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College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Basic and Applied Sciences


Suggested Problems
Serway: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 8th edition.
Eastop: Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, 5th edition.
1) Specific Heat, Latent Heat
Serway 20.14, 20.16, 20.17, 20.18, 20.19, 20.20, 20.51, 20.63
(Note: Constants in Tables 20.1 (p.569), 20.2 (p.573)).
2) Ideal Gases: State Equation
Serway 19.21,19.24,19.25,19.27,19.29,19.34,19.54,20.69
(Note: Molar mass from Periodic Table, Appendix C. Values of R and k in p.555)
3) Work, First Law of Thermodynamics for a Closed System
Serway 20.24, 20.25, 20.27, 20.38, 20.13
4) Ideal Gases: Heat Capacities, Enthalpy, Quasi-static Processes
Isochoric: 21.14
Isobaric: 21.17, 20.33
Isothermal: 20.31
Adiabatic: 21.19, 21.23, 21.24, 21.71
Polytropic: 21.53
2.10, 2.12
Isochoric: 3.1
Isobaric: 3.3
Isothermal: 3.5, 3.7
Adiabatic: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
Polytropic: 1.5, 3.11, 3.12
(Note: For air, r = 0.287 kJ/ kg K, cp = 1.005 kJ/ kg K, cv = 0.718 kJ/ kg K,
= 1.4.)
5) Thermodynamic Cycles, Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy, Heat Engines and Refrigerators

Cycles: 22.30, 22.35, 22.57, 22.62, 22.67
Entropy: 22.37, 22.38, 22.40
HE&R: 22.11, 22.19, 22.28, 22.59, 22.60, 22.61
Entropy: 4.5, 4.7, 4.12, 4.15, 4.18
HE&R: 5.1, 5.2
6) Heat Transfer by Conduction
Serway 20.42, 20.45, 20.49
(Note: Thermal conductivities in Table 20.3 (p.584).)
Eastop 16.1.
7) Steam Tables, Quasi-static Processes with Steam, Steady Flow Equation

Additional Exercises

Specific Heat, Latent Heat

Question 1.1. A lead bullet initially at 30 C just melts upon striking a target. Assuming that
all of the initial kinetic energy of the bullet goes into the internal energy of the bullet to raise its
temperature and melt it, calculate the speed of the bullet upon impact. (clead = 0.128 kJ/ kg K,
Tmelting = 327C, Lmelting = 24.7 kJ/ kg) [Ans: 353.31 m/s]
Question 1.2. If 500 g of molten lead at 327 C is poured into a cavity in a large block of ice
at 0 C, how much of the ice melts ? [Ans: 100 g]
Question 1.3. A 200 g piece of ice at 0 C is placed in 500 g of water at 20 C. The system is
in a container of negligible heat capacity and is isolated from its surroundings.
a) What is the final equilibrium temperature of the system ? [Ans: Tf = 0 C]
b) How much of the ice melts ? [Ans: 126 g]
Question 1.4. A well-insulated bucket contains 150 g of ice at 0 C.
a) If 20 g of steam at 100C is injected into the bucket, what is the final equilibrium temperature of the system ? [Ans: Tf = 5.09C]
b) Is any ice left afterward ? [Ans: No]
Question 1.5. How many calories must be supplied to 60 g of ice at 10 C to melt it and
raise the temperature of the water to 40 C ? [Ans: 7.48 kcal]
Question 1.6. What is the amount of vapour at 130 C that is needed to heat up 200 g of
water and its glass container (100 g) from 20 to 50 C ? (cvapour = 2.01 kJ/ kg C, cglass =
0.212 kJ/ kg C, Lvapour = 2.26 kJ/ kg, cwater = 4.18 kJ/ kg C)

Ideal Gases: State Equation, Equipartition Theorem

and Internal Energy

Question 2.1. A 10 L (1 L(liter) = 1000 cm3) vessel contains a gas at a temperature of 0 C

