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The Tragedy of the Six Marys





This book is about the worlds most heinous religious cult, Unification Church, whose
notorious leader is Sun Myung Moon, based on real stories and experiences. It is to
expose his unpardonable behavior that has been done in the name of His Return which
was not limited to many unethical sexual activities such as gang bang and blood
exchange with unmarried women and married women.

In the name of blood exchange, a lot of women have ruined their lives and family
members deceived by the sweet temptation of salvation. There have been too many
pregnant women who were used and deserted by this false organization.

Moons prisoner number at Huengnam Penitentiary was 596 when he had been
imprisoned for 5 years because of marriage with a married woman (lamb wedding feast).
I am going to write about sex relay in the name of blood exchange and the return of the
Unification Church. I will also write about his history of arrest, investigation, his false

The tragic end of many married women who gave their bodies and fortune to Moon.
My shameful experience of abnormal sex and the practice of blood exchange.
The exploitation of labor by Moon to increase his fortune and the Moons nepotism.
Moon has done everything to make a fortune.
By stealing the principle of Baek Moon Kim, Moon was able to build his cult and this
book was written by the person who had lived with Moon for 13 years.

This book was written based on the real experience of the author to let people including
not only Christians but people with other religion or not know about the reality of the
Unification Church.

I began to write this book since 1985. I name the title as History of the Unification
Church Corp.. In terms of Japanese, it can be written as Tokyumeto of the
Unification Church. The purpose of this book is to let people know about the illusion
of the Unification Church based on my 13-year activities with Sun Myung Moon. While
he is calling himself Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ, I was the person who
knew everything about Moon since the foundation of the church.

He had made all kinds of women including students and married women in the name of
coming back. He had done so many unforgivable acts by smuggling women to Japan to
give birth of babies. Unfortunately, I was his best pupil and I could only wish their
happiness there.

In 1962, I withdrew from his church after I realized his heinous acts. About 20 years later,
I put my step again in the headquarters of the church after I was asked by the highranking officers of the church. Their aim was to use me as their witness for the church.
But I was limited to my testimony for their sake (stories about Moons imprisonment or
moving south). But I had my own aim too. I wanted to know the news of my comrades
and friends in the church. The news I could find later was all tragedy.

All the women who believed that they could live a happy life became devastated. They
were living like a living corpse without eating enough food. They all became old trees
because of Moon. That was my motive to write this book and they wanted me to write it
as soon as possible. When they were young, they were all rich enough to live an affluent
life. Lost their virginity, fortune, and families, lonely and impoverished life was their only
option left. And I felt responsibility for their tragedy.

I risk my life writing this book but I am not afraid. I know that I cant write this book

without risking my life. And I began to write little by little and waited for the time. Time
went by and Kim Young-sam, who was a devout Christian, became President of Korea.
By President Kims courageous decision, Korea is developing and purifying in every
field. I was very delighted to see the progress in Korea. Even though there were a lot of
things to do for publication including classification, translation, writing, and compilation,
everything was done faster than expected by the love of Jesus.

I am going to donate any royalties I may receive from this book to those who are
suffering from their past relationship with Moon. Lastly, I want to pray for the people
who are the Victims of Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church.

Chung Hwa Park

October 1993

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The man met in the prison
The Second Coming of Christ
Huengnam Special Labor Detention Center
Prisoner Number 596, Yong Myung Moon
Being appointed as chief
Why did Hawwah hide her lower half of the body?
Jesus and 6 women
Blood exchange through sex relay
The heretic who made a noise in Pyungyang
The first arrest and imprisonment
Sentenced to 5 years in prison charged of married to a married woman
Korean War and the great air raid
Pardon of Kim Il Sung

Chapter 2. Fleeing to Busan escaping from war

From Pyungyang to Seoul
Attacked by thugs
Reunion with Yong Myung Moon
Following Moon leaving my family in North Korea
Promise of men until death
Tough way to the South
Barely arrived at Seoul
From Seoul to Busan
The second refugee
Parting in Gyeongju
Moons visit due to poverty
Reunion with Sang Hyun Ok from Pyungyang

Chapter 3. The Foundation of the Unification Church

The zeal of female believers
Church in Sujung-dong, Busan
Disturbance by Sun Kil Choi (Moons first wife)
Electrical torture at the police station
Test about the will of heaven
Angry husband of Soon Chul Lee
Congregation in Busan
The tragedy of college student, Young Hee Kim
Days of being chased by police
The incident of Ewha Womens College
Joining by many professors and students
Duk Jin Kim
Another electrical torture in Daegu
Picture business
Secretary Do Uk Song for the third generation
Taking a breath
The truth about the arrest of officers
Moons arrest
The focus of the investigation was gang bang
Indictment of 5 officers
Escape from the investigation

Chapter 4. The Victimized Women

The miserable end of Sang Hyun Ok
Socks knitted by hair
The sigh of elder Ha Sup Woo
Both body and mind to Moon
Nowhere to go
Bong Shik Park and Myung Choon Oh
Devoted husband and wife to Moon

The affair of Do Uk Song

An excellent man of character, Bong Shik Park
Myung Choon Oh who sacrificed a substantial amount of money
Living as a housekeeper
Tears and anger of Jong Hwa Kim
I want to kill Yong Myung Moon
The tragedy of 6 Marias
6 married women
Jung Soon Shin, Soon Chul Lee, Myung Choon Oh, An Sil Kim, Shin Hee Yoo, Young Shin

Not 6 Marias but 60 Marias

Losing loved one and killed
A man named Won Duk Kim
Mysterious romance
Banquet with a beautiful woman
Strange visionary power
Stealing the woman of disciple, Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 5. The reality of the Messiah

The contradiction between doctrine and practice
My memoir is the writing of truth
Believers who know nothing
How can Moon be the Messiah?
The strange relation with Deuk Eun Jung
The sex propagation
Sexual desire and money
Steal your husband's money
Why sinless children die?
Sex in the name of return
Many destroyed families
The grudge of women

Children from unmarried women

Who betrayed?
Letter of recommendation by Moon
The persistent sweating system
Moons sons, Hueng Jin and Hyo Jin
Deleted founders name
Escape! There is an incident
The betrayer was Sun Myung Moon

The Chapter 6. The Real Satan is Moon

The value of witness
Remarried and new place
Collapsed by illness
Officers that I met in a long time
A living witness of the foundation of the Unification Church
Stealing Baek Moon Kims doctrines
Suspicious marriage of half brothers
A man of principle, Duk Jin Kim
The role of 36 families
The countermeasure of successive appearance of the Messiah
Victimized contributors
A man of better character than Moon, Hyo Won Yoo
Entrepreneur, Hyo Min Yoo
President of Ilshin Stone Co., Hyo Young Yoo
Moons corruption and crime
The secret of Young Hee Kim
Another mother
My shameful experience
The confused world by a red dragon

Chapter 7. Testimony The truth we had experienced

Hyo Min Yoo Betrayed after he had devoted to the financial foundation of the
Unification Church.
Shin Hee Yoo One of the 6 Marias
Duk Jin Kim The doer of sex relay

Chapter 1. The man met in the prison

The Second Coming of Christ

I had been in charge of railway security in Haejoo Hwanghae-do since May 1947 as
company commander of the first squadron in the second brigade which was a part of the
Department of Interior and I was promoted to battalion commander of the same brigade
on December 1 at the same year and moved to a bigger base in Sariwon. I graduated from
a technical college in Sinkyung Manchuria (currently China) majoring in civil
engineering during the Japanese occupation of Korea. Therefore, I was promising elite in
North Korea due to my military career in the Japanese military.

On May 7 after I started my job there, a little strange incident happened. A company
commander of the second squadron named Hue Jung was arrested for his being bribed by
local vendors in Hwanghae-do and participating in the black market that sold North
Korean goods such as female hair to South Korea. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison
and I was also sentenced to 3 years in prison as his superior. I was imprisoned in
Pyungyang first and moved to a special labor prison in Huengnam. It happened when I
was 35 on February 2, 1949.

Huengnam Special Labor Detention Center

When we were transferred to the center, we were tied into groups of two like cattle for
fear of our running away and put into the train. After about 24-hour-long drive without
any food or water, we finally arrived at a wide ground like a school playground at around
4 a.m. We were guarded by a tight security by many prison guards and police. It was the
notorious Huengna Special Labor Detention Center. It was a labor camp that was known
to stop a crying baby.

We were assigned to a small cell with 32 prisoners. We were offered breakfast at 7 a.m.
The breakfast was a small rice ball made with bean, millet, barley, and corn. It was very
loose. The soup was made with a little seaweed and salt in a nicked bowl. Even though I

had not eaten all day, I had no appetite. While I was thinking about my future, another
prisoner snapped my food quickly without asking me. I felt the reality of the prison at
that time. At 8 in the morning, we were all called out to stand on the ground lining up.
There were about 1,500 prisoners standing. The chief of the prison wearing a star
explained us about the rules of the prison and our workload. And we started. Our hands
were tied by two people and moved forward in 4 rows. There were prison guards standing
in front and left and right side to inspect us. Tying our hands by two people was to
prevent escape. It was about 4 km from the center to the nitrogen factory. Every day since
then, in good weather or not, we had to walk back and forth from the prison to the

We were assigned our daily workload to fill up 1,300 bags of nitrogen fertilizer in a 10person group. There was an inspector to measure the weight of the bag. The order of the
work was as follows. When a prisoner opens the empty bag, two prisoners begin to
shovel to put the fertilizer into the bag. When the bag reaches to 40kg, another prisoner
puts the bag on the scale and the remaining 6 people transport it. And they pack it with a
straw rope. Since it was done by 10 people in a group, anyones negligence or clumsiness
caused trouble. When there was trouble, we were badly scolded by the manager.
Therefore, we encouraged each other and took care of each other. We had no time even to
blink our eyes.

Our work started at 8 in the morning until 5 p.m. We had a 30-minute lunch break and
our total working time was 8 and half an hour every day. My body had become emaciated
because of 6-month imprisonment in Pyungyang and the hard labor in the camp after that.
Furthermore, the cruel treatment towards prisoners was unbearable. I had to desperately
endure it and I could not tell whether it was dream or reality. But I tried to keep my spirit
to survive. After the inspection of daily workload in the evening, our work finally
finished. And we had to walk back to our camp which was about 4 km again.

At that time I could barely stand. After another inspection on the ground, more
precautions were explained to us by the guards. Those who were allowed to meet visitors

went to the visitors room. And we could go back to our rooms. In the small cell with 32
prisoners, we could not even lie down. Our dirty bodies with sweat smelled bad. I
realized that the real prison life started. The dinner was like breakfast. It was a rice ball
made with mixed grain and salty soup. I felt no appetite but I had to eat it.

All other cellmates looked terrible because they were tired too. Their charges were all
different. The bedtime was 10 and we had to sleep tangled with each other. We barely lied
down in that small room. The toilet was at the corner. In the morning, there was always a
fuss because everybody tried to use it. Like that, I became used to the hard labor and I
made up my mind to do my best until the day of my release. My hands and feet gained a
lot of flab. But my problem was tying the bag. I could not learn to use the straw rope
well. While others could make two bags, I only could do one.

Feeling the cool look of my team, I felt sorry to them. The most difficult thing to cope
with was hunger. Sometimes I was thinking to steal the powder made of mixed grains that
was given to the cellmates by their visitors because I was too hungry. But I had to stop
thinking of stealing because it was a stealing. I spent many nights just looking at the
powder because of hunger. One morning there was a fuss about stealing the grain powder.

When they found the thief, they lynched him badly. It was hell. Almost every day there
was a fuss in the group of more than 30 people. That was the last feature of human. There
was a prisoner who died trying to swallow a bean because of hunger. There is a saying
that the most difficult thing to cope with in the world is hunger. I realized how important
eating was. A bowl of grain powder was worth equal to a suit. Any inmates who received
anything from outside the prison could meet their ends but others who did not had a hard
life in prison.

Prisoner Number 596, Yong Myung Moon

My work skill had not improved and the leader of our team assigned me a rather easy part
such as opening the bag or shoveling the fertilizer. However, I was still clumsy at work.

One day when I was having trouble handling a 40 kg bag, one of the members of our
team, who had a robust physique, in his 30s, came to me and said, Let me teach you.
He finished his part skillfully and taught me how to handle it. Thanks to him, I could
finish my work to meet my workload. Fortunately, I was still healthy at that time.

It was a pleasant thing to me. He seemed to have come to the prison about 6 months
earlier than I and taught me a lot of things such as the barter deal in the prison and the
details of the prison. It was like meeting Buddha in hell. I felt a certain hope out of
despair because of his warm-hearted mind even with the terrible hard labor in the prison.
Since he belonged to other cell, I had to go back to my room alone. But I could not sleep
well because of hunger. The only comfort for me was to see him again in the morning at
the workplace.

Since we could communicate each other consoling, I looked forward to seeing him every
day. Whenever I was on the ground at 8 in the morning, I hurried to find him to sit behind
him. Then I could walk to the factory with him tying our hands together after inspection.
Before I met him, walking to the factory was terrible pain especially on a rainy day. But it
became a pleasant thing to me walking with him to work. About 20 days later after I met
him, I dreamed a weird dream.

There appeared a white-colored old man in my dream and said, Do you know who he is
that helps you and takes care of you every day? I answered, He is a very kind and good
man and I want to be with him and work with him. And the old man said, He is the
Messiah that you have learned from the Bible since you were a kid. And the old man
disappeared. I stood up quickly and looked around my cell. But there was no one but my
cellmates sleeping. Jesus Christ prayed last time at the Gethsemane garden before
crucifixion and returned to bodily life after 3 days. He appeared here and there for 40

When Christ ascended into heaven, he told disciples, Why are you looking up the sky?
As I am ascending into heaven, I will return to you soon. It was the return of Christ and

I could not sleep well after the dream. Thinking about it, I barely finished my breakfast.
Next morning I sat behind him as always. I was going to ask him about my dream. Before
I mentioned about it, he suddenly told me about the dream. You had a dream last night?
Did he tell you who I am?

I wondered how he knew about my dream and I answered that it was the return of Christ.
Since then I started calling him teacher even though he was 29 that was 7 years younger
than I out of respect. And he began to call me Chung Hwa after that and we became
more intimate. He was Yong Myung Moon whose prisoner number 596.

Being appointed as chief

On a morning after 15 days later, I was called to the office of warden. 919 was my
prisoner number. I was a little worried about being called. When I met the warden, he told
me to take the charge of chief because the existing chief would be released. There were
about 1,500 prisoners in the prison. The group leader takes charge of 10 prisoners and the
captain takes charge of 18 group leaders. As a chief, I had to handle 15 captains to decide
many important decisions such as job assignment.

I became the representative of the entire prisoners. The warden seemed to have checked
my experience and background as a battalion commander and decided that I was the
perfect one. I was procrastinating first but I decided to take it by being encouraged by
Moon. As a chief, I could know many new things. The most wanted job by the prisoners
was cooking. The next ones were handymen, lathe workers, and the last one was working
at the factory. Even though the lathe work was hard one, the workers could have a chance
to learn skill. But working at the factory had no benefit to the prisoners.

It was the worst hard labor. With a chunk of rice ball and a bowl of salty soup for a meal,
it was too hard to endure such a hard work. Because of malnutrition and fatigue, about
100 prisoners died every month. In a simple calculation, we would all die in a year.
Therefore, about 100 new prisoners were transferred to Huengnam prison every month.

After I became chief, I could have more free time. When I had a chance, I met Moon to
chat with. And I tried to give him easier job. I believed that he was the return of Christ for
me since he surprised me by noticing my dream.

One day one of the captains, Hueng Sik Joo told me a strange story. One of his prisoners
got sick and told him about his serious illness. The prisoner was a captain of a big ship
before sailing around the world during the Japanese occupation of Korea. After the end of
the war, he had lived in Yeosoo. When he visited North Korea to see his relatives, he was
arrested for a crime. He gave a map wrapped with silk and an English written note to
him. After he died, captain Joo brought the note to pastor Jin Soo Kim for translation.
The note says as follows:

There are tombs of children in Yeosoo. In the tomb of the third child, there is a box full
of jewel that is worth more than $1,000,000. Since I will die soon, I will give it to you
and you find it later when you go back to the South.

After Joo told me the story, he suggested me to find it because I would be released earlier
than he. Since it was an interesting story, I told Moon about the story. Later on, I lived in
South Korea again but I never visited Yeosoo and forgot about the story.

2 years later in Busan, Moon and his friend came to Yeosoo to find it desperately. It
seemed that they could find the cemetery but could not find the tomb of the child.
Therefore, Moon never told me that he had visited Yeosoo. When I realized his visit to
Yeosoo later, I wondered that how he could not find it if he were the return of Christ. The
Second Coming of Jesus, Messiah Sun Myung Moon! This is the subject of this book and
my confession. But I was an ignorant person at that time only to respect Yong Myung

Why did Hawwah hide her lower half of the body?

As a chief wearing an armband of it, I could have more free time after inspection of

prisoners and assigning their work. During my free time, I used to talk about religion
with Moon. But I realized that Moons knowledge of the Bible was weird considering his
infant baptism and his work as a deacon in the church during his youth. Some of stories
even made me resistant to them. For example, he told me that John got killed because he
did not do his duties. Since I knew that John was a good disciple, it was a shock to me.
He even told me that Maria did not do her duties either. He also told me that Jesus was
not doomed to be crucified.

The more shocking news I heard was that unforgettable day of Saturday on March 29,
1950. On that day it was raining since morning and we were walking to the factory tied
by two prisoners like a wet rat as usual. After we arrived there, I inspected them and
assigned their work. At that time Moon was doing a rather easy job such as putting straw
in the bag. It was usually done by the old and weak people. Moon called me to discuss
something and we went to the warehouse. We sat on the pile of straw to talk. We looked
at each other. As a chief of prisoners, I could enjoy such freedom. And nobody could
complain about it.

Yong Myung Moon was charged of crime for social disorder and sentenced to 5 years in
prison. His prisoner number was 596. My prisoner number was 919. I was sentenced to 3
years in prison. The two prisoners were talking to each other. Number 596 was talking
and number 919 was listening to him and writing memo.

