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Motivation is what that defines the purpose and gives direction to a persons behavior.

In Monica Chis case, she had very high intrinsic motivation levels as she was continuously
driven by the expectations of her family and she was clear in her motives. Her prime drivers
rested in learning and growth and she always enjoyed being challenged. She is content with
fulfilling her individual needs through interim goals. To see it from another perspective, she
exhibits traits of self-actualization as she was not driven by money or a title as she believed that
she has to give her best and not worry about the incentives. She also believed good work will
always follow with good rewards in its due time.
In Ann Gildroys case, she was motivated by the extrinsic factors by looking at people she had
affected. She always self-assessed at every point of her life. She exhibited need for achievement
by giving safety and security to the people who were caught up in violence and poverty. She was
often demotivated and was under immense work pressure but during that time his colleagues
motivated them. It was like a joint motivation goal which was often observed between the team
mates in the marines.

In Jaime Iricks case, he was motivated by his purpose of his life. His motives to help people
were the reason for him to be self-motivated. He believes that time has nothing to do with
helping people. One can help society at any age and with any financial conditions. It was how he
though he received award, and an equity comparision is the intervention between allocation of
rewards and the ultimate motivational impact for the receipient. This is the equity theory which
motivated Jaime Irick to help others.

In Sachin Jains case, his motivation drivers primarily were the challenges faced by him while
venturing into innovative activities. He was inspired by his family members who ventured into
new initiatives which were also beneficial to the society. He always desired to do something
better or something efficient which is a trait for his need for achievement. He used to inculcate
all good traits from the inspiring people in his life who inturn facilitated high motivation
throughout his career.
In Alex Mandls case, he enjoyed bringing new dimensions to the complicated problems and also
those problems that are generally neglected due to its inherent intricacies. He liked to be
adventurous to challenge himself. This is in relative to his need for self-achievement.
In Daniel Salvadoris case, he valued education the most and hence was the prime motive for his
high self-motivation. He often learned through interacting with people around him and hence
often acquired the need for affiliation. He was often motivated by helping people to live better

Through all these cases we find that people have a varied view points for their motivation levels
and are due to either extrinsic factors or intrinsic factors. One can elevate the motivation level by

keeping in mind the actual factors that affect an individual in order to achieve the desired
organizational goals

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