and a pressure of 4 atm. How many moles of gas are in the vessel ? How many molecules ?
[Ans: 1.76 moles, 1.06 1024 molecules]
Question 2.2. The molecular mass of carbon dioxide CO2 is 44 g/ mol. Calculate the specific
gas constant r of CO2 . [Ans: 0.189 kJ/ kg K]
Question 2.3. A motorist inflates the tires of her car to a pressure of 180 kP a on a day when
the temperature is 8 C. When she arrives at her destination, the tire pressure increased to
245 kP a. What is the temperature of the tires if we assume that:
a) the tires do not expand, or [Ans: 360.7 K]
b) that the tires expand by 7% [Ans: 385.94 K]
Question 2.4. An automobile tire is filled to a gauge pressure of 200 kP a when its temperature
is 20 C. After the car has been driven at high speeds, the tire temperature increases to 50 C.
a) Assuming that the volume of the tire does not change, and that air behaves as an ideal
gas, find the pressure of the air in the tire. [Ans: 2.3 atm (gauge)]
b) Calculate the gauge pressure if the volume of the tire expands by 10%. [Ans: 2 atm (gauge)]
Question 2.5. Two bulbs of volumes 200 cm3 and 100 cm3 , are connected by a short tube containing an insulating porous plug that permits equalization of pressure but not of temperature
between the bulbs. The system is sealed at 27 C when it contains oxygen under a pressure of
1 bar. The small bulb is immersed in an ice bath at 0 C and the large bulb is placed in a steam
bath at 100C. What is the final pressure inside the system ? Neglect thermal expansion of
the bulbs. [Ans: 1.108 bar]

Question 2.6. If at temperature T = 80 K, the translational internal energy of an amount of

a perfect gas is 600R and the rotational internal energy is 400R
a) What is the type of molecule (monoatomic-diatomic-polyatomic) ? [Ans: Diatomic]
b) What is the number of moles ? [Ans: n = 5 moles]
c) What is the total internal energy of this gas. [Ans: 8314 J]
Question 2.7. If one mole of oxygen is heated from 27 to 35 C, what is the change in the
internal energy ? What are the changes in the translational and the rotational energy ? Assume
that the two atoms of the oxygen molecule have a fixed bond. [Ans: 166.28 J, 99.77 J, 66.51 J]

Work, First Law of Thermodynamics

Question 3.1. The initial state A of a certain amount of a monoatomic ideal gas is P1 = 5 bar,
V1 = 3 L, and its final state B is P2 = 2 bar, V2 = 6 L.
a) Find the change in internal energy of the ideal gas from states A to B. [Ans: UAB =
450 J]
b) Find the quasi-static work done and the net heat absorbed by this system in each of the
following processes which take the system from state A to state B:
i) The system is expanded from its original to its final volume, heat being added to
maintain the pressure constant. The volume is then kept constant, and heat is
extracted to reduce the pressure to 2 bar. [Ans: W = 1500 J, Q = 1050 J]
ii) The volume is increased and heat is supplied to cause the pressure to decrease linearly
with the volume. [Ans: W = 1050 J, Q = 600 J]
Question 3.2. Two containers of volume V1 = V2 = V are connected by a small tube with a
valve. Initially, the valve is closed and the two volumes contain monoatomic gas at pressures
P1 and P2 , and temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. After the valve is opened, what will be the
final pressure and temperature inside the joint volume ? (Neglect heat lost from the system).
P1 + P2
T1 T2 (P1 + P2 )
[Ans: Pf =
, Tf =
P1 T2 + P2 T1

V,P 1,T

V,P 2,T

Ideal Gases: Heat Capacities, Enthalpy, Quasi-static


Question 4.1. The change in temperature of a certain amount of a diatomic gas with flexible
bond when it absorbs a quantity of heat Q at constant volume is Tv . When the same amount
of gas absorbs the same amount of heat Q at constant pressure, the change in temperature is
. [Ans: 9/7]
found to be Tp . Find
Question 4.2. [Isobaric process]
Heat in the amount of 500 J is supplied to 2 mol of an ideal diatomic gas.
a) Find the change in temperature if the pressure is kept constant. [Ans: 8.6 K]
b) Find the work done by the gas. [Ans: 143 J]
c) Find the ratio of the final volume of the gas to the initial volume if the initial temperature
is 20 C. [Ans: 1.03]
d) Find the change in enthalpy of the gas. [Ans: 500.503]