The issue of the day was about Genesis in the Bible. The point of Genesis was that God
creates the first man with clay and into whom he breathes the breath of life. God
names him Adam and place him a Garden of Eden. And God creates a woman with a rib
of Adam as his companion. She was Hawwah. God commanded the man, You are free to
eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil. But the crafty serpent seduced the woman to eat fruit from the tree in the
middle of the garden and she made Adam eat too. Then the eyes of both of them opened
and they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

The purpose of God to create Adam and Eve was to breed their sinless offspring for the
world. And the God banished them from the Garden of Eden and they could not return.
Therefore, sinful Adam had to toil to eat and Eve had to have pain in childbearing. Adam
lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain and his younger
brother Abel. But Cain attacked Abel and killed him to become the first criminal of the
world. This is the typical interpretation of the Genesis. But Moon told me that the
interpretation was wrong. Therefore, all the Christians of the world were wrong. His
interpretation was as follows;

The serpent that deceived Hawwah was the name of the Archangel Luciel and Luciel
deceived Hawwah to eat the forbidden fruit. In other words, Luciel had sex with
Hawwah. Hawwah who lost her virginity had sex with her husband Adam before she got
caught by God for her defiled body by the Satan. Her sin was eating the forbidden fruit.
Then why did Eve hide her lower part of the body with fig leaves when she was caught
by God? When we get hurt, we put a band aid on the wound. As the same logic, Adam
and Hawwah had sexual intercourse to cause the wound and she hid it with the fig leaves.
Until then she did not feel any shame about her nudity. That means the sexual intercourse
made her hide her body.

When a man tries to have sex with a woman and succeeds, we still say that I plucked the
fruit. This kind of expression came from this. When a newly-wed couple spent the first
night, it is usual that they feel a little shame even though they are legally married. It is
because Archangel Luciel had sex with immature Eve and felt her sourness 6,000 years
ago. When we eat unripe fruit, we feel sourness. And Archangel Luciel felt the same
sourness when he had sex with Hawwah.

The Lord God tried to breed sinless people for the world but Archangel Luciel had
blocked the purpose of God. When Cain killed Abel, the breeding of sinners started. God
couldnt stand it anymore. And God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and sent a
deluge to destroy it saving only the righteous Noah and his family. But God could not
save humans with those punishments and he sent Jesus to save the world through the

body of Maria.

The purpose of God to send Jesus to our world was that he failed to build a world of
human through Adam 4,000 years ago. By sending Jesus to the world as second Adam,
God tried to achieve his purpose.

Jesus and 6 women

Jesus had lived in Josephs for 3 years working as a carpenter and began his path as
Savior at the age of 30. Jesus picked up 12 disciples as second Adam to fulfill the purpose
of the Lord God. First he had to have sexual intercourse with his mother Maria to get it
back that was taken away by Archangel Luciel before. However, Maria did not
understand the providence of god thinking herself only as the daughter of body and she
was not given a chance to have sexual intercourse with Jesus.

One miracle Jesus had made was to create wine with water at a wedding ceremony in
Canaan. Since they didnt have any wine left, Maria discussed it with Jesus. Maria, who
already knew that Jesus could turn the water into wine, asked Jesus. At the moment Jesus
asked the woman, Lady, what do you have anything with me? Jesus sexual intercourse
with Maria was to get it back that Archangel Luciel took away. In other words, Jesus
could not get pure blood since there was no sex between mother and son. After that Jesus
gave a lot of love to Maria and her sister and they also respected Jesus. And Jesus decided
to achieve the purpose of Gods creation. However, the Maria was supposed to marry

Since Maria loved Jesus, Judah was jealous. Therefore, Jesus tried to let Marda Marid
marry with Judah and he himself marries with Magdala Maria. Judah betrayed Jesus for
30 silver coins but the truth was that it was because of jealousy. One day when Jesus was
travelling with his disciples, he arrived at a village called Suga looking for something to
eat. When Jesus was resting by the well, a Samaritan woman came to the well for water.
Jesus told the woman, Bring your husband. Since the woman did not answer it, Jesus

said asking a cup of water, You cant answer it because you have five husbands. If I
drink the water you give me, I will feel thirsty again. But the water I will give you will
flow in your body like spring water forever. (Retrograde order, just followed Moons
story). Jesus tried to have sexual intercourse with the woman but he failed because his
disciples did not help him.

One day the Pharisees brought a woman who committed adultery to Jesus. If Jesus
commanded them to forgive the woman, it would be against the Moses Ten
Commandments. If he commanded to kill the woman with stones, his saying of
forgiveness would be false. It was a difficult question to answer. Without saying a word,
Jesus just wrote something on the ground. It said, If any of you have never sinned, then
go ahead and throw the first stone at her. And the people around him slowly disappeared
and there were Jesus and the woman left.

And Jesus said to the woman, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. At the
moment Jesus had to have sexual intercourse with the woman but he failed. When Jesus
visited Simons home where lepers were living, a woman who had lived a sinful life in
that town brought an alabaster jar of perfume and began to wet his feet with her tears.
Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. The
disciples condemned the woman for using the valuable oil.

And Jesus said, Stop blaming her. She gave me very important thing. Jesus tried to have
sexual intercourse with her but he failed again. Jesus was crucified to take the sins of
human and we all believed that. But we do not understand the ideal of Gods purpose of
creation well. The reason for sending Jesus to us was to get it back that was taken away
by Luciel before. But Maria did not know about it and she did not give a chance to Jesus.
The first thing that was needed for the purpose could not be done and Jesus got killed at
Golgotha and ascended into heaven.

At the last moment Jesus prayed, I will follow you. Thats not because he was afraid of
death but because he could not have a chance to have sexual intercourse to get it back as

the second Adam that was taken away. If we are all saved by his crucifixion, he would
not have prayed like that. Jesus failed in body but succeeded in spirit. And he left
homework in the name of the Second Coming. Where will our Messiah come from to us?
Will he come to us over the Mount of Olives?

No, its not true. He will come from a small country from the East which has vivid 4
seasons. It is Korea. The Second Coming will appear as the third Adam. The providence
of God must be completed that could not be done for 6,000 years to cleanse the defiled
blood of human by Satan. It is to follow the real intention of god by making this world
where no sins exist. That is the duty of the Second Coming and the true Adam and
Hawwah can make the world clean by executing the lamb feast.

Blood exchange through sex relay

Having been born in a family of Christianity and baptized as an infant, I could not
understand his assertions. However, with the divine revelation that Moon is a real
Messiah, I was attracted to his words. And I asked him, How can you do such things and
what will you do to make heaven? It was the return with women that Jesus could not
finish. First we have to take 6 women back, 6 Marias, because Luciel took away with
sexual intercourse. It is our homework to be done and duty to be completed even risking
our lives.

I was surprised and asked him. Sir, it is too risky to have sex with 6 married women and
you can get killed by their husbands. Even if they dont find out, it must be against the
Moses Commandments. Even in this country adultery is a crime. How can you do such a
thing? He answered, Dont worry. The world will become hanky-panky soon. When a
couple has sex on the street, no bystanders will interfere. It will be like shaking hands in
the future. It will not be a strange thing.

At that time, the mental state of people will change too. There will be no jealousy about
adultery. Then women will come forward to have sex with other men. At that time we

have to exchange blood to purify the blood that was defiled by Satan. This is called blood
exchange and it has some rules to keep. To purify the defiled blood of married women,
the ritual requires 3 times of sexual intercourse with the Messiah. In other words, total 18
times of sexual intercourse with 6 Marias are required for rebirth. After 6 Marias return
completed, the Messiah marries a virgin who was selected as Hawwah which is called the
lamb feast. Another Adam the Messiah and Hawwah are real father and mother and their
offspring becomes the good with no sin forever.

Therefore, we can turn our world to the origin that the Lord God tried to create 6,000
years ago. But Sir, we have more than 5 billion people in the world who were poisoned
by Archangel Luciel by the blood of Satan. Can you do the blood exchange for all those
people? And he answered that the returned woman may have sexual intercourse with
other men. And the returned man can have sexual intercourse with other women 3times to
return them. And the returned woman has sexual intercourse with other men. However,
the returned one cant have sexual intercourse for 7 years.

That is the essential requirement for return. But now the sexless period reduced to 7
months and to 7 days. But there are many different races skin colors, and languages. And
I asked him how we could do that. And he said, If we can meet the requirements, it can
be done regardless of the difference of race, nationality, and language. People around the
world will come to the country of Messiah where people wear white clothes and the sun
rises from the east to pray.

At that time our world will become one family regardless of race or nationality. When a
Korean wants to visit Africa, he or she can stay anyplace in Africa. And they can use
anything in that house. They can eat anything as if they were at their own home. And the
African people do the same thing in Korea. Nobody will complain. Any secular law
means nothing to them. All the goods in the world are originally possessed by our Lord
God. They were stolen by people. And we will have no financial difficulty anymore and
we can travel any place in the world using every possible transportation.

The labor we 1,500 prisoners have to do for a living will be reduced to 3 hours work.
People will work for fun not for living. People living in cold areas such as Alaska can live
in a warm place like Hawaii if they want. If they feel tired of such places, they can live in
Korea or Japan where 4 vivid seasons exist. They can enjoy life freely. This time will
come to us definitely.

Moon explained that the ideal society in which people are sons and daughters of true
Adam and Hawwah is Ideal Wonhwawon. It was like Utopia for me whom had to
endure the hard prison life. I was just listening to his dreamlike story. Using my position
of chief, I tried to have more time to listen to his story as possible. In retrospect, it must
have been a good chance for his propagation. But I realized later that his creation theory
and return theory were actually the copy of the teachings of Baek Moon Kim and Yong
Do Lee. In the sweet name of return, he had ruined a lot of womens life by disorderly
sexual activities. He had destroyed too many womens lives. He is social evil. Even I who
is disclosing the truth now had to do the return ritual following Moons order. I was so
ignorant that I could not see the truth at that time.

The heretic who made a noise in Pyungyang

On that day I went to the quiet warehouse with Moon after I placed workload of each
prisoner to continue our chatting. I asked him about the reason for his coming to
Pyungyang and what he had done and the reason for his being charged of social disorder
that caused him to be sentenced to 5 years in prison. I surely received a divine revelation
that Moon was the Messiah. In my understanding, the Messiah is the one who comes for
the Day of Judgment. The duty of the Messiah was to judge people whether they are the
righteous or not. The Bible teaches us like that. And I asked him why he had to suffer
from hardship in the prison. And he explained it to me for a long time.

The first arrest and imprisonment

Moon was attending an Israeli monastery when he was living in Sangdo-dong,

Youngduengpo-gu. He was being taught the principles of Bible by Baek Moon Kim at
that time and soon became addicted to Kims teachings. Moon said that he was ordered
by god to go to North Korea. According to him, it was on June 6, 1946. At that time in
North Korea, the Soviet troops were stationed in there and the entire North Korea was
indulged in communism. Moon crossed the 38 Parallel Line to Pyungyang leaving his
wife and children in Seoul carrying a backpack.

In Pyungyang he met a woman named Deuk Eun Jung. And they decided to build the
second Jerusalem in Pyungyang together. Moon was 26 and Jung was 40 at that time.
Those two decided to teach the doctrines at the house of Jung located in Pyungyang.
Within a few days about 10 enthusiastic followers gathered. And Moon started his first
teaching of creation theory. He taught them the things that Luciel deceived Hawwah, and
Jesus death of crucifixion because of Marias not having sexual intercourse with him.
And taught them that Jesus did not come to the world for death but his body only
disappeared and he will return to the world. His followers were Deuk Eun Jung, Sang
Hyun Ok, Seoung Do Ji, Sun Ok Jung, In Joo Kim, and Jong Hwa Kim who were female
and Won Phil Kim, Myung Sun Jung, and Sang Soon Cha.

The women are said to have cried when Moon taught them the doctrine of the Bible. And
many neighbors seemed to have felt strange about it. The fact was that a young man from
Seoul made women cry. It seemed that anyone who listened to his lecture that someone
had to ease the anger of the god which happened 6,000 years ago had to cry.

Under the communist regime, it could not be allowed. Neighbors and church believers,
especially many pastors and elders, considered him a heretic. Because of their report to
the police for a strange assembly, Moon was arrested on August 2, 1946. He was
imprisoned for 100 days in Daedong security office. During that time, he was tortured
and abused badly but he was released because there was no typical criminal act. He
became seriously emaciated but recuperated by the help of his followers.

Sentenced to 5 years in prison charged of married to a married woman

After that Moon stayed in an enthusiastic follower Jong Hwa Kims in Kyungchang-ri.
And she had her husband Myung Sun Jung and 3 children. Moon seemed to apply his
principle of return at the house. He attempted to have sexual intercourse with a woman
who were married and had children with the excuse of Luciels story. Saying that he was
called by God, Moon prepared the lamb feast. The believers made rice cake, suit, and bed
covers for the ritual. A young man from Seoul gathered people every day and they spent
nights praying and sang a hymn loudly. They lived together under the same roof even
though she had a husband and children. Because of the fuss they made, the neighbors in
the village could not stand it.

Because of the report made by the village people, they were all arrested by the police on
February 22, 1948. And Moon was transferred to the Heungnam prison after being
sentenced to 5 years in prison (June 20).

I was told later that Jong Hwa Kim was sentenced to 1 year in prison and Sang Hyun Ok
was released after 2 months because her family was rich. A few years later, I happened to
see Jong Hwa Kim in South Korea and I could hear the real story. It was very interesting
story from her whom had lost her faith at that time.

Korean War and the great air raid

By the time of 1950s, the security of the prison became tighter. The efficiency of the
production in the nitrogen factory aggravated. But the daily workload increased and we
could not meet it. The daily working time also increased by 1 hour. It was hell.

Every day about 100 prisoners died. No day had passed without death in the prison. But
the replacement was tightly kept from the Pyungyang prison. It was around May when
we realized that a lot of young prison officers disappeared. People kept saying that there
was going to be war because ships from the Soviet returned with a lot of arms such as
anti-aircraft guns. The security in the prison became tighter and the war broke out on

June 25.

I heard that the North Korean troops conquered Seoul 3 days after the beginning of the
war. There were worries that young prisoners would be sent to the battlefield. On August
1, an UN aircraft made a reconnaissance flight over the factory for about 30 minutes.

Out of my military experience, I told a prison officer that our place would be attacked and
advised him that wed better withdraw to the camp. But he did not listen to me. And we
had to continue to work at the factory. Without a doubt, there was an air raid soon. The
B29 vehemently bombarded the factory for about 4 hours.

The prison officers were at a loss what to do because most of them were farmers. And I
told them they would not attack the camp according to the international law. And they all
followed my advice and we went back to the camp. At the factory we had about 8,000
workers including 1,500 prisoners. Only 70 prisoners were killed while 3,700 civilian
workers were killed. It was a horrible air raid. When I checked Moon, he was OK.

Pardon of Kim Il Sung

After the foundation of the Peoples Republic of Korea (1948), I was freed after the great
air raid thanks to the pardon of Kim Il Sung. I looked up the sky shedding tears. The
difference between the inside of the prison and outside world was so big. The tragic scene
of the bombardment was awful. It was worse than expected. It was around 10. There were
a lot of corpses by the factory. I felt sorry because Moon was still laboring at the factory.
When I visited him in the factory, he told me to say hello to Jong Hwa Kim in
Pyungyang. She was the woman who had to be imprisoned due to the marriage with
Moon. The communist troops could succeed in conquering Seoul because of sudden
attack. We are at war now. I hitchhiked a military truck to Pyungyang.

Chapter 2. Fleeing to Busan escaping from war

From Pyungyang to Seoul

Attacked by thugs

I arrived at Pyungyang 3 days after escaping from bombings. After the day I joined my
family who stayed in a church, I tried to find Jong Hwa Kims but I couldnt. At that time
the Korean government had moved to Busan which was on August 18, 1950 pushed back
by the North Korean troops. The spirit of victory was full on the street of Pyungyang but
the mood disappeared quickly as the U.N. troops captured Pyungyang in September after
the Incheon Landing.

One day I was surrounded by a gang of thugs calling themselves a security force. They
were just thugs who became the side of North when it was there or the opposite way.
They said, You were a real communist who served as a company commander of the
North Korean troops. We will kill you! Then some of them stroke my leg with hammers.
My ankle broke and I couldnt move. Fortunately, I was saved by Korean MPs and I was
investigated and released soon because I was imprisoned in North Korea. I thought that
my life ended there. But unexpected luck of life just saved me. All the other prisoners
seemed to have been shot to death. There were no hospitals that really operated. Even
though I was a black belt in Judo, I had to obtain the first aid to treat my wound.

Reunion with Yong Myung Moon

On October 27, Won Phil Kim and Jung Bin Moon visited me. They said Moon was
looking for me after being released from prison. It was unexpected visit and I was very
happy to hear that. I was being carried by a handcart to Sang Hyun Oks located in a hill
and Moon greeted me well. At the moment I could not stop crying holding his hands. He
seemed to have walked to Pyungyang after he was released by the U.N. troops. Sang
Hyun Ok must have been rich considering his big house with many rooms which was a
Japanese style.

We lived together like a family with Ok and her daughters Jung Ae and Jung Soon,
Moon, Won Phil Kim and Jung Bin Moon. After a week, her husband Ha Sup Woo and
his family came back from escaping and we had to clear our rooms for them. And we
decided to rent a room in Susung-ri and moved there. And Moon, Won Phil Kim, Jung
Bin Moon, and I started living together. Moon was coming in and out looking for news
about his acquaintances and asked Won Phil Kim to notify people of his release. On
December 2, 1950, there was an order of escape again in Pyungyang.

The Chinese troops composed of a lot of soldiers were coming to North Korea and the
Korean and U.N. troops had to withdraw. The counterattack by the North and Chinese
troops was so rapid. I could not sleep at the night of the day because of the noise of

Following Moon leaving my family in North Korea

We decided to flee to South Korea. But I could not walk at that time due to the wound
and I was carried riding on a bicycle helped by Won Phil Kim. We left Pyungyang on
December 4, 1950. It was winter time but the weather was not that cold. We decided to
stop by my home in Daedong-gun. My family welcomed me. But they objected to my
fleeing to South Korea worrying my wound.

My nephew Jung Guen desperately objected to my plan. Moon persuaded my family that
we had to go to South Korea because we could not achieve our goal in North Korea
anymore. And he told them we had to follow the will of god. I also made up my mind to
be with Moon as I had promised in prison. I said good bye to my 80-year-old mother and
asked my wife to take care of family. My daughter asked me to take her with me but
Moon objected to it. Moon also persuaded Jung Bin Moon to wait for a chance to come to
the South.

