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The very first language?

What is .. The Language of God?

Let us begin with .. The Gospel of John .. The first verse:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
(Copied from Kings James Version.)

What are we actually looking at, here?
How can something .. that is "with God" .. "be God"?
To understand that .. we must understand .. how God --- became...???
This sentence "ends out in nothingness".
--Became .. what? -Let us begin .. to ask a question .. a wrong way.
We first start with a foundation:
If God has created everything..
Then we continue with the question:
Who created God?
As I began to say : This question is asked .. a wrong way.
What is wrong with it?
-God is not created .. God is borne.
From who?
-Again wrong. The correct continuing is: From what? (according to humans
understanding of things).
"The Word"? (Here we can tell, that what is traslated to "The Word", is - in
the original text: "Logos".
So: "In The Beginning was Logos...etc"
So when we "so proudly" claim .. that "God does not exist" .. we should know
these things.
We claim something .. based .. on something we don't understand.
That is not "The Best Foundation". :-)
------------------Let us continue.
Jesus .. in "The Gospel of Thomas":
15 Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman, fall on
your faces and worship. That one is your Father."
(Copied from The English version.)

Since there is no contradiction .. in .. what we have claimed earlier - we can

-What is God .. borned from?
...should be a natural question - at this time - in what we try to understand...
Psa 90:2 Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the
earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You [are] God.
(Copied from Kings James Version.)
"Even from everlasting to everlasting".......
When we come to such connections in The Bible .. we considder it - a way to prise
God - not .. what it is: Gods nature.
God is borne .. "From Everelasting .. to everlasting" .. therfore he has no end, only
a beginning. (After he is borne .. this beginning is "hidden - in the end".)
Another way to say it - is:"God is borne of .. The Eternal Power".
(therfore he IS .. "The Eternal Power")
We have now begun to understand .. The Words of Jesus .. from "The Gospel of
When I read this, to find spelling-mistakes and other errors - I see the necessity to
insert .. a small addition.
What does it mean .. that a beginning .. is "hidden in the end"?
We have a circel and put four expressions around it.
Along the diameter (in each end) we have: Spring -------- Autumn.
Top and bottom .. we have:
In this example we are:
-Born .. in the Summer.
-Living our first Autumn.
-Having our first Winter.
-Living our first Spring.
Then .. in the end of the sequence .. we are coming to .. A New Summer.
Thus .. our beginning .. is "hidden in the end" (as WE .. haven't come to the end,
only the seqiuence).
This is the closest I can come .. to an explanation .. of this expression.
And if we don't forget .. that we are talking about God .. and therfore it is
ALWAYS .. more to it.
But .. at least .. we have a CERTAIN understanding of the expression.

"From everlasting .. to everlasting = From eternity .. to eternity = The Eternal Power"

Knowing this .. we have an advantage.
Whatever translation we find .. of The Bible, The Gospel of Thomas, The Kabbalah,
Sefer Yesirah (The Book of Creation) etc - we know .. that these expressions means the
same. From then on .. we find the raeding of the texts - easier to understand.
Now we can go back .. to the beginning of this "document".
What is the first language?
Well .. still there is a connection .. we need to know - a little bit more about.
-What IS - "The Eternal Power"?
Since we never shall explain this, because - IF you shall know it .. you shall find it
yourself .. I WILL however, try to "come closer" to the mening of this - without
revealing it's true nature.
We have thoughts .. of different natures and different vibrations.
Have .. you .. (change the "we-form" to "YOU"-form, to make it personal) ever thought
"The Thought of Creation" (read, if you wish:"The Thought that can Create")?
I have not .. or else I would be able to create diamonds .. on the table, I have before me.
Can you create diamonds .. "out of thin air"?
If you can't .. you can continue to read.
If you can .. you allready know more .. than "this document will describe".
So .. then we continue .. for them who "wants more".
"Logos" .. "From everlasting to evelasting" .. "From Eternity to Eternity" .. The Eternal
Power .. are .. one - and the same: "Thougt" (if you must: 'Thoughts").
These are thougts, but not ONLY the thougts we know .. but thoughts on so high
vibrations .. that we have never had any contact - with this (these) region(s) of thoughs.
The conclusion will be: God is thought (all kinds of thoughts .. on every vibration).
The more we now realize .. the better we understand - that:"Understanding God, is
possible .. but not an easy task".
So maybe .. JUST maybe .. we should be more careful - to claim somthing here, at least
until we understood more.
(I am only talking to those of the readers .. doing this - not the readers .. in general.)
We read a book .. claiming that .. God is so big, that his own creation .. cannot contain him.
Then we can state:God is Thought
..and continue with the question..How big is a thought?

