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Holly Tranzor

Holly Tranzor knew something was wrong when she did sit-ups
faithfully but her belly grew larger instead of getting. flatter.
t to the point where the Vallejo

weeks later, she had her first appointment
resident, then 37, couldn't bend over with Alison Jacoby, MD, director of the
to put on her gym socks without Fibroid Center.
feeling discomfort. "Holly had the most and biggest fibroids I
Tranzor, who was also suffering fatigue, had ever seen," said Jacoby, an assistant
knew she had uterine fibroids. After years of clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology
increasingly severe menstrual periods, she and reproductive sciences at UCSF
had researched her condition on the Internet Medical Center.
and in 1990 began to consult physicians in Although selecting the appropriate treatment
the community to monitor her condition. depends on factors inclUding size, location
Fibroids are nodules that develop within and number of fibroids, increasingly patients
the muscle wall of the uterus of some want to keep their uteruses even if they
women during their childbearing years. have completed childbearing.
Although most women will have no symp- "It's very common for a woman to come for
toms, some experience excessive or painful a second opinion because her doctor said
bleeding during menstruation, bloating in she had no safe option other than hys-
the abdomen and low back pain. Fibroids terectomy," Jacoby said. "But for doctors
contribute to infertility and are diagnosed experienced in removing the fibroids rather
in African American women three times than the uterus, the patient's surgical risk
more often than in white women. About 70 is actually very low."
percent of women will have fibroids by
their late 40s. -- Patient-care at UCSF'sComprehensive
Fibroid Center is carefully coordinated to
Current treatments for symptomatic assure the most appropriate treatment and
fibroids include myomectomy, a surgery follow-up. Uterine artery embolizations are
that removes only the fibroids and leaves performed by a specialist in interventional
the uterus intact; uterine artery emboliza- radiology, part of the collaboration Jacoby
tion, a procedure that starves the fibroids called essential to the center's approach. In
of blood supply so they shrink; and hys- 2003, the center expects to perform about
terectomy, removal of the uterus. Fibroids 50 uterine artery embolizations, 60
account for 200,000 hysterectomies and myomectomies and 30 hysterectomies.
30,000 to 40,000 myomectomies each year
Regardless of treatment, all Fibroid Center
in the US.
patients are evaluated and counseled by
The oldest of four sisters, Tranzor comes Jacoby. "My mom, my sister and I went
from a family of women with fibroids. Her together and had all our questions
mother and her mother's sisters commiser- answered," Tranzor said. "After the consulta-
ated, supporting Tranzor's desire to avoid a tion, I believed that Dr. Jacoby was God-sent
hysterectomy and preserve her option for and I had full confidence. A burden was lift-
pregnancy. Most of the doctors she saw ed from my shoulders."
said the same thing: "Wait and see."
Tranzor scheduled her surgery to coincide
"Finally," she said, "I went for a regular with the Thanksgiving break from her
physical one Friday and they found out I graduate studies. It took nearly six hours
was so anemic they wanted to do a trans- for Jacoby to meticulously remove the 21
fusion the same day. And that's when I fibroids that had expanded Tranzor's
realized it was serious." uterus and were pressing on her rib cage.
Instead of a transfusion, she arranged with The fibroids varied in size, but the largest
the doctor to spend the weekend taking was 12 centimeters - about the size of
iron supplements and eating iron-rich a cantaloupe.
foods, including liver, beef and collard With help from her family Tranzor's recov-
greens. "I ate cream of wheat three times a ery went smoothly. Today,Tranzor, 39,
.day all weekend," Tranzor said. works as an underwriter for a major insur-
By Monday that regimen brought her red ance company. Her menstrual cycle is nor-
blood cell count back into the safe zone. mal and she has more than enough energy
In April 2001, a community physician found to work out.
the fibroids had grown so dramatically she "I don't know if I can carry children, "she
felt she could no longer perform a said, "but at least I still have the option.
myomectomy for Tranzor, offering her a Dr. Jacoby gave me hope, and hopefully
hysterectomy - or, as an alternative, a I'll be able to get married and have kids
referral to the Comprehensive Fibroid one day - soon."
Center at UCSFWomen's Health. Two

For more information about the Fibroid Center

or women's health, please caI/885-7788.

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