We thought that we had to cross the Daedong River as soon as possible since the Chinese
troops were moving south very quickly. And we obtained a boat to cross the river. We

stayed at my older sisters that night. There were many people trying to flee to South
Korea. The next morning on December 5, we started moving south loading some food my
sister gave us on the bicycle. My sister thought that Moon was a pastor and asked him to
take care of me. The moment is still lingering in my mind (after that day, I could not see
them again for 43 years).

Promise of men until death

The refuge way to the South was full of a lot of people. Tens of thousands of people were
slowly moving to the South hand in hand. We arrived at Gahak-ri at around noon. We
could hear the sound of bombardment from the west. It was dark even the sun did not set
yet. We decided to stay at a farm house that night. It seemed that no one lived there. The
owner of the house seemed to flee to south. But there were some foods to eat left. It
seemed that the Judgment Day had come. Only people seemed to disappear. At the scene
of the house ruined by the war, many thoughts came to my mind.

Won Phil prepared for supper. It was white rice and water Kimchi. We prayed for it and
ate. Moon said, Even Chung Hwa is suffering from wounded leg, he will recover soon.
He can walk again soon. Being concerned by my sad look, he continued, We are going
to south looking for a new history. Its not for only escape. I was going to build a history
in Pyungyang but it failed because of my imprisonment. We can do it in the South. We
lay down to sleep but I couldnt sleep. Won Phil went to sleep soon but Moon seemed to
be awake too. He might have thought about our future.

Since I promised to be with Moon forever in the prison, I left my hometown leaving my
loving family behind. I finally came here with my broken leg. Thats because I believed
that Moon was the Messiah. I felt tired and went to sleep. On our way to flee, we were
wearing white silk trousers and rubber shoes. We were covering our faces with a bandana.
Our appearance might have been very weird.

Tough way to the South

The way to the South was not difficult if we took the side road but there were American
MPs guarding the street. And the refuge way was tough and narrow. As time went, the
number of refugee increased enormously. The narrow street was full of people. Even
though there was no guarantee in the South, their hope did not disappear.

The luggage we carried diminished day by day. We had to throw away unnecessary
luggage because we became emaciated day by day. 20 days later, we had almost nothing
to carry with. The cold winter became harder for our tired bodies. When we found any
warm place, we took a rest. Fortunately, we did not worry about sleeping and eating.

We went to a nearby village to sleep. It seemed to be a rich house but no one stayed.
Household goods and food still remained. Won Phil made supper and we ate it. But I was
not sure I could go to Busan with my wounded leg. We were mixed with other refuge and
continued to move to south. Near Gwangju, there was a steep hill. The length of the hill
was about 150m and climbing up by bicycle seemed to be impossible.

Thousands of refugees were struggling to move. And I thought that Moon and Won Phil
could not move forward because of me. And I said to Moon, I think Im done here. Just
leave me here and go. I will follow my fate. And Moon got angry saying, We promised
to live together until we die. Whatever happens, lets rely on our god. Dont worry. And
Moon carried me on his back and we were able to cross the hill. I was moved by him and
made up my mind again to be with him forever.

Barely arrived at Seoul

Because of the rumor that there were some communists among the refugee, we had to
suffer from shootings of the U.N. troops. But we continued our journey to Seoul.

On December 27, we finally arrived at Seoul. We first visited Kwacks in Youngduengpo. Kwack was Moon's friend but he had already fled to Busan. His house was a second

story western-style house. And we decided to stay there for a while. Seoul was Moons
second home since he had stayed in there during school days. After Moon finished his
study in Japan, he stayed there for a while. And we visited an old lady name Ki Bong
Lee. But she did not seem to welcome Moon. When we met some of Moons friends later,
they did not welcome him either.

At that time, any men in Seoul should be dragged by the National Defense Force. I was
not picked by them because of my wound but Moon and Won Phil were picked up. After
our difficult journey to Seoul, I was left alone.

Seoul was a new place to me and I had no one to know. Besides, it was time of war.
Moons friends would not welcome me either. What should I do? Nothing came to my
mind. What I could do was to wait for Moon. Fortunately, they came back because they
could not pass the physical test. And we could live together again.

On January 2, 1951, the evacuation order was enacted in Seoul. The communist troops
were near Seoul again. We had to flee again. This time our destination was Busan. When
we were checked, we had to show our IDs. And I stopped by a security office to receive
the pass. Fortunately, we could get our pass thanks to the chief of the office named Heung
Yoo. We were really lucky. Since no money was left, we took some suits and valuables
from Kwacks with us. It was clear that the North or Chinese troops would take them
away anyway. Seoul was recaptured by the North on January 4.

From Seoul to Busan

The second refugee

On January 3, we began our refugee way to Busan which was about 500km. It was our
second refugee way. It was like being pushed by a bicycle, we were leaving for liberty.
We took the Central Road instead of Seoul-Busan Road. Thats because one of my
relatives lived in Jaechun and we could get some help.

We passed Sungnam and left for Incheon. This refugee way was different from the first
one. It was like refugee of family. As the sun set, we could arrive at a village. People
were still staying in their homes and no empty house was found. And we asked help from
one of houses and we could stay there. Since we had experience of refugee, this time was
not that hard. Before the sun set, we tried to find a house to rest.

Since we had no rice left, we visited a nearby village. But all the shops closed. We had to
get some rice. And we traded the suits we brought with some rice. An old lady accepted
the deal. When we arrived at Jaechun, my relative had already left. I was disappointed
because we could not get help. We were ordered not to take the main road by the U.N.
troops. And we had to take tough mountain road. My leg got better and I could walk a
little better. But some MPs came and took Moon and Won Phil.

I was worried thinking that it could be the third parting with Moon. I was left alone again.
I didnt know what to do. But they came back after for a while. They were forced to work
for them. It was a downhill and I could go down without help. Moon told me, You can
throw away the cane now. And I threw it away and tried to walk without it. And our
refugee way continued.

Parting in Gyeongju

We arrived at Gyeongju in the evening. The town were full of refugees and there was no
empty room. We could barely find a place to stay. At the house a man in his 30s came out.
We explained him about our situation and asked him to stay for a night. And he let us in.
He said that his place was a factory making dining tables. But he had to close it because
of the war. Won Phil went outside to buy some food. He brought some squids and made
some squid porridge. Won Phil brought some to the owner of the house.

The owner was from Hwanghae-do. He said that he came to Gyeongju when he was
young. His parents were still living in North Korea. His name was Man Young Jang and
we stayed there for 3 days. We had to make our meals for ourselves. Because of too many

refugees, we could not stay long. When we told him that we were going to Busan, he said
that I looked weak and old and it would be better for me to stay there until others settled
down in Busan. When I refused his offer, Moon told me that it was a good idea. And he
said that he would call me when he became settled in Busan. And I stayed at Jangs and
they left for Busan. At that time my mind was so complicated. I finally reached here after
overcoming a lot of hardship with him. But I had to part with him again.

I thought that it would be easier for them to reach Busan without me. And I accepted the
parting. When Moon returned to Gyeongju later, he told me that he could barely ride on a
train and he arrived at Busan on January 20, 1951.

Moons visit due to poverty

And I became Jangs houseguest in Gyeongju alone. As May comes, the weather became
warm. I thought that I had to do something for them in return and I discussed resuming
his dining table business. I suggested that I could sell his products if he resumes making
them. And we started business again with Jangs son. I put 20 tables on the bicycle and
went to Pohang, Youngcheon, and Ulsan to sell them. Even though I was not good at
selling products, I could sell them anyway and I gave the money to Jang.

There were several markets in Gyeongju. I also visited five-day interval village markets
near Gyeongju. I also tutored Jangs son who was a middle school student. I barely could
pay my duty as a houseguest. On March 7, Moon suddenly visited me. I was very happy
to see him. But I had nothing to treat him well since I was staying in the corner of the
factory. With the money Jang gave me, I could buy Moon dinner but that was it. Moon
told me about what happened in Busan and his future plan.

It was like a dream. We talked to each other all night. The next day Moon told me he had
to go back to Busan. I could not hold him because my situation was also not that good.
Because there was a market that I had to go in Ulsan, I went there with Moon by train.
Moon was watching me selling the dining table. After lunch Moon left for Busan. I

wanted to give him some money but the business on the day was not good. It was our
reunion after almost a year and a lot of things came to my mind.
I thought that I had to make a fortune to fulfill our dream in the future. According to
Moon, Won Phil was working at a restaurant and Moon himself was a houseguest of one
of his alumni. I thought that he would be in a difficult situation (In fact, the reason for his
visit was to check living on me).

I had thought about how I could build my financial foundation. All I could do was to sell
the dining tables at the market. If I keep my sales business, can I get a chance to jump?
Or should I just go to Busan to be with Moon? But I decided to stay here for a while.

Reunion with Sang Hyun Ok from Pyungyang

Seoul was recaptured by the U.N. troops on March 4 two months after the Communist
troops took it. The war was in a state of advance and retreat by both sides the ceasefire
negotiations were being held. But civilian casualties surpassed 2 million and the family
member separated was more than 10 million. It was time of darkness. In spring of 1953,
Sang Hyun Ok came to me in Gyeongju and I was very pleased to meet her. She told me
about her ordeal of refugee life and her completion of writing the manuscript about the
doctrine of Moon.

I was touched by her completion of it under the certain hard circumstances. And I made
up my mind again to publish the book as soon as possible when I became economically
stable. She could come to the South thanks to a truck brought by her oldest son. We
talked about our financial stability to work with Moon soon. And I was told that Won Phil
was working for the American military. He said that they established a church in Bumildong and people were coming to listen to Moons preaching.

After staying one night with me, Ok went to Busan. After a while, a pastor named Yo Han
Lee visited me. He said that Moon sent him to me. He said, Since we have many
believers in our church, youd better come to Busan as soon as possible. I thought that

we finally began our advance to fulfill the will of god. I felt so thrilled. Next day Lee
went back to Busan. I asked him to tell Moon that I would come to Busan soon. I thought
about what Moon had told me in the prison about the ideal world of god. The day of hope
seemed to be coming soon.

In the world without sin, jealousy, betrayal, conspiracy, and war, we only have to work
for fun. We can go anywhere in the world and stay in any place we like to. The world of
giving not taking, not criticizing others, and respecting others seemed to be coming to
me. This ideal world will cover the entire world. We can communicate with each other
freely. I was thankful to Moon for this coming world. My mind became busy coming to

Chapter 3. The Foundation of the Unification Church

The zeal of female believers

Church in Sujung-dong, Busan

On May 15, 1953, I visited Moons in Sujung-dong, Busan. He welcomed me well and
told me about his future plan. Now it was time of great future. He told me that we had to
cooperate with each other. And he began to tutor me about the 6,000 years history of
heaven and many theories of god. He changed his part of name from Yong to Sun. And he
is now Sun Myung Moon. The people living with me at that time included Won Phil Kim,
Sung Ok Jung, Ok Sil Kang, Sang Hyun Ok, Seoung Do Ji, Ki Hwan Lee, Bong Un Lee,
Soo Kyung Lee and family, Moons wife, Sun Kil Choi and son Sung Jin, and Yo Han

The new members who attended worship were Jung Soon Shin, An Sil Kim, Jae Chak
Kim, Bok Soon Kim and family, and Myung Choon Oh. Except Won Phil Kim, Bong Un
Lee, Soo Kyung Lee, and Yo Han Lee, all others were women. Won Phil Kim was
working for the American military drawing portraits. I dont remember their names but a

young couple from Ulsan came to us. They used to go outside for missionary work and
they seemed to be touched by the Holy Spirit.

On a lunar eclipse night, they looked up the sky and cried yelling that the sky had shown
a light. Sometimes they fainted when they heard about the world of spirit from our
members. A few days later, Moon called me. We have to establish our financial stability
from now on. Lets discuss our business that can support us. And I discussed it with
Dong Ki Kim. He explained about a supply contract with the Monopoly Bureau. He was
lack of fund to supply and he suggested me that I could take over the contract. And I told
it to Moon and he made some fund to participate. The contract was to supply straw ropes.
And we started our business of making straw ropes. I was in charge of delivery to the

Disturbance by Sun Kil Choi (Moons first wife)

One day, Bong Un Lee stopped by unexpectedly. He said that there was a serious incident
in the church in Sujung-dong. When Moon was practicing the return ritual, his wife came
to disturb the ritual and threw all the people there. And she sold the house including every
household item. Our church disappeared suddenly. And I hurried to complete the deal
with the Monopoly Bureau to gain about 30,000 won.

When I came back to Busan, Moon left for Seoul escaping from his wife and Won Phil
fled to Youngdo. Bong Un Lee bought a humble house in the Daeji Park and opened
church there. The church in Sujung-dong was already occupied by others. Helplessly, I
had to stay in a motel that night and left for Seoul the next day. I found Moon in
Chungjin-dong and he welcomed me. And I explained about our gain from the deal. The
people staying there with Moon were all women.

The next day I went to Busan to visit the bureau and returned to Seoul. When I directly
went to Chungjin house, Moon and his members were all gone except Sun Gil Choi. She
was packing household items to dispose. In items to sell were Moons Bible and his

manuscript. I begged her to give them to me. And she gave them to me. If I had not taken
them, it would have been very difficult to publish his books later.

The truth was that Moons wife was mad to see the dirty sexual activities of Moon with
other members and she threw them away. Scared by his wife, Moon escaped to Chungjindong with his female members. But he was spotted by his wife again. He just fled without
taking his manuscripts. The women with Moon were looking for the heaven after the
return ritual.

As a man of a blind faith in Moons religion, I have witnessed the sex party and return
ritual many times. I have seen their madness and heard their scream. But I thought that it
was a duty of the Messiah. But I wondered why he had to escape from his wife for that.
He could be confident in doing his duty as the Messiah. How could he save the world
without handling his own wife? And he had left his Bible and manuscripts. After Moons
escape from Chungjin-dong, there happened another incident.

Electrical torture at the police station

I stayed at a motel in Cheonggyecheon. When I was going to sleep, there was a knock on
the door. Is there Chung Hwa Park? I answered, This is he. And a man showed his ID
of detective from Jongro station and asked me to come with him to the police station. I
didnt know the reason but I had to follow him. And I was investigated. He asked me
about the whereabouts of Moon. I said I didnt know. And the detective brought a set of
battery. And he tied two electrical lines in my fingers. And he turned the handle. The pain
from electricity was too painful. He made it stronger asking me to answer the question.

My body became numb. He called my name and sometimes tried to persuade me softly. It
lasted about 3 hours. And I yelled at him, Kill me! I dont know. By the time a man
from the next room came to me and asked whether I was from Pyungyang. I said yes.
And he said that he was from there too. And he ordered other detective to stop torturing
me. And I was released in the morning.

Test about the will of heaven

After I was released from the police station, I went to the house by the YMCA where Duk
Moon Um lived. He welcomed me and told me where Moon stayed. After I finished work
for the Monopoly Bureau, I was going to meet Moon. But Sang Hyun Ok and others
wanted to come with me. Even though I tried to stop them, they did not listen to me.

At that time a shower started. When they were procrastinating, I jumped up into a bus. I
could find Moons new place easily. Moon and Soon Chul Lee welcomed me. And I
explained the things happened in the police station and our business.

After that I was tested about the revelation of god. And I passed the test. Since Um was
tested first, he became the oldest son and I became the second son. At that time Soon
Chul Lee was making a blanket. The room was full of cotton.

Angry husband of Soon Chul Lee

I stayed there for 2 days and returned to Seoul. In Seoul Soon Chul Lees husband was
looking for Moon desperately. We felt that it was too dangerous to stay there and I and
Moon and Soon Chul Lee left for Busan. We had to be careful. Since we couldnt get
tickets to Busan, we went to Suwon first and stayed in other cities until we got to Busan
after 5 days. We decided to stay in a motel in Sumyun.

After 2 days, we were spotted again. A woman named An Mi Kim came to us. She was
one of 6 Marias and she seemed to be jealous about Moons taking Lee alone with him.
Kim and Lee, two women, started fighting. Their spiritual hegemony deepened. It was a
flare of jealousy. I talked to Kim about Moons situation. I told her that Moon was in a
difficult situation and your fight with Lee would make it worse. And she went back to her

After we stayed 5 days in Busan, we returned to Seoul. Soon Chul Lee went back to her
home but she had to be hospitalized because she was beaten by her husband. I and Moon
visited her in the hospital but we came back soon because we felt something ominous.

We found out later that Lees husband had just visited hospital as soon as we left. If
Moon encountered him, what would happen? Moons affair with other women never
stopped. Based on the return theory, Moon had sex with as many women as possible. It
made their husbands mad. Moon once had sex with a woman and her two daughters.

Is the reason for his not being arrested the grace of god? At that time Won Duk Kim who
was one of Moons disciples came to us. After Moon escaped from Chungjin-dong, he
had the return ritual with Soon Chul Lee and Sung Hwa Lee.

The return ritual required a witness from family members. And that time Soon Chul Lee
was the witness. It was the Lamb feast with a virgin. After that Soon Chul Lee called
Sung Hwa Lee as future mother and gave her an expensive gold ring as a gift. I heard
this story from Moon directly.

Congregation in Busan
The tragedy of college student, Young Hee Kim

At the time I was travelling with Moon around cities to preach his doctrine. I also told
Moons news to other members visiting Busan and Seoul. At that time travel by train was
difficult. It took 12 hours from Seoul to Busan. In the middle of the night, all the heat
systems shut off. Winter time was too cold. When the train passed through a tunnel, we
could not breathe because of the smell of coal. And Moon was asked by a congregation in
Busan. With the help of Myung Chun Oh, we went to Busan.

When we arrived at Busan, around 10 women and Bong Un Lee welcomed us. We went
to Youngdo by taxi. It was on December 24, 1953. The house we were guided was
humble but it was wide enough. The owner of the house was Sung Muk Shin. His wife

was Shin Hee Yoo. After breakfast, Moon preached his theory of principle. A man was
listening to Moon lying down because of disease. About 28 people were there. It lasted
until 1 or 2 a.m.

The listeners were much focused. Among them was a female college student named
Young Hee Kim. She was a student from Yonsei University. She was a very promising
student at school. When she got a substantial amount of scholarship from Underwood
president, she gave it to her aunt to keep it safe. But her aunt gave all the money to Moon.
When the school began and she found out, she got mad. And she came to the church with
her aunt to get the money back. And she happened to listen to Moons preaching.