Question 4.3. [Isobaric] 100 mol of a monoatomic gas is cooled at constant pressure such
that its volume is reduced by 3%. If the original temperature of the gas is 24 C, find:
a) The final temperature of the gas. [Ans: 288.09 K]
b) The heat capacity at constant pressure. [Ans: 2078.5 J/K]
c) The heat lost by the gas. [Ans: 18.52 kJ]
d) The work done. Is it done on or by the gas ? [Ans: 7.407 kJ (on the gas)]
Question 4.4. [Isothermal process]
Two moles of a diatomic ideal gas are compressed isothermally from 18 to 8 L. In the process,
170 calories escape from the system. Determine the amount of work done by the gas, the change
in internal energy, and the initial and final temperature of the gas. (Note: 1 cal = 4.184 J ).
[Ans: U = 0, W = 711.28 J, Q = 711.28 J, Tf = 52.75K ]
Question 4.5. [Adiabatic process]
An ideal gas at a temperature of 20 C is compressed quasi-statically and adiabatically to half
its original volume. Find the final temperature if the molar specific capacitances are:
a) cv = 23 R [Ans: 465.1K ]
b) cv = 52 R [Ans: 386.6K ]
Question 4.6. [Adiabatic process]
One-half mole of helium is expanded adiabatically and quasi-statically from an initial pressure
of 5 atm and temperature of 500K to a final pressure of 1 atm. Find:
a) The final temperature. [Ans: 262.65 K ]
b) The final volume. [Ans: 0.0109 m3 ]
c) The work done by the gas. [Ans: 1480 J ]
d) The change in the internal energy of the gas. [Ans: 1480 J ]
e) The change in enthalpy of the gas. [Ans: 2466.67 J]
Question 4.7. [Adiabatic-Isothermal process]
One mole of gas in a container is initially at a temperature 127 C. It is expanded adiabatically
to twice its initial volume. Then, it is isothermally compressed to its original volume. The final
temperature is found to be 3 C. What is for the gas ? [Ans: = 1.567]
Question 4.8. [Polytropic process]
1 kg of a perfect gas is compressed from 1.1 bar, 27 C according to a lawP V 1.3 = constant,
until the pressure is 6.6 bar. Calculate the heat flow to or from the cylinder walls if the gas is
ethane (molar mass 30 kg/ kmol), which has cp = 2.1 kJ/ kg K. [Ans: 138.16 kJ, gained by
the system]

Thermodynamic Cycles, Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy, Heat Engines and Refrigerators

Question 5.1. The compression ratio in an air-standard Otto cycle is 8. At the beginning
of the compression stroke, the pressure is 0.1 MP a and the temperature is 15 C. The heat
transfer to the air per cycle is 1800 kJ/ kg. Determine:
a) The pressure and temperature at the end of each process of the cycle. [Ans: P2 =
1.838 MP a, T2 = 661.65K, P3 = 8.817 MP a, T3 = 3174K, P4 = 0.4797 MP a, T4 =
b) The thermal efficiency. [Ans: = 56.5%]
(Take: = 1.4, cv = 0.7165 kJ/ kg K)

Adiabatic expansion

Q in

Q out
Adiabatic contraction


Question 5.2. [Entropy]

One mole of gas in a container is initially at a temperature 127 C. It is expanded adiabatically
to twice its initial volume. Then, it is isothermally compressed to its original volume. The final
temperature is found to be 3 C. What is for the gas, and what change in its entropy has
occurred ? [Ans: = 1.567, S = 5.763 J/K]
Question 5.3. [Entropy]
A 5 kg bar of lead initially at 20 C is heated at constant pressure to 550 C by means of heat
transfer from a large constant-temperature heat source at 550 C. Calculate the net entropy
change for this process. The melting point of lead is 327 C, at which the enthalpy change of
melting is 24.6 kJ/ kg. The specific heat of the solid is 0.138 kJ/ kg K, and that of the liquid
is 0.155 kJ/ kg K. Is the process reversible or irreversible ? ( Enthalpy change of melting
means Lm ; for the relation between enthalpy change and latent heat, see Question 7.8).[Ans:
0.3272 kJ/K, Irreversible]
Question 5.4 (HE&R, Final exam 12/6/2006).

Question 5.5 (HE&R, Final exam 13/6/2005).

Question 5.6. [HE&R] For each of the following heat engines,

Th = 500 K
500 KJ


500 KJ

350 KJ


150 KJ

400 KJ

100 KJ

500 K
300 KJ


200 KJ

Tl = 150 K

a) Does it fulfill the first law of thermodynamics ?

b) Does it fulfill the second law of thermodynamics ?

Heat Transfer

Question 6.1 (Final exam, 9/6/2008).

500 K


300 KJ

200 KJ

500 K


500 KJ

100 KJ

Question 6.2 (Final exam, 18/6/2007).

Question 6.3 (Final exam, 13/6/2005).

 Find the intermediate temperature between a and bc.

 Find the thermal currents in walls b and c.

