd eventually the creation of spirits themselves. At the highest levels and in c
onjunction with other forms, it has the potential to create true life and potent
ially to bring back the dead.
Intellego Spiritus This allows the wizard to speak with spirits, to scry into sp
iritual realms, to unravel the intricacies of spirit magic and to understand the
true nature of spirits. With a requisite it allows the wizard to see someones au
ra and thus gain insights into their true character.
Muto Spiritus This allows someone to transform spiritual auras, to cast metamagi
c on spirit magic and eventually to transform a them. With requisites, it can be
used to change the wizards own spirit and aura.
Rego Spiritus This allows the wizard to conjure, banish, ward against and comman
d spiritual entities (including gaian spirits, banes, angels etc...).
Perdo Spiritus This allows the wizard to destroy spirits and spirit magic.

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