When the meeting closed at night, most of participants went back to their homes. And in
the single room, Moon and two other men and 5 women had to sleep together. That was
the first night of the congregation in Youngdo. To tell the truth, Moon had sex with Young
Hee Kim at that night. When we fell into sleep, I could hear the sound of scream and
movement from Moons spot. It was not a return ritual. It was just sex. But I could not
say a word. After that Kim got pregnant and she had to cope with a terrible life in the

Days of being chased by police

The next day Moon continued his lecture and Hyo Won Yoo was listening carefully
making a note. Kwan Sung Kim known as an Oriental medicine doctor was also listening
carefully. The owner of the house was listening carefully. His wife was also listening hard
and she later was conducted the return ritual. About 3 weeks later, all the participants
began to weep and scream. And there was a strong complaint from the neighborhood.
And we were reported to the police. Furthermore, one of members relative was working
for the police and we decided to stop congregation in Yongdo.

As a matter of fact, we felt that we were being chased by the police wherever we stayed.
When Moon stayed in some place for a week, his place was easily spotted by the police.

Moon was being chased by not only police but family members of victims. We ate at the
restaurant run by the brother of Chang Hwan Lee and stayed in a motel in Jongro. The
owners of the motel and restaurant seemed to dislike us. And we moved to a place in
Bukhak-dong later. Hyo Won Yoo, Hyo Min Yoo, and I stayed together there. And some
female believers came to us to help.

One day Moon suddenly visited us. But that night we were visited by detectives from the
police and were investigated. They asked about general questions about religion. We did
not understand why we were brought to the police. I went to buy some household items
with Yoon Shin Yang. We looked like a newly married couple. But she was much younger
than I. But she died a few years later. She tried to get the return ritual desperately.

Since the increase of the members, our rooms were full. And we moved to a large house
in Bukhak-dong which had 3 gates. Moon rented another room in the corner of south.
Soo Kyung Lee, Sang Chul Kim, and Chang Hwan Lee joined us too. At that time Hyo
Won Yoo's younger brother, Hyo Young brought a bag of croaker for us. And another
unforgettable thing happened. A politician brought his daughter who was a little retarded
to the church. He might have expected that she could be better if she stayed in the church.

The problem was that she, who was 8-year-old, pooped whenever we had breakfast. But
we endured it expecting that a miracle would happen. However, she did not get better
after a year and her family took her with them. At that time Soo Kyung Lee went out to
make some money. Chang Hwan Lee translated the pamphlet of the church into English
and sent letters to distinguished people and renowned pastors around the world.

The letter said that here came the Messiah to a country in the east. Worship him. Those
who are suspicious must pray. And he attached his picture at the bottom of the letter. He
was busy doing this. Hyo Won Yoo was focusing on writing Moons doctrines. Hyo Min
Yoo and I kept copying the manuscript.

During that time, Hyo Won Yoo said that there were some contradictions in the doctrines.

And we asked Moon about them but he could not answer them. And Yoo just continued
writing them. And Sang Chul Kim was going to study in England and asked me to write
applications. There was an old lady named Jae Guen Kim. She even took a shower with
cold water in winter. We were worried about her health but she was healthy enough to do
that. And a man named Do Uk Song joined us. And Won Phil Kim who was escaping
from military duty stayed in Songs reclusively.

The living cost for a large family was too much burden. And we helped Hyo Min Yoos
picture business. I helped shine the pictures. Myung Sin Lim also helped us after
finishing the work at the kitchen. And we could meet our living cost. On May 3, 1954,
Moon was surrounded by five people. It was time to propagate Moons doctrine
throughout the world. We were discussing the name of our church. We first agreed to the
world Christian unification. And the spirit association was also adopted following my
idea. And the Unification Church was born. Chang Hwan Lee was appointed the first
Chairman. But he withdrew after 3 months.
(Note: The real founding date was May 3, not May 1)

The incident of Ewha Womens College

Joining by many professors and students

The music professor of the renowned Ewha Womens College Moon Young Yang joined
us at that time. She listened to Moons preaching for 3 days. Being full of the Holy Spirit,
she suddenly stood up and banged the door and made a scene. After that incident, Hyo
Won Yoo taught her at Yangs house every day. And the head resident of dormitory joined
us. And many professors from college joined our church in turn.

There was a woman named Sin Hee Yoo who was one of our members from Busan to
Seoul. She was the wife of Sung Muk Sin who lent us his house in Youngdo. She was
said to have had the return ritual when Moon was there voluntarily. In Joo Kim who had
the ritual already gave her tip for that. After that Yoo had other return rituals with other
men. I had the ritual with her. She had sex with Duk Jin Kim later and Kim made a big

scene after he became pastor to reveal the sex orgy in Moons church.

Duk Jin Kim

At that time I was shining the pictures until 10 p.m. One night a man wearing a coat of
U.N. soldiers visited us to see Moon. He said his name was Duk Jin Kim who was
graduated from Soongsil University. He was once sentenced to death for the crime of
espionage but released after that. He was carrying a letter from Suk Bin Lee in the prison
where he was with him. And I took him to Moon. He had a talent for music. As soon as
he joined us, he wrote some hymns for us. He had the glory of receiving a suit from
Moon first.

Our family members increased again. Many students from Ewha joined us. 14 of students
were expelled from school for the reason of cult members. Some professors had already
tendered resignation.

Another electrical torture in Daegu

The main church moved to a new house in Hongin-dong in January 1955 and moved
again to Jangchoong-dong after 3 months. A few days later after our moving, two
detectives came to our church. They checked our church and I felt something different
that time. And we had to warn some women from other regions to be quiet.

I decided to inform this to Moon who was staying in Daegu at that time. I went to Daegu
with Young Hee Kim. She was the woman who lost her virginity to Moon. She was
pregnant at that time. She was planning to smuggle to Japan for her delivery.

When we arrived at Daegu, we went to Yo Han Kims. But nobody was there. I felt
something wrong and I was caught by detectives. At the police station, I was investigated
all through the night. They asked me about Moons whereabouts. I said no and I would
say no even if I knew about it. And the electrical torture started. It was second time.

Moon was in Yongmoon Mountain at that time.

Picture business

As I told before, we were in picture business to meet our living cost. We took pictures of
famous places and sold them. Hyo Min Yoo was in charge of technology and the work in
the darkroom was done by Won Phil Kim, Hyo Young Yoo, and Soo Kyung Lee. The
headquarters in Hongin-dong had 5 rooms with a kitchen and living room. It was a
perfect place for our picture business and preaching. There was a garden with trees. It
was a good place.

After we moved into that place, a lot more people joined us and our church grew rapidly.
The newspapers and rumors then were like this. When you join the Unification Church,
you will be brainwashed in 3 or 4 days and leave your family. The room with red light for
our picture work was rumored that people would be brainwashed there. The shining job
for pictures was usually done at night time and finished in the morning.

At dawn many orphans came to us right after lifting of curfew to buy pictures. And our
pictures were sold quickly. And we were financially stable a little. Every day about 70-80
people had meals at church and it required a bag of rice a day. It was hard for women
working in the kitchen and it cost a lot too. On the street of Seoul then were many street
vendors. They were selling cigarettes, magazines, and our pictures.

One day In Chul Kim visited us when we were working with pictures. I knew him well
since I was the company commander. He was running a motel in Haejoo then. We
became friends when I was staying there. I didnt expect to see him again. And I was very
pleased. We talked about many things but there were some concerns too. If he tells my
history in the North military, I will be arrested. And it will damage the church too. I
reported this to Moon but Kim never mentioned my past to anyone. About 20 years later
when I met him again, we chatted about that time laughing together.

Secretary Do Uk Song for the third generation

Song joined our church in Youngdo and he was an exterminator vendor. He had worked
for the independence of Korea during the Japanese ruling. He was not much educated but
he was decisive and stubborn. I had been Moons secretary for a long time and Hyo Min
Yoo succeeded me. And the third secretary was Songs part. He was promoted to elder
later on. But he was so arrogant that he sometimes bothered other members. And one day
I advised him not to in front of elder Jung. I remember the time like yesterday but both of
them passed away. And many of our members at that time are in heaven now.

Taking a breath

It was when we were in picture business. When Saturday comes, I and Yoo and Lee went
to Dongdaemoon market to eat pork and sundae (Sundae is made by kneading together a
seasoned mixture of glutinous rice, bean curd, scallions, mung-bean sprouts, and shiitake
mushrooms and stuffing it into casings made of hog intestines, which are then tied off at
the ends and boiled.). We also had a little drink too. And we became freshen up. Even
though our work was hard, every Saturday was our comfort.

It was also like the thing happened yesterday. Time goes like flowing water. The picture
business was mainly done by Yoo. At first I thought that we could not make a fortune
with it. But it was better than expected. And the skill of Yoo was incredible. Like that, our
financial stability became solid. After that thanks to Yoos patent for an air gun, our
revenue increased to millions of dollar. Now Yoo is not the member of church and
married to Soon Yul Ra (deceased) and have three children.

The truth about the arrest of officers

Moons arrest

After joining our church by 5 professors and 14 students, Ewha Womens College filed a
claim to the authority to investigate our church.

As I wrote earlier, we were visited by detectives on May 13, 1955. They checked our
church in detail to find something. They also checked identification of visitors and
watched them. We found out that the police was planning to arrest Moon and other
officers of the church. And Moon hid in a place in the mountain with Sang Rae Park. And
we gathered together to decide our final decision. Soon Chul Lee suggested that Moon
should go to Japan for a while.

But there were many ideas and we could not decide what to do. And we finally decided to
turn ourselves to the police. On July 4, 1955, Moon was finally arrested. There had been
two-month-long investigation. The chairman Hyo Won Yoo was investigated about the
doctrines. Yoo was questioned about the purpose of church and the joining by professors
and students. And I was investigated next. I was asked about how I met Moon and the
time in prison in North Korea, Moons name change, etc.

When Moon was asked about his resident card, he was in trouble because people defected
from North Korea were not issued with a resident card unless there was a valid reason.
And I explained them I had made it for him. Actually, it was made by bribing the
authority. I made mine the same way. Cheating age was for military reason. When I was
asked about our expense, I answered them it came from the picture business. I told them I
was in charge of finance. After that the issue of adultery was investigated. I could not
answer them clearly. I was also asked about the issue of the Messiah. But the main point
of the investigation was about gang bang and adultery.

The focus of the investigation was gang bang

The problem of gang bang was deeply investigated. The inspector said, According to
your doctrines, the original sin began when Hawwah had sex with the Archangel Luciel
and she had sex with Adam later. To get away from the sin, a sinless Messiah must come
to our world to have sex with women. Is that right? I think Moon has had sex with many
women, especially married women, saying that He is the Messiah. Have you ever seen

it? And I said that I was only in charge of finance and had no idea.

I lied that I just had followed Moon since I was in prison and the allegation that he had
sex with married women was nonsense. I added that I had never seen such a thing. And
the inspector said, your opinion seemed to be divided by two ways. One part is the ones
who just believe Moon and blood exchange can make people reborn. And you can create
a new world of Adam where no sin exists when offspring from such parents govern the

On the other hand, the other part is the ones who are suspicious of Moons originality and
history since he was a son of a humble family. Moon is a man who has the original sin
and he is not god. It is impossible to save people by sex. What is your position? I said,
Return by sex is a lie. It is just a rumor. Somebody must have tried to harm Moon. And
the inspector asked about what Moon had done in North Korea, Daegu, and Busan. I
answered that Moon just had studied Bible and religious doctrines and preached people. I
added that people gathered around him were touched by his doctrines. And the inspector
asked about Moons wife and children and the incident Moons wife made in Busan and
Seoul. I said that it happened because of the difference of religious beliefs. The police
tried to find any evidence that could prove Moons adultery and gang bang.

Indictment of 5 officers

Hyo Min Yoo and Hyo Young Yoo were investigated after me. When Won Phil Kim was
investigated, his evasion of military caused a problem. And the investigation of the
family of Moons wife started. Sang Hyun Ok was the first. Investigation about women
was done during day time. It was focused on the issue of gang bang. After the
investigation, Won Phil Kim, Hyo Min Yoo, Hyo Young Yoo, and Hyo Won Yoo were
imprisoned respectively.

The female member Sang Hwa Lee was imprisoned on 18. Including Moon, 5 of them
were imprisoned. At that time the public relation of the church was handled by Jung Woo

Noh and Dong Suk Cho. They appealed the prosecutors office to release me saying that
the living of dozens of church members would be hard if I was in prison. They promised
that I would turn myself in whenever the prosecutors office wanted. But Moon was
being held in jail.

Sung Hwa Lee who confessed gang bang was also released by her fathers endeavor. On
July 29, 1955, five men were indicted for evasion of military. I was worried about being
called to the police but it never happened. And I was asked to hide somewhere before any
further investigation and I accepted.

Escape from the investigation

Moon called me to take the money in his drawer for my escape. I went to Masan and
visited Yoon Shin Yang who was working in the National Tuberculosis Clinic as a captain
nurse. I stayed there for 15 days. While I was staying in Masan, I was visited by some
church members. And we worried about Moons being in prison and trials.

About 10 days later, Won Joo Lee disappeared and another fuss occurred. He claimed that
he was the real Messiah and Moon was a fake. People gathered in his house believed him
and they cried and screamed all night long. Using the return theory, he had sex with many
women for the return ritual. Yang was embarrassed and she quit her job. She later moved
to Seoul and I had to move to Daegu. But Daegu was not a safe place either.

And I decided to flee to Jejudo where my relatives lived. I read papers to see how the trial
went. On October 4, 1955, Moon was found not guilty and released. I was very happy to
hear that. Except Won Phil Kim who was sentenced to 1 year in prison, others were
released being fined. The purpose of the investigation then was to prove the activity of
gang bang. Women who involved in gang bang had not courage to confess it and their
husbands felt ashamed to say that. Therefore, Moon was released. But it was true that
they had sex with Moon.

Chapter 4. The Victimized Women

The miserable end of Sang Hyun Ok

I tried to describe the facts based on my diary and memo for the last chapters. A few
saved diaries were valuable asset to write this book. I confessed my stupidity to believe
Moon as the Messiah. The facts that I described here are all true. As a stubborn soldier, I
left all my family members in North Korea to keep my promise with Moon. But Sir
Moon finally betrayed me because I knew too many secrets about him.

With the collusion with the military government, Moon was looking for something else
and I was his obstacle. I was demoted to a mine and I had to work there for years without
being paid. The Sir Moon does not exist in me and he is just Sun Myung Moon who
had destroyed a lot of lives of people.

Socks knitted by hair

One of the memorable women who were related to Moon is Sang Hyun Ok. When Moon
was in prison in North Korea, she served Moon sincerely. She took a long way to prison
in Huengnam to bring him food and clothes. How could a woman serve a man like that?
For me, my wife and family just visited me in prison once 3 or 4 months. But she visited
Moon as many as possible. I was surprised at that time. Moon and I had no secret then in

One day Moon told me that she knitted socks with her hair for him. It was old custom to
return the favor to a person. I wondered why that woman dedicated her life to Moon. But
I didnt ask Moon about it. We just enjoyed the food she had brought. When Moon was
released after the breakout of the war, I could meet her in her house. Her house was very
big and she had two daughters. And Moon and I and two more members began to live
there. While we were staying there, her husband and family who had fled to Seoul
returned. Her husband was an elder of Jangdaehyun church.

The sigh of elder Ha Sup Woo

One afternoon, elder Woo asked me to come to his room to talk about. It was about the
relationship between Moon and his wife. He said his wife changed a lot after a young
man from south came to his house with weird preaching. Until then they had no problem
sleeping together. But his wife refused to sleep with him after the young man came. He
added that he tried to persuade her in vain. A wonderful wife until then began to take
money to give Moon.

Since he was rich enough, it was not a big deal in the first place. He prayed for his wifes
return to him. But nothing could change her mind and one day Moon and his wife were
arrested by the police. By his effort to release her, she was freed later on. But she is still
addicted to Moons weird preaching including the lamb feast which was a kind of orgy.
Finally he advised me not to get involved in Moon as a real Christian.

Both body and mind to Moon

Sang Hyun Ok who had sacrificed everything to Moon followed Moon and established
his financial stability while staying in Busan. When we were living in Hongin-dong, she
took charge of laundry. She had to wash clothes for the quantity of 24 boxed every day. It
must have been a real hard time for her.

Later I heard the news that she was divorced to her husband and he became a pastor. He
could not change her mind. And one day she asked me to get a job for her son and I
arranged him to work in a construction site. She must have been living hard financially
after divorce.

After he divorced his wife, he remarried a woman who was a deacon. After Moons wife
made a scene, Ok supported Moon in many ways. When Moon hid somewhere, his wife

tried to find him following Ok. And they were all arrested by the police. Moons wife was
released after she promised not to make a scene anymore. When Moon disappeared, Ok
asked me to find him together. She was that desperate for Moon.

Whenever she lived with Moon, she took charge of everything economically. I cant
forget her weeping so hard when Moon was arrested on July 4. She prayed all day for his
freedom. She did not eat anything for days. However, when I returned to church after for
a while, she was expelled from the church. I heard that she had asked for some money
several times. But she did not pay back and she was refused after that. And she was gone.

Nowhere to go

Ok met Moon for the first time on November 6, 1946 in Pyungyang when she was 48.
Moon was 27 at that time. Moon had sex with her for the return ritual. She was the first
Maria. For the next 40 years, she had devoted everything to Moon. 40 years! She had
sacrificed her life to Moon. She could not live without Moon. But she was expelled from
the church for the reason that no old members could stay any longer.

She was paid a little money when she was expelled. What could she do with such a little
money? Since she did not give up hope, she was said to have rented a room near the
church. What a sad story! If I had enough money, I would have supported her financially.

On August 16, 1985, the day of pardon was pronounced. Young Suk Song was preaching
that every sin would be pardoned and all the grace would be with the members of the
Unification Church. I thought that the church should have done something to help people
like Ok who had devoted her entire life to church. I remember when Moon first explained
the ideal world. At that time he said that the time would come in 7 years. But now 40
years passed.

Moon may have made a great deal of fortune but his dreamlike world did not come.
Around May 1993, I got a call from Hyo Min Yoo. She said Ok was in the hospital and

wanted to see her with me. She was 96 at that time. She was supposed to be released but
she had no place to go. When Yoo tried to rent an apartment for her, the church hurriedly
took her away. I felt sad to see the miserable end of a devoted member. But she was not
the only one. There were too many victims.

