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As part of my commitment to coach for Complete Game Baseball this season, I commit myself to the following
expectations and responsibilities:
I. I understand and endorse the purpose of our organization: to help all players at all levels reach their
potential on and off the field.
II. I will learn, know, trust, and implement the Complete Game Baseball system because I trust that it is
designed for the best interest of all Complete Game players, both on and off the field.
III. I commit to attending the Complete Game Coaches Meetings unless I am sick or out of town.
IV. I will be mindful never to shame a player, but to correct him in an uplifting way.
V. I will protect my players and be big enough to build up players, not tear them down. Players are facing
pressures from all areas of life and we dont often see or know what they are dealing with away from our
VI. I will remember that my job as a coach is to put my players in a position where they can develop to their
fullest potential through proper teaching and guidance.
VII. I will believe in every player. Every player is a part of our baseball family and deserves every chance to
succeed and I will treat each player with the utmost respect.
VIII.I will remember that parents are our partners. I will work with each family in helping their son reach his
potential on and off the field.
IX. I will not be afraid to apologize! We all make mistakes. When mistakes are made publicly, I will
apologize publicly. When mistakes are made personally, I will apologize personally.
X. I will be on time. I will arrive a minimum of fifteen minutes before each practice and sixty minutes for
each game. If something unexpected arises that will cause me to be late or miss a commitment, I will
communicate with Shawn Sedlacek, Matt Williams, or Todd Sears and my team as soon as possible.
XI. I will not argue with umpires. I acknowledge that umpires will always make mistakes and I will not argue
or show negative emotion towards an umpire.
XII. I will wear a coaches batting helmet at all times while on the playing field while the game is in progress.
XIII.I will not use foul language, alcohol, or tobacco in front of the players. I will not use foul language, use
tobacco, or use alcohol at any Complete Game game or practice. I will also refrain from using foul
language, tobacco or alcohol on any trip with Complete Game Baseball. I understand that a violation of
this provision may subject me to immediate termination from my coaching position.
I will model what it looks like to win and lose with class.
Because I am a role model who has the power, position, and platform to make a positive difference in the lives
of my players, I commit to this Complete Game Coach Contract. When failing to live up to these standards I will
allow for accountability and take responsibility for my actions. I acknowledge that failing to honor the covenants
set forth in this contract above may result in the immediate termination of my coaching position with Complete
Game Baseball Club.
Coach Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Representative of Complete Game Baseball:_______________________________ Date:____________

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