Steam Tables, Quasi-static Processes with Steam, Steady

Flow Equation

Question 7.1. Use the following table:

[ bar]

[ C]

hf g
[ m /kg] [ m /kg] [ kJ/ kg] [ kJ/ kg] [ kJ/ kg] [ kJ/ kg] [ kJ/ kg]
0.001133 0.1774
0.001139 0.1632
0.001144 0.1512
0.001149 0.1408
0.001154 0.1317

a) What is the saturation temperature corresponding to a pressure of 13.7 bar ? [ts =

b) What is the state of water (compressed liquid, or mixture of liquid and vapor, or superheated vapour) under the following conditions:
i) 1.2 MP a, 184.1 C. [Compressed Liquid]
ii) 195.0 C, 0.15 m3 /kg. [Superheated Vapour]
c) A vessel having a volume of 0.5 m3 contains 5 kg of liquid water and water vapour mixture
in equilibrium at a pressure of 14 bar.
i) What is the temperature of the liquid ? [195.0C]
ii) What is the mass and volume of the vapour, mass and volume of the fluid ? [Ans:
mg = 3.5392 kg, mf = 1.4608 kg, Vg = 0.4983 m3, Vf = 1.6784 103 m3 ]
iii) Calculate the enthalpy and the internal energy of the mixture. [Ans: H = 11087 kJ,
U = 10386.7 kJ]
Question 7.2. Calculate the specific volume of wet steam at a pressure of 15 bar having
a dryness fraction of 70%. (The specific volume of the saturated fluid at 15 bar is vf =
0.00115 m3/kg). [Ans: v = 0.0925 m3 /kg]
Question 7.3. A vessel having a volume of 0.4 m3 contains 2.0 kg of a liquid water and water
vapor mixture in equilibrium at a pressure of 600 kP a. Calculate:
a) The volume and mass of liquid. [Ans: 0.001 m3 , 0.735 kg]
b) The volume and mass of vapour. [Ans: 0.399 m3, 1.265 kg]
(The specific volume of the saturated fluid at 600 kP a is vf = 0.00110 m3/kg).
Question 7.4. Determine whether water at each of the following states is a compressed liquid,
a superheated vapor, or a mixture of saturated liquid and vapor:
a) 120C, 150 kP a [Ans: Superheated vapour]
b) 0.35 MP a, 0.4 m3 /kg (note at 0.35 MP a, vf = 0.00108 m3/kg) [Ans: Mixture]

c) 160C, 0.4 m3 /kg [Ans: Superheated vapour]

d) 200 kP a, 110 C [Ans: Compressed liquid]
e) 5 kP a, 10 C [Ans: Compressed liquid]
Question 7.5. A vessel of volume 0.03 m3 contains dry saturated steam at 17 bar. What is
the temperature of the steam ? Calculate the mass of steam in the vessel. [Ans: 204.3C,
0.257 kg]
Question 7.6. Steam at 7 bar and 250 C enters a pipeline and flows along it at constant
pressure. If the steam rejects heat steadily to the surroundings, at what temperature will
droplets of water begin to form in the vapour ? [Ans: 165C]
Question 7.7. [Isochoric process]
0.05 kg of steam at 15 bar is contained in a rigid vessel of volume 0.0076 m3. What is the
temperature of the steam ? If the vessel is cooled, at what temperature will the steam be just
dry saturated ? Cooling is continued until the pressure in the vessel is 11 bar, calculate the
final dryness fraction of the steam, and the heat rejected between the initial and final states.
[Ans: 250 C, 191.36C, 0.857, 18.5 kJ]
Question 7.8. [Isobaric process]
What is the latent heat of vaporization of water at P = 0.34 bar ? [Ans: 2328 kJ/ kg]
Question 7.9. [Isobaric process]
0.05 kg of a certain fluid is heated at a constant pressure of 2 bar until the volume occupied is
0.0658 m3. Calculate the heat supplied and the work done, when the fluid is steam, initially
dry saturated. [Ans: Q = 18.25 kJ, W = 4304 J]
Question 7.10. [Adiabatic process]
1 kg of steam at 100 bar and 375 C expands reversibly in a perfectly thermally insulated cylinder
behind a piston until the pressure is 38 bar and the steam is then dry saturated. Calculate the
work done by the steam. [Ans: 169.7 kJ]
Question 7.11. [Polytropic process]
In a steam engine the steam at the beginning of the expansion process is 7 bar, dryness fraction
0.95, and the expansion follows the law pv 1.1 = constant, down to a pressure of 0.34 bar.
Calculate the work done per kg of steam during the expansion, and the heat flow per kg
of steam to or from the cylinder walls during the expansion. [Ans: w = 437 kJ/ kg, q =
150 kJ/ kg]
Question 7.12. [Isochoric process]
A rigid vessel of volume 1 m3 contains steam at 20 bar and 400C. The vessel is cooled until
the steam is just dry saturated. Calculate the mass of steam in the vessel, the final pressure of
the steam, and the heat removed during the process. [Ans: 6.62 kg, 13.01 bar, 2356.5 kJ]
Question 7.13. [Polytropic process] 1 kg of steam in a cylinder expands reversibly behind
a piston according to a law pv = constant, from 7 bar to 0.75 bar. If the steam is initially dry
saturated, find the final temperature, the work done by the steam, and the heat flow to or from
the cylinder walls. [Ans: 143.4C, 427 kJ/ kg (by steam), 429 kJ/ kg (gained by steam)]