Bong Shik Park and Myung Choon Oh

Devoted husband and wife to Moon

On December 24, 1953, Moon and I visited the couple of Sung Mook Shin and Shin Hee
Yoos in Youngdo. Around that time Do Wook Song and Bong Shik Park joined us. They
were both devout and became sincere believers.

Song was not much educated but he was a big shape and very stubborn. He married to
Bong Shik Park after the Liberation coming from Manchuria. They had a daughter. He
was a exterminator vendor at that time. They lived in humble wooden house and Won
Phil Kim stayed with them. And I met Kim at the house.

When traveled from Seoul to Busan by train, the shirts we were wearing turned to black
soon when we passed the tunnel. I still remember the time even after 40 years now.
Songs daughter was a very active girl and Moon bought her a gayageum and she played
it often for us. I was Moon secretary at that time and it was given to Song after Yoo.

The affair of Do Uk Song

Bong Shik Park worked as a missionary for the area of Kyungsangdo after she came to
Seoul. At that time an incident happened by Song. I went to Kunsan to visit a mine and
stayed in a Kims house in Wolmyung-dong. That house was used for church too. 5 days
later, Kims wife looked lost her mind and she asked me the return ritual. She was
murmuring the return ritual and I had seen such behavior of the members before. But she
seemed to be serious and I reported it to the chairman Yoo. After that elder Song came to

take her back.

Since he could not treat her by himself, Song stayed with Myung Choon Oh to treat
Kim's wife together. And they became intimate. When Kim's wife was recovered, they
became inseparable and lived together under the grace of Moon.

An excellent man of character, Bong Shik Park

I am going to write about Bong Shik Park now. Lets talk about her from the principle.
Song and Park became members of Moon as husband and wife. Song became Moons
secretary and Park focused on missionary work. Under Moons grace, it is natural that
they must be the beneficiary of his grace. But Oh and Song received Moons grace
instead. It is a contradictory fact. Moon admitted their living together.

Under Moons grace, we could not object to it. But Park could not understand it. I saw
her disappointed. After that Song died of liver cancer. I heard that Park was with him
when he died and I was touched by her character. Even though her husband flirted with a
young woman, she stayed with her husband for the last moment. After Songs death, Oh
complained about his appearance in her dream. I just had to respect Parks sacrifice.

Myung Choon Oh who sacrificed a substantial amount of money

Moon moved his place four times with Sang Hyun Ok in Busan. And the cost of moving
was paid by Myung Choon Oh. Oh was a relative of Dr. Jang and she was good at
missionary work. The important female members during the early time of church must be
credited to her.

When Moon was living with Soon Chul Lee in the name of return, Myung Choon Oh
borrowed money and provided their place to live. When Moon was arrested for Ewha
incident, she supported him. At that time she sold her house to help Moon. When Moon
or I needed money, she provided it. When we were in Youngdo, she did everything.

Since Moon had nothing, she gave him money to go to Busan. Later she went to America
to live with her son. When she visited Korea in 1983, she brought the gall bladder of a
bear with her. When I collapsed because of high blood pressure, she sent it to me for my
recovery. And she told me that I was the most important member of our church. She
never asked us to return the money she gave us when we were in hard times. I could
recover after I took the medicine she sent me in a month. But Moon never called her
while she was staying in Korea. Moon was a man with no humane character.

Living as a housekeeper

As happened to Sang Hyun Ok, Park had to face with the same fate. She was forced to
move out. She also had no place to go at that time. When she stayed in a training center
of the church, she was expelled by the caretaker. And she had to come to the city to sell
sesame oil at the market. Therefore, she visited some officers of the church to get help.
But she was refused by a wife of the chairman. The reason was that it was a shameful
thing for the church.

Every officer of the church refused to help her. They were all cruel. And she finally
decided to find a job as a housekeeper.

Tears and anger of Jong Hwa Kim

I want to kill Yong Myung Moon

Moon in Pyungyang tried to attract people with his sham doctrines. Unfortunately, Sang
Hyun Ok became his victim from the start. But there is another one. It was the incident
that made Moon be arrested, the incident of the married woman Jong Hwa Kim. When I
was released before Moon in prison, Moon told me to find Kim. But she had already left
for refugee.

She had the lamb feast with Moon even she was a married woman with a son. According

to Moons doctrine, one should be a married woman to become one of the six Marias but
one must be a virgin to have the lamb feast. But she was a married woman. For Moon, he
had also wife and children in Seoul. When I found her in Seoul, she was attending a
church and her husband was running a shoe store.

When I met her, she told me that she had committed a serious sin and was deceived by
Moon. She said that Moon was evil. She shed tears saying that her husband forgave her
even though she did adultery. And she realized that he really loved her. When I asked her
whether she felt any guilt during sexual intercourse with Moon, she said that she really
believed him the real Messiah at that time. She added that she would go to heaven.

The tragedy of 6 Marias

6 married women

I took the lecture of Moons doctrine in a church in Sujung-dong Busan on May 15, 1953.
It was more detailed explanation of his ideal world than he first explained it in prison.
The most important part is about the 6 Marias section. Moon told me that 6 Marias were
Jung Soon Shin, Myung Choon Oh, Soon Chul Lee, An Sil Kim, Ok Sil Kang, and Jun
Ok Jung.

After a while, there was a change of them. The reason was that Ok Sil Kang and Jun Ok
Jung were not married. According to his doctrine, unmarried women cant become Maria.
And Moon chose Shin Hee Yoo and Young Shin Lim to replace them.

Moon explained his return theory that only married women could become Maria. He
explained the detailed method of return to me. He said a man is on top of a woman when
they have sex in Satan world but in the return ritual woman must be on top two times and
man on top in the third time. That was his explanation of the return. The woman who had
sex with Moon must have sex with other man. Therefore, I became his second man. Now
I will tell how the 6 women became Maria.

Jung Soon Shin

She was a wife of a rich man and she attended our church in Busan. One day Moon told
me she would become my ideal wife and we could take charge of financial problem of
the church in the future. But Moon took Shins oldest daughter Sung Hwa Lee saying that
she would be Hawwah in the future. And it was revealed when the Young Hee Kim
incident happened.

Her second daughter was taken by Moon too and she gave birth to a baby later. But Shin
thought that she would live peacefully with Moon forever as one of Marias. And she sold
her house in Busan and gave the money to Moon. She provided fund to me when I was in
the business of straw rope. But the fact that she and her two daughters had sex with Moon
bothered her much. She later got uterine cancer and died after a few years later. What will
she think of Moon in heaven?

Soon Chul Lee

At the time when I was in Busan after finishing my living in Gyeongju, Lee joined our
church and had a return ritual. Her husband was an officer at the Customs Service. She
offered a lot of money to Moon without being noticed by her husband. One day Dong
Hwi Noh came to me to attend the early morning worship. When we arrived at church in
Chungpa-dong, Moon was preaching. And Moon suddenly ordered to complete the
firearm factory which was being built in Sootaek-ri by night. Since it was a sudden order,
it was hard to gather people.

At that time I was working for a construction site and I barely recruited 18 workers and
finished the work. When I was going back home, I was called by Soon Chul Lee. She
asked me to come to her room. The room had nothing except a dirty blanket and a few
household items. And I asked her what happened. She told me that she moved here to see

Moon in near sight since Moon refused to see her again.

She thought that Moon would visit the factory once a day. She just lived there to see
Moon. She might not have had a chance to tell her story. And she met me to tell her story.
She was forced to get divorced by her husband after she gave everything to Moon. She
had no one to depend on. But she was betrayed by Moon too.

How could the Messiah do such a thing? We cried together holding each others hands.
About a month later, I got a call from Oh. She said Lee left this painful world forever.
Moon once said that he could not live without Soon Chul Lee. But he totally betrayed her
and she is now gone. I know that she is looking down Moon from heaven cursing him.

Myung Choon Oh

She was a devout Christian who attended church in Jejudo even during the war. Touched
by Moons doctrine, she became a good supporter for Moon. She also had the return
ritual with Moon. She sold her house to give Moon and later was divorced by her
husband. Her story has been told in previous chapters fully.

After she was expelled from the church, she went to the Philippines to see her son. Her
daughter in Seoul married under Moons joint wedding ceremony but divorced later. Now
nobody welcomes her back home. When I visited her daughters house to meet her, I was
refused to enter. She may be living her lonely life in other country. I and Hyo Min Yoo
decided to try to do our best to help such women.

An Sil Kim

She joined our church when I was in Busan persuaded by Myung Choon Oh. After she
had the return ritual, she became an ardent member. Her husband was a doctor who was
studying in America for a doctoral degree. She was serving her mother-in-law with
children while he was studying. She loved Moon the most.

When her husband returned to Korea, he opened his own hospital. After living with him
for a while, she left him for Moon. She was 30 when she had the return ceremony. Moon
liked her much because she was young and asked me to give her letters whenever I came
to Seoul.

Now she is an old woman and Moon never contacted her again. Since she cant return to
her husband, she is living on teaching piano to children in a small rented room.

Shin Hee Yoo

I wrote about her in detail in previous chapters and I just tell you her current situation.

Her children who were adopted by an orphanage are now living well. But she had no
courage to ask them to live together and she is living in a small room sewing clothes for
living. She is regretting her mistake in the past. Hyo Min Yoo and I also decided to help
her as much as we can.

Young Shin Lim

At the time of the foundation of the World Christian Unification Holy Spirit Association
in Seoul, she joined the church persuaded by Yoo. She lived with a daughter of 5 years
old then. And she could do a lot of church work including the picture business. She loved
Moon very much too. When she was disappointed Moons treatment of her, she withdrew
the church. And she married to a wealthy man later. When her husband died leaving a
son, she gave all the businesses to her husbands ex wifes son and she had to live alone
with a housekeeper.

Even though she married to a man of entertainment, it did not last long. Her own son
does not care about her either. Moon did not take care of her either and she is now living
in a small room. When I and Yoo visited her, she was so poor that she could not buy rice.

Moon had taken not only their bodies but all the fortune they had and deserted them.

Not 6 Marias but 60 Marias

The women played by Moon such as 6 Marias are over dozens of women. The women
deserted by Moon are now living their miserable end of life. His act cant be forgiven and
must be punished in term of not only religion but human standard. I think he will face
with the harsh punishment soon. Moon is a real evil. His 6 Marias were all from rich
families. He just exploited the death of Jesus for his own sake and coaxed poor women.

They were actually seduced by Moons sex appeal and deserted their own families. When
they are sucked enough by Moon, they were all deserted. There was no providence of
god. They were just victims of Moons greed and sexual desire. Every year Moon
replaced Maria and old Maria must be deserted. The terrible bait of Maria has produced
dozens of victims. Without their fortune, Moon could not have succeeded financially like

One middle-aged woman from North Korea gave all her fortune to Moon and she was
deserted by Moon when she became pregnant. Moon even refused to give her money for
abortion. And Yoo gave her money to get abortion operation later. She never returned to

Losing loved one and killed

A man named Won Duk Kim

Kim saved Moon when he was attacked by his wife in Busan. He graduated from
Japanese Military Academy during the Japanese ruling. After Liberation, he joined the
North military but worked for the south. After he was arrested, he was sentenced to death.
But he was saved by his previous boss in the military and moved to Heungnam prison.
And he met Moon there. After he was introduced to me, we became close friends like
brothers. After he was released, he became a security officer in South Korea. When the

Unification Church was in trouble, he helped Moon in many ways. And Moons wife
could do nothing about it.

Mysterious romance

One day Kim told me an interesting story. It was about his romance story that made me
jealous. He took a night train to Busan from Yongsan station a few days ago. He was
sitting on a first class seat. And a decent woman surrounded by many policemen got on
the train. She seemed to be a lady of a high official to travel. She sat on the seat in front
of him. Until the train passed Daejun, they said nothing to each other and just saw each

After a while, she started to recite an old Korean poem looking at Kims profile. It was
like the voice of angel to him. She looked a little grave but emotional. Kim was a man of
a lot of experiences. And he asked her whether she would travel to Busan courageously.
And she answered that she was going to Busan on business and ran an aluminum factory
in Yongsan.

After that they exchanged conversations until the train arrived at Busan. They parted at
the station after setting the time to meet again. When they met again, they had dinner and
watched a movie like a couple. She behaved like a social woman and was very attractive.
And they went to a hotel together. Their short love was an incident that couldnt be
explained to Kim. Kim had to stay in Busan 10 days longer than planned.

Banquet with a beautiful woman

Kim asked me to go to her house with him for dinner. Out of curiosity, I accompanied
him to Yongsan. Her house was an old Japanese style one. On the name tag said Yoon.
We were guided by two young women. The first room had a golden statue of the Buddha
and candles. Next room was a big room and it looked like a reception room. After we
were served tea, an amorous perfume filled the room and she appeared. She greeted us

nodding a little smiling.

Her voice was clear like crystal. She looked in her late 40s. She was wearing Korean
traditional costume. It was like the costume of a bride. When we moved to the next room,
a variety of delicious and colorful dishes were ready. She recited an old Chinese poem
and we drank for the night.

Strange visionary power

She said that she could see the future after she practiced in Kuemkang Mountain for 10
years. She could see the future of fate of a person and a lot of candidates for the National
Assembly came to see her. She could tell the success or failure of people. Her factory was
just her side job. Her goal of life was to support orphans especially girls to succeed in
society. She said that many girls had already graduated from Ewha Womens College and
now 17 girls are being taken care of by her.

I could not see her face directly. After finishing dinner, we parted with her promising to
see again. She implied that Kim was her boyfriend and did not care about his wife. She
only wanted his love. And I thought that she was not a person on this earth.

After that, Kim and I were free to visit her. Whenever we visited her, we were well
treated. Later she established a construction company and Kim was hired as president.
But Kim had no experience in construction and the company went bankrupt soon. After
that they established several companies but all failed.

Later on, she asked us to see Moon. And Moon and Yoon met finally on October 25, 1954
at Yangs house.

Stealing the woman of disciple, Sun Myung Moon

At the day of meeting, I and Kim took her to Yangs house. About 10 people were there.

Yoon was wearing Korean traditional costume and looked like a bride waiting for the first
night. People were beside themselves with her beauty. After greeting with Moon, she said
that you were in trouble finding your spiritual wife. And she said that she came to serve
him as the bride. Everybody in the room was surprised. Moon preached for a long time
that night and she recited poems. At that time Moon was being watched by the authority
tightly and the curfew was 12. And we parted promising to see again.

After a week, Moon visited Yoons house without a notice with Yoo. I and Kim were
surprised at his sudden visit. Yoon served food heartedly. Moon behaved like a groom
too. Yoon looked like waiting for her groom preparing oil as written in the Bible. I and
Kim left the house and Moon and Yoon had the return ritual that night. And Kim was
betrayed by Moon.

Moon stole Kims lover even though Kim had supported him since the time of prison.
After that, Moon often visited Yoon. After Moon was arrested on July 4, 1955, Yoon tried
to evade Moon. Kim talked about his anger and betray to me many times. Whenever I
tried to persuade him, he did not listen to me.

Kim said that how Moon stole a woman who was his disciples lover. Do I look an idiot?
How can I obey such a leader? Even though the doctrine of the church is good, I cant
accept it. I cant forgive Moon. He is just a swindler. As a past soldier, he was stubborn
and really angry about Moon. Moon is a horny dog. Since I knew his anger, I could say

A few years later, Yoon, her step daughter, and housekeeper were killed. But the criminal
was not arrested. Kim was a suspect and police came to me asking about his
whereabouts. When I met Kim again, he said he had nothing to do with it. I was sure that
he was not the killer. And now, he has been dead for 3 years.

Chapter 5. The reality of the Messiah

The contradiction between doctrine and practice

My memoir is the writing of truth

I met Moon in the Huengnam prison and lived with him for 1.5 years. After we were
released after the breakout of the Korean War, Moon and I fled to Seoul and Busan for 2
months. After that I stayed in Gyeongju and Moon was in Busan. After our reunion,
Moon preached his doctrine of creation, the history of corruption, and the Second
Coming. Under the name of true parents, the Unification Church has branched in more
than 120 countries now.

He made women give birth to 11 children under the name of Lamb Feast. And he tries to
make his first son his successor. Moon was introduced by many world scholars. There are
many books advertising him as a great man.

I have read such books but they did not explain how Moon has accomplished his goals.
They are all superficial. I dont want to criticize the contents of those books. I just want to
tell the truth that I have experience and known about Moon. The doctrine Moon told me
was written in Busan by me.

This is the original of the doctrines (it was written in pencil. Sun Ok Jung had kept in
Daegu and Ae Ja Park returned to me. I have the notebook I copied).

The bright Hyo Won Yoo wrote the book. And this book was the source to spread the
Unification Church throughout the world. I cant quote all the contents and I had to
summarize it.

Believers who know nothing

I am going to point out some contradictory points in this explanation of doctrine.

In each countrys history has its own origin of myth. Korea has Dangun Mythology.
Japan and China have their own birth myth of a nation. Sun Myung Moon whom I had
followed insists he is the Messiah. Many books about Moon say that he is a savior. Moon
has claimed that he came to the world to save it through unification. But his doctrines and
assertions are far away from reality. He is totally different from Jesus who was crucified
2,000 years ago. Moon has a lot of supporters around the world being respected and
believed as a savior.

However, the life of believers has not improved as Moon promised but most of them are
living worse. Some of them had to face miserable end of life. I have been suspicious
about that for a long time. Most publications related to the Unification Church have
shown the superficial aspect of its reality. And we have to think about how well Moon
has lived like the Messiah. That shameless Moon has made a lot of victims so far and his
heinous act continues. And I had no choice but to write this book to let people know the

The innocent believers around the world still believe that Moon is a true father and his
wife is a true mother. I was also one of them who believed that Moon could save our
world. If Moon is not the real Messiah and the fact lies in the Book of Revelations of St.
John, what will happen to us?

What happened to his two sons who were killed in car accidents if he and she are true
parents? As I said, he has 11 children by way of so-called the Lamb Feast. One of his
children who was born with different mother and adopted died too. How can he explain
that as a true father? In the Revelation, 21-4, He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has
passed away.

How come our world is still the same even the date of the liberation of our world is set?
They became true parents through the return as they insist. Then why did their children
die? Some of their children have made a variety of scandals. I want to tell you what

Moon has done using the theory of the original sin. Moons fate must be decided by our
god. And I just want to write how Moon has lived so far during his practicing doctrines.

