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This base on "The very first Langue" and the part of creation - described there.


What are we and what can we be?

We are a fragment .. of what we can be.
To day we think .. in 3 dimensions.
If we develop our "Junc DNA" to its fullest potential - we will be able to think
in 48 dimensions.
To day, many scientists come to the conclusion - that "The Pinneal Gland" does
not "live up" to the rumour - it has.
That is .. because "The Pineal Gland has not been awaken - yet".
Only "The Kundalini" can do that.
When that happends - we have a new organ .. with divine abilities.
So - if we make an owerview (and incude the document, mentioned over):
1. Our first language is - The Though.
2. We have the ability .. to think .. in 48 dimensions.
3. We can develop an organ - to divine proportions.
-Does that makes us .. God?
-No .. but it makes us .. "One of The Gods".
The God .. over all Gods .. is still - The God!
What does this means?
There are many Gods .. although "someone" has gone through great lengths to
make us belive .. that there is only one God.
This is true .. in a sense .. thet there are only "One REAL God", "The God over
all Gods".
But since the expression "all Gods" . is included in the sentence .. we can look
upon a person - who has reached a development - where he can receive (and
stand "the preassure" .. if receving the power of God - so that he can use it .. "One
Of The Gods".
This power .. will tore an ordinary man .. into peaces.
Only a man .. with higly deveoped spiritual abilities .. can get it and use it.
Among those .. I now is talking anout .. is: "The Creator Gods".
AND .. just so it is mentioned .. They - again - have Their Gods.
So when you hear that you are .. or can be God .. you hear a misunderstanding of
this knowledge.
Even Jesus .. use Gods [Plural not singular], in his statement.
Joh 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, "You are gods" '?
(Copied from "King James version" of The Bible.)


I have only changed the colour of the word ("gods") .. so it is easier to see.
The sentence is copied .. directly from The Bible (one I have on the computer).
------------Creator Gods.
-Gods .. to The Creator Gods.
-Gods .. to - Their Gods.
-The God .. over All Gods.
So ..
There are many Gods .. but only one God. one truth - difficult for many to understand - but now .. YOU understand it,
and you should spread this knowledge.
The result .. COULD be .. that ONE PERSON MORE - could be saved .... AND
belive me -- That is NOT a SMALL achievement.
We are created in God's image.
-What image .. are we created in?
-The Gods .. to The Creator Gods.
But we have a gift .. that is even greater.
That however, "is another adventure".
For .. compared to OUR reality .. the REAL reality - can be considdered an
adventure (Fairytale).
So .. OUR reality .. is poor - compared to "The REAL reality".
What you read about here .. is preparement for ascension.
And .. as I have said earlier .. we can choose between death and ascension.
The choice .. in itself .. is:
-to prepare...
-not to prepare.
Greetings Aage.

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