Question 7.14. [Steady flow - Open system]

A compressor receives air from the ambient at 95 kP a, 20 C, with a low velocity. At the
compressor discharge, air exits at 1.14 MP a, 380 C, with a speed of 110 m/s. The power input
to the compressor is 5000 kW . Determine the mass flow rate of air through the unit. (Take for
air: cp = 1.0035 kJ/kg K). [Ans: m
= 13.6 kg/s]
Question 7.15. [Steady flow - Open system]
A number of years ago, a well-known architect designed a 1600 m tall building. Suppose that in
such a building steam for the heating system enters a pipe at ground level as saturated vapor
at 200 kP a. On the top floor of the building, the pressure in the pipe is 100 kP a, and the heat
transfer from the steam as it flows up the pipe is 100 kJ/ kg. What is the dryness fraction of
the steam at the top of the pipe ? [Ans: x = 0.962]
Question 7.16. [Steady flow - Open system]
A steady flow of steam enters a condenser with an enthalpy of 2300 kJ/ kg and a velocity of
350 m/s. The condensate leaves the condenser with an enthalpy of 160 kJ/ kg and a velocity
of 70 m/s. Find the heat transfer to the cooling fluid per kg of steam condensed. [Ans:
2198.8 kJ/ kg]
Question 7.17. [Steady flow - Open system]
A turbine operating under steady flow conditions receives steam at the following state: pressure 13.8 bar; specific volume 0.143 m3 /kg; internal energy 2590 kJ/ kg; velocity 30 m/s. The
state of the steam leaving the turbine is: 0.35 bar, specific volume 4.37 m3 /kg, internal energy 2360 kJ/ kg, velocity 90 m/s. Heat is lost to the surroundings at the rate of 0.25 kJ/s.
If the rate of steam flow is 0.38 kg/s, what is the power developed by the turbine ? [Ans:
102.650 kW att]



Question 7.18. [Steady flow - Open system]

A nozzle is a device for increasing the velocity of a steadily flowing stream of fluid. At the inlet
to a certain nozzle the enthalpy of the fluid is 3025 kJ/ kg and the velocity is 60 m/s. At the
exit from the nozzle the enthalpy is 2790 kJ/ kg. The nozzle is horizontal and there is negligible
heat loss from it.
a) Find the velocity at the nozzle exit. [Ans: 688 m/s]
b) It the inlet area is 0.1 m2 and the specific volume at inlet is 0.19 m3 /kg, find the rate of
flow of fluid. [Ans: 31.6 kg/s]
c) If the specific volume at the nozzle exit is 0.5 m3 /kg, find the exit area of the nozzle.
[Ans: 0.0229 m3]

Question 7.19. [Steady flow - Open system]

The mass rate of flow into a steam turbine is 1.5 kg/s, and the heat transfer from the turbine
is 8.5 kW . The following data are known for the steam entering and leaving the turbine:

Dryness Fraction
Elevation above reference plane

2.0 MP a
350 C

0.1 MP a

50 m/s

200 m/s

Determine the power output of the turbine. [Ans: 658 kW ]

Constants and Conversions

Universal gas constant
Avogadros number
Boltzmann constant

R = 8.314 J/mol K = 0.08206 L.atm/mol K

Na = 6.022 1023 mol1
k = 1.38 1023 J/ K
1 atm = 1 bar = 105 P a
1 L. atm = 100 J
1 L = 103 m3
1 cal = 4.18 J

Proof of the relation between the internal energy and the specific heat at constant volume.
Proof of the relation between the specific heat at constant volume and the specific heat
at constant pressure.
Drawing of all processes in the P V and T S diagrams.
The relations between P , V and T for all processes.
Proofs for the relations between P V , P T and V T for the adiabatic process.
The relations between P V , P T and V T for the polytropic process.
Equations for W , Q and U for all processes.
Proof of the equation for work in the isothermal process.
Proof of the equation for work in the adiabatic process.
Carnot cycle on the P V and T S diagrams.

Proof of the efficiency of a Carnot cycle; and the relation

|QL |

Proofs of the change in entropy for all processes.

Comparison between Fouriers Law of conduction and Ohms Law.
Proof of the relation between the dryness fraction x, vf and vg .
Units of all physical quantities in the course.


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