How can Moon be the Messiah?

Lets review Moon doctrines again.

Creation doctrine: God created the heavens and the earth and he created man by breathing
into his nostrils the breath of life. God named him Adam and he put the man in a garden
in the east. And God made a woman from the rib of the man while he was sleeping. And
He named her Hawwah and let them rule the world. They may eat fruit in the garden but
God ordered that they must not eat fruit that is in the middle of the garden. God warned
them they would die if they eat the forbidden fruit.

Corruption doctrine: When Hawwah became mature, God took place in Adam and had
sex with Hawwah as husband and wife to bring their sinless offspring to prosper.
Knowing Gods intention, the Archangel Luciel seduced immature Hawwah to have sex.
Since Hawwah had sex with Adam, the corrupted blood line of Satan Luciel began to

Return doctrine: Like this, the sexual intercourse of Hawwah with Luciel made human
corrupt. After Hawwah and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, they had to hide their bodies
with the leaves of fig out of shame. This means that they had sex together.

It is natural for human to hide any scar now and this proves the sin committed at the time.
And we have a problem to solve that how we can return to the state before the sin. And
God gave Hawwah pains in childbearing and gave Adam painful toil. After that, Adam
and Hawwah had two sons who became the origin of human. After Cain killed his
younger brother Abel, it became the first murder in the Garden of Eden.

Then how can we return to the sinless world? Moon had overcome a lot of difficulties to

practice the return. His theory and practice are as follows. Since Luciel took the virginity
of Hawwah, the return must be done to clean the sin.

To do this, a clean man like God must come to have sex with a woman who is like
Hawwah. Since Luciel was on top of Hawwah when they had sex, it is normal in the
Satan world. Therefore, the sex for the return must be done in a position that the woman
on top. And Moon has had sex in this position so far.

In the doctrine, Moon is the person who is equal to God to practice the return.
Considering Moons birth in a normal family, it cant be understood. We have to think
about it. While I was in prison with Moon for 1.5 years, we talked to each other a lot.
Moon told me that Jesus appeared in his dream on the night before the Easter when he
was 16 and told Moon to save the world that he could not accomplish because of
crucifixion. And Moon said that he was reluctant to accept it but he did.

The request from God was to practice the return, that is, have sex with women. Maybe
Moon knows the truth about it. We know many people saw Jesus in their dreams but the
fact that Jesus asked them to have sex with women must not be true.

The strange relation with Deuk Eun Jung

When Moon was arrested on July 4, 1955, Jung asked me to come to her house (Note:
She was a strange woman but you have to read her story carefully). I was eager to hear
Moons days in Pyungyang and I stopped by her house. She was 50 then and lived in a
small house in Seoul. I stayed for a week there. And I could hear the mysterious story
about Moon and her during his staying in Pyungyang.

Jung said that she was called by god on June 5, 1946. She said that god told her that a
young man was crossing the 38th parallel to Pyungyang wearing a backpack. And the man
is sent by god to complete an important mission. And she was told that she had to
welcome him. And she hurried to find him and saw a young man who was dressed in

shabby clothes. He was Sun Myung Moon. And she guided him to her house in

She explained her being called by god to Moon. And she told him that Moon would be
equal to god if he had sex with her. They had sex in a position that she was on top of
Moon. And she claimed that she became Maria. It was a fabricated story but I had to
believe it at that time as Moons second man. Of course, I dont understand her strange
behavior at that time now. I believe that they might have sex together and the story was
made up.

When Moon was in Pyungyang, he was just a young man of greed and sexual desire. His
only weapon then was his sexual ability that could be used for women. If this story is
true, how can Moon explain that there is nothing about her in any publication?

The sex propagation

Lets continue the story of the days in Pyungyang. After that Moon moved to other house
and Jung had a service in other place because there were a lot of conflicts with other
women such as Ji and Ok who had sex with Moon. But another problem occurred. Each
woman who had sex with Moon began to claim that they were the only Maria.

They claimed that Moon had given the status of Maria after sex. As I said before, Moon
had sex with Jong Hwa Kim at her house while her husband and children were staying.
And he was arrested by the police for social disorder and sentenced to 5 years in prison.

In all the publications by the Unification Church, Moon was innocent. Now you may
understand that they are all false. The publications assert that Moon was envied by other
existing churches and they reported Moon for nothing. The real reason for his arrest was
sex propagation. Moon had been seducing many women by the sweet story of 6 Maria.
He had taken their bodies and money.

Sexual desire and money

Steal your husband's money

Moon was arrested on July 4, 1955 in Seoul but released. And the Unification Church
advertizes that he was innocent and released. But Moon had done a lot of crimes and I
have seen them. Thanks to our lies and false testimony, he could be freed. The church has
tried to hide the fact but I know the truth.

Moon raised his age to evade the military duty. The sex with Soon Chul Lee was a crime
of adultery even he insisted that it was the return ritual. Moon used to say that our world
was ruling by the Satan and the wealth of individuals must be returned to him. And he
ordered his female believers to steal money from their husbands. And the ideal world can
be accomplished. Believing in Moon, Lee kept giving money to Moon.

One day she stole $15,000 from her husband and spent it all with Moon. And her husband
became angry and began to look for them. It must be a serious crime. But the husbands of
the victims could not tell the truth to the police because of shame. Moon seduced many
unmarried women to have sex telling them they could be 6 Marias. Young Hee Kim and
Sung Hwa Lee were the victims too. The Unification Church must think about the tears
and pain of the victims and their families.

Why sinless children die?

I dont understand how Moon was imprisoned for tax evasion in America as the Messiah.
As the Revelation 21:3-4 says, the duty of the Messiah is written in there. Moon may
assert that his imprisonment in America is anticipated as gods will long time ago. How
could children born by the Lamb Feast get killed by the car accident? How can he explain
the rumors about his children? Moon has distorted the fact and is still deceiving people.
He is heading for the path that cant return. Is Moon real Messiah? No, he is just a greedy
sex-addicted man.

Sex in the name of return

Lets think about the issue of 6 Marias. The doctrine says that god has been angry for
6,000 years because Satan took Hawwahs body. And god sent Jesus as second Adam to
save the world. But Jesus mother Maria did not have sex with Jesus because she thought
he was her son. And Jesus had to face the death of crucifixion. It also says that Judah did
not obey the will of god by selling Jesus to the authority because he was jealous of Jesus.
And I believed the theory of 6 Maria then. But Moon kept having sex with other women
after finishing the 6 Maria duty.

For example, the head resident of Ehwa Womens College Han was seduced by Moon
and became addicted to sex frenzy. I witnessed the return ritual between Moon and Han
at that time. Han was a widow then with a deaf son. She was a devout Christian but she
became Moons sex slave and she was happy about it thinking that it was gods will.
When she found out that Moon had many other women, she left Moon and got an
operation of uterus because her body became dirty by Moon. Regretting about her
imprudent sex frenzy with Moon, she died a few years later.

Who becomes responsible for her death? It is surely Moons. In 1955, 5 professors and 14
students from Ehwa were expelled from school because of their relation with Moon.
During the time of Busan, the 6 Maria project was done already. But Moon never stopped
banging women. Without thinking deeply about the return ritual, many women devoted
their bodies to Moon. And such a situation has made the rumor that people cant get away
from the Unification Church when they join.

Many destroyed families

The doctrines of Moon have changed the life style of many families. Many wives of
peaceful families began to reject to have sex with their husbands after they joined the
church. And there was the donation problem they made to the church. Most of them
finally got divorced and their families were destroyed. Some husbands left their wives

and children with despair.

The number of family that was destroyed is more than 170 as I know. Some women who
realized that it was just crazy sex frenzy returned to their home. How do they feel now
about their mistake then? Many women have served to Moon without knowing the truth.

One day I was asked by a man of members. He asked me that Moons return ritual was an
act of solemnity. I had to say yes. But, as you know now, it is not true. Moon was like a
horny dog. He was a sex addict. He was full of sexual desire.

In fact, he was very energetic. He told me that he once had 10 times of sex one night. The
women who were conducting the return ritual often fainted during sex. I have seen it and
it must be true. Lucky to some women, they found out Moons reality soon and returned
to their home. They could prevent any deeper damage.

The grudge of women

Moon has never supported or helped his women while he is insisting that he is the
Messiah. He made a social issue in Japan and America because he made a fortune using
the inspiration method. He never paid any attention to his victims. And now the number
of women leaving the church is increasing. How can Moon overcome this problem in the
future? He sent more than 350,000 tapes of his doctrine to many pastors in America. Can
it help him solve the problem?

Even though Moon has spent millions of dollar for so-called the doctrine session around
the world, he cant prevent this. He has paid a lot of money to many worlds renowned
scholars to advertize his doctrine. Many women who were used by Moon are now living
their miserable lives. They were all from rich family but now they have to worry about
everydays food. The women with grudge will be more than hundreds. I want to see all
these victimized women but my economic situation may not allow it.

Children from unmarried women

I think I have explained the choice of virgin who becomes the true mother enough.
According to Moon, the Lamb Feast can make the true parents to achieve the goal of
creation. His doctrine says that we can make a clean world by rooting out the original sin
in our society and we can live in a world of no pain and death with our true parents.

But when Moon had Young Hee Kim pregnant, he smuggled her to Japan. After Kim
gave birth to his son, she had to live in terrible poverty. He also had Sung Hwa Lee
pregnant and she gave birth to a son too. She thought that she was the first Maria. After
Moon deserted all his women, he married Hak Ja Han saying that she is the true mother.
Moon and Han are now spending a lot of money to advertize them as the true parents to
create the new world.

Who betrayed?
Letter of recommendation by Moon

Now I am going to write about the management of economy of the church. As I said
before, when I was in Seoul in 1953, I had no money to buy a ticket to Busan. After we
founded the association of Holy Spirit, we started the picture business with Yoo. As the
business became stable, we could move to Hongin-dong. And the church began to
flourish. At that time, Moon and some members were arrested.

After Moon was released, we bought a second story house in Chungpa-dong and moved
there. After that Moon asked me to work at Seojin Mine and wrote me a letter of
recommendation. And I spent a few years there as a supervisor The mine was donated by
Suk Cheon Jung and Moon was running himself. I will write the detail later. During that
time, Yoo was able to get a patent for air gun. With excellent quality of the product, the
economic foundation of the church was settled.

The persistent sweating system

The first relative of Moon who joined the church was Sung Kyun Moon. When Moon
bought a Jeep, he was hired as a driver. And the next one was Yong Sun Moon who
worked at the porcelain factory in Asan. They were all. When I was actively working
with Moon, there were no relatives of Moon.

Now a lot of his relatives are working in the church and it had created a lot of grudge
from other members. This may contradict his doctrine. Moon has told us that stealing
money from the bank is a crime under the law of Satan but it is not a crime under his
doctrine. And many women stole money from their husbands for Moon. And it made the
present of the Unification Church.

The economic foundation by such members is now handling by Moons relatives. Most of
founding members have been expelled from the church. The only ones left are Soo
Kyung Lee who is in charge of Ilshin Co. and Won Phil Kim for Ilhwa Food Co. Won
Phil Kim has been Moons right-hand man. It was the time when we started the air gun

Some children whose families were destroyed by their mothers joining the church were
hired by the factory. They were 15-16 years old. The number of children surpassed 350
and they were paid 500 won a month. It is a good example of the sweating system. The
17-year-old son of Hee Ok Kim ran away from the factory because it was too hard to
work. And the sweating system of the Unification Church is true.

Moons sons, Hueng Jin and Hyo Jin

Moon came to Seoul in 1983 for lectures in 7 major cities. During that time, Moons son
Hueng Jin got killed by car accident. And the church explained the death as his sacrifice
for his father. They said that the communist were trying to kill Moon because his lectures
were anti-communism. And his son was appointed as commander-in-chief of the world of


Moon and his wife are the true parents as they insist but their son got killed by car
accident. How can they explain that? The scandal made by Hyo Jin became a big social
issue once. And they said that he was reborn after he spent 40 days in a place where
Moon designated. It is obvious that Moon is trying to make him his successor.

It is like what is happening in North Korea. How can they explain that Moon is the only
Messiah that can save the world? Can Hyo Jin Moon become another Messiah? I was told
that Hyo Jin once pushed away pastor Yo Han Lee during his preaching in Chungpyung
attended by 150 youth saying that his preaching was against his fathers. The people at
the session thought that he was just a thug.

North Korea has become the source of funny story because it tried to succeed the power
to son. And the same situation is happening in the Unification Church. The Unification
Church has spent a lot of money to advertize Moon as the Messiah. A Japanese writer
wrote a book about Moon and he must have been bribed by Moon. There is no clue about
the transfer of the duty of the Messiah. The Unification Church has justified every fact
for their goals. And it scares us.

Deleted founders name

The Unification Church has written many books full of lies and contradictions. They
expelled many founding members on the ground of various reasons. I know many of
them whom had to face with such miserable fate. And I will write about a few of them.

The History of the Unification Church tells my story as follows. Moon had helped
wounded Chung Hwa Park to escape from the war riding on a bicycle with Won Phil
Kim. But Chung Hwa Park betrayed Moon while Park was working at Seojin Mine. And
he withdrew the church. I am the betrayer. It was all false. It was a part of project for
Moons idolization.

Thats why I am writing this book. As I wrote in previous chapters, I spent my life for
Moon believing him as the Messiah since we first met in prison. As you know, Moons
not being imprisoned again was the result of our lies and support. But he deserted us and
called us betrayers.

The Unification Church is worried about me because I know every aspect of Moon. Their
effort of idolization will fail. Moon is a Casanova and womanizer. He is the man of
Satan. Moon was afraid of police very much. Whenever police came to us, he was at a
loss and I had to deal with them. He was a weak person. I wondered one time how he
could save the world with his shaky body and mind.

The founding members of the World Christian Unification Holy Spirit Association were
Sun Myung Moon, Chang Hwan Lee, Chung Hwa Park, Hyo Won Yoo, Hyo Min Yoo,
and Sang Chul Kim. But my name is not on the list now. The oldest member becomes a
betrayer now. The founding date was May 3, 1954 but they changed the date to May 1.

Escape! There is an incident

It was not true. Moon was the one who betrayed me. It was when I was in the mine. One
day Dong Suk Cho came to me and said that Moon ran away because there was an
incident. And he said that Moon was afraid of my being arrested because I could tell the
whole truth about him. I didnt know what to do and asked Cho where Moon was. And he
said that Moon was in a temple in Choongmoo. I decided to go there. And I arrived there
at midnight but I could not go to the temple because of curfew.

When I arrived at the temple the next day, Moon and his party already left for Jejudo.
There was only the trace of tires of his Jeep. I didnt know where to go and what to do. I
decided to go to Seoul. And I tried to notify my staying there and waited for his reply. But
he did not contact me for a month. I was staying in a dirty room in front of the Seoul
Station eating a loaf of bread all day.

The betrayer was Sun Myung Moon

Moon did not contact me even after a month. I felt a certain suspicion. I went to the mine
on March 28, 1956. Moon was released from the prison on October 4 in previous year.
Moon sent me some operating expense because we had about 8 miners there. When I
visited Seoul, I was introduced to Army generals. They were Bo Hee Park and Sang
Kook Han. Moon told them I was his second-hand man and they should learn many
things from me.

3 years later Jung Hee Park succeeded his coup and appointed Jong Phil Kim the director
of KCIA(Korean Central Intelligence Agency). Both generals were his right-hand men.
After that, Bo Hee Park worked in America and became Moons new second-hand man.
Both of them received the glory of 36 families. After that, the remittance from Moon
stopped. Even though I kept requesting money, they didnt send me. Since the mine
business was deficit from the beginning, it was impossible to continue the work. And I
stopped working and dismissed miners.

I and Duk Jin Kim from Seoul and a woman were left there. Because we didnt have any
money, we often skipped meals. And the woman left us too soon. Kim also left for Seoul
and I was alone. At that time Dong Suk Cho came to me to make me escape. If I would
go, there would be no one left. And I began to arrange the remaining things to do. I sold a
generator to make some money. The incident in Seoul was also Moons affair with
women. While I was living hard in the mine, they advanced to America and expanded
their power in Japan too.

On April 11, 1960, Moon married Hak Ja Han through the Lamb Feast again. And he also
formed the 36 families. The qualification of the 36 families was basically formed with the
women of the return ritual. And I was his obstacle to his abnormal way of expansion. I
was being banished in the mountain. And Moon continued his way of sexual adventure
and greed using his contradictory doctrine.

When Moon was chased by the police, he was worried about me because I could tell the
whole truth about him. He did not order me to escape. He did it for his own sake. And he
did not want me to sit with him in his new establishment. But I waited for him for a long
time believing in our promise before. It was around in August of 1962. I did not betray
Moon but he betrayed me.

The Chapter 6. The Real Satan is Moon

The value of witness

Remarried and new place

I could barely live in a temporary house in front of the Seoul Station. The one who saved
me at that time was Duk Moon Um. Thanks to his help, I went to Busan for a
construction work (He was one of the greatest architects in the world graduated from
Waseda University in Japan).

I still waited for Moons contact but he did not contact me even after 3 years. I knew that
Moon was a secular man like us. But in the corner of my mind, I was waiting for his
reply believing in the promise we did in prison. But I decided that the 14 year-long
connection with Moon should be ended. And I married the sister of Um. Her husband was
a prosecutor but killed during the Korean War. She had 3 children. I started a new life for
the third time.

The first time of my life was the time in North Korea and the second one was in the
Unification Church. And I am 45 and my new wife is 37. Since then I focused on the
housing business in Busan for 10 years. I could complete 300-house project and
apartment project successfully.

For the next 10 years I did landfill work asked by a member of the church. The civil

engineering was my major and I was good at it. And we had many occasions of drinking
party after work. But that was the problem.

Collapsed by illness

In 1981, I fell because of cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized in hospital for about
2 months. And Duk Moon Um's wife and his sister told me that I had to go back to the
Unification Church saying that I and Moon had a deep relationship. They also said the
reason for my illness was that I left the church.

I was in a state of mental weakness at that time. Maybe my faith in god weakened too.
And I went to the hill behind my house and started 3-month prayer. I prayed for asking
how my life was. Was it right or wrong? How can I live my life with this emaciated
body? I had enough free time because I retired from the frontline of the business. I was
also curious about the Unification Church.

