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Classification: Internal
Submitted for use 11.2014
By Soror MadQueen
System for effective autonomous editing in collaborative and voluntary group projects and
document creation. To be utilized for the 2014-2015 publication known as The D.K.M.U
Unofficial Grimoire; Hereafter to be known, titled, and published as:

The Grimoire of The New Flesh

Overview of Editing Process
Each article will go through the proofreading and editing process in a raw text form devoid of
stylistic formatting. Each step of the process shall have a different focus.
The first pass will be done by myself, as I have to read each article as I transfer the data from the
spreadsheet to its own document anyway. This pass will be in order to categorize the article into
one of three groups.
Article Categories
Z) Minimal to no editing required
ZZ) Average editing for basic spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. required
ZZZ) In-depth editing or translation needed.
Brief Description of Each
The first pass will be preliminary scan only. Obvious errors/ typos may be corrected at this
stage. The purpose of the first pass is to prepare the document for the full editing process.
The second pass will be by a different individual than the first. The second editing pass will
be more in-depth in regards to spelling, grammar, punctuation. This is a line edit only and not
for editing content or structure.
The third pass will be a proof read for context and final scan line errors. If anything in the
article is unclear third pass editors will note this in the document with questions and/ or
recommendations for changes.

General Guidelines

1) The original documents are to stay intact throughout each editing stage. Please copy and paste
content into a new document for you to use for your edits and suggestions. This will allow us to
trace changes in the event of any errors, questions, or revisions.
2) Upload an article only AFTER you have made your changes.
This way all articles in any given folder have gone through that process and are ready for the next
3) Copy and paste the info box in the header of each file with the content and add your initials to
the list. This will allow us to see who has worked on the document and in what order. ie:
1- MQ
3- FT

4) Pieces marked in the top left hand corner with [*] are format specific articles that may include
specific outsets, indentations, citations, footnotes or other idiosyncratic formatting specifics
pertinent to the integrity of the piece. These pieces will require author review upon final
formatting to ensure accuracy.
(Example of Header including format specific designation)

Getting Started

Contact MQ with your email to be added to the dropbox.

Once in dropbox in the folder labeled Articles you will see three subfolders. Z, ZZ, and ZZZ.
These correspond with the classifications as described above.
Select a category to begin working on, open that correlating folder.
Inside each category folder are two more subfolders. Open the folder titled Originals
In the Originals folder you will find the text documents you will be working on.
Create a subfolder with your name on it, and move any article you choose to work on into
your subfolder. This will prevent multiple people from working on the same piece
Copy and paste the text of the article including the header into a fresh document.
Make sure to put your initials in the header signifying who did the editing.
Complete your editing pass as outlined.
Return to dropbox and in the category folder (Z,ZZ,ZZZ) you will see another subfolder
above Originals marked In-Edit.
Upload your revised document to the appropriate step-folder.
If you are doing the second pass upload completed revised document to Second Pass
If you are doing the third pass upload completed revised document to Third Pass
If the document needs further attention upload your completed revision to
Additional Pass Needed

First Pass
Creation of the original documents from data entered into the Submission Form
Creation of edit tracking header for all documents
Initial header as first pass
Include all article and byline information on each article
Categorizing articles based on the amount of editing work needed
Identify and label any format specific articles as described above [*]
Upload all documents to dropbox according to their appropriate categories
Basic and obvious spelling, grammar and error correction, however indepth copy editing will
happen primarily in the second and third passes.

Second Pass

Select article to work with from the Originals subfolder in any given category [Z,ZZ,ZZZ]
Create a subfolder in Originals with your name on it as described in the getting started
section. Move any article you choose to work on into your subfolder.
Copy all text including header from the article and paste in a new document for you to work
Thoroughly scan the piece for grammar, spelling and punctuation errors as needed. Light
sentence restructuring allowed in the case of run on sentences and/ or incorrect use of
In the event of major restructuring needed please insert recommendations in a bracketed
paragraph below the content with your initials in the bracket as shown.
Upload your revised document to the Second Pass Completed sub folder under the
articles correct category [Z,ZZ,ZZZ]

Edit Example:
once upon a time there was this chic right and he was soooo lame that she didnt even have to try
to be stupid it just came naturally and even with all that she was still the coolest chic ever.

Edited version might look like this with recommendation for further changes written in brackets
directly below the section or paragraph.
Once upon a time there was this chic right, and she was soooo lame. She didnt even have to try to
be stupid, it just came naturally. Even with all that she was still the coolest chic ever.
[Once upon a time there was this chic who was so lame that she didnt even need to try to be
stupid, it just came naturally to her. Even so, she was still the coolest chic ever. [MQ]

Third Pass
Select article to work with from the Second Pass Completed subfolder in any given
category [Z,ZZ,ZZZ]
Create a subfolder in Second Pass Completed with your name on it, and move any article
you choose to work on into your subfolder.
Copy all text including header from the article and paste in a new document for you to work
Read the entire submission and assess for clarity and overall quality.
Address each editing recommendation in brackets by adding an additional line below
directly below the brackets or section you are referencing.
Use *** before your comment and put your initials in brackets at the end of your
Upload the completed document with all revisions to the Third Pass Complete subfolder
under the articles correct category [Z,ZZ,ZZZ]

Edit Example:
Once upon a time there was this chic right, and she was soooo lame. She didnt even have to try to
be stupid, it just came naturally. Even with all that she was still the coolest chic ever.
[Once upon a time there was this chic who was so lame that she didnt even need to try to be
stupid, it just came naturally to her. Even so, she was still the coolest chic ever. [KW]
***I think the rewrite is much better [MQ]

When all documents have gone through three editing passes they will then be compiled into a final
draft and evaluated for any further work needed.

Articles that require no additional attention at this point will be uploaded to the Final Edits
Completed folder under the applicable category [Z,ZZ,ZZZ].

If a document has any bracket or star recommend revisions it will be moved to the
Additional Pass Required in order to be gone over. Here all suggested revisions will be
gone over and communication with the original author may be required to come to a final,
clean copy. Final copy to then be uploaded to the Final Edits Completed folder under the
applicable category [Z,ZZ,ZZZ].
When all articles have gone completely through the process and are uploaded as final copy
to the Final Edits Completed folder in its category the raw text articles will then be
compiled into a single folder with one subfolder for Format Specific Articles [*] as
described above.

At this time contributors will have the opportunity to proofread their edited submissions before
layout with the exception of Format Specific Articles [*].
These articles will require a final proof at layout instead of prior to layout to ensure correct usage
of footnotes, callouts, references, and other supplemental formatting requirements.

During the finalizing process the creative team will begin organizing articles into order for layout
taking into consideration conceptual flow and submission type balance throughout the work.

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