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1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme


a person who coordinates and oversees work of other ppl so organi

zational goals can be accomplished


overseeing the activity of others so their activities are completed ef

ciently and eectively


"doing things right" getting the most output for the least input


"doing the right things" attaining organizational goals

Chap. 1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme

three approaches to what managers do

1.functions they perfom 2.roles they play 3.skills they need


dening goals, establishing strategies, developing plans to coordina

te activities


arranging work to accomplish organizational goals


working with and through people to accomplish goals

Chap. 1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme


monitoring, comparing and correcting work

Mintzberg's management roles

1.interpersonal roles 2.informational roles 3.decisional roles

Interpersonal Roles

reects interactions with people inside and outside the work unit 1.f
igurehead 2.leader 3.liaison

Informational roles

giving, receiving and analyzing of information 1.monitor 2.dissemin

ator 3.spokesperson

Chap. 1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme

decisional roles

using information to make decisions to solve problems or address o

pportunity 1.entrepreneur 2.disturbance handler 3.resource allocato
r 4.negotiator

mintzberg managerial actions

1.thoughtful thinking 2.practical doing

Skills managers need-technical skills

knowledge and proeciency in a specic eld

Skills managers need-human skills

the ability to work well with other people

Chap. 1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme

Skills managers need-conceptual skills

ability to concpetualize abstract and complicated situations concerni

ng the organization

Skill importance at levels top managers

conceptual and human is primary technical is not important

Skill importance at levels middle managers

human skills primary conceptual and technical are also important

Skill importance at levels lowerlevel managers

high technical and human low conceptual

Chap. 1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme

How manager's job is changing importance of customers

customers the reason organizations exist customer relationships is

responsibility of all managers and employees consistent high qualit
y service is essential for survival

How manager's job is changing innovation

doing things dierently exploring new territory taking risks manager

s should encourage innovation

How manager's job is changing changing technology

virtual workplaces mobile workforce exible work arrangements em

powered employees work-personal life balance

How manager's job is changing security threats

risk management restructured workplace discrimination concerns gl

obalization concerns employee assistance future energy source?

Chap. 1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme

How manager's job is changing increased emphasis on ethics

redened values rebuilding trust increased accountability

How manager's job is changing increased competitiveness

change in... customer service innovation globalization eciency/pro



an arrangement of people to accomplish a specic purpose

characteristics of organization

distinct purpose composed of people deliberate structure

Chap. 1 intro to management and organizations

Study this set online at: http://www.cram.com/ashcards/chap-1-intro-to-manageme

universality of management

good management is needed in all organizations

reality of work

employees either managed or are managed

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