And I visited a branch of the Unification Church near my house. I thought that I could
guide them in a right direction when I had a chance. The pastor in Incheon church was
Heung Kwon Moon. One day a middle-aged woman came and asked me whether I knew
her. At the moment I couldnt remember her. And she said that she was the daughter of
Mrs. Ryu from Daegu. She was a devout believer and now wife of the pastor Moon.

In 1983, I and some old members visited sacred places. I was 70 but I participated in the
group. We had a good time talking about the past 20 years. When we came back, I got a
call from the headquarters that they wanted to see me.

Officers that I met in a long time

At a coffee shop at the Grand Hotel in Namdaemoon, I met In Chul Kim who was then

the chairman of anti-communism association and some other members. The reason for
their calling me was to prevent the action of Duk Jin Kim. They said I was the only one
who could persuade him.

Pastor Kim was participating in preaching suspects in jail or their victims very hard at
that time. As I said before, Kim was good at music and composed 20 hymns for the
church before. Later Hyo Min Yoo used those songs and sold tens of thousands of copies
in many countries without putting his name on them. To get his royalties, Kim was going
to sue the church.

Pastor Kim was said to have the return ritual with Shin Hee Yoo and many other women
later. And he was planning to publish a book about the return ritual based on his
experience. While he was preparing for his lawsuit with his lawyer, they called me to get
help. I could understand his feelings but I persuaded him to stop the lawsuit saying that
he could file it anytime. And finally he gave up the lawsuit. Then Byung Il Ahn and In
Chul Kim asked me to stay in the headquarters in Seoul instead of Incheon. And I started
attending the headquarters for 3 years.

A living witness of the foundation of the Unification Church

The headquarters tried to give me a position that was suitable for the oldest member but I
rejected it. As a member of foundation, I just wanted to do my work for the sound
development of the church. It was like the feeling of parents towards their children. From
1981 I actively participated in the church for 5 years. I prayed from the bottom of my
The church advertized that Chung Hwa Park is a living witness who had overcome
hardship with the Messiah. And I was asked to attend many lectures. I even went to
Japan to give about 40 lectures in front of 5,000 people. But my testimony was limited to
our refugee way to South. Their purpose was to advertize Moons hardship during that

My mind was very complicated but I told people based on truth. I loved devout believers
of the church. Even the top people are corrupt, most general believers are sincere and
innocent. Meeting them was my pleasure and joy at that time.

On July 8, 1985, I was asked to do the replay of the refugee way by theology school
presidents to depict the refugee way with Moon. After having lunch at the Imjin River, I
walked 18 km with them even with my emaciated body. My feet got swollen and I had to
see a doctor. With the long walk at the age of 74, my ankle got swollen. The doctor told
me that it could be dangerous if the poison spread. The expense of treatment was so high
and it was a big burden to me.

I talked the school president but he gave me no answer. And I had to use my emergency
saving and it cost about $1,000. And I asked the president of school pastor Yo Han Lee to
reimburse some money, but I was rejected coldly again. That reminded me of Moons
previous behavior that he use people and desert them.

One day in 1983, the international department of the church contacted me. They asked
me to stop by because they had some questions to ask. They showed me a picture on the
newspaper The Daily Central. It was a picture of a man carrying another man on his back
crossing the river. They asked me whether it was the picture that Moon was carrying me
on his back. And I answered them that we had no chance to take a picture at that time.
And I never crossed the river on his back. And they said nothing and I thought that that
was it.

But when I went to Japan in May, I found the picture enlarged and hung on the wall of an
exhibition site. And people came to me to take a picture with me. They said that the
picture was taken when Moon was carrying me on his back crossing the river. And they
asked me to tell the story in detail.

If I told them the truth, Moon would be a liar. And I had to lie to them. The Japanese

family seemed to be touched but I felt guilty. The same picture was on another newspaper
and this time the picture was clearer. They were not Moon and I. That was one of the
churchs typical ways to deceive people.

Stealing Baek Moon Kims doctrines

After I went to the headquarters, I could have a chance to meet old members. Some of
them withdrew and others were still there. Old women were poor. They lost their bodies
and money to Moon and are now living deploring Moon and even the god. The church
seemed to expand strong superficially but it produced a lot of scandals in Japan and
America related to money.

On July 20, 1984, Moon was put in prison for the charge of tax evasion. A Japanese aide
who was imprisoned with Moon for 5 months said that Moons behavior in the prison
was respectable. That was his third time in prison and he must be good at it.

Except the incident of tax evasion in America, Moon had a scandal of real estate
acquisition. Moon was released after a year and he keeps saying that he was innocent. He
had a big party to celebrate his release. Moons doctrine of creation, corruption, and
return was not his idea.

He stole the doctrines of Baek Moon Kim. His scribbled memo was rewritten by Hyo
Min Yoo. The doctrine of the Unification Church originally belongs to the deceased Hyo
Won Yoo. Even Moon had received a lot of benefits from Hyo Won Yoo, he ultimately
pushed him to death. If you read The fundamental theory of Christianity by Baek
Moon Kim, you will see my point.

Suspicious marriage of half brothers

There is an unforgettable incident. One day a family of Byung Ho Song called me that he
was hospitalized in the hospital in Busan. And he wanted to see me. He was in a critical

situation. I wanted to go there but I was ill in bed too. I told them to wait for a few days
but I got the news of his death after 3 days. Song had talked to me about Moon several
times before. He told me about the incest in Moon family. And I persuaded him there
must have been mistake.

I introduced Song to Moon when we were in Busan. He had worked for the Customs
Office in Busan. He once loaned me a substantial amount of money when we printed the
book of doctrines. He had been a devout believer for a while but he withdrew the church
after finding out the reality of Moon. Song told me that it was true. Then it must be true.
And I had no evidence to refute it.

A man of principle, Duk Jin Kim

The thing I have to record regarding the return ritual is Duk Jin Kim. When I was in the
mine, Kim was ordered by Moon to stay with me. He was an artist who was good at
music and very honest. I asked him the reason for his coming to the mine. He said that he
practiced the return ritual as he was taught by Moon.

He received the return ritual by Shin Hee Yoo three times who had gotten by Moon
before. After that he practiced the return ritual with 5 women at Soon Tae Ums house.
And the women practiced with other men and the total surpassed 70 people in a week.
And the news of the sex festival under the name of return was delivered to Moon and
Hyo Won Yoo. And Kim was expelled from Seoul.

Kim would not go to the mine but he stayed at home composing music. When I asked
him what happened, he said that he just followed the doctrine. And I told him you did
nothing wrong. He stayed with me for 2 years. When Moon stopped sending money to
the mine, Kim went to Seoul again to practice the return ritual. And I persuaded him to
come to Daegu and made him marry current wife.

He just followed Moons doctrine. What did he do wrong? Moon has destroyed a lot of

families and Kim just followed Moons way. And Moon had him locked in a remote
mine. I could not understand it but I could do nothing about it then.

The role of 36 families

The countermeasure of successive appearance of the Messiah

In retrospect, the idea that women who received Moons return ritual return other men
and the men return other women can make this world clean again. During this time, many
other Messiah appeared saying that Moon was a fake. And many believers gathered
around them. And Moon took a step to form 36 families. Moons idea was that only 36
families could have the return ritual since all the people in the world could not get that
ritual. And the joint marriage can replace the ritual.

Then why is 36? Moon asserts that 12 branches from the Old Testament, 12 disciples
from the New Testament, and 12 disciples from Moons doctrine make 36. And the 36
brides must be the partner of Moons return ritual. The return means sex as you know.
The purpose is to achieve the exchange of blood. The goal that the second Adam could
not achieve can be done by the third Adam.

When the Messiah has sex with 6 Marias and 36 brides, the defiled blood can be purified.
This is the exchange of blood. And the children from 36 families will be sinless and they
will make the new world. Now Moon uses holy water to replace the return ritual but the 3
times sex is still used. In Japan, the exchange of blood is mistakenly understood as
sharing blood. But it is not true.

The 36 families are considered a sacred family and respected by the members of the
church. When an important thing happens, the family members are appointed to deal with
it. 5 families lost spouse and 9 families withdrew from the church. These 14 families say
that there is something wrong in Moons idea. How can Moon explain the 14 families that
are against his doctrine of creation? The idea of 36 families is originally made wrong.

Victimized contributors

If Moon had been the real Messiah, he should have helped Sang Hyun Ok who knitted his
socks with her hair. How come he did not help her? She is now 96 and spent her whole
life to support him. She is living in a small rented room. Lets see Bong Shik Park who
was elder Songs wife. Since Moon had Song marry Myung Choon Oh, she became
alone. After her husband died, she had to live in the church. But she was expelled from
the church because she was too old.

How come Moon deserted such women who had devoted their lives to him? He just took
advantage of such women and deserted them when they became useless. It is not written
in the doctrine. This is not the case of women. He lied about me whom had devoted my
life to him for a long time. And he is insisting that I am the betrayer. And I am writing
this book to let the world know the truth.

A man of better character than Moon, Hyo Won Yoo

And I want to talk about Hyo Won Yoo. He completed the explanation of doctrine and
had been loyal to Moon. He also helped select the 36 families. Yoo had a serious illness
that made him disabled. He could not get a surgery because it was too dangerous. But
Moon ordered him to get the surgery. Yoo refused to get the surgery and he even begged
Moon not to. But Moon insisted his surgery saying that it was the will of god. But he
could not object to Moon and he got the surgery and died. People said that it was Moons
indirect murder.

Hyo Won Yoo was very bright and Moon ordered him many secret missions to finish.
And I think Moon got rid of him because he knew too many things about Moon. Even
though he did many things for the church, his position in the church was bottom. He was
the greatest contributor to the church but he was also deserted by Moon after being
exploited by Moon.

Entrepreneur, Hyo Min Yoo

I have to mention about Hyo Min Yoo too. He was another contributor to the church. He
started the picture business when the church was in difficult time financially. He also
developed the air gun and made a fortune for the church. He made the foundation of
Tongil Industry Corp.

Even though he contributed a lot, he was given only 1,000 shares of stock of the company
and the patent of the air gun was under the name of Sun Myung Moon. He had to submit
all the tabs to the company that he spent. He was carefully under surveillance. It must be
Moons order. It may be a plot to expel him when the time comes.

He withdrew from the church in 1972. Like this Moon betrayed me, expelled Hyo Min
Yoo, and killed Hyo Won Yoo. Is it also gods will or Moons will? In early times, there
were no relatives of Moon in the organization of the church. But now most of churchs
management is done by his relatives. The person who knows well that Moon is not the
Messiah is Moon himself. He is now using his own blood to protect his kingdom and

President of Ilshin Stone Co., Hyo Young Yoo

I once had dining with Hyo Young Yoo (He withdrew in1992). He said that he could
make about $2,000,000 by exporting the miniature of Dabotap to Japan. And one of
Moons relatives wanted to divide the organization into manufacturing and other division.
And he wanted to take over the manufacturing division that could make money. The
manufacturing division grew with the endless effort of Yoo for years. And Yoo had a big
fight with Moons relative. And I thought about the time when we were in prison.

At that time a lot of people came to Moon to listen to his doctrine. Everybody worked
hard to build a new world. Women devoted their lives to Moon thinking that he was the
Messiah. But now look at the reality in the organization of the Unification Church.

Moons corruption and crime

The hard time passed and Moons relatives began to come to Moon when we became
economically stable. Now the church is the world of the Moons. Moon attempted to
purchase real estate secretly in the name of Park and his illegal purchase was revealed
when a substantial amount of tax was imposed.

Can the real Messiah do such a thing? Moons imprisonment in America has been
fabricated that Moon was innocent. Any profitable business is taken away by the Moons.
Moons organization is not a religious one. What happened to his doctrine and ideal

The voice of Moons asking more donations to the world is still ringing. In Japan, the
activity of collecting money became a serious social issue. It is the damage done by the
Moons. Moon had seduced women saying that illegal activity in the Satan world can be
forgiven by god. Moon said that we had to take all the money from Japan because Korea
was taken away by Japan before. We have to realize his idea world is illusion.

What on earth is the Unification Church?

Is it a church or a corporation that seeks profit only?
What is Moons intention?
What happens to his doctrine?
According to his return doctrine, 6 Marias should be enough. But he had ruined a lot of
women for his sexual desire. It cant be forgiven. Ruining the lives of women is a heinous

The secret of Young Hee Kim

Young Hee Kim was an excellent student of Yonsei University but Moon made her

pregnant. Being afraid of her pregnancy, Moon smuggled her into Japan with another
male student Seung Taek Oh. And she gave birth to a baby under very difficult
conditions. It is said that Seung Taek Oh had to cut the umbilical cord by his teeth.

After they spent their little money, they could not live there. And Seung Taek Oh
smuggled back to Korea to ask money from Moon. When he met Moon, Moon definitely
rejected to help him. I have never heard such a cruel story. How could he do that to his

If he was the Messiah, his act was despicable. He should take responsibility for them.
Seung Taek Oh was very angry at him and he parted with Moon forever. Moon said to
him that I didnt have any money and you had to take care of yourselves.

I was with Moon at that time. When Moon rejected Ohs request, Oh said that you were
the Satan. You remember that. And he left the place banging the door. As a member of the
church, Seung Taek Oh took the responsibility of taking care of Young Hee Kim because
it was for the church. There were about 7-8 people at the scene, but no one could say
anything about it. I feel guilty about that.

Young Hee Kim was waiting for Seung Taek Oh with her baby (Hee Jin Moon) expecting
that he would bring money. When Young Hee Kim and her baby were found in the
Omura detention center by a Korean named Hwang, they could come back to Korea.
Young Hee Kim was held in the center for 3 months because she had no money and

After they came back, Moon had to register the baby as his child. The baby was raised by
Hwang's wife but died of car accident later. But Moon used the death saying that the child
went to heaven to build the world of spirit.

By the name of the Lamb Feast, he had made many young women pregnant. How can he
be forgiven by god?

Another mother

There are more to tell. It was the case of Won Bok Choi. I met her when Moon was
arrested for the 7.4 incident. She was really worried about Moon. She was sorry that she
could not help us. She already quit her professorship and became the member of the
church. I didnt know why but members called her mother. According to Moons
doctrine, the mother was his wife Han. She was called as mother because Moon loved her
very much. It is against his doctrine.

Hans mother Sun Ae Hong later called her as Moons concubine. And she later came
back to Korea as the principal of Sunhwa Art School. The school was run by Bo Hee
Parks brother and she was a powerless principal. Moon has preached his doctrines saying
that he was the Messiah but his behavior was the one of a general secular man. Now I am
going to add one of my experiences last.

My shameful experience

In chapter 3, I wrote that I passed the test of the holy world done by Soon Chul Lee. In
fact, I was ordered to have sex with Soon Chul Lee, one of six Marias, in front of Moon.
Actually, I already practiced the return ritual but Moon ordered me to have sex with her. I
had to follow Messiahs order and I had sex to pass the test.

As I said earlier, Soon Chul Lee was being chased by her husband because she left her
home with a lot of money. And we were hiding in Busan and I was ordered the same
there. We were spending the money she stole from her husband. Moon ordered me to see
their sexual intercourse and also ordered me to do that too. There was no religion or
doctrine. It was just sexual orgy of 3 people. I realized the reality of Moons doctrine at
that time. In retrospect, Moons doctrine was just for the purpose of having sexual

The confused world by a red dragon

The Messiah Moon came to Seoul after stealing Baek Moon Kims doctrine. In
Pyungyang he was imprisoned for the charge of social disorder. In 1954, he founded the
World Christian Unification Holy Spirit Association and the church grew rapidly. He sent
Bong Choon Choi to Japan for propagation. Sang Chul Kim and Young Un Kim were
sent to America for propagation.

But today we can hear the voice of the victims who died of Moons irrational behavior.
Now Moon is covering his face with new innocent believers who do not know the secret
of return and its practice. His imprisonment has been advertized as a glorified miracle. He
has spent a lot of money that was earned hard by the members of the church.

A few years ago, a Japanese woman went to a slum are to sell Korean ginseng and she
was gang raped and killed. The black rapists put her under a car to squash to eliminate the
evidence. But her ID of the Unification Church was found. The money that earned like
that has been spent by the Moons. And he claims that he is the Messiah.

In Japan, a lot of members are selling chocolate and gums on the street to send money to
Moon. And Moon is planning an impossible project. It is the International Highway
Project. It is to build an underwater tunnel between Korea and Japan and connects it to
China, Russia, and Europe. Even within the organization, they say that it is impossible.

The Second Coming Messiah Moon is planning to build an international highway. What
kind of Messiah is he? The return of the Garden of Eden must be his duty on earth.

Moon has called himself pastor in newspapers or media in the United States. But he never
attended any theological school or never was ordained as a minister. If he was ordained in
the school of the Unification Church, here is a question. Moon kept saying that he is the
Messiah and the third Adam. And his duty is to clear the world through the exchange of
blood. Then how could the Messiah become a pastor? That proves that he has lied to us

so far.

I will explain the reason for his change of name. In the Book of Revelations of St. John
12:91, the red dragon appears and confuses the world. And he changed his part of name
'Yong', which means the Chinese dragon to 'Sun', which means the light. This means
that he admitted that he was the Satan. Since I confessed my shameful history with
Moon, there is no lie in my book. I can surely tell you that Moon is the real Satan.

I am willing to risk my life telling the truth about this red dragon Sun Myung Moon to the
world to prevent any more victims throughout the world.

I pray for the judgment of the Lord God from the bottom of my heart.

[from August 31, 1985 to September 30, 1993]

Chapter 7 Testimony The truth we had experienced

We were betrayed after we had devoted to the financial foundation of the
Unification Church.

Hyo Min Yoo Betrayed after he had devoted to the financial foundation of the
Unification Church.

He worked as the second secretary of Sun Myung Moon after succeeding the first
secretary Chung Hwa Park. Along with his cousins Hyo Won Yoo and Hyo Young Yoo,
he had contributed to the firm foundation of the church since the beginning of the World
Christian Unification Holy Spirit Association.

He served time in prison with Moon because of the Ewha Womens College incident. He
was a member of 36 families but withdrew from the church in 1972. He is living in Seoul
working as a president of a company. Age 72.

Hyo Min Yoo's Testimony

I became a follower of Moon on January 4, 1954 in Busan with my cousins Hyo Won
Yoo and Hyo Young Yoo. It was even before the official establishment of the Unification
Church. Chung Hwa Park was the center of the church family at that time and working as
Moons right hand. I also did my best for the church. However, it is true that Moon had
tried to push Chung Hwa Park away. The reason for Moons keeping him in check was
that Park knew too much about Moons secret.