We are on a meeting in Hollywood .. about whether God is black or white.

We use the same foundation:God is Thought
..and continue with the question..What colour has a thought?
How many disagreements .. could be avoided .. with this knowledge?
I leave the answer .. to the reader.
--------------------The last thing we shall look upon .. is:What has the greatest influence .. on our reality, before
we answer .. the first question, here.
I promised .. to come - as close as possible - to The Nature of "The Eternal Power", without
revealing it's true nature.
Answering this question .. and I have kept my promise:
What influence our reality, the most .. is our feelings.
Those who see the connections .. sees them.
Back to .. "The First Language".
Now we experience .. "The egg and The hen" again. Which of them came first?
BUT .. we experience it .. in connection to .. "The First Language".
To have a language .. we must first have thoughts.
To have thoughts .. we must first have a language.
Which came first, the language or the thought?
The answer to both questions (language-thoughts .. hen and egg) .. is: God!
God is thought.
-The first language is .. thought.
-God created the hen. The hen laid the egg.
But -- let us not forget -- that this claim .. includes the thoughts we barely have
heard about .. AND .. the thoughts we never have heard about.
What we can end this "conversation" with .. is:
-What is eternity?
Since we now .. are back (and have been it, in this "conversation" [to use a Googleexpression]) - before anything was created .. and still have to deal with "Eternity",
The Eternity seem NOT . to have been created .. or...???
"Everlasting to Everlasting" .. cannot exist .. without eternity?
The Eternal power .. cannot exist .. without eternity.
And since we have concluded .. that "Eternity existed .. BEFORE .. "Time Was Borne",
it would be strange -- trying to explain eternity -- with expressions of time.
I will go so far .. that I will call it .. ridiculous.

How can we then .. define "Eternity" .. withouth ONE expression of time?

By using Gods own .. definition:
ONE Eternity .. is:
-All knowledge.
-All wisdom.
-All insight
-and: Complete control of (somthing we dont have a word for, in the language, because
it is a divine ability.)
...In One Creation...!
(As I said earlier: "Also thoughts we haven't heard about" [Complete control of...].)
And .. for those who wonder about the expression .. "One Eternity".
We have many of them .. therfore we can find the expression "The Eternities of Eternities",
in books like "The Bible", "Kabbalah", "The Book of Zohar" .. to mention a few.
"The Eternities of Eternities" .. MEANS somthing - it doesn't stay there .. JUST to impress
But that is "another conversation".
Let us however, ask a last question .. here:
-Why do we need this knowledge?
Since many dimensions have been opened to us .. so we now can make use of energies
that eralier .. was unknown to us -- we now can choose among:
-death (and)
We don't have to die, any longer - but can ascend to higher levels of existences and
continue our life .. there.
Then it can be interesting to know: "Is there a difference"?
In both occasions .. we are coming to higher excintences, but there is a difference.
-Ascension .. is under our control.
-Death .. is beyond our control.
-The choice in connection to the level of developement - in ascension .. is ours
(until the limit of our vibrations).
-The choice in connection to the level of developement - in death .. is not ours.
-------------------After certain dimensions were opened .. new energies are coming to earth.
Since some of these energies can be used to:
-increase our vibrations.
-increase our understanding (in general).
-increase our possibilility .. to come in contact .. with universal abilities.
...we now have opportunities .. we haven't had .. for several thousands of years...
Let us use them. :-)
Greetings Aage.

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