If Park exposes Moons secret to the investigation authority, not only will Moon be
charged with various serious crimes but he will have no place to live here as a heinous
criminal. Therefore, Moon had banned his church members from contacting Park and
hinted at that Park had committed some irregularities (alleging that Park had misused
money from the Monopoly Office).

In the book, Park was referred to as a big Satan saying that many old women from Daegu
received a divine message that he was a Satan. But this was an excuse to oust Park and I
am sure that it was Moons sly trick. I think Park became shunned from Moon because he
knew too much about Moons women and the source of money.

It was Moon and Unification Churchs conventional method and they did it to me too. At
the time of my first learning its Principle of Bible, all the church members including
Moon were in a difficult time economically. And I suggested starting picture business
based on my experience in running a photo shop in North Korea. As the business
flourished, we were able to sell more than 10,000 pictures a day.

At the whole sale price of about 7 won, many war orphans who could not go to school
peddled our products along with cigarettes and lighters. We were able to generate about
70,000 won in cash every day and our financial problem was solved easily.

As Chung Hwa Park said, male members were assigned their work and female members
focused on cutting and packing. I guess we continued this business for about 2 years.

We produced the air guns in a full-scale since 1961 and exported to Japan. We sold about
150,000 units at the factory price of 10,000 won per unit (current value may be 300,000
won). The total revenue of the church surpassed 1.5 billion won and it became a crucial
financial source of the church.

The reason for my not being the president of Tongil Industry, even though I invented
the shotgun, was that I had a criminal record because of the 7.4 incident (Ewha Womens
College incident: 14 students were discharged from school). Therefore, In Chul Kim was
appointed as president, Moons relative Seung Yong Moon as plant manager, and his
younger brother became production manager. Ironically, I became the Assembly
Manger which was rare in that industry.

The second patent right was transferred to Sun Myung Moon as his order. All the

executive officers were from Moons relatives and they were offered a car each. But I had
to use my feet to work.

It was like nepotism which only sought money. Before long, the system became more
obvious. They said that I could run my own photo shop and it invited me a feeling of
resistance to them.

It implied that I became useless now because the air gun business was in full swing and I
also knew too much about Moons women. One day in 1971, I tried to talk to Moon. He
just came back from America at that time. And I contacted Won Bok Choi who was called
mother. She said that I could meet Moon without any appointment. And I met Moon in
his room at church. Moon was surrounded by several people and I participated in them as
usual. As the time was close to curfew, I and Moon were finally left alone. After that
Moon went to the back door and I thought that he went to bathroom. I waited for him for
a long time but he didnt come back.

Even though I was a mild person, I could not stand it. I felt angry and I couldnt hold my
breath. I have devoted my life to Moon and the church. I was awarded all kinds of prizes
from the church and I was Moons shadow. I have never objected to Moon and done
anything to harm them. But I knew too much about Moons women and the financial
situation of the church. And I was betrayed and abandoned by Moon. And I withdrew
from the church.

My situation was exactly same as that of Chung Hwa Park and I can understand his
feelings. I am going to testify one concrete incident that will tell the reality of Moon and
the Unification Church. It is the 7.4 incident when Moon and many church officers were
arrested in 1955. After Moon was arrested on July 4, I was arrested on 6 too. The charge
against me was evasion of military. Since we fled from North to South due to the Korean
War, we were not registered in South Korean family register. To avoid being drafted, we
usually raised our age up to 5 or 6 years.

That was against the law but Moon also forged his age through Chung Hwa Park. We
collaborated that we did it for ourselves but Moon was trying to evade from it saying that
he didnt know anything. As children of God, we know that it was wrong to change our
real ages. But we just followed Moons order. Actually, the charges of evasion of military
were an excuse to investigate Moon about his adultery and gang bang.

The investigation continued to a weird direction and they asked about conjugal relations,
time of sexual intercourse, the number of sexual intercourse per week or month,
something like that. They even asked us how many times we had sex with other female
church members. It was regarding our private lives and we often confronted them.
However, their investigation was persistent and they drew a diagram to check Moons
sexual life with other women.

I consistently adhered to the answer that I dont know but I was surprised by their
accuracy about Moons women. We could not know how the investigation went since we
were in jail but the women who were investigated denied their sex with Moon and lied
that they had sex in their dreams. I think it might have been the effort of Chung Hwa Park
to make Moon exonerated. Even thought the police had a firm belief that Moon was
guilty, Moon was released after 3 months because there were no accusations by the
women or their husbands.

In short, the 7.4 incident was not about our evasion of military but about Moons hidden
sexual activities. It is not a groundless incident as the Unification Church claims but it
was time for Moon to barely escape from charges. For your reference, the jail number of
Moon was 390, 380 for Hyo Won Yoo, 1709 for Hyo Young Yoo, and 1175 for me.

Only Won Phil Kim had to serve time in prison for a year. In retrospect, I can see now
many contradictory ideas and concepts of Moon and the church. While the trend of world
is going for democracy, the constitution of the Unification Church is dictatorship in
which many flatterers surround Moon and its way has nothing to do with religion and
world trend.

This is a retrogressive way that is against our culture. All the wealth that has been built by
the sweat and effort by church members is controlled by only Moon and nobody knows
how much money he has or where he hides it. His undemocratic tyranny is going against
history. All the printed materials by the Unification Church lie about Moons arrest in
1948 that he was the victim of the obliteration of religion by the communist.

I was running a photo shop in Sunchun in North Korea but I defected to South Korea
alone when I was 28 leaving all the equipment for my shop escaping from the communist
in August 1947. I was a deacon at Sunchunbuk church at that time. There was no
suppression for Christians at that time. That was the lie that the Unification Church made
and Chung Hwa Park made it clear in his book. As Parks book describes, I was a
member of 36 families. But it was an aimless system that had no principle or concept. It
was just a despotic system.

At that time the church consulted famous fortune tellers in Chongro including Baek Un
Hak and Lee Myung Hak for the mating ritual. But recent joint wedding ceremonies are
arranged and conducted without much effort and they seem to ignore human rights.

How could it be the blessing of ideal marriage arranged by the true parents? While they
are dreaming, they begin to prepare for divorce. How could couples blessed by the socalled the Second Coming live happily in heaven forever? Who should be responsible for

Shin Hee Yoo One of the 6 Marias

Shin Hee Yoo had been one of the 6 Marias for years since 1954. She had the return ritual
believing in Moons doctrine and practiced the return with 5-6 men after that. She
regretted and declared that she was so stupid at that time and Sun Myung Moon deserves
to die.

- You were living with your husband Sung Mook Shin and five children in Busan happily.
Recommended by your older cousin brother Hyo Won Yoo living near you, you lent one
of your rooms to Moon for congregation. Is that right?

Yoo: Thats right. It was on December 24, 1953. In the beginning they said they needed 3
days but it lasted 25 days. Since my bright older brothers Hyo Won Yoo, Hyo Young Yoo,
and Hyo Min Yoo believed in him, we followed them. We thought that he was the great
Messiah and fell into his religious doctrines even though we didnt understand them fully.
We followed my older brothers.

- Then did you go to Seoul? What about your children?

Yoo: Since my husband left earlier, I told my children in a family meeting. We will be
very busy because we have met the Second Coming of Christ. And we cant support
you. The oldest one was 8th grade and the youngest daughter was only 6. But our 5
children understood us and we sent them to the orphanage. We should not have done that.
Since then they had to live in the orphanage.

- It has already passed 40 years. How are your children now?

Yoo: They all grew up to be divine Christians and we get along well. But we sometimes
come into conflict with our youngest daughter. She blames me that she did not get
enough education and had to live a hard life.

- You may be the first woman to expose yourself to the interview among the women who
had the return ritual with Moon. How do you feel about that?

Yoo: The reason I had to keep it secret was because of my children. I was afraid that they
knew about it and I felt so ashamed. I can stand it now for my age but it will affect my
children and grandchildren badly. But I made up my mind to expose the truth because I
didnt want any more victims like me.

- Tell me about the return ritual with Moon in detail.

Yoo: I was deceived by a female member and guided to Moons room at night. And we
did the ritual. It was a very short moment to me. I needed two more return rituals for
purifying my blood. But I finished it just once.

- Why was that?

Yoo: Moon had too many women and I didnt know when my next time was due. And I
heard a bad rumor about the ritual. The rumor was like that. A young girl at the time of
war refugee was sexually abused by Moon near Bumnatgol (it is now a sacred place of
the Unification Church and a lot of people around the world visit there). When Moon was
hiking with the girl and her father, Moon took her to a hut and raped her in the name of
the return. And she bled a lot after the attack. How could he hurt a young girl like that in
the name of the return? And I gave up the second time.

- How many men did you practice the return ritual with after you finished the ritual with

Yoo: At that time I was taught and believed that I had to practice the return ritual with
other men. And I did it with 5 or 6 men.

- And Chung Hwa Park wrote that you were one of 6 Marias. Is that right?

Yoo: I have heard about 6 Marias but I didnt know who they were. And I didnt know
what situation I was in at that time. There were many great women with Moon and 3
people were very close to him. I thought that they were in different level from me.

- Who were those three people?

Yoo: They were Jung Soon Shin, Soon Chul Lee, and Yoon Shin Yang. Young Shin Lim
who were much cared by Moon and forced to marry a wealthy man joined us later.

- Moon was said to have recruited a new woman to take care of him. Was there any
conflict among women?

Yoo: Of course, there was. Jealousy and possessive desire pervaded among women. One
day Moon hit a woman while they were fighting. After he exploited their bodies and
wealth, he threw them out. I was one of them too.

- Was the 6 Maria system for the purpose of new women and wealth by replacing them
when it was necessary? Was the replacement done by Moons own decision?

Yoo: We didnt know. One day 5 women were replaced and we talked to each other. And
we could find out that many women were victimized. Some unmarried women became
pregnant and had to give a birth. And some married women and daughters of happy
families ruined their lives because of Moon. Their families broke up. Some of them lost
their whole fortune.

- Do you think people became indignant because there were too many victims and

Yoo: I think so. One day when my cousin Hyo Won Yoo was lecturing doctrines to people
hard, Moon was flirting with women. Therefore, Hyo Won Yoo was more respected and
loved by female members. He could have lived longer if he had not had the surgery. As
he majored in medicine, he knew well that he would be killed if he had the surgery. And
he didnt want to have a surgery. But Moon insisted his having a surgery being afraid of
Yoos asserting that Moon could cure him as the Messiah. In fact, some people said so.

And Moon forced him to have a surgery and he died finally. Since Hyo Won Yoo was
loved by many people, Moons worry about his second man has gone. Moon might have
felt safe at his death.

- What do you think about your past?

Yoo: What I am thinking now is the deep resentment. Above all, I have nothing to say to
my children. I was a real fool. If I had been a little wiser, I could have told the difference
between the good and the bad. I was foolish enough to believe him. I am now living
alone after divorcing my husband. No women who served Moon are living happily now.
They are all living under poverty after devoting their bodies, wealth, and mind. The only
wish we have in common is that Moon should die as soon as possible. He is not the

Duk Jin Kim The doer of sex relay

He graduated from Pyungyang Soonsil Professional School. He studied in a musical

school in Japan and composed 19 hymns that are used in the Unification Church. He is a
living witness that practiced Moons doctrine of sex. He lives in Seoul now. Age 80.

Duk Jin Kim's Testimony

I was accused of espionage for North Korea by a plot of a high-ranking army officer of
South Korea and sentenced to life time in prison. And I was imprisoned in a U.N. prison
(my prisoner number was 438). After my innocence was proved, I was released on
November 27, 1954.

At the time of my release, I was asked by Suk Bin Lee whom I had been teaching music
to give a letter to the Second Coming of Christ Sun Myung Moon in Seoul. He said that
he was his disciple. On the front of the envelope wrote Dear Father. After I was
released, I had to live in my sisters and I didnt know about the Unification Church and

where Moon was. I could not give the letter without knowing Moons whereabouts.

And I asked one of my friends who was the captain of the Central Police Station to find
Sun Myung Moon. Thanks to him, I could find where Moon lived. When I visited a small
house, I could meet Moon after explaining the letter. When we greeted each other, a
woman came to us and told Moon that it was time for worship. I was asked to join them
and I did.

It was a small place and there was no organ. The hymn they sang was something like the
paradise of return. They said that it was composed by Moon. But the tone of the song
was like the Japanese military song. After they finished hymn, I told them how they could
use such a song for worship that was similar to the Japanese military song. I told Moon
how he accepted that kind of song while he was the living god that unifies the world. I
told him the song was the representative of Japanese militarism. It was a foolish thing to

How can you be the Messiah? I said. Then Moons face turned red and he begged me to
compose music using his lyrics. And I accepted his request and made many songs for the
church for about 3 years. The total songs were 19 and they are still used by the
Unification Church around the world.

In Korean hymn books, my name was erased. Only in Japanese books, my name is
written for the 19 songs.

Back to the days, after my first meeting with Moon, many beautiful women visited me at
my sisters to ask me to join their church. Since I was in charge of their hymn, I began to
attend their church and I was well treated. It was the time when they were in picture
business and they had some believers who had vendors at the Dongdaemoon market.
Even under poor conditions, they made me some suits and I did my best to compose
music for them. And I had no choice but to listen to Moons doctrines.

In short, the Archangel Luciel raped immature Hawwah in the Garden of Eden 6,000
years ago. And thats the beginning of the original sin. As the Bible said, an eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth, we have to return the women in the world. As the Second
Coming of Christ, Moon has to return the women through sexual intercourse to achieve
the exchange of blood. Moon said that it was the principle of secret and it was referred to
as follows in the secular world.

Jesus Christ prayed before he was crucified. According to doctrines, God leads human by
95% but the remaining 5% must be solved by men themselves. Jesus was also told to
solve it himself and he realized after shedding the tears of blood.

Not by my wish but by your wish.

I could realize the principle soon. Our god with human body (Sun Myung Moon) has to
spread his gang of sex to achieve the goal of god.

I could realize his intention soon because I had led a loose and dissolute life since my
youth too. I thought that it was not a crime but a good thing. I sometimes felt guilty when
I seduced some women working at the coffee shop in Japan and spent the night. But the
return doctrine of the Unification Church was that the will of god could be achieved fast
as we indulged in sex more. And I decided to have the return ritual with Shin Hee Yoo
who had received the ritual by Moon.

She is now an old woman but she was very pretty and smart when she was young.
Believing Moons doctrine, she might have thought that she had to practice the ritual with
other men.

She said, Mr. Kim! Im going to practice the return for you. And she approached me. I
accepted it too. And I had sex with Shin Hee Yoo. Even though she was a married
woman, she enjoyed sex with me and I made her happy with my various sex techniques.
She said, It was the best sex I have ever had. You were much better than Moon. In the
name of return, it was just sex for pleasure and the position had nothing to do with the

ritual at all.

After that I had sex with many other women. People like Hyo Won Yoo, who wrote the
doctrine might have waited for Moons next order to have sex. But I was different. 95% is
from god but the remaining 5% is up to me. Any woman who had sex with Moon has to
practice the exchange of blood with other men. It was a relay of sex between man and
woman. And that was Moons doctrine.

Moon taught us that we could save the world with the bloodline of god by breaking down
the foundation of Satan. And I spent my life enjoying sex for pleasure ridiculing some
prim officers of the church such as Hyo Won Yoo.

I had sex with 15 or 16 pretty women in Seoul and Busan. The sex with 5 women in
Seoul grew to be a group of 72 after a week. It was a great result of the practice of
Moons doctrine.

But Moon and Yoo told me to stop it. They said I needed 3 steps of sex which are revive,
mature and completion. Since I had sex with Shin Hee Yoo who only finished one step of
sex with Moon, my practice was invalid. And I got angry about them. What kind of
bullshit they are saying. When Hawwah was raped, god did nothing.

I thought that only requirements were needed to fight Satan. I didnt understand the 3
time sex with Moon to return. I had fight with Moon calling his name. After that I worked
as a music teacher at Youngshin Middle and High School in Daegu. One day Moons best
student Chung Hwa Park came to me.

He said Moon ordered him to make me marry the beautiful member of the church Ok Re
Woo to soothe me. Of course she had sex with Moon. Then I happened to meet Suk Bin
Lee (served time in prison with me). He was the one to give his letter to Moon when I
was released. After he was released from the prison, Lee realized his sin and became a
missionary for a small church in Daegu. And he suggested me to get forgiveness from

god and live a normal life marrying a normal woman. And he asked me to become a
missionary like him to preach the gospel.

Thanks to Chung Hwa Parks help, I remarried a woman who was a deacon and daughter
of an elder. At the wedding, I borrowed the wedding suit from Chung Hwa Park because I
was that poor at that time. Since then I have lived a happy life with gods forgiveness and
grace and at the age of 75, I got a cute grandchild.

Two years later after my marriage, we moved to Seoul from Daegu. I worked as a music
teacher and I began to attend a theological school at night. At that time, my friend Kyung
Rae Kim (now the secretary general for Korea Christian Association) wrote an article
titled The Truth of the Unification Church.

One day a woman came to me. I was surprised to see her. She was Sun Myung Moons
first wife Sun Kil Choi. She divorced Moon after she found out Moons personality and
the sexual orgy of the Unification Church.

She told me that I had to let the world know that Moon was not the Second Coming of
Christ but an inhumane person like a poisonous snake. She said Moon was a satyr and
womanizer full of sexual desire. She added that Moon was energetic enough to have sex
more than 10 times before she gave a birth to her first son. That was his excessive sexual
desire. And I agreed with her totally. She said the Unification Church was not a religious
organization but an obscene sex cult.

After I had fight with Moon, I was forced out to the mine where Chung Hwa Park
worked. After staying 1.5 years, I came back to Seoul and I had the game of return with 6
men and 3 women. I just followed the doctrine of the Unification Church but there was
no religion. And I realized that Moons doctrine of sex was wrong. Using this doctrine, he
has raped many mothers and daughters. He had made them pregnant and let them give a
birth to a baby. Isnt this a heinous crime?

Now its time for Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church to be punished by God.
And they have to compensate for the victims. I am the sinner too. I had committed
various crimes during my youth exploiting those fake doctrines of the Unification
Church. I also deserve to be punished. As a police pastor, I am now doing my best to be
forgiven by god. I am devoting my life to orphans and my community.

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